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847126 No.847126 [Reply] [Original]

There should be more straight Touhou doujins. How am I supposed to escape my suffering if I don't have an anonymous, faceless male that I can imagine is my lonely self?
It'd be even better if it was entirely in first person point-of-view.

Welp... I wonder when that book I ordered on the various ways to commit suicide is going to arrive.

>> No.847142

>Welp... I wonder when that book I ordered on the various ways to commit suicide is going to arrive.

Just had to throw that in, huh champ?

>> No.847148

Girl-girl action, but with penises thrown in for good measure. More than makes up for the lack of males in the Touhouverse

>> No.847191

I lied. I haven't ordered it because that would involve opening the door to receive the package. Sounds like a good book though.


>> No.847198

I'm sorry. I'm not gay.

>> No.847203

Read Shubesuta's work then.

>> No.847205

>There should be more straight Touhou doujins. How am I supposed to escape my suffering if I don't have an anonymous, faceless male
There are shittons of those, faggot. What there aren't many of are straight Touhou doujins with actual male characters. I don't care if they're made up male tengu, giant frogs or Rinnosuke, as long as they aren't faceless.

>> No.847209
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>How am I supposed to escape my suffering if I don't have an anonymous, faceless male that I can imagine is my lonely self?

I know what you mean man. We need more stuff like this:

>> No.847219

I don't know why, but I've never really viewed Rinnosuke as the type to get laid, so it always feels a bit weird seeing him in doujins.

>> No.847224

I demand sauce on the delicious KOS-MOS doujin

>> No.847225

>Put your name into the 'OO'


>> No.847237
File: 513 KB, 900x900, 1213821526165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>847219as the type to get laid,

But just look at the man

>> No.847236

The one's I've seen involve rape or the Touhous are disgustingly fat chested and whatnot.

>> No.847243

Your supposed to imagine yourself as a playable character with a futa.

That said I like /u/ and wish there were more /u/ touhou doujins instead of futa.

>> No.847244

It's a KOS-MOS/To Heart doujin. Quite the deal if you ask me. I saved it to my HD at least two years ago, but it seems to come up in Rapidsearch. Hope it's the right one: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IF93S8OA

>> No.847256

Many thanks, Anon.

>> No.847257

when i read futa touhous i imagine myself as the receiver
that way i cum with happiness and love for the world

>> No.847262
File: 148 KB, 747x768, 1213821890837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be more straight doujins of everything.

Especially of those "yuri" series. Homo porn is boring, and all futa does is confuse me.

>> No.847268



>> No.847269

Wapourif/Sibylla is straight. Enjoy your breasts.

>> No.847276

Don't be so angry, sagefriend.

>> No.847280

I dont like futa and the only straight I'll touch is the stuff with any of the two male characters in it and that shit depends. I already have all the good /u/ stuff and thats like just 30 doujins so yeah.

>> No.847285

ZUN needs to create a new male character.
ALL games and their fanbase start to fag up if they don't have decent balance in gender.

>> No.847290
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At least Aaeru is attracted to flat surfaces.

>> No.847292

I wish that there was more tohofags like you.

>> No.847296
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>> No.847297
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>>847285 gender balance, too gay

>> No.847302
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>> No.847306


There is no need for more male characters. All they need to do is stop ruining the girls by sticking dicks on them, and either do yuri or utilize Rinnosuke and Youki.

>> No.847307


>> No.847308

Fuck you guys. I wish to be the little girl!

>> No.847316
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>> No.847320
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>> No.847321



More like improving!

>> No.847327


No, ruining. Sure, you may be a faggot who likes it, but that doesn't make it an improvement.

>> No.847331
File: 358 KB, 1075x1514, 1213823287522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use young or even old Youki see that's just being lazy.

>> No.847334

What Gensokyo needs is a fugly fat male character like the one in Densha Yuyuko.

>> No.847344

Did he just fuck Komachi?

>> No.847343

What, a Mary Sue?

>> No.847354


if this is a h-doujin, then /r/ sauce

>> No.847368

How is a woman with a penis fucking another woman gay?
I don't get it.

>> No.847378

The shud just make equal amounts of everything that why everyone's happy.

>> No.847392

for what you could of had instead

>> No.847451

How is he a Mary Sue when Yuyuko instant killed him afterwards?

>> No.847457

It's been a subject of shitstorm debate. Leave it be. Not gay, though.

>> No.847473
File: 665 KB, 1075x1515, 1213825009581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personaly like a woman that can summon tentakels over a trani or a hemaphrodite ANY FUCKING DAY.

But thats just me.

>> No.847495
File: 44 KB, 600x400, 1213825189512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After about 3 years into animu porn anyone should realize futa is lesbian porn with cumshots. Fucking newfags.

>> No.847519


Because of this

>instant killed him afterwards

Instead of, say, wiping him out existence before he did the deed.

>> No.847536

Don't you strart bitch its not the fucking same thing and you don't have to be a new fag to not like it.

>> No.847543

Don't you start bitch its not the fucking same thing and you don't have to be a new fag to not like it.

>> No.847551

You forgot to fix the rest.

>> No.847556

your image makes you a faggot

>> No.847560

Oh jesus christ, is this the author I think it is?
If it is, I hate this guy. He draws the girls so small and the guys so big that the sex is just painful to look at. Seriously, that penis was like--a third of the girl's height. Jesus christ. It must have ripped through her vagina, through her intestines, her lungs, coming to rest somewhere in the vicinity of her chest--


>> No.847561


>> No.847562

It's gay because fapping to penises is gay.

>> No.847572

Watching porn must scare you half to death

>> No.847585

But it's the truth.

>> No.847595

Reminds me of Mudo.

>> No.847600


but they still have features that define them as female

>> No.847603

Being an experianced men in life is a good thing.

Being a man experianced in porn is no thing to be proud of.

>> No.847608

Like the distinct lack of a penis!
Oh, wait.

>> No.847623

If you make a tenis ball with wings it will not fly better.
Women don't need penis to be sexy.
You are just faggots.

>> No.847632

>Women don't need penis to be sexy.

I think you miss the point, BUDDY.

>> No.847636

>It's been a subject of shitstorm debate. Leave it be.

I agree.

>Not gay, though.

Delude yourself moar fag.

>> No.847652


Yes. And combining those features with masculine features, for example A FUCKING PENIS, makes you gay.

>> No.847648

like >>847473 said its still not a woman

>> No.847649

It's always the people who try to convince others, and themself, that such things are evil and disgusting. And then go and watch them when no one is looking.

>> No.847675

I wish to think that futa is only a matter of lack in manly cast.
But I know that there is futa of Tsukihime, Guilty Gear and Slaanesh only know what else.
There is no excuse for this shit.

>> No.847681

aren't you the one trying to convince him that its a women?

>> No.847694

That post I'll be copying it.

>> No.847697

Wriggle needs more action.

>> No.847715

We still dot know what Wriggle is.

>> No.847716

Original post, do not steal.

>> No.847711

An ugly fat fuck fan fiction author inserting himself into a story as an ugly fat fuck character.

>> No.847724

A firefly

>> No.847726

Now I'm interested. Who is this author?

>> No.847729

The last part was merely my opinion, and if you believe that makes me a faggot, then I am a massive one at that.

>> No.847734

true mary sue is cute, sexy and awesome in every way
also hack tier

self-insertion is just self-insertion

>> No.847744

Opinions are made through personal experience.

>> No.847745

>true mary sue is cute, sexy and awesome in every way

Which is why Nia from TTGL is not a Sue, because she fails to meet any of those criteria.

>> No.847746
File: 38 KB, 210x388, 1213827878792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this a sign from god?

>> No.847752

Nia from TTGL is not a Sue because a Mary Sue, by definition, is a SELF-INSERT CHARACTER.

>> No.847757


>> No.847766

Looks like an ad to me, brah.

>> No.847769

ITT We do not know what the term Mary Sue means. As usual.

The term "Mary Sue" is taken from a character created by Paula Smith in 1974 for her parody story "A Trekkie's Tale," published in her fanzine Menagerie #2. The character in question was Lieutenant Mary Sue ("the youngest Lieutenant in the fleet — only fifteen and a half years old"). Smith's story poked fun at what she considered to be the unrealistic and adolescent wish-fantasy characters appearing in Star Trek fan fiction of the period. Such characters were, in general, original (non-canon) and female adolescents who had romantic liaisons with established canon adult characters. They also possessed unrealistic, unlikely, and often exotic skills and traits above and beyond those that would have been expected of any character in that particular series or of a conventional author surrogate.

>> No.847771


Except SIs aren't necessarily perfect characters, while all Mary Sues, by definition, ARE PERFECT IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY

>> No.847785


Except "A Trekkie's Tale" was only considered parody years after it was first published. What made Mary Sue the household word was because the author was really serious about it.

>> No.847797

This thread is an eyesore.
And nobody besides trolls actually believe Nia is a mary sue. Or people who don't know the definition of mary sue.

>> No.847800

Girl + Girl = Heterosexual.
Man with penis + Girl = Heterosexual.
Girl with penis + Girl = Gayer Than A Tree Full Of Monkeys On Nitrous Oxide.

>> No.847802

No, just a joke.
He mades fun of you again.
Just wait till you die and hit his CCHHRRUAZZZZY party.

>> No.847811

>Girl + Girl = Heterosexual.

>> No.847812

>Girl + Girl = Heterosexual.
You are close but this needs some work

>> No.847819


He is referring to the fact that it is perfectly heterosexual for a dude to fap to, I'm pretty sure he's not calling lesbians heterosexuals.

>> No.847846

I was talking from a male masturbatory perspective. I did initially state this but decided to remove it to condense my post, assuming it was self-explanatory given context. In hindsight, this was a rather silly assumption to make.

>> No.847847

>Man with penis

Strange that you added this last bit.
Have you imagined a guy without one?
Also lesbian sex is ok but heterosexual is still more appealing for me.

>> No.847852

if he like looking at a man's body fucking a girl instead of a woman's body fucking a girl, that's his prob.

>> No.847884

its not a woman

>> No.847891

Man it's hard to imagine a doujin where everything would be seen from a first person perspective

>> No.847904

But the way how things look on /jp/ is OUR problem.

>> No.847921

I don't have problem with that.
Work on your imagination.

>> No.847980

Download Kagura Mania and other doujins by Big Boss.

>> No.847989
File: 39 KB, 472x469, 1213829974431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, serious and DEEP talk in my /jp/?

>> No.848033

It's good to have threads like this from time to time.
You have your ronry threads and we have our futa rage versions to release the frustration.
Both are equally useless.

>> No.848065
File: 2.00 MB, 1300x918, 1213830653076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe on a subconscious level I was scared someone would post a dojin with some kind of weird reverse futa.

Anyway, Yuri is generally rather boring with no climax and I put this down to the lack of man handle being manhandled. Touhou contains no fitting male characters and when dojin artists add them they’re either disgusting fat-otaku or faceless twats and neither of these should be touching my waifu’s vajayjay to begin with (thank you Paranoia Cat). Penis on a girl contains 90% less man so I’m probably not turning into a flaming bender unless all I do is focus on the sensuous arcs, playful curves and striking veins of their erotic, sensuous shafts and lolling sexy helmets.

>> No.848175

Yes, the doujin world needs more touhou guys(all 2 of them not counting never shown lord of tengu).
I still don't get it why they draw those stupid fatfuck faggots, like there was no better option.
Also it's a shame that there is no game with them as playable characters.
A new doujin with young Youki would be fuckawsome.

>> No.848239

>>848065is generally rather boring

A good doujinka with half a brain can make epic shit.

>> No.848269

>A good doujinka with half a brain
Gues what.
That's rare

>> No.848281
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>> No.848300

>I still don't get it why they draw those stupid fatfuck faggots, like there was no better option.

You're looking at the wrong party, fag. Besides fucking fuglies adds to the slut and humiliation factor and by that to my arousal.

>> No.848301

And that is exactly what I am talking about.

>> No.848328

There are like 4 of them that just do good Yuri the rest with the capability for it have dicks in the brain like most japanese men.

>> No.848330

>Besides fucking fuglies adds to the slut and humiliation factor and by that to my arousal.

That's why you will be able to create a happy family only after reincarnation.

>> No.848359


>> No.848385

>It'd be even better if it was entirely in first person point-of-view

Like a Touhou VN?. That would be epic.

>> No.848405

As long it's not /eientei/...

>> No.848424

The only yuri I've seen that's got me going was in a Momizi x Aya dojin. But, rather amusingly, the artist panicks halfway through and Aya kisses Momizi with a mouthful of Mancock Elixir.

>> No.848592

you're one of those sickos who post happy sex threads in /h/, aren't you? YOU. MAKE. ME. SICK!
