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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.00 MB, 1500x1125, reimu chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8469723 No.8469723 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the Touhou character currently liked most in the United States?
Incidentally,in japan,Reimu is liked most.

>> No.8469729
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How do you know?

>> No.8469737
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becuase she is beautiful

>> No.8469739
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x984, satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in japan and Popularity vote was held in japan.

>> No.8469744

Cirno because of disgusting secondary gaijin scum

>> No.8469747
File: 35 KB, 176x137, 1313082884373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, probably sakuya or alice or someone.

>> No.8469752

She's still lovely.

>> No.8469753


>> No.8469751
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It's probably mister spark

>> No.8469757
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Is character in Japanese clothes (such as Kaguya,Yuyuko,Reimu) unpopular?

>> No.8469769
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>Popularity vote

You mean this one?

>> No.8469774
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I'd wager Alice is most popular, followed by Sakuya. From there, Patchy seems to come in third. Though this is just my experience from 4chan and Pooshlmer.

>> No.8469777

How in the seven hells is Momiji popular? She has barely had any appearances!

Wait, is it her dog traits? It's that, isn't it?

>> No.8469783

Because of her personality.

>> No.8469796
File: 383 KB, 1055x1579, 090126_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No,it is not formula vote but Private vote in movie site.

>> No.8469810

× formula
○ official

>> No.8469832
File: 435 KB, 801x830, 1302440582216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okuu seems to be popular on /jp/.

But including secondaries, it might be Cirno or Chen.

>> No.8469837
File: 495 KB, 960x680, 1325558628887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa is really popular in the US
They like her "straightforward" attitude

>> No.8469840

No popularity poll is more official than any other, seriously.

That said, there was some kind of a vote taking place around here just recently, too. Youmu won.

>> No.8469841

I think that poll was bullshit.

I personally didn't take place because I was too lazy to go through the whole ticket thing and "wait an hour" bullshit. Yeah, I know it's to prevent cheating, but I don't care enough to go through all of that.

>> No.8469845


That was a moe contest. Youmu is the most moe, but not most popular.

>> No.8469848

/jp/ ignored it in general, and it's a good thing in my opinion, contests like that have too much potential to turn into divisive bullshit, but...

...how can you say you love you're Touhou if you can't even wait an hour to vote for her?

>> No.8469852

>most moe
>not most popular

If the most liked character is not most popular, then who is?

>> No.8469857

moe /= most liked

I like Yuugi but she's definitely not moe.

>> No.8469864

Popular as in most known?

Probably Cirno.

As in most liked?

Beats me.

>> No.8469865
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>> No.8469868
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>> No.8469870
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>> No.8469872
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>> No.8469873
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>> No.8469884

too bad, not everybody know how great she is

>> No.8469897

I don't need to vote in some sort of contest to prove my love for my favorite Touhou.
I love all Touhous and don't wish to pit them against each other in some sort of popularity contest. Each Touhou has their own uniqueness and is special in their own way.
Some people like to spam images of their favorite Touhou or try to prove to others why their favorite is the best Touhou period, but I have no such desires. Just loving her is enough for me. I don't need to prove it to anyone.

That, and I think such a contest is bullshit in general. We don't need to crown one superior to the others. All Touhous are wonderful.

>> No.8469898

Actually, yes moe == liked.

I know there were are retards who think moe means "loli kawaii uguu", but they didn't seem to skew the vote as much as I thought they would.

>> No.8469902

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. All I'm saying is, an one hour wait isn't really much of an obstacle.

>> No.8469903
File: 18 KB, 1128x254, 2012jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't really matter what they think on 2ch/2chan. Touhou is dying. Pic related.

In 5 years, we too, will only have 2 pages worth of real content, like the various /jp/ generals and the occasional Touhou dump.

>> No.8469911
File: 2 KB, 344x53, de192771997880794c00c8bdbb491928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you know how their system works.

>> No.8469912

moe=cute in japan

>> No.8469929

Their boards don't hit many pages because in Futaba threads are deleted by date no matter what page they are in, in contrast to 4chan which waits indefinitely until the thread hits the last page.

If nobody made threads in a Futaba board for a few weeks eventually every thread would get deleted automatically.

>> No.8469942
File: 136 KB, 850x569, koujou moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually seem like a Japanese person, which doesn't exactly put me in a position to argue with you about this... But if so, how do you explain all the people claiming otherwise, every dictionary definition claiming otherwise, and the various usage having nothing do to with cuteness at all?

>> No.8469947

How does it work anyway? Does the lifetime increase as more posts are made or is it just set in stone?

Also we used to have thread lifetimes here, but they were a lot longer and would usually only show up with those Rika threads.

I doubt they apply anymore though, that Teto thread is still going even after over a month.

>> No.8469953

Touhou is not dying.
Futaba is dying.

>> No.8469959

I think it's defined by board. In slower boards they are set to last for days or weeks while in faster boards like Nijiura they last for a few hours. The time and date of deletion of each thread is shown in the OP where it says
>[some date/time]頃消えます

>Also we used to have thread lifetimes here
Marked for deletion (old).

>> No.8469989
File: 345 KB, 791x907, 1327168788638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schedule for execution time
Yeah I know, it also shows a nice warning a few minutes beforehand. Only thing that sucks about that is when I miss last minute additions to a draw roulette thread.

>marked for deletion
Yes that. I don't think it'll show up anymore, the Teto thread >>>/jp/8233542 has been going since 2011/12/14

>> No.8470006

>Marked for deletion (old)

Now, correct me if I'm wrong (and I may be, since I wasn't using 4chan as much back then as I am now), but from what I remember it was just a matter of FIFO deletion method (rather than the LRU we have now). I don't recall any hard time limit.

>> No.8470355

Longneck Reimu is looooooooooong

>> No.8470370

Among all boards of 4chan, Cirno is most popular. Even people who do not like Touhou know of her.

>> No.8470374
File: 1.57 MB, 1300x1900, 078347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with it.

>> No.8470382
File: 69 KB, 421x248, 1309463304649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the cannot unsee.

>> No.8470425

Most liked? Not Tokiko.

>> No.8470449

I think that without a doubt Cirno is the most well-known. I don't know if that makes her the most popular though.

>> No.8470461

I'm not him, but people from all boards (notably /g/, /tg/ and /a/) seen to like her. Also, the Russians. /prog/ seems to like Patchouli, and /jp/ loves them all, but the only one I see regularly outside of Touhou boards is Cirno.

>> No.8470465

Also Chen. I see plenty of Chen outside of /jp/

>> No.8470490

I always wanted to know what is the Russians' favorite Touhou.

>> No.8470500


>> No.8470584

>most well-known

Well, that is one of the definitions of popularity.

But Cirno? Not Alice or Chen?

>> No.8470591

Russian Touhou fanbase is the best.

>> No.8470806

Is that supposed "japanese" person even here still? Is he even reading these?

Also why is Reimu liked the most over there? Is it because she is superior Nippon woman is that it? Well I got news for you buddy. Here I like Marisa because she is superior Western woman so there!

>> No.8471239

I think the Japanese fanbase likes Marisa enough. She's probably the most liked next to Reimu, if fanworks are anything to go by.

>> No.8471568

This is "japanese" person.
>why is Reimu liked the most over there?
First of all,she is heroine of Touhou. It is one of account.
The second is that japanese like her character.
The reason you mention is not wrong and not exact.
If you have played the touhou game (original,created by ZUN) ,you must understand my openion.
Incidentally,the person those who haven`t played Touhou is laughed at by Touhou Otaku in japan.

>> No.8471586

Chen is a strong candidate, mostly because of bkub. Cirno is another one.

>> No.8471597

>Incidentally,the person those who haven`t played Touhou is laughed at by Touhou Otaku in japan.
Hahaha, this is great. It's glad to know Japan has "secondaries" too.

I'm going to say Cirno or Marisa because of the various IOSYS videos. He asked who is most popular in the United States, not who /jp/ or even the Western Touhou fanbase likes.

>> No.8471599

Although he likes touhou,he haven`t played Touhou.
Japanese call such a man "Niwaka".

>> No.8471605
File: 14 KB, 340x296, show4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niwaka? Like にわか?
Doesn't that mean "shower"?

>> No.8471609

I love how wikipedia's article on Moe has "a picture of a moe girl"

>> No.8471610

Do Japs know that western fans also vote? We always have threads about the japanese popularity poll in /jp/ and every other major internet community dedicated to Touhou.

>> No.8471632

Niwaka also means "suddenly"
So,it means "people suddenly be foud of Touhou" and "Amateur" in English.

>> No.8471660

Why is Kisume so low?

>> No.8471675

Because she's smalltime

>> No.8471677

Don't you talk shit about my 2nd favorite 2hu.

>> No.8471684

That's pretty interesting that you have a term for it like we do.

>> No.8471694

I'm sorry anon but..Tokiko scored higher than your toho

>> No.8471697

In my home country, this is Nara of japan, american student
1.stealing stuff everything
2.lyingto policeman
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.dont having money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5.raping jap gal because jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by american
7.very smell body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
american=monkey same

>> No.8471710
File: 216 KB, 600x800, Cirno - Mexican fairy police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from the U.S, I like Cirno and Medicine the most. Cirno is best suited to represent the USA anyways, because she thinks she's the STRONGEST, but in reality she's just a moron who never learns her lesson.

>> No.8471717

no one appreciates bucket moe, fuck this gay earth.

>> No.8471728

Maybe they would if there was more porn of her.

But seriously bro, just keep her to yourself. Somethings are best enjoyed alone.

>> No.8471738

Yeah you have a point, there's assloads of porn of my favorite 2hu which explains why she's at the top.

>> No.8471740
File: 274 KB, 825x900, 1327510611870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute but >>8471728

>> No.8471752

Who is yours?

>> No.8471757

Frog slut

>> No.8471771

As an American my favorite is Keine.

I'd guess Reimu would actually still be the favorite overall, however. She's just a really good design.

>> No.8471780

i'd guess either Cirno or Flan. they both seem really popular from what i've seen of the American cosplay community.

>> No.8471788

Yeah Cirno, Flan and Reimu were the only 2hus I knew by name before I even got into the fandom.

>> No.8471799

We seem to have largely missed it last year. As a board, at least.

And personally, I never vote. I'm afraid that my vote will get thrown out if I don't comment due to foreign IP, I don't want to use English, and the idea of writing in Japanese still scares me, I'm too paranoid I'll make some dumb mistake that will expose me anyway, or worse yet, make it appear that my favourite Touhou is liked by idiots.

>> No.8471824

Beside the point

>> No.8471834

I've voted for three years and I've never had any problems. You don't have to write a comment, you know. Far from everyone does.

How is it beside the point?

>> No.8471836

You can't deny the porn has a heavy influence on popularity.

>> No.8471842
File: 348 KB, 499x374, yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Yukari? Really?

>> No.8471865
File: 55 KB, 300x400, Chara04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It means "a rarefied pseudo-love for certain fictional characters (in anime, manga, and the like) and their related embodiments."
God fucking damn it.

Is a blog/website article on "Japan Society" even a proper source? Like I could say, "moe is a type of cheese" on nihongoland.org and would that somehow be as correct as THIS definition supposedly is?

>> No.8471916

>rarefied pseudo-love
what does that even mean?

>> No.8471932

"Rarefied" generally has a similar meaning to "esoteric", in that it's uncommon and understood by only a few people.
"Pseudo-love" means fake/pretend love I guess.

>> No.8471936

So they're trying to say the love I feel for my waifu isn't real?

>> No.8471938

Of course it isn't. You're just lying to yourself. It's all a big game of pretend and deep down you know it.

But that's okay!

>> No.8471941

I'm fully aware how crazy it is, but it didn't stop me from bringing a figurine of her to work every day.

>> No.8471943

Do you know "Doujin-shi"?
It is a fan book.
In japan, normal Doujin-shi(not porn) is more marketable than porn Doujin-shi.

>> No.8471947
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>> No.8471948

Oh we know doujin-shi alright. Isn't Touhou one of the few mediums where non-h doujin-shi out numbers the ero?

>> No.8471953

We know of Doujinshi.

>In japan, normal Doujin-shi(not porn) is more marketable than porn Doujin-shi.
Sadly it's not the same here. Porn is always prioritized over non-porn. Sure, work-safe stuff is also enjoyed, shared and translated, but not as wide spread as the porn. It's a tragedy, but it's more or less the truth.

>> No.8471954

This reminds me: why do /jp/ers called doujinshi "doujins"? Of course all doujinshi *are* doujin works, but why do so few people specifically say "doujinshi"? Did "doujin" just catch on more here?

>> No.8471957

>In japan, normal Doujin-shi(not porn) is more marketable than porn Doujin-shi.

Lies. Lies!

>> No.8471960

It's apparently one of them cultural differences.

>> No.8471967

Guys stop talking to the nice Japanese man about porn. They're all very reserved in Japan and don't like to talk about such things. In fact it's very risky him being here because he might stumble across a picture of an uncensored v*gina.

>> No.8471970

If this is true then I actually might wish I was japanese.

I doubt it however

>> No.8471971


I do not and like to believe that people who do come from other boards.

>> No.8471975

Yes but over here everything needs to have sex and porn in it.

Also I think my favorite is Cirno, Marisa, Chen or Nazrin.

>> No.8471977

anyone who makes a Nip word plural isn't a true "/jp/er"

>> No.8471986

It is true. For Touhou fandom. You know full well Japanese as a nation are extremely perverted otherwise.

>> No.8471996

I like Youmu the most. Most moe AND softest. Also she comes with a myon.

>> No.8472000

I rather liked /jp/sie.

>> No.8471997

The Japanese aren't perverted, they just happen to be responsible for my more obscure fetishes. Like Randoseru.

>> No.8471998

Yeah, that's why I used the quotes.
Also, do you have some objection to "/jp/er"? I only recently started lurking (and just started posting) again, but it seems to be the accepted demonym now.
I always preferred "/jp/edo".

>> No.8472001

Good to know.
It might be because of a wider variation of people in the Japanese fandom.

In the west there's just sadistic neck-beards fapping to girls being gang raped until they like it while spamming hurr secondary/primary bullshit and that's it.

I hate you all so much sometimes.

>> No.8472003


There's a difference between being a pervert and not repressing the people around you who are.

>> No.8472006

Secondary is old and busted, I say we adopt "Niwaka"

>> No.8472009

How about we combine these things and call /jp/ denizens niwaka?

>> No.8472011
File: 31 KB, 240x400, 120126_1011~001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That`s right.
Not lie,actually, I also have more normal than porn.
Ero is only one.

>> No.8472012

I'm willing to bet most of /jp/ are filthy niwaka.

>> No.8472017

You have some superb taste, how did you find /jp/ anyway Reimu-san?

>> No.8472029

How many do you own? If I lived in japan, I fear every single penny would be used to buy doujinshi and doujin ongaku.

I get stressed just thinking about all the stuff I want to buy and own.

>> No.8472030

It'd be nice buying doujinshi for 500 yen and not dropping 2000 in shipping.

>> No.8472034

Why are you on 4chan? >>>/2ch/

>> No.8472042

Yes, that too
I think about that every time I browse YA!J or whatever. The doujinshi themselves are cheap but the import is fucking ridiculous, and it makes feel incredibly unmotivated buy anything at all instead...

>> No.8472044

stop bullying the moon man, he might take our touhou away.

>> No.8472053
File: 23 KB, 312x347, Azusa pff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is buying into the "authentic" japanese poster

>> No.8472057


Why are you on /jp/? >>>/a/

>> No.8472050

I'm all for it.

Especially since my autism still prevents me from accepting the current bastardized definition of "secondary" anyway. I still remember how it meant "those filthy anime fans tainting our pure shmup community". And I'm a secondary.

>> No.8472052

There is no denying that Sanae is a slut.
Seems like the whole world agree.

>> No.8472062

>pure shmup community
Was the Touhou community ever this? Except for maybe a small clubhouse in 2005?

>> No.8472071
File: 453 KB, 1500x960, 1326570305684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It runs in the family

>> No.8472103

It is pleasant that speak with different country people and I study Englishu for the sake of entrance examination of University.
It will give you one of my collection, if good.
If you show disposable e-mail adress,I will send to you with translation.

>> No.8472105

>a small clubhouse in 2005

Probably, yeah. By the time I joined the fandom, we were already a vast majority. That's probably why the original "secondary" troll turned out to be that effective.

>> No.8472110

What? Seriously?
Give me? Like send it to me?

>> No.8472117

That was a fake poster, not OP nor the original 霊夢.

>> No.8472118
File: 13 KB, 261x221, 1266894634652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't even trying anymore huh? Well you may have fooled the others but you have not got me one bit

>> No.8472122

> "secondary" troll
Is this one of those cases where we retcon a valid term to be a troll?
Like when posters claim people got "trolled" into reading SICP even though it's a good book?

>> No.8472126

Hold on, guys. Let me get some information out of this guy.


>> No.8472133


He can handle English, weeaboo.

>> No.8472138

he's being polite to the moon man and showing him hospitality, gaijin.

>> No.8472141


Oh please.

>Primary Touhou fan: One who became interested in Touhou due to it's games. A longtime fan of shmup/arcade/retro-esque games, this person likes Touhou for it's actual gameplay, music and/or art/style. Probably has an interest in secondary works, but most likely enjoys the main games and ZUN's works more so.

>Secondary Touhou fan: One who became interested in Touhou due to some offshoot (dojin works, IOSYS, fanart, 4chan...). May or may not have an interest in its main genre and more likely have not really played the games; if they did play, it's only to see what the game is like and doesn't get into it (i.e. 1CCing normal or completing extra). However, probably enjoys the side games (IaMP and SWR) and may or may not enjoy the fanworks. This is also the typical "Touhoufag."

Go ahead, tell me it's not a troll.

>> No.8472145

``dumbshit'' is not a valid term, but it's a perfect description of you regardless.

>> No.8472149

Different person here.

I don't see how this screams ``troll'' to anyone. It's a valid term.

>> No.8472152

The part that makes me giggle is the elitism that forms out of that.

>> No.8472154

Huh? By telling him about the pleasure of intra-body ejaculation?

>> No.8472160

I don't see what you're suggesting.
There are plenty of people who got into Touhou because it's a fun shmup and then got into the fan works and such. Likewise there are plenty of people who found the videos and artwork first, then got into the shmups because of those. Obviously this is more common.
Distinguishing between the two is useful.

The only thing I'd disagree with is that those descriptions imply it's how you "found" Touhou that matters, not how you are now. They'd be more valid if they described each type of fan in the present tense.

>> No.8472161

It is but niwaka is the new hotness.

>> No.8472165

My only real problem is that the "secondary" term seems to assume that just because you're a secondary you can't love the original games or other original works.

Overall it's just very generalized.

>> No.8472173

>It's a valid term.

But I agree.

The elitist way in which it is presented and the strawman descriptions, though...

>> No.8472174

Look at all of that implication.
>May or may not
>may or may not

and then a pathetic attempt at an insult:

Also, it's implying that every secondary is a shitty player and every primary is a shmup enthusiast. It's like some angry child got really frustrated with other people enjoying the same things and decided to separate the fans into a ``god tier, true fan'' group and a ``shit tier, touhoufag'' group. It's surprising that people actually take it seriously, but then again, you probably the kind to take the term ``weeaboo'' seriously, as well.

>> No.8472187

> just because you're a secondary you can't love the original games or other original works.
It's not saying you *can't*, it's suggesting that's just an inherent part about being a secondary. Like it touched upon people who "just tried" the games quite nicely. Anything after that is a grey area and one that's pointless to get into, otherwise we'll have all sort of floatingpointiaries or something.
It may seem stereotyped but these people do exist. Check DeviantART or any IOSYS video on YouTube. Or even just /a/.

>> No.8472204

>>May or may not
Why do people hate this phrase so much? Yeah, obviously those are the only two possibilities. But it's useful to state that in a given context. Here it's saying that:
* Secondaries may have an interest in the main genre.
* Secondaries may not have an interest in the main genre.
It makes it clear that both possibilities exist within the secondary domain.

>> No.8472205
File: 32 KB, 240x400, 120126_1051~001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don`t find fault with someone.>Englishu
yes, if good.

>> No.8472209

I'm suggesting the person who wrote the original pasta and coined the terms did so to stir shit up and succeeded. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.8472213

>It's not saying you *can't*
But it more or less is.

I know these people exists, but the reason the term "secondary" is a problem that bothers many is because of the extremely generalizing implications that go along with it.

>> No.8472215

You people seem to be forgetting that primaries and secondaries are two stereotyped extremes. You get your hardcore shmup fans who really enjoy Touhou and they're obviously primaries. You also get DeviantARTists spamming memes on IOSYS videos. Those are clearly secondaries.
Not everyone falls neatly into one of two categories. If you have to question whether someone is a primary or secondary then they're neither, so don't try to qualify them as such.

>> No.8472222


>> No.8472228
File: 503 KB, 976x827, 1299497481409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think that stupid copypasta was what first defined "primaries" and "secondaries"!

>> No.8472229

It's very good. I don't even care if troll.
Please use hello_anonymous@live.com

If you want too, we can talk on msn, too.

>> No.8472245

Care to present some evidence of the terms being used earlier? (And, no, references to "secondary works" don't count, it's a common English term.)

>> No.8472247

Some primaries may or may not be good at the games.
Some primaries may or may not like shmups in general.
Some primaries may or may not have played any shmups prior to Touhou.
Some primaries may or may not even know the names of the characters nor music.
Some primaries may or may not have ever played any of the spinoff games.
I wonder why none of that went into the description of a ``primary.'' Instead, we get that they are good at shmups, like the games, better players, etc.

>The only thing I'd disagree with is that those descriptions imply it's how you "found" Touhou that matters, not how you are now.
But that is the entire basis on which the term originated. You can not disagree with the roots. You can disagree with everything else, but even if you play the games a lot and still got into Touhou from the music, you're a secondary. You can not have a single quality of a secondary, but if you got into Touhou from doujin work, you're a secondary. That is where all validity of the term secondary is broken, and why the poster above came to the conclusion that it's troll terminology.

>> No.8472255

Maybe the author assumed the readers wouldn't be autistic and could grasp pragmatism and form simple patterns in their head like normal human beings?
Perhaps he should have written up an XML schema strictly defining the "primary" and "secondary" domains, just for you!

>> No.8472271

Basically, yes. That's exactly how it works.

Wikipedia is shit.

>> No.8472282

That's more like it! When you don't have a valid counterargument, just pull a completely irrelevant response out of your ass. It will give you the self-satisfaction of believing that you're right.

>> No.8472289

You are an ass hat.

>> No.8472301

Please only say truth.

>> No.8472310
File: 9 KB, 170x170, Satori face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh buddy. If you really truly claim to be an authentic japanese person you have a lot to learn with this place. I dont know much about the kind of posters in 2ch or 2chan but in 4chan it is a whole other ball game.

>> No.8472329 [DELETED] 
File: 43 B, 1x1, qm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come most touhou fans don't play the games?

>> No.8472342


What? Not really. 2ch is similar. ghard is more mature but still has trolls. True 2ch users use external clients to monitor threads which are usually maintained and continued once they reach near 1000 posts (does 4chan have an external client like this?), 2chan is like a slow version of /v/.

>> No.8472344
File: 30 KB, 310x310, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8472354

>2chan is like a slow version of /v/.
jesus christ how horrifying.jpg

On another note I am kinda happy that 2ch and 4chan arent all that different :3

>> No.8472383

Yeah, both are full of normalfags.

>> No.8472484

>>8472301 is not me but someone else

>> No.8472599
File: 110 KB, 263x480, miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Touhou is Toyosatomimi no Miko

It was Marisa until Ten Desires came out

>> No.8472604

I love her, too. Deformed hands and all.

>> No.8472610

I love how 10 years later the art still looks like shit.

>> No.8472643

Art does not get better over time anon

>> No.8472651

This. In fact if you have it saved to your hard drive in a lossy format (e.g. JPEG) it actually get WORSE over time due to the rotational velocidensity of your hard drive.

>> No.8472659

mind posting that kopipe? it's been a while since I've last read it.

>> No.8472662

I like ZUN's art, it's endearing.

>> No.8472663

I'd say ZUN's gotten way better. He was probably just drunk off his ass when he gave Miko two right hands.

>> No.8472666

wait there's a moment in the day ZUN isn't drunk off his ass?

>> No.8472677

Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media. I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

>> No.8472682

Seeing the difference now isn't the reason to save images in PNG. PNG uses lossless compression, while JPG is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the JPG sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 120 pixels, assuming you have SATA - it's about 150 pixels on IDE, but only 7 pixels on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting JPGs in about 2001, and if I try to see any of the images I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed with perfect image quality, they just seem like crap. The reds look terrible, the blues...well don't get me started. Some of those photo albums have degraded down to 320 or even 160 pixels in total. PNG photos from the same period still seem great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to PNG, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.

>> No.8472711

I didn't mean to imply that.

>> No.8472718

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say he was sober when he drew Miko's hands?

>> No.8473088
File: 62 KB, 640x480, Laughing Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's new to me, holy shit.

>> No.8473115

So close, yet so far.

>> No.8473229
File: 119 KB, 500x197, 1278710670725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice load of bs there.

>> No.8473378
File: 50 KB, 355x358, yotsuba_c065_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8473498
File: 471 KB, 700x990, 623ae771bfc8fee92513875c3f4f8f3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is Momiji!

>> No.8473508

Australia likes Satori.
I know this because I am the only Australian who knows what Touhou is and I like Satori.


>> No.8473569

Maybe we wills start seeing more vectorized formats like SVG.

>> No.8473642

Momiji looks very boyish in that picture.

>> No.8474192
File: 320 KB, 1200x857, momimomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though Momiji dont have spell card and do a nonspeaking part in Hujinroku(Frankly speaking, she is supporting player),she is loved so much.

>> No.8474196


2 Australians that like Satori.

It's not just you

>> No.8474202

more popular in the west than in japan it seems.

>> No.8474239

Make it 3.

>> No.8474244

Alright it was funny at first but this needs to stop. Three australians in one place is getting out of hand and quite frankly uncalled for.

>> No.8474262


>> No.8474368

When is this year reitaisai poll starting?
Would be interesting to see Sanae, Youmu and Sakuya rank after TD.

>> No.8474419

>reitaisai poll

You mean the thwiki poll? 19th of February, I believe.

The Pixiv's Reitaisai contest wasn't a poll, strictly speaking, and I think it was supposed to be a one-off event to begin with.

>> No.8474438

Why does this not surprise me one bit?

Satori's living in a remote, god-forsaken place away from other Touhous (a literal hell, to boot), surrounded by various demonic animals. Being Australians, you can certainly sympathize.

>> No.8474686

It's not actually as bad here. Well, sure, you have dingos breaking into your home once in a while, and sometimes you have to fight off crocodiles when they attack you when you're out taking a walk, but hey! At least the government has recently sterilized the kangaroos, so we don't have to deal with fleas when we go somewhere.

>> No.8477402


>> No.8477402,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not a bad prediction.
