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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8619779 No.8619779 [Reply] [Original]

If you were born in another time period you would have been a normal, successful, hard-working person, or you would have been put on trial and exiled or put to death.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.8619788

Actually, I would be in the slums, begging for a pence.

>> No.8619787

I think if /jp/ was born in ancient greece they'd be pretty happy since there'd be a lot of young men to fuck or opportunities to become said young man.

>> No.8619791
File: 4 KB, 203x214, disturbed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd prolly have more HELL that i do now, and prolly be dead yea

>> No.8619793

I feel much of /jp/ would have fit in better in another time period just fine, if in fact they felt they had a reason to care, and something to live for outside of a shallow world of hedonism.

One reason I felt that I had given up on life, way back when was because I felt that there was nothing left to do that's worth doing, in recent years however I push on, and have found a goal.

>> No.8619794


>> No.8619799
File: 1.62 MB, 2125x2750, Cirno and Uncle Mugen - 420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would spend the entire day smoking that marihuana...Lol...

>> No.8619797

I'd become a youkai. It would be much easier to get people to believe in my magic, back then. Fucking Anti-Magic Toxin.

>> No.8619807

If you were born any time before the 20th century, you would have died early and not had to put up with life, or gotten a job and not been a whiny little bitch.
If you were born any time after the 21st century, you would have been immediately placed into your vac-suit and plugged into the virtual reality matrix where you get to be the little girl for all eternity.

You were born at the worst possible time, /jp/.

>> No.8619808

What goal did you find?

>> No.8619814

I would have joined the church, and spent my time burning witches and heathen tax collectors and sending their misbegotten gains to god. MY god.

Spin a good yarn and offer to put pass on the word when they grease my hand and they're bought and sold.

>> No.8619825

Once spoke to very convinced believer in reincarnation who claimed that everything you fear for reasons completely irrational are things that killed you in ever so unlikely ways in past incarnations.

Not that that would explain much of anything in this context.

>> No.8619833
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>burning witches
How cruel...

>> No.8619839

I would probably die a violent death at young age.

Sometimes, deep down, I wish my country was at war, so I could find an excuse to shoot people and eventually get shot in the head myself.

>> No.8619844


I don't like to discuss it openly, even on the internet. It might just be a lot of wishful thinking on my part. Plus I suppose it's hard to articulate.

>> No.8619838

This. Fuck any sort of disobedience, sucking up to the Church would be the way to go. If I was current-me, I would also get a strong sense of satisfaction out of my "modern" outlook on how GOD ISN'T REAL and THE CHURCH IS MANIPULATING PEOPLE. Though I suspect everyone knew these two things anyway.

>> No.8619847

But our community has existed since ancient times, it was just called Ordo Vagorum instead of /jp/ back then.

>> No.8619852

What if you got shot in the lung or something though, and either pulled through or died slowly?

I don't know how people put up with pain. Like in the olden days people were disembowelled or whatever and this was just fine. Some people even opted into it or did it to themselves. Even now people get tortured or even just shot in awkward places. How the HELL do people deal with that?

>> No.8619854

Well, if you decide to share it, I'd find that interesting.
You won't burn witches right? After all, we didn't do anything to you...

>> No.8619856
File: 78 KB, 564x562, egypt481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to be in ancient Egypt whipping those slaves to HELL and back so they can finish building my pyramid.

>> No.8619857

That's what I want to know. Just the thought of it scares me...

>> No.8619859

If he doesn't, I'm sure the bishop would be very interested to hear about it.

>> No.8619861

Just fucking try. Not the person you're replying to but now I'm curious as hell (though I won't be disappointed if it's something dumb).

>> No.8619866

Then I would try to muster up my strength finish the job myself.
If I couldn't, I would of course die in execruciating pain.Not much to do in that case.

>> No.8619870

> Egyptian afterlife sucks.
Fortunately it's also not real, so it sort of balances out.

>> No.8619868

>to HELL and back

Fuck off

>> No.8619867

Enjoy having your heart eaten by Ammit and your Ka being doomed to wander the Duat for all eternity. Egyptian afterlife sucks.

>> No.8619875

Of course not. After all, the Golden Land is the true afterlife.

>> No.8619882

I'll have you repeat that when your heart is roasting in the Lake of Fire, you hmty

(TL note: hmty means faggot)

>> No.8619886

ITT: Egyptaboos.

>> No.8619889
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1328227446587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much how I view my life. How depressing.

>> No.8619888


If /jp/ was born in ancient times, before Christ, they would live the life they to strongly yearn to live now.

In those societies, being lazy was considered the highest form of intelligence. Leisure was praised and envied. They said only into doing nothing man could use his time to achieve knowledge and enlightenment, and the hard work was left to the lower races.

Of course, then, /jp/ would need the luck to not be born a black slave, or simply a farmer or whatever.

>> No.8619897

Did they have black slaves in the societies you're pretending to know about?
Also that's not entirely true, OP's pic related. Socrates just went around talking to people about philosophy, and he was pretty poor because of it.

>> No.8619911

We would become true scholars.

>> No.8619915

I would be hard working and successful if I could find work. But nobody hires because white people are the minority in the USA now, and we all know that African American men are much harder workers than cracker ass bitches.

>> No.8619934
File: 63 KB, 197x293, 1327199146474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and we all know that African American men are much harder workers than cracker ass bitches.

Damn straight, nigga

>> No.8619965
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 century
>be king
>Take care of castle and villagers
>Enjoy young girls dancing and singing infront of my throne
>See some group of outcasts infront my castle, from my tower
>They are carving on the castle-walls "reported" , "3DPD"
>Sentence them to death all

>> No.8619969

Let's play some Dota2

>> No.8619971


I've been thinking about it, and I just cannot put exactly what I want into words, I don't think you'll like the answer too much and it might sound vague but I guess I just want life to be interesting again, and I want to help make it happen. Whether it's through technology break throughs, or if an EMP sends us back to the middle ages, I don't care I just don't want to feel like I live in such a stagnant and impersonal society where I feel there's no real end game, nothing to aspire for except for something to aspire for. I want values restored I want people to actually believe in something, I want heroes and role models worth looking up to.

>> No.8619978
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>> No.8619992

I like this.

If you can't find any meaning in the present time, then aspire for a future where it will be meaningful and strive to create that future.

Spoken like a true youkai, Anon. Small dreams like getting money and being successful are for humans.

>> No.8620004
File: 933 KB, 1500x2221, Sayumi_4th_sousou_072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you in the steam group?

>> No.8620012
File: 41 KB, 331x400, worm-infested slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Guinevere such a slut?

>> No.8620019

During the middle ages a lot of unneeded sons from well off families were sent to church.
So we would still be the exact same lonely virgins, except instead of type-moon powerlevels we would be shitting eachother over bible.

I'm assuming that /jp/ mostly comes from well-off families.

>> No.8620031

I think even the Bundys could be brought to pity over what my family made in a year. And that's counting even the extended parts of it, too.

Yuppy fuck

>> No.8620043

My family's poor as dirt. Don't over-generalize.
Not everyone here leeches of their parents, you know.

>> No.8620051

Well, what can I say...

Go get a job, niggers. Poor people are disgusting

>> No.8620059

Hey, isn't tax season soon?

I wonder how much of yours went to me.

>> No.8620066

I'm working class, so I'd probably be helping on a farm or dead of disease. A few centuries too far and I likely would have died or ended up crippled in a workhouse.
Fuck you, English double standards.
