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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8569503 No.8569503 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8545024

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8569705

Pre-ordered my copy of dracu riot from Sofmap for the bed sheet. Looking forward to it.

>> No.8569767

Just started playing Shikkoku no Sharnoth, I'm at the first minigame. I like the setting so far.

>> No.8569784

Playing Trample on Schatten R

Anyone have the uncensored version?

>> No.8569791

Still on Galaxy Angel 2...finished Milfie, Ranpha and Fortre, partway through Vanilla.

I really wish I could skip these battles.

>> No.8569792

Hmm, google reverse image search finds nothing, and iqdb fares no better.
So what's the source of that image? Some pxiv profile?

>> No.8569793


Would be nice if I could see that "International" version somewhere out there. It was download-only.

>> No.8569810

Finished Niji no Kanata ni, very mediocre, not what I expected.

Next to play= G-Senjou no Mau

>> No.8569823

Twinkle Crusaders SBX
It's bundled with Twinkle Crusaders PSS.

>> No.8569815
File: 126 KB, 600x297, hatoful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatoful boyfriend, a game of dating pigeons. The doctor is a fat fuck.


>> No.8569856

Apparently Shiny Days will have NTR, possibly with Kokoro.

>> No.8569871

Just started Axanael, entertaining but it isn't mind blowing so far.

>> No.8569923

Looking forward to that new game by Light that comes out this month.

I wasn't very fond of the art style at first, but it really grew on me.

>> No.8569924

>so far
And in general. It's probably one of the worst normal length n+ titles.

>> No.8569930

Don't expect it to ever be mindblowing.

Well for me I'm going to do Sakura Taisen 1 and 2 since I found them cheap on PSP.
I'm not expecting too much since it's a bit old but it's a pretty legendary series in Japan

>> No.8569972

Just finished Eustia. I was at first hesitant to play because the rumors, but I did like the last chapter.
Maybe because I understood what the writer tried to do, and admired the idea even if it could be more well executed. Or maybe because until I saw Caimu going hetare and retarted, I always felt like japanese writers forgot the true meaning of 成長.

>> No.8570009

Been trying to find old Studio E.go games and failing.
I found an active torrent but it turns out to be Chinese translated stuff.

I guess I'll just give up.

How is that growth? He practically regressed.

>> No.8570103

Playing Chinami's route in Hoshimemo while heavily resisting the urge to play through Venus Embryo in Twinkle Crusaders PSS.

SBX is fun, though there's quite a few broken characters now. A team of Illear, Lullshare, Azel, Masaki/Asuna, etc. can rape pretty much anything.

>> No.8570129

All of my envy, until I receive some more money in the next few days and confirm if I'll have enough to order it.

>> No.8570152

Currently reading YMK, enjoying what I've read so far.

>> No.8570162 [DELETED] 

visual novels go to /jp/
oh, wait. It IS /jp/. I have mistaken it with a cow's shit.

>> No.8570170

Emotional growth is growth.
Caim at the beginning was detached about everything, he basically spoke like an outsider to the events which is why he felt preachy at times.
During the game he learns to really care about the people around him and Tia in particular.
And in the last chapter, that is the only chapter that actually develop a romance (the other "routes" are far too short and inconsequential) Caim stop being an outsider.
Him being a hetare during that chapter make sense since he is stuck between his feelings for Tia and his trust in Lucius.

I thought the build-up and thematic strength was good even though I agree that execution-wise the last chapter could have been a bit better

>> No.8570193

Gonna complete the afterstory route of CLANNAD then go on to Symphonic Rain.

Dunno, what to do afterwards...maybe muv-luv or that orther type-moon VN.

>> No.8570211

About the venus blood series, are the games tronjgly connected with each other or just some references allowing you to start in more or less any game?

>> No.8570235

I wonder how these threads will welcome the /a/ and /v/ browsers

>> No.8570246

I see a lot of those on clubbox. There's a shitload of pre-2003 eroge on it.

>> No.8570308

You can start pretty much anywhere. Empire(and Desire to a lesser extent) has a bunch of clear bonus characters from past games but that's about the extent of it.

Though if you have any interest in Desire you'll want to play it first since the games really evolved from Empire onwards. Playing Desire after Empire would feel pretty gimpy.

The first 2 games aren't even in the same genre so you can do whatever you want with them.

>> No.8570350

Ok, that makes it a lot easier.
I suppose I'll start with desire to get a taste on the games.

>> No.8570523

You might want to spoiler that.

I disagree. He already had feeling for Tia before. His change into a hetare was a sudden one and was a result of a false dilemma Lucius forced him to believe. He was indoctrinated into believing that Lucius way is right and couldn't find a way to reconcile it with his feelings for Tia. This isn't emotional growth, just a poor man that lost the ability to think for himself.

To be honest I was kinda disappointed on how easily Caim gave way. One would've expected a hardened assassin to not be easily swayed by mere words, especially from a noble.

Pisses me off that we don't even get the satisfaction of killing Lucius.

>> No.8570543

fucking upload this VN.

>> No.8570552

Aw fuck, I just remember I never finished quartette, and now if I want to read it again I'm gonna have to do it from the beginning.


>> No.8570573

I am actually fairly new to VNs, unless you count Phoenix Wright, which I don't so...
I attempted to play KS before discovering it wasn't for me. I then discovered Monster Girl Quest, downloaded it because that is my fetish, and proceeded to receive a well written, humorous and charming story that I was willing to play even after I was done fapping. I am now waiting for Part 2 to become 100 percent complete.

>> No.8570587

I'm just playing Family Project at the moment and please, can someone tell me it gets better? I'm on the part of assigning rooms to everyone in the house. The beggining was good and intriguing, finding Chunhua but its fucking boring now.
Does it get intresting soon? Or should I move on to Saya no Uta/Syphonic Rain waiting for me?

>> No.8570614

It's not a good vnto start with. It's so highly ranked by the japs because it changed conventions and shit like that. Mainly due to nostalgia.

But I liked it all said and done.

>> No.8570623

Try Saya no Uta.

>> No.8570624

Be sure to stay on the main route, the other ones just fall off.

>> No.8570634

Overrated. It was pretty good, then went downhill FAST. The main story’s excessively long, and I just couldn’t bring myself to finish all the endings.

>> No.8570646

Family Project is really long and slow paced. Full of generic drama and rehashed monolouges. I didn't really like it. It had some touching moments but god damn it gets tiring. There are much better choices to read instead

>> No.8570640

Its not my first VN I've played YMK, Ever 17 and even KS. But I just cant get into Family Project without having to get drunk.

>> No.8570642
File: 423 KB, 793x591, yukari2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly working my way through Paca Plus still. This game is riddled with cliches, but the fucking llama keeps appearing and I burst into laughter for minutes at a time. I know I should stop playing, but I can't help it. The fact that the llama has its own voice is just icing on the cake.

Cliches so far:
High school class doing a maid cafe for the school festival
Main character who is rough around the edges and isn't really good at anything or motivated to do anything
Obligatory scene where the main character sees his girlfriend playing violin and thinks to himself, "I don't have anything like that. I want to be able to stand on the same level as her."

>> No.8570650
File: 2.41 MB, 2300x2200, Babys First VN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got an up to date version of this chart if it exists?

>> No.8570661


>> No.8570670

llama ≠ alpaca

>> No.8570672

Just play YMK and then go to vndb.com and look for something that catches your eye

>> No.8570714

Yea all ready played through YMK and about half of that chart, well the translated ones.
I've used VNDB a fair bit to find a few others such as forest was just easier using the chart, I'll go back to VNDB.
Thanks anyway.

>> No.8570737

Anyone else think we should really have a segregated english VN thread, since /a/ has moved their discussion here? To avoid this sort of thing cluttering up these threads all the time

>> No.8570766

Holy shit I can't stop laughing

>> No.8570772

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.8570773

Yes, I think so. I also feel uncomfortable talking about translated VNs here.

>> No.8570791

You're pathetic

>> No.8570799

You should at least play all the green ones on >>8570650

>> No.8570802

Someone already did this and was said to delete it.
But yeah, if this thread will continue as it's now, it'll be best thing to do.

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.8570803

I don't want to hear that from someone from 4chan.

>> No.8570848
File: 152 KB, 1280x800, fffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, this girl is truly something special. I agree with that anon who said that she pulls some really mean-spirited shit but still, she's just too adorable most of the time.

>> No.8570886
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Im on ks.

>> No.8570896
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>> No.8570903


>> No.8570905

I'm in the start of Sana's route in Angel Ring, and I must say, this is a kamige. I was also originally only going to play it for the imouto, but I think I will also do Azusa's after.

>> No.8570907

How long until Kamidori editing is done?

>> No.8570916

Those tits are out of control, someone call the competent authorities for the love of christ.

>> No.8570924
File: 170 KB, 400x400, What the fuck am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Babby's first
>Higurashi, Saya, ChaosHead, Sharin

>Favored by most
>Kana, Quartett, ef

>SubaHibi, S;G, Amagami, KnS

>> No.8570931

Striking where it hurts the most.

>> No.8570945

This was made for beginners you retard. From the perspective of someone who needs to use that guy, untranslated games like Subahibi are, yes, obscure.

>> No.8570955

Normally I'm all for being elitist, but I don't really see the point in this case. These threads move slow enough that I don't think there's too much danger of them becoming cluttered. Besides, there's going to be some overlap in content between the translated and untranslated discussion.

I know, right?
I usually don't go for main heroines, but she was by far the best of the bunch.

>> No.8570967

Did Japan ever make a similar recommendation picture?

>> No.8570983
File: 105 KB, 1769x2150, eroge rankings 1999-2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8570985

Saya no Uta is definitely a babby's first. It's short, has only two choices and is easy to get into.

It was my first at least unless you count stuff like Snatcher and Phoenix Wright.

>> No.8570978

>I usually don't go for main heroines, but she was by far the best of the bunch.
I liked Hana too, too bad her route is shit

>> No.8570993

There's no reason to insult me, you asshole.

>> No.8571014

My first was Fate/Stay Night.

Well, I guess I did read some of Heart de Roommate before then, but at the time I just thought of it as a "porn game" so I don't really count it. Fate/Stay Night was the first I actively sought out as a VN.

>> No.8571012
File: 80 KB, 800x800, 1328775802985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not really a recommendation pic though.

This is one

>> No.8571039

I do not care about you or your feelings - if you are offended then I recommend you kill yourself, you immature piece of shit.

>> No.8571048

I don't get why Kamikaze Explorer was ranked that high. I played it and it was nothing to write home about.

>> No.8571066

Pretty much.
There's a reason we were calling it Tits Explorer when it came out.

>> No.8571068

What a miserable year it was.

>> No.8571055

>but I think I will also do Azusa's after.
Best Heroine.
Best Route.
Best Faces.

>> No.8571057

Because TITS

>> No.8571063

>That's not really a recommendation pic though
It is though. Fulfills the same function at least.

>> No.8571096

The best first VN is Hanachirasu. Just sayin'.

White album for me at the moment.

>> No.8571110

>Angel Ring
What? Where?

>> No.8571106

As it is, the translation progress threads are basically serving the purpose of english VN discussion, but they only pop up once a week and usually are filled past bump limit within a day or two. I don't think it's elitist to suggest giving more space for that discussion the rest of the week

>> No.8571123

Oh what do we have here, an Internet tough teenager. I never see them on 4chan.

>> No.8571135

It's Sakura, he thinks Extra is better than Alternative.
I'd take his opinion with a grain of salt.
Though Angel Ring is on my backlog too.

>> No.8571146

No, I'm serious, if you can't deal with an empty insult like "retard" then you might as well get the fuck out and finish yourself.

>> No.8571148

VNTS threads are full of translator drama. I rarely see any actual VN discussion.

>> No.8571141

It's Sakura.

>> No.8571181 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8571172 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8571177

I'm exaggerating. There is nothing wrong with it so far though. The characters are pretty likeable, the humour isn't bad, and the imouto is quite moe.

Oh, you guys.

>> No.8571201 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8571189 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8571207

I'm not him. I know this is not a forum and shit like retard, faggot, autist, etc. are thrown around everywhere and aren't really insults, but you're just going overboard. No need to reply to him since >>8570993

>> No.8571209 [DELETED] 


>> No.8571239 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 266x200, 1329322403058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get a girl in your Aikido class to like you

Talk to her before and after each class. If she's just sitting in a chair, or standing somewhere, go up to her and talk about something interesting. But make sure she isn't already talking to someone else.
Ask her for her email address or her IM. Do this at least the fifth time you see her if you talk to her a lot, and if she asks why, you don't have to tell her it's because you like her, just turn it around and ask why not.
Don't make fun of her if she does sloppy push-ups, or a bad counter. You can do it once in a while, but not every time you go. Try not to be too patronizing, but it could give you the opportunity to show off and help her with her technique. However some girls might take offense to any form of criticism so be careful.
While sparring her, if you get to do so, don't go too hard on her, but don't go so easy that it's obvious. Remember, she IS learning the same techniques as you, and may well feel you are insulting her abilities by going easy on her.
Compliment her on her Aikido skills after class. Girls love it when they get compliments. If she's more advanced than you, ask her to help you with a technique. It'll give you the opportunity to talk to her while flattering her skill.
Saying Good bye. When you're leaving, or when she's leaving (which ever is first), say good bye to her. The best way to say it is see you later, so the girl knows that you actually want to see her later.
Make sure you don't have anything stuck in your teeth when you talk to her.
If there are any awkward silences in your conversations, quickly say something funny or interesting.
If you're talking to her, stare into her eyes and don't look around in different places in the room. It'll annoy her.
Check if your dojo has any rules about dating someone from the class. Some have rules like this to prevent both sexual harassment and interpersonal drama from cropping up in class.

>> No.8571291 [DELETED] 

For 10 years now I've been living with a secret (or more accurately, a lie) and I've decided this situation cannot continue. I am forced to deny an integral part of myself to friends and family, if it was widely known, I would be unemployable, most women would turn away in disgust at the thought of romance, I would be unable to see many of my relatives and also be perpetually vulnerable to physical assault. I am a girl-lover - what you would call a pedophile. I am sexually attracted to girls from 5 years old (occasionally as young as 3), with the ages of about 8-9 being preferred. For what it's worth, I am attracted to adult women also. I refuse to cope with the secrets and lies that this aspect of my life requires; together with a desire to do some good for those in my situation I have made a plan for ACTION - I have identified a list of people who represent the clearest danger to child-lovers this nation; they are members of the judiciary, individual "vigilantes", particular journalists et cetera. All of the names on this list have caused terrible harm to "my people". They are the targets, I have weapons and the skill and the will to use them. I go forward with this work in the hope that others will follow - may our enemies soon know fear to moderate their hate, I do not hope to survive long once embarking on this path but do not pity me - making this decision has given me hope and purpose that a hidden life would never have provided. Farewell, and when you learn of my fate do not mourn me but rather celebrate what I am about to do.

>> No.8571323

What the fuck happened?
Don't shit up the only good thread in this board

>> No.8571334

moot happened

>> No.8571356

No, shitposters happened.

>> No.8571372

I don't really follow the translation progress threads, but it seems weird to have two eroge general threads separated solely by translation.

I mean, if Muramasa got translated, would I still be able to discuss it here or would I have to go the translated thread?

>> No.8571385

Some of it is shitposting, but a lot of it is the VN fans from /a/ and /v/ being told that they have to relocate here. Blame moot, or blame yourselves for telling him not to make a /vn/ for them to go to, when he was ready to.

>> No.8571404

You'd go to the inevitable Muramasa general threads that would be made for a few weeks/months after release, and then you'd go to the translated one.

>> No.8571421

Go to /m/'s VN thread.

>> No.8571420

if you played it in english there, if you played the original here is what I guess people would like to happen

>> No.8571435

What would be the difference? If he made a /vn/ we'd have to go there to discuss VNs, and there would still be the same people from /a/ and /v/ there. /jp/ was always for VNs, moot said so when he made the board.

>> No.8571447

I'm sure even if he made a /vn/ everyone would be fine with still discussing untranslated VNs here. And the discussion of translated VNs could move over there.

>> No.8571455 [DELETED] 

I hate weeaboos. I don't conisder myself a weeaboo, I'm actually Japanese for real, well almost. I will be when I live in Japan though. Right now I'm studying japanese, japanese history and I'm following Bushido, the way of the warrior. This is why I hate weeaboos that know 5 words in japanese and use them all the time, kawaai baka DESU NE MOTHERFUCKER. I'm actually trying to become Japanese for real unlike all these faker wees. FUCK YOU WEEABOOS

So my question is, how good are my chances of becoming Japanese for real?

>> No.8571459 [DELETED] 


>> No.8571467

By what logic? How is that any different than now? You could simply say that, even though VNs are generally to be discussed on /jp/, translated VNs can still get discussed on /v/a/.

>> No.8571478

Not mad, but made me reply and laugh.

>> No.8571482 [DELETED] 

I hate weeaboos. I don't conisder myself a weeaboo, I'm actually Japanese for real, well almost. I will be when I live in Japan though. Right now I'm studying japanese, japanese history and I'm following Bushido, the way of the warrior. This is why I hate weeaboos that know 5 words in japanese and use them all the time, kawaai baka DESU NE MOTHERFUCKER. I'm actually trying to become Japanese for real unlike all these faker wees. FUCK YOU WEEABOOS

So my question is, how good are my chances of becoming Japanese for real?

>> No.8571469

Is すきま桜とうその都会 worth a try? Seems pretty interesting.

>> No.8571486 [DELETED] 

I can't believe you fucking morons waste your life here. Listen, this is your LIFE. You need to be living with real human beings. You need to go find a girlfriend and spend time with her. You need to find happiness. Happiness is not in your online games or crappy manga books, it is in other people.

Do you really want to be 40 years old and look back to your 18-25 years and realize you pissed them away in fits of loneliness playing RPGs and crying yourself to sleep? I know most, if not all of you, had no real childhood or high school experiences because you were too busy being antisocial losers. Change that, now. How much greater would your life be now had you worked up the courage to talk to that one girl and go to the prom with her? Wouldn't high school have been amazing if you actually went out with friends on the weekend and saw movies? This is why you people love anime so much, because it portrays these perfect people going through high school living the lives YOU wish you could have lived back then.

Stop wasting your time on the Internet. Look outside and see the trees and the sun. Please. There is a world out there. There are interesting people all over. Why do you want to throw away what is left of your life playing fictional RPGs when real life is one big RPG with real consequences and relationships?

Are you just afraid? I mean, look at me, I own this boat.

>> No.8571495

Yeah it's good, I liked it.
It has some good twists and the writing is actually kind of nice and enjoyable to read.

>> No.8571519

yea no

>> No.8571509

Please don't shitpost.

>> No.8571581 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 5000x5000, 1328671841869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8571616

Sounds good, thanks.

>> No.8571645

Is there a recommended route order for Itsusora?
I read somewhere the routes pretty much assume information you get in the others.

>> No.8571659 [DELETED] 

Ara ara, this isn't neccesarily a toku thread, you can talk about television.

I'm starting to get tired the sound my PC cooler makes, and PC is starting to get a little too interactive for my preferences...

>> No.8571654

Futami > Konome > San
San can only be read if you do the other routes anyways.
But do Futami first

>> No.8571663 [DELETED] 

That's not true. MIT had an electromechanical computer used for integration in the 1920s, and the US Navy used electromechanical computers to generate their artillery firing tables during WW2.

Also, in OP's pic Flandre looks like she's about to eat a dick.

>> No.8571686

>Futami > Konome > San
I did Futami -> San -> Konome following some suggestion on 2ch and don't regret it one bit, I think it may have made the game better for me. San is unlocked once you do either, not both, and the route itself is pretty underwhelming while I found Konome's climax pretty great and an awesome way to end the game.

>> No.8571702

Yeah, Konome's route was my favorite too.
I didn't know you could do San after only one route, that could be a good order I guess

>> No.8571724
File: 413 KB, 808x649, and her cat too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I played WtK yesterday (risa route). More than anything, it made me laugh and stare at my screen in disbelief, "what the fuck am I reading"-style. Anyone got any recommendations for VNs similar to WtK in that regard?

>> No.8571733

download? torrent?

>> No.8571735
File: 388 KB, 808x649, OHGODWHATTHEFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571742

In what regard? I don't get it.
There are plenty of generic galge you might like. Shuffle! or Little Busters or something.

WtK was really fun though, and the art was great. Except for that one picture that someone will now post.

>> No.8571744

Overdrive artist is clearly getting worse and worse. Not that he was ever good, but these bland copypaste characters are seriously boring. They lack soul

>> No.8571740

Played and loved Senguka Rance. Really disappointed that my brief glance around didn't reveal that any particular group was going to translate the one that comes afterwards.

Can someone tell me if any other translated Rance is worthwhile? Or is the latest Rance is being translated after all?

>> No.8571757 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 360x240, Count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5. 5 videos.

>> No.8571767

I hope the thing actually comes out. I'm kind of worried, with the recent news about Overflow.

>> No.8571784

This any good?

>> No.8571778
File: 18 KB, 1425x144, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8571781

Anyone read no longer human?

>> No.8571808

So for Symphonic Rain do I need to be good at these music mini games?
Because I suck at it and I'm afraid that I'm going to get bad ends

>> No.8571805

Sengoku Rance? Yeah, it's definitely worth a look.

Also as far as other translated titles go, I think the first and second games are translated.

>> No.8571814

What the hell? First time I see this.

>> No.8571818

There's an auto mode if you really suck at it.
Just do something else while the game plays for you.

>> No.8571822

How do I motivate myself to learn the Japanese language?

>> No.8571827

I'm not even a regular browser of /jp/, I just strolled in here to poke around because of all the KS hullabaloo in /v/, and I want to stab whoever wrote that in the fucking face. What a stupid dick.

>> No.8571828

hey, shit for brains, who are you quoting?

>> No.8571839

Go ask on /v/ or /a/. /jp/ is not a good place for VN newbies.

>> No.8571841
File: 176 KB, 850x628, Rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep trying, you have to get used to the songs.
If you really cant do it, there's always auto-mode.

>> No.8571830


>> No.8571833

I sought out Fate/stay night after watching the anime and hearing there was a game that it was adapted from, not even knowing what a visual novel was. Still found it, played it and had fun anyway, then waited for ages for an UBW translation patch.

Did anyone else get into NVLs and ADVs via a single title without knowing what visual novels were beforehand?

>> No.8571849

Why do people hate Ichirin and Unzan?

>> No.8571846

We're getting some people coming over here from /a/, and to some extent some from /v/ who want to get away from the KSfags.

>> No.8571851

This is /jp/, so I am obliged to ask,

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8571852

For me, I came to /jp/ for Touhou, and got into VNs after finding out about and reading Tsukihime.

>> No.8571869

Why are touhous eating hamburgers so cute?

>> No.8571874

Who are you quoting?

lol sorry but I always wanted to get a chance to say that

>> No.8571875

Face it, /jp/.

This place is a shit.

>> No.8571965
File: 1.10 MB, 2878x4104, 208574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried Witch of the Holy night. I haven't played it to the end (yet) bit engine is really amazing. It's almost likeI am watching a movie.


>> No.8571994

I take it you haven't already tried stuff like Gothic Delusion or Muv-Luv Alternative.

>> No.8572002

Does it really matter?

>> No.8572023

Is there a recommended route order for Grisaia (similar to HoshiMemo?) I'm currently on Amane's route, but I think I'd prefer Sacchi more. Please tell me you can tenderly rape her.

>> No.8572013

おはよ 四ちゃん

>> No.8572015 [DELETED] 

Yeah, migrant from /v/, here. I decided about two weeks after KS released to start toying around with the genre as a whole. I understand KS is literally the defining idea of "entry-level" as far as VNs go, but I'm slowly feeling around.

The KSGs are getting completely out of hand, and have been for about a month, now. As someone who actually enjoyed KS extensively, the KSGs are to blame for sparking the current shitstorm. They should have taken the hint of that one poster and just let the threads gracefully die on the first of february, but no, they are driving the subject into the ground. I took my discussion of the VN to a steam group chat (most of you probably know which one), and did my part to try and let the threads die peacefully. By now, I'd say KS is a cancerous example of what is wrong with /v/, just with another media than video games.

Anyways, I'm discussing board meta too much. I grabbed the apparently /jp/-made diagram from a VN general on /v/. I might as well repost it for the sake of the current thread.

>> No.8572019

I wish it wasn't so fucking dull.
Writing entertaining SoL isn't that hard after 15 years writing Nasu.

>> No.8572035

ITT /a/tards are shocked to find out that their super serious anime is originally from an eroge we all played years ago.

>> No.8572039

Too bad there's no plot. I appreciate all the work on the visual side, but if they tried to fit in some plot more than " the monsters are being controlled by someone", which is not even worth of spoiler tags actually, I would have been happier. Also no voice still sucks.

>> No.8572029

I was just reading a FSN powerlevel discussion and there's something I don't get. How did Shirou become Archer originally? His flashbacks mention he was betrayed by the people he tried to protect... but who? How?

>> No.8572046

Get out.

>> No.8572047

ITT: People responding to daily dose shitposters.
ITT: Hypocrisy.
ITT: Meta.

>> No.8572048
File: 2.78 MB, 3600x1920, 1328840134509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit I forgot to upload the file after doing the captcha.
Yeah, migrant from /v/, here. I decided about two weeks after KS released to start toying around with the genre as a whole. I understand KS is literally the defining idea of "entry-level" as far as VNs go, but I'm slowly feeling around.

The KSGs are getting completely out of hand, and have been for about a month, now. As someone who actually enjoyed KS extensively, the KSGs are to blame for sparking the current shitstorm. They should have taken the hint of that one poster and just let the threads gracefully die on the first of february, but no, they are driving the subject into the ground. I took my discussion of the VN to a steam group chat (most of you probably know which one), and did my part to try and let the threads die peacefully. By now, I'd say KS is a cancerous example of what is wrong with /v/, just with another media than video games.

Anyways, I'm discussing board meta too much. I grabbed the apparently /jp/-made diagram from a VN general on /v/. I might as well repost it for the sake of the current thread.

>> No.8572049

Start with Amane, end with Makina (the two most important routes, written by the common route guy), play the other 3 in order of preference

>> No.8572070

I enjoyed the game but you're right, the fanbase is horrible. Happens the same with Death Note and F/S N

>> No.8572071

You should play Amane's last, because she has the best route by far.
Makina is a good starting route because it combines action with Yuuji's past. Sachi and Mitsuru's are good to start too, overall the best in comedy.
Despite looking main heroine-ish, never leave Yumiko for last, it left me disappointed compared to the rest of the routes

>> No.8572066

Thanks. I wish I have started this sooner. Now I'm trying to catch up until Meikyuu is released.

>> No.8572078

Strangely enough, I started with Makina and read Amane's route last. And I did it with no prior knowledge of the game whatsoever, so I thought it was a fantastic route to finish the game with.

>> No.8572075

Fuck off retard. Keep it up janitor.

>> No.8572083

Yeah that's a fine chart. Thank you for making an effort to create civil posts. Enjoy your stay, and please help in educating others of the level of standards that is looked for in the posts.

>> No.8572091

Yumiko overall got the least development and the least impressive route. The chemistry of the characters was so great otherwise that she sort of stood out in a bad way. I'm hoping she gets more attention next time

>> No.8572107

Indeed. Pretty much everyone agrees with this: Amane and Makina are the best plot wise, Yumiko is the worst and the others are more comedy-oriented.

>> No.8572109

Stay in your shitty board and stop posting your fucking 2hu threads on /v/ and /a/. And stop bringing your shitty board drama into video game threads, too. We don't fucking care if one of your tripfags posted in a thread, we can handle it ourselves.

>> No.8572126


Thank you for your reply. I'm currently at the Amane's flashback, so I guess it's not too late to pull back.
I probably will play Yumiko's route first then. Strangely enough I find her pretty endearing. Must be those kuu/tsundere moments.

>> No.8572118

Amane and Makina are really the only routes that are important plot-wise
You could easily start Meikyuu after only having done these 2 routes

>> No.8572119
File: 16 KB, 297x178, true_remembrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In a very pleasant twist, True Remembrance is being released on the Nintendo eShop in Japan on February 22nd by Arc System Works. They’re charging 500 yen (a little over $6) for the game.

I haven't read this one. Is it any good? And what do you think about being sold digitally? (I guess it's for the DS).

>> No.8572129

I want to be gay no matter what.

>> No.8572137

>never leave Yumiko for last, it left me disappointed compared to the rest of the routes
Pretty much.
It's not even a bad route but it is easily outclassed by the rest of the VN. Amane's route is amazing and her bad ending has one of the greatest scenes in anything ever.

>> No.8572142

My favourite part of the trial still was Michiru's after.
She's just so incredibly... something.

>> No.8572140


Probably not the on the 3DS.

>> No.8572143

Sachi's route has some relevance to Yuuji's past as well. Michiru's route is the shortest by far and also the funniest, but zero relevance to the larger storyline.

>> No.8572156

Yeah, it was genius.
Seriously I read it 3 times already, both the writer of Michiru's route and the Amane/Makina guy are far too good.

>> No.8572162

Michiru's writer is also Sachi's right?
I can't imagine them having different ones given their chemistry.

>> No.8572170

For the few who have actually finished reading Majikoi, any recommended read order?

I'm assuming there isn't one and I should just read in order of which girl I like.

>> No.8572173

>She's just so incredibly... something.
アンビリバボらんない is probably the term you're looking for.

>> No.8572176

Some parts are boring, but overall it's good. Nice twists, relaxing music, nice art. PC version is completely free.

>> No.8572184

There really isn't one. Just stick to the route you like. The routes aren't that connected in the first place.
Majikoi's strong point is not the plot but the characters.

>> No.8572196


The author recommended to read through Miyako's route when you are done with everything else.

>> No.8572220

Common/Amane/Makina is Fujisaki who did Yukiuta and Draculius
Michiru is Yoshikazu who did Green Green and the LN Kamisama Kazoku
Yumiko is Kio Nachi who did Scarlett and Sanarara
Sachi's writer is the less known, he did Hoshiuta

>> No.8572223
File: 443 KB, 1200x1497, 1323628820431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, splurging over Michiru's 'je ne sais quois' is always appreciated.
She's Homer Simpson in the body of a cute girl

>> No.8572232

Really? Would've figured reading Momoyo last as being the best choice.

>> No.8572243

Archer is meant to be hypothetically the strongest Shirou that there could possibly be. That is not to say that the Shirou of the story we see will get anywhere near that. Shirou becomes more like Saber in Fate, only really like Archer in UBW etc.

That said Archer's past is basically unknown. Word of god has stated that Archer comes from the Ilya route which (along with one other route) never made it into the final game. This explains why Archer shows little attachment to Rin or Saber, but does to Ilya in the few scenes they are both present.

>> No.8572246
File: 165 KB, 1013x572, ab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An untranslated VN thread was made here >>8572200

It seems this thread will be kept for translated VNs. Let's calm down and see how it works out guys.

As for me, I finally decided to start S;G after a long time of having it in my backlog. As many people I watched the anime, but as I like the VN medium much more, I'm really enjoying this.

I don't know why the engine likes to take so much unnecessary CPU time, though. Is there any way to fix it? It takes 30% CPU at all times. I remember fixing KiriKiri games by activating VSync.

>> No.8572249


The writer said something like "If you read it first you will feel bad for her when you are doing the other routes".

>> No.8572252

How is it translation wise? The edited version hasn't been released yet right? Is it basically an acceptable standard regardless?

Also, I downloaded this a while ago but it just keeps going back to the title screen whenever I try to start it, even though I've applied the crack etc. Any idea what it could be?

>> No.8572255

Thought Archer was from a reality where there wasn't an Emiya archer w/e present in his holy grail war.

>> No.8572259

Could be, no idea.

>> No.8572269

I read the unedited version when it was first released (I think it was cleaned up a bit since then, and things like tips were added) and it was just fine. A few typos here and there, but not enough to detract from anything, and you probably wouldn't even notice unless you're the type to usually catch such things.

>> No.8572264

>How is it translation wise? The edited version hasn't been released yet right? Is it basically an acceptable standard regardless?

It's acceptable. It really doesn't need the editing.

>> No.8572276

I always used to make fun of waifufags before I played VNs.

Now I know the love that is 2D love, and I'm so glad I can share my feels with you guys.

>> No.8572279

A new patch has been released with the tips translated. The translation is fine, although there have been some drama concerning 4chan memes being used in place of 2ch memes, but I don't really care. I think it works well as localization, as 2ch memes also sound kind of retarded for Japanese people.

>> No.8572277

I read the VN before I watched the anime and the anime never really got the charm of the characters or Okarin. The anime was a mile wide but an inch deep compared to the mighty Mississippi that was the game.

>> No.8572281

New version was made by vn-meido using a later revision of the scripts by Blick that he made available before selling out. Acceptable standard, but requires you to install to a folder outside of Program Files for proper patching.

>> No.8572300

I appreciate you're trying to be friendly but saying 'feels' here is a great way to get flamed

Just be obnoxious, elitist and rude to everyone and you'll be fine

>> No.8572304

Where's this new patch at?

>> No.8572310
File: 206 KB, 800x600, Demon King Miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make a decision now!

>> No.8572322

Unfortunately you're correct

>> No.8572320

You're bloody Rance, you know what you have to do !

>> No.8572332

The one I have is
SteinsGate Automated English Patch V1_0.7z

The file was deleted from mediafire but it seems there's a 1.3 patch, I'm looking for it.

>> No.8572346


>> No.8572355

Patch 1.3

Latest Fixes

>> No.8572358

Take note: To use this patch, even updating from version 1.0 of the patch, you must install Steins;Gate to a folder outside of Program Files and delete your previous saves.

>> No.8572371

Hey /jp/, can anyone recommend a good eroge? I've played some of the entry level shit like YMK, Shuffle and KS (Yeah, I'm from /v/. Sorry). What should I play through next?

>> No.8572385

Sengoku Rance would be a good title to play between VNs without gameplay.

>> No.8572379
File: 415 KB, 1024x2000, 1323111564258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/'s reaction to VN recommendation requests is pretty much the same as /a/'s. Thankfully they all went off to the untranslated VN thread, so I can post this chart without flames.

>> No.8572380


You want more porn or plot?

>> No.8572381

Take a look at the chart posted in >>8570650, it should help you start.
Also, a good database for VNs is vndb.org - you can filter by language, date, etc.


>> No.8572392

There are two perfectly serviceable charts up above.

>> No.8572394

Call me shallow, but I find the porn is what drives me to play them. I do enjoy the story too though, and in some cases I find that I forget about the porn and become engrossed in the story.

>> No.8572387
File: 715 KB, 1096x1400, 1326026775608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8572400

>pretty much the same as /a/'s
I meant to say pretty much the same as /a/'s reaction to anime recommendation requests.

>> No.8572399

In the spirit of trying to be helpful I will tell you that the best translated VN no one talks about is Symphonic Rain (no H)

You mean sex romp? Read Koihime with the voice patch, all the ero you will ever need.

>> No.8572404

Don't worry, most of us were like that at first.

>> No.8572411


In that case check some of the old stuff like Ying Yango. Mangagamer usually releases nukiges or you can take a look at sites like Erogedownload an

>> No.8572417

>Mangagamer usually releases nukiges

JASTUSA is guilty of that too, anon.

>> No.8572418


>Be a /v/irgin for a long time
>Hear how elitist and mean /jp/ is
>They shun anyone who isn't from there
>Expect to get the above reaction, but decide to ask a question
>Everyone is really helpful

Thanks guys. You make /v/ look like a shithole (And I'm not denying that it is.)

>> No.8572432

>You mean sex romp?
eroge is not sex romp, that's nukige. Eroge is basically a catch-all term for games with erotic content. They can be serious and with focus on plot rather than sex and they're called eroge just the same.

>> No.8572433

Please don't use greentext here.

>> No.8572426


Who are you quoting?

>> No.8572446

Oh shit. I apologize, I just remembered that you guys dislike greentext.

>> No.8572451

Try to work on the greentext though if you're going to stay.
Things are slow around here and we prefer actual paragraphs instead of broken sentences.

The quote function is for quoting only in here.

Hope you enjoy your stay here and that you can become a good part of the board.

>> No.8572452
File: 86 KB, 640x480, phorni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Symphonic Rain.
At first I thought the common route was slow and uneventful so I put it down, but after so many people recommended it, and I kind of liked Fal, so I went for it.

God, I loved it. I loved every route and character, and loved how things got revealed towards the end of every route. Al Fine was excellent.

I also liked the mini-game (I like rhythm games) and its songs.
Phorni's song especially tickled my heart a bit:

Couldn't stop listening to it and the entire vocal album after I finished the game. While reading the lyrics with a tear on my face.

>> No.8572467

So saying Rance would be a good game is elitist?

>> No.8572459
File: 1.75 MB, 970x4802, 1325971091191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bottom of that chart is misleading
Don't just "play" alternative
You have to play Extra/Unlimited First

>> No.8572476
File: 273 KB, 715x1000, 1298616675673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, but most JAST nukiges are pretty old. In JAST's case I liked the most Princess Waltz. Check it out if you haven't.

>> No.8572478

I remember reading my first VNs in 2006-2007. Most of them were nukiges from JAST's division G-Collections because I didn't know of anything else. I wish I had a chart like >>8570650 at that time.

>> No.8572519

There weren't nearly that many translated titles back then.

VN translations have really taken off in recent years.

>> No.8572520

So I just finished YU-NO

Damn that was an unexpected change of setting in the last route.

We never find his father though, that's a bit of a letdown. For some reason I was expecting it to turn out that he was his own father. And what did they name the tree?

>> No.8572521

Mhm, what about Swan Song?

>> No.8572512

New to VN's. Only read 2 so far but starting to see the appeal.
Just wondering though, are there any post-apocalyptic VN's? Preferably ones that contain eroge.

>> No.8572526

Seconding Swan Song

>> No.8572527

Well, firstly eroge is an abbreviation for erotic game, so you can't say a VN contains an eroge.

Secondly, try Planetarian.

And then try Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv Alternative (I suppose a devastating alien invasion counts as the apocalypse).

>> No.8572522



>> No.8572525

Swan Song

>> No.8572531

eroge are the names of the games themselves, they contain ero.

Also, Swan Song, maybe Utawarerumono

>> No.8572533

>>8572371 Here
Mind if I ask another question?

If, on vndb.org, an Eroge is listed as having a Western publisher and a Japanese one, does that mean it's uncensored?

>> No.8572534

Planetarian, then Swan Song. Then the Muv-Luv trilogy.

>> No.8572535
File: 208 KB, 760x1048, 650d941efca83a94f6d89d50e8c499c8bbd393d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planeterian. Not eroge, but it's short and very interesting.
And there's Swan Song which is pretty awesome.

>> No.8572547

Not necessarily, but sometimes. Most of the time if a game has an official Western release, they will uncensor it, if possible. Though a lot of the time you almost wish they didn't, since the art was conceived with the assumption that it would be censored, so when the censoring is taken off it can look really funky. Demonbane is a good example, the guy's dick was literally as big as his arm in some of those CGs.

>> No.8572548

Official Western releases are generally uncensored. This is not always a good thing because at times the Elevens don't bother to draw dicks properly because they'll be censored in Japan anyway, then you end up with those weird misshapen spikes from Harem Party.

>> No.8572549

Planetarian but it doesn't have ero scenes
Also seconding Swan Song

>> No.8572564

Hahaha! Cheers, guys.

>> No.8572556

>the guy's dick was literally as big as his arm in some of those CGs
Yours isn't?

>> No.8572570



>> No.8572568


It has no ero in it, but I still suggest you read it, since it's very short and very good.

Also, 'eroge' is an abbreviation of 'erotic game', so if you should've just written
>Preferably ones that contain ero.

>> No.8572582
File: 321 KB, 800x600, evda0805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for your death by snu-snu?

>> No.8572584

The only reason I would advocate a seperate thread for translated and untranslated VNs, is because this thread with both together is moving a bit too fast.

>> No.8572580 [DELETED] 


I'll try remember that then.

>> No.8572591

>so you should've just written
I need to fix my sleep schedule.

>> No.8572593

Most of the untranslated people have already moved to a different thread. I think most of us are cool with the idea, we'll keep them separated in the future.

>> No.8572596

Her body has seen worst anyway.

>> No.8572598

Really low on cash right now.

Can you guys recommend me some good free VN's?

>> No.8572614

All VN are free on /jp/.

>> No.8572606

It seems to work a lot better

Posters new to VNs don't get flamed off the face of the earth, and both kinds of readers are able to discuss the VNs they want without having to sort through loads of discussion about things they have no interest in.

>> No.8572607

Holy FUCK.
It's the size of her torso!

>> No.8572608

Is there a chance someone could help me with getting Chaos;head working?

I downloaded it a few months ago and tried installing multiple english patches and cracks to get it working but it would either show up untranslated or with just a black screen.

>> No.8572609

Seeing as with this speed it's likely many of you are migrants from /a/ and /v/, might I interject for a brief moment.

Because /jp/ is a slow board, to prevent only the fastest threads from constantly floating on the front page, here we generally use sage or nokosage and only bump the thread every now and again to keep it from dying outright.

Please take a moment to consider showing the same consideration.

Thank you very much for your time.

>> No.8572616

all of them

Now, if you really have something against pirating them for some reason (though really, who the fuck actually imports every VN they play?) I guess you could go with narcissu, or brass restoration. Both are freeware.

>> No.8572622

I must say that the large majority of the English-speaking VN fandom doesn't pay for their VNs.

But in case you are really against piracy, there are some free OELVNs you can try like Digital: A Love Story, don't take it personally babe, Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.8572625

First, you are running in Japanese locale and as an administrator (if applicable) right? Also, you installed it in Japanese locale and as an administrator?

>> No.8572631

It's kind of a lost cause expecting enough people to sage in a thread as active as this to make any real difference. Easier to just wait for it to autosage and then keep using it until it falls past page 10 or so.

>> No.8572638
File: 112 KB, 800x533, 1311174732345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for /vn/, fuck these faggots

>> No.8572640


I was thinking of giving Katawa Shoujo a try, but I'm not sure what's so appealing about crippled girls.

>> No.8572651


>Katawa Shoujo

I played the demo back in the day, but I don't really feel like starting the playthrough from step 1 again. Did they change things in the prologue?

>> No.8572644

Anyone have any idea how long we should expect to wait on Kamidori's editing, based on how long Aroduc usually takes with such things?

>> No.8572645

You sorta forget about their disabilities after the first act unless you REALLY focus on them.

>> No.8572656

I think they changed Hanako's end of Act 1
Other than that no
But you can always just hold ctrl to skip the Act 1 text.

>> No.8572654

Moot already made a thread here asking if we wanted /vn/ to be made, and people talked him out of it. I doubt it's getting made now.

But hey, if enough of /a/ and /v/'s VN communities stick around here for us to make viable translated VN generals, then I guess I don't mind too much. I just hope they don't all get chased off and see translated VN discussion die off completely for the most part.

>> No.8572666 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 153x109, 1280363498211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying most people give two shits about untranslated VNs

>> No.8572667

While I agree, I don't think that's the main reason.

I rarely go to other boards and have always been a /jp/ regular, but I've been too shy all this time to butt into VN threads as most people were discussing recent untranslated ones, so I've been playing translated VNs and keeping track of new translations without discussing anything all this time. I don't think I'm the only one.

And yes, I'm using nokosage.

>> No.8572657

Katawa Shoujo is okay, but it's kind of unremarkable besides the fact that it has some slight ties with the 4chan community and actually managed to be an OELVN that doesn't completely suck. There are much better VNs out there.

>> No.8572669

Not much, as far as I hear. Then again, I downloaded KS on launch day and then never installed it, so don't take my word for it.

Also, please ensure you do not turn into one of those subhumans in the /v/ KS generals.

Are you against piracy, by the way? If your experience is completely limited to free OELVNs and Narcissu, you're kind of missing out.

>> No.8572671

Look at the last post in the sticky on this board. moot basically says that he's never making a /vn/ board, all VNs can go here, but he'll make a board for Katawa Shoujo, along with the other shit from /v/, whatever that may be.

>> No.8572676

True Remembrance, Narcissu, Katawa Shoujo

>> No.8572677


Reported for /v/ and /a/ talk.

>> No.8572678


fuck that, I'm holding out. day one and i'm sick of this place. I hope he changes his mind

also deja vu

>> No.8572679

Well, before everyone got directed over to /jp/ from /a/ and /v/, that was pretty much the only discussion you'd see here most of the time, outside of VNTS threads or when a patch had just been released.

>> No.8572681

Personally I found KS quite good and touching. Of course there are better VNs but still it worths playing it.
Not really. Only a few changes that you might even miss.

>> No.8572675

It's a gameplay game, so I'd imagine there's probably above-average effort involved in fixing images, bug-testing and such

>> No.8572682

May I ask where this is from?

>> No.8572684

KS does not belong on /jp/. If you can't discuss it on the other boards then tough shit.

>> No.8572699

Thank you for that. Fortunately, we aren't discussing KS, and there's not a /v/ KSfag in sight.

>> No.8572700


Uh, nope. I haven't read much of the recent stuff save for FSN, PW, Maou, Hanabira, etc, but I remember that my first nukige was Inmoral Lesson back in 2001.

By the way, if you guys want a good western
nukige take a look at this.

>> No.8572692

You may not, since google's reverse image search works perfectly on that CG.

>> No.8572695

Translated VN General isn't really /jp/, just consider it to be /a/ and /v/'s embassy on /jp/ or whatever. Most of us are the same people from those threads.

>> No.8572710

Making brief comments on it is fine. Throwing a bitch fit over it every time someone so much as mentions its existence does nothing but drawing out the discussion for ten times longer than anyone would have cared to otherwise. I think making KS threads here is inappropriate, but there's no reason we have to pretend it never existed.

>> No.8572711

It is the title mentioned in one of the linked posts.

>> No.8572714

Yes sir.

Someone advised me to just switch to Japanese locale as it ends up being easier if I play a great deal of vns, so I currently have applocale installed as well as my locale set to Japanese.

I also applied the patches with japlocale on.

>> No.8572715

/jp/ is for Otaku Culture. VN's are Otaku Culture.

>> No.8572721


We decide what goes on here.

>> No.8572724

KS is not /jp/ related, moot agrees.

>> No.8572730

>Translated VN General isn't really /jp/
Don't delude yourself into thinking that everyone in /jp/ plays only untranslated VNs; if they did, nobody would care about VNTS threads. Fluent Japanese readers actually are a very vocal minority, which explains why VN generals are slow.

moot said he's going to make a board where KS will fit, so for now KS is taboo around here.

>> No.8572736

Don't even bother with AppLocale if you can help it. It works most of the time, but there's very little reason not to just leave your locale in Japanese permanently (besides a few installations that make you switch it back for 5 minutes, but those aren't that common) and it can sometimes introduce new bugs.

Been a while since I installed it though, only thing I can think of is to check the readme carefully, and also make sure the folder structure is correct.
I know a lot of people on /jp/ play translated VNs, but most of them tend to finish them pretty much immediately after release, and then have little interest in discussing them after a month or so.

>> No.8572740

Try the one here?

>> No.8572742


I'm getting results for "Zanmataisei Demonbane"
Is this right?

>> No.8572746

Can we please stop bitching about KS

No, it's not the best VN ever made

No, it's not a fucking terrible travesty either

I have seen discussion of much, much, shittier VNs and even OELVNs here and no one gave a shit about it.

In this thread in particular I would say it's ok, though please don't make the entire thread about it either.

>> No.8572747


If you don't like KS discussion, don't engage in them. Don't have meta conversations about them either. Just ignore them until moot creates his more appropriate board.

>> No.8572756

Yes. There's no reason it shouldn't be right, a matching image result is somewhat more reliable than matching keyword. Just trust in Google. And the English title is Deus Machina Demonbane

>> No.8572752


>> No.8572755

What are some of the VN's you would personally recommend from that site, and are all of them translated?

>> No.8572771

All of the ones on erogedownload are.

When in doubt, go for the Muv-Luv trilogy! Some might criticize me for recommending this to someone who is entry-level, but I have every confidence that you are ready for it.


Good luck! Required routes before proceeding to Alternative are Sumika & Meiya's in Extra, and Meiya and Yuuko's in Unlimited. The rest are optional.

>> No.8572766

Again, please check this chart: >>8570650
Most of those are in erogedownload. I recommend them all.

>> No.8572777

That site only hosts translated VNs.

Storywise, I would personally (from my own experience) recommend:

Symphonic Rain
Tsukihime+Kagetsu Tohya
Fate/stay night
Muv-Luv trilogy/duology

Pornwise... eh, I guess Monster Girl Quest, Koihime Musou, maybe The Sagara Family

>> No.8572783

Actually, I believe Muv-Luv works well as entry-level. This is because they will be able to enjoy Extra before they become jaded to the idea of a highschool harem comedy.

>> No.8572794

Yeah, that's kind of my feeling on the matter, which is why I still recommend it to people.

>> No.8572807

Should be pretty straightforward. Take him prisoner if you want to recruit him, otherwise it's up to you.

>> No.8572800
File: 230 KB, 801x601, Mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for asking for more help, but this is too tricky

>> No.8572805

Thanks. I didn't realize until now that these aren't torrents and they're chopped into parts.

How do I put the parts together once I have them all?

>> No.8572814

Have you never downloaded anything ever? Holy shit how can someone here be so computer illiterate.

>> No.8572815


Extracting the first .rar will automatically extract the rest in sequence.

>> No.8572813

It happens automatically when you extract them. If you're using JDownloader it will also handle that for you.

>> No.8572824

Use JDownloader. Java or not, it's convenient. It will automate the downloading of multiple files from filehosting sites for you.

>> No.8572819

But there's a third option!
It's not as simple as you make it out to be

>> No.8572827

Sorry I don't think we can help you how to use a computer. It just installs as any other game.

>> No.8572839

I don't think there's much difference between killing him and mustache, besides the text that comes after.

>> No.8572832


Mipony is a better option imo.

>> No.8572845

I hope you know how to change system locale to Japanese, mount an ISO and use a patch file.

Oh, and with Muv-Luv don't use the installer on the disk, use the patch to install.

>> No.8572847

What advantages does it have over JDownloader? Never used it before.

>> No.8572867


Doesn't run on java.

>> No.8572915

Why exactly are VNs only allowed here now?

>> No.8572920

Is it just me or is our FTP getting hammered at the moment right now?

>> No.8572935

Because of the /v/ Katawa Shoujo General drama and a misrepresentation of the desires of the boards. /a/ wanted either a /vn/ board or to continue the tradition of having the occasional VN general, while /jp/ said "no a /vn/ is not needed" and moot was all "OKAY THEN" and changed the written rules.

>> No.8572941

I don't agree, you will appreciate Muv Luv's engine much more if you play something simpler first.

>> No.8572950


Relax. You idiots will soon have a whole board dedicated to it and other stupid shit soon enough.

>> No.8572978

How long does Aroduc usually take with Editing? How long until we see the supposed Kamidori?

>> No.8572995

VNs are fine on /v/ again, check the rules, #6 is gone

>> No.8573089

check rule 5 of /a/

Visual novel and light novel discussion should be posted in /jp/.

Moots acting weird lately
Until it settles I'm just gonna watch the catalog for all 3, as much as I detest /v/

>> No.8573100

We need to somehow get moot into visual novels. He already likes the animes [sic], it's not that much a stretch.

>> No.8573109
File: 2.21 MB, 2600x2000, 1325827906211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna try and be a reasonable /v/ migrant about explaining the general idea of KS, here.

Ignoring the unholy cancerous KSGs that have flooded the /v/ board since release day, the game actually does have an enjoyable emotional aspect to it. It's probably the bigger focus.

The good ends make you feel warm and fuzzy, maybe even a bit teary-eyed if you're not too jaded. The bad ends can make you feel like a piece of shit, and some people refuse to even do them after acquiring the good ends. Of course, both of these things apply to a lot of VNs, so I guess this was kind of implied.

The writing is enjoyable, but not stellar. The writers had great premises on which to make something powerful, but routes either waited way too long to throw in the conflict (Lilly), had a great conflict, but just kind of...dangled it over your head until near the end, padding the route with other events (Emi), were cut way too suddenly, with no real closure (Hanako), were overly emphasized in one way or another related to the girl's oddities and personality, leading some people to declare "2deep4u" in their confusion (Rin), or were in general just weak because the writer didn't exactly like the character. (Shizune)

If you can look past those flaws in the writing, the visuals are relatively enjoyable, although Emi's are rather sketchy, due to a last-minute change in design to make her look less like a lolicon (She's the oldest girl, at 19).

The ero scenes are generally tasteful or plot-related. A couple of them might come off as poorly written or awkward at first, but in the case of at least one of those, it was on purpose.

Overall, it's enjoyable.

>> No.8573121

Good, well-written post. My only nitpick is that you called Emi a lolicon. Well, you didn't call her a lolicon per se, but you know what I mean.

>> No.8573123
File: 291 KB, 810x655, The fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fuck it, I'm asking
Where and When does Sengoku Rance take place?
Why is Africa connected to Japan?
Why do people know what TV is?

>> No.8573128

It takes place in the fictional country of JAPAN (which is not the same as Nippon, Japan or Cipan)

>> No.8573133

Alright, and going by that the time doesn't matter, correct?

>> No.8573146

Well, I use the term lolicon loosely, but she is intended, due to her short stature, to look very young. The loss of her legs stunted her growth during puberty, so she honestly looks about 15 or 16, instead of her real age. I suppose that is a bit beyond "lolicon", but she's definitely not looking her age.

>> No.8573152

Fictional Japan, styled after Sengoku Jidai period.
It is a fantasy world so why not.
It is a fantasy world so why not.

>> No.8573168

That's not what I meant. Lolicon are people who like loli. Loli refers to the girls themselves.

>> No.8573180

Oh, right, right. My bad, I just realized that after replying. Whatever, learn something every day, I suppose.

>> No.8573525

I'm trying to patch Steins;Gate with that 1.3 patch from vnmeido but whenever I run the bat it says

Nipa2.exe is missing! Stopping program!

Nipa2.exe is in fact not missing, I extracted it to the same area the bat is in. Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.8573564

Put the Auto-Patch folder itself in the installation folder, not just its contents.

>> No.8573603

since it looks okay to post tech support vn questions here, i'll ask.

i tried to install kikokugai yesterday with no luck. i tried setting app locale to jp, and it fails to begin installation. i tried changing my system install to jp and running normally, but it installs in gibberish mode instead of showing the proper kana. when i install and follow directions for the translation etc. i can run it but a lot of CG and sprites are missing (if I run the untranslated exe, there are additional sprites and cg that appear). does anyone know what's up?

i'm pretty sure if i can manage to install it with jp locale everything should work normally.

>> No.8573612

I don't quite understand what you mean

I downloaded a RAR file. It contains:

120Update (Folder)

I don't really understand what you mean by autopatch folder here. It seems to me that what I need to do is extract these contents into the installation folder and run either of the .bats

But what I said previously happened.

If I've misunderstood what you mean, could you elaborate?

>> No.8573762

No no, the RAR should contain a folder called "Auto-patch" with everything inside it. You have to extract that folder as it is inside Steins Gate folder.

It should be like this:

---Auto-patch (with Nipa2, autopatch.bat inside of it)

The readme explicitly says this:
>The Auto-Patch folder must be in Steins;Gate's Root Folder !

>> No.8573767

Wait a minute I'm retarded

disregard, suck cocks etc

>> No.8573817

I have 1.0 installed, is it worth to update to 1.3? I don't want to break my install, and I vn-meido isn't loading for me so I can't see the changelog.

>> No.8573887

i recognize that game. can i get a name?

>> No.8573894

I had a lot of trouble as well installing chaos;head. Just make sure you set your system locale on japanese and do everything the guy from the video does and it should work just fine.

>> No.8573957

This thread sure turned to shit pretty quickly.

See: >>8569823

Clearly, I haven't been hyping this series enough in every thread.

>> No.8573972

much obliged my bro.

>> No.8573982


New thread, apparently, because /a/ and /v/ underestimate how long a thread can survive on /jp/ once it's past bump limit.

Go there for now, but in the future please wait longer.

>> No.8574032

hate to bug you again, but is there a translation in the works? I just checked it out and it looks pretty interesting. google came out inconclusive

>> No.8574049

No, there isn't; this thread was made with untranslated VNs in mind so that's why he used that picture.

>> No.8574089

that makes me a sad panda. but thanks for the info.

>> No.8574149

There's no translation required for SBX anyway, since it's all battles. The original and PSS have stories, but the original is long and PSS is mostly side-stories and fun (with the exception of Venus Embryo, perhaps), so yeah.

I'd like a translation too, of course, but this is one of those games where I can pretty much just jump in and enjoy it for the other things it has to offer, with only the occasional "what's this about?" help.

>> No.8574521


Thanks guys.

I noticed that when I run the english patch it says 'crage.exe has stopped working' twice, I'd guess this is causing the problem, and googling around I've found that others have the same problem, but no solutions.

I also tried the antifail installer, which also, for lack of a better word, fails giving the in-console error 'unrar is not recognized as an internal or external command'

Any insight? I'm running this on Win7 by the way.

>> No.8574529

I think more Visual Novels should use music very sparingly, and have ambient white noise instead of the same tracks played again and again, I guess with the exception of some games like Umineko which have shittons of music.

>> No.8575140


I've had the same problem.
Are you installing it in your Program files folder by any chance?
Try your documents.
That worked for me.

Also, be really, really careful about the folder structure.

>> No.8578401

silence or noise is just eerie. I'd rather have that irritatingly cheery or elevator music.
