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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8462123 No.8462123 [Reply] [Original]

why don't you have a yandere waifu?

>> No.8462145
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>> No.8462149
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>> No.8462187

I have a certain /jp/ trip anon as my husbando, i like to think of him as yandere from time to time when i fap.

I want to be his waifu

>> No.8462189

holy SHIT that was a bad post

>> No.8462307
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>> No.8462312
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>> No.8462317
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>> No.8462325

This is my dream.

>> No.8462334

yandere waifus are too mainstream for me

>> No.8462349

I really wish I did. We could both obsess over each other and never let each other out of our sight. It would be perfect. God, I'm so lonely.

>> No.8462363

I do have a yandere waifu though.

>> No.8462366

>Implying there are more than 4 animes with real yanderes
>Implying there are lots of translated VNs with yanderes in them

>> No.8462370
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Who is she, Anon?

>> No.8462374

Yandere is actually very common in Otome games.
I have never been at a loss whenever I searched for them anyways.

>> No.8462385

I need to play more of these games with yanderes in them....

>> No.8462396

>katawa shoujo(?)

>> No.8462403

What are the translated VNs with yanderes? Tag search on VNDB yields... not much.

>> No.8462401

I hope you like dudes.

>> No.8462420

I wish Katawa Shoujo had a yandere in it
Replace Lilly with blind yandere
She can't see you, but as she gets to know you more, she's memorized your face and the way your hands feel
every wrinkle and every ridge
She knows the way your footsteps sound and the rhythm of your breathing
She knows your scent

She tracks you down based on all the factors
She doesn't need to know what your face looks like
She's memorized every other detail about you

>> No.8462425

if they're girly enough I'm sure I could get over it...

;_; i just want my yandere

>> No.8462430

The tragedy of KS is not how shitty it was, but how much wasted potential it had.

>> No.8462442

Because Yandere is the archetype for LOL SO EDGY XD faggots who saw the end of School Days and think they're down because they're watching/reading Mirai Nikki.

>> No.8462454


That's stupid.
You're stupid.

If she was capable of doing all that shit she wouldn't be a in a school for the disabled.

>> No.8462468

>Implying Koharu isn't my favorite yandere
>Implying her love isn't the truest

You can have your bitchy tsundere, I'll take this pure love

>> No.8462489

but Kenji can still do lots of things and so can Hisao

Emi can run faster than anyone else

your point?

>> No.8462501


Tsundere? Pfft!

I'll be over here with my soft spoken Ojousama who says "Ara ara~" when doing lewd things.


There's a difference though. What you're talking about having Lilly do is Daredevil level shit.

Memorizing the rhythm of someone's footsteps,knowing their scent and can track you down on a big school campus with no assistance?

C'mon son.

>> No.8462547

not all blind people require assistance
she might have been going there long enough to memorize it, or she is obsessed enough to memorize the route her love goes every day

she would still need her cane
no daredevil tier stuff
Just dedication

Oujosama in a wheel chair please

>> No.8462548

Do yandere girls really exist? I don't even care if they're 300lbs or horribly deformed.

I would find a way to conquer my anxiety and force myself outside if it meant that I could be with a yandere.

>> No.8462562

yes, and I use to read a couple blogs about some real girls who were yandere mode.
One of them isn't active anymore

I've started threads about it on /r9k/ before and got plenty of results. They're real

>> No.8462571


They're actually very common even in mainstream society. They're just called stalkers and normalfags are ungrateful pieces of shit that run away as soon as any girl shows them deep love.

>> No.8462572

I think I'm incapable of love or something. I still haven't found a waifu or husbando.

>> No.8462579

Maybe 2D isn't for you
Maybe you should read Koharu no Hibi

you can't NOT fall in love

>> No.8462582

Don't worry, you'll find one eventually. And when you do, you'll know it.

>> No.8462586

Look up "dependent personality disorder" and the "anxious-preoccupied" style of attachment in attachment theory.

>> No.8462613

I had a relationship with a 3D yandere once. I was about 15 at the time. She texted me hundreds of times each day, was completely obsessed with me, and would spiral into intense jealous rage if anyone other than her spoke to me.

I broke up with her because she was freaking me out. That's by far the biggest regret I have in my entire life, I was such an idiot for throwing away the best girl in the whole world.

>> No.8462625

I plan on marrying my yandere, I love her very much.

>> No.8462630

Flip side: is anyone HERE a yandere?
As far as I'm aware I've lost all physical attraction for 3D, but should I chance upon a girl I click with I think I would be incredibly clingy and obsessive. In fact a lot of my real world friendships with women fell apart because I hated when they gave any sort of attention to other males.

>> No.8462631

If she truly loved you she will be more than happy to take you back

>> No.8462639

Oh snap you just reminded me I was sort of in a similar situation. I was 16 and there was this cute Russian girl who really liked me. She was very inappropriate (I think she had autistic disorder) and incredibly clingy. Unfortunately it freaked me out and I was pursuing a different girl at the time, then I later left school.
Oh, what could have been...

>> No.8462641


I guess I am, but I've managed to suppress it well enough that I don't think my obsession would show if I ever happened to get into a relationship.

>> No.8462648

I'd definitely be clingy and obsessive, but I'm probably too beta to be a real yandere.

>> No.8462651

I have two!


>> No.8462667

I have let my boyfriend know in no uncertain terms that if he breaks up with me I will kill myself. I live for him. He is okay with it though, he thinks I am very cute because I am so dedicated.

>> No.8462683

I don't know if I'd be yandere but I do have someone I am very much in love with.
We were childhood friends and I've been in love with him since I was young. Every time he told me he had a crush on a girl, I'd pretend to be happy for him. The second he left, I would cry. As I got older I learned that I could do things to keep him with me instead of with other girls.
He liked home cooking and baking, so I learned how to be a good chef. I learned to play the violin because it soothed him. I dyed my hair brown because he likes brunettes. When I was young I would pretend to get hurt so he would care for me.

I know when he wakes up and greet him every morning. Up until last month, I'd greet him in person but now he's off to college, living in a dorm.
I'd say good night to him every night. We talk on skype daily and I watch him sleep on skype.
I don't think he knows that I stay awake to watch him.
I'm 18 now and we're still best friends. I still take care of him.
I don't think he loves me like I love him, but I don't care. I want to take care of him and love him until I die.

>> No.8462687

There aren't many yandere in anime or translated VNs, and while it's a bit more common in manga, I rarely see a title with yandere as a main theme. Everyone knows the archetype, why isn't it as popular as say, tsundere?

>> No.8462704

That is very sweet, and a little sad.

>> No.8462707

what manga has yanderes in it?
There's Higurashi, Mirai Nikki, Onii-chan Control, and Koharu no Hibi

What else?

>> No.8462714

Which eroge is this?

>> No.8462723
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>> No.8462724

The eroge of my sad, lonely life of eternal friendship and unrequited love

>> No.8462733

I was thinking about anime and manga
i'm sorry, I haven't slept for two days

>> No.8462741
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>> No.8462745


Have you confessed yet? Maybe he loves you too.

>> No.8462756

I've tried. Every time I do, I get too scared and I usual end up crying.
He thinks I get migraines and that's why I cry.

>> No.8462757

What manga is the OP posting? Looks adorable.

>> No.8462765

Koharu no Hibi

>> No.8462770

Thank you very much anon.

>> No.8462903


Are girls like this incredibly rare? I would cut off my own arm just to date someone like this.

>> No.8462931

I'm pretty sure that Anon is male. I don't think any females like that exist.

>> No.8462943

I think many girls have the potential to be this, they just don't put all their effort into their relationships

there are other girls, though
you just have to make friends with her first

>> No.8462954

I'm not a man... unfortunately.

>> No.8462965

I don't see why you couldn't just confess to him, then.

Unless you're concerned about your physical appearance. If that's the case, then you can always work to remedy those sorts of things.

>> No.8462968

A womaaaaaaaaaan........ bitch and whore, slut, attention whore!! Cunt cunt!!

Just kidding

>> No.8462975

Because people rarely devote their lives to pleasing other people.

>> No.8462980
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Confessing takes courage I don't have, but if I was assured he'd say yes, I would do it.
If he says no, I'll ruin what I've worked for all my life.
I'd rather be his best friend than his awkward friend who he barely talks to

Why must you be so cruel, Anon?

>> No.8462985


They're common enough, but you may need to make compromises as far as what you're willing to date. I think ugliness is really one of the most reliable ways to find real yandere girls since obsession, clinginess, and all of the amazing features of a yandere typically go hand in hand with low self-esteem.

There's probably a few yandere who are attractive, but they are the exceptions. If you really do want a girl like this then I would suggest finding an extremely obese or ugly girl with a very shy and withdrawn personality. There's a high chance that she'll become obsessive and clingy as soon as she starts to open up to you.

>> No.8462988

> A womaaaaaaaaaan........ bitch and whore, slut, attention whore!! Cunt cunt!!
Now that's just rude and mea-
> Just kidding
Oh SNAP. You sure lampooned her!

>> No.8463009

Extreme obesity isn't necessary. Just find a girl with no friends. I'm waiting for you, anon.

>> No.8463013

I don't think that's necessarily true. I mean, you know more about him than I do, but there's a good chance he might suspect, or has suspected, that you have such feelings for him.

It's best to be honest and open about your feelings. Even if he doesn't feel the same way, he should be able to understand if he's a good person.

>> No.8463037

/jp/ - Relationship Advice

>> No.8463042

It's been 16 years, Anon... I've been building up this system and this relationship for 16 years
How do I even push myself to break this consistent cycle?

If it really meant him telling me he felt the same way, I'd do it.

He is a good person, so if he said no, he'd be very understanding.

>> No.8463044


Where do I find girls like that though? That's the part I'm really confused about.

While I don't talk to people online or go outside very often, the few people I have met all seem to have tons of friends. I don't really think I've ever met another person who didn't have tons of friends, it's really very intimidating. I would love to meet a yandere girl who didn't have any friends and then we could spend all of our time together, but I have no idea where to look for one.

>> No.8463094

>>I know when he wakes up and greet him every morning. Up until last month, I'd greet him in person

He'll say yes if you confess to him.

Want to know why? Because no man on Earth wants to see a woman he dislikes first thing in the morning.

>> No.8463097

My shrink once held a small party for all his patients with Asperger's Syndrome to meet and make friends. It was fun, most of the people there liked anime. I made friends with lots of people who previously had no friends. The only girls that showed up ended up dating each other, though.

>> No.8463105

but what if he just likes me as a friend?

>> No.8463124

Do what you will. I'm just some nobody on an anonymous image board. I can't give you the confidence to confess to him.

If you're truly happy the way things are, then I don't think there is any need to take immediate action. But, at the same time, I don't think there is any harm in telling him how you feel.

>> No.8463164

Then you turn yandere and "win" his heart over

(I'm not who you were talking to, I'm just being a faggot)

>> No.8463173

>this whole thread

>> No.8463188

That's because the people who don't have tons of friends do the same things you do, sit inside alone and on the computer.

I'm not sure where to find a yandere girl either though. Maybe an anime convention? There's always lots of unstable girls there who will cling to the first person who gives them attention.

>> No.8463211

/jp/ femanons are easy to get intto bed.

>> No.8463303

If I was her boyfriend I would use her until I tire of it and then break up and encourage her to kill herself.

>> No.8463318


>> No.8463330

One less /jp/er in this world is always a good thing.

>> No.8463341

Okay, fair enough. I was just curious.

>> No.8463346


Well, we can't be sure it's a femanon anyway. I could see a guy doing that, it's /jp/ after all.

>> No.8463365

I'll suck you off.

>> No.8463434

A yandere who's not taken will only be in place.
And that's wherever she is forced to pass the time and continue her hunt.
Most likely it'll be somewhere where she can also continue to groom herself while she hunts.
Education, hobbies, anything that imparts a skill.
She'll probably choose something that gives her a lot of access to people to ease her search, so that's convenient for you.
Yanderes will be easy to find, because most often they want to found and make bad shutins.

>> No.8463455

You can kinda of "create" a yandere for you. For example, start talking to that shy girl with 0~2 friends, then ask her for a date, do whatever you can to make it the best time of her life. And then disappear for 5~7 days. And then you ask her on a date again. Works, usually.

>> No.8463470

This also works with any sort of dependent girl. The kind who always needs validation from someone, and will become absolutely obsessive over the person who gives her this.

Watch out for histronics though, they seem similar but they're the whore version. They just want attention from as many people as possible. Not worth your time.

>> No.8463766

I feel like cutting my stomach open to die a slow painful death because my boyfriend likes girls with big tits more than me
Does that count?

>> No.8463775

tits or gtfo

>> No.8463789

Haha. Your boyfriend likes big tits? How pathetic. He's not the right guy for you.

>> No.8463790

I'm not even a girl

>> No.8463801

I didn't even mention gender you mongloid subhuman.

>> No.8463822

But showing you my tits if I'm not a girl doesn't sounds very enjoyable for you

>> No.8463826

yandere is easy enough to find in real life since there are plenty of girls with psychological issues that would encourage that kind of behavior. it's too bad girls with strong morals and romantic ideals only exist in 2d.

>> No.8464054

Koharu isn't really a yandere, just a DEEPU RABU type.

>> No.8464173

Mongoloid refers to cranial shape. The three that exist are Caucasoid, mongoloid, and negroid.
Since when are asians subhuman? Caucasoid has the highest percentage of neanderthal blood (which is actually a positive mind you), so that would not be sub-human either.

>> No.8464185
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Yandere's are easymodo.
If you're that desperate to have someone love you, you deserve to be inevitably chopped in half.
Tsunderes are where its at.
Its the thrill of the hunt that excites me.

>> No.8464193

I don't mind being chopped in half if it is done with love.

I see this thread just went into double troll time so time to abandon ship.

>> No.8464650

But it's Lain, so more like triple trolling

>> No.8466713


>Its the thrill of the hunt that excites me.

That's lewd and immoral. True love has nothing to do with challenge

>> No.8466926

I'd say that always depends on the person.
Some people just have a different idea of love than people on /jp/

>> No.8466980

>why don't you have a yandere waifu?

But I do. And I love her very much.

>> No.8466996

I wouldn't call it love if the only thing you're interested in is the act of obtaining it.

Let's take the hunt allegory literally. If you talked to a hunter about how much you love the meat from wild animals, and he told you "well, as for me, I'm just interested in hunting the animals", would you still claim that he loved meat, just in a different way than you?

>> No.8467025

That's not exactly what I meant by this.
I meant that some people love each other the most when they can challenge and tease each other frequently

>> No.8467241
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I love how normalfags just don't understand yandere girls. Look at any of the articles written by normalfag men about stalker girls. It's disgusting to see how upset they get by such loving behavior. It's like their mind just doesn't know how to comprehend love and devotion so they think it's wrong.

>> No.8467257

I know, right? They always say "never date a woman with no friends, or if only her family members are her friends" but those girls will love you like none other.

>> No.8467409


That's because they're only interested in promiscuous sex. They hate any relationship that lasts longer than two months

>> No.8467418

Shion is my yandere wife.

>> No.8468102
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...Implying I don't. Kaede is love.

>> No.8468198


Shuffle is the shittiest most generic eroge I can possibly think of

>> No.8468207


You're just a weirdo. Only the most lonely freaks would want a yandere lover.

>> No.8468231

Normalfags get freaked out like fuck by anything they consider abnormal, especially specific areas of abnormality. "Stalker-ish" girls, though that term is thrown around by normfalgas stupidly often and used just as stupidly incorrectly, are one of these areas. I dont think they even have a bullshit reason, they're just all around fucking idiots about it.

>> No.8468835


>> No.8470868

Oh god how did this into tired not good with spellings I computer.
