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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8531153 No.8531153 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have an old fashioned JRPG General shall we?

-What JRPG are you currently playing?

-What upcoming JRPG do you look forward to?

>> No.8531160

Waiting for Tales of the Abyss. I never played the PS2 version. I hope I like it.

>> No.8531173


>> No.8531179

playing XIII-2. It's alright.
Looking forward to see if ghostlight put an artbook into their fate/extra LE for the Eu release.

>> No.8531194

Thinking about starting Earthbound, never got around to playing it before.

>> No.8531201

earthbound rules

>> No.8531210

Just got FFXIII-2 yesterday, will start it next week when I'm finish with the final boss from FFXIII

>> No.8531213

Any PS3 JRPGs I should pick up? Already have Demon's/Dark Souls and Zill'Oll

>> No.8531225

What's the best jrpg for the DS?

>> No.8531226 [DELETED] 

Console Wars

>> No.8531229


The World Ends With You

>> No.8531237

I don't know if you could call Monster Hunter a JRPG, but I'll do it anyway. Also have Fate/Extra to finish and Disgaea 2 and Valkyria Chronicles 2 waiting in the shelf.

Not really looking forward to anything. Modern game seem to be mostly crap, so I'd rather be pleasently surprised than disappointed game after game.

>> No.8531252

Monster Hunter is a 3D Brawler with an item lust minigame. by minigame I mean timesink

>> No.8531253

disgaea 2 is crap too

The only good PS2 one is the first. Soul Nomad is good too, though. Makai Kingdom and Phantom Brave are ok, better than Disgaea 2.

>> No.8531265

Dark Cloud, for nostalgia. No, I'm not underage.

What games are there that are like DC and DC2?

>> No.8531269

>Disgaea 2 is crap
Say what? Everyone calls it the best in the series.

>> No.8531273

Dragon Quest IX.
Seriously, there's so much post-game content. I'm having a blast.

>> No.8531274

Etrian Odyssey. Any of them.

I remember when EO was /jp/-related.

>> No.8531278

End game is good, it's an improved version than original Disgaea's and it doesn't have DLC due to it being on ps2. Unlocking Land of Carnage is a very good feeling.

However, story and characters suck dick, specially compared to the original. Can't stand them at all. Sound effects got way worse too. Very noisy. Visuals got too colorful. Etc.

>> No.8531282

I have the PSP version by the way.

>> No.8531377
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I like it but the loading times are a huge pain. Apparently this may be fixed in the 3DS version, but I don't have the money for that.


You might want to give Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier a try. Yes, that is the actual name.

>> No.8531403

FFXIII-2. That ending, man.
That ending.

>> No.8531405

Is tales of graces f any good? Considering getting it.

>> No.8531419
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I'm playing DQIX too! It was soooo much fun!!
I *just* finished the main story arc and I have to say it was loads of fun! however... Since I am playing on a rom I have no access to internet so I also just hacked my save to unlock all downloadable content and while at it also edited my money and put on it Masayuki's and Kawasabi's maps, among another one... However it seems my chars still aren't strong enough to grind there...

I got to say cheating usually spoils the fun for me and it kind of did, but I just couldn't take it to be so cockblocked for having no wi-fi in the game... Besides I didn't hack it too much... Dragon quest ix is the best JRPG imo, but may get a little dull after a while (specially since I took my time grinding and doing almost as many quests as possible as I progressed through the story). I Finished the main story with roughly 110 hours of gameplay...

Pic unrelated, it was just to grab your eyes to read this tl:dr post

>> No.8531498

I'm 21 and what is this

>> No.8531527

Damn, Endless Frontier was too erotic. Suzuka-hime was perfect. And just now I read
>Voice Actress: Mamiko Noto
I'm dumbfounded. Flabbergasted.

>> No.8531544

what are some good underrated JRPGs that I probably haven't heard of? just looking for something new to try
any console really, aside from 360

>> No.8531543
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Glad to hear you enjoyed it too! I actually beat the game in around 40 hours. I didn't have to grind that much during the story because I surprisingly had enough patience to kill liquid metal slimes early on.
25 hours later, and I'm still struggling to get through grottoes... I'm also trying to finish more quests.
Another part I really liked about the game was the alchemy system. It was surprisingly deep and making new stuff was actually fun, instead of it being a chore. It felt awesome as hell when you get new recipes and you're able to make more advanced things.

>> No.8531556
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Still playing Live a Live. I'm now in the Bakumatsu chapter. If I didn't have a walkthrough, I would've ragequitted at this point, so many damn secrets.

In other news, Rei is waifu quality.

>> No.8531565

Is Xenosaga any good? What are the differences between the PS2 and NDS versions?

>> No.8531571

Endless Frontier and EXCEED are awesome

>> No.8531609

For Xenosaga you have to enjoy the ride, and that's quite easy to do. But DO NOT expect a coherent sense of accomplishment in regards to the story. It was a project axed halfway through, after all. I think that what had the potential to become something huge in the history of JRPGs, got unlucky and ended up being just a fun trilogy.
But as I said, for me it was a really fun ride. You have to enjoy Sci-Fi gimmicks too, I suppose.
I'd say those were some well spent (relatively, of course; we're talking about playing videogames) 110 hours.

>> No.8531618

How many Xenosaga games were supposed to be made?

>> No.8531622


>> No.8531626


>> No.8532322
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My internet was died so I took the time to play FF13. I originally dropped this game pretty quickly when it first came out. I'm almost at the final boss now and I can safely say it's one of the better games in the series.

The game starts out in the worst way possible: the story is just wacky and the battles are awful without all the classes unlocked. But in the end I was pretty pleased with the characters and battle system. I actually died a lot in this game too for once. And all the characters started out quite annoying, but I ended up liking the whole cast.

So I enjoyed it on the same level as FF7, FF9, and FF12 I guess. Still not as good as the SNES ones IMO though. I should probably get the sequel.

>> No.8532334
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any falcom bros?

my japanese is shit

can someone summarize what the hell the politicians in orchis tower were talking about? they all seemed pissed at osbourne, and i have no fucking idea why. also terrorists

>that apc battle

suffering to no end

>> No.8532343

>>8532322 I actually died a lot in this game too for once
In FF13?
Are you impaired in some way?

>> No.8532349

Anyone have any recommendations for the psp?

>> No.8532353

That feel when you're still barely playing through Second Chapter.

I skipped pretty much all the fights. All my dudes were getting one shotted regularly. It was pretty cool.

>> No.8532364
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i wasted so much time grinding shining poms for master quartz exp...wasn't worth it at all

i just wanna know what the flying fuck is going on in this game, my language skills are atrocious

>> No.8532387

breath of fire 3

>> No.8533059
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For Falcom bros in this thread.

>Pyramid, makers of the Patapon games, is giving the entire game an overhaul. Trails of Zero Evolution will have HD graphics, animated character busts, trophies, mini-games, and full voice acting for event scenes. Lloyd’s script alone is 1200 pages and over 150 different characters have speaking roles. In an interview the producer from CharaAni estimates it will take between one to two months to record the new dialogue.

I should improve my moon....

>> No.8533082


How about Terranigma for the SNES.

>> No.8533125

I was wondering from which jrpgs OP's pics are from, I can recognize Disgaea, Ar Tonelico, Persona and Suikoden, but what about the others?

>> No.8533143
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Terranigma, Lufia 2, Secret of Evermore

>> No.8533146

Chrono Trigger, Earthbound/Mother

>> No.8533147
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This thing

>> No.8533159


>> No.8533155

Do you happen to know the one on the bottom right of the pic?

>> No.8533162

various Tales characters, like Mint Adnade

>> No.8533186

Playing Chantelise ATM, although it's more of an action/adventure game than a RPG. Looking forward to playing Terranigma on my modded SNES, but alas, I'm waiting for the sd2snes cart to come out.

>> No.8533210

I finished FFXIII-2 on PS3 last week. I pirated the Asian version for 360 the other day because it has Japanese audio and I can pirate all the DLC. I'm also looking forward to The Last Story and Neptunia 2 this month.

>> No.8533216

Which version did you play exactly and where did you get it?

>> No.8533221

barely completed maximilian mission in VC. Selvaria wasnt a problem but lancers with their sniper accuracy were.

FFXIII-2 is so sadly looking that I cant even finish the demo
No idea what to wait for. Maybe that cladun remake for PS3.

>> No.8533225

Xenogears, people. Always Xenogears.

>> No.8533226
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If anyone didn't play Xenoblade yet, for me it's probably the best JRPG since fuck knows what, probably FF IX. It's everything XII tried to be but without all the faults it had.

>> No.8533230

The game isn't that bad. You people exaggerate big time.

>> No.8533233

I can't get it to run on Dolphin without it looking like an N64 game running at 4fps

>> No.8533235

You need a very powerful machine to run it...better buy a Wii.

>> No.8533236
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That's too bad anon. Here's what mine looks like at 4x native res and 1xAA and that other filtering thingy. 30 fps as well.

>> No.8533240

I have a powerful machine.

>> No.8533242

that face looks disgusting

>> No.8533248

Oh...then it's either system or tinkering with plugins, etc. A pain in the ass, if you ask me.

>> No.8533251

I just didn't get what I expected to get.

>> No.8533264

I bought the US CE for PS3 because I waited too long to pre-order the Chinese/English version from Play-Asia and they stopped taking orders for it. I downloaded the Chinese/English version for 360 the other day and have only played it a bit so far because I've been playing Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

>> No.8533261

I did that for about 3 hours and gave up. Tried different versions of Dolphin as well. For most of the versions the main menu was covered in grey fog. I only found one version where I can see all the colors. The intro cutscene usually runs fine(sometimes the audio is buggy as fuck). For some reason it won't run at anything faster than 20 FPS though. Anyway, other than the cutscene, once I get in game all the textures are blocky as HELL and the game runs at like 2-4 FPS.
I have an i5 2500k, a 560ti, and 8gbs RAM.

>> No.8533277
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I (>>8533236) have the exact same specs. Maybe it's a driver issue?

>> No.8533281

I understand. I have the same shit with PSO Card Game. It just won't run...basically, I have 4 ISO game images for Wii, and only this one acts like a bitch. I guess, this DOES have something to do with the system itself, so I really consider buying an actual console now.

>> No.8533284

Once I finish throwing my life away on Monster Hunter, which I got for cheap, I'll start throwing my life away on FFXIII, which I got for even cheaper.

>> No.8533292

I doubt it, I haven't updated them in a while but it's not like I don't update them. I can't think of a decent control scheme for wii games anyway. I think I'll just play this whenever I get money to buy a cheap, hacked wii.

>> No.8533294
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Please, /jp/, recommend me some marvelous PS2 RPGs in english, I'm new to this system.

>> No.8533300
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>> No.8533307

Dark Cloud 1-2
Shadow Hearts
Dragon Quest 8
Xenosaga if you like cutscenes
Atelier games
Persona 3:FES and 4

>> No.8533309
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>>Lloyd’s script alone is 1200 pages and over 150 different characters have speaking roles

As expected of Legend of Heroes.

I'm not sure if XSEED will even manage to finish translating Second Chapter.

>> No.8533312

Is that kuzunoha raidou game any good on ps2? I was so captivated by the trailer, but still too lazy to download it

>> No.8533323

>I'm not sure if XSEED will even manage to finish translating Second Chapter.
I kind of doubt it, too. They probably wouldn't even turn a profit, considering how dead PSP is in the West. I kinda wish I hadn't bothered playing the first game now since we probably won't get the sequels.
I played the first one and thought it was decent. Never played the sequel, though.

>> No.8533327


The sequel is much better.

>> No.8533419

You ever try Tactics Ogre on the PSP? I think you'll like that one. Same era as Shining Force 1-2 as well (since I remember you only like specific SRPGs).

>> No.8533423

I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't call it good.
The gameplay is strangely messy for a MegaTen game.

>> No.8533432


Tactics Ogre a shit.

>> No.8533441

I haven't played it. I'll have to give it a try at some point when I get through my backlog.

>> No.8533455

Tactics Ogre is fucking amazing.

>> No.8533464

Currently playing - Fortune Summoners

Waiting for - mk2 and Meruru

>> No.8533494

I recently gave Legend of Legaia another playthrough. It's awesome. I suggest you try it.

>> No.8533869

Any games with a similar battle system to Dragon Quest?

>> No.8533877

Currently playing Breath of Fire III. Maybe I'll finish it this time.

I have no interest in new JRPGs.

>> No.8533898

>not playing ar tonelico 1-2-3

>> No.8533901
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Now with less faggotry.

>> No.8533906

>Ar Tonelico
>hurr hurr innuendos everywhere

>> No.8533925

That's ridiculous. And here I thought it was going to be a half-assed port.

>> No.8534151

do you even know... where you are?

>> No.8534156

>removing Tales girls

>> No.8534175

Mother 1 and 2

>> No.8534205

Final Fantasy X HD remaster

>> No.8534244
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fortune summoners question. how good are Merrin's staff and the Legenday sword? I am debating grinding the coins it'd take to win them.

>> No.8534411

the amount of talking about those items creates an impression that there is absolutely nothing else to do in the game.

>> No.8534439

I don't get it.
You actually made the picture more homo by removing girls and AT

>> No.8534475

Playing: Atelier Totori
On the shelf (never finished): Neptunia

I want to see where Neptunia goes story wise, but the gameplay is just so goddamn terrible

>> No.8534480
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I find great humor and enjoyment in the fact that not only did I fall for your trap, but there was a trap in your trap.

>> No.8534483

The boys on the top right of the pic are from Tactics Ogre or what?

>> No.8534489
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No one there is from TO.

>> No.8534539

its more a question of you run by these in every town and people wonder if its a waste of money or not. because so many games do money sink items that the storyline will outdate on its own.

>> No.8534663

Finish Sora no Kiseki FC.

Going though again to get all Carnelia books and perfect BP

>> No.8534933

I was thinking of playing Final Fantasy Tactics, should I play the PSP or PSX one?

>> No.8534938

I think the PSP one is better but I've heard it has fps hiccups.

>> No.8534959

I'm currently playing and enjoying XIII. Never really understood the complaints.
The PSP one is much better.

>> No.8534963
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It's a good game. It's just a very mediocre FF.

>> No.8534964

Not XIII-2?

>> No.8534967

It's my second favourite thus far. There are many FF games worse than this.

>> No.8534970

Well that's pretty weird then. I guess you didn't play FF games in your childhood?

>> No.8534981

No. I won't be playing XIII-2.

I had a Genesis as a kid, so my first Final Fantasy games were the PSX ones. My favourite FF being IX.

>> No.8534995

Why not its pretty good.

>> No.8534993

And what's so good about those old games?

>> No.8534998

Aside from that they have actually likable characters, a mostly coherent story line, a better soundtrack and exploration/no strict linearity people often have childhood memories closely connected to them or nostalgia goggles if you want to call them that.

>> No.8535009

Can someone recommend me any translated jrpgs playable on PC with gameplay like Ys?

>> No.8535032
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It's not a good game. It's bad. Very very bad.
It had loads of potential but it was rushed and catered to teenager retards.
Its only reedeming features are its production values. The art, graphics, music and concepts are top notch, and the combat system is well designed and enjoyable, but everything else is shit.
You're pushing your left stick forward bumping into enemies until the screen fades into a stupid "worst birthday ever" cutscene and then fades out again so you can push your stick forward some more.
That is not how jRPGs work. I replayed Breath of Fire II after FFXIII and it was hilarious to see how a 15 year old game shitted all over XIII in every single aspect except in budget.
XIII feels like something that was put together by people who never played a good jrpg.
It's easily the worst Final Fantasy ever, and a truly shitty jRPG. I'm not touching XIII-2 with a 10-foot pole.
It's a shame, because XII was glorious, even with all its shortcomings, shortcomings that I blame on Matsuno's departure and the suits taking over. XIII is just a shallow and brainless pos. Square Enix is going to get fucked in the ass and it's going to be entirely their fault.

>> No.8535042

I'm currently trying to play through DQ9 atm.

It bores me.

>> No.8535051

I'm playing FF XII.
Do want Persona 5, but just god knows when it will be released.

>> No.8535053

I don't think it was rushed. It was in development for over half a decade I think? Anyway they just set their priorities wrong. Instead of hiring an actual writer to design a coherent plot with good and likable characters they put all their budget into CGI so they can rightfully flex their giant SE-CGI dicks again.

Did you play Xenoblade? It is everything XII was trying to be without all the faults it had.

>> No.8535065

I don't care if you used to fap to the pixelated characters of old, that's your autistic problem you should have kept to yourself. Now you are telling me they had more likeable characters? NIGGA, the old games had characters that could easily pass for NPCs, don't fuck with me. And what do you mean by coherent storyline? How is hunting for crystals around the world protected by big monsters COHERENT? What have you been smoking? About the music that's like the stupidest thing since music back then was 8-bit, get updated with the times fool, most things are HD now. And fuck to top all that ignorance you had to call JRPGs linear. You are making a fool out of yourself, kid.

>> No.8535066

Because I am interested in playing as lightning and continuing the story. Not stupid Serah and that other guy. So it doesn't seem worth it to me to import the game. Why did they even put Lightning on the box art? Kind of annoying.

>> No.8535068

Nostalgia goggles? Nostalgia goggles. Let me tell you about nostalgia goggles.

In previous games you could mess with character roster, think about good job combinations. XIII-2 butchers that part completely. Even job development "grid" is actually linear. There isn't anything complicating or deep enough to be interested in exploring it or thinking it over.
Surely, if you played previous games, new ones wont be as exciting to you, as you already experienced explorations and slowly increasing scale of the battles. You can add an insulting flavor to nostalgia, but that just means new games aren't better, fresh or innovative in any sense. Nostalgia goggles never blocked anyone from playing actually good game in the series. That latest FF on psp is quite decent, for instance. Last remnant was good. Resonance of Fate had interesting system.

>> No.8535070
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I'm actually playing through the mother games for the first time started with mother 3 for some reason and am currently on earthbound, I'm really enjoying them.

I'll probably try a tales game next but I don't know where to start

>> No.8535076

Joke is that FFXIII and XIII-2 are actually linear, just in comparison to every previous title.
Its the part of the major complaints: game essentially doesn't let player play it, it plays itself with your small insignificant assistance.

>> No.8535074

Earthbound is a pizza with sardines.

>> No.8535080

Let's hold hands and hope we can drive those retarded fanboys away that like their games to be dumbed down because THEY aren't smart enough.

>> No.8535092

Now we are getting somewhere? Where does one draws the line between this is a linear game and this is a game for retarded console kids with ADHD.

>> No.8535095

Not sure why you're getting so worked up about people enjoying something you don't.

>> No.8535100

>it plays itself with your small insignificant assistance.
Same with MGS4, but I loved that game. I think people need to take it easy.

>> No.8535108

I think you have been living under a box, 90% of complaints about new games these days are the hand holding because mainstream gamers are fucking retard.

>> No.8535111
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To be honest the linearity thing was sort of awesome in FF13 after the devs got the hang of it. They forced you to control a different character class each time, and the different classes felt "unique" enough so that the gameplay didn't become dull. The character you controlled at the time also received development/backstory. That itself was a mixed bag, but for some characters (like Sahz) it was quite good. It kinda reminded me of the parts in FF6 where the characters split up and you control a different one each time (except done better).

Really good game IMO. Better than FF7 and FF8 anyways (which people nostalgia about like crazy). Like the characters in those were any better.

>> No.8535112

Playing Dragon Warrior Monsters for the first time.

It's ok.

>> No.8535119

At least they had personalities, can't say that about XIII's cast.

>> No.8535120

Sure, but FF games have never been difficult. Unless having to grind = difficulty.

>> No.8535127

FF IV DS was hard as fuck if you didn't grind.

>> No.8535132

Well you are forgetting all that strategy involved in laters stages of the game, I am not even kidding, protagonists hp usually caps at 9999, just to give you an example. It's a great series after realizing it's inner beauty, don't look at just the exterior when a game has good potential.

>> No.8535142

In the older final fantasies (I-VI) Whenever there was a boss I couldn't beat, I would just grind for a bit. Doesn't require that much thinking. It's pretty simple. In VIII, I just spammed summons the entire game and won, IX I never even had to grind so long as my weapons were upgraded. XII was basically just setting the gambits or whatever the hell they called them, and letting the game take care of itself.

Sure, XIII isn't hard. But none of the games were. At least the combat is somewhat more involved.

>> No.8535149

The combat was among the least of XIII's problems.

>> No.8535150

playing with notions might become easier if you will observe how much gameplay the game had. I mean, linearity is cool, if you still have something to do, and not just simply pushing button to advance in crystarium, but rather move across the sphere grid or adjust the party or try to make most efficient layout on the battlefield to achieve something exceptional. Its about how much player is involved, I think, not about how stupid he is or how narrow the game in a whole. If player is only needed to push same combinations after the bar is filled and push buttons to get more levels, when he will get more EXP, then its quite shallow, and subsequently boring to the most of people who are playing the game for the sake of the game.

Except I'm not sure if I want to see every game to be "played" exactly like MGS4, just because Sakura liked it.

>> No.8535152

Who cares? It's still just turn-based bullshite. There is no way to even think about your moves. That's not challenge.

>> No.8535156

Well it was hard as in if you didn't fully buff up your entire party with 3 different spells for every normal monster you would get fucked in the ass.

>> No.8535158

Ahhh I knew there was something really fucked up with you, you are playing a Final Fantasy game just the way a mongoloid would, linearly. Final Fantasy games had A LOT of content if you didn't play SMASHING THE FUCKING BUTTONS. That's like playing Morrowind main quest and call it short and with little content, it's stupid.

>> No.8535173
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It was rushed. Even with all that development time, they were just fucking around with horrible workflow, reworking stuff, making useless assets and only having a very vague concept about the actual game until the very last moment. Why do you think only until very very late, the only thing they had for show was that cg trailer?
Look up Final Fantasy XIII post mortem for some info.
In the end, the game is shit because it's a souless focus group tested product for kids. There is no vision, passion or originality poured into it. It's a frankestein shell of a jrpg put together by a marketing team; the objective was to make money, not to make a good jrpg. I'm sure each individual team tried to make their best, and that's why you see so much potential, but everything is sewn together like shit.
The irony is that this stupid approach is making them sink. They're trying to gather some feedback now after the failure of XIII, but all they're going to get is noise now. They're fucked.

>> No.8535179

What else is there to do? You just press "attack" over and over and heal when your HP is down. Woohoo, strategy. Shit may as well be some throwaway beat-em-up.

>> No.8535190

well, you can tell now why developers went the easy way. There is no real point into putting effort and resources into something 50% of players are either wont find or wont understand.
Make more illusions of interactivity, illusion of choice, illusion of variability.

>> No.8535192

Watch this youtube video:
Come back and apologize to me.

>> No.8535195

Hey, I wouldn't mind more beat em ups actually, especially when companies shit in modern technologies, physx and rpg stats everywhere.
But, as we can see, they are too hard to play and too hard to make either.

>> No.8535204

I'm sorry you're not funny.

>> No.8535220
File: 144 KB, 500x690, ffacb33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in a way they were like vast improvements on the characters in everyone's so-called favorite game (FF7). Lightning was basically a less pissed off version of Cloud. Sahz was a wiser version of Barret. Vanilla was Aerith except she grew a pair and didn't die like a chump.

I would rate FF13 as better than FF7, 8, and 10 in the end IMO. No where near my favorites FF5 and 6 though.
It sucks suck ass at the beginning though. There's a reason I dropped FF13 for two years.

>> No.8535222

In chapter 5 in Valkyrie Profile and just finished 5th stratum in Etrian Odyssey.
Also finishing Chrono Trigger for the who-knows-how-manyth time.

>> No.8535231

Cool namecalling bro.
Now watch this video too:
Come back and apologize to me.

>> No.8535248

I don't get it. Do you think you're trolling?

>> No.8535250

Now those are some kickass jrpgs, not all this final faggotry 13 shit. Good taste anon.

>> No.8535251

This is a good feat of a game actually.
See, it allows to finish battle in a variety of ways.
They are not autoleveling with players, not getting killed by a cutscene or QTE, or special weakening item. If you come unprepared, it will just rape you in one turn. Hell, you might not find them at all, or not bother with searching them.

Speedruns and no-hits stopped appearing because there is no point or way of doing them.

>> No.8535255

You are fucking dense, go back to playing COD fag.

>> No.8535268

So you're being serious? Pressing attack once and exploiting a bug is strategy? Spamming limit breaks on hero's drink is strategy? Neither requires any actual thinking. At least CoD requires a bit of skill.

>> No.8535276

But yes, they are strategies.
Now how many strategies exist in latter Final Fantasies? Do they even require any, do they allow them at all?

>> No.8535283

Did you even do any of the side content in 13?

>> No.8535286

If you have something on your mind, tell it. Don't be like that fag spamming videos without any hint.

>> No.8535290

I wouldn't know, I grew out of FF a long time ago. The last one I played was VII. It doesn't matter either way, a shite game stays shite no matter what you're comparing it to.

They may be strategies, but they are very simple. The thought processes in coming up with them are only one or two steps long. No complexity.

>> No.8535295

How can people even like FF8? FF7 and is my favorite and I even liked XIII but I just couldn't stand 8. Also, FFs ruin JRPG generals.

>> No.8535301

It's amazing how knowledgeable you are about something you admit to have never played.

>> No.8535303
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It's funny because FF13 is the one of the few games in the series to actually do the job system justice along with FF5. They're the only ones in the series where I had fun switching between the different character classes.

I really don't get the hate for it. Even the music is fantastic and up there with FF6.

>> No.8535305

Spamming limit breaks is not strategy, but setting up your characters for the fight is.
I doubt every player can do that thing without having to read a FAQ or being told by someone else beforehand.

>> No.8535308

X-2 has best combat.

>> No.8535313

What? Where am I talking about any FF after VII? I think you're confused.

>> No.8535317

I doubt it as well. FF kiddies are pretty stupid, as you can see from this thread.

>> No.8535323

Thinking of getting all 3 of the Suikoden games for the PS2. Just wanted to know you guys opinions on them.

>> No.8535324

But if every player needed side help, who did the FAQs and told them the strategies?

>> No.8535327


Suikoden IV is kusoge

>> No.8535330

I love turn-based games, and i hate how every RPG lately feels like it needs to become another MMO-like hack and slash.

>> No.8535333

Guys like you are not helping the situation. Rather, you create an impression that the problem is fictional, and its just your elitist hate speaking.

>> No.8535341

it's funny because you're admitting that the only difficult fight in the game is emerald weapon

>> No.8535347

I never questioned the battle system or the music. In fact, I praised those.
But production values can't make a game good by themselves. In fact, the rest of the game is utterly shitty even with all that good content.
You can have the best ingredients in the world and still make a dish that tastes like a rotten turd.
I don't understand how anyone that has played more than 5 jrpgs could like this game.

>> No.8535349
File: 319 KB, 1072x1306, suiko80998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suikoden 3 is pretty decent if a bit unpolished at times. Sometimes the battles get dull. But I loved Suikoden 1 and 2 and had no trouble finishing 3. I liked the epilogue part that unlocks when you recruit all the characters.

4 is just ass. I don't understand why they made this.

5 is easily the best and most polished out of the PS2 games though. I liked the battles and characters a lot. /jp/ wishes this game had a harem route in every thread.

>> No.8535366

What are your favorite jrpg CS?


>> No.8535485

It was made in 17 months. The rest of the time was just dudes making crystal tools and everyone else twiddling their thumbs.

>> No.8535536
File: 944 KB, 1080x990, ff5388440e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't understand how anyone that has played more than 5 jrpgs could dislike this game.

Switched for how I feel about it.

My only qualm with the game is that the beginning is completely terrible. Instead of making FF13 a 50 hour long game with an awful beginning, they should have instead made it a 38 hour long game that was enjoyable 100% of the time. I probably wouldn't have dropped it at first if it was like this.

But in the end I'm glad I played FF13. The characters were all likable by the time I was finished. The difficulty was also perfect if you didn't autism grind and stayed away from filling up that grid. That one battle versus the summon monster with all the arms was more fun than half of FF7 combined (I beat it with like 2 seconds on the timer remaining).

>> No.8535684

>We've already voiced our drive to continue the series, but considering how long the second game is, you never know what may come up between now and its eventual (hopeful) release. Just keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best, and we'll be doing everything in our power to get it done.

>Also, while 50k sales may not sound like much from the perspective of a larger company, for a small company like us, 50k sales would be fantastic. It's all a matter of perspective.

>Unfortunately, like I said, that number is not in any way accurate.

This makes it seem like we're not going to be getting SC. if Trails in the Sky didn't even get 50k sales considering its length, it really wouldn't make financial sense for them to release SC since it's considerably longer.

>> No.8535758

>Except I'm not sure if I want to see every game to be "played" exactly like MGS4, just because Sakura liked it.
I think you're over-exaggerating. I'm not saying I want that either. It's not like all games are like that. I just don't think it's a big deal if some games are mostly story rather than playing.

I don't recall ever saying anything in regards to what you are saying. I was simply mentioning that no FF game truly requires skill or is actually difficult. I don't know why you are talking about side content all of a sudden.

>> No.8538495

anybody here play the Growlanser series?
I played 2,3 and 5.
I'm waiting patiently for Wayfayer of time to be released in 24th july.

>> No.8538512

>the music is fantastic and up there with FF6.
Yeeeeeeeeaaaah... No.

>> No.8538519

I'm probably among the minority on this one but I hated the music of XIII. Barely anything more than forgettable elevator music.

>> No.8538563

finished ffxiii-2, I loved pretty much everything in it, but that end just ruin the mood of trying 160 fragments, felt like I played 20 hours of game and acomplished nothing from it.
started trinity universe today, even though game pace is kinda slow I'm liking it so far, felt nostalgic with my old ps2 rpgs and the characters are just hilarious

>> No.8538615
File: 712 KB, 1000x966, 19623892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF6 has -more- good songs, but agree with Zun!Bar this time and think that those few FF5 songs are motherfucking great.
those fucking SNES drums.

oh, and pic related. FF5 is awesome.

>> No.8538612

Radiant Historia

>> No.8538635

thought about trying the new suikoden for PSP, but apparently there aren't 108 characters anymore but 108 "techniques" you have to learn through a class system.
the character were all that made Tierkries playable enough, who the fuck thought it'd be a good idea removing the huge roster

>> No.8538640

oh dumb me, I thought FF5 was being discussed. I don't know anything about FF13 songs.

>> No.8538643

>FF5 is awesome

Where is my updated re-release, dagnabbit!

>> No.8538805

Hahaha this internet nerd is hilarious, you think your shit nostalgia has anything on a HD game like Final Fantasy XIII-2?

>> No.8538862

You are awfully bitter.

>> No.8538911

Just be honest and admit that you want us to praise your new shiny game, because you don't want to feel buyer's remorse.

We won't!

>> No.8538927

Where do you think you are?

>> No.8538931

Hahaha that was funny, you know what I want to see in a Final Fantasy game? Content, content like in Final Fantasy Origins or Final Fantasy VII, to give just two examples. That's what I really want. Fuck that consolized garbage for the stupid kids with ADHD that can't keep their eyes on the screen, and fuck the developers that cater to those kind of gamers.

>> No.8538934



>> No.8538936
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I want to play something from the Mana series again.

>> No.8538941 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8538946

Who's "we"? Are you Venom?

>> No.8538947

We should start numbering these threads

>> No.8538952

Again the /v/ scum resorting to image macros and copy-pasta to make a point.

>> No.8538964

Don't you mean to NOT make a point? To AVOID making a point?

>> No.8538974
File: 18 KB, 482x469, what did i just create.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8538984

Oh you are gonna hide behind your image macros and copy-pasta then? Fucking asinine gamer.

>> No.8539000

Just finished Last Remnant. Wasn't that bad.

>> No.8539059

I played 2 and 3, though only one ending for each. I mainly did it for Urushihara's art, but they were really fun. The battle system was at least innovative, and the relationship system was friendly. My only complaint is CHARACTERS ALWAYS BUMPING AGAINST EACH OTHER.
Growlanser 2's dub was painful, but the bonus outtakes seriously made me laugh. It's painful to imagine white people doing voice acting.

It's nice to know they're localizing Growlanser 4. I'll play it the year I buy a PSP.

>> No.8539133

>It's painful to imagine white people doing voice acting.
Have you even played Disgaea?

>> No.8539152

I need to finish this game already. Every time I get to play SD3 I always leave the game on the last dungeon. It doesn't help that I always change who the "leader" is in every playthrough.

>> No.8539216
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To be fair BoF II is just a glorious game in general. Holy shit, that scene at the end of the game before you fight Deathevan? Fucking insane.

>> No.8539222


I actually bought BOF2 recently and I am throwing around the idea of actually playing it once I beat Star Ocean 3.

>> No.8539237

Finished All of ffxiii-2 except for the secret end. Wasn't going to play errand girl and got mad at having beat yomi 50+ times with double durable catalog and no Trap. My only real complaint was that some of the music was cringeworthy.
Ended up flipping the DLC code for as much as the game cost me.

Gonna try to finish the Growlanser games and next the Langrisser games.
I was gonna run through Flight Plan's games that I haven't played, but just what I've mentioned here is easily a year's worth.

>> No.8539252

>Finished All of ffxiii-2 except for the secret end.
You mean the main quest right?

>> No.8539270

No. Unlocked all the areas, paradox endings, and beat everything worth killing.
Just not going to bother playing fetch to get last 40 artifacts from the sidequests in random zones, or to grind slots for 30+ hours.

>> No.8539310

Show me proof retard, and for that matter stop acting like a douchebag when you yourself are saying you haven't finished all things.

>> No.8539317

So hostile.

>> No.8539324
File: 30 KB, 414x423, Australian-Shepherd11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlocked all the areas, paradox endings, and beat everything worth killing.
Wait wait, you think unlocking areas means completing them? Paradox endings means all endings to you? Everything WORTH KILLING? I knew you were a fucking retard, but this is just off the charts. Please suicide you fucking shit gamer or go back to playing COD. CUZ THAT ACTUALLY TAKES SUM SKILLZ.

>> No.8539342

Have fun with the slots fragment, riding around the edges of every map for the last 1%, and looking for the invisible quiz that asks you questions like "left or right?"

>> No.8539352

Best JRPG story wise for me goes to NieR and Drakengard. They were simply... Fucked up.

I'm kind of annoyed they didn't get as much attention as they should of done.

>> No.8539355

Yeah fag, bitch some more, cause that's what you are doing. I told you, go back to playing CoD, no wait I think you liked the old Final Fantasies, which is more of the fucking same. Maybe you just recently started posting in this thread, for that matter, what is a good game to you? Name one, go ahead.

>> No.8539357

Stop posting.

>> No.8539360
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>> No.8539363

This. FFXIII's ost is nowhere near Hamauzu's best.

>> No.8539366

Cool reply bro. I think it's time for you to go back to /v/ and talk about those shitty games.

>> No.8539368
File: 136 KB, 690x690, 1328238069689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please get out.

>> No.8539370


The irony.

Why don't you all leave?

>> No.8539377
File: 1014 KB, 1600x1200, ovansl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nier also has amazing music. The main character is even voiced by Jamieson Price.

>> No.8539378

How about you get out?

>> No.8539388

Who says I am not posting anonymously? You?

>> No.8539381

I love how you think everyone won't recognize you because you're using sage.

>> No.8539392

I never pay too much attention to these threads and I just realized they are damn popular.. damn!

>> No.8539393

Ahahah, you're such an idiot. It's so funny.

>> No.8539400

Calling me an idiot over and over again shows how much of an idiot you are, you are a fucking bitch.

>> No.8539402

I still don't get the love about that one. Post a good song, so far I only heard typical high fantasy wailing, Maybe I can change my opinion.

>> No.8539408

I called you an idiot once. I'm assuming you're trolling anyway at this point, but yeah. 5/10 I guess for making me reply so many times.

>> No.8539417

I am not trolling, think whatever you want. But expect an answer you STUPID BITCH.

>> No.8539421

Dubs chain broken. Looks like your luck's run out.

>> No.8539420


Sure. This one is my personal favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5xZbJDZZo4

it's okay if you don't like it though. The various battle/boss themes in the games just struck me as particularly powerful.

>> No.8539429
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I didn't even notice.

>> No.8539438

All dem doubs

>> No.8539435

hm, decent. To be absolutely honest though, I think that song would do without the vocals.

Maybe I'm really biased here. The vocals ruined Nier songs for me.

>> No.8539654

>>This. FFXIII's ost is nowhere near Hamauzu's best.

It's no SaGa Frontier 2, but I still thought it was really good.

"Saber's Edge" is such a good song. One of the best boss themes in a FF IMO. Dude I'd kill to be able to write music for piano as good as Hamauzu.
