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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 125 KB, 768x576, steinsgateipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8544143 No.8544143 [Reply] [Original]

What visual novels are you playing on your iPad /jp/ ?

>> No.8544146

I have a larger, more powerful iPad with fewer gimmicks.
I call it a ``personal computer''.

>> No.8544145

Isn't Steins;Gate the only good one?

>> No.8544148

I do not own an iPad as I am not a faggot.

>> No.8544154

joke's on you OP i'm poor

>> No.8544155

Fewer gimmicks?

What exactly does the iPad do that the pc can't?

>> No.8544159

Why do you call your iPad a personal computer?

>> No.8544162


There is also Higurashi and Kira amongst others. Also, Chaos;Head and Corpse Party are available for iPad

>> No.8544160


get u laid ;)

>> No.8544164

Touchscreens are pretty gimmicky. So are mandatory, locked-in ``App Stores."

>> No.8544166

Eh, you bought SG? I thought I checked it on the app store a few days ago and it was like $35.00

>> No.8544167

Pointless GPS/touch screen/accelerometer features that are "fun" but ultimately pointless. If you could buy the same add-ons for your computer (and you can and have been able to do for over a decade), you wouldn't.

>> No.8544168


OP picture is proof of it, it's a picture of mai waifu Mayushii (she just woke my gelbana - karaage was so juicy!)

>> No.8544172


Yeah, it's still that much but I felt the need to pay for it since I enjoyed it so damn much.

$ 35.00 are nothing in compared to what I already spent on Mayuri and Cristina nendos, Assistent figma and U-upa plushie

>> No.8544173

Huh, well there you go. Any differences between the iPad versions of those games?

>> No.8544175
File: 526 KB, 1600x1200, Myipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I only play the best VNs on my iPad OP

>> No.8544185


Mine is jailbroken, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to install the english patch.

>> No.8544188
File: 422 KB, 700x800, mado5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying vns

>> No.8544191

Check out this greentexter fresh from /a/.

>> No.8544201
File: 224 KB, 912x1280, 1328815650915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I enjoyed your product so much that I decided to not give any profit towards it to make sure you'll go bankrupt and won't be able to make more of it in the future - flawless logic!

>> No.8544203

I know I like to pay quintuple the price of hardware for crowd approved branding.

>> No.8544206

30% of that goes to Apple.
Apple take a walled garden approach to software.
Why do you hate your freedom?

>> No.8544207
File: 151 KB, 600x850, 1328881564916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well good thing then that I bought mine used for quarter the price, sent it in because of "low battery charges" and got a new one out of it :D

>> No.8544208

I also enjoy reading my Touhou doujinshi on my iPad makes for great bathroom reading and reading in general!

>> No.8544213

Sure as hell can't wait for my Raspberry Pi and touchscreen monitor to arrive!

>> No.8544211

I found your problem. You dont know how to spend your money wisely.

>> No.8544212

sup oldfag
I've been here before /jp/ existed, so yeah I'm from /a/

>> No.8544214

I always thought an iPad would be pretty cool for osu. Definitely wouldn't justify getting one though.

>> No.8544216


Mine is jailbroken, so I can install and download stuff I like and also install the Steins;Gate translation patch.

Didn't know about the 30 % profit jewing, feels bad man : |

>> No.8544217

Notice I used the word "fresh".

What are you wearing?

>> No.8544225

To be fair, 30% sounds kind of worse than it is. I mean, it's less than one third so most of it goes to the producer.
Then again, that's just shy of one in three sales going towards Apple for paying a few cents for bandwidth and developing an operating system platform people already paid for.

Capitalism is a bitch.

>> No.8544224

You wouldnt play a porn game or all ages (pantsu, tons of borderline fanservice) gamein public right?

>> No.8544228

Enjoy your overpriced shit

>> No.8544233

Apple don't allow pornographic content. In fact Steve Jobs famously said something stupid like he wants to "save people from porn." 4chan apps have been removed from the store because boards like /s/ host pornographic content.

>> No.8544235

It's not overpriced if you get it for free anon!

>> No.8544240
File: 64 KB, 468x600, suzunaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, been here for 7 years but I think I never got 19 sages in a thread - I am proud! :3

>> No.8544246

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what "sage" means, what_trolls_want_you_to_believe.png, FAQ.php, >>>/a/, etc.

>> No.8544247

That is stupid.
Why would people still choose apple over android?
The biggest operator in Japan DOCOMO supports the android platform. It is obvious that most Japan apps will be on android.

>> No.8544248


Good thing Jobs is ded


bigot Americans

>> No.8544254

I would argue it's still overpriced shit regardless of how much you payed for it
The overprice just doesn't matter to you

>> No.8544255
File: 88 KB, 1021x582, showerscene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing this is still in the iPad version

>> No.8544259

Apple is trendier.
Plus Japan makes all the smart decisions while the Western world makes stupid ones. People are still willing to pay extortionate amounts to send 120-character plaintext messages to each other whereas Japan realised the benefits of the twenty-year-old email protocols years ago.

You can expect to have your Japanese games on your mobile device by 2025.

>> No.8544261


That's the year Okarin dies ;_;

>> No.8544267

I can play Taiko Drum Master on my iphone today. The future has arrived.

>> No.8544270

>buying games on ipad/iphone

i seriously

>> No.8544274
File: 314 KB, 960x1280, Take It Easy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking it easy while reading a doujin! How about you /jp/?

>> No.8544287

Wait wat, you can run S;G on iOS?

I hope it's not for jailbroken versions, because I didn't do this.
Gonna be perfect choice to spend time sitting on pan, shitting and reading VN.

>> No.8544290


>> No.8544300


That price.


>> No.8544306

Why do you link japanese version when OP clearly plays in translated one?

>> No.8544317

>buying visual novels
>missing /a/ and visual novel thread

Who am I quoting?

>> No.8544319
File: 149 KB, 824x641, tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to have the best of both worlds.

>> No.8544324

Why would you buy anything Lenovo that isn't a ThinkPad?

>> No.8544330

>non-free OS

>> No.8544334

You can't get away with greentexting just because you add your own "Who am I quoting?", mister!
Get back to /a/!

>> No.8544336

Stallman thinks OpenBSD is "non-free" just because it's not GNU/GPL. Ignore everything that crazy old hack says.

>> No.8544343

who the fuck cares free os or not

>> No.8544349

[Insert reasons irrelevant to non-programmers here]

>> No.8544356

isnt the girl at the end kidnapped in all actuallity cuz she had no parents with her so im guessing that gave thumbs up to the riing leader that its ok to kidnap her cuz in the beggining he had nothing to with the circus...

>> No.8544363
File: 165 KB, 540x540, Graham_Chapman_Colonel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, stop going around making these posts.
You're being too silly.

>> No.8544461
File: 42 KB, 414x352, pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T'is a Thinkpad. Only fools and old ladies buy Ideapads.
