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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 366 KB, 1000x1313, 18568298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8517977 No.8517977 [Reply] [Original]

"Aruru's flatness - a miracle of the universe" edition.

Previous Thread:

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book:
Atelier Official Chronicle:

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
Offline Version:

>> No.8517979
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Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

CADENA ~Atelier Series Jazz Arrange Album Featuring Mami Horie Vol.1~

Istoria~Kalliope, Akiko Shikata's latest album:
http://ddl.comiket.me (Search for "VAGRANCY")


Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres
- AT3 Yokkora fan disc
- original /jp/ stuff

>> No.8517985
File: 636 KB, 790x809, 24609462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New GUST series directed by TOTAL COMMAND: "Surge Concerto"
First installment on Vita: "Ciel no Surge", JP release on April 26th 2012

Official Site

Additional Info

Upcoming releases (NA/EU):

Hyperdimenson Neptunia Mk. II - Feb. 24th 2012

Atelier Meruru - May 2012

>> No.8518002
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1397, 18063873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more pretty pic for good measure, and off I go~

>> No.8518022

>New thread

Oh hoh hoh? What's this?

I could have sworn you were all saying that these threads last upwards of 10 days, and don't hog up the board yet here we are with two of these shitstains.

Hypocrisy general, yeah?

>> No.8518069
File: 423 KB, 1200x1200, c4dcada7a8af242984e0ae63cd0ea297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ar Ru is indeed the flattest and best Ar Tonelico.

Join the Aki-dan today!

>> No.8518078
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>> No.8518091

Sup gust bros. Anyone can help me with good guide for Annie? Kinda lost here because i don't use any guide, and shocked by my first lost in battle.

I thought this one will only focus in time managing, but it seems i'm wrong.

>> No.8518099


Even if he didn't actually include that in the title this time, you still have a lot of nerve trying to stir up shit with a post like that.

>> No.8518104

There's always the GameFAQs guide, here http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/953050-atelier-annie-alchemists-of-sera-island/faqs/58238

Ignoring the community, they do have solid guides.

>> No.8518108

The proper text is "Reported for lolicon content. Go back to /b/"

>> No.8518119

Thanks. Also stupid question, should i focus in some characters for my team or try to level up all of them?

>> No.8518131
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>> No.8518171

Go back to mikuchan

>> No.8518180
File: 50 KB, 422x432, noregrets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope Ciel nosurge gets localized... by Xseed.

>> No.8518185 [DELETED] 


>> No.8518232

How much did that run you? Saving up for one, myself.

>> No.8518300

Don't Xseed's translations suck even worse than NISA's?

>> No.8518310

I heard they do a solid job.

>> No.8518319

I'm basing everything on their job with Corpse Party.

>> No.8518333

$350 for the whole thing. I do realize it's expensive, but fuck it, I've been working my ass saving for this.

>> No.8518337

Never played it. How was it: storywise and translationwise?

>> No.8518355

Well, the fact that the translation was solid and they didn't bother making some shitty dub, placed them high on my list. As for the game, shouldn't be missed by anyone, seriously.

>> No.8519496 [DELETED] 

Depends on the end you want. Adventuring with people raises their friendship with you ... which may trigger special events with them.
But yet, _Annie_ requires you to improve your gear and know when to run away from a fight.

>> No.8519529

So why the hell is Cocona back to referring to herself in the third person for AT3? You're not meant to have character development and then just delete it for the sequel, Gust, christ.

>> No.8519711

Annie *is* about time management - time is the resource you spend to get everything else.
Gathering, Synthesis, Travel.
Reasons to Gather: direct materials, monster drops, adventurer experience, improved relationship with hirelings.
Reasons to Travel: meet with managers, set up a gather, trigger a character event
Reasons to Synthesize: better equipment, single use items, manager requests, friend requests, adventurer shop items, event quests.
Three of the seven possible endings are: Royal Alchemist, Great Adventurer, Crown Merchant - which are each achieved by focusing on one objective and not balancing it all out. Hitting true end on your first playthrough is unlikely without following a guide exactly - it is doable, but unlikely, because of the travel related events, and the cost of random travel. So don't worry about it.

>> No.8519745


Butter up my pooper

>> No.8520101

>and they didn't bother making some shitty dub

Keep in mind that depending on platform/how much voice acting you have companies are frequently *required* to have an English dub in their games, even if it's a weeaboo niche title that only people who don't want or at least don't care that much about an English track would buy.

I'd imagine this restriction still exists for PS3 games but has been relaxed for the PSP due to the fact that niche weeaboo games are pretty much the only things that are being released for the platform now.

>> No.8520125

I guess SEGA got out of it with Yakuza/RGG games because... well, they're SEGA and they can push a little, but you're probably right.

I was under the impression that Xseed did Working Design-esque translations in general, in fact. Which might not be 100% faithful, but atleast kept to a theme or to the rule of funny. Ironically, for a game with scary and funny moments both, like Corpse Party, it sort of works. Also, DAT LESBIAN LUST FOR BUTTS AND HEMORROID CREAM MOMENT.

>> No.8520264

>I guess SEGA got out of it with Yakuza/RGG games because... well, they're SEGA and they can push a little, but you're probably right.

Sadly the rule for Sony's approval department has pretty much always been that big publishers can do whatever the fuck they want and the rules only really apply to the little guys.

>> No.8520267 [DELETED] 


>> No.8520273

Because it's cute. Cocona is cute man.

>> No.8520285

I thought about it, but seriously, don't make it start again.

>> No.8520280
File: 277 KB, 414x1458, Ar Tonelico Thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading through the last thread, I'm amazed this wasn't posted.

>> No.8520422


You must be new here.

>> No.8521144


Maybe it's Saki rubbing off on her? Does she refer to herself in the third person when she's disguised?

>> No.8521317

Nope. She literally corrects herself from boku to Cocona in the first scene after she loses her disguise. It's a shame, her maturing during the ending of AT2 was one of the best character moments in the series, and they completely forgot about it.

>> No.8521340

Cocona looked pretty mature to me on AT3.

>> No.8522911

$90 for Totori Meruru Rorona Premium Artbook

should I do it /jp/

>> No.8523083


Yes. Scan it for the rest of us.

>> No.8524890
File: 1.44 MB, 1296x1812, 23768118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a link or ISBN?

>> No.8524902
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>> No.8525074
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>> No.8525154


>> No.8525173


now even /a/ talks about AT


>> No.8525178

It's not like they don't post here. Let them be.

>> No.8525905


It's not uncommon, I lurk /a/ now and again and I've seen plenty of AT threads. Most of them turn into a Jakuri circlejerk though.

>> No.8525919

I am sort of amazed this thread hasn't turned into a Cloche circlejerks like most AT threads on /jp/. I've likely jinked it though.

>> No.8525929

Don't you mean Jacqli

>> No.8525939

ah yes. don't know how I mixed up the names.

>> No.8526010

I saw a reasonably civil Gust thread on /v/ the other day. Abandon all hope.

>> No.8526028

hey, we at /tg/ love gust too.

>> No.8526140

Thanks for the link. Sadly, cdjapan doesn't have that book, otherwise I would have finally found something to spend my points on.

>> No.8526233
File: 321 KB, 500x494, 61kmy6rxh7lss500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know to what degree Ciel no Surge will share points from Ar Tonelico?

One of the articles mentions song magic and Ciel is hymmnos so...

I just want more Shikata hymmnos songs... ;_;

>> No.8526246

Did you see that thread where /tg/ tried to hammer out a PnP based on AT's combat system? It was actually really cool with some neat ideas like how to deal with spell charging and other such problems.

I'm not sure if it was archived though...

>> No.8526277

>I just want more Shikata hymmnos songs... ;_;
This, this, this. I'm checking Vagrancy's homepage daily, hoping for an announcement. I doubt we could get more Hymmnos, but songs even remotely related in style would be a blessing.

>> No.8526459

>only 2 seeders for the Elemia torrent.
this is gonna take awhile wont it?

>> No.8526462
File: 161 KB, 396x648, 5a1e2ec192dd6a10adddb694912d91d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can e-mail cdjapan customer service and ask them to get it for you.

>> No.8526497

You /tg/'s are the coolest board, I can read all those stories in your archive for days.

>> No.8526558
File: 217 KB, 960x745, at2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just starting to play AT2 and emulation speeds are fine, but sometimes I get these weird graphic glitches. Like here, part of Luca's portrait has messed up colors. Other stuff includes:
World map being fucked when playing in higher than native resolution
Pieces of characters' faces in portraits missing sometimes when playing in higher than native resolution.
And being transported in weird dark area for a moment when running to the edge of box you can open.

Are these just common things I have to deal with, or is there something weird going on? First game emulated fine for me.

>> No.8526568


>> No.8526576

Oh, okay then. Thanks for clearing that.

>> No.8526578

Seems to download at a decent speed for me (800kb/s+).

Yeah, but since they charge a fee and force you to use EMS, it'd probably be cheaper or the same price if I just ordered at rakuten.jp via a proxy and use registered airmail for shipping.

>> No.8527314

here it is.

>> No.8527333


what version of pcsx2 are you using?

>> No.8527348

I'm having trouble getting a picture of the political state of Ar Ciel.

Archia is obviously a corporarchy (state ruled by a corporation), and Metafalss/Metafalica is a Theocracy (ruled by a religious body), but hell if I know what the rest of Ar Ciel counts as.

I'm guessing Platina is a Democratic Monarchy (like England) with Shurelia technically being the ruler, but actually controlled by Leard or whoever else is elected.

I'm stumped for all the others, any suggestions?

>> No.8527415

>but actually controlled by Leard or whoever else is elected.

more of appointed by Shurelia, as she saw him fit to take care of the menial work in her stead and not fuck up anything so she could spend more time managing the other aspects of the tower instead of babysitting that one city.

The lower world, on the other hand, looks to be mostly a tribal sort of thing, with the headsman of the town/village and everybody in that town/village goes by what that person says, and then the giant city is something like Hong Kong. Overlapping the cities are the church and that other organization, which are something similar to the Triad, but are more of non-competing rival gangs as far as protection goes.

>> No.8527500

I'm actually kinda disappointed Total Command has moved on to a new series, even if it's tangentally related to AT. I would've liked to see one last game in the series, set just enough into the future that Cocona could either be a vanguard or the party's reyvateil depending on the situation (or your preference).

Or heck, make up a new reyvateil who's good enough at weapons combat to be able to fit either role.

Horus and Great Fang seem to be feudal states.

>> No.8527522

So I haven't actually played AT3 yet, I just downloaded the songs and skimmed over what happens. Now I just heard the music that plays during the final boss fight.




Why wasn't this on the OST and why does it almost feel like they're trying to hide it from me? I could care less about phase 1 and phase 4 was in Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor more or less but I NEED phase 2. Anyone know where I can download it or am I going to have to rip it off the youtube video?

>> No.8527593

So I was just playing AT1 for the first time (read a Lets Play of it before playing AT2, but never played it myself) and holy shit, I'm passing through Inferia on the way up the tower (which is a surprise to me as it was left out of the LP somehow), and this place just gives me the chills. The music, combined with the sheer scale of how fucked up the tower is... jesus.

Games with better graphics just can't get the hang of the sheer creepiness of such utter devastation

>> No.8527622

It might have something to do with our current obsession with lifelike graphics. Fantastic settings like a gigantic tower seem faker because they're unbelievable yet so much closer to being real. Think uncanny valley that has nothing to do with people. As an example. parts of FFXIII seemed at times more like an abstract painting than an actual world people live in.

I enjoy the Ar Tonelico series because it seems that there's always the looming threat of total destruction. It's a fact of machinery that it will eventually break down. We can fall back on the Earth which is a machine on the galactic setting, meaning we'll all be dead before it breaks down.
But for people in Ar Tonelico the machine is all that's left and there's the very real threat that the world as they know it will end and take everyone with them. It's an ephemeral existence, one that could pop like a soap bubble.

>> No.8527633

Yeah, it's a creepy place allright. The forlorn version of the usual BGM chant, the fact there's nothing to it other than one long straight flight of stairs, and all that debris both in the foreground and background...

Oh, and the giant statue chunks too. Nothing creepier than running past a few giant dismembered hands and heads

>> No.8527808 [DELETED] 

I'm playing AT1 and I just beat the final boss.
Is it worth going after the incomplete endings or should I just finish Shurelia's cosmosphere and get on with it?

>> No.8527821
File: 244 KB, 595x842, 1327918048105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciel no surge, may have a monthly fee for new scenarios.

I dunno what to feel.


>> No.8527847

>package only contains the first chapter at full price
>new chapter every month for 500yen


>> No.8527853


>> No.8527907



Enjoy my poorly spliced version of the 4 tracks. I'm exactly like you. Once I heard phase 2 I just had to stop the fight completely and sit back and appreciate the music. It's such an awesome theme that just fits the mood of the final boss extremely well. If you want the single track I can provide that too but it's basically just all 4 of them together.


The whole barcode thing mixed in with the fact that it has a chance of not being translated didn't appeal to me very much but this has put me off completely. Good thing I didn't pre-order a Vita.

>> No.8527933

And so another falls prey of Ec Tisia.

>> No.8527943

Disappointed, taking such strategy is just abusing your loyal fans. Can this be Tecmo's doing?

>> No.8527962

This game is sounding stranger and stranger as time goes on.
But if it really is episodic in nature it removes all doubt as to whether NISA is going to localise it.

>> No.8527973

Does NISA even have any say in what they can publish out of GUST now that Tecmo Koei has them in their icy grip?

>> No.8527982

Gust has proven time and time again that they are a company I am willing to throw money at.

I'll take it as it comes. Knowing them, I won't regret it.

>> No.8528001

Ugh, thank you very much.

I went looking myself and all I could find was a poor quality version. This is great

>> No.8528391

I feel the same way. I don't give a shit how much many it takes to make me feel the way I did when I played all the ATs. Hell, I'm being a Vita for them.

>> No.8528394

Make that "buying"

>> No.8530469
File: 279 KB, 480x671, Photo 05-07-2011 20 02 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even fall asleep without the thread hitting page 14 thanks to the shitposting.

>> No.8530560


Why not wait until the game is released and there's at least some reviews/news released about the game before spending quite a bit of money? There's no point rushing into something that quite frankly looks quite iffy right now.

>> No.8531249


How are you supposed to wait and sit back when a game like this is released?

>> No.8531628


By having patience instead of throwing money away? The game isn't going to magically disappear the moment it's released. Just wait a week or two after it's released and decide then if it's worth it.

>> No.8531706

I want to trust GUST. I want to. But... paid DLC and all that? That's something I'd expect from some bullshit company milking their fans. It's something I can't respect. In a word, shit. I want to trust them, but I've seen more than a few companies commit suicide (financially and artistically). I'm worried, guys.
What's the name of the BGM track that played there? I think you may be talking about a part (and track) that really left an impression on me, but I can't really remember.
...I'm actually replying to a post from a day ago.

>> No.8531948


Episodic DLC is not a new thing...It worked for Sam and Max. I don't really see the problem here.

Am I missing something?

>> No.8531996

Try going through it blind the first time and learn how everything works. It's short so the next time around you'll know it much better.

>> No.8532117
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>> No.8532274

If I was the little girl princess I would be a terrible despot.

>> No.8532276
File: 74 KB, 640x360, atelier_meruru053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8532409

>>Does NISA even have any say in what they can publish out of GUST now that Tecmo Koei has them in their icy grip?

Nope. Tecmo Koei USA exists, so they would be the ones to publish and translate all future GUST games for the US.

>> No.8532768
File: 449 KB, 207x360, 1323289715450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to kill me?

>> No.8532959

Also, you can keep most of your stuff in the NG+.

>> No.8532970

I... also found the game kind of easy the first time I played it, although a bit enervating regarding exploring maps taking days to walk like... 5 steps. No seriously, what. Atleast battles were always ridicolously easy for me, with levelups left and right. Also, minigames = free money/components. But, I heard the final assignment is actually kind of hard. If just my save game didn't wipe...

>> No.8533036

I suppose that would depend on the sort of contract GUST made with Tecmo. They might as well leave that job with NISA.

How good is Tecmo Koei when it comes to localizing games anyway? My biggest fear would be no more JP audio tracks.

>> No.8533142
File: 79 KB, 352x500, NEOBK-1039931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memorial and Premium Artbook for Atelier Arland are both now available on cdjapan.co.jp



artbook is mostly pictures, little text. memorial has a lot of text and more pages.

>> No.8533247
File: 52 KB, 352x500, NEOBK-1062975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. Hopefully fans will make a big deal out of no JP audio if it happens.

I got the Perfect Art Book. I think it's the better of the two personally.

Oh and they got Neptunia artbook back in stock too:


>> No.8533295
File: 123 KB, 828x620, artttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am stuck in the beginning of Phase2, the first game, i have no fucking idea what to do, visited every location in city and there is only Platina on the world map.

>> No.8533463

was this the part, where you had to go down the stairs next to the funbun man and visit some room down there?

>> No.8533468

Yes, some anon helped me already on /a/, but thanks anyway. This part was fucking confusing...

>> No.8534179

Can someone help me? Is the third phase the same for both girls? Can i just complete phase 2 with both girls then finish the game with one?

>> No.8534196

Aside from the ending (obviously) yes, phase 3 is identical for both girls.

>> No.8534437

Saw that earlier and I'm REALLY tempted to buy it.

>> No.8534509

Just started AT2, hope it will be better than the first one.
Got some questions to ask:
- how long does it take to finish at least one ending?
- which girl do you suggest to choose? Are there any major differences between each heroine's ending, except for the girl you choose,obviously?

>> No.8534540

1. Around 30 or more hours I found.
2. Just go with whatever one you like.

>> No.8534543


A single run is roughly 20-30 hours, possibly more if you spend a shitton of time on crafting/IPD hunting. Proper use of save scumming can easily get you all four endings in two runs.

Jacqli (the third RT) is the most popular of the AT2 choices around here. I personally love all of them, though.

Ending-wise the only thing that changes based on girl choice is a single post-credits scene. However, unlike in AT1 where you can clear every CS in a single run, going past any girl's fifth level will lock you into her ending and lock you out of level 6+ of the other girls' cosmospheres.

And similar to AT1, there's a branch point in mid-late phase 1 (out of 5) where you choose between the first two girls, and the two paths converge again at the end of phase 2. Choosing one girl will of course lock you out of the other girl's ending (and by extension her later cosmosphere levels.)

>> No.8534589

Oh Jacqli, I got spoiled of who she is, and judging from her design I think I'll probably choose her, she appeares during Phase 3, doesn't she?

>> No.8534600

She appears a few times in Phase 1 and 2,but you don't get her as a party member until the end of Phase 2 if I recall.

>> No.8534602

She joins at the end of phase 2.

>> No.8534612

Thus, if I want to get her ending, I should stop myself from going deeper into the others' cosmospheres?

>> No.8534628


Yeah, don't go past level 5 in Cloche or Luca's CS. You will be properly warned before the point of no return. In addition I'm pretty sure you can't get past level 5 before Jacqli joins no matter what.

>> No.8534637

Level 5, I think, is the point of no return. You get a confession sort of thing, so you know when you're there. Just keep going and turn them down when the time comes. They have each other and you have everyone's favorite genocidal maniac.

>> No.8534724

FORMER genocidal maniac, if you please.

>> No.8535380
File: 688 KB, 1280x800, P20120209010916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks GUSTbros for letting me know there is this awesome thing called AT and giving me a fuckton of images so I could spend two hours thinking about the homescreen theme I should pick

>> No.8535429

I've been waiting for that AT2 retranslation project for a while, I wonder if I should just say fuck it and play the undub...I wish they'd just put out a partial patch or something, they're supposedly done with the entire main plot.

>> No.8535430


>> No.8535587
File: 61 KB, 400x578, 03b89fc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aurica confirmed for best girl,
she even got her own Light Novel Adaption!

>> No.8535593

What the hell is thaaaat?

>> No.8535601

The Hoshimeguri really is great wallpaper material, do you mind posting up a clean copy of yours?

>> No.8535609

Index author's new novel series illustrated by our very own Nagi.

>> No.8535624

This does not bode well for Index...

>> No.8535636


But you know she does really look similar to Aurica

>> No.8535647

undub? what's the point of an undub, it had the option to pick eng or jp audio.

>> No.8535651

Tons of the voiced lines were removed.

>> No.8535652

The US release of AT2 cut out some of the voices from the japanese dialogue track. The reasoning behind this was to be able to fit both japanese and english voices on one disk.

>> No.8535654

I really thought she was Aurica. What's up with that, Nagi?

>> No.8535660

Didn't know that, damn now I feel cheated.

>> No.8535673

But it's Cloche who has purple eyes, not Aurica. Aurica's are blue.

>> No.8535687

Since this is Nagi, this is sameface-syndrome I am ok with.

>> No.8535704
File: 109 KB, 425x600, waltraute2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much variation in regards to "clothing", I see.

>> No.8536217

I just finished my first playthrough in Melody of Elemia and I wanted to know if there was a new game plus option or if I just use the save I did before I chose who would use the purger hymn

>> No.8536274
File: 301 KB, 500x700, sd3e4a9b2236e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's sorta like a mix between Aurica and Riesz.

Mite b cool.

>> No.8536433

You're stuck with the earlier save.

>> No.8536482

Actually, a lot of AT girls have purple eyes.
Cloche, Mir, Finnel, Tilia

>> No.8536635

Yeah, but Cloche is the only one with purple eyes and a hair colour like that valkyrie girl. Well, Cloche and her mother. That family.

>> No.8536668

What a disgusting slut, wouldn't fuck.I prefer pure little girls like Charlotte.

>> No.8536673
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>> No.8538048

Do the symbols represent the 12 Wills? If yes, do we know which is which? I'd assume the heart at 7 o'clock is Sarapatra, and the book-thing at 10 o'clock -> knowledge -> Sasha?

>> No.8538202

Anyone know where I can download the Atelier Arland Drama CDs, now that most of the sites hosting it are gone?

>> No.8538654

What fonts/launcher theme is that?

>> No.8538674

Font? The Hymmnos font, the launcher is ADW and I have been using simple Icon app for making the launchers

>> No.8538716

The twelve symbols represent the Hoshimeguri. Unfortunately the ARM wiki is currently down so I can't tell you what's what.

>> No.8540199

>Looks like Kamachi's new short story being serialized in Dengeki Bunko Magazine titled "The Circumstances of Waltraute's Courtship" takes place in the world of Norse mythology and is about a Valkyrie who falls in love with a little boy told from the point of view of the little boy.

Sounds like Aurica's been hanging around Spica too long.

>> No.8540505

I guess when all you do is meet paragons of mankind after they die a glorious death you start to hunger for little boys?

>> No.8540703

So, how does the Teru teleportation actually works? or is it just "lol magic"?

>> No.8540776

I was under the impression that it was "lol magic" within the confines of the tower they're based in.

>> No.8540997

Teru magic itself is lolmagic in the game world, anyway. Their powers escape definition for Sound Science and they can do feats impossible to scientists.

>> No.8541093

Why is this so amazing?

>> No.8541201

Tastiella is a projection

>> No.8541291

Some Teru can actually teleport though. Like >>8540997 said, they're magic, they do what they want.

>> No.8541575

> they're magic, they do what they want.
And they don't have to explain shit.

>> No.8541720

If I wanna get into this series, what game do I start with? Is there one on the PS3?

>> No.8541768

1 and 2 are on PS2, and 3 (titled Qoga in the west) is on PS3. You can go straight to 3, but it's a shame, really. You'd be missing out on too much, and it's a much greater experience if you play them in order.

>> No.8541871

1 and 2 are on the PS2, and very easy to emulate on your PC.

3 is for PS3.

It is highly recommended that you play them all in order.

>> No.8541945

Why wouldn't you play a goddamn TRILOGY in order? Fuck

>> No.8541989


There are plenty of game series where the later entries draw little to no story elements from the previous ones so you're okay to start with the later ones and go back if you're hungry for more, or ones where the first game or two are shit so you should skip ahead, so it's a fair question.

>> No.8543196


Having never heard that song before.. thank you.

>> No.8543335

Shut up and download Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor right now

>> No.8543432

>Having never heard that song before
Why, WHY.

>> No.8543822


Wait, it's on Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor...? My memory is fucking horrible. I guess that's what happens when I listen to it a few times and then forget to add it to my main playlist with all the hymmnos that I listen to regularly.

>> No.8544616

I finally got around to literally unwrapping the Ar Tonelico Qoga premium box set after having it sitting around for like six or seven months. Games pretty fun so far but diving into the battle system at first seemed pretty weird.

I still need to finish up Rorona so I can start up Totori.

>> No.8544665

Thanks. Is there a bundle pack of these on amazon or something?

>> No.8544802

I wouldn't suggest buying AT2, no undub, tons of bugs.

>> No.8545452
File: 88 KB, 400x355, Akiko Shikata - Byakumu no Mayu ~Ricordando il passato~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I figured this would be as good a place as any to ask this. I need more music, music that sounds like some of the Ar Tonelico stuff. Especially:

EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/.omnss chs ciel sos infel

I've already went through everything Akiko Shikata ever did, since she was my favorite artist (As is apparent from the song choices) but I'm running out of new things and I've got, as I understand it, a very weird taste in music.

Oh, and I'm allergic to the really giggly stuff. As an example I had a fit when I heard EXEC_EP=NOVA_. Not only because it was awful, but because it took up space on the disk that could have been used by another, better song. I like it when women sing like women, not tiny babbies.

>> No.8545472

Can someone spoil me Misha route form the first game in some detail? I don't want to replay the game, it is just too huge.

>> No.8545567


Can't forget that one.

>> No.8545761

Playing through the first game, goddamnit the phase 3 is so fucking stupid...

>> No.8546197

Kalafina is the only remotely similar thing I can think of to Akiko Shikata's stuff.
That said it's not even that similar, which goes to show what a unique style the latter has.

>> No.8546364

Sound Horizon, maybe.

>> No.8546400

I won't pretend EXEC_EP=NOVA/. is one of the best songs she has, but I think it's at the same time funny and not so out-of-style. CHOU☆RON☆GU makes me happy every time, if you know what I'm talking about.
That aside, I've made at least two threads asking for suggestions about music similar to the Hymns, and I got nothing.

Those are horrible suggestions. I love Sound Horizon and Kajiura, don't get me wrong, but... but... they're not similar to Shikata. I can understand trying to suggest something that has even just a bit in common, but there must be somebody that makes music with more or less the same feelings! I... I guess I just want more of Shikata. I hope she comes back for Ciel nosurge.

>> No.8546438

That's a shame.

>> No.8546442

You got a problem there, Shikata is her own genre, too unique. Apart fromt he obvious Mitose, Haruka and Ishibashi, you're better off with anything kinda new-age/folkloric there.

>> No.8546600

Uh, Wave? (Morrigan) It's probably the closest I know. Like watch?v=lBLZMC_Xzho

>> No.8546653

Please? Someone?

>> No.8546678
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Mishas Route was better than Auricas,
so maybe you should replay it.

But if you really don't want to play it again:

The main difference is that you get access to an area within Tenba HQs, where you can fuse Misha with the "Chronicle Key" or seperate her from it.
The result is that you now have the option to choose between her loli and adult version at will.

>> No.8546717

Gust makes the Atelier games too, right? How are those? Are there any I should start with?

>> No.8546724

My favorite is Iris 2 but some people disagree. If you're comfortable with time limits try playing Annie, it's less frustrating than the PS3 trilogy

>> No.8546738

Iris is on the PS2, right? Maybe I'll check it out. How's PS3 ones?

>> No.8546739

I did that in Aurica route...

>> No.8546744


No, if you choose to repay the church at the beginning of Phase 2 (Aurica Route)
you won't get access to the option of switching Misha's form at will.

>> No.8546746

No, i am telling you i did that in Aurica route because i am playing Aurica route right now, i can change her form at will whenever i want in Tenba facility.

>> No.8546754

They aren't bad but I really hate the time management

>> No.8546758


As much as I loved Fee, the Mana Khemia games are MUCH better than anything before. Still, it might also be one of my favorite Gust games.


Do yourself a favor and start with Atelier Iris 1. Gust constantly improved the battles, so going back is a bad idea and they are all worth it being played. (Well, maybe except Atelier Iris 3, but..)
Only exception with "improved battles" is Mana Khemia 2, but that one has cameos from MK1. (And all the other stuff improved)

The Ps3 games are very different though. Only player Rorona so far and at first it isn't very fun. It's not a rpg, but more of a "planning" game. That said, I don't mind that, but I do mind it, if a game like that tries its best to piss me off by totally destroying any planning. Well, Cory pulled me through. After the character quests were done, it became better. Much better. Though the battles are much more basic than in the ps2 titles, given the whole "back to the roots" approach.

>> No.8546771

You know what? You are not alone. I fucking love Iris 2.

>> No.8546808
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Okay I'm mistaken ther,e sorry.
screw what I just said

But fact is,
instead of spending your time in Phase 2 going with Aurica and Radolf back to the church

You accompany Jack and Misha back to Tenba and actually witness how Misha decides to follow her duty as star singer.

At the end of Phase 2 the two Paths overlap again:
You have to reach Platina and defeat the second big boss which was summoned by Falss, using Aurica.

The difference in Misha's path is, though,
that you visit the Crescent Chronicle first to leave Misha there sining her Chronicle Key, before you head to the Altar of Apostles.

Was this detailed enough for you?

>> No.8546820

Quite literally the only reason I hate EP=NOVA is because the singing is so high pitched. The best part of liking music that's not in a language I can understand is it doesn't matter what they're singing about.

Yeah I heard that before, I just didn't want to believe it.
>Check Shikata's Discography on the only place I know, wikipedia
>Nothing for 2012

Such is life with weird taste in things.

>> No.8546851

Her wikipedia article doesn't even show all the Istoria. Why would you trust that? I mean, wasn't Kaliope pretty much released this year?
That fucking 英雄葬 was glorious.

>> No.8546853

Time managment? What do you mean?

>Start with Iris 1
>Planning game

>> No.8546859


See >>8546600

Though I personally think Shikata's music can be very hit or miss. (Pretty much the same like WAVE really) Not bad though.

>> No.8546872

Atelier Iris 3 was still a nice game, though it was clearly focused on the npc characters you did your quests for.

>> No.8546884


Iris1-3 as well as Mana Khemia 1+2 are for ps2. (Check gamefaqs or something)

Planning game = time managing = everything you do takes time. You have limited time. So, make an item, lose a day (or more). Go into a Dungeon, lose some days. You need to fulfill certain things within a time-limit. That in itself isn't hard. It becomes harder if you want to get more than one ending in one playthrough. (Or even going for a 1-playthrough Platinum Run in AR. It's still not that hard, but it requires quite a bit of reloading. Better finish something early than being unable to finish all necessary things before the game ends..)


True, I loved that as well. But then again.. I'm way too much of a Gust fan.

>> No.8546897

Speaking of Istoria, the Greek lyrics were very well translated. There were a few hiccups, but the attention to detail is impressive. Most people wouldn't bother getting it all right.

>> No.8546953

What do you mean by "All the Istoria?"

Kalliope was on the disk mentioned in the article, wasn't it? Also if I understand it correctly this was a collaborative effort so she didn't do all of the songs on that one.

>> No.8546958

Guys. Guys. Just now I found out Shikata had a live concert the past August, Laylania.
On one side, I want the special CD from that concert. On the other, just yesterday some guy edited Shikata's article on Wikipedia and added "LAYLANIA" as a 2012 release. No edits in the Japanese article since early January, and I can't find anything on official pages. So, what's this actually about?

>> No.8546973

She composed/arranged all the tracks except 5, 8, and 11. It's the lyrics that were mostly made by other people.

>> No.8547008

It's goddamn Shikata we're talking about, man. If you get that much detail on a fictional language, of course you can expect that on a real one.

>> No.8547309

Ah, so the game itself is timed.

>> No.8547401

Yeah thanks, but what about Lyner forgetting Misha?

>> No.8547404


Lyner, Jack, Krusche, and Misha all head down to the lower world but they can't get back to Firefly Alley because of the storm mentioned in Aurica's route.

After legwork you hear that there's a way down through the tower innards (This way was opened up in Aurica's path and a townsperson spread the info). Instead of the scene where Aurica is accosted by thugs and Lyner gets pissed, he gets to white knight Claire instead. Yes, Claire, not Misha, and she will scold you. We're off to a good start...

The journey down is a long soul crushing tower dungeon, on the way there is a talk topic you can miss about the storm in that one port (where you got Radolph in your party the first time). If you farm Harmonics, Jack will instagib enemies at the worst moments with his hidden burst damage passive and aoe skills.

Then you finally make your way back to the Tenba facility through the escape route at the beginning of the game. Note that you might have missed some of the goodies in the walls but other than that you go to Firefly Alley and talk with Spica and everyone.

The party decides that they need to get into this one area (that Misha was afraid of at the beginning). Misha can't go there because there is field of symphonic energy that can hurt and kill Reyvateils.


>> No.8547412


Krusche determines that there is a way to turn this off but it requires shutting down the island's reactor and they need a device for that. Lyner thinks it would be better to just leave Misha temporarily while they blaze through the area but she really doesn't want to be left behind. So he does it anyways while she sleeps [EVERYONE SUCKS ON MISHA'S ROUTE MOMENT #1].

The party fails or something and they head back. Misha is pissed and at some point the storm clears (Because of Aurica and Shurelia) and Misha takes a ship to find the reactor key by herself to spite Lyner [EVERYONE SUCKS ON MISHA'S ROUTE #2].

Lyner and co coincidentally find Aurica ambling around (Suffering from a lack of Life Extending Agent and Mir mindfuckery, but Misha's route doesn't explain this so she must be just emo [EVERYONE SUCKS ON MISHA'S ROUTE #3])

You take a boat back to the main continent to track Misha down to the Tenba facility that was smashed by the plate. After searching that place you meet up with Misha, and Radolph and Ayatane come to swap Reyvateils. This is where everyone cameo'd on the other route.

Back at Tenba the party shuts off the reactor (during this time Firefly Alley is slowly crashing down) and goes through a break neck race (with no time limit) to get to the lab facilities (where you could change Misha's form in everyone's phase 3). After a boss fight with mooks, President Tenba comes in and discovers that Bourd is running horrible experiments behind her back and she lays down the law [EVERYONE SUCKS ON MISHA'S ROUTE EXCEPT PRESIDENT TENBA]. After this you enter in through Misha's cosmosphere to get a scene with her China Dress persona (slightly different from when you get Misha back on the other route) and restore the Chronicle Key and her adulthood. After several minutes of "Which version do you like teehee!" everyone heads back to the mainland just in time for the Crusade.

>> No.8547421


Lyner hurries everyone to the Teru tribe to return Misha but they need to reach Tastiella in the Crescent Chronicle. As they reach the area, Linker starts playing as Falss summons Mir. This is a makeshift dungeon as certain doors are closed and Tastiella doesn't guide everyone.

At the Crescent Chronicle Bourd is attacking Tastiella (If you fought her out of curiosity before, you know what a turtle she is). So you get to fight him for real this time. Unlike the Phase 1 encounter, he actually uses his massive lightning attack so you can keep Misha's Lightning element spell up without feeling stupid this time. He drops a slightly different gem than Falss.

After this fight, Misha says her farewell and Lyner realizes that maybe he was a little TOO helpful as she starts to sing the Chronicle Key in the middle of bad voice clipping. Tastiella rubs it in that she can't talk or do anything else ever again. Lyner promises to visit her (but the game never gives you an opportunity). If you even just slightly like Misha then this is the worst moment in the entire game. [EVERYONE SUCKS ON MISHA'S ROUTE #INFINITY]

After this you make your way up to Platina and the routes converge.

>> No.8547429


During the sequence when you fix the airship, you go get the Solstone from that nice field that you probably went by on the other route. Here there is a game breaking glitch that occurs if you nab the stone a second before seeing a cutscene of Lyner remembering Misha some more.

For Misha's Phase 2 ending she just drags you around shopping.

At the beginning of Phase 3 she does the "WE'RE NOT GETTING MARRIEEEEED" gag exactly like Aurica. The scene where Lyner asks her to sing the Chronicle Key again is also the same and since he should know better on this route, it makes you feel a hundred times worse. [EVERYONE SUCKS ON MISHA'S ROUTE #INFINITY+1]

And that's as far as I replayed phase 3 and I assume everything else is the same except the ending. You might be able to visit the Weather Control dungeon with Shurelia's access keys on this route, I haven't tested it. If not then that's the only route exclusive area in the game.

tl;dr Lyner remembers Misha a tiny little bit and you get to personally see the struggles she goes through but it will make you hate everyone in the game except maybe Krusche, Radolph and Ayatane. And you also get to see Lady Tenba transition to an nice person first hand.

>> No.8547443

I fucking love you. Thanks.

>> No.8547456
File: 240 KB, 2550x3300, iloveyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have this pic.

>> No.8547485


Sort of. Though only certain actions cost time. No "you have 20hours of game-time" or some crap like that. Well, I think the DS game uses "steps" in dungeons, but I don't really remember. In Atelier Rorona you only pay some days for traveling to a dungeon (and back), as well as a fixed "exploring cost" per area and synthesis-costs. And there comes the time managing.
Now that I think about it, Atelier Iris3 had timed dungeons. (real time..) Not a problem, because you could enter them as much as you want, but still quite annoying.

>> No.8548687
File: 329 KB, 599x682, 1299827852559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all that, mate. Now I can ignore Misha and just start AT2 when I'm done with phase 3. Didn't know everyone turns into bitches on the other route.

I liked Aurica more anyway. Misha's "Don't you remember me?" triggered the instinct to run away.

>> No.8548852 [DELETED] 

Atelier Totori opens with a 3 month tutorial; since there aren't any real decisions to made, you could watch the youtube for it:

>> No.8549876

Is it true that they're whoring Ion out for ridiculous prices for a single episode?

>> No.8549892

What the hell, GUST?

>> No.8550556

Finished first part, this was really wonderful, time to start second one. Should i just go jacqli route in the second game? I heard she was the best choice.

>> No.8550593
File: 290 KB, 1254x1771, ded6cc2a868ec9e899fd6841af49fbdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well that's a rather complicated question,
personally I think that the heroines of AT2 are the best in the whole series,
that goes for Jaqcli, Chloche and Luca.

And I can confirm that the Jaqcli route is great,
but so are the other routes, too.

You should also remember that AT2 will lock you into one heroine route once you have reached a certain point while diving.

As with AT1 you will get to chose with whom you will stick in Phase 2, Luca or Cloche.
And choosing Cloche here will block the Luca ending and vice versa.

The option to go for Jaqcli happens rather late into the game,
so I would recommend you to delay devoting yourself to the girl you choose for Phase 2,

and instead wait until you've come to know Jaqcli better.

Than you can decide whether you stick with Cloche/Luca or go for Jaqcli instead.

My personal favorite is Cloche, though
I have a thing for the tsundere ojou-sama type of girl.

>> No.8550609

Damn, looks like i'll have to do all the routes now...thanks for the info anon.

>> No.8550670


AT2's choice is easy. Go with Jaqli, don't care about the other two. They have each other which is more than enough. Depending on how you are, you wouldn't want to do any of their routes after Jaqli's anyway.

AT1+3 do that differently. For example, AT3's Finnel does have a very interested friend, but it would never work out. Her friend lacks what Finnel needs to become happy, as sad as that is. It's a strict "one girl may become happy, the other girls keep their problems". More or less at least.

>> No.8550677
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you're welcome

but I have to correct myself.

The Phases in AT2 (5 in this game) aren't as clear-cut as in AT1

but fear not, the game will tell you when important choices are to be made.

(Luca vs Cloche is rather obvious story wise,
and when you try to cross a certain point int the Cosmosphere her mindguardian will tell you that you will have to dedicate your life to that heroine if you choose to proceed)

To spare you some time I would recommend you saving the game right before those important choices:

1) Before choosing Cloche / Luca

2) Before going to deep into the Cosmosphere of the girl you choose first

>> No.8550823

Thanks for the tips.During the first game i had some lines across the screen during some scenes and the same lines are in the second game too. Is there a way to get rid off them?

>> No.8550905

Ok nevermind this, fixed. Now the only problem is i don't understand how this fucking world map works. They called me and gave a new mission about IPD outbreak, i go to world map, but there is only one choice...

>> No.8550918
File: 116 KB, 512x512, ca8d86f5ba25105316a8ead4bdf4c23b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh you are talking about the very first message you get about IPD outbreak right after Rakshek?

And I guess Rakshek is the only option on the world map right now, correct?

Go into Rakshek and choose the place (sorry can't remember the name) were you come across a railway and follow that path.

along the way you should have a little event about IPD outbreaks...

If you follow the path to the end you should come the Sasha's Store.

Is that of any help?

>> No.8550924
File: 148 KB, 868x658, worldmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem. There is no Rakshek place in my world map...

>> No.8550926
File: 771 KB, 750x1000, 4a816e2f3f8375641b8eda19414c5904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on the right half of the screen there is a navigation help;

the arrow left of Pastalia means that thereis a place "left of Pastalia"

soo try pressing the left arrow

>> No.8550934
File: 140 KB, 866x658, worldmap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just changes the angle of camera...and the other "left" button changes the camera angle even more. Picrelated, "left" button pressed down.

>> No.8550945
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I never had that problem so I kinda tried to guess what your problem may be

okay let's try another approach,
what exactly happened last, story wise?

So I guess you didn't even leave Pastalia, yet?

>> No.8550954

I went to Croix's house with imouto and we had a call telling me i should go to Rakshek because of IPD outbreak. Then the message "Rakshek something was added to your world map".

>> No.8550967

Thanks for trying to help. I found the problem, i was pressing analog stick "left" buttons, but i should have used the d-pad one. I never needed d-pad in the first part so it was not confingured at all. I did it right now and pressing "left" on d-pad changed the location.

>> No.8550977
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well good for you!
you really confused me to be honest,

well then, have fun playing

>> No.8551630

Why don't we all post our Last.fm's?

>> No.8551726

>mfw i have no idea what is last fm...

>> No.8551756

Well fuck

>> No.8551769

I am not that guy by the way.

>> No.8551773

Haven't bothered to make one. I have my playlist and I set it to shuffle, and add new songs when I hear and like them, that's good enough for me.

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8551782

That's pretty old.

>> No.8551827

Still, I'm interest in what you all listen to, I might find something worthwhile.

>> No.8553049
File: 189 KB, 450x637, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just search Shikata and Ar tonelico with me. I didn't even listen to music before a tvtropes page of all things pointed me this way.

I mean TVTROPES. What the fuck, me?

Incidentally the new Istoria is a lot better than the old one. Oh, and OP, the links to Istoria ~Kalliope~ you have are dead.

>> No.8553330

>Incidentally the new Istoria is a lot better than the old one.

what new Istoria? You aren't talking about some new release which I have missed?

>> No.8553421

>Just search Shikata and Ar tonelico with me.
I don't really understand what this means.

>> No.8553634

It means that's pretty much all I'm listening to. Stuff by Akiko Shikata and stuff in Ar Tonelico. I'm slowly branching out but there's an emphasis on slowly.

There's Istoria ~Musa~ which came out in 2007 and then there's Istoria ~Kalliope~ which came out at the end of 2011. If the picture I posted isn't familiar... you got some downloading to do.

>> No.8553924

I've been addicted to 英雄葬 ever since.

>> No.8554361

I prefer Seiren -Heroes Argonautes- or セイレーン -Ήρωες Αργοναύτες-. Whichever's on your song list.

There is so much Greek on this disk it's neat.

>> No.8554729


>> No.8554932
File: 121 KB, 600x600, 1310551335258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, Spica is in second game too! Is she immortal or something?

>> No.8554948

Well, she is 2 years older there.

>> No.8554985

I thought thousand of years passed...i heard something about her "plan" in the previous game when she wanted a bomb form me, but after that nothing happened.

>> No.8555015
File: 157 KB, 800x600, cloche sleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica is a young and pure maiden.

>> No.8555273

Nah, the games all take place within a couple years of one another.
II takes places about 1 and a half years after 1's ending and Qoga takes place about 2 and a half years after II.

>> No.8555703
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without spoilering anything I can tell you that you will also meet characters from AT1 and AT2 in Quoga

>> No.8555921

>Oh, and OP, the links to Istoria ~Kalliope~ you have are dead.

Thanks for the heads up. I know there was a MF upload of the MP3 version, but does anyone still have a copy of the lossless archive and can upload it, preferably to MF?
Otherwise I'll have to make a new rip.

>> No.8555986

Is it worth to buy a PS3 just to play Qoqa?

>> No.8555994

Just for Qoga? Probably not.
But the PS3 has a lot of other good exclusives and it can also work as a Blu Ray player. If you have money to spare there's really no reason not to get one, but if you're strapped for cash and only want Qoga your money would be better spent elsewhere.

>> No.8555995


I am enjoying it pretty much so far. Also, don't forget the Atelier games which I am actually finishing now.

>> No.8556005

I've been thinking to play Disgaea 3,4, Atelier, Qoqa and maaaaaybe the last FF. Are there any more noteworthy games with nice story?

>> No.8556014


Valkyria Chronicles is pretty much the SPRG that stands out above all of the rest. I have Disgaea 4 but I only got like an hour or two into it. If you are up to it you can import Tales Of Vesperia as well.

>> No.8556061


I have the #Comiket lossless version, I'll upload it to my Mediafire now.

>> No.8556074


Scratch that, I forgot Mediafire has a 200MB limit for basic users. ;_; Any other options?

>> No.8556084

Use 7zip and split it into 3 parts?
It's a pain in the ass, but it's one solution. I'd do it myself if my ISP weren't Australian/shit.

>> No.8556357

I play a lot White Knight Chronicles 1-2 (300-400 hours) and I'm not ashamed.

>> No.8556791

There is a song where the second level of power barnches up and down, the food attack spell, how do i activate the upper second level attack? Also i received a song from infelsphere for Cloche's egg like magic next level, but it is not connected and i have no idea how to activate it. Can someone explain this?

>> No.8556802

If you look at the harmonics graph once you get to that branch, there are two lights instead of the usual one. Getting the graph to one or the other will activate the corresponding song path.

>> No.8556836
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 7960c244c64e516ecd9d62d9bb2c3cf4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the two lights represent the two paths the song can take.

and for the "not connected" songs;

they can be activated by synchronizing your Revytails,
which is done by bringing the graph into the Synchro direction,
and by getting the two other lines at the bottom of the screen to overlap.

It takes some time, but the synchro song magic is really powerful.

the whole Synchro Song Magic thing is rather cool in my opinion.

>> No.8556844


It should be noted that you probably won't see Synchronity Chain activate until phase 4 or so, just because it takes longer the lower the synch between the two girls is and AT2 fights generally don't run that long.

>> No.8556870

I see! Thanks. I thought there are only 3 phases. This infelsphere part sure takes a long time. Is the entire phase 2 a big collection infelshphere trials?

>> No.8556882


There are 5 phases. And yeah, phase 2 is almost entirely gaia/infelsphere. It's shorter if you choose the "right" answers, iirc.

>> No.8556893

I am redoing every scene with choice and getting all the keys...i guess it is going to take a while. Damn the second part is alot more addictive than the first one. I have played 18 hours in 2 days.

>> No.8557287
File: 1.34 MB, 1684x1282, af8916c44a5d1e35f5b486dcc2bd31c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that feel

When I played AT2 the first time exactly one year ago I really got addicted to it and simply couldn't turn off the PS2 (played without emulator)

neither AT1 or ATQuoga had the same effect on me...

I guess it's due to the fact that I'm really fond of Metafalss and the Revytails of AT2.

I've cleared the game three times in the last 12 months to see as much as possible of the girls.
(And even collected 100 IPDs while on Cloche's route)

so have fun with your addiction!


Although the whole Gaia trials can be annyoing at times, the Infelsphere is a really great story telling device.
And I think you already guessed that;
Which girl got sacrificed for Gaia was based on your route choice.
due to that Phase 2 has the greatest replay value.
On one route you get to see Cloches young and lonely life as the holy maiden, and on the other route you see Luca's struggles to overcome the hardships of her life in a poor family.

Both were really great in my opinion.

>> No.8557322

Yeah i am starting to love infelsphere. just reached level 3 and it is hilarious, helps to understand Cloche a lot better too.

>> No.8558024

>I know that feel
Please don't bring that drek into /jp/.

>> No.8558078
File: 349 KB, 1556x1413, 104876d9b94dd215320f3309fccb2500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the meme wasn't intended
I apologize

>> No.8558189
File: 137 KB, 500x386, exec_sphilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry.

>> No.8558201

That's wrong on so many levels, yet I can't stop laughing. Damn you!

>> No.8558226


Hahahaha! Oh god that's awesome.

>> No.8558230

Can I get a translation on the hymnos?

>> No.8558234

Come on, share the transliteration guys.

>> No.8558235

Mea papl yor
Was kiga paul wor

Too lazy to lookup what the words actually mean

>> No.8558254 [DELETED] 

Mea paul yor
Was kiga paul yor

I feel you
(Very much, concentration, I want this to end soon) I feel you

The second line's first three words are the emotions.

>> No.8558260 [DELETED] 

Mea paul yor
Was ki ga paul yor

I feel you
(Very much, concentration, I want this to end soon) I feel you

The second line's first three words are the emotions.

>> No.8558263

Mea paul yor
Was ki ga paul yor

Me feel you
(Very much, concentration, I want this to end soon) feel you

The second line's first three words are the emotions.

Reposted due to stupid mistakes

>> No.8558269

>Mea paul yor
>Was ki ga paul yor

>> No.8558282

Sorry if that's wrong. I'm not that guy. I just looked at the conlang wiki.

>> No.8558312

>Not knowing standard hymmnos
Shame on you.

>> No.8558316
File: 75 KB, 800x853, ooh lady soma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8558341

Why can't Soma be the main persona? Not that FINNE wasn't wonderfully M, but Soma.

>> No.8558342

Oh, come on, I can understand some of the language, but asking to remember the alphabet is too much.

>> No.8558367


Eh, I'm not fond of multiple parts but I guess it'll have to do. OP can organise these into a folder or something.


>> No.8558390

You just don't care enough.
You have all my thanks.

>> No.8558431

>You just don't care enough.
I'm not the one who had to ask for links for Kalliope. *smirk*

>> No.8559376

Mana Khemia's 6 hour time limits to gather shit in new areas is kind of bullshit.

That's what, 10 minutes real time?

>> No.8559634

How the hell do you translate Hymnos? I thought that was just gibberish

>> No.8559657

One of MK's strong point for me actually, MK is not that easy to beat. What you must do in time limited lesson is try to avoid many enemies as possible.

>> No.8559677
File: 39 KB, 299x301, Das Mir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Hymmnos is random gibberish

Hymmnos is a legitimate language created entirely for this game series. It's not just random words and slapping a weird character set over English/Japanese. You know how Star Trek nerds can learn Klingon? Yeah it's like that.

I used this but there might be better places http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/Hymmnos

>> No.8559711


No. It's easy. VERY easy. You just have to fight fast battles. Which is, again, very very easy. That anon was doing something wrong.

>> No.8559718
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 1310551335241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, i see, thanks.

>> No.8559865
File: 121 KB, 866x653, Jacqli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit how the fuck do i get rid of this?

>> No.8559883

>Not only knowing beautiful Ar Ciela dialects

Only the best for me.

>> No.8559893

Pfft, that simple crap? Standard Hymmnos is much more interesting, though I will admit writing it would be a gigantic pain in the ass. I still love the straight lines and consistent curves.

>> No.8560248
File: 498 KB, 1169x827, 24961991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, have some valentines hnnnnggggg for your efforts.

Is the maintainer of the MF folder around? If so, could you please add those files?

>> No.8560466


Or just look at the artbook scans

>> No.8560573

I keep having conversations with Spica where she talks about "past" but very vaguely. Is there a drama cd or something to know what happened in 2 year timeskip?

>> No.8560726

There is only the drama CD for her own past. Pretty much in the 2 years between the two games she and Mir met, became friends, Mir wanted to go to Metafalss to research the Heart of the Land while Spica tagged along because she was getting bored of Sol Ciel, all of which can be inferred from her conversations ingame.

>> No.8560739

Oh i see. I should just progress more i guess. What about world? Is the second game taking place in another world? Dimension? Time line?

>> No.8560754

Same world, different tower.

>> No.8560765
File: 32 KB, 276x348, 1315586552924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole world is a huge tower?

>> No.8560782

No. There are various towers. (At least three that we know of, not sure that there are more.) There is a world below them, but it's uninhabitable due to some death fog crap that has a proper name but I forgot it.

>> No.8560789

The Sea of Death is what the fog is called.

>> No.8560788

I see, it makes sense. Thanks for explaining.

>> No.8560892

There are only three towers in existence, yeah.

>> No.8560937
File: 76 KB, 691x508, ToG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda reminds me of ToG.

>> No.8560957

i wish to gain singing waifus from this tower

>> No.8560960 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 692x756, ToG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's ironic, his waifu betrayed him.

>> No.8561639

New thread:

>> No.8562836

bumping this - I want to know.
