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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 421 KB, 1024x576, 1330184583158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8618144 No.8618144 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8618148

Stop it, you idiot.

>> No.8618159

shit tier only good for healing

>> No.8618167

Did Aroduc died?

>> No.8618172

I just slapped her her darkness costume and made her go through the whole map because she could go through walls.

>> No.8618506

What is this?

>> No.8618508

all the info you need is in the pic. just fucking google it. I did it and so can you.

>> No.8619785



>> No.8619795


I wonder what it is.

>> No.8619805

What the hell's going on today?

>> No.8619809

If only I wasn't so shitty at fighting games.

>> No.8619815

the 2 exe files contain around 1000 pictures of cats and a pdf of his thesis. it's about jazz


>> No.8619820

Just ignore it and come back Monday, unless you are good at fighting games.

>> No.8619829


>> No.8619846
File: 463 KB, 805x623, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, best fucking day ever. I actually managed to beat him and I got this great surprised

>> No.8619851

Are you guys still immensely asspained that /a/ will be able to play this now?

>> No.8619858

Why? I already played it, at most I can give it another run for the extra characters/costumes.

>> No.8619864

Anyone have a DL for the update patches?

>> No.8619869

Use holyseal, there's just one.

>> No.8619877

am I being trolled?

>> No.8619880


If you install both Dives, you play dive1 routes from dive2 exe and get all the new features.

>> No.8619884
File: 21 KB, 424x310, de44798f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, best fucking day ever. I actually managed to beat him and I got this great surprised

>> No.8619885

Wait, so we have to beat him in a MBAA match? fml

>> No.8619894

so the project was kamidori and everone posting baldr sky pictures is trolling right?

>> No.8619899

Nope, both the Kamidori and Baldr Sky translation pics are trolls.

>> No.8619900


>> No.8619902 [DELETED] 

What game is this? Please? And does it have an english patch?

>> No.8619904
File: 312 KB, 1024x576, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is trolling.

No one would even bother translating this anyways.

>> No.8619906

Nevermind deleting post

>> No.8619913

Kamidori, and you can get the patch from beating Aroduc in MBAA or something apparently

>> No.8619925

why is there nvl format text for an adv game?

>> No.8619932

Because that particular bit is from a novel format section

>> No.8619954
File: 208 KB, 1448x1127, 1311742119853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even sure I'd call it nvl, it's more like putting text wherever the fuck they want because there's only a bare minimum of first person and about 5 seconds of autoplay with sprites anyways.

>> No.8619979

Someone actually did a rather large portion of the TE AVN segment, some time ago.

>> No.8619981

Many ADV games incorporate some NVL sections.

>> No.8620022

Well actually yeah I've read it come to think. I suppose if you figured out how to make AF your bitch you may as well chuck it in there.

>> No.8620044

So which IRC channel do we go to?

>> No.8620082

#seiha on irchighway

>> No.8620187

If someone manages to get ahold of the patch and upload it to mf or something they would be a god

>> No.8620201

so what's the progress on kimidori

>> No.8620286

That feel when Invite only.

>> No.8620307

I would assume you could message him directly.

>> No.8620334

Anyone fight him yet?

>> No.8620417

I would assume that his name on IRC is the same as his site

That said, get some guys from the Melty Blood channel to get it for us.

>> No.8620436

He is back from wherever he was going, he responded to a comment on his blog.

>> No.8620506 [DELETED] 

Of course, said patch might just include more cats.

>> No.8620653 [DELETED] 

I'd play, but I haven't played since MB:AC, and I could only play decently with one character

>> No.8621552

Did anyone actually beat him?

>> No.8621563
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>> No.8621603
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>> No.8621612

Now you're just being mean.

>> No.8621618

aaaa fucking lucker

>> No.8621759

What, no more screenshots to tease us with?

>> No.8621778

I think those of us who played it when it came out were a lot luckier....

Amazing game, though. Hope you enjoy waiting.

>> No.8621784

you can almost touch the "look at me! pay attention to me!" feeling

>> No.8621977

Aroduc on IRCHighway if anyone wants to try today, not really worth it though since we should have the public release tomorrow.

>> No.8621986

i want to try it today,but i'm suck at mbaac.it'd be great if someone could share though.

>> No.8622089

Give it a shot anyways, he didn't exactly say he was great.

>> No.8622240

How long of a game is Kamidori compared to other gameplay stuff translated like Rance, BBA, or Utawarerumono?

>> No.8622265

It's pretty long, though there's a shit ton of stuff you can skip. I always did everything possible before moving on to the next chapter, and I probably spent over 100 hours on my first playthrough. If you play through all three of the girls' routes, it would obviously be a lot longer still, though a lot of the content is probably shared between routes.

>> No.8622269

It took me about 100 hours.
Lots of dungeons and items to grind

>> No.8622275

What the fuck is going on, somebody explain.

>> No.8622280

Translator attention whoring, nothing new. Most people seem to think the project is Kamidori, though it's not confirmed yet.

>> No.8622285

Kamidori a rpg or something? any gameplay videos of it?

>> No.8622286

>though a lot of the content is probably shared between routes.
Even then second playthrough gives you the rest of the quests and characters. Not to mention the enemies actually reveal how fucking horrible they are with x10 life.

>> No.8622289


>> No.8622292

something like fire emblem, srpg where you move your characters around and attack the enemies. You make your own items and furniture for bonuses, grind maps for ingredients, fuck elemental spirits, that sort of thing

>> No.8622293

VNDB tags:

Loli Heroine


>> No.8622304

looks good, wish their were animations for the attacks though.

>> No.8622307


That is fucking funny.

>> No.8622309

When you put on different weapons/spells, do the pictures when you attack change to that weapon?

>> No.8622311

Different weapons don't change animations. Different spells do.

>> No.8622317

It's been confirmed.

>> No.8622318

well i mean, when you put on a hammer, do you see a different weapon when you attack?

>> No.8622321

The characters all use a single type of weapon, so no.

>> No.8622326

I hope it's not a grindfest like most SRPGs.

>> No.8622330

It's a harvestfest when you ralise you need to enhance at least half of every costume to get every H scene of said heroine.

>> No.8622341

Though harvesting doesn't take that long at all once you get the bitch with teleport. It also helps if you make a rule to NEVER run yourself below four stock of anything unless you need to in order to make something important. A lot of shit from early in the game shows up randomly in later recipes just to check if you still have any. The game really rewards people who are OCD packrats.

>> No.8622347

My problem was bullshit from the super special neutral creatures I had to savescum.
Like the green dragon from the ruins, the fucker never gives nails when I need it.

>> No.8622603


It took me 70 hours to beat, then NG+ is pretty long as well.


Not until NG+.

>> No.8622666


I'm good with that, post 1st quest generally does use lots of grinding.

>> No.8622726

Why had it to be Kamidori? I'm glad something by eushully finally got translated, but why had it to be the worst of their games in the last four years or so?

>> No.8622732


Because it has good gameplay and unlike Himegari it doesn't have a fuckton of rape (and ero in general).

>> No.8622737

>the worst of their games in the last four years or so
>Second highest rated of all their games on EGS

Not too many people share your opinion, broham.

>> No.8622739

It's their best gameplay-driven game.

>> No.8622742

I don't care, but kamidori is just gameplay, EVERYTHING else is shit. Other games, besides good gameplay, had least had decent characters and somewhat decent plot. Will is a fucking retard.

>> No.8622751

Aroduc translates for gameplay, not for story. In case you had not notice, he has never translated anything without gameplay.

>> No.8622750


It's almost like he only translates games with good gameplay or something.

>> No.8622753


*at least

And by the way, where's the fucking ero? this is supposed to be a erogame, right? if I just want good gameplay there are plenty of much better games without ero.

>> No.8622755

50 something sex scenes isn't enough?

>> No.8622756


I'm a huge fan of gameplay eroge, but this shouldn't even be called eroge.

>> No.8622757

It takes a long time to get to the first ero.

>> No.8622760


Seriously? I played a lot of hours of this game when it came out until I got bored of the crappy characters, it's hard to believe it actually has 50 eroscenes

>> No.8622762

No one has uploaded the patch yet? Wow

>> No.8622763


What the hell, Will can almost fuck everything that has its own female battle sprite

>> No.8622766

>but this shouldn't even be called eroge.

Uh.... why. It has a decent amount of scenes compared to the average eroge.

>> No.8622773
File: 85 KB, 1023x575, suina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only start fucking characters at chapter 4-5, can't remember.
After that is a sex fest with everyone but the heroines you dind't choose. Suina was obviously the best

>> No.8622775


It actually has way too much ero IMO. You can fuck every girl twice and the girl for whichever route your own like 8 times. And none of it is any good.

>> No.8622784

Okay, my mistake, I didn't play it enough, but anyway, this game's still shit besides the gameplay, with that boring characters a game can't be good. Himegari was thousand times better.

>> No.8622790

Aroduc didn't think so, and he is the translator

Japan didn't think so either, as this is better ranked.

>> No.8622795


Except the amazing gameplay is what you spend 75% of the time doing.

>> No.8622802

No, it wasn't. Himegari's story was still bad. Kamidori's is probably a little worse, give or take how highly you prioritize rape or the lack of it, but there's no reason to play Himegari besides the gameplay either and Kamidori beats it there hands down.

>> No.8622803
File: 241 KB, 1024x576, CG000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which wood elf would you fuck.

>> No.8622804

Aroduc is an idiot, just look at his blog. Japs are also idiots of course.

>> No.8622824

Shota was better persoanlity-wise, but Cleannu was voiced by Sora Yukimi, and she's just too good.

>> No.8622841

I think that's the first time I saw someone refer to Natsuno Koori by that nickname. Well she has so many so it's a game of pick one but still

>> No.8622848

I like how it sounds, cute and fluffy like the roles she does.
Also I'm reading meikyuu and it's her alias there.

>> No.8622885

Both. Wil does.

>> No.8622890

With the exception of Giga, you are generally limited to either good story or good gameplay when choosing a title. This might not have a worthy story, but it does have some of the best gameplay.

>> No.8622944

I love this sort of gameplay. I started playing this machine translated months ago for just that reason. But I sort of lost interest at some point due to something like >>8622347 In fact I think it might have been exactly that. Trying to get material for a key, I think. A translation patch might give me the motivation to get back to it.

>> No.8623331

So what are the disadvantages to Deadbeat Dungeon?

>> No.8623339

The hetares dungeon?
You need to complete it fully to get rid of the supid hetare title sticked onto will, and the last enemny basically requires almost your full party.

>> No.8623348


Only the shame you feel by making the game much easier.

Also you can't unequip deadbeat items and rings so you probably don't want to use them.

>> No.8623374

It just reduces grinding.
It's a handy place.

>> No.8623380


I agree. Getting NG+ characters from level 1 to 80 would be retarded otherwise.

>> No.8623456

Does the patch translate the append data as well?

>> No.8623469

Really, characters like Regnar or Lily should start at least at Wil's level.

>> No.8623470 [DELETED] 



>> No.8623479




That would make far too much sense.

>> No.8623498

Has anyone uploaded the patch? I skimmed the thread but didn't see anything.

>> No.8623541



>> No.8623555

Well fuck..

>> No.8623560

just wait for the public release

>> No.8623684

Several people HAVE won, by the way. Someone I know has had the patch since last night.

>> No.8623726

I'd rather not get sucked into it on a weekday though...sigh.

>> No.8623761

Does anyone have a link to the melty blood cracks and stuff that works? fyels.com is down and MU is gone, those are the only two links I saw

>> No.8623798

So. is this a fake, or a real patch? I really want to know now.

>> No.8623805

It's been confirmed as real if you happen to win it.

>> No.8623812

Win what?

>> No.8623822

youre mom lmao nerd

>> No.8623826

Read the thread, if you happen to beat Aroduc in Melty Blood, you get the patch early.

>> No.8623871

Oh. Too bad I don't care about MB. I'll just wait a week until it's done then.

>> No.8623965

you just need to wait till monday morning.

>> No.8623968

Monday morning? Cool. I hope I don't have to spend five hours searching google to get it.

>> No.8624096

Translation patch for Kamidori

>> No.8624103

connected to 22 peers, all with 0.0%. elaborate troll??

>> No.8624112
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>> No.8624118

/vg/ tripcode doesn't know how to open his ports. hurf fuckin durf

>> No.8624152
File: 30 KB, 469x396, 1330052263463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Submitter: Anonymous

>> No.8624174

Um. Why would I open my ports? What would that do to help?

>> No.8624182

he means the tripfag from /v/ that posted it, look atthe info source on the torrent on the nyaa page

>> No.8624194

Ah, I see. Thank you

>> No.8624202

meh fuck it I'll wait, I'm not good at fighters, I could probably kick any of the versus shooter touhou games, but I'm not great with MB especially, only fighter I can really play is blazblue

>> No.8624274

where can I download the game? is it on the /jp/ ftp? I've never used that kind of thing before.

>> No.8624296

There's a torrent on Nyaa.

>> No.8624298

Just google for a torrent.I found one fine.

>> No.8624395
File: 279 KB, 905x548, 20120226 194241 0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I navigate to the update patches?
I wanna have it ready for the translation patch

>> No.8624431

You don't need the patch because append files patch it anyways.


Just in case

>> No.8624444

In case anyone needs those appends:

Kamidori Append 01
Kamidori Append 02
Kamidori Append 2.0

>> No.8624566

wait so what are these? do i still need to download the game?

>> No.8624573

They're expansion patches of some sort or another. Add some things to the game.

>> No.8624579

holy shit the patch seed is online GET IN HERE

>> No.8624582

Are they installers or do i dorp files in the game folder? Are the expansion things even translated?

>> No.8624593

And now there's like 100 leechers. Unless he has a real badass connection this is going to take fucking forever, probably Aroduc will release it officially before any of us finish.

He should put it up on a DDL host instead. Or at least as a mirror to this so some of us can download the DDL and help him seed.

>> No.8624596

They're required to install the translation at all.

>> No.8624598

>Are the expansion things even translated?

Yes. Translation patch won't work without those 3 appends installed.

>> No.8624607


>> No.8624639

Why the hell is every link a different size?

>> No.8624646

can any of the mashy blood players confirm whether the patch includes an installer/patcher?

>> No.8624648

Does the append also patch the game to 1.04?

>> No.8624658

The torrent comes with the append and the other DDL came with 70mb of cat pictures.

>> No.8624660

Uploader trying to awkwardly troll everyone obviously.


>> No.8624664

He added cat pictures to the 97 mb one. The other one works fine, move deletehdd.exe to the kamidori directory

>> No.8624695

ok so I need the game, the append files, and the cat pictures shit? and install in that order? how many botnets is this going to add me to?

>> No.8624698

At least three.

>> No.8624742

Do not fear the botnet; embrace the botnet. You are contributing to a better tomorrow.

>> No.8624752

could I play kamidori on a netbook?

>> No.8624757

Only if you want to get arrested.

>> No.8625034

Well, since trolls and/or leaks have appeared, let's just get this started.


You'll have to make sure each append/patch is installed before running the patch. If something fucked up, it will tell you to reinstall. Do what it says, and this time don't fuck it up.

With love,

Melty Patricians

>> No.8625167

you're a lovely guy and your work is appreciated.
is this patch edited, or will there be a final release later?

>> No.8625196


>take a walk in /jp/'s hood
>hear gunshot
>try to dodge but feel burning sensation in back
>wake up in hospital bed
>doctor tells me i'm a paraplegic

>> No.8625209

Should have played more shoot the bullet, faggot.

>> No.8625317

>If it does not find all the files it is looking for, the patch will begin searching your harddrive for them.
Nice botnet

>> No.8625454

Do not resist the botnet.

Love it. Embrace it. Become it.

>> No.8625512

Gonna wait for Derek on this one.

>> No.8625604

Well, if you don't trust a patch on Aroduc's domain I don't know what to tell you, even for the official release...


>> No.8625994

Any luck so far?
Appendix ver 1.0 mdf would not open after mounting.
According to vndb, the next patches applied should be Junrei Ryokouki and then Appendix ver 2.0?

>> No.8626113

That's the order I used and it's working fine.

>> No.8626271

>Appendix ver 1.0 mdf would not open after mounting.

I had to use a program to change it to an ISO to run it. There are better solutions, such as get a mount which works with it, but that worked as well.

>> No.8626722
File: 90 KB, 501x272, ch01ss03b (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamidori is like playing Atelier [insert name] crossed with Fire Emblem

Himegari is like playing Disgaea crossed with Fire Emblem

To me, HImegari is more fun.

The best Eushully characters are always Dark Lords

>> No.8626723

The only way Himegari is like Disgaea at all is that they both have an MC who calls himself a demon lord.

>> No.8626731

What are the append patches?

>> No.8626788

nothing is like disgaea unless you can level up 9999 times, go into item worlds, and have team combos
...but hey himegari is pretty fun to me, though i've only played through it once...

>> No.8627046

So wait this actually got translated huh?
Well shit

>> No.8627062

It still has shit untranslated, god.

>> No.8627078

new characters, items, maps
I think you can recruit the church nun, your rival, a kamen rider stone golem and shit

>> No.8627093

Are the Eushully meidos playable in this game (like in Himegari)?

>> No.8627094

I think so

>> No.8627100

Like what?

>> No.8627103

How? I tried savescumming the cards and they don't appear...

>> No.8627115

Some of the Append stuff isn't properly translated - according to Aroduc on IRC this is a mistake in the patching process which will likely be fixed for the public release. He seemed to know what was causing it.

>> No.8627116

They're second playthrough only, you unlock Eushully-chan's house map and get them there. I don't really remember if there's all four of them though.
Cards are just for random bonuses or maluses, they're not as vital as in himegari

>> No.8627158

Glad it got leaked then, gives a massive testing period before the public release.

>> No.8627167

I have new game+ costumes untranslated (god killer and the like) and only the initial character titles (childhood friend and other initial ones) are translated.

>> No.8627188

Public release up, as is a fix for the existing patch

>> No.8627190
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>> No.8627207

That's a fitting title.

>> No.8627213


>> No.8627258
File: 53 KB, 795x574, alart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I go into the menu and try to change the fonts the game crashes and when I try to restart I get this message and a config window. I don't really see any need to change the font so it's not really a problem but it's still a weird issue.

also what the fuck am I supposed to be doing here? I played through the prologue and part of chapter 1 but I have no idea what I should be doing. there's so many stats and I have no clue what any of them do. what do the workshop stats like knowledge and tools do? should I be crafting shit to sell? how do I get through this unpassable part in the first mine area?

are there any protips that the tutorials don't cover?

>> No.8627274

>are there any protips that the tutorials don't cover?

A lot.

The stats are explained in the lexicon largely. The early parts of the game are largely about ranking up - you explore, do events and synthesis stuff. Unpassable areas I believe require you to come back later when you have characters capable of crossing them (right-click a tile to see the movement type required).

Money is a pain, just keep in mind you won't sell much until ch3/4, but it doesn't hurt to craft some sales items and sit them in the shop just in case.

>> No.8627298

>The stats are explained in the lexicon largely.
Not like it really matters. You're trying to make them all go up. There aren't very many situations at all where you have to strategically choose between items. The only time I remember where you didn't just use the newest weapon you had was when certain weapons had innate elements that monsters in some area were strong against.

>> No.8627356

Actually, on second thought, there was the outfit upgrades where you could usually pick between two, but I always picked the offensive option since you level up faster with offensive stats.

>> No.8627449

Damn i could only find 2 of the append discs.Can some kind soul help me find them?

>> No.8627476

look at

>> No.8627509

http://erogedownload.com/downloads/kamidori-alchemy-meister/ has everything you need to run it

>> No.8627549

Whats the install order for the patches?

>> No.8627554


>> No.8627570

what about [Eushully] Kamidori Alchemy Meister Appendix ~ Hanna-san no Junrei Ryokouki ~

>> No.8627580

That's Append 2.

>> No.8627594

>There aren't very many situations at all where you have to strategically choose between items.
What about with the house decorations? They raise a whole bunch of stats but I have no idea what any of them do.
How do you get new recipes, anyway? They seem to just pop up randomly

>> No.8627600

>They raise a whole bunch of stats but I have no idea what any of them do.
Aren't they listed in the dictionary?

>> No.8627673

Yeah I just went through the lexicon again and the explanations for the stats are under the [Home] thing for each room instead of the stat themselves.

>> No.8627728

At first you just want all the stats that bring in more customers. Starting at chapter 5 or 6 you start replacing those with stuff to gouge the customers for the highest prices.

Recipes are mostly tied to story progress, though you unlock some when you increase your room and blacksmith knowledge stats or rank up your blacksmith level.

>> No.8627826

why does it seem my game slows down during battles, i have way more than a decent computer.

>> No.8627844

>What makes this slightly funnier is that some doofus apparently got into my (admittedly ‘secured by obscurity’) folders, and found an old package of the scripts. Not the instructions that go with them, just a semi-unsorted list of strings that he proceeded to spam on 4chan hoping that someone could take random strings and turn them into a game. Great work there, brainiac.

I hope this was one of the /vg/ doofus' and not one of ours...

>> No.8627845

did you miss his 3+ threads on here or what

>> No.8627848


>> No.8627859


>> No.8627858

So, I did Appendix 1.0, then Appendix 2.0, and Junrei last. Was that wrong?
The actual exe of the Junrei disc is ap02.exe, so it might imply that it should have gone second.

The patch seems to apply fine at least. I guess it's ok.

>> No.8627875

Junrei is 2nd append, yeah.

>> No.8627895

Anybody have this problem?

>> No.8627898

So what kinds of gamepads can it detect?

>> No.8627899

Any place to DL kamidori patches and translation patch? The mediafire link and translators site seems down.

>> No.8627900

Does applying Junrei last screw something over? As in, rewriting something over the other patch?
It seems to work fine, but I might have missed have soemthing.

>> No.8627911

Can you fuck rosanna in this game? or even use her?

>> No.8627915

No, unless it was added in append 2.0
So probably no.

>> No.8627922

4 gigabytes torrent for this game? seriously?

>> No.8627927

I hope it was, are their a lot of hot/mature women like her in this game that you can fuck/use?

>> No.8627948

That's not exactly unusual

>> No.8627953

Most likely not.
Aroduc said that the translation patch won't work unless you properly install everything. So your game working OK should be a sign that there is no need to worry.

Of course if you want to be 100% sure then uninstall and do it with proper order: 1st append, 2nd append (Junrei), then append 2.0. Then translation patch.

>> No.8627950

I really doubt it was. There's the 9-tailed fox lady though, which is probably better. No others come to mind.

>> No.8627969

there has to be more than that..
Did you play the whole game?

>> No.8627980

So there's only one patch actually released?

Yeah, my reading comprehension is pretty low and I don't really understand what's going on Aroduc's article.

>> No.8627986

what about the hot red headed jane lady? Are there at least a lot of mature women like her?

>> No.8627995

Also i mean can you use jane.

>> No.8628008
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So what was that thing?

Just trolling?

>> No.8628019

Clearly it's his next secret project that has around 200000 lines.

>> No.8628016

Aroduc's way of having fun.

>> No.8628032



I almost cried tears of joy at the sight of this.

Damn that guy.

>> No.8628061

Actually, were any of his posts of games ~20,000 lines?

>> No.8628078

Twilight Insanity, Twilight Refrain, and Alternative Sphere combined.

>> No.8628925

So what is this deadbeat dungeon about? can i grind there without problems?

>> No.8628937

It is a dungeon of shame and guilt. Like admitting you can beat Cirno only on easy, normal and up and you are screwed.
Pretty useful for NG+ grind though.

>> No.8628944

wait so what effects does it have? Also im having problems with the animations, its skips it a bit and sometimes cant even see it. Anybody else have this problem?

>> No.8628950

Are you using CCCP's LAV filters? If so, change them back to ffdshow filters.

>> No.8628954

Alright, will do.

>> No.8628975

Also anyway to speed up combat?

>> No.8628979

You ought to be able to disable battle animations.

>> No.8628986

>wait so what effects does it have?

>> No.8629010

A little nitpicking.

when it comes to the lore, the translation can be inconsistent sometimes

Mechanical Goddess and Artificial Goddess are two different terms for the same thing

And once again, translators are undecided on "Majin" Demon/Devil

>> No.8629023

So how many classes are in this game? When can you level up your class and also get new magic/skills?

>> No.8629030

If you are interested in lore translations and inconsistencies in Kamidori, make sure to check out Aroduc's translation notes on his forums. It is a pretty interesting read.

>> No.8629034

I don't think Aroduc's a big fan of most of Eushully's games given his aversion to rape and dramafests. He probably just doesn't have much knowledge of the overall lore outside of Kamidori which doesn't really have anything to do with the demons/devils/gods that the rest do.

>> No.8629037

wait what about the red fuckers?

I have those turned on but I don't know if it's causing a problem. what is it supposed to look like?

>> No.8629039

How many routes are there ? I think I saw and earth elemental googirl in one of the screens. Don't tell me Wil can fuck element's too ?

>> No.8629054

3 routes. You can fuck elementals, yes, but they aren't the main girls.

>> No.8629097


There aren't any "classes". It's closer to SRW

but as a note

Protagonist: Tank. / Scout
Sword Bitch: Damage / Dodge / Melee
Elf-tits: Healing / Long Range
Loli: Magic Nuke

Elementals and Spirits:
Liquid Girl: Water / Magic
Mud Girl: Earth / Tank / Melee
Fire Fox: Fire / Hybrid Attacker
Succubus: Dark / Flying Melee
Fox Bitch: Fire / Magic
Reaper : Dark / Melee / Undead Tank

>> No.8629101


Why the fuck did he bother with this game, then? E-peen? Trolling rights> Sounds like Coalguys

>> No.8629102

Characters do get new classes (titles?) as they level or you do their sidequests which give skills, bonus stats, and change the stat caps.

>> No.8629112


I know.

I'm saying there's no clear and cut classes like Fire Emblem or Advance Wars

>> No.8629117

He enjoyed it so much that he decided to share it with English-only folk? Of course he gets lots of admiration for his work along the way too.

>> No.8629137

Elemental Affinity is more important than classes

The game is designed so that you can swap weapons every turn

And this is why the main character sucks as anything other than a tank / scout. He can only equip normal and earth elemental weapons

>> No.8629142

That is, not counting some endgame weapons like the Holy one.

>> No.8629144

do their clothes change like in fire emblem? how many magic types/spells are in the game? do they get flashier as you get more powerful ones?

>> No.8629154

Also when you put on different clothes/weapons do you see them in battle?

>> No.8629159

>as anything other than a tank / scout.
But taht's his use, he can basically defend form almost everything you throw at him and still attack fine with neutral damage or maybe fire/dark/earth damage.
Onnmy first run he was the one with the highest weapon rank, S or something.

>> No.8629166

Every heroine getslike 6 normal dresses and 2 more in the new game+, which all change teh battle sprite.
>do they get flashier as you get more powerful ones?
yeah, water for example goes from simple water attack, to ice block to tidal wave, for Suina at least.

>> No.8629274

>Mud Girl
it becomes a girl later on? right now it's like a brown muk from pokemon

should I be enhancing the dresses you start with or wait for better ones? if I unlock a skill with one can I only use it when that one is equipped?

also what's the deal with accessory levels? is this like disgaea where you're supposed to get +9999 attack rings and shit?

>> No.8629295

>should I be enhancing the dresses you start with or wait for better ones?
Wait until you know you have some cash to play around with. If there's a skill you really want though, invest a little bit.
>if I unlock a skill with one can I only use it when that one is equipped?
Unlocked skills can be used no matter what costume is equipped
>also what's the deal with accessory levels?
Some (not many) weapons and accessories have levels. Generally, you need to max them out to unlock a recipe for a better weapon or to be able to make that accessory. Maxing out one of that accessory counts as maxing out all copies of it, so no, it's not like Disgaea's item world stuff.

>> No.8629320

is there a guide anywhere that says what skills do? or any in particular that I should be going for?

also to find hidden stuff in dungeons does will need to be in the area or just deployed on the map somewhere?

>> No.8629334


>> No.8629337

Can you moonspeak? http://www44.atwiki.jp/kamidori/

Else, nope, wait for the English wiki. I'll add some entries later.

You can check what skills do anyways by hovering over their name in the the skills tab or in the Status tab of the character equipping the skill.

>> No.8629342

There's the in-game dictionary, but I'm not sure if it lists things that aren't unlocked and you haven't seen enemies use yet.
As for useful skills. Projectile Defense for Serawi and Emiritta, and Prevail is the most broken skill in the game, so get that on Yuela ASAP (fire armor I think).

>> No.8629349

one more thing, what's with the undress skill? I've seen harpy enemies use it but it isn't listed on their stats screen.

>> No.8629362

Undress is somewhat like Prevail; enhances stats when in danger.

>> No.8629367

Not all enemy skills get displayed. It's a bug or feature or something in the Japanese version too. You can look up the full set of monster skills and skill effects in the dictionaries. IIRC, it's +3 to all stats at < 50% HP for the first level of it.

>> No.8629599

They said that clerks should gain experience or otherwise become better at selling stuff as they gain sales. But well, I had Emelita sell 30 stuff, and nothing, no change.
Do I need to go on adventures or something, or am I doing it wrong somehow? From my own experiences it just doesn't seem worth it to leave members behind unless you can't take them with you anyway.

>> No.8629611

In the midgame, you'll have more units than you can deploy without suffering a massive FS penalty. The store's stats will be good enough at that point to actually sell things. That's about when you actually make use of the store.

>> No.8629623

Don't worry that much about not selling at start, try to pump up your prices though with furniture. Afterwards you won't know what to sell since sales fly off the shelves so quickly. I'm having trouble keeping stocked.

>> No.8629640

A'ight. So I suppose I am not doing a mistake in just letting the store run itself to the best of its weak capability, until later that is.

But still, just how many sales does a clerk need to improve? Hundereds?

>> No.8629660

They never improve

The game lies

Most of your money will be from manually selling treasure at the church, unheeded equipment and quest rewards

>> No.8629664

It doesn't really matter. By around chapter 7, the store can function perfectly well on its own as long as you've fully upgraded it.

>> No.8629692

In chapter 2, I gave the fox chick the rotgut (had to advance game time for months to be able to afford this...) and the sake but the guy said I won't be able to get the next liquor until later. Does that mean I should just move on to the next chapter?

>> No.8629725

Yes. You can't get that until chapter 6 I think and it costs $20k.

>> No.8629759

There are a number of quests like that. Generally if there's nothing obvious to do, you have to wait for a later chapter.

>> No.8629918

Is this REAL DEAL or disney shit?

>> No.8629954


>> No.8630311
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Clown Girl is OP.
Second OP is Sword Heroine with dodge things and the dodge costume.
MC is shit. During the first chapters he will be shit and there is nothing you can do about it.

...oh and the Eushully mascots are also imba, specially the blonde tits angel.

>> No.8630728

Can Pierce activate on a Critical Hit by any chance?
Just out of curiosity, as if they can I doubt it'd wind up occurring when it'd be useful.

>> No.8630807

I'm having some huge problems with the battle animations, I didn't have this problem back when I played it when it came out.

I've tried changing back to ffdshow with CCCP but I still have the problem, basically what happens is that the image stay the same and I hear a clusterfuck of sounds.

>> No.8630839

well shit I got to chapter 2 and now I'm getting my ass kicked. do I just need to grind or is there some trick I'm missing? I don't even know if I have enough money to afford grinding. I can't even get the control bonus because all the dungeons have terrain I can't cross without flying.

>> No.8630855

Yeah, I ended up using the Deadbeat Dungeon to lvl up my chars.

>> No.8630854

MC isn't bad - everyone who can get double action is good eventually

>> No.8630863

am I doing the dungeons in the wrong order or something? I went to the fire cave first and got totally raped by the flameworms. then I tried the church which was a little easier, but probably only because yuela got up to level 12 somehow. I'm really mad because I killed all the enemies except for one harpy who flew around out of range of all my characters and refused to come closer.

when should I try to come back and fight that lamia they put in the free dungeon to troll you?

>> No.8630870

The Flame Fox Den was a bitch to go through - took me a while as most of characters were around lvl8-9. I made good use of the lax turn limit to do plenty of healing. Honestly, though, I haven't found Chapter 2 that much harder than chapter 1 apart from that one area - the Forest of Souls was hilariously easy. I soloed the pollution map with Suina wielding an earth crystal.

Where's the lamia dungeon? Is it the Lvl15 one in the mountains?

>> No.8630876

The Forest of Souls quest with Crayl is pretty ballbustingly hard if you try and take it slow.
First time I tried, basically wound up getting overwhelmed by Worm and Wraith spam at a choke point.

>> No.8630879

it's the free dungeon in the same place as the fox cave. it was pretty tough but I thought I had finally cleared with with all characters still alive, but then I found a secret passage with a level 30 lamia in it and had to withdraw.

>> No.8630881

I don't even have him yet. should I try to get all my characters to level 10 before doing any more quests?

>> No.8630882

How do I cross the river in the second dungeon?

I've explored every tile in the dungeon and found 2 harvest points but I'm still not clear, so I guess it's on the other side of the river.

>> No.8630883

Whats the thing about Deadbeat dungeon?

Does it mark me as cheater or something, or will it have negative effects for opening it later on?

>> No.8630884

Getting Wil to level 10 is probably a good idea, but there's no real reason to stop doing quests completely.

You mean the second dungeon in the forest (Sunlit Grove or something)? You have to come back later with a character with Dive/Flight.

Just shame.

>> No.8630885

It marks you as a nub until you beat it, which requires you being strong enough to beat the game

>> No.8630886

It's like being named THIEF in Link's Awakening. The only penalty is psychological.

>> No.8630887

It's not really needed.
Just make sure to save often.
And on that specific quest, as a heads up, you'll want to send a Caster and maybe will left at the start to take care of the first Phantom.
Send everyone else up towards the Worm and that room full of Wraiths that'll pop up. And as a note, some wraiths will teleport in to the room connected to the same hallway as that but up instead of left, so you might want to leave a caster in there, for when the teleport in, as you'll need to kill them to clear the stage.

And just ignore the dragon. Seriously.

>> No.8630888

>You mean the second dungeon in the forest (Sunlit Grove or something)? You have to come back later with a character with Dive/Flight.
Well shit.

>> No.8630890

The undine you get in chapter 1 has dive. Emelita's first costume has dive AND flight built in.

>> No.8630893

Jesus Christ, there's Wraith everywhere on that map. They're slightly tougher than usual, too.

>> No.8630899

The dragon in there is freaking invincible. His intimidate skill prevents my casters from attacking him and you get massacred with his melee attacks.

>> No.8630901

where do I get the shit to make it? also should I try to upgrade the dresses I have since everyone feels so weak or should I just focus on levelling for now?

>> No.8630903

That's because he's a much higher level than you. I'm guessing the only way to beat him at this stage is to get lucky with evasion on Yuela (wearing the earth costume for that protection) and heal her constantly but I haven't tried it.

The free map at the lake has everything you need for Emelita's swan costume. Just farm the monsters for items.

>> No.8630904

It's level fucking 30.
It's not exactly something you're expected to fight the first time through.
Like the Rocktoise in the Training Grounds.
Albeit, the Rocktoise was a bit more manageable, and a fairly decent source of EXP for Wil and Aht.

>> No.8630907

If you stay out of the way, the Worms from the main room will start attacking it and sort of wearing it down through shear numbers.

>> No.8630912

Out of curiosity, when do you get a bronze key?

>> No.8630913

Key recipes unlock by chapter. I think 4, 7, and NG+, but I could be wrong about the first two.

>> No.8630920

Is it even possible to exit dungeons without clearing them? Isn't it possible to cause a stalemate so that you have to redo the whole game?

>> No.8630923

What? Dungeons you've already cleared have a Withdraw button. You can leave any time. Besides that there's a turn limit in each. If you've already cleared it, you 'win' when the turn limit runs out. If you haven't cleared it yet, it's game over.

>> No.8630926

I meant uncleared dungeons. You can't withdraw from them right?

>> No.8630927

How could you possibly get into a stalemate that requires redoing the whole game?

>> No.8630929

Overwriting your savefile when you are royally fucked or something.

>> No.8630931

Uh, what game is that not true for?

>> No.8630930

How can you increase command?

>> No.8630933

By going to the next chapter.

>> No.8630937

Are there no other ways?

>> No.8630941

How on earth do I clear Sunlit Grove? I've been stuck on it for an hour.

>> No.8630944


>> No.8630947

How do I get that? There are no events on the map, the only new thing I can do is enter the dungeon.

>> No.8630956

Did you advance to the next chapter?

>> No.8630966

Nope. I don't even know how to do that.

>> No.8630967

You don't need to get 100% control, you just need to find all 3 collection points.

>> No.8630973

I have the whole map blue, but I haven't found the final collection point.

>> No.8630974

You can find the requirements in the mission list under " get promoted to the next rank"

>> No.8630977

soryy. meant to reply to

>> No.8630979

Some can only be spotted by Wil remember. Have you found the one by the river? ANd the one right next to the start point?

He's not that far in. He's only just forming the full party.

>> No.8630987

>ANd the one right next to the start point?
Well damn. That's the one I'm missing. Thanks.

>> No.8630992

should I try to get search on everyone I want to use in dungeons?

>> No.8630994

It's an excavation point. Only Wil can see it. Get into the habit of having Wil explore the whole map, because for a while he's the only one capable of seeing secret areas and excavation points.

>> No.8631010

what stat determines how far you can move on the map every turn?

should I be grinding my synthesis level or will it go up just by making shit I need? I tried making some cloth to sell but then I decided not to do any more in case I needed thread for dresses or some shit.

>> No.8631014

The stat called move.

>> No.8631087

Is there a point leveling up non main party members? Aka Earth Monster e.t.c.

>> No.8631096

Can someone explain to me what exactly are growth items ? They supposed to increase a stat but once I use them on a character it just stays in the inventory like they are equipped, yet I can't unequipped them. Is there something I'm supposed to do ?

>> No.8631097

you probably won't be able to win without them and you need them for some events

>> No.8631113

I think once items are in your inventory they stay listed even if the quantity goes down to 0

which characters should I use these items on anyway?

>> No.8631122

Okay now I found out what I had to do, I deleted LAVSplitter.ax because I don't know how to disable LAVSplitter without uninstalling LAVFilters.

>> No.8631187

How do I gather 20 wood & 20 good wood in 10 days?

>> No.8631209

You don't. It's intended for NG+ I think.

>> No.8631386

Do you guys savescum for better stats?

>> No.8631401

Some of us do.

>> No.8631413

no because I don't know which stats are good

>> No.8631418

Should I just sell all the treasures at the church on my first playthrough?

>> No.8631446

is there anything else you can do with treasures

>> No.8631463

how do I get treasure?

>> No.8631494


Sell everything but the individual gems like Topaz, etc, if you want to do Hannah's NG+ quest. Seriously. Don't sell those. Even I'm having trouble getting more of those since they're rare drops mostly...

>> No.8631748

So skills learned through enhanced clothing are retained no matter what they wear, but stat boosts unlocked through enhancement are limited to the actual clothing?

>> No.8631803

Does Emilio or the rest of the cast of Himegari appear here?

>> No.8632133

Well good to know I'm not just a complete fucking failure for not having like fifty wood or whatever just sitting around before the quest. Bothered me more than it probably should have...

>> No.8632136

Nah, too much trouble.

>> No.8632192 [DELETED] 
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Magician gets + STR
Fighter gets + INT

>> No.8632793

Is hard mode only beatable in NG+? Or is it doable on the first playthrough?

>> No.8632858

If it's anything like Eien no Aselia then they probably give you characters that are leveled up to about what your first round of NG+ characters would be from the beginning.

>> No.8634796

Or is everybody using the /vg/ thread?

>> No.8634869

thread is past bump limit

>> No.8634880

That'll teach me to not refresh.

>> No.8635435

Aht is too lewd.
