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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8592830 No.8592830 [Reply] [Original]

"Now with 150% more HHHNNNNNNGGGGG" Edition

Previous Thread:

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book:
Atelier Official Chronicle:

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
Offline Version:

>> No.8592834
File: 2.30 MB, 2508x2424, 25116558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

CADENA ~Atelier Series Jazz Arrange Album Featuring Mami Horie Vol.1~

Istoria~Kalliope, Akiko Shikata's latest album:


Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres
- AT3 Yokkora fan disc
- original /jp/ stuff

>> No.8592840
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New GUST series directed by TOTAL COMMAND: "Surge Concerto"
First installment on Vita: "Ciel no Surge", JP release on April 26th 2012

Official Site

Additional Info

Upcoming releases (NA/EU):

Hyperdimenson Neptunia Mk. II - Feb. 24th 2012

Atelier Meruru - May 2012

>> No.8592845
File: 527 KB, 1480x1500, 31d7cc65081e59663b94635d35790d26..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also: Neptunia Mk. II release in 4 days. Are your bodies ready?

>> No.8592856


Does it have a horrible battle frame rate like it's predecessor?

>> No.8592902

>CADENA ~Atelier Series Jazz Arrange Album Featuring Mami Horie Vol.1~
First time I see that. If only it were an AT album...

>> No.8592911

>Sasha in AT3
Un-fucking-believable. I guess I'll just go watch a playthrough.

>> No.8592918

I know YT videos aren't the best example of framerate quality for a myriad of reasons, but watching one should be enough to clear any doubt.

>> No.8592927

Fucking NISA delaying shipment.

>> No.8592930

It happens every single time they get more than a hundred orders for their store, this really shouldn't surprise you.

>> No.8592936

First time using NISA, so, yeah.

>> No.8593365

Just finished AR:3
I cant believe its all over now though, not sure how to feel.

>> No.8593600

the at3 ending makes me wonder, how come the planet regenerated so fast?

when they entered the core the whole surface was barren and covered with lava.

when they reemerged some hours later the lava was all gone, the sea of death was gone and there was a huge ocean where before it was only lava and cracked rocks.

>> No.8593613
File: 181 KB, 707x1000, 2cc8f3e6646f9aaeb42edb8bcba1ffb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's fucking (song) magic!

>> No.8593620

Motherfucking Ec Tisia and lack of time.

>> No.8593776


>> No.8594199

Need a picture of Ar Ru in the "It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit" pose with "It's song magic I ain't gotta explain shit" written below in hymmnos.

My own art skills suck too much to do the art bit. I could probably stumble through a hymmnos guide to do the text, though.

>Reposted because I somehow misspelled Ar Ru.

>> No.8594315

I can do that.

>> No.8594347

I would be so grateful.

>> No.8594670


>> No.8595309
File: 94 KB, 715x800, 9d97fdcd020635cc8cc377831e1d2e88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would appreciate it, too

>> No.8595310 [DELETED] 

See you guys later.

>> No.8595325
File: 143 KB, 706x1000, 26ea397aa32594c673735894813fe769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd like to quote someone from the last thread

>The Ar Tonelico games are still in every meaning of the word, proper Galge. Galge and Eroge are still /jp/.
>And the rest of GUST have been accomodated here primarily to condense it from other threads, but I see no reason to chance that detail.

>Cue point though, Ar Tonelico has no reason to leave, and with that I don't really see why bother changing anything.

>> No.8595338

They're JRPGs. They're not even doujin games. Just because they have some "galge elements" doesn't mean they belong here, and even if that was the case post them in the other "general" threads. Your threads were deleted and the OPs banned many, many times until you shoehorned it into /jp/ culture. But now you have a board that fits you to a T. Stop being so stubborn. We get that "/jp/ is better" or whatever, but I'm not going to make a Marmite thread because I like Marmite.

>> No.8595365
File: 104 KB, 738x1200, 7773bc0454f9869913674a05392c8354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the last thread all posts telling us to leave were deleted,

I guess the mods also think that AT does fit perfectly into /jp/

Besides, I don't see the point why one thread is such a big deal to you,
I mean /jp/ isn't that fast of a board to lose something by hosting one AT thread at a time.

>> No.8595366

You just agreed that the threads should be here when you admitted they're accepted and part of board culture.

>> No.8595373

>OPs banned many, many times
Did this even happen?

>> No.8595427


>> No.8595447

The meido (AoC) didn't even know what AT was at that time, so he just deleted them because some moron kept reporting them.

>> No.8595631

How have you people not yet learned that ignoring faggots such as >>8595310 makes them go away?
The only reason they're doing this is because they know it'll derail the thread into a massive shitstorm regarding whether AT is /jp/ material. And of course it has because you just HAD to respond.

Now please, for the love of God, stop responding to retards and carry on with the thread without the meta bullshit.

>> No.8595632
File: 167 KB, 900x608, 21090708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing AT3 and I just got the first bad end after fighting Myu and stopping Saki's song
I feel the bad end is still somewhat lacking though as Ar Ru is still on the loose after Saki and Finnel dead and became stars and the rest of the party just kinda "Oh well, lets just resume the journey"

>> No.8595694

Did you defeat the tower guardian in the 7 minute time limit when you got some fried bread?

>> No.8595750

I never liked Saki that much, but that image sure is nice.

>> No.8595759
File: 112 KB, 609x1080, 8f5dc138b103edd1f5f8dc0677e35e0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't like her either,
but she sure has a lot of great artworks dedicated to her

>> No.8595900

she's kinda nice until she opens her mouth.

>> No.8596021

According to his post I guess he didn't.

>> No.8596103

Well, I was aiming for 100% completion so I did lose on purpose, it's just that the bad end was less grim dark than I was expecting

>> No.8596130

First time I saw Saki for the longest time was her picture on the Sakiya=Rumei disc. I gotta say, she'd look better with darker hair. But I don't like light colored hair to begin with so I might be bias.

Also I just got to the part where chmod b111000000/n plays. Did NOT expect Harvestasha to sing that.

>> No.8596309

None of the Ar Tonelico bad/normal ends are grimdark at face value until you realize that they all end up very fucking grimdark if they don't good end every game.

>> No.8596327


The bad end would have been a billion times better if it consisted of the party getting wiped out in a valiant attempt to take MYU on without Reyvateils. METEMPSYCHOSIS starts, MYU comes out, Aoto goes "fuck it, let's do this," fade to black, roll credits.

>> No.8596333


I liked her okay in the parts specific to her route. She's a stupid annoying bitch in the rest of the game, though.

So do the Japs actually like her? Because I don't think I've ever seen someone in these threads say they like her best.

>> No.8596359
File: 505 KB, 870x1200, 7f4d76db8f81ac026afaefb1032f526a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is just my personal assumption,
but don't the japs usually like the clumsy moe type of girl?

>> No.8596374

Favorite part of Saki route:

>Cosmosphere level with the "school/mecha anime" setting
>Romantic moment with Finnel, clearly supposed to turn her down for Saki
>Fuck it, I know it'll be a crash-out but let's cheat on Saki in her own CS for the lulz
>Go for Finnel
>Saki appears
>"Well, this is the part where she kills us"
>She doesn't kick me out
>I complete the level

...though I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been charged 20K DP later on if I hadn't gone for Finnel. Thankfully it was my second run so I could afford it.

>> No.8596496
File: 313 KB, 960x540, a371e76cc400ac2a05482a3553898bf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Finnel has already occupied the clumsy moe position.

>> No.8596581

Haha, yeah, if you go with Finnel on that, you get charged 20K for that scene, if you go with Finnel and back out, i think it was either 2000 or 200, and if you don't go with Finnel at all, it's like 20 DP

>> No.8597685

The normal Tyria end could definitely replace the good end. Or at least I would like to believe that they helped her otherwise.

>> No.8598441

Finnel is one of my favs.

>> No.8598455

Your threads over the previous days inspired me to tweak my PC for pcsx2 compatibility, and now it's playing Ar Tonelico at full speed almost all the time.
You also introduced me to a good rpg series, something I haven't played for months.
I thank you, OP.
>tl;dr I'm fucking diving hoes like I dive my pools, forceful and fast.

>> No.8598465
File: 177 KB, 642x1000, preview7b9bcb1520d24a49aac3b884e0927803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vio is pretty cute. Shame there isn't more on her out there.

>> No.8598742 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 658x525, Worse or better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't go too fast in AT2 or you'll be locked into Cloche or Luca's cosmosphere before Jacqli joins you.

Also, pic is my favorite part of Aurica's cosmosphere. Aurica's sexy rape voice was so hysterical I laughed through the entire (unfortunately short) level.

Edit:Realized I had a save right before level 6 of Aurica's cosmosphere so I could get a better picture.

>> No.8598831
File: 90 KB, 500x500, forever500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8599176

>living with a roommate
>he's not into anything anime-like at all, nor anything remotely sexual (he's a big Christfag)

If I were to buy AT3 (or any of them), how much would I have to hide it while I play - like only playing in my room with the door closed instead of the living room?

>> No.8599231

Not much, except when entering the cosmosphere level 6.

>> No.8599245

> nor anything remotely sexual
considering every other fight you'll be dissolving your heroines wardrobe I don't really think you should play it when he's around

>> No.8599263

Got it.

Is that what happens? Maybe it would be a good idea to just play in my room.

>> No.8599279

There's panic mode in cosmophere and you can always turn off the purging scene through the option.

>> No.8599289

As if I'd turn it off.

Playing in the living room isn't that big a deal for me, I just wanted to know if I could or not.

>> No.8599300

Everyone ever turns it off.
Seeing the same stripping cutscenes every single fight gets very old very fast.

>> No.8599315

that still leaves you with half naked characters on screen, which I guess will be a problem from how he described the guy

>> No.8599325

Half naked? I don't remember anything half naked in AT1, and in AT2 only Jacqli did that.

>> No.8599328

I was still talking about AT3 since that's what he mentioned, doesn't really apply to the first two, yeah

>> No.8599331

Well, Luca had a bath towel costume.

>> No.8599344

oh that's right, but that wasn't exactly half nude, it was just like a dress during fights

>> No.8599543
File: 116 KB, 1223x1200, 77cd4e641d2bff8c7ee0908456017d3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well it isn't a spoiler;
just watch it to get an impression of the "fanservice" parts of Qoga.
And as somebody already mentioned,
although you can turn this scenes of,
it doesn't change the fact that there are half naked girls on the screen


>> No.8599602

WHY? WHY WHY WHY WHY? Why did the third part turn into such shit? Why the fuck does she undress before attacking?

>> No.8599640

Arcane spell failure rate.

>> No.8599645


>> No.8599654
File: 1001 KB, 1198x1769, 0a064737464f6f13174fd988eebb4206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like I have to defend Qoga now!

The game isn't just fanservice.

The story of the series comes to a conclusion,
the third Origin Tyria is the best Admin in my opinion,
and the battle system sucks.

I guess that summarizes my opinion of Qoga.

But, nevertheless,
if you enjoyed the first two games you definitely should play/watch Qoga, just for the sake of completion

>> No.8599719

It's a term from DnD and it's progeny. Heavy armor disrupts the casting of arcane spells which I think was put into place so wizards couldn't use heavy armor.

So when the girls strip of their clothes to sing better, that's what I rationalize it as even though none of them are wearing real armor, with the half assed exception of Rumei. Oh I still don't like it, but that's what I think.

>> No.8599724

>Why the fuck does she undress before attacking?
You're acting like that's not a completely logical progression from the level of fanservice in 1/2.

>> No.8599734

>Atelierville social game

Fuck you Tecmo.

>Ciel no Surge to have dream cosmosphere, tamagachi waifu, cut out needless rpg
>But also to be episodic dlc shit

Fuck you Gust

>> No.8599870

Because they are the wills of Ar Ciel, moron.

>> No.8599886

i am the will of the planet.

my attacks consists of stripping.

>> No.8600142

When are we going to get an AT game with a female lead?

>> No.8600145

>new AT game with a female lead
>new AT game
Haha no.

>> No.8600152

When we get an AU with male reyvateils.
Male cosmospheres should be fun, rape attempts every odd level.

>> No.8600222

The only fanservice in 1/2 was special clothes from cosmosphere. Everything else was double entendre at best.

>> No.8600227

Someone didn't play/watch AT3

It could happen... maybe... How about a game that takes place before Grathnode Inferia or during the legend spoken of in Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor? The only problem with that is Reyvateils didn't exist then... There was still song magic but no Reyvateils means no cosmosphere means no VN elements.

But if it's a vehicle for more hymmnos music, I'll be all for it.

>> No.8600233

Cononca didn't do any dives. That's the only thing she did not do, even though she could have been a party of one.

>> No.8600430

i'd be more interested in a game set during the grathnode inferia. events that led to it, the thing itself and desperate attempts to cope with the aftermatch like the sea of death etc.

it could also include the creation of the other two towers.

>> No.8600453


You couldn't even control her in battle. Put her to manual control (outside of battle) and everything gets a lot more laggy. That and a high chance of the game crashing at the first battle in each area...

I'm still mad at NISA for overlooking that. Seriously, you should fucking test it if all characters are playable. This is a "One crash every ~10minutes" thing. The game becomes basically unplayable... until you switch back to controlling Aoto.

Anyway, they had their chance. AT3 with her as protag... it would've been better given its world/Tower is ruled by Reyvateils.

>> No.8600464

I...I used Cocona for the whole game and didn't have a single crash.

As for your suggestion, a female main character obviously means no romantic relationships between the player and the Reyvateils, which are a big part of Ar tonelico.

>> No.8600470


Same here,
I played as Cocona for quite some time and didn't have any major problems

>> No.8600479

> no romantic relationships between the player and the Reyvateils, which are a big part of Ar tonelico.
there's no problem if the main character is a lesbian, and if she can make the other reyvatils go after her.

>> No.8600535

It doesn't even have to be lesbians, since the main idea of diving does not require the people to be "sexually compatible" or have romantic feelings for each other. Kinda like the Infelsphere, even though its purpose was a bit different.

The problem would be making it interesting for the audience.

>> No.8600537


I don't know about you but I loved all about the Inmfelsphere,
especially that it's purpose was for two girls to understand each others way of life better

>> No.8600941

Wait...You could use Cocona to walk around?

>> No.8601319

Oh boy, my PSVita just shipped.

>> No.8601609

Which means...

>> No.8601654
File: 248 KB, 532x667, 66d25c436b520aff09c7cbe0b15bc00e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AT3 would have been amazing if instead of the battle system schtick being stripping, it had been about a massive warddrobe of (customizable) costumes which you swapped in and out on the fly combined with the multiple personalities. Fuck did I enjoy costumes in AT1 and 2, and fuck was I disappointed at the lack of.

Also, a working item/equipment system like AT1 and 2 which is actually balanced, properly thought out level design, and BGM which actually fits the scenes.

My face when AT3 had none of these.

>> No.8601861

Speaking about items, I'm on phase 4 and have never used any of the synthesis items except the Potion one.. The battle system is just that bad

>> No.8601899

I know I'm going to regret not getting the launch bundle.

>> No.8601911
File: 239 KB, 1200x1200, ふるる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Frelia

>> No.8602011

Me too. What comes with it?

>> No.8602120

I'm more of a Tyria man

>> No.8602125
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>> No.8602139

Anyone can confirm this?

>> No.8602153


>> No.8602187
File: 215 KB, 630x600, ebd46a73e76ec7b483388b2470dbb357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have some more pictures of her,
but I don't want to derail this thread into an image dump,
so I guess you have to visit the threads frequently from now on to save them all!

And though I can't confirm that you are able to control her out of combat,
I know at least for sure that you can control every character during combat...

Try it out for yourself if you have the game, I guess.
Why are you so interested in this anyway?

>> No.8602350

Well, I do know we can switch leader during combat.
I'm just curious to what this anon said
I'd use Cocona for dungeon crawling in a heartbeat if possible.

>> No.8603020

The only time I used items was against Ar Ru when she OHKO'd my characters.

>> No.8603151

Oh god, I went through potions like crazy, and that's it. Then again, I never really used synthesis items in 1 and 2 unless I was dicking around.

>> No.8604907


The weapons/accessories that you can craft are pretty good and you can also make an infinite amount of money if you know what to craft so it's useful to an extent but I agree that there's not really much to the system compared to the other games.

>> No.8604926 [DELETED] 

Let's talk about other GUST works.

>> No.8604959


>> No.8605493

Worst part was probably that it wasn't nearly as funny as those in AT2. A few of them made me chuckle, but compared to things like Luca's cooking or the moe bomb it was just boring.

>> No.8605526

I like it a lot; she looks really soft.

>> No.8607340
File: 120 KB, 535x530, e37b6c608e7c5627b565e746120a9a4de74d75b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some more Frelia.

>> No.8607929


Battle only. And I think it would be really really strange, if people actually set her on the first spot for battles and had no crashes. Like I said, it stopped the moment I switched it back to Aoto.
Well, I do actually own the EU version (or, to be more specific, the german one.. but they are probably all the same).
Who knows what exactly it was, but I couldn't use Cocona in battles on spot1 and CPU Aoto on spot2. The other way around worked perfectly fine. I NEVER got start of battle crashs while playing with Aoto, and that was the whole game, =70hours.
With Cocona I got the first at the start of the first battle with her. And another 3 or 4 until I stopped using her about an hour later or so.

>> No.8607938

Is there way to enjoy AT/Gust games without being a pedophile? I look through these threads and they always seemed to be infested with lolicons and weirdos...

>> No.8607951

The only loli main character in AT is Cocona, man.

>> No.8607962

I don't think you actually know what lolicon means.

>> No.8609018

I'm going to try to recreate that situation tomorrow.

>> No.8609058 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 434x1024, 1323892612825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're trying to say that....?

so according to weeaboo logic, if i were to get off on drawings of nude men and dicks that doesn't exactly mean that i'm gay or at the very least repressing real life homosexual tendencies through fictional content? disregard the fact that they're basically just fictional, slight caricatures of the real, similarly trait having thing (i.e. dick)?

why sir, you are an absolute dumbfuck.

captcha: are lesbeen

>> No.8609061

I don't see how you could enjoy /jp/ if you're not a pedophile or weirdo.

>> No.8609225

I guess this should be pointed out.
>Revision 5101
>GSdx: Committing a hack KrossX prepared (thanks) ;) It can be used to fix bad character sprites in Gust games.
Now, if only I had a decent CPU... but I'd also have to buy a motherboard.

>> No.8609293


Remember that you'll need to switch areas. If the first battle works, the other ones in that area will work as well. It's also a bit laggy. Normally hitting the beats isn't lagged, but with her it was at times. (save/load should also count as a "new area")

I also haven't tested if it works "later". I tried using her the moment you get her. And stopped after I crashed against the boss fight at the end of the slave district. (given that that was the fourth or fifth crash already and you have to go there immediately after getting Cocona..)

Well, given that switching back to Aoto immediately stopped the crashes I figured everyone should have that problem. But if not, there might be some other additional needed details for the game to become so unstable.

>> No.8609947
File: 147 KB, 960x544, tilia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked this image, so I resized it for usage as a PSVita background.

>> No.8609994
File: 378 KB, 1212x1272, jp56996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>decent Shurelia porns on Pixiv

Tears of joy.

>> No.8610001 [DELETED] 


>> No.8610061

What are other AT related stuff fit for a Vita. I mean, bright stuff blinds you from the icons imo.

>> No.8610077 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 242x251, shitwassocellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,

My name is Josef, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at my stupid pictures. I will rape everything in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any of my daughter's pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of my daughter on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I've refurnished my basement, and have seven kids/grandkids. What have you done, other than "jack off to naked drawn japanese people"? I get laid ANY time I want, and I have a banging hot daughter (I just raped her; Shit was SO quid). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.8610117

Only takes like thirty seconds to resize an image to 960x544. I haven't really made any other ones since I knew from the moment I bought my Vita I'd use that image.

Calling it a background is kind of misnomer, though. It's the image that you have to peel back when you boot your Vita out of sleep mode.

Although if you can set a background on the home screen, I'd love to know.

>> No.8610214

Sure, it makes for a good background, but
>Thanks and the good bye for all fan

>> No.8610273

now if it only was decent porn of harvestasha. it'd be like heaven.

>> No.8610319

I didn't mean the resizing, I meant good images.

>> No.8610803

I dunno, everyone has different judgements for "good". I don't like the artist that drew OP's image, for example.

Just hop into pixiv and grab some things that you like.

>> No.8610945
File: 406 KB, 775x750, 0fc867692870c1e172b05195668e96171d02e550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That picture

Yeah while the subject matter is cute (I choose to believe it's their daughter, not chibi-Mir) the artist has some problems which prevent full enjoyment of the piece.

It's like this picture. I like Aurica, I love the Seraph armor, but there's something about the way the face is drawn that puts me off.

>> No.8610957

That's tough, there's not much good artwork that's also wallpaper worthy, apart from the official stuff.

>> No.8611130
File: 515 KB, 700x900, 19659582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, I think, is really nice, and I would've used it had I not used that Tilia picture.

Kind of a shame, too, because I can't find something similarly nice of Finnel or Luca. and they're probably my favorites.

I'd also probably use this
because it makes my heart explode.

>> No.8611320

I'll stay with the official wallpapers.

>> No.8612736


I tried from a clean save and nothing.
tried every possible combination of the vanguards and the Reyvateils and no crash.

I think there is some detail missing.

>> No.8612783

I just finished AR, FINALLY.
I played a bit of AR 2, and holy shit.
Dem sprites, WHAT THE FUCK MAN.
Is this AR 2 or Ragnarok Online?

>> No.8612800

The fuck is AR?

>> No.8612847

he's probably using a hacked, pirated copy of the game.

here's the missing detail.

>> No.8612855


but he wrote

>Well, I do actually own the EU version (or, to be more specific, the german one.. but they are probably all the same).

Hmm I don't know, whether the version is EU or NA shouldn't make any difference, correct?

>> No.8612861

eu version was probably changed to work with pal regions, since europe is still stuck with the antique pal shit, not ntsc.

>> No.8612870
File: 424 KB, 700x700, 66e575a2eac2abfb8e1f935142a79d2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait what?
I ownt the NA version (due to the fact that the NA collectors edition was better than the german one)

and it works perfectly fine for me,
why should they change anything for the EU market?

>> No.8612875

The only Gust I have ever played was the first Mana Khemia. Twas pretty good.

>> No.8612876

pal/ntsc difference. ntsc standard still doesn't work right or at all in many eur countries.

>> No.8612880

Modern consoles don't care about the difference between PAL and NTSC. PS3 games aren't region locked, so you can play NTSC games fine in a PAL console, even. Whatever the source of the problem, it won't be that.
AT3 did freeze on me once, but only once. And that was with Aoto selected. I don't think a bug as bad as this could get through testing, there's gotta be something else going on here.

>> No.8613005

if you own a lcd monitor/tv pal or ntsc doesn't matter anymore. Still AT2 pal was bad for me, as it flickered like hell on my old crt. (EU fag here)

>> No.8613016
File: 2.47 MB, 3200x2400, unknown [e03f4989e68d584dea2c12e049a176c1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to add: region locks are something else, but there are mod chips for that

>> No.8613031

maybe it was the extra languages then. i doubt the eu release of at3 is 100% identical to usa one.

>> No.8613070

Freeze-guy here.

The PAL version of AT3 IS different from the US one, but only if you actually play it on PAL resolution. (I'd assume including those black bars and slower gameplay)
But I use HD, 1080p to be specific. That mode should be the same like in the US version. Similar to "ntsc support" which some ps2 games offered. It's good that we have a universal standard now.

The game also seems to support 1080p so that resolution should've been used. (Unlike with many other games which only offer 720p... not like AT3 actually runs on full HD. The art and the textbox seem to still be SD... not even 720p. Blurry as fuck)

That aside it was the first game I played on my ps3. Other crashes only happened against the optional boss, the third round. The super-moves froze the game two times. AT3 probably doesn't like it if a whole lot of these are seen in one battle.

Seems like I have to actually go back and look at my saves if I get a crash going with Cocona. Weird. Especially because it WAS her. It immediately stopped after I started using Aoto again. So I disregarded it as a "fuck this, apparently nobody testing this ever wanted to use Cocona in all battles" and continued like that.
Hm. Maybe my install is broken? Could be, right? I got some Harvestasha DLC.. I think twice. And I don't know if it actually worked. Not sure, but maybe I got one before I even installed the game and "another one" right after I installed it... or something like that. Don't remember.

>> No.8613091

I played the eu version too and got no freeze anywhere. Though I never switched to cocona for a long time during battle.

>> No.8613094

running at 1080p and ps3 slim

another thing, anyone with the at1 on ps2 got no sound, when switching to 5.1 surround? (sound via optical cable)

>> No.8613128


Switching during battles isn't a problem anyway. Crashed at the start of battles. Battle transition starts and then nothing.

>> No.8613260
File: 19 KB, 871x258, TRUlr[3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so liek, anyone preordered Ciel no Surge? amiami and yesasia are already taking preorders.



>> No.8613551
File: 48 KB, 854x211, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8614248

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks. I downloaded Ar Tonelico a couple of days ago not knowing what to expect. Well I just beat it and I really enjoyed, so thank you.

>> No.8614763

The more I think about how NISA can publish drek like Neptunia in the US, the more I'm confident that they'll iron out a deal with Tecmo-Koei to publish Ciel no Surge as well.

>> No.8614917

You could download the music albums. It's been years (four? five?) and I still feel them strongly.
That's if you liked the music, anyways.

>> No.8614938

While I did like the music, I'm not exactly a music buff or anything like that. I am downloading Atelier Iris right now, I'll give it a try in an hour or so. I hope it's as good as Ar Tonelico.

>> No.8615030

Hell, AT music and Shikata Akiko general is all there in my playlist since forever.

>> No.8615047

Iris, well, just make sure you try Iris 2.

>> No.8615055

I don't want to ruin your experience or anything, but I played the first Atelier Iris and it felt like the most generic RPG I ever played. Generic does not necessarily mean bad, though. It had its fun moments, but it has absolutely nothing on Ar Tonelico.

This track of the OST rivals some of AT's:

>> No.8615073

This was by far my favorite from that game.

>> No.8615076

Duly noted.

Don't worry about it. I'll try having more realistic expectations then. I was really hyped to be honest, considering it's made by Gust.

>> No.8615081


>> No.8615090

AI1 had some pretty awesome music.


Too bad we'll never see Iris again... a compilation game with all the heroines would be nice

>> No.8615115

Oh, yes, that was also pretty. It doesn't give me the same feeling of liberation as The Town Where... but it's definitely cute.
Damn, I wish we knew more about the effects of music on the psyche and the brain. I mean, it's just sound. But it feels so beautiful at the same time.

>> No.8615131

It just gives me a carefree, high-spirited feeling. Something like "everything ever is having fun and you need to join".

I'd also like to add these:

>> No.8615137

About Iris 3, what do you guys think about it?

>> No.8615178

IMO it was the same as the rest of the Iris trilogy, not as good as AT or MK, but a nice experience in itself.

>> No.8615201
File: 242 KB, 1245x899, 213453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like it. The music was great as usual but it felt like a offline MMO. You were always going back to the same 3 or 4 dungeons, there was no sense of progress.
Posting a random screenshot.

>> No.8615428

Now I'm curious as to what do you guys think of Rorona and Totori? I'm considering to buy a premium edition of Totori even though I haven't played Rorona before. Are they better than Iris series gameplay and story wise?

>> No.8615852

Isn't Atelier Meruru supposed to come out in May or something?

Also, never played any of the Atelier games. At the moment, all I have is my PS3. Should I start with Rorona or Totori? From what I heard, Totori is better.

>> No.8615872
File: 324 KB, 816x488, Too Pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? It is not hyperbole in my case. Shikata is magical.

Also, just got a copy of pic related. However it's so damn pretty I keep it in my bookshelf to protect it from everything that wants to destroy it. Crappy music players, water, greasy fingers. Is there such a thing as single-target OCD?

>> No.8615884 [DELETED] 


>> No.8615954

>Is there such a thing as single-target OCD?
Yes. It's called love

>> No.8616274

If you don't care about characters and references and are just in for good gameplay to pass your time, skip Rorona and play Totori.

Otherwise, play Rorona for the sake of completion and/or for cute girls being cute.

>> No.8616284

I keep mine in my display case. I can count the number of times I've opened the cd case on one hand.

That shit is beautiful as fuck, man. You're right in not wanting anything to sully it.

>> No.8616309

If that's the case, I'll probably skip Rorona for now, at least until I know that I like the series. Totori looks a bit better, IMO.

That said, an above poster gave me the idea to get the premium pack - I remember getting the NISA newsletter mentioning the poster and whatnot, but I wasn't interested in playing the series before. I may just get the premium pack. That poster and album are calling me.

>> No.8616709
File: 494 KB, 810x1080, Hoshimeguri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Indeed it is beautiful.

Since my uni has a prototyping studio and laser-cutter, i've been working on a side project in my spare time. I'm contemplating spray painting it gold.

>> No.8616736

I'd sure I would look like a total faggot but I would totally have one of those put on the back of my art board

>> No.8616839
File: 688 KB, 1280x800, 1328746649160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you would. Perhaps if putting a nice design on your art board somehow makes you feminine. I don't believe it does but whatever.

If you mean faget as in failure to hide "power level" there's nothing about that design that directly links it to Japan which is the beauty of Ar Ciela being used for the names. The only people who are going to recognize it will think it's fucking awesome while the rest will think it's just a really pretty design.

In summary, if you have the desire and means to do this and don't, that'll be what makes you a faget.

Pic related, an awesome dude's desktop. Also, being able to read hymmnos is fun. It's a fun diversion when you're bored stupid at work.

>> No.8616864

That's so going to be my PSVita background

>> No.8616897

Well, also in a pretentious arty bullshit way too. Most people's art boards (or whatever you call that hunk of wood we use to put behind the 18x24" paper pads) are left blank around here.

>> No.8617070

+$21.31 shipping

FUCKING HELL. Is there a way to get Qoqa cheaper???

>> No.8617081

My local Game Stop and another game store both had a copy at the same time once for $54.99. They are two blocks from each other and three from my house. Made me pissed that I ordered mine at launch.

>> No.8617082

Holy fuck. Can i buy used copies somewhere? No used ones at ebay at all. Fuck i cannot afford to pay more than 50$ for a game, i can buy a hacked PS3 for 250$ instead...

>> No.8617093

Alright, that's seriously awesome. I'd love one of those as wall decoration for my room.

>> No.8617175

Odd. I found it on play.com for 33 euros.

>> No.8617615

No premium means shit.

>> No.8617893

Anyone here play Meruru yet?

>> No.8617969

I knew someone would go >euros.

>> No.8618538

Can I still buy that somewhere?

>> No.8618632

>Expecting a decent price from LE scalpers
Your fault for not preordering it from NISA while it was available.

>> No.8618941

I bought it off Amazon like a week ago. It shouldn't have gotten here until next month but I'm not complaining.

And not Amazon.jp, Amazon.com

>> No.8619883
File: 197 KB, 1944x1940, cloche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a vector of that image? Or hell even a nice .png or .jpg. Something like you'd see in that folder of install ports

>> No.8620943

It was vectored in a previous thread, but hasn't been uploaded to the Mediafire folder yet. Give the archive a check.

>> No.8621741
File: 204 KB, 626x750, ar=ciel ar=dor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my high-resolution vector of it.

This is all I can offer you.

>> No.8621779

Sup, author of the desktop here, will upload shortly.

>> No.8621783
File: 1.84 MB, 4147x4967, ar=ciel ar=dor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, here it comes. I'll upload what I got from that thread along with the svg,

>> No.8621804 [DELETED] 

SVG: mediafire(dot)com/?1zmbhubvr2321dt

I do have the scan of the cd itself if anyone wants it but it will take some time to upload since it's 13mb

Mad Scientist Delivers

>> No.8621812

>I do have the scan of the cd itself if anyone wants it but it will take some time to upload since it's 13mb.
It's okay, we can wait.

>> No.8621912 [DELETED] 


>> No.8622728 [DELETED] 


>> No.8622921

Thanks dude

>> No.8623065

Looks like Janitor-kun doesn't like my mf links.

>> No.8623069

Since when can't mediafire be posted?

>> No.8623201

To my knowledge, there's nothing wrong with posting MF, you only get auto-banned for posting file links to hosts that reward downloads.
No idea why those posts were deleted

>> No.8623893

Augh! I missed it!


>> No.8623909


Not the person who uploaded it. It's the 13MB scan of the Ar Ciel Ar Dor disc

>> No.8623922

Is there an "e" after mediafire?

>> No.8623972

Well duh.

>> No.8625043

If you guys had to make a drawing with absolutely every AT character, how would you organize the layout?

>> No.8625058

Ordered the Premium Atelier Totori pack last night. Is the art book any good?

>> No.8625068


>> No.8625095

Aww, that sucks.

Why is it bad?

>> No.8625110

I liked seeing the scrapped designs.

>> No.8625200

every girl would be in a sexy pose. every single one.

harvestasha vista would be making out with the other one.

and all of the guy characters would be staring at them while hiding their boners with their hands.

>> No.8625354

Too lewd

>> No.8625393
File: 712 KB, 1600x1500, 1311213666166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay because I have thought about the exact question recently I'll give you a very detailed explanation of my opinion including two small reference pictures.

I would try a 'vertical' layout,
arranging it in 4 sections

At the top, watching over all other characters should be Shurelia, Frelia and Tyria.

The second segment would be the characters from AT1

I'd simply use the boxart of the games itself as reference for how to place Protagonis and the two heroines.
Lyner in the middle, and the two girls facing in different directions behind him.
The rest of the cast should be placed around them. First your Party characters in the front, and the Side characters more in the back.

A really nice touch would be if you would place Mir between the AT1 and AT2 segment,
in the best case with 2 different faces, or
a mirror to show her two sides,
one as the Enemy Mir and one as the Ally Jaqcli.

(You should also place Spice near her in the same section, as she's featured in both games, too)

>> No.8625408
File: 526 KB, 1250x1300, 7d1131d7426bb4527770ed98c6566ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The third segment the characters from AT2,

Same as with AT1, use the boxart as reference, due to its significance.
Cloche and Luca should definitely face / hug each other, in contrast to the heroines from AT1/Qoga.
Maybe I'd place them both in the very front of this segment and place Croix behind them,
due to the fact that in AT2 the relationship of the two heroines is more important than the Protagonist himself. Place the rest of the cast similar to AT1, important characters in the front,
unimportant side characters in the back.

At the very top of the segment I'd place Nenesha and Infel as the two masterminds of the whole story.

Similar to Mir you should place Cocona in the section between the AT2 and the Qoga characters. One child and one 'adult' version of her. (As with Spica and Mir you should place Sasha near Cocona, too)
Hmm I think the best pose for her would be if the young and adult version would stand back to back , leaning against each other, and looking in different directions.

And the last segment the characters from AT3.

Here it would be nice if you'd place the two Harvestashas at the Top of the segment, overlooking the rest of the cast.

As for the rest, just place the important characters in the front, again.

I guess you should place Aoto in the front, similar to Lyner, and to each of him you place Finnel and Sasha, followed by their respective personas.

Although I wouldn't treat Jack and Krusche special, due to the fact that they don't appear in two consecutive games, I'd try to place them at the same position in the AT1 and Qoga segment respectively.

>> No.8625415
File: 302 KB, 800x1050, fe53b8f6c698fc3f1f7286640ab4085d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And as promised two reference pictures.

First about the 'vertical' layout I was talking about:


and second, a nice picture portraying a character with two different sides using a mirror,
something I'd suggest using for Mir/Jaqcli


Okay that's it.
I'd wish someone would draw something similar.
I'm very untalented at drawing so I would never try something elaborated like that.

But maybe you'll find my ideas useful.

sincerely Anon.

>> No.8625440

And that's exactly what I'll do.

>> No.8625466
File: 97 KB, 630x792, 068654bf3156269eda17aa0b594ed6ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well then I wish you the best of luck,
and please show us the finished work if you're satisfied with it

>> No.8625499

I've been thinking on working on something like this for a long time, and came up with an idea quite similar to yours. I'll focus all my efforts on this, I can promise you that much. I just hope my style is fit for this.

>> No.8625500
File: 415 KB, 400x4017, 1328072548234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you do long haired Mir from AT1 or Miros on the other side of the mirror?

>> No.8625521


For the sake of distinction I'd chose Miros to be reflected in the mirror, simply because the Mir seen in AT1 is "just" a naked Jaqcli.

>> No.8625532
File: 18 KB, 240x320, 1328591526316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very jelly. I've been planning something similar for a long time. Unfortunately I'm still pretty bad at the whole drawing thing and haven't tried to draw anything anime-y at all. (Might not even do it anime, going all personal style on them might be fun)

So I just kick around the idea while I draw several hours every day.

>> No.8625560
File: 192 KB, 211x486, 9-Miros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but that's enough to show a change, especially if the shading on her is properly sinister or forlorn.

If you go Miros the difference might be too overt. I've always felt that the mirror imagery worked best if the difference between the two is more mental than physical.

>> No.8625591

Sure I agree with you.

If you can manage to add enough subtle differences (besides the nudity) it would be the better option.

Using Miros is just be the 'easier' solution I guess.

>> No.8625639


Hmm I take that back.

I guess you could really do the 'difference' thing by simply using two different facial expression,

that would work quite well in my opinion.

>> No.8625644 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 1600x1000, 24018212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I wouldn't say I'm good enough, but I've never actually tried something complex. So I guess I'll test myself with this.

>> No.8625678

I'd go for just Mean Naked Mir/Jakuri, yes.

>> No.8625764

About the origins, using Linkage armor or not?

>> No.8625797

Linkage armor would obscure them wouldn't it? You're trying to show the girl under the armor more than the trappings of a tower admin. Besides I don't think Frelia even had a set which would make her stick out.

>> No.8625798
File: 113 KB, 500x333, 6508419291_27f77e8fdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

Have you seen the artbook of Ar tonelico?

I think they look really great together without the Linkage

Furthermore Shurelia and Tyria would really look very similar wearing the Linkage,
and Frelia would kinda be left out...

>> No.8625877

Yeah I have right beside me. Gotcha.

>> No.8626377

The Ciel nosurge site just updated. There's now other characters...

Taabou (CV Oohara Momoko), the gutsy only son of a general store owner, leader of the kids' group "Super Shiny Factory Adventurers" or something like that, which is also made up of...

Cas (Castie Lianoit/Kyasutii Rianoito) (CV Minase Inori), the collected only daughter of a well-to-do family in the old city. Has a crush on Taabou, but can't do anything about it because of the relationship between their family and her own standing.

Pram (not even gonna try/Puraimu Seojiumu) (CV Okada Eimi), a smart, relatively mature boy who's nice to everyone. Is generally supportive of the Astronomers, but also somewhat supportive of Genome, and doesn't completely agree with the Grandphoenix Project.

The other two kids' intros start with "One of the friends of Taabou, the boy Ion met in a secret base after being led to him".

Telefunken (CV Akutsu Kana), a dragon Genome, the first Ion meets. Can't get sustenance from food, but instead survives by syncing with a human and directly accessing their life energy. Thus, he's close to death when they first meet; Ion takes pity on him and performs the First Harmonics on him, upon which point he becomes her partner. The speech bubble in his screencap says something like "When you craft song magic with Genometrics, the image will clear up and become more visible."

>> No.8626448

There's also some stuff about Diving...

Bring Back Her Memories!

You must Dive into Ion in order to restore her memories. In Daily Activities, you can select "Let's go to the dream world" to Dive into her. Ion also seems uneasy about going into her dream world to call up her memories.

"Shall we go to the Dream World? / Okay. Let's go, then. My heart always races no matter how many times we go." (lit. "no matter how many times we do it", GUUUUUUUUUST)

The Ruined World (You're met with a ruined world upon entering Ion's mind)

You can access Ion's memories by diving into her mind.
What meets you there is a world of ruins. Why is it ruined? Because her heart is in such disarray.
What happened to make her mind end up like this? This is revealed bit by bit as you restore her memories.

Ask Charl (Shaaru - Charles?) to Repair the Ruins

You have to ask Charl, a fairy inside Ion's mind, to repair the damage to the world. Doing so takes time.

When you select a Broken Point and call Charl, you can begin to repair it.

(Amusingly, the captions next to the Labor Charls in the picture include Miinya - Tsuchi (u5HmHL-JP-JA) and donnabeerukuru - ntny (-JA).)

Repairing The Ruins Will Restore Her Memories

When you repair the ruins, you'll be able to get a glimpse of the memories within Ion's mind.
Sharing the story that unfolds there with Ion will begin to restore her memories of the past.

First screen: <Taabou> Will you still think of Cas as a friend, Ion? Even though she said really bad things to you?

Third screen: <Ion> Thank you... Your family runs a store, right?
Caption: What was once a ruined building has become a lively storefront thanks to Charl's restoration magic. This is a fragment of Ion's lost memories that will become the starting point for stories from her past.

>> No.8626455

Ion's Recovered Memories Persist In Reality

Ion will remember things she recovered in the dream world in reality, too. She'll also remember various recipes, as well.
1st: <Taabou> Welcome to the secret base of the Glimmering Factory Adventurers!
2nd: <Ion> Wow... I see you've got dreams of your own already. (?)
3rd: <Cas> ...I, I suppose you may call me Cas, then.

Ion recalls various memories. This may include recipes or various songs as well.
1st: <Ion> I'm a celestial maiden who can't do anything without borrowing others' power... I'm sorry.
2nd: <Woman A> This is more important to me than my life! I can't lend it to you!
3rd: <Ion> Now... I will sing of everyone's feelings.

>> No.8626506

Someone was nice enough to post a quality rip of Au GuMu a thread or two ago. Unfortunately I've recently become aware that it cuts off the first 3-4 seconds of the beginning and it drives me mad. Anyone got a version that keeps the beginning intact? The very beginning is like a few echoing taps on one of those wooden xylaphones before the song breaks out into wailing.

For those who aren't familiar with that name, Au GuMu is one of the songs that play during the fight with Ciela in AT3. The reason we have that name is because Akiko Shikata did a music box version on one of her albums. However, I enjoy the game's version a lot more.

>> No.8627282

Thanks for the translation, i'm already wondering how'll play this game, i know japanese to some extent but i'm not that good, and kanjis are a real pain to remember, hope the game is dubbed completely.
Anyway there's already some wikis on livedoor with infos and complete tracking of 2ch logs.

>> No.8627288


maybe someone will start a fan translation project,
but you know, this would take years

>> No.8627304

that would be great, but in the mean time i'll try to study more stuff and try to play the game in front of my pc to make a log of all the text and translate it slowly while playing.

>> No.8627362


Here's the full track without the splits I used. The only reason I cut it short by a second was because it was overlapping with the first song and it didn't sound that great while looping it which was the most important part to me.


>> No.8628093

Thanks. Is that the way the songs transition in game though? With the ending of QoGa overlapped onto it? The reason I know about the very beginning of Au GuMu is because I saw this youtube video http://youtu.be/vsHhxmz4VTQ

I wonder where that guy got the track.

>> No.8628146


That's how it transitions in the game. You'd use the song magic against Ciela, she'd scream and then the track would transition over to the next phase. Considering there has been no official release of the tracks (to my knowledge) this is the first time I've heard that little 3-4 second intro.

>> No.8628588
File: 232 KB, 800x800, 0ea12520f302ca7d0070e10d32eb301b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My greatest regret now that AT is over isn't that we'll no longer get another game, isn't exactly that we will no longer hear new Hymmnos songs, nor that we'll ever see more done with the setting.

It is that we will never hear a full arrangement of Voices of Conjoined Lives. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FROcXVRFHpA

I am certain that many of you share this feeling.

>> No.8628788

That's a fucking beautiful track, Anon. There's a number of tracks from the OST that well deserve an expanded version.
This one comes to mind too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5Ux3CbV-BI

Also, I haven't ever seen (be it on /jp/ or outside) anybody say anything about those tracks at the end of the first disc of AT2's OST. The ones played when you use Song Magic in battles. Some are plainly amazing. I'd like full arranges of some of them more than anything.

>> No.8628840

I fucking love most high level Cosmospheres themes.

>> No.8628911

>The ones played when you use Song Magic in battles. Some are plainly amazing. I'd like full arranges of some of them more than anything.


This is the only one that comes to mind (and it's way too addicting), no idea if there are more.

>> No.8628943

Fuck yes Quasarlical

>> No.8628955

...Well, yes, there's Pepen (her first joke song AFAIR, long before EXEC=EP_NOVA/.), but I'd love long versions for ones like these:

>> No.8628968 [DELETED] 

I'd kill for an extension on Inferl Pira. It's not on youtube but you know, if you've got AT2's OST give it a listen.

Also, I get the feeling I shouldn't get my hopes up in regards to song magic being present in Ciel no Surge. I'll get my hopes up when I see a note on Akiko Shikata's wiki page or something.

>> No.8628977

It's Infel Phira

>> No.8628989

I'd kill for an extension on Infel Pira. http://youtu.be/sOa-vlOFR30

Also, I get the feeling I shouldn't get my hopes up in regards to song magic being present in Ciel no Surge. I'll get my hopes up when I see a note on Akiko Shikata's wiki page or something.

>> No.8628991


>> No.8628999

And that's why I check vagrancy.jp every day when I get up.

>> No.8629272

Yeah I did a mindless copy-paste from my song list. It's misspelled in there for some reason.

>> No.8630864

I don't think we'll see Hymmnos-level songs in Ciel no Surge, it just doesn't seem to be the right game for that. Still keeping my hopes up for the other games that are supposed to take place in that setting, though.

And on a unrelated note: Is the person who's maintaining the mediafire folder still around?

>> No.8631718

How would a person so inclined go about ordering Istoria ~Kalliope~?

I don't really buy things from Japan but I need to pay money for this

>> No.8631745

I've used a proxy service (fromjapan.co.jp) to order it at rakuten.jp. Alternatively, you can have cdjapan proxy it for you but since they make you use EMS for that, it that might be a bit more expensive.

>> No.8631767

I too feel like I need to pay money for being able hear Shikata Akiko.

>> No.8632809

Guys, what's the exact relation between Neptunia and GUST?

>> No.8632976

Gust, the alchemist in the game, represents...Gust.

>> No.8633160

Well, GUST is listed here as Developer for Neptunia, that's why I asked:
Thanks, by the way.

>> No.8633193
File: 128 KB, 800x1000, c72b1292894c4abd2e5be8b28a1ce3cb..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they are also part of the companies that were involved in developing those games, though I can't tell you to which degree.

I really hope NISA gets their stuff together and ships my copy of Mk. II today

>> No.8633382 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 350x367, Angry Slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete Sudo thread
>leave this shit

>> No.8633393


>> No.8633410

So many deleted posts ITT. Figures that the people who frequent these threads are also the people who get all their posts deleted for shitposting.

>> No.8633427


>> No.8634264
File: 341 KB, 566x800, 25387004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still waiting for mine to be shipped too. ;_;


The only deleted posts in this thread are a handful of people whining and another handful of people correcting their typos. Check the archive and see for yourself. Now the question is - which are you? Your post comes straight after a deleted post complaining about the Neptunia thread being deleted with an image of a pig. If that's you then I'm sorry to say but you are 'shitposting'.

>> No.8634281

>imypling gust thread arent nothing but shitpsoting.

>> No.8634351

Looking at NIS forums it seems that they fucked up again and Mk2 Limited editions could not be shipping until March 1st.

>> No.8635331



You'd think they'd have this process sorted by now..

>> No.8635897

Neptunia 1, AT3, and Totori were all delayed in one way or another. Really, any release date set by NISA should just be read "this date + two more weeks".

>> No.8636117

I got a mail that said that my Mk2 LE was shipped.

Should I get my hopes up?

>> No.8636180

Is MK1 worth playing and on what platform was it released? Because i can only find the psp version.

>> No.8636213

I'm not the anon you're replying too but, I think you're talking about Mana Khemia.
While the previous posts are talking about the recently released Neptunia mk2.

Mana Khemia 1 and 2 are for the PS2 (and 1 for the PSP) but if you can get the PS2 version.

>> No.8636986
File: 424 KB, 800x1280, HarvyTower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a godsdamn shame that this picture is neighter wallpaper size nor shape.

AT is perfect for scenery porn, but nobody ever does any (that I've found at least)

All I want is a wallpaper with one of the towers in delicious high detail, is that too much to ask?

>> No.8638130


It would be hard to have the towers in a wallpaper in high detail without having the tower massively scaled down or something.

>> No.8638188
File: 140 KB, 480x854, at3city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tower pictures work pretty well for phone backgrounds.

Pic is my phone background, cropped from one of the AT3 concept art pieces.

It's busy as hell though, and sometimes people have a hard time finding icons when using my phone.

>> No.8638389
File: 229 KB, 560x800, 1328581634599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I forgot I had this. Would have be relevant earlier but whatever.

Guess one fan didn't like Frelia getting left out

>> No.8640291
File: 147 KB, 700x977, 25322248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inudrill's dedication is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.8640299

He fills my heart with joy, since I feel like I couldn't do Mir justice if I tried to draw her.

>> No.8640744
File: 72 KB, 512x512, RPKSEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Shame he always draws her as a loli though.

Sure she has a small (but not flat!) chest, but she has curves where it counts damnit

>> No.8640778

So apparently the sprite scaling glitches in Gust games has been fixed in newer PCSX2 revisions.


Check r5101 (4chan doesn't like me linking to codedotgoogle URLs). Sorry if this has been posted before.

>> No.8640993

that page just links to the source, which should have the releases faster than it does.


>> No.8641117

Guess I'll try Mana Khemia soon then.
The glitches got pretty distracting when I played Ar Tonelico.

>> No.8641126

both mk versions played more less fine when i played through them, so it should work fine for you.

no idea about at since i played it on a ps2, but i don't really remember any sprite glitches when i moved my savefiles to the emu to rip some things before i found the extracting tools.

>> No.8641141

They only happen when you emulate it above native resolution, to the character portraits and battle sprites.

>> No.8641147

oh, that. no wonder, i kept them at native since setting it to anything above native has no point in 2d games. it won't make the sprites look any better, but it'll still take a hit fps wise.

>> No.8642424
File: 81 KB, 800x560, 1289787688998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she may not look like an adult but she's not 6 years old like this
seems to think she is

>> No.8642958
File: 78 KB, 500x495, 28948_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I know this will sound very strange but I have a favor to ask you.

When it comes to the hymmnos I am a complete audiophile.

But recently I noticed that although my music has, in my opinion "perfect quality" the assigned cover art isn't as perfect as I want it to be.

I know that this is kinda neurotic - but I want 6 perfect album pictures for the 6 hymmnos CDs.

So does anyone of you have "perfect" covers for his hymmnos collection?
I'd really appreciate it if you'd tell me where you got it from.

I think I'll go nuts if I spent another three days searching for "perfect cover art"

picture related.

this is the only true "perfect" cover art I managed to find online;

No white bars at the sides due to a bad scanning,
the color contrast is perfect,
and most importantly; the pattern on Finnel and the Flower are sharp and clearly visible,
et cetera.

Even if I don't find "perfect" art for the AT1 & 2 CDs,
I want to acquire at least an equivalent perfect cover for Saki's hymmnos CD!

(I found this cover on listen.jp, but sadly it seems to be the only one there)

Help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8643070
File: 648 KB, 1430x1416, Flame Cover 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? Shitty album art drove me to psychosis.

I've got some stuff.

>> No.8643077
File: 556 KB, 1423x1408, 00 booklet_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8643091

Huh, that's actually it.

Also I might have misunderstood perfect for high quality.


>> No.8643086

I don't mean to be a dick, but shouldn't this go in /vg/?
This is exactly what the board was made for...

>> No.8643106


Forgive me, but I'm not seeing a problem.

>> No.8643114


jeah the uploads weren't that level of "quality" I'm looking for,
and yes you are correct I don't need especially high-res covers,
something around 600*600 would be sufficient for my taste,
but the rest has to be perfect.

thanks for your effort!
I appreciate it.

>> No.8643119

I think most people who have actually played the games would agree they are /jp/ material.

>> No.8643137

Your opinion is noted and will be deleted like all the others that were posted in this thread

>> No.8643142

I played the first one. It has cute girls and is obviously anime-ish, but so are all JRPGs.
Were the later ones VNs or something?

>> No.8643159

They are not. The faggots in this thread are simply in deep denial.

This thread is /v/ or /vg/ material, just like every other VIDEO GAME thread posted on /jp/.

>> No.8643168

>I don't mean to be a dick
Sounds legit.

>> No.8643185

nope. AT is a fringe otaku series with some jrpg elements, not a mainstream video game.

>> No.8643194

Respectable moderator deleting Ar Tonelico threads:
Please post this in the correct board. It's almost farcical that moot created the PERFECT BOARD for these threads, yet you refuse to use it.

>> No.8643204

Yes, AT are 'video games'. But Touhou is the same. AT should go in /v/, you say?
One of AT's core elements is a 'minigame' in VN format. It has its own language which only some freaks spend the time to learn. It has its own music genre.
Christ, people, Ar Tonelico IS /jp/.

>> No.8643210

Do you guys really have to reply to this troll for the zillionth time?

>> No.8643215

Touhou is a doujin game. Ar Tonelico is a JRPG with an official Western release. The "Tales of" and even "Final Fantasy" games have "VN elements". The only reason these threads stay is because you've shoehorned them into "/jp/-related" over the course of two years, despite getting threads deleted and even banned for it:

But none of that matters. moot made the perfect board for you. A board literally dedicated to "[video game] general" threads. Yet you continue to post here. Just stop being dicks. Yes "/jp/ is better", but that does not mean you should post it here. I'm not about to discuss Linux because /g/ sucks and "/jp/ is better". Post things in their appropriate boards.

I really wish moot had renamed us to /dg/ when he suggested it. Then you faggots wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.8643311

It's not like we were doing much of anything anyway.

Though when their posts are deleted it gets a little disjointed

>> No.8645280


That's just his style. Sometimes he does her normally, sometimes she's loli and sometimes she's a toddler. You never really know what you're getting.

>> No.8645317

You know, alot of the deleted threads were deleted by the OPs due to the threads turning to shit. Besides, VN threads and a whole bunch of doujin stuff have been deleted as well. Someone even got banned for making a thread about VN engines.

>> No.8645324

Ar Tonelico was first and foremost developed as galge, and marketed it as such. The interactions with the girls and their stories is the top priority, and the RPG elements have been tacked in to accommodate that, not the other way around.

If you ever played through the games this should be blatantly obvious. Over 50% of them is also purely in its entirety in a VN format, with 100% of the game being a full blown galge with various heroines and routes.
Heck, Akira Tsuchiya is even making the next game as an outright girl raising/care-taking simulator.

People just assume it doesn't belong because they don't even know what they are talking about, nor cares enough to learn.
But all evidence points says the games are and were made and intended as galge.

>> No.8645446

I think it depends on if he's going for "cute" or "sexy". Actually it's pretty obvious.
Just look at all the glorious ass/pantyshots and most of the more explicit stuff. Pretty nice to incredibly tasty curves and a rather mature or at least teenage look.
Then we have the stuff like in OP's pic, which is totally going for I WANNA TAKE HER HOME cuteness.

...yeah, not much else to say.

>> No.8646480
File: 55 KB, 381x526, grp0224233359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he
Actually, it would appear Inudrill is a lady. Her full handle is Inumori *Sayaka*, and she's listed as female on Pixiv.

>> No.8646526

That means a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.8646607

You're right. It's better to imply that a random person on the internet who you don't know is a liar, rather than just accepting something they tell you (via their profile and name).

>> No.8646797

New thread:

>> No.8647050
File: 226 KB, 800x1116, 25358151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's best to assume anyone who draws almost completely naked 2d female characters (especially ones getting fucked and being fully focused on) is a dude.

>> No.8647475

Well, I guess I get to sort out the matter with a mod or two on IRC.

>> No.8647497


Well the Mod stated that we can stay here if we want,
(but should switch to /vg/ if possible)

so I don't see any problem.

I even took a screenshot of his statement as proof

>> No.8647514

I didn't see that part, mind posting the screenshot?

>> No.8647535
File: 86 KB, 1250x115, AT_permission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8647579

I still don't know how this thread has wronged this one person to the point where he goes such lengths to be annoying or get the mods to delete the threads.

>> No.8647609


Actually I kinda pushed him to do so by simply writing something along the lines that their /vg/ spam will be deleted anyway,
and that a statement from a Mod would be appropriated eventually.

Well the plan worked;

We now have an official statement supporting our position.

>> No.8647676

>We now have an official statement supporting our position.
Inasmuch as he tells us we should probably leave anyway.

This should provide adequate insight to the possible future of these threads.

>> No.8647697

I feel like
something weird just happened.

>> No.8647702

Yeah, one of the reasons I don't want to move. Another one is that these threads are too slow for a board like /vg/; since we have phases where there's one post a day, it'd either get kicked off or consist of 80%+ bump posts.

Either way, starting a new thread here shortly.

>> No.8647707

So is someone gonna make a new thread or are we actually going to get out of /jp/?

>> No.8647709


Well I don't know about you but I don't want to give in to the spammers after the last thread.

I'd prefer to stay here and simply stick to our old habits


seconding this wholeheartedly

don't give in to the faggots.

>> No.8647711




Gust Anon will make a new /jp/ thread

>> No.8647731

Let's hope for a more peaceful thread.

>> No.8647733

Gust anon is the hero /jp/ deserves

>> No.8647875 [DELETED] 

A mod quite straightforwardly tells you that you should really move to another board, and you decide to make a NEW thread?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8647919

He also said the threads could stay.
The whole "meant to be in /vg/ but actually they can stay here!" thing was just backpedalling because he didn't want to admit he fucked up when he locked the thread, anyway.

>> No.8647936 [DELETED] 

Wait wait wait, so now a moderator outright said something, but that was just bullshit to cover his own back?

Global rule #8 fucker, do you know it?

>> No.8648398

Gust Anon OP,
although the new thread didn't went as peaceful as we hoped I still believe that we should just patently wait till the Spammers get tired of their actions.

Soon the furor will die down and we can have our normal thread again.

Just don't lose patience
and keep up the good work.

Same goes for you Janitor,
you really are helping us.


"AT_permission Anon"
