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8499660 No.8499660 [Reply] [Original]

New thread as last one 404'd.
Ask for help, post your achievements or whatever.

>> No.8499665

If anyone wants to see I made a Let's Play on Subterranean Animism, it's on YouTube.


>> No.8499670 [DELETED] 


>> No.8499672

Oh god I joked about this once I can't believe someone would do it.
Though your accent is HELLA COOL, I'll watch this later.

>> No.8499675

Beat IN's extra world record with Youmu by 73M. Didn't save a replay or screenshot because I didn't know it was a world record.

>> No.8499724

Is it an achievement to clear Philosopher's Stone or Scarlet Gensokyo (this one on hard though) without problems?

>> No.8499754

For Scarlet Gensokyo somewhat, but honestly I find Red Magic slightly harder than hard mode Scarlet Gensokyo.

>> No.8499778

I just got to Meilin on easy for the first time. However, since I had used all my continues in the previous two stages, I lost pretty quickly. Still, I feel like I've achieved something.

>> No.8499784

Good stuff, not often you see good players doing STG lets plays.

This is why I always save my replays. I also have a lot of laughable deaths that usually rustle my jimmies during playing, but looking through my older reps is a comedy gold mine.

>> No.8499783

By "without problems" you mean consistently? Scarlet Gensokyo can be annoyingly luck-based. Scarlet Meister on the other hand is rape mode every single time.

>> No.8499808

You shouldn't use continues unless you are aiming to unlock stages with it, or just doing practice runs (as Im assuming you are). Keep up the practice, just starting out is always one of the harder parts. Took me about 2 weeks of solid practice before I could even clear an easy difficulty.

>> No.8500036

>Good stuff, not often you see good players doing STG lets plays.
You should ask for some. I've done LP-style liveshows with voice commentary before. I might need to practice my voice and fix my mic, but I can do it. It will probably be UFO Lunatic, but I can do every game.
>This is why I always save my replays. I also have a lot of laughable deaths that usually rustle my jimmies during playing, but looking through my older reps is a comedy gold mine.
I love looking at my old replays. I still have all 30 of my first UFO runs if every difficulty. Or maybe I should say 29... since I accidentally didn't save my first Lunatic MarisaA run. ;_;
If you just started, then you should probably focus on dodging bullets and learning the controls. Continues are fine, but you won't beat the game. EoSD doesn't have a stage 6 on Easy mode, but it can be a little challenging compared to the other games. EoSD has a lot of very random bullet patterns, along with some very deceiving hitboxes. It will teach you very fast about dodging bullets.

Keep it up and you will beat Easy in no time.

>> No.8500150

My point was that playing with continues teaches bad habits. Unlocking stages for practice mode with continues is fine, and so is practicing difficult stages, but if you start cheeze-deathing every spellcard because you can get away with continuing afterwards, you're not learning much.

>> No.8500367

Out of curiosity are you working on anything at the moment Riz?

>> No.8500483

I'd like a commentary of UFO Lunatic with Reimu A... Just a standard resource gathering run. Pretty please?

>> No.8500569

Finally 1cc'd SA on Normal with more than 0 lives remaining.

>> No.8500614

I can do this if Riz doesn't want to and if you don't mind who does it.

>> No.8500642

Maybe you could stream uh, touhou-offs. Two people stream touhou and compete with each other, be it a scoring competition or a survival competition. Maybe see who can make it the farthest on Ultra UFO.

Of course, I wouldn't be qualified to do any of this, I'm terrible at shmups and I can't clear anything past Stage 4 on normal. But it would make for an entertaining stream, at the very least.

>> No.8500685

do it

>> No.8500710

I'm currently trying to timeout VoWG on Lunatic. That's my last attempt.
Yes, I can do that. There's only one problem: my motherboard doesn't record sound properly. I've tried everything I could, but the sound always comes out muffled. My microphone works on any other computer. I'd either have to borrow one or replace my motherboard. Motherboards for my hardware are pretty expensive, but it may be around time for an upgrade.
Riz vs. Naut?

I knew my ego was getting too big.

>> No.8500820

This is probably going to be how I record the video. Tell me what you think of the quality.

>> No.8500840

You sound like such a dope.

>> No.8500835

You left it pretty open, so my argument isn't with your post, but you have to be careful because I have seen many players stuck thinking "I can't continue except when I'm new to a game or it makes me a bad player".

>> No.8500867


>> No.8500880


>> No.8500892

That feel when you accidentally get 3.16B in IN extra without noticing that it is a world record and then when you try to beat it again you can never get above 2.9B ;_;

>> No.8500912

The quality sounds fine to me.

>> No.8500916

Should I hop on fraps and start filming, or should I do a liveshow?

>> No.8500921

fraps and upload to youtube you cutiepie

>> No.8500933

I'd say just record it with fraps, but it's your choice, really.

Flip a coin.

>> No.8500953

I'm actually already uploading a video to YouTube, so the bandwidth is probably going to be meh.

I'll probably have it done today and uploaded by morning, unless I do some really bad runs. I haven't played UFO in a few days, so that might happen.

>> No.8500969

But superprayers never have any bad runs.

>> No.8500988

You think I'm a superplayer?

Also, I'm getting some really bad feedback while trying to record. I'm going to keep trying to get it to work.

>> No.8501024

Uh, maybe try checking mic boost or something, I dunno. And nah, I was just kidding about the superplayer comment. Though, you were able to make it to 1-4 in DOJ on your first try, so you're obviously doing something right.

>> No.8501177
File: 28 KB, 581x311, film.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's the run. I got to Byakuren with 6 lives and ended with the game with 2. It wasn't that bad of a run overall, but I managed to die 4 times on LFS. The only places where I really messed up were Kogasa's last spell, maybe Murasa, and Byakuren's last card. I also had a really silly death on Shou.

I haven't played in about a week, and I'm using my least-favorite shot-type, so I wasn't very good at this.

I also got a 324m score... lol. It's definitely not my best run, and I'll probably redo it later.

You should have asked me to do this when I was trying to perfect the game. Maybe I'll do a stream later on.

I can't help but wonder if the lag from recording made me any worse. Oh well, you can't expect blind runs to be any good. The run is very raw, not that "I'm going to perfect everything" stuff, so that might actually make it better. It was very survival-oriented.

Well, I'm going to render and upload it now. Let's hope the sound came out okay.

>> No.8501347

Well, it could always be worse. You could be game overing like I was on easy three months ago.

Speaking of which, how many runs did you do per day back when you played these games constantly? I'm just curious as to how some people can get good so easily. I've been playing 15-25 runs per day, only restarting when I run out of lives completely. So far, I've only been able to clear PCB and TD on Normal, which are the easiest touhou games.

>> No.8501815

>Well, it could always be worse. You could be game overing like I was on easy three months ago.
That's true. 9 hours of streaming, and I got my first Normal 1cc. http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/7366964#7367376..
>Speaking of which, how many runs did you do per day back when you played these games constantly?
I played practically as much as it is possible to play. I either slept or played. I was playing for 18-19 hours, sleeping 15, and then repeating. I sometimes played for days, stopping only when my hands hurt too much. I never counted how many runs I did in a day. How many runs can you do in a 24 hour period if you don't pass any of them?
>I'm just curious as to how some people can get good so easily.
Don't let anyone tell you that it was easy: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/7472903/#7494884
It took an extreme amount of pain and effort. A new player who wants to follow in my footsteps has a big advantage over me, because I can help them. I've already done it, I've shared and documented it. I would be very impressed if someone tried to do what I did, and I would help them every step of the way. I discovered Touhou from 'Touhou Tuesdays' on >>>/f/. When I first started the games, it was mystic to me. I had no idea what to expect, but I ended up staying with it, due to an unlikely combination of events. I didn't even know about /jp/ until later. I didn't know anyone who played, I had no guides or readings. It was all nothing but exploration, and I ended up finding a new home.

>> No.8501832

God damn it, even secondaries are better than me.

>> No.8501885

Calling Riz a secondary is like calling Moot a newfag.

>> No.8501918

Seems like your newfag is showing.

>> No.8501957

If Riz is a secondary then I guess there are good secondary after all.

Just like there are primary that is bad.

>> No.8502008

Interesting. I've spent as long as 2 hours straight playing DOJ and I've at least had a peek to stage 1-5. It's just really difficult getting in the mood to play anything anymore. Maybe I should just start forcing myself to play them, but it's so difficult bringing myself to play them these days. Maybe I just need a break from the shoot em up genre for awhile. Back when I really wanted to 1-ALL DDP, I used to have practice sessions where I would grind out every single stage in the game until I could do them perfectly. Usually for hours at a time with minor breaks in between. This is probably part of the reason why I've been burnt out on playing shmups. As I probably only did about 20 or so full runs in my 300 hours playing DDP, something is obviously wrong there.

And I honestly cannot see myself playing for more than 5 hours. I already have stupid deaths that upset me. I'd probably have an aneurism playing for 10+ hours. But if it's really the only way to learn, I'll just have to sort of build a tolerance to my own shitty play until I can actually learn how to play these games, since it seems like the only thing I learned doing stage practice runs is muscle memory and memorizing patterns.

>> No.8502050 [DELETED] 

I never play more than 2 hours a day.
I'm such a secondary.

>> No.8502057

I never play more than 2 hours a day.
I'm such a secondary.

>> No.8502139 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 1250x470, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd probably have an aneurism playing for 10+ hours.
You don't have to do that. I know some great players that are a lot better than me who never grind, but they have been playing for much longer than me.

Sometimes, taking a break for a few days has helped me achieve runs. When I got my first MarisaB Lunatic 1cc, I was only playing a few runs every few days, and I even took a long break to play some other games. I was grinding all day for two months before that. It took over 600 rod signs, and I already had 5 Lunatic runs done before that.

That's how I do a lot of very hard problems. Sometimes, they are too hard and tedious to grind, so you need to approach them only when you are fresh and in a good mood. It helps to practice, but you may still be at a disadvantage.

Don't play if you don't want to, it's very bad for you. I like to suffer, so I'm happy with playing more.

>> No.8502208

>I'd probably have an aneurism playing for 10+ hours.
You don't have to do that. I know some great players that are a lot better than me who never grind, but they have been playing for much longer than me.

Sometimes, taking a break for a few days has helped me achieve runs. When I got my first MarisaB Lunatic 1cc, I was only playing a few runs every few days, and I even took a long break to play some other games. I was grinding all day for two months before that. It took over 600 rod signs, and I already had 5 Lunatic runs done before that.

That's how I do a lot of very hard problems. Sometimes, they are too hard and tedious to grind, so you need to approach them only when you are fresh and in a good mood. It helps to practice, but you may still be at a disadvantage.

Don't play if you don't want to, it's very bad for you. I like to suffer, so I'm happy with playing more.
Everyone is a secondary.

Also, that YouTube LP is going to take about 6 more hours to upload. Maybe I'll get to see it when I wake up. It should be interesting.

>> No.8503210

Here it is, if you haven't seen it already.

>> No.8503238
File: 518 KB, 640x480, ei meinaa vituta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get used to this.

>> No.8503279

There are many devoted players who only play a couple hours at a time and not every day. The point is to enjoy yourself. And trust me you can still get a lot done that way.

>> No.8503342

Brush up on your troll terminology, children.

>> No.8503355

So what kind of control-scheme do you guys use when playing Touhou? Keyboard or controller? D-pad or joystick?

I personally prefer the keyboard because it just feels more precise and snappier to me.

>> No.8503376

You could use a pop filter. Try to edit out the electrical hum with a program like Audacity.

>> No.8503406

Yeah, I've actually been doing that myself. Switching the game when I have five bad runs in a row is usually a good way to keep it fresh. Usually I'll just open up something simple, like Tetris Attack or some RPG. I'll play for maybe 30 minutes to an hour, and shmups will seem like a godsend again.

>> No.8503409


I took out the background, not that bad.

>> No.8504384

Nicely done. Your accent kind of sounds Russian.

>> No.8504867
File: 417 KB, 650x939, aeedcc0a7972647058c74dc90b3f751a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got some advice for Sakuya in 6 (on normal)? I do just fine for the most part with the rest of the stage except for the midboss and her first nonspell as the stage boss. Is this a case of practice makes perfect or is there a trick to those two?

>> No.8504888 [DELETED] 

>I personally prefer the keyboard because it just feels more precise and snappier to me.
Exactly this.
I use Sony Vegas for editing video/audio files. I still managed to fix up the quality before I made the video.
I haven't played anything but Touhou in a very long time. The only other things I play are are Minecraft, Eu3, and some nostalgic games. I would love to play some multiplayer sometime, I just can't find anyone to play with.
It's Polish.
Tak rzadko mówię, że mój głos jest nierozwinięty. Ciężko mi mówić, i gardło mię boli. Mowa nie jest dla mnie łatwa. Trochę dziwnie było mówieniu po angielsku w domu. Zawszę mówię po polsku z rodziną. Myślę po polsku kiedy jestem w domu. Także, ciężko mi jest mówić po angielsku poza domem. To są ustawienie mózgowe.
Mam zamiar zrobić drugi "zagrajmy" z polskim komentarzem. Niestety, nie znam drugiego polskiego gracza w touhou. Ciekawe kto by to zobaczył.
Try to stay a little higher so you don't get clipped. Other than than, bomb more. Sakuya is a hard boss, and practice is very rewarding.

>> No.8504890

her midboss nonspell should be stalled as long as possible. If you don't mind cheesing it, you can stay above her sprite and shoot her.
Redirection is done best by minimal movement.
For the boss fight... just dance around and hope for the best.

>> No.8504894

>I personally prefer the keyboard because it just feels more precise and snappier to me.
Exactly this.
I use Sony Vegas for editing video/audio files. I still managed to fix up the quality before I made the video.
I haven't played anything but Touhou in a very long time. The only other things I play are are Minecraft, Eu3, and some nostalgic games. I would love to play some multiplayer sometime, I just can't find anyone to play with.
It's Polish.
Tak rzadko mówię, że mój głos jest nierozwinięty. Ciężko mi mówić, i gardło mię boli. Mowa nie jest dla mnie łatwa. Trochę dziwnie było mówieniu po angielsku w domu. Zawszę mówię po polsku z rodziną. Myślę po polsku kiedy jestem w domu. Także, ciężko mi jest mówić po angielsku poza domem. To są ustawienia mózgowe.
Mam zamiar zrobić drugi "zagrajmy" z polskim komentarzem. Niestety, nie znam drugiego polskiego gracza. Ciekawe kto by to zobaczył.
Try to stay a little higher so you don't get clipped. Other than than, bomb more. Sakuya is a hard boss, and practice is very rewarding.

>> No.8504902

Boli te grlo eh?

>> No.8504899

it's not like polfags don't understand english just as fine.

Jednak oglądać jak ktoś gra w Tołhoła kompletnie pijany live mogłoby być interesujące.

>> No.8504913

>If you don't mind cheesing it, you can stay above her sprite and shoot her.
I play MarsiaB mostly, so I don't think this is possible. Thanks for the advice though.

>bomb more. Sakuya is a hard boss, and practice is very rewarding
That's more or less what I've been doing, but I'm aiming for a 1CC and as it stands right now, I need the bombs for Remi.

>> No.8504927

any character can do the cheese. Here's how it looks like.

>> No.8504928

>Jednak oglądać jak ktoś gra w Tołhoła kompletnie pijany live mogłoby być interesujące.
Szkoda, ja nie pije. I tak można to zrobić w każdym języku.
Ale śmiechu.
>I play MarsiaB mostly, so I don't think this is possible. Thanks for the advice though.
It's possible, but it might be a little harder.
>That's more or less what I've been doing, but I'm aiming for a 1CC and as it stands right now, I need the bombs for Remi.
I think that Sakuya is harder than Remi. You probably won't need as much resources.

>> No.8505319

Man, multiplayer games make me more annoyed than any game I've ever played. They're usually filled with the most egoistical pricks imaginable, I could hardly stand playing 12.3 a few months back just because of how awful the community was. Co-op games, on the other hand, are usually pretty fun.

I'd imagine that netplaying DoDonPachi would be good as long as both players were somewhat competent. But I really don't think that any version of MAME has netplay, and final burn alpha only has netplay through kaileria if I remember correctly. And believe me when I say kaileria is terrible, I couldn't even play five minutes of Metal Slug without it desyncing! In any case, I don't think it would be possible to even play DDP seriously in double play, but it would certainly be chaotic and probably hilarious at the same time.

>> No.8505330

Thanks for the link. I'll give this a try next time I get a chance.

>I think that Sakuya is harder than Remi. You probably won't need as much resources.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the advice.

>> No.8506016 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 640x480, mfwsixeighthsofabomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like I accidentally picked up a bomb piece without trance at some point. I haven't watched my own replay yet, but, despite the mistakes, another new world record in that one game that nobody plays. Woo.

>> No.8506030

These threads are an eyesore.

>> No.8506051

Break the WR in Ketsui or something, anon. I'd like to see at least one person on /jp/ clear the Ura Loop. I'd do it myself, but my learning disorder makes shit too difficult. I'll just stick to playing easy games to survive in, like Giga Wing.

>> No.8506895

But that would require skill.

>> No.8507221

Managed to 1cc PCB on Normal
Lots of silly deaths but I'm feeling like I'm getting better at this.
Any recommendations which one of the newer games I should pick? (I'm having problems with my shitty laptop keyboard so can't really start practicing for scoring or hard/lunatic yet)

>> No.8507235
File: 15 KB, 153x173, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8507325

Nice, your replay just gave me inspiration enough to jump back in and try and grab my own 1cc.

>> No.8507409
File: 458 KB, 640x480, yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got the SFN timeout on Youmu solo. I feel rather happy now.


>> No.8507471

I would practice sitting between the red bullets on her midboss nonspell. It's a good general skill. It's easier when she's up high.

>> No.8507828

But naturally, you can get skill with PRACTICE. It's probably quite easy if you sink hundreds of hours into it. Then again, Ura requires you to be absolutely perfect on the first loop. You cannot bomb. You cannot die. You must obtain a score of 120M. But, practice makes perfect!

But yeah, I'd say Ura is kind of difficult judging by those requirements.

Start with MoF or TD if you want an easy clear. Otherwise, go play UFO or SA.

>> No.8508614

Bleh, got to Okuu's second spellcard on SA LNB.

>> No.8509400

Shit, I feel nothing but envy when I see people talking about how effortlessly they can clear Lunatic, when I can't even pass Stage 1. But on the other hand, I can make it to Stage 1-5 consistently in DOJBL. Maybe I should just stick to playing Easy mode or something.

>> No.8510183

Everybody is good at different things, and some people can't play STGs at all. For example, I can easily clear all the Touhou games on Lunatic and currently hold two world records in Ten Desires Extra, but I can barely make it into 1-4 in Ketsui and only have something like 500M in Mushihimesama Futari Black Label Original.

I'll admit, I'm envious of people that are good at CAVE games and... anything not Touhou. But who cares. As long as you're having fun with what you're doing, it doesn't matter. Think you need to be good for it to be fun? Maybe only getting recognized for your accomplishments is fun? Well, then I hope you think practicing is fun too.

Also, bump for the night.

>> No.8510200
File: 47 KB, 508x448, ar_tonelico_iv_sai-daioujyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-type all day erry day

>> No.8510206

>I can easily clear all the Touhou games on Lunatic and currently hold two world records in Ten Desires Extra
Try not to wave your dick so much on such an easy game. I mean, come on, it's getting really fucking annoying.

>> No.8510213

i'm new and i want to play this game. seems fun!

>> No.8510220

Or you could try to not see the worst in what people say. The post was fine, I'm sorry all you can see is dickwave.

>> No.8510228 [DELETED] 

I see. Forgive me. I completely agree with you. I've been blogging about Touhou in these threads for years, specially TD lately. Nobody cares, and all it does is add a hint of negativity in the air for those that are prone to discouragement. I'll stop posting in these threads, then, since I have nothing to contribute other than dickwaving.

Enjoy your nights and days, /jp/.

>> No.8510230

I see. Forgive me. I completely agree with you. I've been blogging about Touhou in these threads for years, especially TD lately. Nobody cares, and all it does is add a hint of negativity in the air for those that are prone to discouragement. I'll stop posting in these threads, then, since I have nothing to contribute other than dickwaving.

Enjoy your nights and days, /jp/.

>> No.8510305

But that's the thing. I'm not good at anything. CAVE, Touhou, 8ing, or any of those. Sure, one might argue that getting to 1-5 consistently is good enough. I feel more or less it's from copying superplays. Getting a ton of extends and hypers from copying it frame by frame. To clarify, I die on nearly the very beginning of 1-5. Usually entering with one or two lives. But yeah, I shouldn't be getting annoyed by such petty things. I'll just continue to be a limp wristed credit feeder in Touhou on anything above Normal, because why not.

Holding the WR is kinda impressive in any game, and honestly? It isn't really dickwaving IMO. It's simply being happy about accomplishments. Hell, I'd probably post up a replay myself playing if I were able to 1-ALL DOJBL. And even if it is considered dickwaving, remember, it isn't nearly as bad as the guy that says ULTRA IS THE BEST STOP PLAYING EVERYTHING ELSE etc etc.

>> No.8510340


If it's easy, go beat him.

>> No.8510360

Due to my mental disorder, I am incapable of that. But everyone says TD is easy, and it surely must be if the record holder is a westerner.

>> No.8510386

That makes no sense. I'm guessing your disorder is retardation.

>> No.8510391

Try not to wave your learning disabilities so much in every thread. I mean, come on, it's getting really fucking annoying.

>> No.8510392

What sense does it not make? And yes, it is a subset of retardation, but there may be some misinterpretation on your part, as well.

>> No.8510404

I don't usually post in these threads, but anyone with half of a brain can tell that it sure smells like circlejerking IRC fags in here.

>> No.8510413

The difficulty level of a game doesn't affect how hard the WR is to achieve, because player performances are compared against each other, not against the game. Therefore your comment is nonsense.

>> No.8510426

It's not that it's easy, it's that it's shitty and nobody's trying.

>> No.8510498

>>8510305 is not dickwaving. >>8507409 is.

>> No.8510637

But CAVE's rank systems will mess up with your frame-to-frame memorization, especially in DOJ. That's better implemented in ... Psikyo games, I heard.

>> No.8510691

These are competitive games. Scoring is the whole point. If someone has a world record or western record, then he can post it since it is an accomplishment.

Post a replay of anything you want. It's not dickwaving; a low level first loop clear of DOJBL can be informative to new players looking to get into the game. It will look a hell of a lot more accessible than HFD's world record clear.

If only the BEST players could post videos, then there would be almost no content for anyone to watch. Variety is good.

>> No.8510817

Saidaioujou looks gorgeous and the hyper doesn't eat up bullets any more. It's basically daioujou 2. GOTY confirmed.

>> No.8510864

I've been playing touhou for almost a year now. While I'm not horrible, I feel like I've hit a wall. I've just stopped improving, no matter how much I try. I can 1CC everything but SA and UFO, clear all extras but SA, but every time I make the jump to a hard mode in any game I just can't keep up past stage 5, irregardless of how many times I try to memorize the stage in practice mode, or how many replays of others I review. Its seriously getting frustrating because I want to improve, and even when I spend 6 hours a day, I just dont feel like I've gotten any better. Have any of you ever hit any walls like this? What did you do to get through it?

Also, I've been having problems with nervous tics when I play. First hour or so seems fine, but later on I start getting random itches, breaking my concentration and generally driving me nuts. No idea what to do about that.

>> No.8510866

The thin, long bullets are a bit ugly and claustrophobic, but other than that I like everything I'm seeing so far. Seconding GOTY. 360 port, now.

>> No.8510874

Fuck me. I just started a DOJBL run from the beginning of stage 2 (with 32m points; ie. a full chain of stage 1), and played continuously to the end of the first loop, hitting every one of my chains and finishing with 531m points. But this score isn't completely legit because I started from stage 2. God damn it.

>> No.8511122
File: 105 KB, 720x742, DDP-LOC2.avi_snapshot_05.21_[2012.02.03_12.56.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it

>> No.8511124
File: 117 KB, 720x742, DDP-LOC2.avi_snapshot_05.31_[2012.02.03_12.57.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8511131

This is defenitly nagi

>> No.8511137

Forgot link

>> No.8511153


Actual vids of saidaioujou now. Watch carefully when the player dies, the hitboxes look pretty huge, like PS bullets.

>> No.8511160

Touhou can get you into a pit of memorization just because of the way it is. Playing other danmaku STGs helped me a lot. It also seems like it helps me to stop playing for a few weeks when I feel like I'm not getting anywhere.

>> No.8511199

I really like the visual theme/style in SDOJ. Lots of water and stuff.

>> No.8511206

I can't tell if it's really that neon or it's just the video

>> No.8511264

Egh, why does the ship scream like a little girl when it gets hit by a bullet?

>> No.8511292
File: 119 KB, 182x301, NAKED GIRLSAN, DISTURBING DEATHSCREAMSAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now, seriously, Cave?

>> No.8511309


>> No.8511432

Looks exactly like DFK...

>> No.8512180


So DOJ hyper/bosses, DFKBL system, Ibara hitboxes ?

>> No.8512220

I guess this is the reason why I started doing nothing but full runs recently.

>> No.8512357

One thing that bothers me is that it's been a long time ago that I actually felt a substantial improvement with my skills. Of course, I can get better in individual games with practice/memorizing, but when I try something new I'm pretty much back to baseline. When I started it felt more like I got better overall, not just with the game I'm playing right now. Or maybe that's just me not noticing how much better I get. Just to give you an example, I can barely clear the first loop in DDP after a few tries.

How is it with you people? Do you feel that improving becomes much harder the better you become?

>> No.8512396

Yeah, I cleared the first loop in ddp on my 8th attempt, and this was back when I was terrible at shmups. I feel the same way, though. Naturally, I get better and want to challenge higher difficulties and what not. Or once I can 1cc the game, I decide to try out scoring and I become much worse as a result.

But yeah, I usually just completely chain the 1-2 so I can challenge the second loop. Once I was able to consistently clear the first loop, everything kind of become boring. Now I'm getting destroyed in 2-4 and 2-5, sometimes 2-2 and 2-3 because I stupidly try to chain in the second loop.

>> No.8512456

SA Lunatic No Bombs

>> No.8512461

Any good gameplay FAQ or tips for a secondary trying to get into the main games?

>> No.8512469

>One thing that bothers me is that it's been a long time ago that I actually felt a substantial improvement with my skills.
The only time I get that "you have advanced a dodging level" feeling is when I complete a very hard goal. It used to be just getting a little farther into the run, but I can beat any game on Lunatic effortlessly now. I have to do really hard things to feel good, and hard things are hard.
>Or once I can 1cc the game, I decide to try out scoring and I become much worse as a result.
You don't have to score, you can just do handicaps or special challenges.
>How is it with you people? Do you feel that improving becomes much harder the better you become?
It's not that improving is harder, it's being able to feel it. The more skilled you are, the harder it is no measure how much you have improved. It's harder to notice a bucket of water going into a swimming pool than it is into a glass, but the volume will still rise.
Congrats! Have fun with UFO.
I still need to finish my No-Bomb MarisaB run. I kept getting to Byakuren with 6+ lives, but I was still dying.
Just start playing and ask us for help.

>> No.8512495

1cc'd PCB on Normal today, after a 3 month break from Touhou and only a bit a of training 4 days ago.
I did not plan to clear it, I just bombed everything after stage 4...
By the way any tips about Youmu's spellcards ? I just run through the bullet wall when in slwo-mo.

I'm still happy though, UFO is next.

>> No.8512510

Just a really general question.
I'm a decent Touhou player when I play seriously and often, but my big problem is how tired I get. Playing Touhou makes me extremely exhausted. I'm not sure what does it, but maybe I'm just tense.

Any tips to help a bro loosen up? Sometimes I get so tired from playing a few runs I just need to go lie down. I'm generally a weak person but I'm usually not like this with games, but I feel this is something that has really stumped me in my Touhou playing over the years.

>> No.8512515

Any tips with dealing with the green bullets in stage 4? The ones right before Koakuma shows up, on lunatic. I usually manage everything after at least 50 tries, but I'm well over 100 and there's no sign of clearing 'it' any time now, I'm completely helpless.

>> No.8512518

In EoSD, of course.

>> No.8512522

pray to Jesus.

>> No.8512554

>By the way any tips about Youmu's spellcards?
Dodge bullets.
>I'm still happy though, UFO is next.
>I'm a decent Touhou player when I play seriously and often, but my big problem is how tired I get.
You don't need to grind to get good, and grinding takes a lot of getting used to. At the moment, I couldn't play the way I did before. I'd have to take some time to wind myself up, and to wind myself down later on. Don't press the keyboard more than you need to, play in a warm room, and play in a comfortable position. You shouldn't get tired anywhere other than your hands, unless you are really sleepy. If you think it's a real problem, that extends beyond Touhou, you may also want to a doctor about it. Maybe you can also ask /fit/, /ck/, or some other board that might specialize in this stuff. /jp/ users and Touhou players aren't always the healthiest people, even the good ones.
Bomb. It's the only way. The bullets are too dense to dodge. EoSD is silly like this.

>> No.8512562

>Bomb. It's the only way. The bullets are too dense to dodge. EoSD is silly like this.
Fucking hell and I've been trying to find a way of dealing with them or getting super-high skills for a long, long time now. Thanks.

>> No.8512694
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Unknown 2011-01-07 07-02-59-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can shoot down the books if you stay under them, making the pattern less dense. I can do it about half of the time or so. It is important not to move too much as the bullets are sort of aimed at you, you will notice a pattern after dodging for a while, keep at it.
If you're not planning to perfect/NB the game I'd suggest using a bomb on that part though, it's too risky.

>> No.8512710

I'll make a replay of Youmu for you and a Stage 4 EosD replay for you right now >>8512515

>> No.8512716

Just one question I forgot which character and shot type to use?

>> No.8512739

Perfect practice makes perfect. If you aren't naturally talented, be prepared to put a ton of time into these games.

>> No.8512779

Well, that was a pleasant surprise. I tried MoF just for fun today after months of not playing it, having never 1cc'ed it on Normal, and guess what happens? I get a 1cc clear with Reimu A with a life to spare. I wasn't even planning on doing it. I was playing mainly to just ease myself back into it, but somehow everything clicked.

It seems to happen sometimes with Touhou games. I'm hardly a pro at them, but once in a while, I'll get into this groove where I seem to do everything right in a run. Now that just leaves SA and UFO Normal.

>> No.8512787

I don't care, I only want to see how to dodge that shit.

>> No.8512849
File: 51 KB, 641x482, PCB-Lunatic 1CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I managed to 1CC Perfect Cherry Blossom on Lunatic!
This is the fifth game i have beaten on Lunatic. Moving on to MoF next, but first i'm going to take a nice break and do something else.

Yeah my score is shitty but i'm not a very good player and mostly think of surviving when playing games.

>> No.8512887

I had one silly stupid death on her hardest spell (IMO), Also I fucked up a little on her last spell, I thought I was going to kill her before she unstopped time, so I had to react quickly.

>> No.8512890

Now goes >>8512515
Which shot type do you want me to use?

>> No.8512916

Remember EoSD doesn't allow you to save replays from stage practise. If you have a hack for it, disregard me.

>> No.8512922

Reimu B

>> No.8512950

Awww shit I forgot this...
Sorry>>8512922 Too lazy to do a complete run.

>> No.8512975

Books. The rest of the run sucks.

>> No.8512995

After trying for a couple of days, I finally beat IN's extra with Remilia and Sakuya.

I died every time during Mokou's Hourai spell card, because of the lack of lives and bombs, but this time I somehow managed to beat her with 2 extra lives, 2 bombs and without dying during the Hourai spell card...though I crashed against her when her last spell started, so I died instantly.

>> No.8513018

Imo her hardest spell is Fujiyama Volcano.

>> No.8513021

Hey guys is it very lame not being able to clear SA extra?
I mean, I was almost there for a couple of times. 3 or 4 times I got to the last phase of Subterranean Rose, but failed every time. Now I can't even get to that spell, always dying during Philosophy of Hated Person in best case. Lost my skill or just got sick of that stage, maybe. Still, I wonder if there's any chance that I'd eventualy clear this stage.
I''ve been trying for 5 months so far, and I feel fucking lame

>> No.8513025


I find it the hardest of the Extra stages. Some people would disagree. If you make it to Subterranean Rose again, you could try timing it out instead of killing it.

>> No.8513044

Some people may disagree and post their replay where they don't shoot at all.

But don't feel bad; I've 1cc'd every Extra (except for EoSD because I never play it) and I still can't reach beyond Koishi's third spell card.

>> No.8513047

But during this spell countdown is locked on 99 and it won't fucking move.

>> No.8513051

You can still timeout, the countdown will start after a while, but the whole spell card may take you some minutes:


>> No.8513055

Hardest phase of subterranean rise is 3rd, or at least for me.

>> No.8513066

3rd is hard but I somehow got quite used to it. Still, last phase is realy distractive with these roses moving both clockwise and counterclokwise.
I'd shit my pants trying dodging bullets even on first phase for that long time.

>> No.8513256

So any tips on gold medals?

Or are those for gods only? Even on normal, those spell cards make lunatic and extra look easy.

>> No.8513293

Some may be humanly impossible. They might all be possible on Easy. GFW Easy no ice is pretty crazy and a lot of fun.

>> No.8513306

No ice Normal/Hard is my method of practice. I still have yet to clear any of the routes, though.

>> No.8513327

I got lunatic gold on every spell card, I don't see what the big problem is.

>> No.8513337

At what, 10fps?

>> No.8513356

Is it even possible on 10fps?

Also, I'm doing a short Liveshow: http://www.livestream.com/stouhou

Trying to NB UFO as SanaeB.

>> No.8513370


The tip is to not go for them. Freezing raises your shot power and gives you extends so it would be silly not to. Gold medals were a terrible design decision.

>> No.8513371

You should try normal and stream it.

I don't think that would be possible passed stage 2.

>> No.8513375

But just the fact they exist must be some human out there can get them right?


>> No.8513385

I don't think it's possible to do it even with save states and frame advance, to be honest. Maybe if I could get hourglass working, I'd give it a shot. I wouldn't be able to do it legit because I have to motor skills and reaction time of a sloth.

Maybe I'll give it a go on Normal one of these days. Either way, no freeze runs are silly. To me, it would be like not using my hypers in DOJBL, but whatever.

>> No.8513387


Meant the. Whoops!

>> No.8513389

Not really, since they have no value during a run.

>> No.8513400

True they are silly, but just the fact they Exist is reason enough to do it.

>> No.8513409

It's very different. It's not that you're just not scoring, or whatever, the game takes on a new more terrifying form. It's fun to try just to see what all those bullets really mean. Easy though. Normal mode probably walls too much to be any fun.

>> No.8513412


Nope! ZUN just threw them in the game because he figured people would complain if there wasn't a "standard" spellcard bonus. The game wasn't made with no-freezing in mind.

>> No.8513450

Someone out there must be trying though.

>> No.8513459


I doubt it, but sure, maybe. People might also try perfect pacifisting UFO Lunatic novert. The game wasn't made for that to be possible at all but I guess people could try that.

>> No.8513470

Yeah, I just played a few credits on Normal without freezing. Absolutely and utterly raped. I'd probably have an easier time playing B-L with my lives set to 1 with the bomb button unassigned. Feels like an average Lunatic on Normal mode when you don't freeze anything, but it's certainly possible if you're talented enough.

>> No.8513553

Wow, you make this look easy and make me look like such a terrible player.

>> No.8513572

Yeah, now I know what that one anon meant by, "You should just stick to watching videos if you can't clear Normal." Or something like that. Feels like shit, but the only thing you can really do is enjoy the games and have fun, I guess.

>> No.8513627

I sperged hard and studied this frame by frame for like an hour and as far as I can tell the firing angles don't correlate to anything. The trick seems to be "be twice as good as I am now".

>> No.8513650
File: 142 KB, 950x710, d5105ebad8b49f521a020ecf77c8391d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1cc'd Subterranean Animism on Normal/ Marisa A
1cc'd UFO on Normal/ Reimu B

>> No.8513730

>That Fairy War run

For someone that 1cc Lunatic UFO, FW is one hell of a game if you don't have all freezes memorized.

>> No.8513738

Yup, I couldn't beat Normal. It was a hard route, but it was NORMAL.

That's FW for you. I'm sure that I'd do better if I memo it, but that's for later.

I'm still streaming if you want to come.

We'll do some UFO Lunatic in practice mode, some Extra modes, and then I'll try to stream my own shmup.

>> No.8513753

You shouldn't let it bother you too much, everyone has trouble with that part. Just bomb it away like everyone else.

>> No.8513797

Urgh, made it half way though stage 3 boss on normal, managed to capture some gold medals on stage 1 and 2 though...I guess.

>> No.8513998
File: 15 KB, 440x323, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a very fun show. You all have Cactu to thank for suggesting me to do it. The quality was pretty good, although I need to find a better way to record my desktop and the older Touhou games. This was also the first Liveshow where I did some real voice commentary, and I think that went very well. Maybe if I keep this up, I can learn to talk better. I'm not very used to opening my mouth.

We had some nice dodges and epic moments, but we didn't accomplish too much. I'm pretty tired, so I'm probably going to sleep soon. I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did too.

Całusek dobranoc, moje ukochane /jp/ery. Bardzo was lubię.

>> No.8514007

Thanks for the stream!

Now I need to find a average normal mode level player to watch so I don't feel so bad.

>> No.8514013



>> No.8514035

Yeah, thanks for streaming. The only real thing I can complain about is that sometimes it seemed as though the game was overpowering your voice. Maybe that was just me, I dunno.

>> No.8514071

>Now I need to find a average normal mode level player to watch so I don't feel so bad.
I was streaming before I could beat Normal mode, and I was entertaining. I'm sure that we could find someone. I still failed a few things though, so it shows that I'm not invincible.
I was trying to stream that, but it didn't work out. That video is a total /jp/ meetup. Maybe I should learn Czech someday. There's so many languages I want to learn, how will I ever get them all?
Ya, I thought that as well. I'll work on adjusting it a little. Different games have differnents sounds, so it can get a little confusing. I also can't always hear what's in the stream, so I love feedback.

>> No.8514238

1cced GFW Lunatic routes A-1 and A-2. It's kind of satisfying to freeze all the shit but I can't say I have any motivation to go back and score after clearing. The game's fun to pop back into every now and then, though.

>> No.8514246

Gold Medals

>> No.8514360


I don't have a single one. Never tried, never will. "GFW without freezing is trash."
Just 1cced MoF Lunatic for the first time. Ended 0/0, died stupidly in stage 2 and 3. Don't restart, guys! Your run can still be good even with early mistakes.

>> No.8514484 [DELETED] 


>> No.8514912

Got past Youmu on 1 credit. I'm making huge progress thanks to the attitude I get from these threads.

>> No.8514928

Wow thanks for the replays.
I did about that, with less success. I just need some training ! Thanks.

>> No.8514983

So I've decided to play Tohou for the first time.

Where do I start?
Where do I get it?
Keyboard or gamepad?

>> No.8514994

Wherever you want
Whatever you want

Have common sense

>> No.8515002 [DELETED] 

вы хотите быть уверенными в том, что ваш компьютер полностью защищен, но не готовы выложить кучу денег за лицензионный антивирус? у нас есть решение вашей проблемы. бесплатные ключи к большинству популярных антивирусных программ. вы получаете такую же защиту, как если бы приобретали лицензионное ПО, но при этом вы ничего не платите!
Просто заходите и скачивайте свежие ключи к антивирусам!
<a href=http://craq.ru/antivirus/283-klyuchi-dlya-antivirusa-avira-antivirus-premium-i-avira-internet-s
ecurity.html>ключи к антивирусу avira</a>

>> No.8515037

Can someone rank Cave's games from best to worst?

>> No.8515039

Oh god wat, not the fucking russian spammers!

>> No.8515055


>> No.8515214
File: 64 KB, 419x296, ranage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cleared PCB extra for the first time(after 317 tries)http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=18558 I can't believe how happy I am.It wasn't even a good run slipped a lot especially on blue oni red oni,ultimate buddhist and shikigami chen.Just one question why hasn't phantasm unlocked yet?

>> No.8515227

It's subjective. I encourage you to try it yourself.

>> No.8515230

congratulations dude, to unlock phantasm mode you need to capture at least 60 spell cards

>> No.8515238
File: 110 KB, 640x480, Screenshot - 050212 - 00:48:30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you also need at least 60 spellcards captured. Not too hard/tedious to do compared to some of the stuff in IN, but you'll want to do at least three different skill levels as well as using different characters to do the different Prismrivers ones.

>> No.8515248

Do I need to clear extra again after capturing all 60?
I'm currently at 33 spell cards

>> No.8515249


>> No.8515260

I don't think so. The game will tell you when it's opened with a special screen, so if you don't see it after 60, do Extra again.

>> No.8515454

Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
Mushihimesama Futari Black Label
Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label
Espgaluda 2
Akai Katana Shin
Deathsmiles 2
Muchi Muchi Pork

Only listing the ones I put some effort into.

>> No.8516570
File: 871 KB, 540x646, sdoj-hikari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dodonpachi Daioujou
Dodonpachi Saidaioujou
Futari Black Label
Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5
DFK Black Label
Akai Katana
Futari 1.5
Espgaluda II
ESP. Ra. De.
Ibara Kuro

Subjective of course.

>> No.8516676

So no one likes the first Mushihimesama?

I actually prefer it to Futari. Especially in terms of level design. Just look at stage 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Ruek27WPU . It's all one huge insect you blow up to pieces as you go. Holy fucking shit! Can't beat that. I liked the music is better, too.

>> No.8516952

>Futari 1.5 over BL
What? Why?


>> No.8516986

>DFKBL with DOJ system

>> No.8517033

Because in terms of quality: 1.5 Maniac >= BL God Mode >> BL Maniac > 1.5 Original >>> BL Original

No opinion on Ultra because I don't play it. The main thing here is that 1.5 Maniac is much better than BL Maniac. God Mode being so good makes up for the rest of BL's shortcomings.

>> No.8518077

UFO is hard.

>> No.8518134

MoF is hard.

>> No.8518144

Gold Medals

>> No.8518978

Useless for score, ZUN said they're garbage, etc.

>> No.8520151

I used to play a lot of Mushihimesama arrange mode, but I kinda lost interest.

Which reminds me. I recently got my hands on the superplay DVD, so I might go back to playing it over Futari.

>> No.8520242

DOJBL is so aggravating. There are two cockblocks stopping me frin getting a [relatively] good score, aside from constantly dropping my chains like a moron.

The first is the final pattern of the 1-3 boss, which clips me on occasion. That shit is hard to dodge at high rank. And the second is the third pattern of the 1-4 boss. I'm a bit more consistent with that one, but there's still a decent chance I'll get hit, which means I won't be able to hyper his final phase and enter stage 5 with 4 hypers. God damn game.

>> No.8520275

I'm so fucking close to a EoSD 1cc run on lunatic, managed to Remilia with w/o continues, needed one one to unlock her stage, practiced a bit and got pretty good at it. That would be my very first 1cc (I'm a masochist who always needs to play on the most difficult mode) but I am so anxious about actually doing it that I can't bring myself to try. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.8520295

Overlapping wave patterns are cunts.

>> No.8520341

I've been working on one for a while. I almost reached stage 6 on my last run. I go to stage 4 with 5 extra lives for the first time, and then lost them all, limped through stage 5 and then found I couldn't dodge a fuckin thing anymore. I can never tell how much rank is screwing with me and how much is psychology etc.

And I kinda know what you mean. I've practiced Remilia and worked out that she's not that hard to get through, but I know when I finally get there with enough lives it will be at least 10 runs of me completely falling apart.

>> No.8520564

Ugh, that 1-3 boss pattern. It's like Rorschach in Danmaku with bonus evil cheese graters.
1-4 boss's isn't too bad though. Just gotta take the waves one at a time when possible. It's kinda like 1-5's last pattern I guess, but faster and more spread out and patterned.

I swear, Dai Ou Jou has a fetish for overlapping wave patterns. Every single boss except for the first boss has at least one, sometimes more than one.

>> No.8520620

I like them when they're like 1-3 and I can take it straight ahead and it's just about getting in the gap at the right time. It's all the other crap going on there that kills me.

It's the other kind that I hate, where suddenly its like I don't know where my hitbox is anymore and a tiny, slow diagonal bullet mozies on into me when I think I'm fine.

>> No.8520687

Any advice for overlapping patterns in general?
They tend to kill me the most.

>> No.8520716

Depends a lot on the pattern. Stuff like Suwako's crescendo card you wanna predict when the bullets will make an opening and move up through it right as and where it opens, and ideally do this as high as possible to give you room to move down while waiting for said openings.
Stuff like Rorschach in Danmaku or 1-5's final attack you wanna position yourself where the waves come at you one at a time as much as possible, and only move through one (or two, if absolutely necessary) wave at a time. Three and you're hosed.

Stuff like 1-2's crossing waves of bullets, you wanna look at how the bullets are patterned and sort of ride up the channels. Trying to dodge through the sides of the channels is more complicated than you need to do.

I guess the main thing out of all of these is try to focus on one wave at a time, dodge it how it needs to be dodged, and then refocus on the next wave.

>> No.8524165


>> No.8525105
File: 363 KB, 800x753, 24747215_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Remi and her stupid spellcards

>> No.8525121

I was originally using hard mode to train for my normal 1cc, but my average hard EoSD run gets about as far as my average normal EoSD run because more points is more lives and normal spellcards kill me almost as often as hard ones.

So I'll just go for the hard 1cc and it'll look that much more impressive.

>> No.8525847

>Perfectly hit my chains on stages 1 through 4
>Holy shit, I'm finally having a good run!
>Drop my chain three times and die in stage 5

Well, I'm off to Gensokyo.

>> No.8526160

Slightly off-topic, but I was wondering if /jp/ could help me with something. I like to keep my Touhou games on a flash drive, but Ten Desires doesn't save scores or replays in the game folder like the other games. Is there a way I can change the folder where the game saves them?

>> No.8526255

The last score extend is at 60M. A 1cc on either difficulty should reach that pretty effortlessly, unless you seriously never leave the bottom.

>> No.8526397


You can do it with a bash command.

>> No.8526448

EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, UFO, TD. 1cc Lunatic and Extra clear.
SA Extra and Lunatic 1cc with all character. Lunatic 1LC with Reimu A, Extra 1LC and no-bomb with Reimu A. Scoring at Lunatic with Reimu A => 2.1billion, and probably 3 or 4 billion if I play it seriously, because I do 3/4 of WR techniques. So, u mad ? :trollface:

>> No.8526466

>hasn't timed out Tongling Yoshika Lunatic yet
don't you feel ashamed to post her?

>> No.8526532

I never see this timeout x) I going to do this tomorow.
But I think it's nothing compared to all my 1cc and scoring. (and SA Lunatic Ultra mode x) )

>> No.8527080

any replay?

>> No.8527111

>u mad

pooshlmer pls go

>> No.8527262

If you don't have replay . Do you have any other proof ? :<

>> No.8527269


Nah, he's from shrinemaiden. Pooshlmer doesn't use ``smilies.''

>> No.8527356

lol u play 2hu

>> No.8527757

Bump for serious toho discussion. How'd do I dodge all of Youmu's time freeze cards, it just seems so random whether I get into a position where I can dodge them. Especially the one she uses as the 6th stage midboss.

>> No.8527769

On, that's lame. I've never hit eighty million so I just assumed you kept getting extends every twenty million points.

>> No.8527771

>Especially the one she uses as the 6th stage midboss.
But it's the easiest one. Just get better at dodging.

>> No.8527811


Her stage 6 midboss card is static and can be safespotted during the hard waves. Find a replay. Her stage 5 cards are reading and dodging, there's no real trick to them.

>> No.8527831

Ok, thanks.

>> No.8527990

IN has best music and graphics. Indisputable.

>> No.8528210

Any tips for Marisa? Any idea why ZUN made her so op?

>> No.8528335


Which difficulty, and what exactly are you having problems with?

>> No.8528342

Literally UNAVOIDABLE non spells unless you're some specially gifted piece of shit.

>> No.8528371

Fuck, so bombing is my only option? No tricks?

>> No.8528379
File: 172 KB, 850x854, 1313788837962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get serious into shmups for first time when TD came out
>keep dying on normal, not going to disgrace self with easy modo
>get good enough to 1CC normal, move to hard
>after more practice finally finish hard mode, feel accomplished although I'm terrible by shmup standards
>lose interest for months
>come back and can't clear normal TD ;_;

>> No.8528384

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8528396

gah I keep getting greedy and making retarded mistakes. My fingers feel so unresponsive

>> No.8528412


Again, which difficulty? If you're seriously having troubles with the nonspells then yes, just use a bomb with your human character and you'll kill familiars, which will trivialize the attack. None of the nonspells are designed to be impossible, though. Watch a replay or something.

>> No.8528413

66, 46, 09, 73, clear.
Those were my 5 tries for today.

I took the last two days off from Touhou to rest up for this. It worked out quite well. I swear, this looks so easy now that I actually did it. It took a little bit of time, but I'm glad that I have it. I also wonder how many people have done this as Marisa.

I also totally messed up the bomb-skip to that last nonspell, maybe it helped me?

>> No.8528491

My laptop keyboard sucks when playing Touhou. I can't go diagonal while shooting.

Somebody that has a nice solution without having to use an external game controller or keyboard?

>> No.8528492

It's Marisa though.

>> No.8528500


Get a key remapper, remap your keys.



>> No.8528504

>Key remapping

I play at my work and at home. I don't want to get used to a certain keyboard layout. It's easier for me to have the same keyboard layout on laptop and desktop, but I guess that's impossible.

>> No.8528508


Then remap your keys at both locations. The problem is at the hardware level, so if you don't want to get new hardware then there's nothing else you can do. Unless you want to play no-focus from now on, I suppose.

>> No.8528514


The retarded thing is, that it's not only while focusing, but also while shooting. Only when no buttons are pressed I can play normally.

But thanks for the help.

>> No.8528626

And she's harder than some end bosses of other toho games.

>> No.8528657


Again, which difficulty? And which bosses? Nothing Marisa does is on par with final boss spells.

>> No.8528658

What the heck is 1LC? Are you drunk?

>> No.8528666

the correct term would be no-miss then

>> No.8528664

One life clear?

>> No.8528671

No-miss is acceptable, 1LC seems secondary to me

>> No.8528815

Marisa is quite tough in IN.

>> No.8528857

I can do a replay of whole Marisa in IN for you just tell me difficulty you want.
Inb4 lunatic, if that's the case there are like a thousand on youtube and don't waste my time.

>> No.8528859

Marisa isn't tough on lunatic.

>> No.8528866

Do it normal, I think that's the difficulty level where most encounter her first, so it will be helpful for future /jp/.

>> No.8529064

Ok, I might do it later I have to go work now.
I will try and do both normal and hard.

>> No.8529076

Waiting warmly..

>> No.8529243

Nicely done.

>> No.8529596

>2.1billion, and probably 3 or 4 billion if I play it seriously, because I do 3/4 of WR techniques

This is the stupidest thing I've read all day

>> No.8530472

Personally, 90% of the posts on this forum re: scoring systems and mechanics read, to me, like they're written by people with aspergers
It makes me appreciate the amount of depth CAVE put into their games... just not the personality type that depth seems to attract :\

>> No.8530495

Complaining about autists on /jp/ is like complaining about faggots in a gay bar.

>> No.8530627

I did that the 25 July 2010

>> No.8530632

(and I think I was pretty nil)

>> No.8530635

this is getting better and better.

>> No.8531232

Won't comment on anything too specific, but that was not a terrible run. However...
>Scoring at Lunatic with Reimu A => 2.1billion, and probably 3 or 4 billion if I play it seriously, because I do 3/4 of WR techniques.
This is a little silly. I understand your replay is pretty old, but I think you might be overestimating yourself a bit. Thinking that your run was "3/4 or WR techniques" is an overestimation of your own execution or you're just unaware of the subtleties of timing and positioning you'll find in a 4B+ run. I see you maybe pushing 3B with plenty of effort, but I'd love to be surprised and proved wrong. It's always exciting to see new scoring players pop up. Do you play any of the other games?

>> No.8531236

inb4 mushihime

>> No.8531464

You are way off from 4 Billion scoring run. And that's only like, 10% of WR technique? On top of that, that 10% is fucking easy to do. You're thinking too high of yourself.

What, 3500 graze at stage one and you feel like shitting everyone here.

>> No.8531751
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, 59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my chain breaks

>> No.8532316
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For some reason I always jump into a bullet <15 seconds later.

>> No.8532328

I hate it when mistakes ruin my concentration.

If I die with bombs on something that I know I have trouble with then that's fine, it's wasteful but I keep going.

If the same happens on something that I'm normally fine with then I struggle to continue because at that point my confidence is just non existant.

>> No.8532357

Awful... You wave your dick pretty strongly, and then you post this. I really hope this is a joke. Even if it was done 2 years ago, this is pretty shitty. Do a run right now. Since you seem to say that you score so highly without even trying, I'd like to see you do so. And as for the ``world record techniques,'' that IN Marisa solo guy that posts here pulls off sicker stuff in his IN Hard runs. That poor guy just isn't lucky. Since you talk like an ``uberleet gaymur'' who likes to spit buzzwords every other sentence, I really expected more from you.

>> No.8533028


What's the best Reimoo partner for a toho beginner to use in SA? There doesn't appear to be a homing shot type, which sadly enough I have become quite dependent on.

>> No.8533060

I can't beat Touhou 6 Scarlet Devil stage 4 o normal. It feels very bad. The tactics how to dodge the bullets is common sense for me, but I fail a lot at retarded things, like moving awkward by accident.


>> No.8533259

Highest damage output, pretty good bomb and the special ability is very useful to some bosses like Parsee
If you are going for a same mode, go for Marisa C (Nitori)
It's called defense mode for a reason.

>> No.8533263

Why did I type same? I meant survival mode.

>> No.8533260

Reimu A and C are the strongest.

>> No.8533272

Are you using the VSync patch?

"VSync patch (input lag patch, very useful in EoSD and PCB)


Just copy vpatch.exe, vpatch.ini and vpatch_th095.dll to same folder as the game and start Shoot the Bullet by launching vpatch.exe.

If you copy all the files to same folder as the game and try to launch vpatch.exe you get error message. All you need is just those 3 files."

>> No.8533286

Marisa C is actually the hardest type to play for beginners because you can't really skip stage parts or spells you hate. Being permanently 0-2 Power is not fun.

>> No.8533315

Well yeah, the msot easy modo character of the game is Marisa A. But anyway is he is asking for raymoo, A is the best character, B is very shitty for scoring but somewhat good for survival and C is hard to use but very good for scoring.

>> No.8533329

ReimuC good for scoring? That's a new one, I thought abusing ReimuA bomb is the way to go for scoring.

also, ReimuC is probably the single best option for just clearing the game on any difficulty. The bomb... that fucking bomb... it's like MoF when you go with ReimuC.

captcha summed it up perfectly.

>> No.8533331
File: 9 KB, 286x61, captcha2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8533396

Thanks. I already heard about this patch, but it's my fault instead of the game's. Nevertheless I will give it a try.

>> No.8533398

I'm not that guy but I can't install the vpatch for some reason.
Eosd is the only one I haven't ccd yet.Is it me or Eosd's spell cards are harder than the others

>> No.8533414

Almost got my first ever hard 1cc. This was the first time I got past the 6b fairies (as in not running out of lives) and got to Hourai Elixir with three bombs left, but I still managed to die;_;
Back to Spell Practice I guess,

>> No.8533417

In order of difficulty
EoSD - SA -- PCB --- UFO -- TD - IN
Where the amount of lines are the adifficulty gap.

>> No.8533434

>Do you play any of the other games?
Other Touhou games ? Not really, for scoring I do this only with SA.
I going to try a run at this week-end. Because, I just tried now on practice start the hardess part of scoring, for me. So, mainly this part that feared me to the run http://puu.sh/g963 despite 4 mounth no play, I managed this. But lots of little details are lost, so I need little training time to recup my level.
(and sorry if my english is not good)

>> No.8533454


Are you sure? Cos I've cleared IN, PCB, and EOSD, but not SA, TD, or UFO. Dunno why. Just can't seem to get them.

>> No.8533480
File: 408 KB, 720x480, ATTACH THAT THING ON YOUR TAIL AND KILL THE BYDO WITH YOUR FART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if it's not danmaku, this shit is driving me up the wall.

>>It's Bydo, ain't gotta explain shit

>> No.8533491

On UFO get the green UFOs, they are the bests.
On MoF bomb whenever you feel like it.
Sa is the hardest, graze to win.

>> No.8533492

I've started playing my first touhou game, 6, and I just can't beat it on normal without continuing. I've made it to Sakura but can't survive past that. Any tips? I really want to beat these games.

>> No.8533505

I'm pretty sure UFO is harder than PCB
Just keep practicing over and over again.It took me 300+ tries to clear PCB extra
and around 3 months for my first 1cc

>> No.8533508

Sakuya you mean, and EosD is one of the hardest.
Remember to use all your bombs before dying.
Until stage 4 you shouldn't need any bomb.
Stage 4 is hard, memorize where the enemies are coming from.
Patchouli spells are grinding, no other recommendations here.
Stage 5 is pretty simple, side stepping is the most used movement here.
As a mid-boss, Sakuya is rather simple, for her misdirection spell just don't move or you are dead.
Sakuya spells are very static, learn them and she should be easy.
Stage 6 is easy and short.
Sakuya first attack is simple and easy, second can be very hard and random, don't be afraid to bomb since she will give you back your bomb.
Remilia is hard, atleast on normal you won't face scarlet meister and will go for scarlet shoot instead.

Also choose Reimu A, she is the easiest to play with.
Install Vsynch patch, it has been posted several times on this thread.
You should need around 15 or 20 times to beat it. If not keep trying, not everyone is as talented the first times.
When i played EoSD for the first time i didn't had much problems but you have to consider i had played LLS and MS before.

>> No.8533515

Oh forgot to add that you should try earning as many points as you can without risking to much, since more points = more lives.

>> No.8533516

Thanks. What does a Vsynch patch do?

>> No.8533517

Reduces the input lag making the controls snappier.

>> No.8533527

PCB doesn't suffer from input lag right? at least not that noticeable....

>> No.8533532


I tried do this, but I am getting an error message when starting the game

>> No.8533531

It does a lot, even TD that is the msot recent suffers from it.

>> No.8533540

Getting "Game's Program could not be found" error.

>> No.8533542
File: 38 KB, 586x476, eosd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your EoSD folder should look something like this. You can copypaste the kanji from the vpatch readme.

>> No.8533547

Thank you, works now!

>> No.8533745
File: 621 KB, 643x502, 20120208160710952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can safely say that TD is the easiest Touhou game. If an idiot with a learning disorder and no talent whatsoever like myself can 1cc it, there is no way any challenge is present on Normal. (I've never 1cc'd any of the other games after many months of practice.)

>> No.8534056

IN is easier for newbies for reasons like unbelieavable long death bombing time.
Actually try beating TD without using Trance, you will be surprised at how much harder it becomes.

>> No.8534067

Mof is actually easier if you play it right.

On normal you can literally just stream 80% of the game and bomb everything you can't stream.

I assume it's similar on higher difficulties but I don't know for sure, I spend most of my time on SA and FW.

>> No.8534126

Yeah, I tried MoF right after I 1cc'd TD. No miss Stages 1-3, play like shit every single stage afterwards. Kanako isn't even a problem, it's just getting to her with enough resources is the hard part. I've seen all of the first couple of stages plenty of times, not enough practice with later stages. Maybe I should suck up my pride and start using stage practice. Pretty much everything beyond Stage 3 is a bomb spamming mess, absolutely no dodging whatsoever.

I can't resist trancing, 2x life and bomb pieces is too much ignore, but I'll probably try a no trance run once I start fucking around at 90-120FPS.

>> No.8534209

I'm useless.

>> No.8534223

Just tried the VPatch, it works so much better this way. At first I thought nothing was wrong, but now I notice the difference between Vpatch and non-Vpatch clearly.

>> No.8534264

>Maybe I should suck up my pride and start using stage practice.
Right, because there is so much pride to be had in not being able to clear the games.

>I'll probably try a no trance run once I start fucking around at 90-120FPS.
Yes, the first thing you should do after your first 1cc is fuck around with silly challenges instead of maybe 1ccing other games or trying harder difficulties.

You're so silly, Learning-disability-kun.

>> No.8534290

Sorry! A few months back, somebody told me that using stage practice and spell practice was spineless. It kind of stuck with me that using it was sinful ever since.

And well, I would feel more confident moving on to TD Hard if I were to get a clear on Normal at 90FPS. In total, I probably used ~20 bombs on Stages 4-6 alone. I even killed myself on accident during Miko's final spellcard because I was just so excited that I was about to actually 1cc a game for once.

>> No.8535030

Next thread: >>8534918

>> No.8535081

wah wah wah
