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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8486225 No.8486225 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you learned Japanese yet /jp/?

>> No.8486231
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>> No.8486232

I did.

>> No.8486233


I have a terrible time with languages. I could barely get through three semesters of Spanish.

>> No.8486234

I should get around to finishing that game some time.

>> No.8486235
File: 160 KB, 150x128, horsing_around.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will eventually, it just takes a HELLa long time with AJATT

>> No.8486239

I'll start tomorrow.

>> No.8486247

But I have, onii-chan, both Kanji and Osaka dialects.

>> No.8486252

I don't need to know Japanese to play Touhou, and I can't imagine using it for anything else.

>> No.8486255

I do, but it's 難しい.

>> No.8486276

I have started learning it four days ago, but I've only just memorized all hiragana. I guess I suck at this language thing.

>> No.8486287

I kind of stopped for a while after kana, but recently I've wanted to give it another shot so I downloaded Genki 1+2, but I haven't really commited to reading them. Now that I quit playing League of Casuals I'll probably get to them though.

>> No.8486397

>four days ago
>but I've only just memorized all hiragana.

Wtf, 4 days for hiragana is perfectly fine. Some people need 2 - 3 weeks for that.

>> No.8486398

I had the opportunity in high school, but I took German instead.

>> No.8486401

I'm a normalfag.

>> No.8486409


Und wie ist Ihr Deutsch so?

>> No.8486418

>implying I can't speak japanese

>> No.8486420


>> No.8486423

I'm reading through Genki 1 + 2 but only the grammar points because i'm impatient.

>> No.8486443


Not sure if serious. I've just started two days ago and only memorised the vowels. Fuck, now that's sucking.

Even skipped a few lessons too see what I'm getting myself into. I can safely say Kanji will rape my shit.

>> No.8486466


It's all a matter of commitment and available free time. I memorized hiragana on one day with endless repetitions. Autism-style.

>> No.8486492

That's probably the best place to start anyways. You can learn every single bit of vocabulary first, but it won't do you a bit of good if you don't know how to put the words together.

>> No.8486498


Holy fuck son. How long was the cram? I'm only doing like an hour too an hour and thirty a day.

>> No.8486499

How do you pronounce 主 to say OP?

>> No.8486508

I've been studying for many years but very sporadically so I don't even know more than a few hundred kanji.

At first I tried because I wanted to read Japanese VNs but now there are so many English translations (finished and ongoing) that I can't get motivated. I can't even finish my backlog.

>> No.8486515

Like I have the motivation to sit down and memorize kanji.

If I could learn by like, deciphering easy to read VNs as I went along or something instead of just memorizing shit, I'd probably do it.

>> No.8486521

With that attitude it will. You need to stop making such a big deal out of it.

The way I learned them was to start out with the vowels, studying flashcard style and just focusing myself completely on memorizing them, not minding anything else. Then I just noticed after a little while that I was feeling confident with them, and moved on to the next set of 5. Then I mixed them with the vowels to make sure I still remembered them. Then I moved on to the next 5. And it went so smoothly and I started feeling so confident that I just went through all of them in a couple of hours.

Basically, you need to stop looking at the whole mountain before you and instead split it all up into small steps and completely focus on each of those steps until you feel you got them. The rest just works itself out.

>> No.8486528

>but now there are so many English translations
I fucking hate this. Whenever I feel like reading an eroge, I'd rather read it in Japanese so I can get better at it, but as a result, I've missed out on nearly everything that has been translated the past few years.

>> No.8486529

I'm not interested in learning japanese, that would ruin a lot of music I like.

>> No.8486555

Really? Even when I listen to English music I don't really catch the lyrics unless I listen closely. I pay more attention to the melody

>> No.8486573


>> No.8486582


Thanks for the advice. Currently doing it like that now. Gonna study the K combinations today.

I know my limits though. I can do this shit but for me, it'll take a lot of time a dedication.

At least you success will motivate me to follow through.

>> No.8486588

I'm too lazy and have no motivation. I can understand a lot of the spoken language, but I can't read it.

>> No.8486595
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But I AM learning it, OP. In fact, I was just practicing my kanji reading skills on a very official and trusted source, Princess Maker 4.

>> No.8486597

The vocals is the most important part in most of the music I listen to and a lot of the emotional depth of a voice disappears for me when I understand the lyrics.

>> No.8486611
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I thought I was the only one

>> No.8486612
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But it's so easy, /jp/. Pic related!

>> No.8486615

I've studied for years and I still can't grasp basic grammatical concepts. I'm just not smart enough.

>> No.8486621

I understand hiragana, katakana and half of the joyo kanji, but my grammar sucks.

>> No.8486626

I can only get a rough meaning of meaning in native level materials and conversation. Its frustrating

>> No.8486634

I had a tape like that to learn Spanish like 15 years ago.

You played the tape while sleeping and supposedly it'd help you learn it. I don't think it said anything about being subliminal however.

I never used it however, so I don't know if this worked at all. Probably not.

>> No.8486638

I only started a few weeks ago. Somewhat understand basic grammar and like 100 words. Gonna rush through the kanji because memorizing stuff is easy for me.

Been slacking off though so only new 120 kanji today.

>> No.8486644

The way I learnt kana was by writing them on graph paper multiple times per day, making sure to use correct stroke order, perfecting my writing. Five kana were learnt a day in that fashion.

>> No.8486645


I think it was 6 - 7 hours in a row. Of course, it took a few days more to read sentences in hiragana without stopping at each individual character.

>> No.8486650

I have ADHD. It's really fricken hard to keep a second language stuck in my head.

>> No.8486654

I did a month of it back in November, but as usual I dropped it before doing anything special with it. Now I get this procrastination feeling whenever I look at my Japanese notebook.

>> No.8486663

I'll get around to it sometime.

>> No.8486671

I suppose this could help people of all learning styles, as you see it, hear it, say it, and write it all at once.
Perfect for autists

>> No.8486686

I started two weeks ago. I learned both kana charts on the first day, then I went through basic phrases the next three days, a week of combined basic vocabulary and grammar and now I've been grinding kanji for 3 days. I can write and recognize about 250 of them, but I can't fucking learn their ON-readings. I guess I will naturally pick them up when I start associating the vocabulary to its kanji.

>> No.8486688

I am terrible with language.

>> No.8486699


>250 kanji in two weeks.

2/10, made me read.

>> No.8486705

What, are you implying that's not simple to do or something?

>> No.8486715


It took me two weeks to learn hiragana and katakana. Two fucking weeks. And you say you memorized 250 kanji, in addition to vocabulary and grammar? That's bullshit

>> No.8486722


Don't assume everyone is as retarded as you are. Either you are a kid with ADD who can't focus on something for more than 10 minutes, or you have subhuman intelligence.

>> No.8486749

Not trying to put you down, but it's not hard for many people to learn hiragana/katakana in a few days. As for 250 kanji in 3 days, I don't know but I suppose it might be possible to get a fuzzy knowledge of about that much without readings.

>> No.8486755

Also ignore >>8486722, anyone who talks like him is clearly more subhuman than he would like to admit. It's like saying a computer is intelligent.

>> No.8486761


Reread his post. He can't actually read them or identify any compounds they're in.

>Don't assume everyone is as retarded as you are.

I'd say claiming to "know" kanji you can't even read or make sense of in context is somewhere south of how retarded he is.

>> No.8486770


I think if you're dedicated you'll be able to do it with flash cards or something. Maybe memorize the Kun'yomi on your first time through then On'yomi on your second time or something. Sooner or later it should become easier to memorize them by their parts. I don't know how you'd memorize stroke order with flash cards though. That's only like 20 Kanji a day either anyway so it shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.8486765

わざそんなに苦労して習おうとするんだ?英語に翻訳されたVNやアニメ なんてお前らが一生かけても読み切れないほどある。お前たちが日本語を習



>> No.8486792



>> No.8486794


I said I don't know most of their On-readings. I'm perfectly fine with kun-readings, and I know the stroke order and meaning of all of them. Your reading comprehension is lacking.

>> No.8486803

If you aren't learning their on readings, you're retarded.
With each set of kanji you do, you should learn all the readings.

>> No.8486798


It took me 2 weeks to learn hiragana and another 2 to learn katakana(and I forgot half of it because I use it less frequently). Then I switched to flashcards and actually drawing those characters and now I have no problems learning 100 kanji each day.

Just stop being lazy and pick a good method for learning. I'd consider myself well below average intelligence and it's still easy to do.

>> No.8486800








>> No.8486815

Sorry but Japanese is almost(as you said, otaku goods) useless.
Forget about finding a job because of it.

>> No.8486819

Because I'm a lazy sack of shit playing vidya all day

>> No.8486823


That wasn't the point of his post at all.

Confirmed for not being able to read Jap.

>> No.8486822

Getting the English meanings of Kanji down is not a problem, but to be able to remember their Kun and On readings individually is beyond me. Hopefully, going straight to KO sentences and corePLUS is fine, and the readings will come naturally, I hope.

>> No.8486826

Most on-readings are really simple, like one or two syllables each. They are also really repetitive. There's no way I could memorize them, so I'm just leaving it for later. I think knowing them individually is useless, so I'll just infer them from the compounds.

>> No.8486828

You don't learn a language to get a job, you learn it because you like it. You dumbfuck.

>> No.8486845


>> No.8486838

I hate my lack of motivation.

>> No.8486839


Incorrect. Many Canadians, including me learns a language because it's beneficial for working in certain sectors, like the government.

Some people learn Japanese because they want to immigrate and get a job in Japan (like Debito).

>> No.8486841


That's what I get for neglecting grammar. I can read almost everything but it makes no sense to me.

>> No.8486858


This. It's truly despicable to put a price shield on fucking everything. I hate this attitude. Languages are a cultural good, ffs.

>> No.8486870



>> No.8486871


>> No.8486875

I have other priorities.

>> No.8486877


>> No.8486881

Pfft. Retards.

>> No.8486884

haha dis nigga

>> No.8486892


I purposely did ridiculously long (compared to English) run-on sentences to throw you off. They're extremely common in dialogues, not as much in written work.







>> No.8486894

then why the fuck are you browsing this board?

>> No.8486908

LITERALLY retarded

>> No.8486909

>mfw i actually understood that. what do i win?

>> No.8486918

ITT no one knows Japanese at all except for the people posting exclusively in it.
If you want to brag on how much you know, show us how much you know by using it.

>> No.8486919

A trip back to /v/ where you belong.

>> No.8486922
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I was going to come over and suck your cock in my trap outfit but


Get the fuck out.

>> No.8486933

One lethal dose of get-out-of-jp.

>> No.8486936


It's not my fault you people were spamming other boards, you know.

>> No.8486946

I highly doubt it was us.
But do yourself a favour and stop going to /v/ anyways. It'll save your mind.

>> No.8486948

The funny thing is, I can understand the grammar, but I constantly have to rikaichan the kanji. I learned the kana in a couple evenings then worked on grammar but was never able to really get going with the kanji (and grinding kanji without vocab always seemed pointless to me). I've gotten into such a habit of reading VNs with Mecab/Jparser that I even end up checking the meaning of kanji that I really do know, I just start speed-mousing-over everything

>> No.8486955


>> No.8486952


Don't worry, I will leave you guys alone. It was never my intention to piss you off by using some internet slang, believe me.

>> No.8486956


>> No.8486964


It's not the internet slang, but the communities that it represents. By not using those, you avoid being labeled as a cross-boarder.

In other words, /jp/'s classy and angry people needs to keep themselves away from the influence of outsiders.

>> No.8486972

Notice how threads like these bring all the high school and college students taking Japanese from all over 4chan?

>> No.8486979

It's more like it's painful to watch /jp/ slowly degenerate because we're unfortunately on 4chan.

>> No.8486978






>> No.8486985

I'm on my sixth day and I've learned hiragana, katakana, about 100 kanji and am currently working on grammar. It's not as absurd as you would think.

I definitely could see someone doing 250 if they're extremely dedicated. Whether they will retain them all depends on whether they stick with them in their SRS.

>> No.8486994

l'd rather learn ltalian

>> No.8486992

Why doesn't /jp/ make its own board then?

>> No.8486999

Moot should just make a sub-board for /jp/ or some shit.

>> No.8486996


>> No.8487004

/jp/ isn't slow enough for you?

>> No.8487007

Why, may I ask?
If I learnt a romance language it would be French.
Better than Spanish, at least.

>> No.8487013

What's the differnce between the various versions of chinese? Like: traditonal, simplified, mandarin..what do they all mean?
I only ask because the thread is already derailed.

>> No.8487011

Because no-one would move to it. If everyone moved everything would be fine, but it just doesn't work out that way. Besides the new board might be hosted by a worse person/place...

>> No.8487016

I spent like 8 hours a day studying for a year straight, and then I just completely stopped for years. I need to learn to pace myself better so I don't get burnt out so easily...

I started again a few days ago, spending 1 hour a day. I hope that goes better for me.

>> No.8487020

Traditional uses older characters (characters as in Kanji) with more strokes
Simplified has much less strokes.
Taiwan uses traditional. Mainland China uses Simplified.

I think Mandarin is the spoken language.
Chinese is the people of China, the language is Mandarin.

>> No.8487021

Don't learn any version of chinese except 「ボポモフォ」

>> No.8487022





>> No.8487025
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l speak spanish as native language. ltalian & spanish are VERY similar. l like how ltalian sounds and looks, it's like everything on it is classy. French is cool too, not as ltalian though.
Portuguese is the worst.

>> No.8487026

Ah, good point.

>> No.8487029

Traditional and simplified refer to the writing systems. Traditional is the old way of writing hanzi (the characters look more complex). Simplified is the new way implemented by the communist government. I think traditional is still used in Taiwan.

Mandarin is the "standard" dialect of China; the one everybody supposedly learns. Cantonese is the dialect spoken in Hong Kong. China has a shit-ton of dialects, and many of them are very different from each other, to the point that people from different provinces wouldn't be able to speak to each other if it weren't for Mandarin.

>> No.8487030

>Better than Spanish, at least.

It is better if you like talking as if you had a cat inside your throat

>> No.8487033

A friend of mine can attest to that. He speaks Italian, but he can understand the majority of something written in Spanish (like a billboard ad) when he sees it.

>> No.8487037

I see, I see.
Yes, Italian is cool, but less practical.
It seems as if the more cool a language is, the less practical, in this case.
But isn't Portuguese similar too?

>> No.8487035


Spanish is my first language too, and I think italian sounds gay. Besides, Why would I waste my time learning a language which is very similar to mine? That's boring.

>> No.8487038

Someday, I want to learn Italian so I can read Dante RAW.

>> No.8487044

>It seems as if the more cool a language is, the less practical
That would explain why I want to learn Akkadian.

>> No.8487045


This nigga has some CLASS

>> No.8487046

I like cats, though.
Sounds reasonable.
War and Peace RAW appears like a good goal, requires Russian and French to read

>> No.8487049



>> No.8487050


Holy balls, did you get that idea from the other thread a month ago I was discussing Akkadian in or is this some gay new meme nobody's told me about

>> No.8487054



I can tell that you're Chinese.

>> No.8487055

I got the idea from studying ancient history, this is the first time I've mentioned it.

>> No.8487059

I think German ranks the highest in terms of coolness and practicality.

>modern philosophy RAW everywhere
>dat music scene in Germany
>get lots of respect

>> No.8487060 [DELETED] 



>> No.8487063

There are a bunch of different dialects of "Chinese." Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghaiese, and so on. They all are vastly different and could practically be considered different languages, since someone who speaks one cannot understand a damn thing someone speaking a different dialect is saying. The difference is that big. Mandarin is the official dialect of the Chinese government and the most spoken.

They all use the same writing system, which has characters composed of radicals. Originally some of these were fairly complex, so the Chinese government took steps to "simplify" them in the 50s. Some areas outside of mainland China decided to keep their old characters and that is referred to as "Traditional." Japanese Kanji borrowed from these traditional characters.

>> No.8487067

Really? Translations are released sporadically enough that you should be able to finish them as they come out and still have time left over. That's also assuming you play everything, and I envy someone who has varied enough taste to enjoy every VN that's translated. In 2011 there were only a handful of translations I was actually interested in, so I was very glad that I was able to read Japanese. It's nice being able to choose what I want to read instead of having that choice made for me by translators.

>> No.8487064



>> No.8487071


What a coincidence, then. I asked for and got a book on Akkadian for Christmas.


I was mostly drawn to it by Cuneiform.

>> No.8487072
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Because European languages > asian languages

>> No.8487085




Is Chinese grammar. In Japanese, it should be written like


>> No.8487089


It doesn't sound gay, just very girly. French, on the other hand, is really gay as HELL.

>> No.8487095


Have you ever heard of "gutter speak?"

>> No.8487097

Je... je... le frère-chan est baka!

>> No.8487103



Nigga please. French and ロリボイス do not mix.

>> No.8487122



>> No.8487130


>> No.8487151

I'm not so sure. Of course frère-chan sounds stupid, but I can actually imagine the whole SDM, including Remilia and Flandre, speaking French. It's a bit strange, but it's also classy as hell and it really fits an elegant lady like Remilia.
And if Remilia speaks French, Flandre does, too.

>> No.8487190

I can see that too, actually.

>> No.8487195

Never understood why people think french sounds good
Sounds like chewbacca taking a shit

>> No.8487214


The SDM household speaks with a Marseille accent, and Cirno speaks Parisian French.

>> No.8487226


I don't understand how people can have such a strong opinion on something. Frhronsh is nothing like chewbacca taking a shit.


The words flow much more smoothly compared to English rap.

>> No.8487230


I think only Brits and some Americans really think French sounds good. Maybe because English is heavily influenced by French.

>> No.8487244


It sounds drunk.

>> No.8487239

Um, no, French is rigid as hell compared to English. I really don't see how people can say that it flows well or whatever.

>> No.8487240

Your argument is invalid

>> No.8487252

>I really don't see how people can say that it flows well or whatever.

because it is literally a language that was designed to sound good

>> No.8487259



Yes, it is much better structured than English. Have you heard French students with an English background trying to pronounce French sentences without liason? Yuck.

Seriously, if you don't think French sounds goods, you're probably not a French person. All of the pronunciation rules are pretty much "well it sounds better this way."

>> No.8487256

Languages aren't designed. Shut the hell up.

>> No.8487266


>> No.8487274

French speaker here.

French sounds like SHIT. I think the only language that sounds worse than French is Korean.

>> No.8487277

No, I'll give it that it sounds good, and I can speak French. What I don't like, however, is when people tell me that it flows better or sounds better than English when sung. That's plain wrong.
As for your first point, French people are pretty bad at English, even if only the accent, so yeah.

>> No.8487284

But it does.

Where is that video with the weeaboos cooking spam with a kawaii french BGM?

>> No.8487282

>I don't understand how people can have such a strong opinion on something

Hah, you have no clue. I had to mute "Japan: History of Shooting Game" because I can't stand this language. It's like someone is kicking me constantly in the nuts.

>> No.8487295


Québécois detected.


>That's plain wrong.

Nigga prease. German, Italian and French all sound better in song than English. I admit, that it is difficult, which is why French opera didn't flourish until JB Lully decided to write down all of the rules.

But I'd take French lyrics for the Messiah over the harsh English lyrics anyday.

>> No.8487297

>German, Italian and French all sound better in song than English
mmnah, you're just being silly now.

>> No.8487305
File: 311 KB, 454x490, 1292830224448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't see many ENGLISH operas or cantatas around do you?

>> No.8487319

I fail to see the relevance. I still understand France French perfectly and I can tell you, coming from a completely unbiased standpoint that French sounds like shit.

Do you realize how silly the argument ``if you don't think French flows the best, you aren't French'' is? Get your pseudo-elitism out of here with your shitty language.

>> No.8487320


>kawaii french BGM

Tell that to these guys


>> No.8487327

The real problem with French isn't the silly sound of it, it's the nightmarish grammar. Over 600 irregular verbs. What the fuck.

Explain that, Frenchies.

>> No.8487332




If you can learn English grammar, you can learn French grammar.

>> No.8487331

Every English verb is an irregular one so what's your point?

>> No.8487334
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>nightmarish grammar

Yet you can speak gramatically-perfect English.

>> No.8487341
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From what I remember, French is amazing for the way you can string insulting phrases into each other, easily outmatching nearly every other language.

>> No.8487345


I'm quite aware of my shortcomings. English isn't my first language, actually.


Sure, English is a grammatical clusterfuck, but French is much worse.

>> No.8487350

No, French is not worse. English barely has any rules.

>> No.8487369



je m'apelle, tu t'appele, il s'applle, nous nous appelons, vous vous appelez, ils appellent

je vais, tu vas, il va, nous nous allons, vous vous allez, ils vont

Logical. Makes sense.


abide, abode
wear, worn
awake, awoken
break, broke
mean, meant

What the christ level trolling.

>> No.8487376


That's simply bullshit and you know it.

>> No.8487375

>using aller as an example of a verb that makes sense
Excuse me, but what the hell are you doing?

>> No.8487381

>tu t'appele, il s'applle,

>> No.8487384

Learning all the irregular verbs in English will take you like an hour. You can fit all of them on a piece of paper.

I had to use a Bescherelle until I finished High School.

>> No.8487387



tu t'appelles
il s'appelle

>> No.8487399
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主 おも (adj-na,n,abbr) chief; main; principal; important; main secondary or supporting role (in kyogen); (P)

主 しゅ (n,adj-no) (one's) master; Lord (Christian ref. to Jesus or God); the main thing; the majority; the primary concern; (P)

主 しゅう (n,adj-no,ok) (one's) master; Lord (Christian ref. to Jesus or God); the main
thing; the majority; the primary concern; (P)

主 ぬし (n,pn,fam) head (of a household, etc.); leader; master; owner; proprietor; proprietress; subject (of a rumour, etc.); doer (of a deed); guardian spirit (e.g. long-resident beast, usu. with mystical powers); (P)

主 しゅじん (n,adj-no) head (of a household); proprietor (of a store); proprietress; landlord; landlady; one's husband; (one's) employer; (one's) master; host; hostess; (P)

主 にし (pn,arch,fam) you

主 のし (pn,arch,fam) you

主 す (suf,arch,hon) honorific (or familiar) suffix used after a name

主 あるじ (n,abbr,arch) head (of a household); proprietor (of a store); proprietress; landlord; landlady; master (of a servant); entertaining someone as one's guest

>> No.8487657

Its very hard because I live in an environment where I really do NOT need Japanese language, and sometimes I ask myself why am I torturing myself with this kanji, why am I learning this language of a people that despise my white background? Then I think to myself, one day I could live in a clean, organized, and powerful country, much better than canada. I could live there, marry a beautiful Japanese woman, have children, buy a house in rural Japan, and really enjoy life there. Of course, the chances of that happening without Kanji is 0%.

I love Japanese and I will learn it with all my heart without ever giving up.

It doesnt matter if I sometimes slow down, I will always learn something... every day a new word, a new kanji, at least one of them

With more time and days passing by, I will be accumulating knowledge that will let me move there and start doing petty jobs that will allow me to mingle with the locals.

Then I will apply for a job at my profession as an engineer!


>> No.8487711

American here. Aside from your cold temperatures, I'd kill to live in Canada.

>> No.8487731

Indeed, Canada really isn't that bad. I pity people who have to live in those really urban areas of the states.

>> No.8487762

Nope. Four days is the average unless you're talking about once-a-week classes (which are retarded).

If you take more than 8 days you'll have a really hard time with the language, 3 weeks is just being retarded.

>> No.8487817

Don't be an idiot, 250 kanji in two weeks is somewhat the standard.

He said two days though, and that really is bullshit.

>> No.8487848


>> No.8487865


>> No.8487986

Learning Chinese is in part because my great grandfather was Chinese, as for my great grandmother? Japanese, which is my next obstacle.

>> No.8487989

What is your question?

>> No.8487993



>> No.8487995


>> No.8487997


>> No.8488074

why is kanji harder than katakana and hiragana? how much japanese can you understand if you only know katakana and hiragana?

>> No.8488086

>why is kanji harder than katakana and hiragana?
Hiragana: 48 characters
Katakana: 51 characters
Kanji: 50,000 characters (estimated)

Also kanji are nearly always more complex.

>how much japanese can you understand if you only know katakana and hiragana?
A very tiny amount. Basically just some of the stuff for kids.

>> No.8488095

>why is kanji harder than katakana and hiragana?
I wouldn't really say that's true. Kanji might seem threatening at first, but I'd much rather learn 2000 kanji than 2000 characters that are just like hiragana and katakana.

Kanji get easy to memorize as you learn a few and start to see the patterns in them, while kana are literally meaningless scribbles.

>> No.8488281

I did, and translating a game.

>> No.8488532

Its hard as fuck to learn any language decently I think. Just type in a random ass word into a thesaurus. Theres like 40 different words that mean "unite", or "destroy" or anything.

Also, I can read VNs decently but still take a long time to write sentences in Japanese, and make all sorts of mistakes while talking. Fuck you passive vocabulary. Its great to be able to understand something like 「柵に囚われる」 but fuck if I can remember it, let alone use it in a sentence.

>> No.8488922

Its not harder, just takes more time because there's 2000 to learn for you to be able to read well.

If you learn your kanji radicals, shit becomes tons easier too, but in the end, all you really need is lots of time and patience for kanji.

If you only know your kana, you're pretty useless and fucked. Everything these days uses kanji.

>> No.8489003

Learning hieroglyphs is retarded.

>> No.8489156

>Everything these days uses kanji.
What the fuck? Are you implying Kanji was used less in the past?

>> No.8489265

>how much japanese can you understand if you only know katakana and hiragana?
probably only things like pokemon games. Those are almost entirely kanji free.

>> No.8489377

I was OP in the Japanese language thread we had earlier.

Sagin' this shit.

>> No.8489515

I dislike this thread, but I'm bumping just to spite you because you're a faggot.

>> No.8490154

>hurr I hate this thread sage sage sage

>> No.8490178

Can one of you Japanese wizards help me wrap my head around the の. I get that it's for nouns-modifying-nouns, possessive, and nouns-linking-nouns, but how the hell can I be sure of what order they go in, especially in multiple scenarios.

All Genki had to say about the bullshit was that the "idea" goes first, fuck is that supposed to mean? Tae Kim was a bit better seeming to suggest that they go in the order they're modifying each other, but I'm still kind of lost.

For a ridiculous example, how would Saint John's chapel's Institute of Robot's Diamond Boners, the Virginian Branch be done and why?

>> No.8490197

Substitute "no" with "'s". That's the simple way for the application you're learning right now.

>> No.8490237


Then what's up with the bullshit like 日本語の先生 or アメリカの大学

Why do proper nouns fuck up the order, this shit is too hard for my english brain

>> No.8490296


Because if you switched the order:

先生の日本語 means another thing entirely. ([Our] teacher's Japanese)

大学のアメリカ doesn't make any sense.

>> No.8490309


Japanese teacher (Teacher of japanese)
American college (College of america)

It isn't that hard. The noun before the の possesses the noun after the の.

>> No.8490333

In case you know Chinese, it's roughly equivalent with 的.

>> No.8490345


There are Japanese study students who are unable to learn the kana in 1 semester. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.8490373

No, it just means they're retards, as he said.

>> No.8490380


No, it isn't, they are still retards.

>> No.8490491

Is there some quick overview on how I'm supposed to construct a sentence? I understand basic grammar but posts like >>8486765 confuse me a lot because most explanations I can find just deal with short sentences that only have 1 "main meaning".
