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8462108 No.8462108 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever taken the Greyhound?

I haven't been outside in like 3 years and now I have to go out and take a 12 hour trip to my parent's place because I got evicted for being a broke NEET. Should I bring a pocket knife to ward off African Americans or something?

>> No.8462114

Just get in the fucking bus.

>> No.8462144

A man in canada I think was eaten alive on one. Seriously, google it. A chinese man ate him, and then stood off police.

In america at least one person will probably have a gun though, just hope if someone start gnawing on you they give enough of a fuck to do something about it.

Otherwise just expect twelve hours full of melanin enriched gentlemen's particular body odor, the smell from the little bathroom (which is strangely similar), some rude remarks, and the lifestory of the single mother who seek you out, and trap you until she has finished.

The only time you'll be mugged is at stops, so stay the fuck on the bus. Good luck anon, you'll need it, try not to sleep.

>> No.8462152

I took a two day trip on a bus a few months ago. It was nice, except I forgot my sweater and was very cold at night. Not a lot cheaper than a flight after factoring in food either, but I would do it again because I really enjoyed the ride and seeing all the scenery.

Depending on where you board and where you're going the crowd of people really changes. From UT to ID there were only about 10 people on the bus. It was nice.

>> No.8462150

You make it sound like it's simple.

>> No.8462156

What happens if you sleep?

>> No.8462158

>Should I bring a pocket knife to ward off African Americans or something?
No. Don't ever get in a knife fight. The only prize for winning is bleeding out last. given your most likely stature, don't ever get in a fight. The secret to a happy life is a commitment to de-escalation.
If you want to win a fight, >>>/k/

>> No.8462163

I've done a lot of cheap traveling, Greyhounds included. On longer trips things can get quite uncomfortable, especially on their older buses, but stops are usually frequent enough.

You don't have much personal space but it isn't unbearably closely packed, better than planes but not as nice as trains would be my assessment.

You meet a lot of really interesting people on Greyhounds, basically all of societies dregs wind up there, and these guys make some of the best conversation. I've once been on a ride where they were transferring freshly released prisoners. They had tats covering their bodies and were really huge but super nice. The black guy didn't talk much but laughed at the bearded white dude's stories.

I find if you treat people kindly, show respect, then they will do so in kind.

Another time I sat behind a single mom and her small kid. She kept staring at me between the seats so I played games with her. Her mom was hitting on the dude across the aisle.

>> No.8462168
File: 88 KB, 640x480, you aren't in china anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the part where the guy was beheaded and THEN eaten. Though the assailant was later announced to have schizophrenia this story serves as proof that the Chinese will eat anything.

>> No.8462170

You know, looking back on it, I think I enjoyed the ride more than anything on that trip. If you're nice to other people they will be nice back to you. You'll probably end up talking to a few people, but they seem to be pretty interesting and open minded. One guy I sat next to was a chef who was carrying weed and he kept asking me if I could smell it. He got off in Flagstaff and a heavier man took his place. When we got to his stop in Vegas he told me the first thing he was going to do was take a shower because he was sick of everyone wiping their butts on him as they walked through the aisle.

>> No.8462175

Get a seat as far away from the back as possible.

Poor people take the nastiest poops.

>> No.8462178

Just stay awake. It's only twelve hours, man.

>> No.8462182

The back gets really hot too...

>> No.8462193

But my laptop's battery only lasts for 3 hours tops.

The bus is non-stop with no transfers and I can set my cell phone alarm to wake me up. The only danger I can think of is if someone steals my backpack wherever it's stored.

>> No.8462196

Whats so special about Greyhound that only freaks seem to be on them?

Are they free or something or very cheap?

Not american so I don't really know

>> No.8462199

I don't know much about bus travel, but take a gun, or some other form of protection.

No matter where you are, there are creeps looking to take your shit or kidnap you to steal your kidneys. Just be smart.

>> No.8462201

Seriously, don't chance it. Bad things will happen beyond any doubt.

Score some adderall or something if you can't find a normal way to occupy yourself. Plus side is you'll be fucking awake, as long as you bring a couple extra doses, down side is you're gonna be chatting up some people.

>> No.8462205

Some of the buses have plugs on them. Some even have wireless internet. You can always ask the person next to you to wake you up.

I just like taking it easy on a slow bus while seeing a lot of the country. It's relaxing.

>> No.8462211

>/jp/ chatting up people instead of listening to tunes in his head
Who am I quoting?


>> No.8462215



>> No.8462213

I spent 3 days on a greyhound bus across the US.
I also discovered Jackson Mississippi is the blackest place in the US on a stop there..

Never again.

>> No.8462216

Well, a trip that would cost around $120 in gas is only $60 on the Greyhound so it's pretty fucking cheap.

>> No.8462232

That's a nice bus. Which is it?

>> No.8462235

It can be rather cramped if it's a full bus, but it's not too bad. For the most part, everybody just keeps to themselves. That said, there are some interesting characters.

>I've once been on a ride where they were transferring freshly released prisoners. They had tats covering their bodies and were really huge but super nice.

The same thing happened to me. I sat next to a really friendly black guy who made conversation with me throughout the entire two hour trip. He even offered to braid my hair (I'm a white male, and it would have looked really out of place). He was into music, and he did some improv rapping for me, which kind of annoyed the other passengers, but it was a fairly empty bus. He didn't have any way of contacting his family, so I let him use my cell phone. However, the number was out of date or something, and he couldn't reach them. I felt really bad for him.

But then his family met him at the bus station, and everything was okay.

>> No.8462236

>cannot into context
>does not know what amphetamines will do to a person

>> No.8462240
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How high do you have to be to ride a dog?

>> No.8462260

>should I bring a pocket knife
No, that's a terrible way to die.

Get you a gun, OP. Depending on what state you're in, it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. And if all else fails buy a hand nugget, they're only $100. You'd have to pray whatever store you get it from has the ammo though, that shits hard to find

>> No.8462275

Uh... the Greyhound bus?

>> No.8462318
File: 48 KB, 476x350, 0204-03p02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought GreyHounds were the cheap shitty lower than economy class shit bus in the USA.

The local buses here are like this, I'm not talking about city buses, these are trip buses.

>> No.8462328

Is that seat a fucking toilet as well?

>> No.8462344

No, but there is one on the 1st floor.

Personally ever since the HSR was completed I've stopped using buses, 300kph of pure bliss.

>> No.8462350

greyhound is as good as it gets here.

They punish you for not having a car. You should see what the local buses look like, could turn a social butterfly into a shutin.

>> No.8462371
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Local city buses are like this, large windows, air conditioned, but there is only one every half an hr though.

Five cameras are standard on all newer buses.

>> No.8462383


That's how our local buses too look. I don't really know what these anons are complaining about.

>> No.8462394
File: 299 KB, 767x555, school-bus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they still got these things.

Worst piece of shit I've ever been on.

>> No.8462397


Who is "they"? I am from "them". Those are school buses.

>> No.8462412

My local buses are worse than the older ones they replaced. America doesn't give a shit about public transportation, and they get away with using thin metal seats with some fabric stretched over them, everything is filthy and covered in all sorts of shit, but a lot gum. Floor is covered trash, the windows don't close all the way, rust everywhere.

Full of very angry, very poor, very sick people. ALWAYS.

Using the bus is a last resort, only when a four hour walk won't cut it. Dangerous, filthy, full of the scum of the earth, and ridiculous prices for it. You must live in a rich or important area.

>> No.8462414

Public transportation of any sort besides airplane is only for poor people, in the USA.

>> No.8462418


False. It's just that none of you anons live in big city areas.

>> No.8462428

Yeah, sorry for not making 100k a month and living in LA or NY.

>> No.8462433

The ones who are saying their city buses are shitty, it's different in other states you know.

As for the local school buses here, they replaced them with retired air conditioned long trip buses. So they are at the very minimum, greyhound class or better.

I live in a Metropolis of 2769072 with a density of 2,434.2 per square mile.

It's faster to scooter to my destination than take the bus or the rail.

>> No.8462434

I live in a big city and the bus is for poor people.

It might be different in New York or California, where there's enough people(foreigners) that public transport actually matters.

>> No.8462436

I live in the 8th largest city in the country, and out public transportation is shit.

>> No.8462438

People from all walks of life take the subway in various cities.

>> No.8462441

You a San Dieganon too?

Because yeah, our public transportation is a fucking joke.

>> No.8462448

California as a whole has shit tier public transport, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8462440

My city's in the top 10. Why don't you come down to my neighborhood and take the bus you yuppie fuck.

>> No.8462451 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 634x475, neobus_brs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always heard the same about the USA. It sucks because I don't think you don't want more fucking cars in already packed as hell streets.

We've got these city buses where I live. It really depends on the city, but they're actually nice. Public transportation isn't a "poor people" thing, everyone uses it since it's convenient. Just a bit slow.

>> No.8462452

So you ride around on large red dildos?

>> No.8462458
File: 99 KB, 634x475, neobus_brs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always heard the same about the USA. It sucks because I don't think you want more fucking cars in already packed as hell streets.

We've got these city buses where I live. It really depends on the city, but they're actually nice. Public transportation isn't a "poor people" thing, everyone uses it since it's convenient. Just a bit slow.

Yes, and there's a city with pink ones.

>> No.8462461

If we had anything that nice here, it'd either be stolen, or trashed by the poor people.

Seriously, the only people who use public transportation here are people too poor to afford the rustiest beat to shit car from the 80s. And they fucking hate public property, it would seem. Can't have anything decent around them.

>> No.8462462

If you live in a university town a lot of the people taking the buses will also be students.

>> No.8462494

University students are the poorest of the poor.

>> No.8462520

Pretty much this. I've taken something like 6 14 hour Greyhound rides, and they were all interesting, and not really in a bad way. It's kinda weird at times, but I never felt in any danger or anything.

I am a bit glad I don't have to do that any more, it takes so much longer than just driving yourself. Though that way you don't get to read or play handheld games.

>> No.8467221

I don't know man

>> No.8467226

Just bring a long book, a bit of money, a bit of food, and your cell phone. Set an alarm on your phone to go off maybe half an hour or so before you're supposed to get off the bus so if you fall asleep, you'll wake up.

>> No.8467260

I've gotten one in Australia. From Newcastle to Brisbane. It was unpleasant and filled with drunks and angry people.

The guy who sat next to me was strange and a goth, and spoke about how he was going to build a castle to live in. I was scared the entire time.

The only pleasant thing was a bunch of hippies got on without tickets and the bus driver pulled over in the middle of the bush to check tickets and left them all hours away from anywhere.

>> No.8467281

The greyhounds I've been on have been nice. As for the pocket knife, keep in mind the various state laws for that kind of thing.

>> No.8467309

I've never been on any bus besides a schoolbus. I'd buy a moped or something before I'd ride a fucking greyhound.

Hell I'd probably bike

>> No.8467352

Bikes and mopeds are really fucking expensive though.
