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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8521873 No.8521873 [Reply] [Original]

Today is the most important holiday in the American calendar - Super Bowl Sunday.

On this day, all Americans sit in a dimly lit room with a few other people to consume Tex-Mex and watch the silly sport of American Pigskin, which nobody else in the world plays. Even those like me that have no interest in any sports (including American football) watch, if only for the excellent TV commercials, which cost millions of dollars to make and air because of how many people view these games. Many of the records for most-watched TV programs in history are held by Super Bowl games.

While not a football fan myself, I feel a sort of duty to inform you yuropoors about the miniature civil war that takes place across the pond every year. This year, it is between New York, the state home to one of the largest cities in the Western world, and New England, a team that represents a bunch of northeastern states with funny non-rhotic accents that aren't large or important enough to have their own teams.

>> No.8521882

no 1 cares

>> No.8521891

New England > Old England

>> No.8521889
File: 23 KB, 125x116, madoka_things_sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh so much stupid bowl news whereever the HELL i go

>> No.8521890
File: 112 KB, 560x760, 05adf3d4985fc9cb17a191fa270da77e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

