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853525 No.853525 [Reply] [Original]

So which was the better ending? True or good end?

>> No.853528
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One is a menage a trois end, the other is a Mistress Rin end.

So it's a matter of taste?

>> No.853532

menage a trois?

>> No.853535

a threesome

>> No.853545
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True End.

>> No.853549

Ilya route where?

>> No.853555
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Good end.

>> No.853562

Good End results in much Shirou/Rin fucking, and Saber masturbating while watching them.

>> No.853566
File: 64 KB, 450x627, Archer673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best end.

>> No.853574

Mistress Rin? Elaborate, please.

>> No.853578
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True...st End.

>> No.853582
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>> No.853600
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true end

>> No.853601
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Seems more like a beginning to me.

You become her apprentice and will follow her to magic academy in London.

>> No.853616

Shoulda had that at the end of the Fate route's True End, or maybe if you scored really high with Saber, you'd get it.

Either way, it's a far more comforting scenario than the misery that is Fate's ending.

>> No.853629

You know I just realized why I like Rin, besides looking like Akiha with tits she has a similar personality to aggressive Akiha from Kohaku's route.

>> No.853632


Good End results in a beautiful girly love relationship between Rin and Saber and a frustrated Shirou reduced to the duties of a maid.
Make no mistake, Good End does not result in a harem for Shirou but in a harem for Rin.

I still prefer True End though.

>> No.853646
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I dunno, Shirou is in high spirits.
Sure, Sakura is still just a maid, Ilya will die soon, Rin leaves for London, and he will never see the girl he loves again...

He will have to master his powers and walk through life alone, and is more optimistic then ever which will clash with reality way too soon...

But hey, everyone is happy.

>> No.853654

I was just quoting a T-Complex scenario. Hard to say what the hell really happened afterwards.

>> No.853663

I know it's not porn, but MORE!

>> No.853672

'Cept Shirou when his ideals then betray him and he becomes a bitter, melancholic bastard with narcissist tendencies and a warped kind of deathwish.

>> No.853678

Haha, I fucking loled.

>> No.853682


>> No.853683

Source is T-Moon Complex.

>> No.853693

Thank you very much, kind Sir.

>> No.853692
File: 50 KB, 801x652, Archerend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer's path is different then Shirou's Fate one.

It seems he had to oppose Saber, among other things.

But you can't help NOT become bitter.

>> No.853703

>he had to oppose Saber
Oh dear that's terrible...

>> No.853716
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And he had 40 cakes stolen from him.

>> No.853717

Where's it say he had to oppose Saber? He apologized for not being able to save her, but that could mean anything. He also knew her closely, like he did in the Fate route.

It might not be an identical path taken, but the Fate one is the closest match - Shirou's idealistic mentality is what damned him, after all. Neither UBW nor Heaven's Feel present him with the realism that can change his course, as in Fate, he more or less ends up alone at the end of it all.

>> No.853729

>>853717 is what I was thinking as well.

>> No.853740
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Before he casts UBW (after Caster's death), he mentions that even if it means opposing her, he won't hold back against her on this world too.

Unless he has experienced a timeline where Saber was an opposing Servant again, it's probably from his memories from the Grail War (maybe Caster got her and Shirou had to kill her?)

>> No.853783

i think archer comes from a mix of all storylines, kind of like how the FSN anime was a mix of different storylines

>> No.853805

The anime route just added a Sakura kidnapping and caster details to the Fate route, not really much of a mix.

>> No.853851

Actually, what he says is "I will not hold back against yo even in this world." And given the circumstances of him saying that (i.e. he uses Unlimited Blade Works immediately after saying that) and him then threatening to trace Excalibur soon after, the term 'this world' is most likely referring to his Reality Marble.

So rather, he means that if she opposes him, he won't be holding back even in his own Reality Marble - basically a 'I will rip you a new one' threat.

>> No.853856

Actually, what he says is "I will not hold back against you even in this world." And given the circumstances of him saying that (i.e. he uses Unlimited Blade Works immediately after saying that) and him then threatening to trace Excalibur soon after, the term 'this world' is most likely referring to his Reality Marble.

So rather, he means that if she opposes him, he won't be holding back even in his own Reality Marble - basically a 'I will rip you a new one' threat.

>> No.853915
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>> No.853933
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>> No.854059

And the fact he apologizes for not being able to save her must imply that in a previous world he was able to do so. Of the three scenarios, the one where Shrou did so was Fate.

Saber destroys the grail in UBW too, but she does so because it's corrupted rather than because she realizes that erasing her past is wrong.

>> No.854240

Well, if you consider the fact that Archer regrets many decisions he made out of idealism, there's the possibility that he later regretted allowing Saber to return to her time and meet her fate, without letting her have a second chance at life, which is what he wanted all along.

>> No.854279

In other news.

HF translation Progress: 100%

>> No.854289

Wait, what? The archer we know comes from a Realta Nua Shirou. His greatest regret was not being able to save Ilya. I didn't think that this was in debate.

Shirou has a certain chance to become a counter-guardian after each route, though that chance is zero in Fate iirc.

>> No.854307

How is the chance of becoming a counter-guardian next to zero in a route which leaves him more idealistic than ever before? If anything, that makes his chances more likely than any other route.

>> No.854326

I'm confused. Realta Nua is the same plot, with voices, and no sex scenes.

>> No.854398

that chance is zero in UBW

>> No.854392
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Rin goes to Negi's old school. How awesome is that?

>> No.854412

nope, there's always a chance, because we don't know what else might happen after the epiloque.

>> No.854481

I've always considered the cross-over potentials of Rin going to London, considering the various other series that are located or have connections there, like Hellsing, for example.

The most far-fetched I'd deigned to muse about would be something recockulous like a non-animu/VN series that involves mysticism mixed with science that's based in London.

>> No.854528

Both are fairly meh.

Fate had a much better ending, despite UBW being the better route overall.

I think the saddest thing about the UBW ending wasn't really Archer, it was Saber leaving without saying anything to anyone. And she goes and dies.

>> No.854583
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Recockulous, you say?

>> No.855267
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God, he looks so MOE there.

>> No.855318

How did such a clueless boy grow up to be such a cool, cynical bastard.

>> No.855398
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1213935686777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best ending so far, and soon enough we will be able to judge the heavens feel ends yay

>> No.855402

100% dere Rin is awesome.

>> No.855425


YOUTH no chikara!

>> No.855475

Has there been any explanation on Shiro's huge growth spurt from his age of 16 to 28?

>> No.855488

Easy, your dreams get turned into dust, you lose your Tsundere lover and your loli little sister.

Pretty much everything sucks if you're Archer.

>> No.855494

get out of the basement

>> No.855514

A person's growth period doesn't end until 25 years or so, roughly. Also Nasu.

>> No.855515

>loli older sister


>> No.855556
File: 69 KB, 600x450, 1213937680389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Shirou's seventeen and he could have just been a late bloomer. In the HF epilogue he's taller than Rider. He had a late growth spurt. I know one man who shot up a couple of inches when he turned twenty.

It isn't until one's 25 before they stop growing because their cartilage seals.

>> No.855582


Becoming gar adds a few inches.

>> No.855961
File: 38 KB, 350x455, 1213942763086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does being constantly hard for Rin all the time.

>> No.855972


you guys are stupid. you just don't realize tohsaka has the most bland and unoriginal character design and personality EVER

>> No.855986


>> No.856150
File: 39 KB, 369x350, 1213944923741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARG, there be a TROLL in them there waters!

>> No.856315


This isn't a false comment, just a retarded one.

>> No.857358

Dammit, what happened to the Archer dad thread?

>> No.857366

