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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 152 KB, 640x400, CRE_Touherrible-06866fa8_sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
860971 No.860971 [Reply] [Original]

It's hard to make Touhou girls in the spore creature creator.

Very very hard.

>> No.860977

oh god what the hell is that

>> No.860978

lol. I hope you have a very nice day. You brought a smile to my face.

>> No.860983

its almost as if he made Zun's Marisa pixel for pixel

>> No.860982

I really lol'd. Thanks for the time making that, OP.

>> No.860989
File: 52 KB, 500x467, 1214015906272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.860992

What's a Touhou girl?
I'm Marisa!
Are you my enemy?

>> No.860993

Wow, it's like an ostrich thing with warts.

>> No.860994
File: 56 KB, 380x288, 1214016038489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd.
Then I saw >>860983 and image related.

>> No.860997

... Oh wow. What.

>> No.861002

If it ever existed, it would kill itself.

>> No.861007

Anyone taking it easy?

>> No.861024

It's TARHAR 0: Prehistoric Gensokyo!

>> No.861030

Made me think of that SZS episode in which all characters are dinosaur-like creatures.

>> No.861033

I lol'd.
ZUN sure started doing it rong.

>> No.861044

Heard that a Reimu yukkuri had already been done for this.


>> No.861056

Taek it easy.

>> No.861059

There was a (very bad) one, but I don't have a copy.

I'll give a try at a Yukkuri later, if my sister doesn't get me banned from the game first. Seriously, I shouldn't have to tell her not to upload her bipedal vagina monsters to the central servers where little kids can see it. ;_;

>> No.861066

Try to make a Yukkuri!

>> No.861067

I wish I could hate your sister dead.

>> No.861075


>> No.861083

Rape her.

>> No.861084

...your sister is very reminiscent of someone I know.

>> No.861091

Does your sister go to /v/?

>> No.861092



>> No.861093

What's it like to have a dyke for a sister?

>> No.861112

> OP

>> No.861124


>> No.861122
File: 56 KB, 381x411, 1214018783510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually engaged, to her Mormon boyfriend she met on the internet on a Finding Nemo fanfiction forum.

Oh god how I wish I were lying right now.

>> No.861125
File: 38 KB, 495x396, 1214018855350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.861126

That must be the most hilarious thing I've heard in quite a while.

>> No.861131

>Mormon boyfriend she met on the internet
>Finding Nemo fanfiction forum
I'm suddenly interested in Finding Nemo fanfiction. If it can get you laid, why not?

>> No.861129
File: 25 KB, 921x606, 1214018929127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.861130
File: 7 KB, 185x275, 1214018930892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing of that made any sens, but hell, dude...

>> No.861137

...your sister is no longer familiar to me.

>> No.861136


>> No.861138


>> No.861139


Good god. That is just... wow.

>> No.861143

That's funny, I'm a BNF in the Finding Nemo fandom.


You mean THAT mormon kid?

>> No.861148


>> No.861154

Thread derailed.

>> No.861155

Oh shit is this going to be one of those creepy six handjobs to Kevin Bacon deals?

>> No.861169

>>861143 BNF
In computer science, Backus–Naur Form (BNF) is a metasyntax used to express context-free grammars: that is, a formal way to describe formal languages. John Backus and Peter Naur developed a context free grammar to define the syntax of a programming language by using two sets of rules: i.e., lexical rules and syntactic rules.

BNF is widely used as a notation for the grammars of computer programming languages, instruction sets and communication protocols, as well as a notation for representing parts of natural language grammars. Many textbooks for programming language theory and/or semantics document the programming language in BNF.


What is a BNF in this frightening subculture of yours?

>> No.861164

ITT we shat bricks

>> No.861171

Big Nemo Fanboy?

>> No.861181

wikipedia is the greatest

>> No.861178


...what. That is the gayest thing I've seen this week. I am irrationally angered by the fact this term exists and is so easy to google.

>> No.861193

Big name fan makes no sense

>> No.861195

Does this mean that every Touhou doujin artist are BNFs?

>> No.861202
File: 299 KB, 626x837, 1214019699614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Nemo is little! Is Big Nemo a fan character, or just a term for the character in sizeplay fics?

>> No.861207

It surprisingly works, I met the only girl I ever slept with through the forum of a site dedicated to Zelda fanworks (mainly fanfiction). She's a total dyke, owns more lesbian porn than I will ever own in my entire life. After we broke up, she joined the Navy. She also apparently got married, pregnant and had a miscarriage (I say apparently because she's a total liar).

To top it off, the girl on that forum who introduced me to her (another dyke who was fucking my ex before we got together) is in the process of getting a sex change and made everyone on the forum refer to her as a male and call her "Darren." It's funny because she's one of those dykes who hates men with a passion.

Fanfiction forums = fucking win.

>> No.861209

Well, some are published anonymously, right?

That said, Walfas and MaullarMaullar are clearly the biggest BNFs in the western Touhou world.

>> No.861212

According to that definition, Walfas is a BNF in the Touhou fandom.

>> No.861220

ok hold it!
now, come again?

>> No.861223

Fuck, I forgot how popular she was on NicoVideo; the girl's gone GLOBAL.

>> No.861228

Walfas isn't actually a girl.

>> No.861230

..You and I have shockingly different --some might say ABSOLUTELY CONTRASTING-- definitions of win.

If there were a God, he'd smite the fuck out of fanfic writers.

>> No.861231

I guess we can all be popular our own way

>> No.861233


>> No.861236

Can a total dyke get married (to someone that can get her pregnant) and still be a total dyke?

(For that matter, it isn't entirely clear from your post whether sleeping with you was a breech of the dyke code of conduct, if you know what I mean.)

>> No.861238

true, but still theres win, so who cares?

>> No.861241


Even if I could, I wouldn't want to. I'll take my obscurity and heterosexuality, thanks.

>> No.861242

Is that why it said "M" for his gender on whatever forum that was before it mysteriously went "Unspecified"?

>> No.861247

She's bi. Loves the cock a bit too much in order to be a full blown dyke.

>> No.861249

It's misteriously still Female.

>> No.861250

No one in here actually cares about popularity, oh wait, i forgot tripfags.....

>> No.861255

No it isn't you faggot.

>> No.861263

To be fair, I know that plenty of women play male characters in MMOs because they get less sexual harassment that way; it could be something similar.

>> No.861264

But is that even relevant to the thread or is that just your way of saying ``I'm Anonymous?''

>> No.861268

that sage was completely needless

>> No.861285

Dear /jp/,

If Walfas is female, then my life mission will be to, one day, fuck her in the ass.

You have my word.

>> No.861279

The bullshit was completely needless.
Fix'd for great justice, anon.

>> No.861281

i just dont know what im talking about, its late you know?

>> No.861292


>> No.861289

ITT we don't know what sage is actually used for.

>> No.861294

Don't forget the Mouth or Vagina while you're at it.

>> No.861302


Don't forget to yell HOORAY as you cum.

>> No.861305

your life mission will be female?

>> No.861307


Don't forget to bring the harpoon, and spares too

>> No.861313

I can almost picture the mspaint comic

>> No.861314

Clauses don't work that way. (I know what kind of grammar error you think is going on, but you are wrong.)

>> No.861327

I wasnt serious btw, ive won grammar contests, cant you handle some harmless jokes?

>> No.861324

Would she make a Flash comic about getting fucked in the ass the day after?

It would sure be a lot more interesting than those "LOL I WENT TO SCHOOL AND MY TEACHER SAID SOMETHING FUNNY" flashes.

>> No.861333

there are?

>> No.861336

Sorry, it is hard to tell when someone seriously believe the shit they write. (And I love being an errant pedant.)

>> No.861339

I actually kind of like those flashes...

>> No.861350

Me too, but that's not the point. A Flash about her being raped in the ass by some random person would be 20 times more awesome.

>> No.861364

dont forget the HOORAY!!

>> No.861360

a nice hobby indeed

>> No.861374

irony is delicious

>> No.861366


>ive won grammar contests


>> No.861375

That's classic Grammar Nazi bait. Don't fall for it.

>> No.861381

Is it actually irony if the person doesn't actually know that they are saying something other than they mean, though?

>> No.861392

aaaaaand you fell for it

>> No.861394


My faith that humanity is complete failure is now complete.
Is it wrong that this fact brings a smile to my face?

>> No.861405

Yes, but then it got awesome.

>> No.861398

wasnt this a touhou and spore creature creator thread?

>> No.861409

We knew that long ago, hope singularity comes soon

>> No.861417


>> No.861420

No, this is a completely tangential question: If a person makes a statement that would be ironic, except that that person is not clued in to the fact that what they are saying is ironic, is it still ironic?

>> No.861433

then again....

>> No.861455

you just can assume the writer did know of this "ironic" statement

>> No.861479

This thread went from awesome to more awesome

>> No.861495

what about if we make it MORE awesome?

>> No.861503

I didn't know that having good grammar IRL means that you have to type like a fucking you're trying to get an A+ on your english paper on the internet. I see nothing wrong with his post.

>> No.861499

Not to interrupt your discussion on irony, but I was just saging the idea of a "grammar contest", nothing more.

>> No.861507

Is such hype even possible?

>> No.861519

Yeah, I can understand that. Grammar contests sound fucking retarded.

>> No.861523


>> No.861530

as well as spelling ones, which ive won too, how retarded is that huh?

>> No.861541

>>861503 here
>a fucking
I don't know why I typed this and am confused. Maybe I'm tired. I should go to bed.

>> No.861546

same here, and whats with the sages anyway?

>> No.861549


It's not that much to ask that you not type like a retarded 12 year old eagerly writing his manifesto of a forum post on why Dante from Devil May Cry is the coolest thing ever and how everyone who disagrees is a faggot, is it? I mean, I don't give a shit about grammar nazi shit, but just make a token effort at punctuation and proper capitalization. That's all. I don't care how proper it is, I just want it to be readable and not look like it belongs on a GameFAQs board or something.

>> No.861562

Oh, I was going to say "like a fucking english major" I think but I forgot to delete all of it. Silly me.

>> No.861573

a nazi is you

>> No.861580

No wonder you were going to delete it.

>> No.861584

I'm not the guy I was defending but I think it's retarded to try and have perfect grammar and spelling on the internet. I guess it's kind of hypocritical coming from me since I do try to do that.

>> No.861590

I know, the essay thing that I decided to write instead made more sense.

>> No.861604

Nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.861613

Seriously, why so much sages?

>> No.861620

Because sageing a thread is easier than clicking "Return" after I make a post.

>> No.861625

>why so much

oh u

>> No.861628

But he has made quite a few posts, wouldn't that be unnecessary then?

>> No.861638


>posting on 4chan

>> No.861633

It's kind of counter productive, I know.

>> No.861640

your point? ...wait oh, I see

>> No.861649

Yes, we know, you don't have to go around saying it

>> No.861659

Are you the same, not saging?

>> No.861679

So, where did the awesome go?

>> No.861704

I'm the guy who was sageing the thread but then decided to stop sageing it because you got offended.

>> No.862872


>> No.862882


>> No.862894

>getting a sex change
>one of those who hates men with a passion
That bitch needs an excellent logic reward.

>> No.862895

Marisa experiments?

>> No.862904

Walfas is a girl.

>> No.862911

KirbyM (Walfas) is a male.

>> No.862913

He's not, faggot.

>> No.862915

Anonymous (Anon) is a female.

>> No.862923

This is his old web site: http://www.kirbymario.net/staff.php

It clearly states that he is a male in the staff page.

>> No.862933


On the other hand, girls do the "I wish to be the little boy" thing as well.

>> No.862930


>> No.862934

That is also a possibility.

>> No.862937


>> No.862951

No, they don't.

>> No.862952



>> No.864822

Bumping for horror factor

>> No.864830

Fuck yes, you are the best bump ever.
