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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8554360 No.8554360 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8554364

As always.

>> No.8554378

Just like every year. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I'll be spending that alone, too. Wonder if my parents will call me, at least.

>> No.8554369
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The joke's on you, I'll spend it online and in multiplayer.

>> No.8554375

i'm fine

>> No.8554377

How can spend Valentine's Day alone when I'll be at work with hundreds of other employees?

>> No.8554370
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>> No.8554372

Fuck you, I spend it with my waifu.
I already planned to make her favorite meal.

>> No.8554383
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I have my waifu.

>> No.8554384
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...Or will I?

>> No.8554386
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no anon-kun

>> No.8554389

You know, I don't have anything planned for Teto. I've been thinking about making caramels and coating them in chocolate for a while and I think this might be a good time to try doing that.

I've made caramel before but I've never tempered chocolate. Is it hard? From what I understand if it's not properly tempered you can re-temper with the same batch of chocolate.

Would I use bitter-sweet chocolate or milk chocolate? I think milk chocolate would taste better. Maybe I'll do half and half.

>> No.8554403

I will be spending valentines day "by myself".
Anyone who's out dumping all their money as a last ditch attempt to get attention from the opposite sex will be spending it alone.
If I were to go on a date it would be a day other than valentines day, I think the lack of obligation is much more meaningful
Flowers on the somethingth of april will win someone over far more than on the 14th of february

>> No.8554407

I want to say that I'll spend it with you guys, but I know that /jp/ is going to be spammed with shit threads all day, so I should probably stay away. Valentines Day and Christmas Eve might be the only days of the year I'm truly alone ;_;

>> No.8554408

I will be spending mine with mary jane, so fuck you very much

>> No.8554409

>>that feeling when no 2D wife or 3D wife

Forever a scone.

>> No.8554416

What happened to you in Iran?

>> No.8554422
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>You'll spend it alone
I'll spend it with you guys!

>> No.8554423

He was captured by the Israelis on the border and converted to Judaism.

>> No.8554430

Waifu you are as delusional as /a/

>> No.8554436

Hakuouki comes out on the 14th so I'll be hanging out with some イケメン

>> No.8554445

Here's the part where we all start listing off liquor with people's names.

Johnnie Walker, will you be mine?

>> No.8554447 [SPOILER] 
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I saw this post on the front page and made me lol.


>> No.8554456
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Happy Birthday, in advance.

>> No.8554458

My Waifu and I are going to be spending it together happily again this year, actually.

>> No.8554467

how did the feast day of Saint Valentine ever become a retail holiday anyway

>> No.8554472

>You will spend it alone.



>> No.8554473


As they already said, I will spend it with you /jp/.

And the shitstorm doesn't matter.

>> No.8554474

I don't even feel for you guys because you all act like a bunch of bitter assholes. You reap what you sow.

>> No.8554479

They said on the news that the average couple will spend $150

>> No.8554483

There's nothing wrong with him, Squiddy.
I'm okay with BL and GLge, but I just can't into otoge...

>> No.8554495
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Thanks, Anon.

>> No.8554496

Hopefully alone. I am worried though, there has been a girl who has been too friendly with me in one of my classes. Her face is pieced to hell, as is her tongue, and she smokes weed everyday. She asked me what I was doing on Valentines day and I said play games. She said cool. Should I skip class so I can avoid her? I did the smart thing by telling her I didn't own a phone (I do) but I don't know how to send signals to tell her to not talk to me.

>> No.8554499

I will spend nothing.
I win.

>> No.8554506

Act coldly and avoid her. Maybe it's not very subtle but it usually works.

>> No.8554515

Any time I've had someone try to get close to me my absolute lack of interest and conversation eventually bore them away.

>> No.8554655

I don't know the difference between acting coldly and warm. Maybe I should just wear my headphones and try to avoid eye contact

>> No.8554756

steal her pot and sell it for figs

>> No.8554862
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Firm ball~

Pretty sure I didn't stir it enough. Always terrified of overstirring sugary mixtures. It'll be covered by chocolate anyway and it's the thought that counts in the end, even though this tastes fine. Into the freezer until I can handle it by hand and roll into balls.
