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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 500x375, nignogging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8509643 No.8509643 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you playing Rozen Diadem? It's a really easy game. Perfect for all you faggots that can't even 1CC IN on Normal with Border Team.

>> No.8509649

I play border team because Reimu is too hard for me to kill.

>> No.8509653

Fuck off, OP.
captcha: asburg fuckface

>> No.8509659

Now now, I never said Border Team was for faggots. I personally hate the reimu fight, marisa is much more fun to fight. Better theme too.

>> No.8509742

Is there an English patch for this game?

>> No.8509763
File: 158 KB, 499x486, desu sugiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude is this in anyway related to Rozen Maiden?

Because Rozen Maiden is... well it's pretty fucking autistic to say the least... desu.

>> No.8509768 [DELETED] 

Yes it is.

Also desu so randumb etc.

>> No.8509772

Not that I know of, and it's not really necessary.

You play as Shinku and Suigintou As for the rest, I have no clue because I've never actually watched that shit.

>> No.8509773

Face it OP. You will never get that 3rd season of Rozen Maiden. Deal with it.

>> No.8509776

There was a second manga serialization that continued the story in a really stupid way.

>> No.8509790

Blame it on the fucking editor.

>> No.8509794

Does /jp/ actually like this shit? Should I watch it?

>> No.8509798

Old /a/ went nuts over it.

I liked it, it has its flaws, but I liked it for what it was: Dolls x Highlander the Anime.

>> No.8509806 [DELETED] 

It was decent. Personally I never saw what all the fuss was about, but it was a reasonably enjoyable show.

>> No.8509819

I thought it was pretty enjoyable.

>> No.8509845


It's worth checking out. I liked it.

>> No.8509846
File: 95 KB, 500x379, TCPS-10152A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is actually a Rozen Maiden shootan game. It's a mini game in the PS2 VN adaptation of the first season (Rozen Maiden: Duellwalzer)
The game also has a very nice CG of Suigintou taking a nap on Jun's couch. Unfortunately I lost all my files years ago so I can't post them. You guys should DL it and try it

>> No.8509901

I've heard of that game, but I'm kind of surprised it actually exists.

Still is.

Read the manga.

Other than that, dolls. In frilly dresses. What's not to like? Just don't expect a coherent plot or something.

>> No.8509912

The elevator is the best damn stage in this game. If they made that stage 40 minutes long and released it as a seperate game I'd be playing that all damn day.

>> No.8509942

Oh I didn't know the new manga was still running. Did they ever tie everything up?

>> No.8509956

The CG looks like screenshots from the anime.

>> No.8509977

who doesn't like suiseiseki?

you should watch it.

>> No.8509979


I liked it a lot. I wish we could have gotten a third season of the anime.

>> No.8509994

I stopped paying attention at some point.

But it appears it even got a shoujo spin-off recently.

>> No.8510622

By the way, does anyone know if the visual novel was kinetic or it some choices? How many endings were in there?

>> No.8510627

It's ongoing.

>> No.8513769

Is it supposed to run like absolute shit? Either I turn on frame skip and it runs at the right speed but sucks ass or I leave it off and its a slow sack of shit.

>> No.8513781

It has many choices, but all you get from them are a few extra scenes, CGs and different bits of dialog. It doesn't actually change the story, since it's just an adaptation of the first season.

By the way if you managed to find a working download link for it, please post it. I've been meaning to re play it but because MU went down I can't find it anymore.

>> No.8514814

> It has many choices, but all you get from them are a few extra scenes, CGs and different bits of dialog.

Bummer! I wanted to drink tea and/or sour milk products with them, not fight them.

Though I am still really interested in finding it as well.

>> No.8518959

bump ^w^

>> No.8518967
File: 177 KB, 675x900, bad_medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem, doll joints!
