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8554171 No.8554171 [Reply] [Original]

>Don't believe the hype that this is some cinematic artistic achievement, when over 30 minutes of a two hour run time is filled with dead silence or overly long awkward pauses in dialogue , it's not "hip and artistic" it's just boring
>The only movie I have ever seen with less dialog is a silent film. They may as well have gotten wooden mannequins to do the acting, they would have had the same effect. Pointless nothing to pointless gore, mad for a totally pointless movie
>This is an awful movie ... Watch the first half-hour. Gosling's (unnamed) character, when spoken to, takes ridiculously long pauses--upwards of 10 seconds--to respond.
>I feel no connection to any of the characters or the acting. Gosling is this weird arrogant silent guy that we never learn much about.
>The pauses are too long, the dialogue from the main character borders on none existent and the music is peculiar to say the least!
>Gosling appears to be heavily sedated throughout the movie, and the virtual lack of dialogue through the majority of the film just adds to the overall boring experience.
>I found myself disliking Gosling's character as he says so little to the point where you ask " did someone forget to tell Ryan Gosling he is in a movie and needs to act?
>It was an hour and 40 minutes of boring(I can't stress this word enough), monotone, drabble that barely had a plot and made Ryan Gosling look like an idiot. I seriously thought he was "special" throughout the entire movie.

This is what neurotypicals actually believe.

>> No.8554180

2001 ruled.

>> No.8554178

So is Drive any good or not?

>> No.8554185

I don't enjoy most movies I watch, but I really liked Drive.

>> No.8554188

i agree with all the greentext. terrible film.

>> No.8554195


>> No.8554203

Hows Jewllywood these days?

>> No.8554205

look at this nigga what neva saw a melville piece

>> No.8554233


so what is his mental disorder? as much as we would like there is no way he is actually autistic. Isn't this movie based on a book? I thought he was beaten as a child or something

>> No.8554239

Best movie of 2011

>> No.8554244

You have shit taste in film because none of what he said is right. If you use boring most of the time it's because you have add

>> No.8554253

He has no mental disorder. He just suffers from depression because of shit that happened in his past. His mom killed his dad with a knife and was sent to a mental asylum.

>> No.8554249


>> No.8554270

Why is he autistic then?

>> No.8554271

wait am I on /tv/

because the /jp/ I know would bitch up a storm whenever something board unrelated was posted

>> No.8554282

Autism was always /jp/ related.

>> No.8554291

He isn't autistic. Goddamnit you 4chan fags would have called Clint Eastwood autistic if The Good Bad And Ugly just came out. Did you not play video games with silent protagonist?

>> No.8554297

>op never heard of show it don't tell it
>Instead of your generic transporter movie we get action lead movie
>high ranked on any main critic website from rt to metacritic

>> No.8554304

Are you implying Crono isn't autistic?

>> No.8554316

Yes and while we are at it who is op quoting?

>> No.8554320

>The Good Bad And Ugly
I've never seen this. Would you say the MC's behavior might be interpreted as being autistic? I'd like to see more movies with autistic protags like Drive.

>> No.8554325

He is literally autistic.

>> No.8554326


>> No.8554334

I could easily destroy ops points one being his awkward not talking parts was just the love story subplot, and it would have just been you so sexy girl or some scripted romance bullshit. Second half he talked when he needed to.

>> No.8555505


That is the worst use of green text I have seen for a long time.

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8555515

Drive was good movie. 7/10
Wouldn't watch again.
