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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8528249 No.8528249 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, the other day I went to a Touhou gathering in my city. There are very few people in my city who even have heard of that, so in an effort to gather them they do a Touhou gathering at one of the two otaku cafés that exist here.

And while it's true that I had a total blast there, there is a problem:

The Touhou fandom here is chock full of teenaged girls.

Now, I can see where this comes from, a lot of girls fall for Touhou due to everyone being a cute little girl, but the problem is, I'm 25 years old and that place was full of 15 year old girls. I was literally the oldest one, followed by a 20 year old dude and an 18 year old who just entered college.

So, not only I feel cock-blocked because I was expecting to find a girl there (Mexican otakus can be pretty good-looking I swear) and ain't no fucking way I'm even remotely touching someone that is underaged by 10 years, but I also feel like I can't really connect with them. I'm about to graduate from an engineering major, I already have a job, I'm doing businesses here and there, I'm doing my last internship, and every two weeks or so I go out for drinks. I'm like light years away from the comparatively simple life of a teenager.

Now, I still have to scrape a little more of the fandom, because not only this is a city of 4 million people but I'm also pretty sure the friend with whom I went to the Touhou gathering has more friends that are a little bit more... mature... but I'm starting to feel kinda lonely for that. I'm still going to future gatherings, mind you, but I'm not sure if I'll find someone who is more like my age...

Pic of my waifu is unrelated.

>> No.8528254

Not your blog.

>> No.8528260
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Did you read any of that? I didn't either anon

>> No.8528262

Those are secondaries.
They probably haven't even played the game. Probably can't name the game Bad Apple comes from.
The real fans were too anxious to leave their homes and would rather just stay on /jp/.

>> No.8528310
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Sorry, but I can't blog this. I only feel comfortable discussing it while safely blended within a nameless crowd. That's why anonymous boards were created to begin with.

To be honest a lot of these girls were indeed fandom fans. There were Touhou gamers there but I didn't actually talk to them, mostly because I was already having a lot of fun with my friend's friends.

Ah, what the fuck, I think I'm worrying way too much. It's true that I went there expecting to meet more Touhou fans, but I ended up having a lot of fun regardless of their age, gender or background. There's one thing that unites us after all, and it's our love for our Alcoholic God's work. I should just stop worrying and have some fun.

>> No.8528313

>In Mexico, criminal legislation is shared between the federal and state governments. The federal law establishes the age of 12 as the minimum age of consent, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities is 18 (sex with someone 12-18 is not illegal per se, but can still be open to prosecution under certain circumstances). Local state laws may override the federal law. In practice, the decision as to whether or not to prosecute is left to state authorities regardless of the younger person's age. At state level, the minimum ages of consent vary between 12 (and puberty in a few states) and 15, while the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activities vary from 16 to 18 (most common 18).

And the problem is...?

Yeah, 25/2 + 7 gives 19.5 years old as the threshold for creepiness, but it's not like it's illegal.

>> No.8528319

Are you me in the near future?

>> No.8528325

>looking for some 3D ass
Yeah, no.

>> No.8528337

Could you be any more pathetic OP?

Actually venturing outside to meet people with similar interests? Next you'll tell me that 3D isn't PD!

If you're truly a Touhou fan, then wouldn't it be better to find a portal to Gensokyo? Then you could actually be with your beloved characters and not with some 3D pigs who can't even 1cc Ten Desires.

tl;dr - Your post reads like a pathetic attempt to brag about your life, yet you don't realize that if your life was so fulfilling, you wouldn't have the need to seek approval from fucking NEETs on /jp/

>> No.8528355
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All of them shitposting at the same time tonight, seems like the Meido have to open the gas chamber again.

>> No.8528359
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I'm posting this as an anon to a crowd of anons, not as a normalfag to a crowd of NEETs. If the latter was true my OP would have been condescending as fuck.

>> No.8528364

The only one shitposting is you, dirty slav.

>> No.8528368

It's not me, that man is Germanic I believe. I hardly ever post.

>> No.8528369

Time to grow up and join a more adult fandom.

I hear twilight is always looking for new blood.

>> No.8528374

25 years old?
Get out of here gramps.

>> No.8528388

I'm 24 and a long time fan myself. I don't have much interest in meeting other fans, however, since I generally don't ever have an interest in meeting other Western fans of any kind of Japanese pop culture.

And as was said those were in all likelihood secondaries.

I think pretty much you'd need to go to Reitaisai to meet the legit Touhou fans (and a shit ton of cosplayers). The actual fanbase (I kind of discount the Western one due to mostly secondaries and clueless children) is, as far as I can tell, a nice bunch since they generally share ZUN's values and don't take themselves too seriously.

>> No.8528392


>> No.8528395
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We should have a /jp/ meetup at Reitaisai 9 if anyone can make it there.

Whether rich NEET, already in Japan or lucky/timely with floating holidays etc, I'm sure at least a couple of us will be wandering around there at the time. If not that, then Comiket is fine too since that's mostly Touhou material anyway.

>> No.8528400

Stop being discriminatory and get yourself some imoutos. You could have a harem of girls who worshiped you for your gameplaying skills and because they like older guys in general. It's not like you have to fuck them just because they are there and it's not like it's illegal if you did, anyway.

>> No.8528405

>The Touhou fandom here is chock full of teenaged girls.
>25 years old and that place was full of 15 year old girls. I was literally the oldest one, followed by a 20 year old dude and an 18 year old who just entered college.

where is the problem?

also pick a new waifu

>> No.8528407

Secondaries are the problem. I often can't stand talking about Touhou outside of /jp/ and a select few other places (futaba) since so many goddamn secondaries treat it like Vocaloid. I can't take it easy around them.

>> No.8528423

Yeah, http://may.2chan.net/40/futaba.htm is the real place to be.

>> No.8528444

iM@S will join them one day.

Preliminary testing on my imouto shows young girls are receptive to the songs as they are to Vocaloid music and that they think Matoko is cute.

All that's left is to figure out how to properly introduce it to the underage public in general, since you can't easily make it into remixes and videos like Touhou and Vocaloid. Maybe I can get my imouto to make a nice AMV from the anime or better yet from one of her girl shows using iM@s music...

>> No.8528454


>Hey guys, the other day I went to a Touhou gathering in my city

Was this in the US or Mexico?

>> No.8528470

I want those pants on the left.

>> No.8528625

Touhou has female fans? What?

>> No.8528633

Well I guess there would be no harm in making friends with a few and keeping in contact.
Because in 5 years you'll be 30 and they'll be 20.
Nothing wrong there.

>> No.8528636
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>> No.8528684

What the fuck? We are dudes?

>> No.8528697

Whatever happened to all those anime & manga fans from the 1980's? Did they quit anime/manga or they just hang around in silence?

Some of the more eloquent, well-behaved, and well-read posters I've assumed were those old fans. They sure aren't the 20 year olds in here.

>> No.8528702
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>> No.8528828

After they hit 30, they turned into little girls complete with little girl minds and posting habits.
