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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 518 KB, 2000x1000, 24551328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8575751 No.8575751 [Reply] [Original]

How about some denpa songs for tonight? For those unfamiliar: http://pastebin.com/S6748H4K


Have you been listening to anything tonight? Find something to share? Have a certain song stuck in your head? Go ahead and post about it here!

Let's have pleasant discussions about denpa music in this thread!

As for me, http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11709834

>> No.8575759

I don't usually listen to denpa, but this was posted on /bun/ and I like it.

>> No.8575768

Someone showed me a video once and I didn't know what the fuck it was. Thanks OP, I understand now. Denpa, huh?

This was the vid

>> No.8575770
File: 22 KB, 167x168, aniH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been listening to mosaiv.wav's discog for the past few days, especially Hな国の教育事情.

>> No.8575782


>> No.8575806


Makes me wonder what the original sounds like, but I'm too lazy to look for it.

>> No.8576467
File: 960 KB, 1064x1500, 23782738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I have no idea how the file names will end up after being put in a rar. All in FLAC 0 so you can convert to whatever you want. I feel guilty doing this, but I know you guys will enjoy these as much as I have.

>> No.8576908

thank you sir

>> No.8576970

New free denpa music download, 21 tracks. Thanks to DnS-bro for the info.

>> No.8577482
File: 412 KB, 600x589, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, these days have been a bit crazy. Now that /jp/ seemed to have calmed down a bit Denpa is the best option to cheer up!

Any news on the new ave;new project's release (じぇくとぷろエエっ)?

I'm currently listening to satsuki/kana's 恋のインピーダンス; I fell in love with this song's chorus (1:19).

Also U's yurushite agenai mon's remix:
I liked how it sounds with that drum track.

MOSAIC.WAV's pretty good, glad you like it!

I especially liked the third track(Teenage Pop Idol), makes me feel warm inside.

>> No.8577525

Thank you.

>> No.8578043


>> No.8578055

Thank you so much.

>> No.8578078

I can't listen to any denpa song after listening to MOSAIC.WAV . They are too good.

>> No.8578087

I was checking out ave;new project's website (http://www.avenew.jp/avenewproject/main.html)) and I saw to the right a picture of Yutori chan. What's their relationship with Yutori-chan? I don't think they made the OP or any song for that matter.

It was out on C80 and re-released on Feb 10th, I'll be searching for it.

>> No.8578100

Serious question: Do you listen to this with headphones? Have your parents or anyone else heard you listening to this?

>> No.8578115

As a westerner I don't think it's that bad since people won't understand lyrics. Listening to it in Japan must be unthinkable.

Listening to ろりーたプラネット. Haha wow, the first song sung by Inoue Miyu is really called LOLICON SAVER ~Protect Earth's Lolicons!~

>> No.8578118

Headphones, or play it when driving. I don't really have anyone that would hear it, though.

>> No.8578144

There was an episode where Yutori was watching a magical girl anime. The theme of that show was a song made by ave;new. Also, the character designer of Yutori-chan (POP) was the artist who made the cover art of ALA MODE 2.

>> No.8578203

Nobody has posted the new Katahotori and Momobako song? Has Odenpa Studio on background too.

And this too, even if it's a couple of days past.

>> No.8578538


I think denpa is best played loud as fuck. You can probably hear my car coming from a mile away.

>> No.8578545

You're successful enough to have a car and be driving it, yet also pathetic enough to be listening to denpa in "public", yet also cool enough to not care.

I'm completely divided as to what kind of person you are.

>> No.8578564

Maybe an otaku with money. There are lots of them.

>> No.8578600

Not that guy and I wouldn't even remotely describe myself as successful, but I have a car. My parents bought it and they put their money into it for things like gas, insurance, mechanic, ect.

>> No.8578628

That fucking album man.

Everyone who knows me has. At home I blast it all day. Though my headphones are open back, I try not to play it too loud while commuting. I don't like to be rude.

I have a hard time not blasting my denpa, so I do it sometimes.

>> No.8578630

I recently fell in love with 天然ジェミニ. Why is this track so good?

whata fuck man that's cute as HELL

I was addicted to MOSAIC.WAV for almost a whole year. If you ever feel like trying something else, try U (from GWAVE) and ave;new project.

That's cute. I didn't have katahotori on my list.

Also, there's material constantly being uploaded on C81 thread, I've downloaded some but no denpa yet, has anyone found something?

>> No.8578651

Maybe I'm no in them enough, but I hardly see love for Siestail and Innocent Key in these threads.

No love?

>> No.8578676

[ave;new] じぇくと☆ぷろエエっ!! on that Chinese forum. Too bad I don't know the password to extract it ;_;

>> No.8578682

Awesome, I was looking for one of those for a while now, props

>> No.8578688
File: 192 KB, 600x600, ちぃむdmp☆ 電波LOVE~でんぱあいす~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been listening to this.

Been searching for this album all week. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkPOiPWbQsU

Also been looking for some J-Core with denpa kinda like this.

>> No.8578689

To be honest I stopped following Siestail releases some time ago. I think I'll find their latest releases. And I still follow and listen Innocent Key's albums but they rarely release denpa lately...

Which one? 2dj? Maybe it's written somewhere.

>> No.8578918

That album has been posted in past threads. Anyway here it is

おでんぱ☆スタジオ - ろり☆パンでみっく

The filename has some weird encoding errors so you'll have to fix that. Track filenames too I think.

And if you like J-core you may like t+pazolite songs with リズナ:

There are other few hardcore/denpa tracks spread through different albums, if you can feel lucky when you find them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDBOyyY1vg8 (DJ SHARPNEL)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I13pUVXt_sw (ARM?)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLbQuXODFLc (Ryu)

>> No.8578945

I think those stuff from ASTOST

>> No.8579066

It seems you need 10 reward points, and the amount of reward points you gain by posting/making threads/voting depend on some kind of medals. Really?

I browsed some other Chinese blogs and the only thing I managed to find was SUPER SHOT4 that for some reason I hadn't downloaded yet.

>> No.8579920
File: 83 KB, 500x492, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprise surprise~

あべにゅうぷろじぇくと - じぇくと☆ぷろエエっ!! (320K MP3+Scans)

Since my upload speed is slow I uploaded this MP3 rip + JPG scans for now. Enjoy. Tell me if there's any problem.

I'll be uploading CREEd -HARD dRESS STYLE- soon when I find it.

>> No.8579935

Woooo, thank you!!!

>> No.8579940

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.8579949

ave;new project - じぇくと☆ぷろエエっ!!

In case anyone searches the archive as ave;new project.
Thank you.

>> No.8580704

ave;new never gets old.

>> No.8580748
File: 33 KB, 500x363, 1326387170568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that just made my night. Also, whatever happened to those denpa synchtube threads?

>> No.8580955

Thank you good sir.

>> No.8581342
File: 116 KB, 600x600, 1315584811928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, ろりーたプラネット is here!! Been waiting for this one, thank you so much.

>> No.8581586
File: 88 KB, 500x491, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand here we go.

ave;new - CREEd -HARD dRESS STYLE- (320K MP3+Scans)

J-Pop remixes album released in conjunction with じぇくと☆ぷろエエっ!! (>>8579920); uploaded for ave;new fans.

Previews for both albums here

>> No.8582338

Wow thanks, you guys always manage to deliver something new in each denpa thread.

>> No.8582692


>> No.8583507

Phew, so I just downloaded the albums.

In じぇくと☆ぷろエエっ!! I'm glad ave;new project are trying something new while still keeping their trademark style. It was unexpected to hear such a calming intro from them, and the main track (Lv.99☆しゅーくりーむ※H・E・R・O!!) caught me by surprise with the speed changes, it has a fresh vibe overall. And I love their high speed songs.

The remixes from ave;new's album have more of a techno feel, but I don't feel they change that much from the originals, they're more like remasters or remakes.

Odenpa Studio's ろりーたプラネット★ミ was great too. It was nice to hear Inoue Miyu singing to a Odenpa Studio track. And the second track is actually a remix of one of their first CDs, it was a pleasant surprise. Also, we finally get to hear Nameko's song after all the youtubing...

Thanks for the uploads folks. I'll keep enjoying this, my (now) small collection will keep growing.

Not sure, the denpa synchtube disappeared and it seems the guy now is managing /a/'s synchtube, but sometimes hijacked it with denpa. But I don't go there often so I don't know recent events.

I miss /jp/radio, we could've requested/uploaded some denpa.

>> No.8583536

So I was looking through albums, and it seems Chata (the singer of dango daikazoku) has some relationship with denpa music and singers overall. I found some songs of her that surprised me, even a song she sings with Inoue Miyu and Toromi.

Does anyone know anything of other known singers who do denpa sometimes/have done before?

>> No.8585468

Do you have [ave;new] C81特典CD『Club ave;new special edition』 ?

>> No.8586430


>> No.8586469

Just found this track.


I love the whisper at 2:27 and on. It tickles my ear.

>> No.8589377
File: 10 KB, 360x250, 11172599lu96ug3gp3auwk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C81)Pure[technokut feat.ひななた]

>> No.8590357

I need to get around to unpack and listen to the denpa stuff I downloaded from previous threads.

It's like time just vanishes. And I'm not even visiting /jp/ more than 4 times a week these days.

>> No.8590382

I didn't read the thread, but I just wanted to say that I really like ろん's Fukkireta.
It's also really odd that you spell "Denpa" as "Dempa" in the pastabin title.
I know it's due to the "n before p = m", but still.

>> No.8590794

Is there somewhere I can get the rest of this? Or is that one that was on soundcloud all it is?

>> No.8591268

Lossless - http://115.com/file/e6tpmrb9#
Got it from Chinese site, apparently it doesn't have password protection.

>> No.8591299
File: 12 KB, 300x300, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go crazy.

technokut feat.ひななた - Pure

Re-uploaded lossy from a Chinese site with fixed tags and cover. Reminds me a bit of livetune remixes.

For lossless check >>8591268 which I probably won't upload anytime soon as I'm getting glorious ~8KB/s download speeds.

>> No.8591335

Well this one has it as "denpa", and it seems it gets updated regularly, so you may prefer to bookmark it. Also, from what I know Japanese's ん doesn't have a very defined sound, it just gets romanized as 'n' more often. There isn't any difference between 'm', the same as "ko" and "co" for example. Correct me if I'm wrong.

MOSAIC.WAV and U are a good starting point, check those!

I don't think there are many, but I can think of nomico, KOTOKO and Aso Natsuko. Most denpa singers are either in the doujin and/or eroge scene.

>> No.8592383


>> No.8595982


>> No.8596047

You know, that cover design looks pretty awesome. Especially ave;new gakuen's logo.

>> No.8597290
File: 722 KB, 2842x1401, A LA MODE_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always like to go back to ave;new's faster tracks. They all sound similar, but they each one is distinctly different and they just sound damn good. After I overload myself with that I go back to listening to other stuff for a while before repeating.

A truly deadly cycle.

>> No.8597307

I'd say you are wrong.
There is no "co" sound either.
In words such as "せんぱい" the ん makes a sound more akin to "m", which results in both senpai and sempai being used for the same word.

Polite sage for off-topic reply.

>> No.8597315

>Polite sage
Why did you need to announce it...

everyone here unlike other boards should know how to use sage properly

>> No.8597566

Same here. ave;new project fast songs are like an energy drink.

Their first songs sound the same but it seems they're trying something different with their last single. Same with あらら、ど~も☆CHU, their most memorable single for me.

>> No.8600758

http://www.mediafire.com/?w492chvx95ndr#kjwknjvtxid6r (not mine)
ぶるにゃんマン bgm rip, I like track 3 and track_5 boss. Wish there were long version.

>> No.8600783

Can someone help me find the cd this is on? I've been looking, but I can't track it down anywhere.


>> No.8600795

飛び出せ!Sweet Sweet Magic☆, from プチリズムさん

>> No.8600811

Thanks a ton man, I really appreciate it. Couldn't find it for the life of me

>> No.8600819

Better safe than sorry.
I hate having a bunch of idiots jump on my as if I was being hostile just because I didn't want to bump the thread.

>> No.8601343
File: 55 KB, 660x439, DysonFan..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dyson here. I could start running the Denpa Synchtube again if you guys want.

I'm also a mod on /a/'s channel and honestly we play /jp/ stuff as much if not more.

If people were interested I could also run scheduled Denpa blocks there instead. Most of the regulars like Denpa anyway.

>> No.8602476
File: 79 KB, 300x300, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirashi Nagomu and Kikuo mini album.

>> No.8603846

Also I can fap to this cover

>> No.8603855

Her face reminds me of this whore called pretty lisa

>> No.8603879




I don't know if those are denpa but they are catchy for sure.

>> No.8604111

That'd be pretty cool, or any service that has a constant playlist.

Hell yes, thanks as always, appreciated! By the way have you bought さつき が てんこもり's album he made with 3 niconico singers? Was it good?

>> No.8604246

I'm looking for めちゃ婚's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBdahcs1p6E)) and ヤンデレ彼女のHなせまり方's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chtYNhLaLKI)) full OP songs.

Where do you guys get single albums for eroge?

>> No.8604438

Thanks a lot!

Yeah definitely denpa. Nice tracks! The first two are from the denpa singer ななひら, you should check her album 「ゴキゲン77゚↑」.

Wow, that's genius. Otagei included. Thanks. I've been wanting to download this game for some days, after this I'll get it now. Also, stage5 boss has a nice loop point. Encore! Who sings them?

God that looks hard as HELL, you must never underestimate hardcore rhythm gamers.

Don't worry, thankfully people here in denpa threads are cool guys//jp/ regulars/etc.

Mhm, I usually search chinese blogs or forums, but mostly Google.
Though a single search in blog.xuite.net gave me this:


Try that, it has the full OP.
As for Yandere's OP, if I remember correctly the song was in the third doubleeleven Uppercut album (NUMBERS). You'll have to search for that.

>> No.8604457

I wish they stopped using those 3DPD covers. I mean, they're not ugly, but it reminds me there's a real girl singing the song whenever I see the cover.

>> No.8604561


Oldest denpa thread in western history. And it had 10 replies.

>> No.8606427

I love denpa songs that are a bit "rougher", probably metal influenced.


>> No.8606507

Yeah, I got that CD. It's kinda short for something that's 2000 yen and there's only 6 real new songs, but it's good. みかりん singing 男の娘メモラブル was worth it though. ゆづか姫 sounds better than expected too.

>> No.8606538

I love old 4-ch threads because people aren't afraid to ask and answer questions. I was reading a NHK ni Youkoso! thread from 2006 where Mr VacBob and !WAHA and a bunch of people were discussing the series, and people would pipe in with little facts like, "Breaking news! It's based on a novel!" and, "Hikikomori is a real thing!" None of this, "OF COURSE IT IS FAGGOT I HATE U!!11" nonsense.
But I guess that's just because we've become more familiar with these things as we went from "liking anime a lot" to being full-blown Wapanese.

>> No.8606613

Hoho, you might like this album too, どろっぷ(・∀・)イイ!!-小悪魔大経典- / Sound of Heaven


>> No.8606668

Not him but I've been searching for this kind of stuff since forever. A masterpiece, thanks.

>> No.8609475

Can anyone help me find 「ゴキゲン77゚↑」 ?
All the torrents seem to be dead. It's by ななひら apparently.

>> No.8609487


>> No.8609504
File: 4 KB, 210x229, 1294681376700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.8610036

does she have multiple cds?
I have no idea where to search for stuff like this, and I really like her voice

>> No.8610060

Actually, the very owner of world2ch (arguably the first English textboard) was a denpa music fan, and he was trying to bring it to the west. He made threads about it and translated the current sound.jp/dempa site to English.


That's a surprise! I wonder where he's now.

>> No.8610937

She has a song on each of the プチリズム CDs. She's pretty active on Nicodou too.

>> No.8611622

hatarake NEET

>> No.8611790

>>8578918 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLbQuXODFLc (Ryu)
DAT remix
i love the original version too

>> No.8613215

I've seen ななひら in these albums, with at least 1 track:

ななひら - ゴキゲン77゚↑
EXIT TUNES - 神曲を歌ってみた 4
Birdtune - すいーつぱれっと
Forest Pireo - Sing Summer Along
Forest Pireo - Party Poche
Forest Pireo - SWAP SWAP
Forest Pireo - Colorful Magic
Halozy - Ultimate Synthesis
Halozy - Cosmic harmonica
Halozy - Aqua Trytone
Halozy - Starry Presto
Holic Service - エネルギー冷麺 お受験せんそ→☆
IDOLST@GE - ちびロリっ!
こなぐすり - 東方万能飲薬
なないろぷりずむ - 東方始音曲
Era of conagusuri 01
poyachio - プチリズムさん
katahotori - プチリズムCHU
Zero-Shaft - 魔法少女まほロリっ

Besides her nicodouga videos as >>8610937 said.

>> No.8613224


he hangs out in circle jerk channels on rizon these days
sometimes synirc too

>> No.8613255

It seems there are going to be 2 MOSAIC.WAV live concerts on nicofarre/nicolive "today", ave;new as guests.


Well shit. I think I should get a credit card already.

>> No.8613353

I'm now talking with someone about metal while I'm listening to denpa. This is hilarious.

>> No.8613692

Thats awesome! Thanks a lot!

>> No.8614726
File: 183 KB, 400x400, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just mirrored this gem, classic (C62, year 2002).
Also, it was a surprise to see Chata here.


(C62) [再生ハイパーべるーヴ] ぱんださんようちえん (MP3 V0)

>> No.8614735
File: 117 KB, 500x490, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this, from the early days of 小宮真央 and 梨本悠里. C70 year 2006.
Nice for collectors and people who like amateurish stuff a.k.a. doujin feel.

(C70) [MIFactoryみ~ふ] 小宮真央&梨本悠里 - ちっぱいぱんCD (320K+Scans)

※LEWD lyrics!

>> No.8615154

Oh wow. Many thanks for this!

>> No.8615282

Sup dyson, kyUNTZ here. Yes, do this, I miss these days. ;_;. That or a mumuplayer thread.

>> No.8615350

Someone posted this song in a previous thread and I didn't bother to listen until now.
I can't stop listening to it. Thanks to whoever who posted it.


>> No.8615466

Anyone else feel like the first, second, and last tracks are somewhat frightening?

>> No.8615511

I remember some creepy /jp/er reciting the English lyrics of this song some time ago:

It was funny as hell, and I didn't know denpa at the time.

Well....yeah. It's like the people behind them were literally crazy. And that's why I love them. But I haven't been able to find this kind of songs released recently. How do they call them, real dempa?

Also, I listened expecting creepy stuff and got a quite good album. What is this sorcery?

>> No.8615542

thanks for the pastebin, you guys at /jp/ are very helpful to those who start spending their time around here too

>> No.8615591

I don't even know what I would call those songs. They have a charm to them.

>> No.8615856

That's nice, but if only the sound quality was better.

>> No.8615871

It seems MOSAIC.WAV will play live on Nicovideo now! I think non-premium users can watch for now so enjoy it while you can.


They seem to be having technical problems though!

>> No.8615973

Well, it was fun while it lasted. God damn, it feels real shitty not having a premium account.

>> No.8615979

I can't watch it, damn. Record it please, lol.

>> No.8616000

It's working now. It's been stopping for some seconds, I'm not sure if it's because you need a premium account or because they're having technical problems, since most people seem to be complaining on the comments. It's working right now.

>> No.8616043

Actually you had to buy a ticket for it, otherwise it will cut every few seconds.

>> No.8618983

kyUntzkUntz here. Was streaming on the /a/ channel last night, you can see the whole thing at my livestream: http://www.livestream.com/kyuntzkyuntz

You can skip the first half hour or so, since that was just waiting time for the stream to open up.

>> No.8620322

I am missing one album from mosaic.wav's discography ;_;

天真爛漫にゅばばばばーん is only on ra.gg and apparently china hates me.

>> No.8620460

Holy HELL were you streaming the mosaic.wav live concert? Why didn't you tell us!?

Anyway, thanks, it's great being able to see them.

>> No.8620949

Well depending on what part of the world you live in, this was a late night stream (about 0200 PST) and lasted until around 0500 PST. This was the second live showing. I only had like 9 viewers in the /a/ synchtube, and figured that was as good as it gets.

I may possibly do a livestream of my denpa library and take requests if you bros are down.

>> No.8621033
File: 1.92 MB, 3206x1415, ジャケット001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This? MOSAIC.WAV is great.

>> No.8621091

I'm not >>8620322, but this is the kind of camaraderie I like to see in denpa threads. Thanks for the find.

>> No.8621127

So that was the second show at 6pm (JST)? I'm guessing it was just a re-stream of the first show?

I gave it a quick skip and I wish they played more of their own songs though... and ave;new was nice.

>> No.8621196

This was live as well since they did 2 shows. Also the live text was appearing on the concert walls as it was being typed in the stream. Or you know, it could be a reshow. Either way, the footage is there, and that ave;new duet with mosaic.wav was excellent.

>> No.8621197
File: 19 KB, 814x460, screenshot_25_02_12_23_56_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a king among kings. 天狗流三段構えアプローチ died in the megaupload takedown, can you reup it? I want to toss my folder up on nyaa to save people the effort of hunting down the older albums.

>> No.8621225

Wait, they actually played twice? Wow. I wonder if they did different setlists? But even if it was a reshow, that's pretty cool.

>> No.8621255
File: 229 KB, 745x515, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. If anyone wants anything else, let me know. This folder is all MP3 (despite that one folder that I neglected to rename). That lone MP3 at the bottom is うじゅたまうじゅりんぱ


>> No.8621260
File: 138 KB, 579x442, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the lossless folder

Just trying to be helpful where I can~

>> No.8621283

Not him but thanks. I was missing that one for some reason.

>> No.8621340

What quality do you have "おとこの娘のトビラ" in ? I'm browsing through my collection to see if I missed some, and I swear I had that. Google has brought me upon a 192 kbps version, wondering what you got.

>> No.8621389

Well he said that's his lossless folder so I guess it's...lossless.

>> No.8621485
File: 595 KB, 938x1192, IMG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MP3 320kbps and 1001kbps TAK. Here's the lossless version so you convert it to whatever you want.


>> No.8621520


Oh lol, looks like you've got everything covered. Keep on being awesome. めがねでねっ!and こどもざいく・やみもざいく are the only ones I have in ogg. Nobody likes ogg. I converted them to mp3 but lossy to lossy sounds like poo. I humbly beg for your copies.

>> No.8621524

>I converted them to mp3
Why would you do that besides for playing them in a portable player?

>> No.8621533


That's pretty much exactly why. I like to listen to denpa through a cassette adapter while driving.

>> No.8621695
File: 161 KB, 960x720, 1296703519720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8621485 Thanks denpa bro, I'll request more if google fails me.

>>8621524 Pretty much this >>8621533. The largest, and least expensive, option to cart around all of my music is a 160gb ipod classic. I can't rockbox the damn thing like my older 5th gen ipod, so have to stick with mp3's, m4a's, aac etc. However I do like to collect lossless for archival purposes.

>> No.8621710

I see, then I guess it's okay. But saying that nobody likes OGG is going too far; OGG is better than MP3 at pretty much everything except for portable devices, which isn't the format's fault anyway.

Also こどもざいく・やみもざいく was a fucking great album, underrated as hell.

>> No.8622606

...........wow, is that an erotic I'm a Scatman cover?

>> No.8622758

Oh wow. Found a well seeded mosaic.wav torrent on tpb, of all places. No need to toss my stuff up on nyaa, I guess.

>> No.8623904


Sorry for the wait, I was sleeping.

>> No.8624114


Nana Hira's voice is almost too cute... The original(?) isn't bad either.

>> No.8624169

I liked the original. But, to be honest, I got to know that song through ちぃむdmp's cover, which is still my favorite.

Also Nanahira recently sang Happy! Lucky! Dochy! together with Gakiko (がきコ) and Douhi (導飛), who also sound pretty cute (they have tracks on the CD Sweet Blue by the way). I just love this song.

>> No.8624856

Thanks for the MOSAIC.WAV streaming. I watched it nonstop.
Those weird intruments they used are so interesting.

>> No.8626200
File: 328 KB, 1024x922, 9700639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8626262

For everyone who likes kana (voice behind classics like Hammer's Song (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8476837 and Famima's cover http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8167036)) she released a track composed by さつき が てんこもり at C81. Her soft voice is really cute.


>> No.8628317

Lol, I can't stop "facepalm" to this album. Lyrics are so lewd, those girls must be punished. Kuritorisu Chikyubi Minna daisuki, love and peaacee~

>> No.8630780


>> No.8635123

Daily bump.

>> No.8638588

I downloaded this when it was posted but I never bothered to open it and listen to it. I just unpacked it and opened the folder to take a look at the files and checked the scans, and that's when I realized just how lewd it is.

I like it.

>> No.8642460

