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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8579069 No.8579069 [Reply] [Original]

Just checking in case the janitor is on.

Is otaku / NEET blogging still allowed here?

>> No.8579075

I don't know what to type.

>> No.8579071


>> No.8579077

no it goes on /r9k/

>> No.8579076

Discussion: yes. Be polite, use sage.
Blogging: no. It's generally easy to tell the difference.
Talking about your personal life isn't necessarily blogging, but have respect for other people.

>> No.8579079

Don't blog too much about your life. You can discuss it here, it's all right.

>> No.8579082

Janitor devs pls go

>> No.8579087

/jp/ is not your blog.

>> No.8579091

Any Britfriends worried about the Tories' plan to axe the dole?

>> No.8579093 [DELETED] 
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Janitor devs pls come in

>> No.8579092 [DELETED] 

Sucking cock is great. There seems to be more guys sucking each other than ever. Men are not that hung up on having sex with each other as they were years ago.
Once you suck a cock and get a big load of cum you'll always be ready for more. Its hot,having that big dick in your mouth and eating another mans cum is such a turn-on.

>> No.8579096

/jp/ devs get out

>> No.8579102

Janitor devs pls come in, this subhuman goy forgot to use sage.

>> No.8579112

Then what?
Get a job or die?

>> No.8579118

I guess that's where neet/otaku/hiki blogging goes.

>> No.8579114


And then there's this asshole.

>> No.8579123

Don't stereotype people. If you visit any of these threads, you should know most of us are above that. We grew out of our "/r9k/ phase" before the board even existed.

Please lurk more.

>> No.8579124

I didn't use sage because my post was so relevant
This one is not!

>> No.8579130

What's there to discuss? True NEET threads embody what /jp/ is all about. If anything should be deleted, it's the normalfag shit like 3d idols and japanese cartoons.

>> No.8579131

/so/ is too slow. It's not really a discussion, it's more like reading monologues.

>> No.8579156

4chan needs a /hikikomori/ board. Finnish chans have had those since their beginning and they've helped keep other boards clean while offering a safe haven for the less fortunate.

>> No.8579164

>Finnish chans

>> No.8579180

Do any other NEETs feel extremely paranoid whenever they see a police car passing by their house? I've spent years pirating things and downloading Japanese porn, and I'm scared that the police might try to accuse me of being a pedophile even though I'm not.

Yesterday, I saw a police card stop across the street. I felt chills going up my spine. I imagined my face in the local news, I imagined all the people I've ever met seeing me on the newspaper and thinking "wow, I know this guy. I didn't know he was such a creep". I imagined myself sitting in a courtroom, having to defend myself while a prosecutor showed hundreds of normal Japanese porn to the audience and tried to convince that it qualified as child pornography even though all the actresses were clearly over 18 years of age and had well developed breasts. In some cases they were just drawings or screenshots from anime series I've watched. My throat was parched and I stuttered each time I tried to blurt out "n-no". My heart was racing, my mind was going black, I thought I was about to pass out.

I ran to the closet and grabbed a hammer. I loosened the computer chassis and prepared to smash the hard drive, anxiously waiting for the doorbell to ring. I stood there, next to the window, watching the car for 6 hours straight. When I tried to sit down and put down the hammer, my fingers hurt. I had to bathe them in hot water and salt to ease the pain. I thought I was safe.

But today something even more frightening happened (continued in next post)

also, police, in case you're keylogging my shit and reading this: fuck you

>> No.8579213

I understand how you feel, presuming this isn't some sort of kopipe.

Then I realised I am not significant or important enough for anyone to care. The big bad evil government has better things to do than track me down, even if I horde CP.

>> No.8579219

I only get nervous driving around at night. I've been pulled over a lot of times because according to them I look suspicious. I've even been pulled over twice by the same police officer in the same spot.

>> No.8579258

I'm sorry, but fuck you.
I can accept that you passed your driving test.
I can even accept that you bought a car.
I am happy to extend tolerance to people who aren't even NEETs or shut-ins but close to it.

But if you own a car and can somehow pay for it, not to mention are perfectly capable of going outside and driving places--all of which involves buying gas and having somewhere to go--then you can fuck right off. You do not belong here.

>> No.8579263

I woke up and hit F5 to continue browsing my favorite websites. The page didn't load. I tried google.com and it didn't load either. I checked my router, everything was fine. I got desperate.

I picked up the phone and called my ISP. They told me they had to take down my network for a short while because they had received a sup poena and it was being investigated. I literally froze up. I wanted to say "Ok, thanks" but the words couldn't come out. I started blabbling "tttttt---ttttt-ttttt----ttthank you" and hung up

My connection came back 2 hours ago. I have no idea what to do. I might just smash ALL my harddrives, buy new ones, and stay away from anything japanese-related for a year or two. But I can't do that. What if there's stuff in there I want to back up? Would the back ups be considered evidence as well? In that case, I would have to permanently and irreversibly get rid of my collection of old and obscure untranslated videogames and all the fanart and screenshots. I'm not physically capable of doing that. You'd have better luck asking me to pull out one of my ribs. And what the blueberry FUCK would I do without imageboards for a year? I wouldn't survive a month. I would hang myself.

To put it simply.

What do?

>> No.8579269

Enjoy your jail time.
This is what you get for downloading hollywood shit.

>> No.8579279

Hide your externals somewhere else with everything backed up. Run the most chronic overwrite CCleaner can do.

>> No.8579286


If you download hardcore CP, not even the FBI will care unless you distribute it en masse.
If you downloaded a Hollywood film, may god with be you.

>> No.8579285

so cool and edgy XD

>> No.8579291
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With bloggers like this I just want to shitpost my hardest.

>> No.8579292

Why don't you back it all up to a harddrive you hide encased in the wall?

>> No.8579300

I've been sent actual DMCA takedown notices (for torrenting Nintendo games). They won't do shit. If it was something they intended to do something about, they'd have already confiscated your computers by now.

>> No.8579304

I will leave CCleaner running when I go to bed tonight. In the meantime I have to find a solution for the hard drive problem. I have 3 hard drives in total, one of them is 70gb big, the other one is 500gb, the one I'm currently using is 1tb big. All of them are 60-70% full with content I would sorely miss.

>> No.8579307

My parents pay for everything. I like to drive at night when the streets are empty and the weather is nice.

>> No.8579309

As long as you take it easy please shitpost all you want.

>> No.8579312

Invest $150 (I think that's how much they cost nowadays) on a 2TB external and hide it well.

>> No.8579315 [DELETED] 

Meh many don't care. When I was going through the background checks/polygraph testing when I became a cop I basically had to admit that I had seen CP before because of assholes posting it on 4chan. Also had to tell them I had download vast amounts of pirated shit over the years.

Believe it or not they were more concerned about Facebook page at the time and recommended that I deleted it. I did.

>> No.8579328

Better: hide it at a friend's house if you've got one.

Also, just so you know, it's a myth that they can recover anything from a hard drive that's been fully zeroed out, even with only a single pass. If you're really feeling paranoid, do an overwrite with random data. There are tons of programs that can do this.

>> No.8579329

Why did you even have a Facebook?

>> No.8579363

> Also, just so you know, it's a myth that they can recover anything from a hard drive that's been fully zeroed out, even with only a single pass.
This, though I still recommend using random data (trivial with dd or dban) just to be safe. Maybe the magnets don't fully...zeroify or something, I don't know.

I guess this comes from Microsoft's wonderful decision to not actually delete files even if you've deleted them from the Recycle Bin or whatever it's called.

>> No.8579379 [DELETED] 
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Jaypee ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as meido. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

>> No.8579384

Don't download so much CP, and you won't be as paranoid.

Also don't download trash from Jewllywood, unless it's a private tracker or a usenet newgroup.

There, I just saved you many sleepless nights!

If you don't live in Jewmerica then disregard everything I said, you are safe.

>> No.8579388

No, no, that's not how it works.
Computers don't.. care.. if it's 0, or 1, or 01, or 10, at all.
So "deleting" simply marks the data as overwrite-able.

Well they can, given that it's a harddisk and not a USB, SSD or SD, but they wouldn't cause it's extremely hard and thus expensive.

>> No.8579392

Do you know any good free programs that do a 36 guthman pass?

>> No.8579398

Lunix filesystems don't actually delete the files either, although recovering them is somewhat harder than with NTFS.

>> No.8579399

CCleaner and Helsinki Eraser.

>> No.8579405


It's actually a normal procedure. Usually it can be really effective as well.

>> No.8579410

>Well they can, given that it's a harddisk and not a USB, SSD or SD, but they wouldn't cause it's extremely hard and thus expensive.
It has never once been proven to be possible, even after decades of trying. Once the data is overwritten, it's gone.

>> No.8579406

It's not only in America. A huge number of people here in Germany were caught for torrenting in the past few months.

>> No.8579408

Only if you remove files with rm like a plebeian. dd master race! The only downside is if you misplace a character or two you can end up wiping your whole drive. But it's worth it.

>> No.8579412

Again, only those who use public trackers to download top 40s mainstream garbage.

Even then, only those who do so with 0 protection.

>> No.8579414

I didn't know CCleaner did this. Just checked the Advanced tab and you are right. Thanks.

>> No.8579415

Get a Linux live cd and run:
># shred -n 100 -z /dev/sda

No fed is going to recover your files after that.

>> No.8579419

Well I don't know how hard disks work, but what I meant is that if we have say, 0 be a "low" magnetic transition and 1 be a "high" one, overwriting the whole thing with 00000000... may leave some traces (a charge? Probably not the right term) that could be used to reconstruct data.
I know it's more complex and there's a lot of trickery with blocks and such, but this sort of data recovery does exist.

>> No.8579423

>only those who do so with 0 protection.
You can't "protect" yourself when using torrents. And don't bring up Tor.

>> No.8579427

Yes you can.

Don't buy into all the fearmongering.

>> No.8579430

Then provide your proof.

>> No.8579440

The magnitudes of magnetism involved in hard drives are huge. You're not going to recover anything that's been overwritten (with either "zeroes" or "ones"), period. There have been many papers written on this.

The sort of data recovery you're probably thinking of only deals with rebuilding filesystems that have been deleted or become corrupted or otherwise unreadable, but where the actual data is still intact on the drive.

>> No.8579441

>I don't know what I'm talking about, but this is how it works.

>> No.8579445

I agree with this.

I have always enjoyed when we can take it easy and have a nice discussion about hikikomori/neets or just general ronery issues. As others have alluded, there are a few boards that perfectly cater to this but they're very slow.

It's clearly something some people want to discuss here, so I don't see why one thread is out of hand, kind of like a NEET/life issues general. I really enjoy such threads but others don't. Naturally I don't want a huge influx of /adv/-style posting or blogging, so having one individual discussion thread would keep it contained.

I also absolutely love the ``what did you do today /jp/" threads but know they're not really accepted so I just hang out waiting for one ;_;

>> No.8579453
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dat feel when I did study so much about hard disk and I forgot everything

>fuck you university

>> No.8579472

Let me guess: computer science?
What the fuck is it with weeaboos and computer science? Even the ADTRW FAQ made a point about how everyone there studied computer science.

I dropped out.

>> No.8579479

Because we spend all of our lives on the computer.

>> No.8579481

lol, nerds

>> No.8579485
File: 777 KB, 1500x2192, Sayumi_4th_sousou_087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use if IT technology in modern economy

I have 0 interest in it.
I am just going to uni, because " you cant disappoint your family"
meh could be worse

>> No.8579488

(I think I've said this a few times)
When I used to go to the .onion sites, I'd get a rush because I was doing something I shouldn't, ended up getting too curious and saving cp. The next day I got a call from my ISP asking to speak to the home owner and I felt so sick and told them "they're out right now."
Then for the next couple of months every time the phone rang, or an unfamiliar car stopped outside my house I would get that horrible sick feeling.I'm far too paranoid.

>> No.8579522

Only a few months and you're already feeling safe?
samefag from those two posts here. It's been at least 4 or 5 years since the last time I did something that could be considered questionable and I still get messed up whenever the doorbell rings.

>> No.8579549

damn man I have anxiety problems (not the self diagnosed kind) and I can still take it easy.

>> No.8579561

I'm gonna take the cops that are logging my shit on a tour through the most awesome 2hu remixes on youtube.

You reading this asshole? I hope you have fun

>> No.8579618

Link them here.

>> No.8579647
File: 71 KB, 500x475, 1305864769861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suddenly got caught for my loli or piracy, I would just kill myself. It's not like I've got anything to lose.

I'm only alive so I can see how Eva and Berserk end.

>> No.8579655

Are these faggots throttling my connection? Everything's been downloading at 5kbs since my network restarted.

How are you going to catch me in the act if I can't even load any fucking images?
