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8487248 No.8487248 [Reply] [Original]

Hikki/NEET general.

Share your experiences, tips, etc., whether or not you enjoy or hate this lifestyle, and so on.

>> No.8487267
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>> No.8487263

As an ex-hikki/NEET I would suggest to anyone else getting out of it to go to college and not get stuck in a dead end job like me. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't rather be NEET again.

>> No.8487272

what is your job

>> No.8487283

Banging your mother.

>> No.8487289

USA New York citizen here. Feels pretty shitty, staying with my grandmother and giving her most of what I get in public assistance/SSI money, not because I have to but because I want to. She's paid a lot of my bills while I was clinically depressed/mentally distraught/however you want to say it so yeah, she deserves it.

I've started cooking a lot so I don't feel as much like the scum of the earth anymore. My grandmother's old so she doesn't feel like cooking much and I enjoy it. I'm thinking of going back to school for cooking instead of shitty English classes like I was doing before.

Meh. Could be worse. This lifestyle isn't great, I'll say that much.

>> No.8487286


>> No.8487291
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>> No.8487296


>> No.8487313
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>> No.8487321
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>> No.8487322

Kill Me Baby is a bad anime.

>> No.8487315


At least you're learning a useful skill. Since you live with your grandmother you've pretty much got an unlimited amount of cooking ingredients, right? I assume you get food stamps, too.

Become a master chef and have some wealthy couple hire you to cook all of their meals. You'll be leagues ahead of all the other NEETs here.

>> No.8487335

The best time of the year is coming. It was almost 75F outside today, so I had the window open all day. I ground and brewed some coffee when I woke up and played some games while sipping it.

When my parents got home I asked if I could have some money to buy some leeks so I could make cock a leekie soup tomorrow. I went to the farmer's market and picked up some leeks and cheese curds, then stopped at the dollar store for a soda and chocolate bar on my way home.

When I got home I ate dinner (chicken breasts and rice, not something I made) and then went into my room to eat the chocolate and drink the soda.

Right now I'm sitting here with shorts and a t-shirt in my room with the window open, planning on making some tea for myself after I get out of the shower.

On Monday I need to go to my mother's to set up her internet and then ask about the trailer she told me I could have. She thought I should have it for whatever reason. I'm really excited to sell it.

>> No.8487390

You're a bad anime.

>> No.8487393

So serious and uptight. Can I suck your cock now, dude?

>> No.8487451
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>> No.8487526

Who are your're quoting?

>> No.8489231

It sucks and all I do is play bad video games and watch bad anime.

>> No.8489233
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>> No.8489247

Find new hobbies if you dislike what you do, silly.

>> No.8489273
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This is your true future /jp/.
Bad end where you're stuck in a shitty dead end job that barely pays your own bills. All alone and miserable, you waste your little precious free time doing nothing.
I know because I'm there already ;_;

>> No.8489277

You might be on to something.

>> No.8489291

This. This so much.

>> No.8489307

You don't need college to get a good paying job.
I work at a bank and get paid $20 an hour to sit on a computer and file papers all day.

>> No.8489322

Man, i want to educate myself, but im too stupid to get to any decent major. I suck at maths, physics, chemistry, and all those things. English is my only strong side ;_; (i'm a polfag)

>> No.8489330

Thing is, to get a decent job like that, you need to know the right people, so they can get you in.

>> No.8489340

Is it really useful? I'm currently attending uni (get out normal, gtfo, what are you doing in /jp/, etc), and to be honest, even if I do manage to graduate, I can't see myself working and having a future. I'm basically forcing my all to go through college, but it takes everything I have and more just to get up in the morning and do my studies.

I don't have any friends, I don't talk to anyone at all, too retarded and afraid to get a job, and outside of classes, I don't even go outside of my room. Dealing with normals is starting to take its toll on me, too. I can't imagine there's anything for me even if I get through all this.

>> No.8489372

At least you manage to go to classes. I just end up staying at home and studying the textbook.

>> No.8489421
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Where was the chance to get our good end?

It's all been a steady stream of shit so far.

>> No.8489447

I was a hikki for about 4 years of my life since I dropped out of highschool. I went through the hardships very similar to what you have. I won't go into details, but I had no help other than occasionally finding some kind words from /jp/. It was only until 2 years ago that I finally *began* to escape the seemingly endless pithole I dug myself into. It was such a long and hard process, but I made it to where I am now (with a job at a very good company to work for). But I still suck at school, I'm uneducated as hell compared to the average joe in Uni, but at least I have confidence in my common sense.

To other current hikkis, don't expect to get out of this all in one go if you're trying to recover. It's a journey, a difficult one that takes a lot of time. But don't ever give up, don't ever look back.

And honestly, I can't believe there are people who "like" being a hikki. Because honestly, it's just a miserable state to be in and I can only assume these people doesn't go through any mental/emotional/self-esteem problems that real hikkis typically do. You are able to appreciate this sort of state because you probably put some effort into life not too long ago, however; if you truly become a hikkikomori, you'll begin to realize that it is not really making you happy at all.

>> No.8489506

>I don't have any friends, I don't talk to anyone at all, too retarded and afraid to get a job, and outside of classes, I don't even go outside of my room. Dealing with normals is starting to take its toll on me, too. I can't imagine there's anything for me even if I get through all this.

Pretty much. Uni has done absolutely nothing for me, other than giving me some fruitless short-term goals so I continue living. I don't socialize. There's no chance for a job. It's all a massive waste of time.

I'm almost done too in 2 months, and after that I'll really be a true hikki. I'm done for.

Going to college/uni doesn't actually do anything for you if you aren't willing to take advantage of it, just like everything else in life.

>> No.8489626
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I work two jobs.

One of them requires me to get up at 2 AM every day and is a pain in the ass; I just got a note yesterday that they wanted to terminate me, too, even after all of the hard work that I did. It just makes me so depressed.

The other job I like and is skilled, but only get a handful of hours a week. I could in theory be employed full-time with benefits at another place somewhere doing the same thing, but it is extremely unlikely.

These days, it is like the system/the people WANT you to lose and have no chance. I mean, I'm not lazy. I am on the waiting list for disability, but that takes a while and from what I heard I won't know for sure until October if it even looks promising. I just want to be a NEET now so that I don't have to deal with this depressing crap, but even being unemployed has its fair share of problems (I know this because I've been a NEET before).

It doesn't get better. Trust me.

>> No.8489655


>You are able to appreciate this sort of state because you probably put some effort into life not too long ago, however; if you truly become a hikkikomori, you'll begin to realize that it is not really making you happy at all.

8 years and counting. So when am I going to stop appreciating this?

>> No.8489664


Unemployment is soul crushing
It's hard to talk to people when you know jobs is going to come up eventually
Actually I just avoid talking because the closer I get the more they'll see my unforgivable flaws

>> No.8489679

Study you ass off and get a job:
Unlimited amounts of stress.

Do nothing and become a NEET:
Apathy and loneliness.

Go to Gensokyo:

>> No.8489697

it helps if all your friends are jobless losers too

>> No.8489728


What helps is if you still have goals that can be accomplished from having lots of free time.

For instance, I want to become a famous writer, or at the very least I want to get published. Being a NEET on disability would give me a nearly unlimited amount of time to pursue that goal and focus on my writing. Sure, it wouldn't take care of a lot of other problems but at least I would enjoy one thing about my life and probably wouldn't hate myself.

>> No.8489738

Working really isn't that bad. Especially if you're willing to live modestly and settle on low skill jobs.

>> No.8489749


I get what you mean. I'm into music, and it's frustrating to be a musician without any friends or band, unless you're some simple electronic or singer-songwriter guy. I am starting to get things together on my own though, because I've realized I'm going to be going at it by myself for the long forseeable future.

>Study you ass off and get a job: Unlimited amounts of stress.
>Do nothing and become a NEET: Apathy and loneliness.

Ugh, so true. I remember when I did have a job I was just permanently exhausted 24/7, and could do any of my hobbies. And then when I am unemployed I feel too dead inside to do anything with them either.

>> No.8489747

Another NEET thread hijacked by the work brigade.

>> No.8489752

My psychiatrist wants me to get some kind of psychological test at a hospital because I told him that I was beginning to feel like I was coming onto the realization that I'm simply incapable of functioning in an ordinary society. He has high hopes for me and tries to encourage me to continue pursuing an education, but all I ever do is NEET out. I've been a NEET for 4 years now.

What do you guys think the consequences of the test could be? I'm not an in-patient kind of person, so I don't think they'll lock me up in some funny farm, but will they somehow mark me for life as a loser if I fit the criteria for whatever a loser may be in their books?

Am I eligible for government benefits?

>> No.8489753

This is a NEET/Hikki thread, not a Work/Uni thread.
Take your discussion elsewhere.

>> No.8489770

So how do you people handle haircuts? I haven't had one for over a year and it's starting to get annoying. No, going to the barber is not an option.

>> No.8489776

How much do you guys get paid that didn't go to college? Is it enough to live on your own?

>> No.8489785

I just put it in a ponytail and cut it at the base once it gets too long. Probably looks a bit shit but I don't mind as long as it stays out of my eyes.

>> No.8489797

Why not just cut it yourself? Does it matter that much how it looks?

>> No.8489799

I'm using a hair clipper and I'm doing it myself
but if you have really long hairs you should use a scissor to cut them before using the hair clipper.

>> No.8489810

I have crippling social disabilities and feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I'm also incredibly self-conscious.

>> No.8489812
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9 years of NEET here, I need money for a PC badly.

>> No.8489818

Order yourself a hair clipper and buzz that shit once a week. You could shave it if you want to spend the $15 a month on razors, but it's kind of a pain in the ass to do it every other day it does look better though.

>> No.8489814

Use credit and never pay it back. What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.8489825
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>> No.8489844

To live with five other guys in 5m² in jail and be raped every day.

>> No.8489895

4-5 years NEET hikki in the UK.
Basically ever since I got the internet,so it would be easy to pass the blame on to that, but the truth is I've had underlying issues with social behavior ever since a child.
I could go in to details but that would end up being my life story.

>> No.8489914

Why doesn't the world want us to be happy?

>> No.8489913

Are you on the dole?

>> No.8489945


Nope, I'm on some kind of disability allowance, I saw my doctor and she wrote a note to the benefits people.
They were supposed to give me an examination but I told them I need a home visit due to the nature of my illness, they never bothered sending anyone round Now I just get money put in my bank.

>> No.8489957

I've been a NEET for 5 years now. I actually like this solitude life style. I often help relatives with tech related problems and what not such as building computers and formating their PCs(I know they're dumb) as well as drive people around places(they pay for the gas I can't afford it.)

And guess what, I am 19. Dropped out of highschool, it's complicated I guess. But I'm smarter than most people who aren't majoring something in college/university.

>> No.8489968
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I thought it would be fun being a NEET. Boy, was I ever wrong. I feel miserable everyday knowing I am wasting my life away, knowing that I should change but putting it off everytime.

The worst part about it is that with all the free time I can still not do anything fun with it. The depression that comes with NEETdom has made me unable to enjoy the things I used to like Anime, Manga, VNs. I spend most of my day curled up in my blanket with my laptop, scouring the internetz.

>> No.8489993


You shouldn't feel depressed about "wasting your life"
That's a false ideal that gets implanted in our brains by the education and employment systems to sucker people in to believing their lives are fulfilled by working 9 - 5 in a dead end job.

Just ask yourself what makes you happy and do it, if that so happens to be doing fuck all every day then do fuck all every day and don't feel bad about it.

>> No.8489994

I often wonder how interesting it would be to share a house with like 10 NEETs

Would help those who have social anxiety too I guess

>> No.8490006



>> No.8490011

Get a job. You'll appreciate NEETdom a hell of a lot more afterwards.

>> No.8490010

I wish I could hug you anon

>> No.8490017

I wish life was that simple.

>> No.8490015

Those small bouts of depression are often cured by just forcing yourself to do something.

>> No.8490048


I started cutting it myself. It actually isn't that hard, it just takes longer than going to a place to do it. Everytime I went to get a haircut it would be shitty, and the girl would sit there and snicker at all of my responses. One time when I was in high school the girl that was cutting my hair asked about graduation (didn't go), so I told her I hung out with friends instead (I didn't have friends or hang out with anyone). It's just one big hassle going to those places, but it's nice to have a girl touch your head.

>> No.8490059

Many years now. In general I manage to get buy with wasting my time doing the following: browsing Internet/youtube, gaming, watching anime, playing my guitar, reading.

Like someone said above me not working sucks. UK based here, it's impossible to land a job in anything. All I have experience with is call centres, and the last time I worked in one of those I lasted 6 months before quitting due to mental anxiety, as the doctor put it when I explained it to him why I can't stand working in a call centre.

So I'm kind of forced to live a NEET lifestyle since I have no money for anything. I do look for jobs such as Admin but the fuckers never reply back. I have NC in Computing at college and my high school grades, I don't want to go back to college I would rather work.

It's not a bad lifestyle, but it's a boring/solitary one mostly due to finances and pride. It annoys me that I can't support myself though. I want to hold my own two feet in this world, but at the same time I want to do it with jobs that don't make me want to hang myself.

>> No.8490065

Times sure have changed. This thread is a wreck.

I guess this is what happens when everyone else has left, and the userbase is completely replaced by /a/.

I've been a hikki for a long time now, working on my sixth year. The only things that depress me are the things I can't control. Living with my family, the stupid shit they do, my stupid fucking neighbors, stuff like that. If I could move out, find a nice quite place, I'd never have another negative thought outside of stubbing my toe.

I had checked and checked again, and what I was getting from the government just wasn't enough to live on. Not on my own anyway. A roommate seemed like a good solution, but odds are, I'd be trading off for something even worse.

Luckily, the economy isn't really improving at all, and after a few years I'm watching rent start to go down. Just a little more and I can afford it, just a few more months and I'd have enough saved up to leave. Then I could live the dream until either the money gets cut, or the rent goes back up. But a few years to get my head together would be nice. I could plan my next move then.

>> No.8490092

The low money does suck.
I have to admit I am pretty jealous of the figure and doll threads.
If I end up getting a job it will primarily be for cash to spend on jap'o'phile crap.

>> No.8490101

Your post is just as shitty as all the other posts in this thread.

>> No.8490112

It's not the times, it's weekend 4chan being shit.

>> No.8490116

No, it's the times.

In the good old days, nobody would have ignored the "general" in the opening post and bombed this thread to death.

>> No.8490126

It's nice to see /jp/ has evolved past such /b/ like behavior.

>> No.8490131

General threads are garbage.

Especially when reposted every single day.

I hope you get raped by chimps OP

>> No.8490153

My dad just became unemployed and our household's salary dropped from $100,00+ to $30,000 . My mom is pressuring me to work at Taco Bell. I've worked shitty fast food jobs/restaurant jobs before ad they were so stressful I cried every day after work and ended up quitting due to having panic attacks and publicly embarassing myself. I live in a small town and there are not many opportunities for work here, which is why my mom is specifically pushing Taco Bell. Life is so stressful these days, I can't take it easy anymore.

>> No.8490163


You know, after visiting multiple forums over the past 10 years or so, I've found out one thing in common with all of them. Faggots such as yourself exist in every one of them whining about how it was better in the good old days and how the forum fucking sucks nowadays, yet you continue to visit it anyway.

Here's a tip: If this shit bothers you, drop the fucking forums like I did and stop visiting them. Or you can stop being stuck in your rose tinted glasses period about anonymous posters somehow being better in a time period where you enjoyed it more (anonymous is anonymous after all), who no doubt had people like yourself whining that the forum was better years ago before you joined (unless you joined said forum at creation).

>> No.8490172

Yeah yeah yeah, you just got here a month ago, we know.

Quality here has indisputably dropped. The people who enjoyed the board, problems and imperfections and all back then are going to continue to be down about the state of things now.

You can keep telling them to stop caring, if it makes you feel better. Just don't expect anyone to actually listen.

>> No.8490176

Whining about it isn't going to help.

>> No.8490191


>I cried every day after work and ended up quitting due to having panic attacks

What are you, a sissy beta male who loses control of himself under the slightest amount of pressure? Man up, people do this kind of thing every day and I'm sick of seeing "panic attacks" be used as a justifiable excuse for being pathetic.

Man up, anon.

>> No.8490198

It's not a problem that will ever get better.

In fact, things will continue to get worse as people with ever lower standards will fill the board. I'm not under any delusions of being born to save the board.

>> No.8490196


I was visiting forums before 4chan existed you little shit, don't think 4chan is any different in that it has morons who have been lurking and posting in the same forum for 1 or 2 years begins to whine about how much it sucks. Unless you started posting when this board was created, I'm 90% sure that there would be people saying that the amazing times you enjoyed was the declining period of the forum. Which means in their eyes, your as shitty as a poster and enjoy shitty posts as I am in yours. Which makes you a fucking moron for thinking like that in the first place.

>> No.8490199

Normal quality advice there, anon.

>> No.8490206

Yeah? Well my dad worked at the internet and we got it in 1966 before you fucks were even allowed. Don't give me that shit.

>> No.8490208
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Normally I treasure my alone time and days of solitude, but this hikki "lifestyle" reaches certain depths of soul-crushing sadness. I miss going outside and enjoying the warm breeze and the sunlight on my skin. I miss the smell of leaves in the fall, and freshly mowed grass in the spring. I miss being able to just freely leave my home to go on a walk, to smile at passing neighbors and stop to pet their dogs. But things are different now, and I don't really have a choice but to live like this. I'm so ashamed.

If only I weren't so depressed and tired, I might have been able to make something of myself. My dream is to attend college someday, but I know I'm too stupid and I've forgotten every useful thing I've ever learned. In the end I probably wouldn't be accepted, and it's not like I could afford it, anyway. My tip is, don't become NEET/Hikki, especially not if you have a choice. It's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.8490209


if people wanted to hear that useless shit they would go to /adv/

>> No.8490214

Took a shower so I could leave the house for the first time in over a week since I've been out of cigarettes for like 5 days. God, I forgot how nice the buzz is when you haven't had one in a while.

>> No.8490218

if people wanted to see these kinds of shit threads they would go to /r9k/

>> No.8490223

The only thing I'm doing is showing the hypocrisy in the posts that whine about posting quality. Whining about the board being shit and better in the good old days like a fucking war veteran whining about how things were simpler in their times and people were better, when in turn their fathers whined about the same very fucking thing is stupid.

Bluntly put it has no merit since unless you were here at creation point of the forums and aren't biased you cannot give that criticism and be correct. When you joined no doubt some faggot was whining about how the board has became shit. So does it mean that the board is continiously one big shit fest and it was always better in the past? In 2 years time people will be whining about the same fucking thing and talking about now as good posting times.

>> No.8490221

I'm not male and stress-triggered anxiety attacks are a serious issue for me. Customer service jobs are impossible for people in my position. I guess it's impossible for someone as pig-headed and uncompassionate as you to understand.

>> No.8490222

> general
Uhh...that's been a convention since forever. Perhaps you remember a board called "Wallpapers/General", created in early 2005? Or maybe even "Japan/General"? Blimey, next some idiot newfag will be saying /jp/ was actually called "NEET/Hikikomori General" at some point!

>> No.8490226

I want to add something about education, and how supposedly "helpful" it is.

I graduated high school in 2002. That was helpful; most places don't take dropouts, and the few that do don't pay enough.

Then I went to community college. This could have been potentially helpful if I had chosen a program that trained you in a needed skill, such as nursing or phlebotomy. But I decided to do just a transfer degree back then.

After that, I went to college, getting a B.S. in Psychology in 2006. I went back home, and what do you know, I couldn't get a job. A year of soul-crushing NEETdom passed (probably was only soul-crushing due to difficult parents, though), and after that I went back to community college to train as a pharmacy technician for a year.

By some stroke of luck (literally) I got into graduate school way down in Tennessee during my time training at the community college. After the program I went down there and got my M.A. after two years. That was 2010.

None of those things have really helped me get a job; if anything, they have prevented me from getting one. If I didn't have an M.A. I'd probably be able to work in a warehouse or a grocery store, but now I'm too overqualified for that. Education has made me impoverished, ironically enough.

Now, I don't regret getting an M.A. or anything of the like; I have a much higher intellect from it, and the overall experience of being in a place far away from your crazy family is fucking wonderful. But that only gets you so far these days, and if you aren't careful about what you study you'll just end up in debt (fortunately mine isn't too bad, but I was very lucky). Or if not, you still won't get a good job.

And yes, I still live with my family...

>> No.8490233

This thread wouldn't be complete without some useless normalfag advice.
Thanks for contributing, anon.

>> No.8490241
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> "panic attacks"
What are you even implying?

>> No.8490245

No, what you're doing to having a nice jerk off. You're stroking your dick to how old and experienced you think you are, and you think you're doing everyone a favor by spouting your oh so special "wisdom".

Never did I say things were perfect before, but there was an acceptable amount of shit. I could live with how things were then, they've gotten conciderably worse now.

You go ahead and tell me I'm wrong, when it's clear you weren't even here. You go ahead and tell me something simply can't be better, it's all black and white, perfect or completely fucked. You go ahead and say no opinion or point of view can exist besides your own.

Enjoy your fap, you big internet veteran, you. I'm sure everyone here values and respects you for what you've done here today.

>> No.8490252

What's your M.A in?

>> No.8490269

Yeah, sure all right, buddy.

Got anything else you want to add? I'm writing this shit down, you know. Taking notes.

>> No.8490264

You're shitting this thread up harder than anyone else right now. Shut up.

>> No.8490265

No matter how you look at it, your posts are the worst in this thread.
Stay mad, because your precious little /jp/ isn't coming back. If you don't like it, leave. No one is forcing you to read through shit threads.

>> No.8490271

Read this:
>Never did I say things were perfect before, but there was an acceptable amount of shit. I could live with how things were then, they've gotten conciderably worse now.

Then, tell me how this doesn't apply to you?

>No, what you're doing to having a nice jerk off. You're stroking your dick to how old and experienced you think you are, and you think you're doing everyone a favor by spouting your oh so special "wisdom".

So tell me how your own post doesn't apply to yourself?

Isn't that exactly what you're doing about spouting your war veteran bullshit and special wisdom about the quality of posters on an anonymous fucking board? This is why I said people like you are hypocrites and morons. Only an idiot couldn't see their own hypocrisy.

>> No.8490281

You're so retarded you could never even possibly begin to conceive why you are wrong.

>> No.8490284


If that's the best you've got, I consider this a win on my behalf. Keep whining about the old days, war veteran.

>> No.8490289


Shut the fuck up, all of you. Holy shit.

>> No.8490287

And if you can't handle the whining you're free to leave too.

Interesting how that works, right?

>> No.8490288

Now you're just being silly.

>> No.8490290

Somebody said /jp/ is shittier now than it used to be and everything went to shit. Is that more or less what happened here?

>> No.8490293

Uh huh

>This is why I said people like you are hypocrites and morons. Only an idiot couldn't see their own hypocrisy.

Uh huh.

So, let me get this straight, your new argument is "no, you"?

What happened mister internet warrior, run out tales of wisdom and enlightenment to share with the class?

>> No.8490303


Pretty much. Apparently whining about shitty posts by making shitty posts seems to be the productive answer for War Vets. Back on topic though shit like this is pretty much what keeps your mind focused as a NEET. It wouldn't be all bad if it wasn't for the finances, but not being able to buy shit you want/need is annoying. It doesn't help in todays current situation with jobs. Study insanely and put yourself in debt to land a good job or work shitty jobs. It's like there's no in between. My post for example about Admin jobs, just how the fuck do you get into that field? It's not exactly a hard field yet none of them reply back.

>> No.8490307

I think you have trolled enough for today.

>> No.8490315

>So, let me get this straight, your new argument is "no, you"?

My new arguement? Are you an idiot? I already pointed out in a previous posts I was talking about the hypocrisy of war vet posters, and that's all I have done since I spoke about the subject. How is that a new arguement? All I did this time was bluntly spell it out using the posters own post. Reading comprehension much?

>> No.8490330

Your entire argiemtn started with how you know so much about the internet, and anyone else who had thoughts on it was wrong becuase of your vast experiences. Now you're complaining about people being "war vets" in your words (who never claimed to be using the internet longer than you, which surely would be impossible considering your skill)?

>> No.8490331



>> No.8490338


Experimental Psychology. I actually have knowledge that would be helpful, such as statistics, experimental design and such, but nobody really seems interested.

It did help me get my first job, but I only work that job for a handful of hours a week, not nearly enough.

I really don't know what advice I can give you, since everyone seems to say get a good education and yet to be honest that really doesn't seem to help many people these days. It certainly used to, but I think that the problem is that too many people with degrees have flooded the market. Just find a niche I guess, and work on a constructive hobby to keep yourself from hating your life.

>> No.8490339
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>This thread

>> No.8490340

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your help in improving this wonderful thread!

>> No.8490349

Really though, Kill Me Baby is trash.

>> No.8490350

This isn't a board to help you find a job. Go ask /adv/.

Reported for meta normalshit.

>> No.8490359

The art style is kind of cute, though

>> No.8490366


>> No.8490367


>> No.8490384


>> No.8490395

I get about that much working for my dad on the weekends programing phones and running the wires and stuff such as that. I'm only 15 and he says hell pay me more in the future. I don't need to go to school but I still do (Senior year in Japan is one reason though.)

>> No.8490405

You DO have reading comprehension, amazing. And are a hypocrite. Which I get to point out again!

>Your entire argiemtn started with how you know so much about the internet
Nope. That would be yours, talking about how the board would have done this x years ago or so in reply to this thread, then proceed to whine about said board being shit now.

>and anyone else who had thoughts on it was wrong becuase of your vast experiences.
I think your confusing yourself with me. The thing is, once you play the "vast experience" card about how you know how it was years ago, other people get to play their vast experience card that have more than you. Can't whine about people doing the same thing you do just because they have more than you.

Incidentally, you're still the worst poster on this thread.

>> No.8490411

Your first statement in all this

>You know, after visiting multiple forums over the past 10 years or so

>> No.8490420

Good Job, now i need to smoke. It's sunday night, it's snowing and I have to walk for 2 hours to buy some cigs.

Let's see which is stronger : my tobacco addiction or my laziness.

>> No.8490429


This isn't a facebook status where we fucking care about your actions. You don't need to post to report someone. Reported for OT faggotry.

On topic, NEET for 6 years, so-so about it. Pros and cons. Finance being the biggest con.

>> No.8490447

Oh you.

>> No.8490448

Hikki/NEET threads are NOT /jp/ related.

Most of the people here are no worse than roleplayers anyway, living in a fantasy land at night, and going to school or work during the day. Fucking scum.

>> No.8490462

Poster whines about their experience of board being better x years ago and it's shit now:
>The thing is, once you play the "vast experience" card about how you know how it was years ago, other people get to play their vast experience card that have more than you. Can't whine about people doing the same thing you do just because they have more than you.

>You DO have reading comprehension, amazing.

>> No.8490475

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.8490477

We had these kind of threads since /jp/ was created.

>> No.8490490

The good old days is a fucking lie, and anyone who was around back then who drops the emotional baggage can see that and accept it for what it's worth.

You just get bored with the community and lose your will and ability to selectively ignore, and then go blame the wrong things.

>> No.8490499

At one time you might have been arguing something.

I guess this is the famous rubber and glue defense? Ah well, it was fun, really.

>> No.8490519

Having been a NEET for about 4 years (I can't call myself a hikki because I go out once a week to buy groceries), I've found the one thing that helps build confidence is working on some sort of hobby or skill. Learning Japanese, for instance. You get to see yourself improve over time, and even if the rest of the world is shit, at least in your own little bubble you can feel some sort of optimism.

Don't fool yourself into thinking a college degree will be your ticket out of misery. If you're thinking of going for computer science or engineering, then sure, you'll have a decent shot at a good job. Anything else is a gamble. The frustrating thing, like others have said, is that it seems like college degrees meant something in the past, but as time goes by, they become less and less useful.

When I started college (in 2004), the economy was doing pretty good and no one was pessimistic about available jobs. Even people majoring in "useless" stuff had a decent shot at some sort of desk job. By the time graduation rolled around, however, those jobs all but started to disappear thanks to the recession.

For anyone who truly has to or wants to get out of this lifestyle, my advice is to either get some IT certifications, or take some sort of medical training program at your local community college (Ex: phlebotomy, lab tech, nurse assistant, etc.). It's not a guarantee, but there are still jobs in those fields.

>> No.8490553

How do you hikkis get your weed?
With cigarrettes, you can order online and roll your own like a badass cowboy or just buy some generic brand if you're gay.
But weed is illegal usually so you can't buy it on the internet.

>> No.8490585

Thankfully the only friend I have sells me drugs.

>> No.8490590


You actually CAN buy drugs online if you really know where to look, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Concerning the "good old days" of /jp/: All I remember back in 2008 that was different from now is that there were a hell of a lot more real life pedos and the userbase wasn't as young. That's really it.

>> No.8490606

I've bought plenty of pills online but I've never bothered with weed since that would probably bring down customs on me.

>> No.8490615

You can get it online though it's risky. Depending on where you live, analogues like JWH might be legal but give a slightly different effect.

I tried my best to keep in contact with old friends as i moved closer to living like a Hikki and thankfully one is a normal who has many friends, when i occasionally see him i ask if he can help me get some weed and i usually buy as much as i can because i know i might not be able to get any for a long time.

I've thought about growing my own, especially if i only intend to use it myself but the issues with smell and the fact i'd be growing it in my mothers house stop me. She's surprisingly OK with me smoking alone in my room but i don't think she'd allow me to grow any nor is it fair that i go behind her back to do so.

>> No.8490646
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Am I the only NEET foreveralone loser that is perfectly content with being this way forever? I mean, the alternative that normalfags usually drift towards is the whole having a job and being a wage slave thing. That and chasing after 3D whores. That just seems unappealing.

I'm not depressed. I listen to music and play games all day. I daydream for hours upon hours, never gets old. Even though I'm in my room, I can be in whatever universe I want to in my head. You guys should work on your imagination, it's awesome.

>> No.8490677
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I wouldn't mind being unemployed and alone so long as I had some sort of security, such as a fixed income like disability. I wouldn't care how small it was so long as I could survive on it and not live in a ghetto; I live very modestly and most of the things I enjoy I can do for free or nearly so

Most jobs aren't a good fit for me (although I'm not lazy and would actually like a quiet job), and I'm used to being alone. Other people would find me strange and none of them really are compatible in any case. Solitude is strength.

>> No.8490678

Daydreaming is how I have dealt with my depression for years.

>> No.8490688
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Maybe I'm depressed too and just in denial. Who knows.

>> No.8490700
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I'm only 20 but my entire life I was pushed to be the top of my class, graduated highschool 2 years early blah blah. Spent a year as NEET and it was the best year of my life... I miss it every single day.

Since then I graduated college and am working as a department head in the film industry, next movie I work on is starring Joe Pesci.

I'd give it all up to live an uninterrupted NEET lifestyle again.

>> No.8490736


The thing is it's not either or. A job gives you freedom. The ability to buy a kick ass computer for gaming. That new guitar you wanted. The latest of whatever else you like. I spend most of my time in the room, but I do like to go out drinking with friends or visit the arcade or laser quest or something fun. But it's impossible to do these things without money.

When I have worked in the past I still spent the majority of my time in my room. I like reading and gaming and other things, I enjoy my own company and doing my own thing. But there are also times which I'm sure hit you that having a woman would be nice. Not just for fucking but one that actually has some shared interests and stuff.

For the most part I am content. Most people would rather live a life not working if given the choice, but it gets boring, and sometimes you do feel trapped. Even if I wanted to change my lifestyle, which I do slightly, I can't. I can't buy the things I want, having no job makes it hard for most woman to look at you as potential, sometimes I can't go with my friends because I can't afford it, so the best you can do is be content and find peace with it until you eventually get lucky or have had enough.

>> No.8490744
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I wish I could be a live in maid. I already do lots of chores and cook and stuff while living with my parents, so the work wouldn't bother me. And I wouldn't really have to leave the house I took after. It sounds like the perfect job, too bad I live in America. ;_;

>> No.8490746

>Am I the only NEET foreveralone loser that is perfectly content with being this way forever?

The problem is that it can't last forever.

>> No.8490747

>She's surprisingly OK with me smoking alone in my room but i don't think she'd allow me to grow any nor is it fair that i go behind her back to do so.
You are a great person and so is your mother.

>> No.8490760

Why is it different in America? If you're willing to compete with mexicans, it shouldn't be impossible.

>> No.8490768


My parents had a live in maid so it's perfectly possible even in the U.S. Their maid did a little bit of yard work too, on top of cooking and cleaning. I don't think her pay was that much since she was also getting free room and food.

If you're ok with offering some sex, it should be even easier to find a job as a live in maid.

>> No.8490781

You're not alone. I often wonder whether some of the people in these threads actually even like their hobbies.

>> No.8490801

I did mostly the same.
If you're a deepweb user like myself though you can use silkroad online to order any imaginable drug through .tor. Not sure if it's still working having checked since bitcoin mania was going on (site used to use bitcoins, might still)
But growing yourself is always viable and old friends help too.

>> No.8490805


You have valid points, but you need to take into consideration these things:

A) Not everyone can get a job, and this population is becoming more numerous.

B) Most people have jobs that they either hate, ARE trapped in, and/or they don't pay well enough.

C) There are certain types of people who simply don't need a lot of money to live the life that they want to have.

Sure, you do need a job to have the money required for a materialistic life, but these days most jobs don't pay enough for that. Plus, money can only make you so happy for so long; when you get right down to it, it really doesn't get rid of whatever personal problems that you may have in life. Hell, sometimes it even makes it worse.

>> No.8491032

I'm stuck in that mood where nothing feels real. I'm all disassociated and it feels like the life in front of me is a dream.

I'm not sure if I want to go back to normal.

>> No.8491046

My neet shut-in days are coming to an end.
Sooner or later I would have to get off my ass and do something to sustain myself. Such a shame, I was basically living my dream life.

>> No.8491055

There is a complete archive of every post that has lived more than 5 minutes on /jp/, and it is searchable and sortable. One need only lurk moar.

>> No.8491119
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>Most jobs aren't a good fit for me (although I'm not lazy and would actually like a quiet job), and I'm used to being alone. Other people would find me strange and none of them really are compatible in any case. Solitude is strength.
Get a CDL license. Drive a truck for 30K USD/year. Interact with almost no one, and then only regarding very limited topics that all parties understand. Download all your entertainment in huge bursts, or remotely direct a stationary computer with good internet to do so until you return, and move through your backlog when you can't find good internet. Drive around all day in your apartment, listening to music or audiobooks or radio dramas. Be smarter than all of your peers without having to interact with them. You can not be overqualified, people quit too frequently. If you can go 1 year without having a traffic accident, you'll never be out of a job until you average roughly more than 1 accident per 5 years, or die.

>> No.8491209
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I came to England in mid September 2011 to unofficially work as an Au-Pair.

I had almost no experience with kids whatsoever and I faked my biography so that they can accept me. I've gotten used to kids I suppose and all is going well and I usually work mostly 3 hours a day and take care of their kid for 3-3.30h a day. Saturday and Sundays are an exception. Payrate is weekly and average, but good for English standards.

This is my first job since I finished high-school. Other than that, I'm not really bothering into socializing in the small town I am located at. I spent my free time in my room all the time.
I plan to go to a uni when I get back to my home country. Can't really say what comes after that. I am not sure yet, since I am still here.
