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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8601079 No.8601079 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.8601084

she's not.

tasteless faggot.

>> No.8601082

Because she's a two-dimensional idealization of a real women designed by depressed, thirty-something men to appeal to horny teenagers such as yourself.
The image did not even load for me and I have no idea who you are talking about, but this is why.

>> No.8601099


>> No.8601108

Because dem tits.

>> No.8601110

That's no Sanae.


>> No.8601127


>> No.8601151

LOLOLOLOL get banned noob
U MAD U MAD U MAD U MAD?????????

>> No.8601154
File: 644 B, 27x24, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8601161

Was this a nsfw ban?

>> No.8601162

Check out this buttfucker getting banned for the seventh time. Because none of us knew he was ban evading already. So now we'll have ANOTHER archived post to link to whenever he posts. Which is kind of a non-issue because the problem is a lack of moderation to begin with.
Screw you, mods. Do your jobs better instead of sucking moot's cock in your normalfag circlejerks after a game of "who can fuck the most women" while watching an episode of shonen anime #4385721.

>> No.8601165

It's was fucking time.

Please tell us if it's a permaban so we can report this piece of shit in case he comes back.

>> No.8601166

it was inevitable.

>> No.8601164

Why do mods hate Sanae?

>> No.8601171

You shouldn't have done that mod.

This will cause more shitposting. brb going to bump non shitpost threads to counter.

>> No.8601173

That bad feel when mods really hate Sanae like HELL.

>> No.8601176

feels like HELL dood

>> No.8601187


>> No.8601191

If this was the case >>8593135 would not be around still.

>> No.8601208
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>> No.8601235

The only person I ever found perfect was in a game /jp/ now finds way out-dated and discussed to hell and back.

>> No.8601247

Read the old threads then. Pretend you were "here at the time" like the newfag faggoty fag that you are.

>> No.8601272

Ah, that's not what I meant.
I'm just stating my opinions, I don't want to talk about old times, old games, or anything along those lines.
Sorry for wording my statement in a misleading way.

>> No.8601342
File: 201 KB, 1024x1280, 25249302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8601469


>> No.8601646


I honestly think how it's unfair that Ryan got banned for nothing this time.

>> No.8601648


He got banned for ban evasion. Should have have had enough common sense to not whore and go anon.

>> No.8601652

He ban evaded. He got banned. Simple as that.

>> No.8601655

shouldn't you be refreshing /a/ for rozen threads?

>> No.8601719

he'd have to travel back in time to have any success

>> No.8602285

thank you moderator.

>> No.8602315

So we'll get DxD doujins by SAZ soon? Sounds like it.

>> No.8604194

This is fucking bullshit, why do mods hate Sanae so much?

>> No.8604252

No one hates Sanae, fucking idiot. But everyone hates yRan.

>> No.8605387

unjustified ban is unjustified.

ryan can't post here for the next 7 days

>> No.8609619

Absolute fucking bullshit.

>> No.8609640

Fuck off yRan.

>> No.8609654 [DELETED] 

Make me, nerd.

>> No.8609669 [DELETED] 

Also that wasn't me, dumbfuck.

>> No.8609678

We need a new report option [ ] This user is ban evading, because obviously when we report them for rule violation the mods are going to be looking at the post and not see anything objectionable unless they have intimate knowledge of every tripfag on every board that has been permabanned (doubt it). If we can actually report the user it'll lead to quicker repeat bans.

>> No.8609714

why don't they just put his tripcode on autoban?

>> No.8609727

Because that makes too much sense.
