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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8536454 No.8536454 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Japanese Horror~?
Personally, I love it.

I think it's that it's more psychologically focused, rather than in America where they focus soley on visuals and trying hard to make the viewer jump, without having a good story.

>> No.8536469
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I love japanese horror too OP

I hope you enjoy this


>> No.8536472

I always thought Japanese had better visuals, not counting cg effects.

>> No.8536479

>Implying we care

>> No.8536480

I loved Noroi the Curse !
I've seen it 2 or 3 times actually, because my friends wanted to watch it too with me.

You should look at the Tales of Terror from Tokyo series too.

>> No.8536485

Yup. Especially in the Ju-On series.
They're good at creating an uneasy atmosphere

>> No.8536499
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I'll cop to it. My weeabooness took me on a lengthy tour of what J-Horror has to offer and it made me a big fan.

Not only do they use their limited budget to actually make a psychological impact but they do splatter better, too. At least compared to the current Western offerings.

If we're going backwards from here splatter's a different thing altogether and Europe has probably done my favorites in that genre overall.

>> No.8536513

Not a fan of splatters.
I've seen Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police, etc.
And I just frowned in disappointment.
If those are better than America's.
I don't want to see what America's Splatter films are like.

>> No.8536519
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>> No.8536525
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Junji Ito is good for Japanese Horror also.
It's manga. But it's still pretty bothering ~

>> No.8536526

Does the Grim LN series count as horror?

>> No.8536533

What's that?

>> No.8536538
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>> No.8536552

Just getting into J-Horror, since the overwhelming majority of western horror films just don't satisfy me.

I loved the likes of western remakes like the Ring and the Grudge, and some western films like 1408 are pretty good as well, but everything else seemed to be just gore, jumps, and cliches.

Saw Noroi a couple years ago, and it delivered. Was completely unsatisfied by western horror in the couple years that followed.

Saw Ringu a couple weeks ago. It was less graphic, it made more "sense" than the remake, and the atmosphere (especially the music) just so much creepier.

Got the most satisfyingly delicious chills watching that movie, even knowing the general plot in advance. Not since I was a little child did I myself so afraid to turn out the lights and go to bed afterward. And I'm a 22 year old man.

So yeah, J-Horror's a plus in my book. Looking to watch Ju-On next.

>> No.8536558

Of course Japan is better, because if it weren't America wouldn't
be relying on making remakes of their films.

>> No.8536564

Ohh, you should watch it.
I've seen all 8 filmworks for Ju-On
And I have the game. One of my favorites. Even the American ones.

>> No.8536638
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>> No.8536634
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>> No.8536658

I loved Goosebumps when I was a kid.

>> No.8536685

I loved reading these when I was little, but the endings were usually too simple and I ended up feeling disappointed because of all the build up... except for that one story where the protagonist turns out to be a dog. It was pretty surprising, in a good way

>> No.8536790

You probably don't unless you're into braindead Raime-aping gore comedies or pseudo-snuff films that will literally make you want to vomit.

On the creepy tip of J-Horror, there's always the Tomie series, Gozu, Alive, A Tale of Two Sisters, and Kaidan... I really enjoyed all of them.

>> No.8536810
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I like it but like most horror it gets pretty predictable after you've seen enough movies.

Still, I like the aesthetics in general of most asian horror movies.

As for manga, I love Junji Ito so much. Ironically, my favorite work of his is the cat diary series. He needs to do more work like that, depicting totally mundane situations in his art style.

>> No.8536815

im gonna kill you grafe

>> No.8536818

the endings were always insane

whaddya talking about

>> No.8536912

most of the endings were crap sadly.The ones that were good however, would tear holes in minds and kill those who were of weaker constitution.

>> No.8536951

It's not better, it's just different. They're good at making creepy shit but they suck at making scary shit.

>> No.8536961

Just saw Ju-on: The Curse.

. . . mother of god.

>> No.8536969
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>> No.8536980
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Show me a cat with Uboa on its back.

>> No.8536995

inb4 holes manga dump

>> No.8538045

I wish

>> No.8538054

I hate you to death.

>> No.8538083

Not him but that's really unnecessary and meaningless, stop hurting yourself.

>> No.8538141

What's "Holes" ?
A Junji chapter?

>> No.8538151

You really don't want to know. Trust me.

>> No.8538162

About those asian pale ghosts who appear out of nowhere, I'm the only one who feels like beating the out of them?

I mean.. they are. emaciated, malnourished asians.. with no knowledge of martial arts. If it were the ghost of Bruce Lee, well, then I'd think twice but... C'mon pale asians!

>> No.8538160

Hausu is perhaps one of the greatest triumphs in filmmaking history.

>> No.8538184


Heyyyyy I'm not horror character

>> No.8538191

Japanese horror is thriller like. I like it. But you Americans should not look down upon yourselves. Though for slasher movies maybe you should. There are way too many movies with hunt and escape setting.
But then there are lovecraft, poe, stephen etc. In my opinion. Their stories got higher horror value than Japanese ones. There are exceptions here and there. But you shouldn't think that you are worse or less psychologically focused.

>> No.8538203



>> No.8538207
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Heart throbbing story!

>> No.8538246

HAHAHAHA, JESUS CHRIST, "Splatter Film" made me laugh my ass off. What was all that "Don't get caught" after all? I didn't exactly get the ending.

>> No.8538292


I guess the tree where the honey is coming from can sense when you're eating the honey?

>> No.8538332

But the SPLAT only happened sometimes, and more strangely, when it did it was right when they took the first sip.

>> No.8538338

Goosebumps was ahead of its time with the gimmicky twists.
I liked the dog one too. It was weird and it left a bitter taste in my mouth at the time, but looking back that was a pretty awesome twist. "What's that you're scared about turning into a werewolf because of some bullshit cream? LOL NO YOU'RE A DOG". Nigger got OWNED 4 LYF.
Some of the similar twists were stupid though. Like I remember one about giant ants and then it turns out that we are the ants is the people and it was dumb.

>> No.8538348
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>> No.8538351
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>> No.8538358
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>> No.8538357
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>> No.8538361
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>> No.8538362

Seriously, best movie ever.

A Tale of Two sisters is a good movie, but isn't j-horror.

>> No.8538366
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>> No.8538364
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>> No.8538369
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>> No.8538373
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>> No.8538371
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>> No.8538378
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>> No.8538375
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>> No.8538376

>Like I remember one [...] and then [...] and it was dumb.
I'm not sure who's the dumb one here, Anon.

But on a less ironic note, I liked that episode. Come on, it was 1998, kids back then weren't trained by media to become über-critics.

>> No.8538381

holes holes holes!

>> No.8539502

The fuck

>> No.8539506

Are there other good Horror Manga Artists other than Junji?
Like anthologies??

>> No.8539521

Check this out sis!

>> No.8539526

I'm assuming he's talking about Danshou no Grim. It's by the author of Missing (which I've never read, sad to say). I suppose it can be taken as horror because of all the grotesque elements in it, but it's more focused on the characters and their hardships than scaring the pants off the reader (though there are some parts I found genuinely frightening. I have no experience with horror though).

>> No.8539542

I could get into it..

>> No.8539549
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Always loved Silent Hill 3's art direction.

>> No.8539551

The art looks pretty weird for a horror manga.

>> No.8539561
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Fatal Frame is best horror game from Japan

>> No.8539566


Fuck you for reminding me.

>> No.8539571

Oh yeah.
That was a bummer. Only one I haven't played.
They have another too.. called the Night of Sacrifice or something.
Ju-On, and Calling are decent J-Horror games too for Wii

>> No.8539578
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I like both.

But I would argue that Silent Hill was better overall if it were 8 years ago.

>> No.8539592
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>> No.8539588

Fatal Frame 4 is amazing. I would implore anyone to get their Wii set up with a USB loader if they haven't already, totally worth the time. There's even a fan translated patch if you really need it.

>> No.8539598
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>> No.8539606
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>> No.8539613
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>> No.8539614

What is this?
I don't even..

>> No.8539617

I'm not really excited for Downpour :/

>> No.8539620
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>> No.8539629



>> No.8539632
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It'll suck cock, Konami can go fuck themselves, western developers can't be innovative for shit, old news, etc.

Also this game was good for a bit.

>> No.8539634
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>> No.8539636

Just mod your Wii and play the fan translation.

>> No.8539655

Homecoming was pretty good honestly.
But it was the only one I've played besides Origins

>> No.8539656

Franken Fran~

>> No.8539657

I would but I'm so scared I'm going to brick it

>> No.8539664
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Franken Fran was good to some point.
But then it got to a point where everything was convenient to her.
And she seemed superior in all situations.
Which was cool at first but got repetitive, and there was no real conflict.
So I got majorly bored of it.

>> No.8539681

(屮゚Д゚)屮 www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrKkGeY0jXs щ(゚д゚щ)

>> No.8539691

You shouldn't have read it all at once.

Or maybe you just have too good a memory.

In any case, I beleive each one of them is good as a stand-alone, which is what matters to me.
(But I have to agree it got duller torwards the end, if not for the same reasons as yourself.)

>> No.8539730

Sorry to say.
But, the american ringtone was way better
Although the American movie was also terrible

>> No.8539735

You're probably right. I guess I was searching for some sort of main "trunk" to all these branching off stories.
If that makes sense.

>> No.8539741
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Silent Hill 1 and Shadow Hearts 1 are my favorite Japanese horror games.

Yeah I agree. Sucks, but at least Fran is still moe as HELL.

>> No.8539754

Liked both two but the games that really scared me were Clock Tower 2 and Forbidden Siren
I wish I could play that...
lol where I get more stuff like this

>> No.8539761

The only trunk is...


Curse my horrible name recollection skills.

The body bag girl. Because she's a trunk of organs!

What a punderful one. (Leaving on that note)

>> No.8539765
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Every Franken Fran chapter ever :

1. Patient comes with problem
2. Fran agrees to do it
3. Fran either fucks it up, or gets it straight
4.No matter how number 3 was done, the patient gets screwed over in the end

>> No.8539769

5. Fran just says something along the lines of "Oh well."

>> No.8539777

This game was such bullshit
I bet no one ever beat that final boss (lol at having to fight the same mask you're wearing) without cheating

>> No.8539813

I did. Difficult, but not impossible.

You need more training.

>> No.8539837


Most of the time Fran doesn't even see the results and there's a panel of her being all smiley and happy ending. I feel kind of bad for her as she generally means well.

>> No.8539840

Meh, like said up above,
I prefer Junji Ito in horror manga.

>> No.8539870
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Yeah like it's an American horror anthology series except every episode/chapter is identical. Oh well.

Actually I love Western horror as much as Japanese horror. Just gotta go back in time a little for the former. Things like The Curse of Frankenstein (or Hammer Films in general) were sorta moe. Rosemary's Babby too.

I don't remember how I beat it. Splatterhouse was pretty hard.

>> No.8539867

>Junji Ito
That manga with the spiral shit was fucking awful.

>> No.8539881

Are there any other Horror Manga anthologies???
In anime, and TV too?

>> No.8539891

Did you read Hellstar Remina? It was pretty good.

>> No.8539892

lol i dnt know?????????????? :P

>> No.8539896

I thought fran was taking a shit. I am disappointed

>> No.8539897

He'd be my favorite artist if he didn't like poop so much.

i wish there was an anime about Yumiko's wacky adventures.

>> No.8539899

You should read Mimi's Ghost Stories
Hellstar Remina is one of the few Junji Ito works I have yet to read

>> No.8539902
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One of /jp/'s favorite hime cut girls has one. Though you've probably already seen it.

Hell Girl kinda suffers from the same thing as Franken Fran at some points, but I liked all three seasons.

>> No.8539904

But not disappointed, relieved.

>> No.8539910

Hell Girl was amazing in the third series.
There was more plot to it, and twists.
With more background.

>> No.8539915


>> No.8539920

Japanese horror:

Something happens
People notice but go about their lives
Things continue to happen
>Oh god why is this happening?
A bunch of philosophy and bullshitting about possible reasons it may be happening.
Everyone dies
No satisfactory reason is given why anything happened
It begins happening again

Japanese are just scared of things because they are out of their little box they live in. I can't stand it because it is boring, I need the western horror of knowing exactly what it is and what it does i.e. horrific beings that want to rip and tear your guts.

I do like the more fucked up ones like Suicide Circle and Audition though.

>> No.8539927


Not all the time.

Low budget, but oh so amazing.

>> No.8539930

1.Watch one american horror film
2.You pretty much watched them all
3.Get back to Japanese Horror

>> No.8539929
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Fuan no Tane:

It's a horror anthology taken from various ghost stories collected by the author from all over Japan.

>> No.8539933

American horror :
1.Party, or having a good time with friends
2. Break away from party
3. There's a killer
4. Killer turns out to be someone they know
5. The end.

Or it's just a remake of an asian horror
Or just a sequel to their classics.
America has been so uncreative that we have Saw 5, Final Destination 6, Paranormal Activity 3, and Scream 4.

Did you know on the back of Scream 3's box it says "The final installment in the Scream trilogy" or some shit?
Then they made Scream 4.

Though I can't complain, The Woman in Black looks good.
But it's Daniel Radcliff, no surprise there.

>> No.8539941

If you don't mind, I would like to suggest Insomnia, currently published in Dengeki Comic Japan.

>> No.8539943
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Maybe not exactly thread related, but I recently watched a Japanese comedy-horror called Wild Zero. It's about these aliens that release some kind of zombie virus or something Idunno but only Japanese punk rock band Guitar Wolf can stop them.

It's pretty hilarious.

>> No.8539954

Can't find scans

>> No.8539958
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Just stick to Western horror from the 50's though 80's. That's what the modern Japanese are primarily inspired by anyways.

Pic related here is Peter Cushing with the girls from Amagami.

>> No.8539959

Never say that I do not love you.


>> No.8539960

This looks so awesome.
Thank you !
I know what I'm watching tonight.

>> No.8539966

You are beautiful. Never forget that.

>> No.8539967

I'm strangely reminded of the Kiss Saves Santa thing from Family Guy. Boy that show went down the shitter.

>> No.8539975
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....Thank you.
Now I can die in peace.

>> No.8539977

I was doing a Japanese horror movie stream for /x/ one night and someone suggested I play this. It was pretty surreal to watch this right after Noroi.

>> No.8539987
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Oh are there any other movies like Noroi?!
I've been DYING to find J-Horror movies like that.

>> No.8540007

The director of Noroi did two other movies called Occult and Shirome. They're also faux documentary type things. Have not watched them though.

>> No.8540013

Japanese horror is great, and so is Korean.
Has /jp/ seen a tale of two sisters?
Best horror movie I've seen in forever.
With that said, fuck Japan for neglecting and killing the survival horror genre.

>> No.8540025

The american movie
"The Uninvited" was actually based on that.
It came out in theaters a year or two ago

>> No.8540030

Oh god. Don't watch Shirome, please.
It was terrible.

>> No.8540031

Confessions isnt a horror movie but it was the best movie that I watched in 2011.
Seriously what have hollywood become? Why are they so shitty?

>> No.8540042
File: 25 KB, 100x100, 57-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys love Japanese horror, check out Montecristo73returns on youtube he has ALOT of horror anthology collections.

