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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8602169 No.8602169 [Reply] [Original]

What mental disorders do you have, /jp/?

Remember: the more you have, the cooler you are!

Bonus points for disorders properly diagnosed by a doctor instead of ones you just read about on Wikipedia.

>> No.8602173

I can't get diagnosed because I don't leave the house. I'll never get autism bucks like this.

>> No.8602179

I have ADHD. I was also properly diagnosed by a doctor.

>> No.8602180

You can probably do it all online now. You can do everything online these days.

>> No.8602191

I wish I had disorders to blame how pathetic I am on

>> No.8602196

But I doubt it since I am an emphatic motherfucker.
Just very socially retarded, in contrast to my spatial-visual intelligence which is at 16 from a scale at 0-16.
[social was 8]

>> No.8602199

Properly diagnosed by the way.

>> No.8602203


>> No.8602208

I.. thought it was a real page. Now I feel really stupid.

>> No.8602214

It's okay, that's what I intended.
We both win here, really.

>> No.8602221

I wasn't the person you posted the link toward, though, if it's of any consequence. Though that syndrome works for me.

>> No.8602234

I was the guy he linked it to

Thanks for taking the bullet because I would've checked it too

>> No.8602241

ADHD and borderline clinical depression

>> No.8602243

What the fuck is "borderline clinical depression"? For that matter, what is "clinical depression"? Given the context I think we can assume all depression is "clinical depression", you tit.

I have "being a sarcastic dick on the internet" syndrome.

>> No.8602250

don't you wish to ``quote" like this, ``anon"?

>> No.8602255

I briefly considered it, but then I knew someone would be *that guy* and point it out. Kind of funny how the reverse happened.

>> No.8602256

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8602261

I was diagnosed with general anxiety and depression. I feel a lot better now after a year of therapy and quitting drugs, but I still have the anxiety. I'm convinced that I have schizoid PD. Everything I've read applies to me a little too well and a quiz in HS Psych listed me at moderate risk for it.

I think he meant two separate disorders.

One is Borderline Personality Disorder, the other is Depression in the clinical sense of the word, which is defined by severity and length.

>> No.8602294
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major depression

extreme self loathing syndrome
spoiled whiny little bitch big baby in a diaper syndrome

I'm still at the stage where I don't believe mental disorders mean shit. I'm just a spoiled little bitch and I hate myself.

>> No.8602301

>Borderline Personality Disorder
I could be wrong here, but isn't that gone? It's "emotionally unstable personality disorder" or something. Unless that's only in certain parts of the world.
Kind of like "shell shock" and "hysteria" and stuff.

It kind of pisses me off how we have to change the name of these things every 10-50 years. Why not just all agree to not get offended by them and then leave it at that?

>> No.8602344

I was once kidnapped from streets and put to a doctor who diagnosed me of psychopathy.

You can't get cooler from that.

>> No.8602352
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look at image

depressed as fuck because of transgenderness

>> No.8602360

It seems most places are still calling it BPD, though Wikipedia does note that people are considering term revision for it. Apparently, simply being labeled "borderline" is enough to taint one's image in the eyes of a therapist. I don't think changing the term is going to change the reactions to it, but it seems only natural that the BPD bunch would complain about that.

I can understand the revision behind shellshock, since it's an informal term and a person can suffer from PTSD without having been involved in war. This BPD business, however, is just silly. The world shouldn't bend over to satisfy such irrelevant complaints; it's the disorder talking.

>> No.8602362

We know, sparky-kun.
We know.

>> No.8602366

Explains a lot.

>> No.8602370

You're going to need to go into more details.

>> No.8602376
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>doctor who

>> No.8602411

Depressions, Paranoia, OCD. But I never went to a doctor because of it.

>> No.8602436

Been diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and social phobia.

>> No.8602449

Autism, Aspergers, and PTSD. All properly diagnosed by /jp/.

>> No.8602464

I'm not quite sure. I might have some, I might not. Lately I've been under a lot of stress mostly due to my mother not leaving me alone. I've written about this a few times before. She comes over, and she just stays here. She doesn't do anything and it bothers me that she's here. She visits a few times a week and on the days she comes over it feels like the day is ruined. I worry so much about her coming over that I've developed twitches in my eyes and yesterday I couldn't get to sleep because of them.

>> No.8602472

She also recently got a friend who is trying to be friends with me and who also comes over whenever she does. He called yesterday and said he would do work on my car, and when I didn't bring my car today he called me asking where I was and told me to bring it on Thursday. He also told me he wants to spend time with me and arranged to do things with me. I can't say no to people. At the end of his phone call he told me that I'm his only friend here, but I know that's a lie because he lives with my mother. This guy is probably double my age, and he's living with my mother. I don't want to do anything with him. I don't know him. I don't want anything to do with my mother. I really just want to be left alone. Every now and then there will be a string of days that I'll be left alone and they're always the most enjoyable days. My eye twitches stop, I'm able to fall asleep, and I just feel great. Then when my mother comes over my twitches come back and I can't fall asleep because I get so angry thinking about her.

I'm also sure that no one in this family takes me seriously. I've told them about this many times, yet they (especially my mother) choose to ignore my words. I've told my mother to stop coming. She still comes. This has gone on for well over a year and I feel like it's really ruining my life. The other day I went out to get some dinner and when I came home I saw her car outside and I felt sick and ended up throwing the food away. I've lost weight, my body aches, and I'm always tired. I am 100% sure that things would be perfect in my life if she would just leave me alone. Why she continues to bother me like she does, I will probably never know.

>> No.8602492
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He wants to harvest your flesh. Don't let your guard down for even a second. He's out to get you. They're both out to get you.

>> No.8602495

I could go on and on about this, because it's all that's ever on my mind anymore. In December of 2010 I started getting a feeling like my head was moving by itself. I noticed that I couldn't hold my head straight anymore, or move my chin upwards like when you drink from a glass. Shortly after that the eye twitches started, and it seems like things just fell further apart from then. From then on I stopped going to school, stopped going out with my family for holidays, and I mostly just stay in my bed now. When everything started, I was able to go to a few doctors. One thought the head spinning was Vertigo, but I know that's not it. He asked me if I did drugs and when I told him no, I'm sure that he thought I was lying. Every visit from then on it felt like he was just making fun of me. I went to a psychologist who told me that the twitches could be caused by anything. He didn't know what the head spinning could be and prescribed me some pills and an MRI. There was no change on the pills and nothing wrong with the MRI, so I decided to just spend as much time as I could in my bed because it was always comforting to me.

Some time last year I decided to use what was left of my money to go on a trip to a friend's house out of state. Traveling there was a great experience. It was a two day trip and I loved knowing that I would be able to be left alone. When I got to my friend's house the first few days were great. I fell asleep very easily, the twitches stopped, and I was full of joy nearly every day. Then one night while I was eating dinner my mother called their home phone and asked to talk to me. She wanted to know how I was doing. My stomach turned and a few hours later everything started back up. It was horrible. I had a horrible time sleeping from then on and I left soon after. When I got home my mother was here waiting for me.

>> No.8602501

That image is terrifying-- but so is the story.

>> No.8602507

adhd, gad, preliminary diagnosis for aspergers. but the way i see it, people like me are just like the mutants. the general population has the right to resent us - normalfags' numbers are decreasing quicker and quicker. as knowledge and know-how become more and more important than social aptitude, we will be the only people who matter. heck, we already are. look at the scientists, writers, and even celebrities that matter right now. they're not neurotypical.

>> No.8602511
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>> No.8602512


I don't really think it's a disorder, though. I can function fine.

>> No.8602515
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Well i was caught from crime the first time and taken to a doctor who gave me interview and decided that i am total psycho. I was let out from asylum with informer that if they ever caught me again they'll get me back Hannibal Lecter style. So i've been nice.

>> No.8602517

I remember you Anon.

Feels bad, because your autism would be cured if you could cut all ties with everyone you know and move somewhere far away on your own. But I'm sure you already know that.

>> No.8602522

So lately I've just been here in bed, listening to music and watching old Disney movies to comfort myself. Winter was my favorite holiday because of the weather, and I always had the window open, but I've had it closed so all winter now. My mother has a muffler on her truck like many others, and hearing any kind of loud car makes my heart skip a beat. I feel like I just can't get away from her and like I said, I really feel like my life is being ruined by her. Two years ago I would have never ever considered killing myself, but the more I look at it, the more I see it as a way to get rid of all these things for sure. If nobody will listen to me seriously I'm just going to have to do things on my own.

At night when I lay here thinking about things, I think about just how weird people are. What gives a person their will to live? Is the way I perceive my life the same as other people? Sometimes I'm not even sure if other people are actually people, if that makes sense. That is, how do I know they see and feel things the same way that I do? This will probably sound odd. I think about it all the time before I go to bed.

>> No.8602523

I'm a compulsive liar so they've never been able to get an accurate diagnosis on me. I don't care if I have anything though, I'll be in my room browsing /jp/ either way.

>> No.8602545

I think that maybe, just maybe, if I could actually get diagnosed with some kind of mental disorder, people in my family would listen to me and take me more seriously when I tell them I want to be left alone. I feel really angry when I think about things, because I have no problem whatsoever being taken seriously by anyone other than my family. As I look back to when I was younger, I realize I've never really been taken seriously. Even when I was younger and my mother got remarried and the stepfather was abusive, instead of trying to work things out, I was just given to relatives. I remember him yelling at me and threatening to hit me again while I stood by my mother, but she didn't even look at me. She was doing something in the kitchen and even when I was yelling to her, she didn't bother to do a single damn thing. That one memory in particular really makes me mad. But even so, when I got moved, I learned to be alone, and I grew to love being alone. My life took a complete turn around. Then this happened and it's just ruining it. She acts like nothing happened. Whenever I see her, she always greets me with the same cheerful phrase, and it just feels so forced. She knows she's bothering me by coming over, but she doesn't stop it. Whenever she leaves, she always says something about seeing me in a few days, so the thought of her coming over is always there, and I'm always worrying about her coming.

Like I said, I could go on and on about this. I'm out of here.

>> No.8602548
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>> No.8602553
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lots of stuff.

in fact quite a bit has developed recently.

i may have to update the Uncle Remus manual.

>> No.8602554
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>> No.8602556

I don't have anyone to diagnose me and I don't trust my own judgement enough to diagnose myself.
So I don't know the specifics, but I'm sure as hell I'm not as healthy sane person.

>> No.8602561

i get muscle twitches and head spinning too. i actually got an MRI and EEG last week and i am getting the resaults tomorrow. it's funny that you mention the problems with your mother, because im in a very similar situation. she has started trying to "change" me into a normal person. a few weeks ago she almost kicked me out. over the past months ive been getting twitches in my eyes, legs, arms, and hands as well as debilitating head aches.

i also have extreme dissociation too. i cant even recognize my own face anymore and i feel like my body is just moving on its own and im watching it. it's not really unpleasant, but it does scare the hell out of me sometimes.

hang in there anon. i hope you get better, i know how terrible you feel

>> No.8602564

Have you tried telling her all this shit? Just ctrl+c all you just wrote and email her all of it.

>> No.8602566

Depression and social anxiety.

>> No.8602588

You didn't lose the autism bucks, did you?

>> No.8602589


>>8602561 here,
i'm in a pretty similar situation to him, and i can say from experience that trying to get a normal person to believe you is next to impossible. when i was still a minor, my mother brought me to a ton of group therapy sessions and i tried explaining to her that i just want to be left alone and i dont like socializing or close relationships and she never understood it. she always thought, and still thinks, that me wanting to be left alone is a major problem and she does everything she can to "make me better." it's like she expects that one day ill magically want to go out to a club and make a bunch of friends. when it comes to things like this, normal's, especially those in your family, are as dense as harem anime MC's.

>> No.8602591

I have been diagnosed with psychotic depression. Still can't get autism bucks though. Bullshit.

>> No.8602595

Maybe one day I'll build up the courage to follow ol' Remus' guide.

>> No.8602596

>hearing any kind of loud car makes my heart skip a beat.
Oh god, I know how you feel. I have similar mommy issues and there's this one bit in Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World about two minutes in where she shouted me down for something once. I don't even remember what it was for, but now every time I play Imperishable Night and I get to Stage 3, there's this bit where I can always hear her and it's like a tic that makes me tense up.

Have you considered moving? Go live near/with your friend or something.

>> No.8602600

Moderate to severe OCD. Properly diagnosed bitches.

>> No.8602606

>she never understood it. she always thought, and still thinks, that me wanting to be left alone is a major problem and she does everything she can to "make me better."
Fucking this. What is it with people who cannot grasp this concept? It's not unusual. It's not even new. Plenty of people throughout the ages have been hermits and loners and that's fine. Everyone needs to get over the idea that if you do not want to talk to people, you have to be "helped" simply because it isn't normal.

>> No.8602610

what a thread...
Reminded me of a case where an US soldier had PTSD (His squad was blown up by a bomb) and he'd be all angry and stuff all the time and life sucked, but then some doctor cured him by giving him some drugs, I guess it was ecstasy and talking about the incident with him.

>> No.8602611

In before various images and intentional typos. JUst to piss you off.

>> No.8602612
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major depressive disorder
generalized anxiety
drug and alcohol abuse

supposed to take my meds
been committed a few times

>> No.8602615


>> No.8602635


>> No.8602636

moderate schizoid, light ASPD

>> No.8602639

ZUN!bar's squid was blown up by a bomb.

>> No.8602648

I'm onto you.

>> No.8602654

I doubt there is any mental illness I have and I will never go to a doctor to check but I've done everything I possibly could of done wrong in life and due to the despair I just want to kill myself. If it wasn't for the immense guilt I would have for my mother who is alone and my niece who would wonder where I went (she lives with us) I would have done it by now. I'm not the kind of guy who can handle living with these mistakes and no one to rely on. They say depression is a sickness but I don't really believe that.

>> No.8603294

Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.

>> No.8603299

Obviously, this is the case for many of us here.

What is the future going to hold for us, /jp/? I hope your gentle hearts will be able to survive it.

>> No.8603301

4chan kept me up past my bedtime (usually 7am-ish) and now it's 10am so it's too late to sleep. I am really tired and really aroused, and I don't know what to do with myself.

>> No.8603309

>what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being required to live in an insane civilisation
>a sane organism

last time i made a thread sayin "livin like this holds an ancient secret" it got deleted and made me feel really bad becuz i meant exactly that

>> No.8603327

Disorder Rating
Paranoid Disorder: Low
Schizoid Disorder: High
Schizotypal Disorder: Moderate
Antisocial Disorder: Low
Borderline Disorder: Low
Histrionic Disorder: Low
Narcissistic Disorder: Low
Avoidant Disorder: Moderate
Dependent Disorder: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: High

>> No.8603329
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>> No.8603331

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Also, have any of you read John Dies at the End? There is a passage in there about "normal people," "David Wong" is one of us.

>> No.8603359

Been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. I also have major depression.

>> No.8603371

too scared to see a doctor syndrome

>armchair psychology diagnosis
stop being a whiny loner faggot foreveralone virgin buttmad
everyone hates you because you have no friends

>self diagnosis
I want to be a woman more than anything. I also think about suicide every day. Even if I never act on those thoughts I would rather not have them.

>> No.8603383

What do people mean when they say "think about suicide"? I mean, I think about it. It is a thing and I think about things. I also think about apples.
I get that you think about doing it yourself, and I do that too. But I also think about raping pigs or eating semen cakes or whatever other zany hypothetical ironic process theory has sprung into my brain today.

At what point are you "thinking about suicide"?

>> No.8603392

At 14, diagnosis with major depression, severe anxiety and they were worried about possible schizophrenia. Left school. I was medicated and had some therapy but ended up going overseas on my own.

18, depression, anxiety, worry of BPD.

22, depression and anxiety again, had a drug induced (also meditated for most waking hours for 5 days) psychotic episode that lasted a few days. Oddly enough the psychosis completely changed my life for the better and gave me a new outlook, but I still get depressed every now and again. Not on meds or receiving therapy anymore and I'm generally OK at 25.

>> No.8603402

Other than standard social anxiety, the only thing I really have is panic attacks. Once every few days, sometimes every week, the logical part of my brain shuts off and I get an unstoppable feeling that the underside of my desk is crawling with spiders or the streetlights are rows of eyes staring at me. It's like a bad trip without the drugs. I don't get actual visual hallucinations, but my brain interprets what I see differently. I'm kind of afraid that if I ever did do acid or shrooms, I would lose my shit in spectacular fashion and end up hurting myself.

>> No.8603408

Mental disorders are fucking retarded. Some behaviors that define a disorder can in many cases be seen as normal if you look at all the "normals" around you.

Psychologists are idiots who think they can understand the human psyche just because they read some shitty book written by another idiot.

>> No.8603418

>I wish people knew what panic attacks were
>No use explaining. No one ever understands.
>Its like trying to explain the proper use of sage

Hint, if you have a panic attack. You are already dead.

>> No.8603419

If I am not preoccupied I have a hard time thinking about anything except suicide. My mind doesn't wander unless there is sufficient external stimuli or I am consciously trying to do so.

I'm not even afraid of death anymore, just the pain that usually goes with dying. Not having easy access to painless suicide methods isn't the only reason I am still alive, but it does decrease my chances of becoming an hero.

If I were to kill myself, the biggest reason would be because I can't stop thinking about killing myself. That's not that good a reason.

Even when a diagnosis involves measurable changes in hormone levels and brain activity? Psychology isn't a super hard science but it isn't all poof either.

>> No.8603426

This has been brought up countless times. Think about the word disorder. Think about what that word means. One of the criteria for pretty much every disorder in the DSM is that the symptoms are excessive or impair your day to day life in some way. That's the difference between "being shy" and having social anxiety disorder, or feeling a bit down and having major depressive disorder. These people are outliers and it's beneficial to say what's wrong with them, give it a name, and find out how to treat it. This isn't even a recent idea. Look up "melancholia", an old-timey word for what we now call "depression" which dates back to Hippocrates.
There are things markedly wrong with people that deviate from what would be considered normal. They may be entirely in the mind or they may be physiological. The point is that when these get to such a point that they reach extremes or mess with everyday functioning, we call them disorders.

>> No.8603432
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Don't mind me, just posting what a panic attack is.

>> No.8603462

My disorders are pretty mental, man.

Really, though, I went through two long periods of what appears to have been depression (the second one actually justified by circumstances, the first one not). I should probably see a specialist now that I am able to.

>> No.8603463

Aspergers. Diagnosed by a doctor.

I also suspect myself of having ADHD and light OCD.
I can't get autism bux because I don't have proper autism.

>> No.8603494

That sucks. I get it even though I flat-out told the presiding doctor I don't think I have autism.

>> No.8603501

This is such a vague criteria that I'm not sure if what I get count as panic attacks.

Everything except accelerated heart rate, sweating, and shaking only happens occasionally. So... That's only three, and it's not too often that I get any other symptoms. At one time, I've had at least six or seven of them including depersonalization going on for several hours.

Would it be better to call them autism attacks instead? I like that term more because it doesn't sound as serious.

>> No.8603503

What kind of doctor would I go to for a mental evaluation and diagnosis of disorders?

>> No.8603504
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Major Depressive
Sleeping Disorders
Anxiety Disorders

It's only downhill from here.

>> No.8603508

Post-Africa nigger disorder.

>> No.8603512

I have a fairly major mood disorder. I can go from extremely happy to being ready to kill myself in the span of several hours, even when nothing's really happened to me in particular in that interval of time.

I think that's the main thing... Unless there is a disorder that is characterized by a complete lack of willpower whatsoever (chronic of course).

>> No.8603515

who gives shit fuck off retards

>> No.8603518

GP, he'll refer you, probably put you in hospital while they trial meds to see the results and have you speak with a few professionals.

My experience.

>> No.8603524

obsessive compulsive disorder and trichotillomania

>> No.8603527

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

>> No.8603529

Mood disorders are a whole category. You'll have to be more specific, what you described could be a whole bunch of things.

The willpower thing is common with every sort of depressive disorder ever. Maybe you have dysthymia or something.

>> No.8603575

isn't that how cirno counts?

>> No.8603621


Thank you. I really mean that.


I also momentarily forgot, due to the fact that I avoid social interactions whenever possible, that I have a fairly major social phobia.

I'll look into the mood disorders in a bit, gotta go now. But really, upon reflection, I think I'm just quite average here at /jp/.

>> No.8603733

Münchausen syndrome and social anxiety.

>> No.8603801

>What mental disorders do you have, /jp/?

It'd be too long to tell them all. Just read the DSM IV, it has a good 50% of all the disorders I have.

>> No.8603820

I got the gays

>> No.8603884

I don't know.

>> No.8603923

I'm a nigger bocker.

>> No.8603972

Actually diagnosed by a real doctor:
Schizotypal personality disorder
Avoidant personality disorder

I hallucinate a lot more than most of the descriptions for schizotypal say I should though, and I've kept it almost entirely to myself since I became old enough to know what was real and what my head was just making up. I don't take my meds because if I do then the hallucinations go away, and over the years (I'm 24 now) they've become more and more comforting to have around.

>> No.8603979

I find this quite interesting. What kinds of hallucinations do you experience? Do you have any interesting stories to tell?

>> No.8604000

I don't see anything wrong with that. Just two numbers missing, and 10 is not even prime.
Now then, one day, my psychiatrist had a file on his desk. File number 13589. God dammit, so close to 1+2+2+2+2. I couldn't pay much attention to what he said for a good portion of the hour.

>> No.8604034

>What kinds of hallucinations do you experience? Do you have any interesting stories to tell?

Almost always people and animals, or at least animate creatures, and almost all the time, at least something is there or somebody is in the room with me. Static objects almost never. Like I can look at my desk or around my room and be 100% sure that clothes and books and objects are actually real and normal. The people talk to me about anything, or do whatever it is they're up to and ignore me sometimes. I know instinctively when a person isn't real, they just aren't real, but animals are harder to tell unless they're something freaky, which happens sometimes.

I'm pretty sure the things I see are heavily influenced by long term trends of what I take in, read, watch, think about, etc, so I have to try as hard as I can to avoid things like horror stories or anything that might make me think about bad people or scary people, etc, and take in good things instead. You get the idea. It's proved pretty successful for the last few years, I haven't seen anything really fucked up or any aggressive unreal people in ages.

>> No.8604066

This sounds really great. You get to have friends and acquaintances around without having to worry about all the troubles that one would if they were real 3D people.

If you do something to piss off one of the delusions, will they come back pissed at you the next day? Or do they always have the same attitude?

>> No.8604088

That depends. Some of them are persistent, some of them I've only ever seen once, some of them won't/don't/can't talk, some of them change or appear less and less. The persistent ones do respond like real people, yes, there's a pool of maybe about two dozen of those currently I think, with some appearing more than others. If I'm rude to them then yes they react, they stay angry or don't come back for a few days, or argue with me. I've intentionally gotten rid of several in the past by being continually rude to them and ignoring their presence until they stop coming back, so I do have a small degree of conscious control, but nothing more than that.

>> No.8604103
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Why no schizoid bucks?

>> No.8604124

Hmm, that's really interesting. I'm a natural lucid dreamer; that is, I don't try to do it, but for some reason I consistently have dreams at least 3 or 4 times a week in which I know I'm dreaming and have a large amount of control over the environment, and the NPCs that show up in said environment. (Needless to say I usually make these NPCs do lewd things for me.)

I wonder if there'd be some way for you to do something similar with your delusions though. Having the ability to influence realistic beings is cool enough when you're asleep, I can't even begin to imagine how awesome it'd be to do while being awake.

>> No.8604679

You, sir, have an amazing mental illness and I would truly love to have it. Did you acquire it in some way, or were you born like this? If it's the former, how? I know that it's probably something I could never mimic, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

If you were to couple this mental illness with my general oblivious-to-disturbing-things nature (I won't have a nightmare even if I watch some incredibly disturbing movie or whatever), you would have someone who doesn't even have to avoid looking at scary stuff and could maybe even talk to vicious youkai in their head (I'd probably end up being their bitch though, but I'm not sure I'd mind that).

Do you sense them normally with your 5 senses? Do you feel it if they go up to you and punch you?

>> No.8604726

I have ADHD, Paranoia, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder , Depression, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder.

All properly diagnosed by Wikipedia and internet quizzes.

>> No.8609214


>> No.8610131
File: 231 KB, 434x1024, 1323892612825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to see what types of sickfuckery lurks in the mind of the average in denial pedo on here. You guys do so good at contradicting yourselves it's amazing.

>> No.8610155


>> No.8610159

I am super jealous and I wish I had ANY sort of natural talent, even if it was something completely worthless.
