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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 60 KB, 555x496, ff7 slamdunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8576494 No.8576494 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8576496

/jp/ - Video Game Culture

>> No.8576508


>> No.8576514
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>> No.8576556

Next to you who wouldnt


>> No.8576570
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>You were selling flowers
>You're the slam dunk

>> No.8576571

balamb garden general

>> No.8576593
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>> No.8576615
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Dam, that's what I thought of as well.

>> No.8576630

The localisation was so fucking bad in this game starting with the very first choice.
"Hey, what's going on?"
>You'd better get out of here
>Nothing, hey listen...

You just blew up a reactor and shit was about to go down, telling the girl to get out of the area sounded like the nice thing to say, but it comes out as FUCK OFF.

>> No.8576644

Wow, are you that emotionally retarded that that sentence sounds like "fuck off" to you?

>> No.8576649

They had one month to translate FF7. It came out bad as HELL.

Still wondering why SE hasn't milked this game more with a retranslated version yet or something.

>> No.8576670

Agreed, kind of weird that Square is doing a FF10 remake instead.

>> No.8576675

You should read the comment more carefully.

>> No.8576678


I love the shit translation for both FF7 and tactics, I wouldn't want it any other way.

>> No.8576676

Learnt to read you fucking retard. If you chose the first option the game acts as if you told her to fuck off.

>> No.8576683

Attack while it's tail is up! It's gonna counter attack with its laser!

>> No.8576689
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Say what you will about their previous translator, but at least he was entertaining and also spoke English.

also inb4 spoony bards

>> No.8576701

>IF you attack while its tail's up

>> No.8576704

He's quoting the text that comes up during the battle. It never says "If".

>> No.8576723

because they're aimed at an audience that doesn't understand anything about japan at all. japan does this all the time and you worship them for it. hypocrites.

>> No.8576763

Because of what? Who are you replying to?

>> No.8576783

I think the best part of the FF series was how about all of you go back to /v/.

>> No.8576829

Hahaha oh wow, I don't remember that, is legit?

>> No.8577205

>this whole damn thread

>> No.8577213

what game is this? i saw a stream of an rpg with a basketball player and some other really funny shit joining the party and bosses and situations and text etc. and live with lifetime regret for not knowing what the name is and think about it all the time. what game is it??

>> No.8577222
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Some time after in Don Corneo's manison.

>> No.8577242

Charçes Barkley RPG or somethin

>> No.8577245

>spend everything to perfect body and face
>wanna get fucked by ugly hairy fat men

>> No.8577253


Where did those tits come from?

>> No.8577260

thank you sooo much. yeah i think its that but i remembered it as a sega genesis super nintendo sega cd hack for some reason...i guess it looked too advanced for that and looked more like a videogame. i probably saw that back in 2008 that wikipedia says it came out in. wonder if no one would be interested in watching me stream this now. probably not

>> No.8577266

better question to ask is why didn't they use a phoenix down on aries?

>> No.8577274

they ran out of them and the nearest shop was way too far.

by the time they got back with one she'd already start rotting so they dumped her carcass in the water.

>> No.8577277

Phoenix Down doesn't revive you from death, just being knocked out.

>> No.8577282

If only she had auto revive

>> No.8577286

so they never died and were resurrected they were just "fainted" and "healed" you say?

>> No.8577287

how does auto revive work?

>> No.8577291

>Name: Phoenix Down
Max Limit: 99
Description: Revives a single character from KO with 1/4 of Max HP

>> No.8577294

FF6 and FF7 confused the hell out of me when they first came out. Regardless reported..

>> No.8577300

Yes it does! How else you could kill undead with it just by one hit? But plot is that can destroy last flicker of life in character.

>> No.8577303

shoulda started with final fantasy 4
shits fun and relatively easy to get into compared to others with nice high res 16-bit graphics eye candy

>> No.8577314

Aerith's death probably infuriated my inner crusading White Knight the most after Alys' death in Phantasy Star. I wanted to finish the game for the exclusive reason of destroying Sephiroth.

Fuck his sad past and angsty disposition. I want to see him burn.

>> No.8577315

Ok. That description is from those fancy 3d versions..

>> No.8577311

also /a/ i mean /jp/ is gay and final fantasy is gay so thread related.

>> No.8577319

No, it doesn't. Read the in-game description, or a FAQ or something. It kills undead because any healing item damages them.

>> No.8577322


Uh, that was actually the first RPG I ever played. I can never play any version of it ever again because I know the game like clockwork now just like Tactics.

Translation was not nearly as bad from what I remember though.

>> No.8577358

I made sure Cloud went to the Mansion just to make sure the heroines remained pure.
Felt awkward to cross-dress though.

>> No.8577371


>> No.8577375
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I had a ball instead. Laughing like a maniac the entire time, even hoping for something further than just mere crossdressing.

Aye, after reading that playboy magazine when i was a boy (An article about a bond girl that used to be a man), things were no longer the same to me.

>> No.8577390

sup yaoi fangirl

>> No.8577395

>just to make sure the heroines remained pure.
but if you go to that hotel on the right side, he gets buttfucked while he's having one of this seizures/flashbacks

>> No.8577400
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I'm afraid my fetishes aren't something as mundane as simple yaoi.

>> No.8577412

I'm afraid that you are perverted.

>> No.8577420
File: 647 KB, 1100x1600, fuki1_0055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be not afraid.

I am perverted.

>> No.8577425

lol, what a coward

there's nothing wrong with being perverted, the worst you'll get is bible thumpers and moralfags getting their panties in the bunch over you not being an obedient little sheep.

>> No.8577429

I'm afraid that you have been trolled.

>> No.8577430

or banned from /jp/ for not taking it to /h/ or /d/ or on other boards not /b/ or /soc/.

>> No.8577433
File: 513 KB, 1130x1600, fuki1_0056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are "acceptable" perversions (hell, S&M seems to be mainstream nowadays. I saw some of it in daytime soap operas), but then we have fetishes that would get most degenerates nervous or disgusted.

You don't need to have a religion or be part of the thought police for that though. Most people will look at your scat porn and think there is something horribly wrong with you. What about guro? Or actual snuff?

I am not bashing on it, I am simply pointing that there will alwas be people who finds your particular fetish weird or aberrant, even if their own fetish might be equally weird(?).

>> No.8577441


"Selling flowers" was a common front for prostitution in the middle ages.

It's highly unlikely that Aeris could have survived in Midgar just by actually selling flowers at 1 gil a piece.

>> No.8577449

She lived with her parents. It is likely that was not her only source of income, even if she lives rather modestly.

Hell, she actually sells flowers. Who are you, ShindoL?

>> No.8577453
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>> No.8577459

Why are you faggots talking about FF anyways?
Daytime /jp/ has always been terrible, but this is just too much

>> No.8577539

my only fetish is that i like 2d more than 3d.

that and loli, traps, bukkake etc. but all in 2d.

>> No.8577549

Snuff porn doesn't exist you dumbass.

>> No.8577566

You ignore this thread? This isn't even about FF anymore.

>> No.8577603

This is the Otaku culture bitch! But it is a surprise Meido hasn't deleted this yet.

>> No.8577612

if it didn't exist, then it probably exists now after that nicolas cage movie

>> No.8577711

Sorry to break your fantasy, but that shit does exist.


Russian child snuff ring

In 2000 a British investigation led to an international effort to seize materials and break up a gang of child pornographers based in Russia. They were reportedly offering pornographic films of child abuse, in which some died from torture, for sale to clients in Italy, Germany, the U.S. and Britain. Italian police investigators were also involved. The British paper The Observer reported, "The Italian investigators say the material includes footage of children dying during abuse. Prosecutors in Naples are considering charging those who bought the videos with complicity in murder..

>> No.8577752

Child torture snuff films? Now, that is almost as hardcore as it can get. Sugar in the bottom would be if they fucked the dead bodies and make it child torture snuff necro film.

>> No.8577757

>The existence of for-profit snuff films is generally considered an urban legend. Some filmed records of executions and murders exist but have not been made or released for commercial purposes.[2]

>> No.8577779

>generally considered an urban legend
Tells you about as much about whether they actually exist as your own shit. And even if it was wasn't made explicitly for profit a video of somebody being raped to death is still snuff porn.

>> No.8577784

There's a guy who offers a million dollars if you can give him actual proof of a for-profit snuff porn movie and that offer still stands to this day.

>> No.8577788

Aeris never died, she just escaped to Ivalice


>> No.8577797


>Al Goldstein, publisher of Screw magazine, has a standing offer of $1 million for anyone who can come up with a commercially sold snuff film. That offer has been in place for years. No one has yet laid claim to it.

>> No.8577796

>Dmitri Vladimirovich Kuznetsov, a 30-year-old former car mechanic in Moscow, was identified after British Customs and police traced the origin of violent child porn videos found in the UK back to Russia.

>Last week Italian police seized 3,000 of Kuznetsov's videos on their way to clients in Italy, sparking an international hunt for paedophiles who have bought his products. The Italian investigators say the material includes footage of children dying during abuse.
I want my million dollars now.

>> No.8577800

Holy shit it doesn't have to be commercially sold to exist. Nobody fucking commercially sells the virginity of nine-year old girls but you can sure as fuck buy them in the right parts of the world.

>> No.8577801

Enjoy believing in your false scare stories, morons. Snuff films don't exist, just like 9/11 wasn't planned by the US government.

>> No.8577802

the offer is actually a disguised trap. once you do, you will be party vanned.

>> No.8577805

I don't think you can be "commercial" about it. You would get torched. This stuff runs in the black market, and possession of it can get you into jail.

>> No.8577810

Well, gee.

vc: executeth sposeu

>> No.8577817

That's the most obvious trap ever. He'll just report anyone who tries to claim the prize to the authorities.

>> No.8577825

Of course they do exist. Even so rumored cp leaks to this site wondrously. Videos of extreme violence can be found with just google and mostly linked by your friends. Like rule 34, if something concerning sex can be done on this planet it will exist.

>> No.8577829

This shit went from talking about 90's Square localizations to snuff films. Jesus /jp/.

>> No.8577831


commercial just means you're selling it for money.

>> No.8577834

Look, maybe it does happen to be the case that in this whole wide world nobody ever sold a video of a girl being raped to death to anybody else, ever. But in a world where you can buy a girl from human traffickers for a few thousand dollars and rape her to death yourself, I find that pretty fucking hard to believe.

>> No.8577837

We have short attention span and our minds tend to wander.

>> No.8577838

Snuff films are a myth. Read the references in the WP article and stop being an idiot.

>> No.8577847

Try reading the thread or following the links yourself, dumb shit.

>> No.8577849

more like there wasn't much to discuss, by now everybody's got the timer mixed out

>> No.8577858

No, they'd have to make animals fuck the dead bodies.
Or make dead animals fuck them, but they're animated by animatronics.

>> No.8577861


No. Sorry. Links are legit. Just a casual search for it on google will even yield Interpol reports. Snuff exists and you are deluded into thinking it doesn't. Wake up.

>> No.8577867

My google-fu is failing me. Can a gentleman tell me the source of this?

>> No.8577869

Delete Sparky thread? Okay! Fine!
Just delete this shit too.

>> No.8577877

Gacha Gacha Secret. Kind of dumb and fanservice galore.

>> No.8577884


>> No.8577892


The hell are you laughing about? The Guardian is one of the legit papers. It's the Daily Mail and other tabloids you need to be laughing at.

>> No.8577903

Guardian always has such sensationalist bullshit, no wonder they'd run a story on supposed existence of snuff porn.

>> No.8577910 [DELETED] 

>Hayes claimed that he recorded the assault and killing on a 16-hour video, which he described as 'by far the best snuff film ever created'.
He said that he kept hold of the tape for six months before it 'found a home' in Portland, Oregon.

Courtesy of that bastion of journalistic excellence, the Daily Mail.

>> No.8577922

>Hayes claimed that he recorded the assault and killing on a 16-hour video, which he described as 'by far the best snuff film ever created'. He said that he kept hold of the tape for six months before it 'found a home' in Portland, Oregon.

Courtesy of that bastion of journalistic excellence, the Daily Mail.

>> No.8578104

I remember that horrible doujin.

>> No.8579120

They tape smelling salts below their nose

>> No.8580137

She needed Final Attack + Phoenix. Instant full revive on everything. That shit was so broken. Only using Knights and Omni for attacking made me almost fall asleep when I started actually doing the storyline.

>> No.8584759

>mainstream nowadays
>hipster faggot.

>> No.8584769

considering no japanese people go onto here when its daytime in america. daytime /b/ is actually kind of semi decent almost maybe relatively in comparison. threads dont 404 as fast and you can actually get a reply instead of fast gimmick threads.

>> No.8584789

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.8586004

no japanese go on /jp/ when its night in japan and daytime in america. daytime /b/ is better than night /b/. everytime you make a thread it gets no replies and gets deleted unless its a forum game thread where it asks you something or tells you to do something that can get over 100 replies not from discussion but from people responding to op's pic.

>> No.8586025

hey I'm gonna tell you a secret.
Japanese people never visit /jp/

>> No.8589796 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8592490


>> No.8592525

I wouldn't be so sure...
