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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 234 KB, 800x650, Schoolground_CG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8572639 No.8572639 [Reply] [Original]

(Previous thread: >>8490784)


This is a project to collect short stories and bundle them together in VN form. A number of stories were submitted, and three of them have been chosen to receive illustrations and music, to be released in VN form. Art is being worked on for Shining Arms, and music has been made for The Girl.

The stories:
Shining Arms: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/Shining_Arms (musician needed)
The Girl: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/The_Girl (artist needed)
A Bunch of Nonsense: http://jpvn.dyndns.org/index.php/A_Bunch_of_Nonsense (artist and musician needed)

If you would like to draw art or make music for any of these projects, please post in this thread, post on the wiki, or send an e-mail to incompetentleader@yahoo.com.

>> No.8572686


>> No.8572693

I really like this art. I was the guy who worried the first image was a fluke, but it seems to pretty consistent.
Is there a name for this style? The whole grungy textured thing.

>> No.8572696
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Good luck man!

>> No.8572741

Musician here. Will wait until something gets done though; lots of projects have ended in nothing.

>> No.8572787

Writing for all three stories have been done, music for one of the stories has been done, a portion of the art for a story has been done, and text scripting has been done. I suppose you'll contribute music when the project is complete?

>> No.8572801

Really? I think the art is the most important factor for me, will check them out.

>> No.8574347
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A noble endeavor

>> No.8574374

What kind of music are you looking for?

I make obnoxious EDM and sample based instrumental hip-hop.

>> No.8574385

So this will presumably go in the same board as KS.


>> No.8574401

I'll make the music for Shining Arms like HELL, but need more info on what the writer wants.

>> No.8574413

Personally, I don't think any of those stories suit a VN format.

>> No.8574447

Static ones, I guess.

>> No.8574505

did you honestly expect anything better from /jp/?

>> No.8575295
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>> No.8575308

I wonder if this will survive the shitstorm considering it's actually coming close to accomplishing something

>> No.8575316

In constrast to most other projects on /jp/ this has more actual results than "I could do this, need someone to do this", so I hope they keep their motivation.

>> No.8575908
File: 60 KB, 478x408, Although it should at least look better than this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any kind of music you think fits is fine, though if you're doing something unusual (like playing a Sha La La Ecstasy-like track during Shining Arms's molestation scene) you might want to discuss with the author first, lest all the effort on your wonderful dubstep opera soundtrack becomes wasted. I can relay messages to the Shining Arms writer per e-mail, but if you want to contact the A Bunch of Nonsense writer, this thread would be your best bet. (I can also contact the writer for The Girl per e-mail, for interested artists.)

The same thing goes for art: Any style is fine, as long as the author doesn't strongly disagree. You could do it like the Shining Arms artist, making everything really detailed, or you could just illustrate A Bunch of Nonsense with 3 hastily drawn CGs of the inside of a car, a man and a boy walking down a road and a burning card wreck - either is fine. (The former is of course awesome, but the latter is much better than trying the former and losing the motivation for it halfway through.)

>> No.8575920


>> No.8575940
File: 196 KB, 654x840, such a tragic sight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a burning card wreck

>> No.8575948

>a burning card wreck

I wrote nonsense and I am fine with this

>> No.8575951

I recommend Kenny G. music during that molestation scene.

>> No.8576776

Are there any arts for SA that I could see for some visual inspiration? My email is in the field if you don't want to post them here or something.

>> No.8578053

The first post in the thread has a SA art

>> No.8579021

Really? I think that style has a lot of intricate charm to it, unlike the hollow "serious professional" attempts like the OP image.

>> No.8579062

I think I prefer the hollow "serious professional" attempts.

>> No.8579078


Close call, though.

>> No.8579101
File: 9 KB, 287x424, Rejoice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for liking my art. Here's a Kotomine I drew a while back.

>> No.8579116

You have no soul, in that case.
Work on your attitude.
I love it!

>> No.8582074


Here are two tracks I made for A Bunch of Nonsense. Don't know if the author is still around, but let me know if they work.

>> No.8582154
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Cool stuff man

>> No.8582685


As I stated before, I have no preference for art or music, so that's fine with me.

My only advice to duplicate and reverse the intros at the end so they loop properly, lest your musical talent be lost upon the ears of people who can't read very quickly.

>> No.8582726

>My only advice to duplicate and reverse the intros at the end so they loop properly
Not the guy who posted but what do you mean by this? I'm trying to loop a song but I'm having some trouble. There's always a "clicking" when the song loops.

>> No.8582803


I'm not a musician but if I remember my middle school theory of music classes correctly, you can segue into any set of notes by reversing them. IE: A B A C D - D C A B A and it'll sound okay.

I'm sure you knew that already, though. If you're getting a click, my best guess is either whatever you're sampling isn't matching up, or you've got a shitty mixer. Again, I'm not a musician though.

>> No.8582807
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Hoping this works out

>> No.8582830

How are you trying to loop your songs? When a click happens, that usually means your audio waveform gets cut out abruptly. The usual cause for this is when the effects trail (ie, reverb) doesn't actually end when the song ends so you have a bit of extra stuff that may get cut depending on how you loop the song.

There's really no elegant solution to this if the program you are using doesn't support some of crossfade during loops. One way you can sort of abate this is to just manually loop the song once or twice (ie, copy and paste the whole thing to the end), and then proceed to add a fade out for the beginning of the next iteration - sort of like what they do when they translate repeating video game music onto CD releases.

Alternatively, you could tweak the song so that that it loops well enough with some dead silence in the ending.

>> No.8582834

You mean a small click the moment the song starts playing from the beginning?

>> No.8582845

This is Ren'Py, right?
Will there be a Linux release?

>> No.8582857

About things not looping for technical reasons, one thing you must keep in mind is that MP3 will not loop properly in most audio players. Due to a technical issue, there is a tiny bit of silence at the start of every MP3 (which is handled differently by every decoder). Try exporting to a format like OGG to see if it loops correctly.

>> No.8582927
File: 61 KB, 640x640, explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean an annoying "click" sound that sounds when the song reaches the end and starts playing from the begining; this is caused when the audio is getting looped at a non-zero point and it can be fixed easily.

1. Use an audio editor that can zoom into the audio waveform and edit it, like Adobe Audition or Sony Soundforge.
2. Go to the end of your audio and zoom in a lot.
3. Now, you must know that the audio wave *MUST* end at the middle. If it is getting cut off at the top or bottom, that's wrong, and you must cut it a bit until it gets cut off at the middle. I made a shitty MS Paint explanation; the case 1 is probably the one you have; you must reach case 2.
4. Also check the beginning of your song, in case the wave is not starting in the middle for any weird reason. Cut the wave until it starts in the middle.

Summary: A waveform must *start and end* in the MIDDLE. If it's not, it will cause an annoying "click" when reaching the loop point.

This is also true; because of the way MP3 works, you'll most probably get an small silence in the loop point. That's because MP3 adds a small silence at the start and end of waveforms. Use OGG or WAV. But it has nothing to do with clicking; the cause is the one I explained.

Hope it helps.

>> No.8584957

Here are some updated versions with looping


First one is edited to be more player friendly and loop-friendly.

Second one slows down the pace/progression to be more gradual, but also adds more shades of gray to the overall tonality/mood of the piece.

I feel the second one is probably more fitting with the text, but parts of it may not be as agreeable to the ears.

>> No.8586865

The Girl:
>At her feet there was a small dusty tome; it was her father’s suicide diary. She knew the red cover by heart; she was the one that found it and the body after playing with her sister in the woods.
>She never found out what happened to her father, either. Even years after her imprisonment, the girl wondered about the life they are living on the outside.
How does that work?

>> No.8586878

>Will there be a Linux release?
I'd like to know that too.

>> No.8586899

Would it respect our freedoms?

>> No.8586921

The music and art was probably made using non-free software.

>> No.8587007 [DELETED] 

I don't see why this shouldn't be under a Creative Commons license if that's cool with everyone.
Ren'Py is free and open source, and visual novels are more like artworks anyway.

>> No.8587027 [DELETED] 

Like anyone cares. The first gcc was probably compiled with a proprietary cc.

>> No.8587035

Which license would you suggest?

>> No.8587164

I made a new build which contains the three stories without art, including music for The Girl and A Bunch of Nonsense:
http://www.mediafire.com/?hx70c7nkrc5zb79 (Windows)
http://www.mediafire.com/?s9c86f3dass5clk (Linux)

Nonsense writer, could you check to see if you agree with the text scripting (is text displayed the way you want, are the waits for key presses in the correct places, et cetera)?

Since this is Ren'Py, I can make Linux builds, but I can't guarantee they will work. Can you check the Linux build posted above to see if everything works?

If individual contributors would like to put a specific license on their works they are free to do so, but I will not ask them to do more than give permission for using their work in this project. The rights to all contributions lie with their creators and it is up to them what they will do with the rights.

>> No.8587171 [DELETED] 

I personally don't care too much because I'm not involved. Even CC-BY-NC-ND would be fine, and that's probably the most restrictive license. Basically says, "You can download and share this, but you can't sell it or make stuff from it." Which is what everyone has always done since forever, but because it's Creative Commons people seem to care more.

I think the music at least should be CC-BY or CC-BY-NC so people can remix it and use it for their own projects if they give credit. But obviously that's up to the composers to decide.

>> No.8587177

Doesn't work on Debian Stable but that's to be expected since the libraries are old as HELL.

I'll give it a try on Arch.

>> No.8587178 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1304x978, window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Can you check the Linux build posted above to see if everything works?
Everything works fine.

>> No.8587186 [DELETED] 

FWIW I (>>8587178) am running Debian Wheezy. I think it should work as long as you have Python 2.x.
Then again Stable is a million years behind so maybe it still has 2.6 and you need 2.7. It's probably in backports though.

>> No.8587200

I get this error message so it's probably the python-renpy package itself that's old:

Found Ren'Py module version 6.10.1, while expecting 6.12.0.
Trying to run anyway, but you should expect errors.

I really should switch to Wheezy but I don't want to say goodbye to my precious GNOME 2.

>> No.8587219

General Public License or bust. Free as in freedom.

>> No.8587222

how about using public domain songs?

>> No.8587241 [DELETED] 

The Ren'Py module is actually part of the archive. Seems to be in lib/linux-x86/lib/python2.6/. Maybe you have the python-renpy package installed locally and it's trying to use that? Anyway, I can't see this affecting too many people. Katawa Shoujo and such work the same way, after all.

The GPL only really applies to code. I guess OP could license the .rpy files under the GPL, but I don't even see the point. They're more story than script, and I think saying something like, "This game is licensed under the CC-BY-SA" license implies the code is too. Though I briefly remember the CC page saying something about not using it for software. I might look into this because I'm curious now.
For the record, Ren'Py itself is under the MIT license. Free as in do-whatever-the-fuck-you-want.

>> No.8587272 [DELETED] 

IMO that defeats the point of a collaborative project a little. We have musicians on /jp/ and at least two of them are working on songs. If we just went to archive.org and got some classical music, it would waste an opportunity for musically-talented /jp/sies to contribute.

>> No.8587273

>Maybe you have the python-renpy package installed locally and it's trying to use that?
That's certainly the case since the particular error message disappeared after I installed renpy 6.12 from source (the things I do for /jp/) but it still fails to work due to missing modules. I guess it doesn't use the included renpy library because it's 32 bit and my system's 64 bit.

Katawa Shoujo works just fine, though, but I guess it doesn't use the same modules or something.

>> No.8587278

Seeing as two out of the three stories already have music and somebody's expressed interest in making music for the remaining one, I doubt that will be necessary. Royalty-free sounds seem inevitable, though, unless the musicians here are also sound engineers.

GPL is a fucking terrible license. It takes away various kinds of freedom from the people making derivative works, among which the freedom to decide which licenses to use or not to use and the freedom to sell your stuff.

Creative Commons (the organization) does not recommend using Creative Commons licenses for code as there are apparently 'better' programming-specific licenses available. I have yet to see one, though.

>> No.8587297

>GPL is a fucking terrible license.

>It takes away various kinds of freedom from the people making derivative works, among which the freedom to decide which licenses to use or not to use and the freedom to sell your stuff.

The only "freedom" it takes away is their ability to take away that freedom. Fuck off, tyrant.

>> No.8587356 [DELETED] 

> I guess it doesn't use the included renpy library because it's 32 bit and my system's 64 bit.
That's probably why. Guessing the built module only targets 32-bit systems, or the local version gets priority. KS might include both 32-bit and 64-bit versions or something.

>> No.8587374

And you're as closed-minded as the music industry.
'Commercial usage' goes beyond just 'pay me and only then will you have the right to use this'. Pay-what-you-want sales, advertising profits, usage in a commercial product, usage in promotional material for a commercial product - there are countless ways to use a work commercially without restricting anybody's rights to do anything.

I don't like the execution of copyright, which has been mangled over time to no longer support authors but mostly provide support for publishers. But I feel copyleft is even worse than that; although copyright can be used in many ways without restricting a user's freedom, copyleft is fundamentally flawed in that its very foundation lies in restricting certain rights of the user.

Copyleft is as free as the USA. You can shout 'freedom' all you want, but I cannot help but feel that stripping your rights ("for your own sake") doesn't really count as 'freedom'.

>> No.8587382 [DELETED] 

>Creative Commons (the organization) does not recommend using Creative Commons licenses for code as there are apparently 'better' programming-specific licenses available.
I'm guessing it means compiled code though (whether the source code itself or the object code). It makes a point somewhere about people licensing their Web pages under Creative Commons licenses. If HTML and (literary) text can be CC, I don't see why a few hundred lines of Python (that form a larger, literary work) can't be. Besides, the license text doesn't seem to be incompatible with code (it just says "the Work" and gives a few examples). The idea is probably to encourage Creative Commons for artworks as intended, but to leave software to the many decades of license development it has benefited from. I think a VN as a whole is artwork, so it should be fine to say, "This game is under a [whatever]" license at leave it at that (unless the music/art is explicitly under a different license).

The overall freedom offered by a permissive license like MIT/BSD allows you to basically fork and "relicense" (for lack of a better term) it under the GPL. Therefore I think it's a better license overall, but the GPL does work well for things like operating systems where everyone benefits from companies and individuals sharing their changes.
License wars are stupid. Let people license anything under whatever license they choose--even if it's closed-source, commercial and evil--and stop trying to imitate door-to-door preachers.

>> No.8587385 [DELETED] 


>> No.8587411

>Can I apply a Creative Commons license to software?
>We do not recommend it. Creative Commons licenses should not be used for software. We strongly encourage you to use one of the very good software licenses which are already available. We recommend considering licenses made available by the Free Software Foundation or listed at the Open Source Initiative. Unlike our licenses, which do not make mention of source or object code, these existing licenses were designed specifically for use with software. Furthermore, our licenses are not compatible with the GPL, the most frequently used free software license.
>Note that the CC0 Public Domain Dedication is GPL-compatible and acceptable for software. For details, see the relevant CC0 FAQ entry.


tl;dr: Best to use a different license as ours isn't nearly as specific and is incompatible with GPL.

Personally I still license my works with Creative Commons when I slap a license on them regardless. Then again, I make games, which makes the whole thing more complicated.

>> No.8587420 [DELETED] 

> 'Commercial usage' goes beyond just 'pay me and only then will you have the right to use this'. Pay-what-you-want sales, advertising profits, usage in a commercial product, usage in promotional material for a commercial product - there are countless ways to use a work commercially without restricting anybody's rights to do anything.
You are allowed to use GPL software commercially. Even selling it directly:
However you still have to distribute it under the terms of the GPL. This means that people can request the source code from you for free or for a price no more than the cost of distribution (e.g. the cost of the CD you send it on or the bandwidth you use up). Not sure if this has changed in the GPLv3, and it's been a while since I read the license so I could be interpreting this wrong here.

> I don't like the execution of copyright, which has been mangled over time to no longer support authors but mostly provide support for publishers.
I think everyone agrees with this. If you look back to the Berne Convention, copyright makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately the "industry" found a way to manipulate it, and it actually harms author's rights. It's a shame because it's a really great idea, but the way it has been abused means plenty of people are "against copyright" when really they should be for some sort of copyright reform. I like how people have fought back though and managed to make money in other ways, to the point where their works may as well have been public domain.

>> No.8587425 [DELETED] 

> But I feel copyleft is even worse than that; although copyright can be used in many ways without restricting a user's freedom, copyleft is fundamentally flawed in that its very foundation lies in restricting certain rights of the user.
The point is that you're restricted from impeaching on other people's rights. Similar to how laws restrict you from waltzing into somebody's home, because that would be a violation of their right to privacy. It's not a system I fully agree with, but I do think it's the lesser of two evils.
> I cannot help but feel that stripping your rights ("for your own sake") doesn't really count as 'freedom'.

It's actually stripping your rights for others' sake. The point is that if John Doe has to use the GPL, other people's rights to distribute/modify/copy/etc. are intact. At least under the terms of the GPL. Though I too don't think that's really freedom--true freedom should let you do whatever you want, even if those actions themselves don't support freedom (GNU's definition or otherwise). This is why I think the FSF should have called themselves the "Anti-Proprietary Software Foundation" instead of the Free Software Foundation, and used the term "anti-proprietary" instead.

>> No.8587431 [DELETED] 

I actually emailed rms about games. He basically supports the Frictional Games model: release the source code under a free license, release the assets as whatever. He made a point that artwork should be shareable but it doesn't have to be free.

>> No.8587690


Reading my own work is kind of a drag because it makes me want to edit it, but I took a look.

There's a bunch of waits I'd pepper along, but it's too much work to mention them all. More likely I'd script it myself. In the meantime, it's plenty serviceable. The only real problem is you dropped a line.

>I didn't judge people by their covers, especially when covered in blood and glass.

If you've got the time to rescript, I'd much prefer you correct a few of my writing fuckups so I don't have to grit my teeth reading my own work. The most glaring ones being.

>That made the child go quiet, for some reason.
extraneous comma
>Pleasant as it was to just walk a lonely road under the stars, my feet really hurt by this point, so I was having trouble enjoying it.
extraneous comma: my feet really hurt by this point. So I was having trouble enjoying it.
>He had a point there, but I didn't trust the kind of kid phantom that would be born of my imagination, so I followed him.
extraneous extraneous comma: He had a point there. Still, I didn't trust the kind of kid phantom that would be born of my imagination so I followed him.
>with my car parked next to goddamn cornfield

Atleast it seems pretty cool with the music though.

>> No.8587706

anyone know if the japs have ever done something like this?

Doesn't seem like it should be that uncommon of an idea.

>> No.8587708

Hey, guys, author of Shining Arms here. If you wanna contact me for any reason, I'm trying to monitor the threads a little more closely now.

Hey, if you are still here, I do need someone to do music.. I'm more curious as to what genres you have experience with.

>> No.8587720 [DELETED] 

There have been a few Futaba projects but as far as I'm aware, no VNs. I guess it's because, like in the West, they're hard to organize. Most people branch off and form their own teams, think Katawa Shoujo. In fact I think this is how most VNs start.

>> No.8587769

I'd love to do the music if you still need it. I can do whatever genre you want except rock/metal (my guitar is out of commission). I got an okay mix of stuff on my soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/zunbar

If you can be really specific with what genre you want (or even examples of existing songs that convey the sort of mood you're looking for) then it would help a lot.

>> No.8588001

I do need it, desperately. Can I give you my e-mail and we can mail back and forth about it that way we don't spam the thread with it/spoil it for the public?
I check my e-mail pretty often and reply when I can, meganesenpai@gmail.com (I'm trusting that /jp/ won't spam me).

>> No.8588013


To be honest, if you discuss it offboard, this thread will just be some retard bumping it over and over like the last one so it doesn't die. That's about equally annoying

>> No.8588907 [DELETED] 

Well, I suppose we could discuss it here. It will be public knowledge soon anyway.
I was looking through your tracks, and I was thinking something big and heroic/dramatic like Back Fire would be nice for the scenes with the arm appearing.

>> No.8589547

>Music complete, no sound
Heh, sounds ridiculous.

Are you planning to put special effect sounds like footsteps or sound a female's heavy breathing?

>> No.8589550


Sup guys? I am late to the party, but I was hoping someone might like to read my story and tell me what they thought. Thanks.

>> No.8590467

Well, there are currently moments of pure silence in The Girl, which is a bad thing, and A Bunch of Nonsense has at least one clear example of INSERT SAMPLE HERE (the car crash).

>> No.8592425

Let the bumping begin.

>> No.8594258
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>> No.8594449

>, copyleft is fundamentally flawed in that its very foundation lies in restricting certain rights of the user.

It restricts the user's ability to molest their creation. I really don't see the problem here, freedom hater.

>> No.8597473


>> No.8599444

Everybody is free to do as they please, unless it's something I don't like. That's how freedom works, right?

>> No.8599465

Everyone is free to do as they please so long as it doesn't prevent other people from doing as they please.

It's a pretty obvious and necessary compromise.

>> No.8599472

BSD zealots are the most hypocritical people.

GPL: Freedom hating restriction of others' rights
Proprietary EULAs: A-OK

Permissive licenses are for people who for whatever reason just don't care one way or the other. Taking an ideological BSD/X11/MIT/ISC ONRY stance while telling people not to use strong copyleft just makes you look like an idiot.

>> No.8600245

How does one write a story anyway? Do you draw a flowchart and fill in all the details until it's complete, or do you start from the beginning and let your imagination do the rest? I'm bored and want to try writing.

>> No.8600268

I just write and go along with it. It's really a hit or miss method.

If I do outlines, I spend too much time on the outline instead of the actual story. Usually once I finishing building my base structure I'm too burnt out to do the walls.

>> No.8601087

A shit. A big one.

>> No.8602766


>> No.8602775

I make up my stories as I go along. Then I go back and make a list of everything I liked and didn't and just jeep rewriting it. Having an outline helps prevent writer's block.

>> No.8604530

I tend to think up the start and finish of stories without writing anything down (only in my mind), then start to write at the start until I reach the end of the story.

>> No.8604596

Did a fist pump for slime girls. Not the best story though. It's suited more as an LN than VN, but still doesn't have the LN feel. The way you write feels too pretentious or just... not 'fun'. Try writing like you're talking with a friend and edit it from there. Either add something to the story that keeps the readers interested, or have something happen. Slime girls are fantasy, but your story is too plain.

>> No.8606944


>> No.8610097


>> No.8611887


>> No.8613319


>> No.8613349

You know if this ever gets released it will immediately be banned from the board, as it's english.

>> No.8613358

You can stop bumping the thread needlessly.
I took care of that for you today

There isn't really much to discuss at the moment, which is why the thread is dying. At this point it is all up to the artists and musicians to keep working and fill us with hope. Maybe we'll complete a project for once.

That said, what happens after we complete it? Another round? Or is it over?

>> No.8613385

fail VN gon fail

maybe you idiots should try hiring artists and musicians BEFORE you actually decide to write a VN and announce it.

or spend the time you waste sitting here hoping some artist will decide to help, and learn how to compose simple music with trackers and draw simple animu looking crap

>> No.8613431

We already have artists and musicians working. It isn't like we are waiting for them to magically appear.

>> No.8613490

>The girl’s life ended short after she lost her voice for the second time.

Sounds pretty real deal.

>> No.8614589

Cool spoiler, bro.

>> No.8617174

We do have musicians working, but only one artist. Two stories are still lacking artists.

>> No.8617181

That's the most idiotic way to go about it.
Do you know what you look like when you do that? A fucking idiot demanding people do things for you for free with nothing to even show. It's like saying "Come draw shit for me for free, no I haven't done anything, but I'm an idea guy, come on."

You write the fucking script first. Polish it. Edit it. Edit it again and cut 10% off of it. Then you look for artists and musicians.

>> No.8620197

>That said, what happens after we complete it? Another round? Or is it over?
A second volume would be great, but I suppose that will depend on how this project goes. No use thinking of plans for after the project is finished in a community that consistently manages to fail every project it starts.

>> No.8622206


>> No.8624293

I'm not sure why I'm bumping this.

>> No.8625310

Please, just let this poor thing die. It makes my heart hurt to see this forever rotting at the bottom of the last page.

>> No.8628327

Probably because nothing is happening. Doesn't mean the project is dying though. In fact it's very much alive, just be patient.
