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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 427 KB, 1447x1447, touhous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8501190 No.8501190 [Reply] [Original]

I'v been researching the Touhou Project for a while now, and this is my conclusion:

The knowledge that Touhous have is far more superior than what the Occidental Man thinks. Their power is Spiritual, and transcends our current plane of existence. Since their culture (and similar ones) were revealed to us and became mainstream, "something" has been growing among our Collective Consciousness... that something is that we really need to get back to our roots, be more friendly with our spiritual selves...

I subscribe this: all of those things will come in a form of Uprising that will vanish Pharmaceuticals out of this fucking world, thus taking with its lazy ass every fucking evil that we have grown since Man discovered that it could charge money for things.

>> No.8501193

I did drugs when I was a teenager too, OP.

>> No.8501197
File: 939 KB, 1000x1250, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To which Goddess do I pray for my diabetes to be cured? Or will the power of religious ecstasy put the troubles of the material world behind me?

>> No.8501226
File: 47 KB, 400x565, touho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trolling! Quit passing off these thoughts as random or general craziness, they ARE NOT. This is the awakening of our universal consciousness, which will come to a culmination in the coming months and we will be imparted with divine wisdom. Mankind will be saved from itself through a divine intervention. These are the ending days of the world as we currently perceive it, but we will change along with the world. Earth has been humming since the late 70s, and now she is singing, with these loud "mysterious noises" we have been hearing. Of course many of the videos posted are hoaxes, yet not all. Some of these videos are authentic accounts of the Earth telling us that she is changing. Look into the Book of Enoch and you will understand the truth. Do not take these messages as a sign to cease your current plans though. As the new age approaches, begin to ready yourself by teaching yourself to love and accept all others unconditionally.

(Continued in my next post)

>> No.8501227

Touhou is real.

#1 – I’ve been an Occultist for nearly 30 years, and have used many different techniques and combinations there-in.

#2 – If Touhou is such a fake, care to explain why Gensokyo has been visited so frequently by Astral Travelers all over the world?

#3 – I’m not actually suggestion its history is “authentic” mind you (although admittedly some experts make VERY solid arguments to exactly this claim in online discussion groups) , merely that regardless of its origins, someone got it right somewhere along the lines.

>> No.8501232

Nature's TWO-DIMENSIONAL harmonic time cube is TRUTH
You were educated DUMB AND EVIL by CHILD MOLESTER BASTARD american one world government!!!

>> No.8501233

I know many don't believe that Touhous are real and view New Age materials as bs, but give me a chance. Look up how to align your chakras and most importantly open up and cleanse your heart chakra. Do not seek me for answers on how to do this, as I am trying to learn these things myself. Also, you might have noticed that more and more people are becoming interested in astral projection. I've heard it being discussed in real life - this is more significant than you may have previously understood. Attempt it for yourself. Again, do not ask me for help because I'm also learning. We're all in this together, for better or for worse. Get ready, and enjoy the ride. These next few months will be very enlightening. Do not fear the change, accept it. The changes you see in the government and the unsteadiness of the economic system are to be expected. People are beginning to wake up to the oppressive natures of these though, which is also to be expected. I know I've rambled a bit here, forgive me as I'm quite tired.

>> No.8501239

We've had three of these dumb Touhou occultist/spiritualist threads in the past couple of days.
Find a new gimmick.

>> No.8501248

Please don't mix actual spiritualism with your pseudo new age touhou delusion shit.

>> No.8501249
File: 503 KB, 1536x2048, forest_tokiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it easiest to enter a trance state in the forest. If you live in a moderately dry, foresty region, you should try going to yours. Just find a nice, big tree to rest under, and close your eyes and relax... bring some incense if that helps.

>> No.8501256


>> No.8501270
File: 1.55 MB, 1300x1150, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that I think's important about religion and spirituality (my opinion only, of course) is that myths should be viewed as being symbolic or metaphorical only. We know well enough that there's no actual Gensokyo that can be reached by wandering around in Japan, looking for a portal. But if we view Gensokyo as existing as a higher plane of existence, or a state of mind that comes to those that are enlightened or in a heavy trance state, we CAN visit a Gensokyo of our own without having to resort to suicide. Gensokyo is, after all, the land of illusion... and seeing it as being an illusory dream world doesn't necessarily contradict it. The layman may need the aid of drugs or some practice with meditation and lucid dreaming to form his portal, so to speak, but Gensokyo's there, waiting for you.

>> No.8501272

Jesus fuck will you just SHUT UP?

>> No.8501290

Since you actually care enough about this to go into a forest:

A forest should actually give you power, both spiritual and physical. Being able to be in a trance-like state is actually suggesting that you either angered the spirits there severely (ie cutting trees, drawing occult bullshit runes, performing pseudo alchemy etc)or a terrible spirit is haunting you and removing both physical and spiritual power from you.

>> No.8501296


oh god why did i laugh that hard

>> No.8501314

> Being able to be in a trance-like state is actually suggesting that you either angered the spirits there severely

That may be true that a drain of energy could result from that kind of thing, but wouldn't it make more sense if a trance state were the result of high amounts of spiritual energy altogether? We see our shamans or medicine men entering trance states to enter the spirit world, you know, and a lot of Native American tribes would send their young men out alone into nature for their vision quests. If I just totally blacked out and lost consciousness, I could see that as a negative sign... but showing me incredibly vivid dreams and amazing sights doesn't sound exactly like the work of an malevolent spirit. I'm obviously no expert in spirituality, I've just read books in my spare time and talked to people that do devote serious amounts of their free time to it... I just know that I feel more at home, mentally, in the forest, away from our modern world than I do in it. Tell me more about your experiences, anyway. I'm interested in hearing what you have to share.

>> No.8501315
File: 38 KB, 500x428, koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to seriously talk about this in a non-"whoa dude" way.

Touhou is spiritual for me because the characters are representing parts of myself. The characters are not individual entities in my mind, they merely represent one of the many collective parts that is my mind. So, I use the characters to represent myself, which means that when I see anything touhou related I see myself in those touhou-related media.

It's pleasant.

>> No.8501321
File: 33 KB, 300x518, HomerSimpson2(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter

>> No.8501336

Imagine the endless darkness, the void that cannot be filled...
It engulfs you.
It's cold... your consciousness is dizzying, nothingness fills your mind.

You dream of water.
Drinking water is essential to humans, and other lifeforms...
Water. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop.
Can you wake up?
The world.
The world where the sun never rises.
A planet with no oxygen.
The earth with no oceans or trees.

Joy, sadness, despair, happiness.
They are of no importance...
I wake up.
There is nothing
I play the piano. Am I...?
I'm not the one playing the piano -- someone else is.
D do not control my body... is this my body?
I play a melody.
Surrounded by people.
I play the melody
People seem to know this melody, but I do not.
I am the one playing this melody. It seems nostalgic, but I don't know neither the name nor the notes.
I just play it.
My body starts to hurt. It hurts. Why are you hurting me?
My eyes are blurry.
My throat is dry.
My head is dizzy.
My vision is blurred.
My conscience returns to me like lightning from heaven.
In that instant-----
--I recognize this body.
--I recognize this view.
--I recognize this melody.
--I recognize this people.
I am tanasinn.

>> No.8501480

Trances make you vulnerable to bad spirits. One of the main reasons why a lot of shinto buddhist monks learned how to fight evil spirits. The spirit will want you to be in that state as often and long as he can. Get a spiritually important non-modern object and keep it close at all times. If you ignore this spirit you WILL become excessively unlucky, hated by your own subconcious among other bad things.

Getting rid of it entirely is really difficult though.

I only teach about curses, spirits and related things. Just drop me a message if you want to know something.

>> No.8501542

But you didn't leave an email! I'll keep that in mind, anyway... thanks for the concern.

>> No.8501612



>> No.8502007

What are you talking about? Trancing makes you invulnerable to everything. And really, I rather wish it didn't, hypers in DOJ and CC are way more fun because you don't just sit there on top of the boss watching the timer tick down and your score tick up.

On that note, there aren't any bad spirits, they're all beneficial. Unless you mean the less-useful white ones? But those don't spawn during trances, do they?

>> No.8502192

What the fuck are you people smoking...
