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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.60 MB, 2628x1481, P1010551s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8587506 No.8587506 [Reply] [Original]

I just ran through a few pages and didn't see a figure thread. How am I supposed to ask if you guys are jelly if there isn't a thread to post figures in?

>> No.8587510 [DELETED] 

> a few
Why not all of them? Use the Catalog if you want to make things easier:

There is a /fig/ thread but it hit the bump limit. Good thing too, otherwise I'd have written a STERNLY WORDED POST about something.

I wish I had money.

>> No.8587520 [DELETED] 

It's out already?
Sorta jelly I guess, but I feel nihilistic about purchases in general atm since I have been without income for the last half a year.

Ordered LAT Miku a few weeks back but due to a major screwup on the postal service's side she got sent back to the seller and this adds to the situation. I feel like I don't need or want any more figs, I have Reitaisai!Reimu, she's all I ever need.

>> No.8587531 [DELETED] 

>There is a /fig/ thread but it hit the bump limit.
What are the post/image limit now anyway ? Didn't moot increase it ?

>> No.8587532 [DELETED] 

I dunno about others but I was severely disappointed in lat miku. The hair is semitransparent and it looks very odd to me, at least. The face is nice and the pose is good, I guess, but the hair really throws it off for me.

>> No.8587539 [DELETED] 


>> No.8587568 [DELETED] 

I haven't seen it in person yet. I just contacted the seller and will probably get her in another few weeks. I sorta feel like calling it off, but that would be a real dick move, he already went through all this trouble, and it's not really his or my fault.

I more or less collect Mikus and LAT Miku was the only one I could afford with the money I got for Christmas. It's sorta a sad story.

I don't think she's super great or stunning, but she looks cute, and Miku always seems to cheer my up when I'm down, even if I'm not a huge Mikufag. She's just pure and cute.

>> No.8587610 [DELETED] 


>> No.8587614 [DELETED] 

Oh please. Your precious LiW miku shit is everywhere in Akiba. It is gonna be in the bargain bin soon. It is around 7000-8000yen now, I expect it to go below 7000 soon.

>> No.8587621 [DELETED] 

Be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.8587623 [DELETED] 

Is that a bad thing ?

>> No.8587625 [DELETED] 

Are you me? There's a handful of things I want, of course, but not having money makes it kind of 'so what' for most of them. The only thing that really seems worth buying atm is oop Griffon stuff when it shows up on Mandarake...

>> No.8587627 [DELETED] 

no. /jp/ is not /a/, /co/ or /v/.

>> No.8587628 [DELETED] 

300/150, moot didn't change it for /jp/.

>> No.8587643 [DELETED] 

For OP it is a bad thing.
For the rest of us or the people that havent buy her yet it is a good thing.
I personally feel it is a 5/10 figure. I rather spend my money on the tsukihime meidos.

>> No.8587709 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 918x515, DSC02733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda hard to tell here(lol as well as in real life ) but the edge and the rest of the blade is twotone. so edge is silver and the blade is a darker silver

>> No.8587712 [DELETED] 
File: 527 KB, 515x918, DSC02755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Flesh color done. Came out good, hope I don't ruin it later :/

>> No.8587723 [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 2352x1568, IMG_9467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not jelly because my WF black leggings Alice just came in today.

It cost a fuck-ton but I missed the original release and I didn't expect this one to be the DX version as well.

>> No.8587724 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 2352x1568, IMG_9465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587729 [DELETED] 

Wow. Very cute.

>> No.8587732 [DELETED] 


The rest of my small collection, which is taking up a lot of my desk.

>> No.8587734 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 2352x1568, IMG_9466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The rest of my small collection which is taking up a lot of room on my desk

>> No.8587743 [DELETED] 

you didn't look very well then, oh well, it was starting to get near the auto-sage point.

also not jealous in the slightest because miku is a whore and not worth buying figures of, way too over-saturated of a market.

>> No.8587753 [DELETED] 

I think lat miku was the best miku fig, you have to be careful if you are buying one now, lots of cheap chinese bootlegs being sold these days of her.

>> No.8587768 [DELETED] 

It would be worth buying if the figure is actually good.
The LiW face is just disgusting. Open mouth, teeth and that right eye. My god it is like an alien. I think most people just get it for the base.

>> No.8587827 [DELETED] 

OP, please lurk fucking more before starting a fig thread on /jp/. Also,your fig is a shitty FOTM product that's owned by pretty much every single b/a/ndwagon faggot. There's really nothing to be "jelly" about.


I heard they love that stuff on their daily "buyfag" threads.


>> No.8587841 [DELETED] 

troll harder

>> No.8587848 [DELETED] 


How was he trolling at all? We've seen that miku fig so many goddamn times. It's like starting a VN general with FS/N.

This is the real fig thread, it hasn't even reached bump limit yet >>8550583

>> No.8587855 [DELETED] 

I'm being shown 318 posts.

>> No.8587859 [DELETED] 

Sup OP, are you frustrated that poor attempt at showing off is having an unexpected reaction?
Try >>>/a/ I am sure they would be jelly in their daily buyfag/unboxing thread.

>> No.8587863 [DELETED] 

Ah nice, mine only just shipped a few days ago, should be arriving soon enough. I was pretty much in the same situation you were ended up missing the original version due to other figures at the time. Glad to see it looks as good as I thought it would though.

>> No.8587883 [DELETED] 

sure is samefag as fuck over here

>> No.8587908 [DELETED] 


Maybe, he's right though.

>> No.8587920 [DELETED] 

bump limit on jp is still 300. it was never changed for us :(

>> No.8587915 [DELETED] 

He started a figure thread with a figure. I think you took the jelly comment a bit too personally. Can we get back on topic here instead of linking other boards and spamming "buyfag"?

>> No.8587929 [DELETED] 

but he's not, figure threads are /jp/. Now if he started a figure thread with something like a naruto figure, one piece figure, trollface/memeshit figures, etc then it would be right to forward him to /a/.

>> No.8587936 [DELETED] 

But Mikushit is the same as those.

>> No.8587939 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 600x600, FIG-IPN-3199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A _miku_ figure, particularly that figure is much less acceptable than any of the things you mentioned.

Pic related, quality One Piece fig that no /jp/er should feel ashamed of owning.

>> No.8587946 [DELETED] 

Would you please stop using emotes?

>> No.8587952 [DELETED] 


Wait are you serious? Miku is pretty much the gateway fig of the worst kind, the market is way oversaturated with it.

>> No.8587956 [DELETED] 

Do you want your thread to be turned into "who got the better collection/my collection is better than yours"?
This >>>/a/61571777 will be your future. People like him belong on >>>/a/ and I am pretty sure the people over there would be "jelly" about it.

>> No.8587958 [DELETED] 

Loving the /v/ quality hate popular shit vibe in here. I guess some people here still got some growing up to do.

>> No.8587964 [DELETED] 

First day on /jp/?

>> No.8587973 [DELETED] 


>hate popular shit

That's not why Miku doesn't belong on /jp/. I guess you weren't here for the Miku copyright incident (which is like, a month ago)?

>> No.8587972 [DELETED] 

Oh the irony, the word jelly came from /v/.

>> No.8587990 [DELETED] 

/jp/ fig threads are sacred, we certainly do not need one with a terribly senseless OP that uses words like "jelly" and posts a bland picture of a fad fig like that Miku.

Is /jp/ being oversensitive? Yes, probably. But rightly so. What separates /jp/ or /toy/ fig threads from the buyfag threads on /a/ is quality discussion that lacks the idiotic "my fig is better than yours u jelly? post your MFC" type of shit that goes on over there.

>> No.8588022 [DELETED] 


I like your collection, anon.

>> No.8588051 [DELETED] 


Thanks, i'm getting a Black Gold Saw to finish up the BRS bit.

After that, getting on to collecting the Madoka 1/8's (except for madoka herself) and instead getting Goddoka.

>> No.8588063 [DELETED] 

By the way, how big is a 1/144?
Is it equivalent to a 1/8 since she is a giant mermaid?

>> No.8588070 [DELETED] 

Miku a shit

get out weebo

>> No.8589414 [DELETED] 

I always liked the threads on /jp/, you could find out about odd figures and useful information like where to buy things etc.

It's kind of sad to see this new 'look at me i boguht the newst lastest figure ' trend. I try to cut back a lot because I prefer not to be associated with these new 'buyfags' now.

>> No.8589581 [DELETED] 

Whatever happened to the archer figma?!

>> No.8589616 [DELETED] 

You cut back on a hobby you enjoy because of random people on the internet?

>> No.8589622 [DELETED] 

Dropped due to lack of market demand.
Gotta make more BRS figmas you know.

>> No.8589799 [DELETED] 
File: 386 KB, 3200x1200, 1329639789396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is autism in this thread. Shall we ban saber while were at it due to the oversaturation of saber figs?

Is this lily fig out btw? i this one better the first one.

>> No.8590315 [DELETED] 

That super lewd butt.

>> No.8590321 [DELETED] 

So we're not allowed to discuss figures of popular characters now? Maybe we should limit our discussion to figures that have <50 owners on MFC too.

Stay hipster /jp/.

>> No.8590329 [DELETED] 

Mainsteam = bad hurrr

Stop it you guys, no-one likes show-offs like OP but you guys are even worse of with posts like this shitting up what could otherwise be a good thread.

>> No.8590333 [DELETED] 

You guys seem to not get why OP was prosecuted, as an analogy, it is like posting a shelf of Naruto manga and asking if people are jealous over it.
Stick with >>>/a/, I bet they are all gonna be so jelly that they will not eat for weeks just to buy the same fig as OP.

>> No.8590336 [DELETED] 

Just delete this thread, and make it again on night time /jp/, yeah shit like that.

>> No.8590338 [DELETED] 

Just stop it. No-one cares.

>> No.8590339 [DELETED] 

I disagree with the Miku/Naruto analogy, though I agree the "asking if jelly" bit was stupid. Still, this entire thread has been an overreaction and there has never been any problem with discussing Miku figs on /jp/ in the past.

>> No.8590361 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 551x762, 99166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Griffon will ever make figs of non-game Touhou characters... If they do, I'd have a lot of mixed feelings, I guess.

>> No.8590475 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 800x535, kenshin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nips sure like to sexualize kenshin.
Almost all of her figs are castoffable and lewd.

>> No.8590523 [DELETED] 

I ordered a Hidamari Sketch blind box weeks ago, but it still hasn't arrived.
I'm hoping it will arrive this Monday or Tuesday.

>> No.8590530 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 600x600, FIG-IPN-2489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life must be pretty goddamn empty if a post from a random anon on a anonymous image board sends you into a fit of bitter frustration.

you should goto /soc/ to post about your life while we take it easy and enjoy our Miku figs over here.

>> No.8590567 [DELETED] 


Actually, people on /a/ act like this as well now if people buy anything Saber, Madoka, BRS, or Miku-related. Partially because there are more entry-level people there who only buy stuff from those groups of figures. Flooding threads with tons of shit about them. The shitstorms for BRS, Miku, Madoka, and Saber are bigger for somebody owning something Naruto, Bleach, etc.-related because people actually try to defend owning BRS, Saber, Miku, and Madoka figures.

>> No.8590571 [DELETED] 

Is it the set from last spring ? I missed it, where did you order it from ?

>> No.8590575 [DELETED] 


Nuruto look like Shirou

>> No.8590578 [DELETED] 


They have more in common than just that...

>> No.8590602 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 256x570, raremikushit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with owning miku.
At least post something rare if you want to get people to be "jelly".

There were no problem previously because they werent trying to show off.

And Saber was actually pretty rare before they rerelease it.
You will probably get laugh out of the board now if you are trying to show off with Distant Avalon,

>> No.8590614 [DELETED] 


I don't see the problem with owning anything from those series, but pretending that people should be "jelly" over it is.

>> No.8590622 [DELETED] 


Well it's more like sometimes people make comments that they wish that other characters and franchises got more figures or figures at all, and then the Miku/BRS/Saber/Madokafags bitch at them saying that their franchises and characters aren't worthy of getting figures and that it is their fault for liking unpopular characters. Then there are multiple tripfags who obsess over those series and fill the threads with pictures of them while shifting discussion over to those series' figures.

>> No.8590624 [DELETED] 


I got it from Amazon.
Although at an inflated price, of course.

>> No.8590625 [DELETED] 


So it has nothing to do with figs, it's just shitposting, pretty much.

>> No.8590627 [DELETED] 


Don't lump Meduka in with those you nerdlinger.

>> No.8590630 [DELETED] 


Except the shitposting only comes from the fans of those series and they have a superiority complex over all other figure franchises.

Either way, this is meta discussion and not /fig/-related. Ending the discussion here.

>> No.8590731 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 3664x2748, 100_0606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy my maid collection grew...

>> No.8591269 [DELETED] 

As a avid /fig/ thread follower, I am disgusted by this thread.

There are things that we are and do. These things are associated with us, and we don't mind that.

But that (OP's post) is something we don't do. We do not want to be associated with the kind of people that strut around asking people if they're "jelly". Nor do we foster that kind of behavior. Kindly delete your thread and try again.

>> No.8591346 [DELETED] 

Would an established tripfag please start another fig thread, preferably with something TASTEFUL?

>> No.8591479 [DELETED] 

There is >>8591391

>> No.8591482 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 2816x1587, P1010216s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup fags, you jelly?

>> No.8591695 [DELETED] 

God you're stupid. If you didn't constantly act butthurt in the first place people wouldn't troll you with franchises they probably aren't even a fan of to start with.

>> No.8592032 [DELETED] 

Shitposters from this thread are one of the reasons people stop visiting /jp/-/fig/ threads.

>> No.8592045 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-5072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my collection desperately needs a maid.
ive been thinking of getting this one but i have too many pre-orders already. ;_;

Do you want cheese with that whine?

>> No.8592048 [DELETED] 

I want to see up that dress.

>> No.8592527 [DELETED] 

Keep it that way. They can stick with their /a/ buyfag thread where they can show off freely and post their expensive shelf for the 10000x times.

>> No.8592539 [DELETED] 


I was talking about you, shitposter.
