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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8570428 No.8570428 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about Ace Attorney?

I'm still annoyed that Investigations 2 is never coming stateside

>> No.8570437

It's not a fucking visual novel.


>> No.8570453

But, Ace Attorney games are always classified as Visual Novels under genre.


So, are they the one exception for /games/ and /v/?

>> No.8570465

Reported. Now delete your thread, ``faggot''.

>> No.8570462

It definitely is, but thanks for like, sharing your opinion on an objective fact, man.

>> No.8570469
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We make the rules. Deal with it and get out.

>> No.8570470
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>> No.8570471

Look at this dumb idiot.

>> No.8570474

So many abuses of the report function

>> No.8570477


What's the difference between AA and well, a VN with a load of choices?

>> No.8570485

It's a game man.
KSfaggots are saging those, Ghost Trick, and Hotel Dusk.

>> No.8570484

Anyway, I heard the 5th game is approaching the end of development or something.
I'm excited. I assume it's still Apollo, but that still means more chances for old-timers like one of the Fey family (Including Iris!!) to pop in. I'm pretty sure Larry needs to pop in and be a big bum as usual. And I hear some people like Edgeworth, maybe that could happen...!?!?

>> No.8570491

It has point-and-click elements... and adventure games are not VNs.

>> No.8570497
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>never coming stateside

I'm done with Capcom after RE6.

>> No.8570498

lol you are all buttmadd virgins its a vn according to vndb so suck my dick liek oyu r mom lo l

>> No.8570493

>get saged the fuck out at /v/ for making an ace attorney thread
>this one is getting saged and reported as well

We need an Ace Attorney, Hotel Dusk, and Ghost Trick board.

>> No.8570495

I can understand the KS thread being spammed, but the Ace Attorney and Rance thread, too?

>> No.8570499

First rule of /jp/:
If your name or text is green, you don't belong here.

>> No.8570500


Civil disobedience -- keep posting VNs in /v/ until moot gets the point. They are videogames.

>> No.8570515



Really, guy? So, Umineko isn't a VN because episode 8 has some point-and-click elements? That's a bit of a stretch of an example, but seriously, you're just being silly now. It's like saying Nier is a danmaku, because it has danmaku elements.

>> No.8570512
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First rule of posting like a faggot:
Post like this guy.

>> No.8570517


No, visual novels are not video games. You read them, you don't play them.

You don't play a CYOA book. You read it.

>> No.8570518

I saw the movie today, it was pretty good. Condensed the first game surprisingly well with lots of little things for the fans to enjoy.

>> No.8570519

Reported again for off topic discussion. Please read the unofficial regarding using /jp/.

>> No.8570521
File: 85 KB, 400x468, 1301347222264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both /v/ and /jp/ agrees it's a fucking point & click.
Get the fuck out Katawa Shoujo fags.

>> No.8570528

That's like saying "I'm done with my abusive boyfriend after just one more fuck."

>> No.8570529

This is why we shouldn't have /jp/ as VN central.
It's going to devolve into a shithole.

>> No.8570525

Really? I always thought it'd be pretty shitty.

>> No.8570531


Then /v/ and /jp/ are retarded. The gross majority of the content in AA is... text.

>> No.8570541

Delete your thread OP. Be a man and stand up to the people from whatever board you may have come from. You will find no discussion here.

>> No.8570540

Go back to /v/.
No, we will not translate it for you.
No, it is not a visual novel.
Yes, I hate this situation too

>> No.8570539

>Then /v/ and /jp/ are retarded. The gross majority of the content in AA is... text.
Oh you mean just like point & clicks?
You're getting a new board, just wait for that instead of shitting up other ones in "protest".

>> No.8570538

alright...trolling aside, anyone here thinking of seeing the movie?

>> No.8570533

/jp/ has been shit since it's inception

just gotta take it easy man

>> No.8570536


Clicking is technically a form of playing.

>> No.8570535

You didn't know? I was around the whole cancelling of Mega Man Legends 3 thing too. All that fuel at one time.

>> No.8570534
File: 70 KB, 665x665, 1328207473667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys feel cool trolling KS off the board with your rank shitposting and overwhelming autism? Not like they wanted to be here. Me? I've been here. I know what's going on well enough. I know I've never seen you faggots act like that.

Get a grip on reality and realize sometimes you have to interact withpeople outside your comfort zone.

You fagbots got trolled anyone. The people spamming our threads for weeks came over with us to make us look like shit.

I thought this board was cool as hell before, because I always liked the pic, but you guys are just pissed off virgins like /v/

>> No.8570544

Well, alright.
But it's YOUR shithole.
I don't want it becoming /v/ or /b/'s shithole.

>> No.8570547
File: 75 KB, 501x501, 1328696195208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga the typos make you more mad

>> No.8570545

lol sure gotr trolled by you posting like a butt mad queer hole

>> No.8570546

Devolve into a shithole?
As if it wasn't the longest running of he "worst boards" on 4chan.

>> No.8570550


Mostly for the lols. I'll enjoy it even if it's not good in an objective sense.

>> No.8570551

guys...could we calm the fuck down and have some discussion on it?

>> No.8570554

If the population enjoys it, it isn't a bad board.
And I'm pretty sure some people on /jp/ enjoy /jp/.
And I'm definitely sure they don't want /v/ in it.

>> No.8570560


Nope because it belongs in /v/.

>> No.8570562

It followed the games pretty well. Clothing, acting, and humor was all over the top like in the games. A lot of memorable characters were cut though.

It looks like it could be weird in the trailer, but once you start watching, you get used to it since it's just like the games.

>> No.8570557

>not coming stateside
someone needs to be taught a lesson
how much do hitmen cost

>> No.8570567

First Pokémon and now Visual Novels. Apparently video games should no longer be discussed on /v/.

>> No.8570565

>And I'm definitely sure they don't want /v/ in it.
It's not like /v/ even wants this stuff gone.
KSfags immediately latched on Ghost Trick, AA and other games /v/ loves in hopes of bandwagoning moot.
It didn't work.

>> No.8570566

Nobody on /jp/ played the ace attourney games because there are no touhous
except for that touhou version of ace attourney

>> No.8570563

havent played the 4th one

is it any good?

the main dude looks really queer

I dont want to deal with his gayness

>> No.8570568

It's awful. Things only get good when Phoenix shows up.

>> No.8570569

Only dubs, feels, tripping, jimmies, reddit, circlejerking, misogyny, and meta is allowed on /v/

>> No.8570571

>It's not like /v/ even wants this stuff gone.
/v/ wants KS gone.
KS is a visual novel.
Until moot sets up that other board you're going to get it.

>> No.8570574

Reported for being off topic. >>>/v/

>> No.8570583


You have to be trolling. I refuse to believe anyone coming to 4chan can be this retarded.


Not really. Most point-and-clicks have combat and a much heavier emphasis on puzzle solving. Unlike VNs like AA and 999, where you solve a puzzle, and then read a monumental amount of text, and then solve the next puzzle, and read another monumental amount of text. Point-and-clicks are more like "Solve a puzzle, receive a few snippets of dialogue, solve the next puzzle, receive a few snippets of dialogue, rinse repeat". AA is probably like 80% dialogue, 20% puzzles (that's generous, really), 999 is probably 95% dialogue, 5% puzzles, whereas point-and-clicks tend to be around 50% dialogue 50% puzzles AT BEST, usually it's more like 25% dialogue 75% puzzles.

>> No.8570582


So, they're still games. Should be on that board.

>> No.8570580
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Trolling? I'm asking questions and stating my observations. I never even played the game personally. I just hung out in their threads all day spamming.

The point I was trying to make. Is I've seen what you faggots are normally like. Why do you suddenly act like this when the admins makes a decision?

I don't need to troll anyone. You're the ones who decided to throw a tempter tantrum. How does that one thread effect you in any way? That's right, it doesn't. There's honestly no explanation other than Asberger's for that.

I just really think you guys need to get over it. You didn't troll anyone. You shitposted so bad, and in such great numbers, the KS posters had no choice but to dissipate. RIght after being kicked out of /v/.

Again, I don't care. I'm from /a/, that's my home, but I've been fucking around outside for a bit. Either way, your display today was shameful.

The shitposting on /v/ was bad, but I'm being honest, and brush it off, rationalize, project it however you want. You guys are terrible posters, and your board is dead. You could have used the extra population, but typical /jp/ users you had to piss your pants when forced into social contact with new people.

>> No.8570579

>Pokémon and now Visual Novels
Pokemon was removed because of constant furry dumps and people writing out 80 posts of shitty sex fanfics.
KS is removed because you're circle-jerking over an hour long game for months for little reason beyond it being made by 4chan.

>> No.8570585

you should go back to /a/ no joke

>> No.8570586

>Should be on that board.
Just like JP should take in anime because it's part of otaku culture, right?
All that emotional cripple fetishism must have gone straight to your brain.

>> No.8570588
File: 57 KB, 131x160, th_Sad_Phoenix[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no good place to discuss Ace Attorney anymore

>> No.8570589

>I'm from /a/

Good. In addition to shitposting I can now report you again and again for that.

>> No.8570591

Better than the second and third worse than the first.

>> No.8570592

Try /a/ dude.

>> No.8570601


Where's the 'game'play?

>> No.8570597

who the fk r u quting?

>> No.8570598
File: 61 KB, 268x375, 1326281099243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'll just chill here. You should get mad though, no joke.

I know you will.

>> No.8570599

sad, isn't it
try /b/

>> No.8570600

>Most point-and-clicks have combat
And there is where you out yourself as not knowing a single thing about what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8570604

OP here, deleting the thread. You guys suck. So much, "IT DOESN'T BELONG HERE JUST BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT" You guys are like /m/ with Code Geass x100000.

>> No.8570605
File: 63 KB, 454x457, 1328504369738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about? You seem borderline retarded. I really don't think you should be operating a computer connected to the internet.

>> No.8570607

also, email moot about it

>> No.8570608

Get out of /jp/
