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8457473 No.8457473 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a lucid dreamer, /jp/?

What's the point in trying to find happiness in life when you can just live inside your mind?

>> No.8457484


>> No.8457491

it's impossible and a stupid myth

just like hypnosis

>> No.8457497

Not everything you're incapable of doing is a myth, anon.

>> No.8457494

But both are scientifically proven and real things. They're just hyped up by idiots who pretend they're magic or whatever.
Go ask >>>/x/

>> No.8457499

A week or so ago I actually succeeded in having a lucid dream for the first time in years. Even managed to extend it once I realized I was waking up. Was pretty awesome.

>> No.8457507
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I had a pretty sweet lucid dream with Billy Murray the other day.

We smoked cigarettes together . . .

>> No.8457510

Did you fuck any touhous?

>> No.8457518

I had a lucid dream last night actually. Well, I'm not entirely sure if it was completely a lucid dream or just some kind of half and half state between dream and awake. I could hear the television in the background and while I was aware that I was dreaming, the sensations were dulled and I kept drifting back into reality.

Anyone know any tricks for fully plunging myself into a dream? It was almost like I could feel my real body and my dream body simultaneously and if I accidentally focused too much on moving my real body then I started to wake up.

>> No.8457530
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I have lucid dreams once a year, next time i'll try to suck a cock.

>> No.8457532

Not a Touhou (I was afraid of fucking it up so I just kind of let things happen naturally), but I did manage to invent a waifu of sorts. Her name was Ruri. Didn't actually get to the point of fucking her, unfortunately, but I did get a hug. That's something, anyway. I'll try to be a little more ambitious next time.

>> No.8457543

I had a lucid dream once and I tried to imagine 2D girls in the 3D world of my dream. They appeared as these deformed abominations with contorted faces and they were screaming in pain. It was like looking at paper figures bursting with three dimensional flesh at various parts of their body.

I never want to lucid dream again

>> No.8457546

Cool story bro.

>> No.8457551

I always forget all of my dreams by the time I wake up. Because of this, it feels like I never have them. Maybe my brain is just shitty.

>> No.8457574


This is the only kind of lucid dreaming that I've ever been able to accomplish. Figuring out that I'm lucid within a dream never seems to work, probably because half the time I never remember any of my dreams.

This WILD technique sure is terrifying though. It's like passing through a desert of demons before you can reach paradise. All of your senses go insane during the moment right before you enter the dream, you hear loud banging sounds all around you, it feels like someone that you can't actually see is sitting on your chest and staring down at you, you're overcome with this horrible sense of terror, and the whole experience is just one of the scariest things I've ever felt.

It sure is worth it once you actually get into the dream though.

>> No.8457577

How do I get myself to dream? I haven't for a long time now.

>> No.8457593

How do you keep yourself aware long enough to get into it? I've tried counting but all I accomplished was keeping myself awake.

>> No.8457609

>>8457499 here. What worked for me when I started waking up was trying to make myself dizzy in my dream. Like, spinning around or something. I did this a few times, and for whatever reason, it was successful in drawing me back into the dream world. Dunno if it'll work for anyone else, but you might give it a shot.

I know some of the typical techniques did not work for me. Like flipping a light switch to determine if you're dreaming or not; that failed. Lights worked as expected. Counting fingers and trying to push my finger through my hand didn't work, either. The "breathing while pinching your nose" test worked, though. Which is good, because I couldn't remember any of the other tests at the time.

>> No.8457616

Do sexual sensations feel good during lucid dreams or is it impossible to do lewd things in a dream?

>> No.8457624

You can do lewd things. I don't think I've ever actually gone all the way to orgasm in a dream (I tend to wake up partway through the act) but it goes alright at least for a little while anyway...

>> No.8457632

Some of my best orgasms have been during lucid dreams.

>> No.8457636

Do you jizz your pants in real life if you orgasm in a dream?

>> No.8457643

I have, at least a couple of times. Not every time, though.

>> No.8457664

I've heard that there is a way to induce lucid dreams using sleep deprivation, true or false?

>> No.8457667


Counting never really worked for me either. I think it's different for each person, but you need to find some technique that deeply relaxes you while still keeping you aware. Personally I just try to visualize something walking back and forth along my body.

After I get into that state of relaxation from tensing and relaxing each part of my body from my head and working my way to my feet then I just remain perfectly still and visualize a cute little person slowly walking from my feet up to my head, almost like a tiny hiker that's traversing the landscape of your body. Just try to be aware of each part of your body as the little person walks along it and keep repeating this until you eventually start to fall asleep, as long as you try to remain consciously aware and focused on each body part as the little person walks along it though then you should be able to remain lucid.

Also, be sure to stay focused on this once you can feel yourself falling asleep. If you get too excited and distracted by the idea of finally falling asleep then you can quickly awake yourself back up, at least that happened to me a lot.

>> No.8457675

How lewd, would that even work?

>> No.8457690


>> No.8457702


Also, to stress the importance of remaining perfectly still I find it useful to imagine that my body really is the ground that the little person is walking on. If you feel an itch on your nose or you get an overwhelming urge to wiggle your leg then you just have to ignore it and wait for it to pass because if you move your leg then it'll cause an earthquake and that little hiker is going to plummet to her death.

I think that getting into lucid dreaming is really all about having fun with your imagination and finding ways to stay interested in the induction process so that you don't lose your focus and just fall into regular sleep.

>> No.8457704

To be honest, no, but i'll do my best~

>> No.8457708

I was asking, if you don't have the real experience of doing it will your mind just make up what you think it would be like to give one? If that is the case, there is no point.

>> No.8457709

I woke up in the middle of a dream when I was 11 or so. I panicked so hard.

>> No.8457713


Often what the mind imagines an experience will be like is far better than what it's actually like.

Look at the disappointment that normals seem to feel once they've actually had sex. I'd imagine that their lucid dream sex would have been far more enjoyable.

>> No.8457725

Do you all know that forcing yourself to have lucid dreams fucks your brain, right?

>> No.8457724

In my dreams I am not in control of anything. It is like watching a movie, only with all five of my senses. Why would I want to lucid dream? So I can feel the same suffering in my dreams that I do in life? On the other hand, that would drive me to gensokyo-by-way-of-sudoku much faster.

>> No.8457726

If you lucid dream you can imagine yourself in gensokyo getting blowjobs from all the touHOES.

>> No.8457733


Lucid dreams are different. Once you've gotten the hang of them you can control them completely. You're not powerless, it's pretty much the exact opposite.

That sense of being trapped inside of your dream, almost like you're inside of a horror movie, is just something that happens when you haven't realized you're dreaming. When you're lucid in a dream then you can do or create whatever you imagine. The only hard part is getting to that state or remaining in that state without waking up prematurely.

>> No.8457748

>getting blowjobs
>not giving blowjobs
>using your penis for anything instead of wishing you didn't have one

Perhaps I wasn't specific in my post. I don't feel trapped in my dreams. It's like things just sort of happen and it doesn't bother me at all. In my dreams, I am no one. By far, the worst time of the day is when I have to leave that empty state, remembering who I am and assume control of my revolting meat prison.

>> No.8457745



The only problems I've ever encountered is that sometimes I spend too much time dreaming and neglect my health, but that's just addiction.

>> No.8457761
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I was just trying to cheer him up with the most normal thing possible, in my lucid dream I just have tea parties and fly around.

>> No.8457769

I've never had a lucid dream in my life, but I wish I could.

>> No.8457779

if I have complete and total controll, isnt it just like imagining or daydreaming, except much more vivid? It would be just as empty and lonely as anything else, as anything I have someone say or do is of my own thoughts and creation. right?

>> No.8457790


I've had dreams that felt like that, pretty much just watching a movie that I'm not a part of, but as far as I know this never happens in lucid dreaming.

I would try the WILD method posted earlier in this thread. That way you won't have to wrangle control of a normal dream by finding some way to figure out that what you're seeing is a dream, it'll just be a transition from your conscious state to a lucid dream.

>> No.8457800

You can, all you have to do is practice. Every time you wake up, write down what you dreamed. Do dream checks all the time. That's it. Or induce sleep paralysis.

Have you ever dreamed before?

>> No.8457804

>sleep paralysis.
Isn't this when you feel like a weight on your chest? That's horrible. What do you to get into a lucid in that state of fear and panic?

>> No.8457802


Dream people still seem to act on their own in every lucid dream I've ever experience or heard of. On some level I guess it's like talking to your subconscious who is playing the role of various characters, but you don't actually realize that and they can still act unpredictably.

>> No.8457803

you dont realize its your own thoughts, it appears to be people or things acting on their own. in a lucid dream, you understand youre making them say or do things. right, anyway? ive never lucid dreamed

>> No.8457810

To people confident in their ability to lucid dream at will, or at least close to this point: how long did it take you to get to that level?
And which method did you start with?

>> No.8457822


>What do you to get into a lucid in that state of fear and panic?

I've found that meditation helped immensely in both being able to get into lucid dreams and getting through/preparing myself for that horrible state of sleep paralysis.

That overall sense of calm that you get from the practice of meditation will carry over and I found that it was very easy to calm myself down and remain focused as I heard terrible sounds around me or felt a weight on my chest.

>> No.8457828

Lucidity is not synonymous with dream control.

If you suffer from sleep paralysis, I don't know. But if you induce one, you end up lucid dreaming...

From four nights to a month. It depends of your motivation, how much time you sleep every night, how many times you remember your dreams when you wake up, etc.

>> No.8457832

How do you induce sleep paralysis?

>> No.8457846

well then, my apologies

To further elaborate, when I dream, it is like a cease to exist but things still continue to happen. I imagine death is a lot like that, and to tell the truth, it isn't a disagreeable feeling at all. If anything, an absence of self-awareness just feels totally natural.

>> No.8457845


It took me about two months of trying to induce lucid dreaming through the wild method before I could do it consistently.

You'll probably have some success and have a lucid dream or two within the first week of trying though, it's just that consistently being able to do it and remaining in the dream takes a bit of practice.

>> No.8457865

i wish to become the dreamer

>> No.8457884

I was writing everything and then the light went off for 1 second... well...
Lie down on your bed(you must be tired), and dont move, no matter what you brain does. You are going to fell your nose itch, your body will become uncomfortable and you'll want to change position. DON'T. After a while, you will experience some weird stuff, and after that you are lucid dreaming. But you won't rest doing that, your body is sleeping but your brain is not, so don't do that if you have compromises in the morning. "Waking up" on the dream is ok, though.

>> No.8457892

Is it possible to master this and lucid dream the whole time whenever you dream?

Basically double your lifespan by being able to fully live 8 dream hours and then fully live your awaking hours as well?

>> No.8457905

Sadly, not. Dreams usually have a 60 minute life-span, lucid or not. And lucid dreams typically occur in REM.

>> No.8457907

I'd just like to add to this very tired business. Sometimes I wake up after a sleep paralysis and I feel very tired. If I go to sleep again right after I keep being put into sleep paralysis. I usually have to wake up for 30 minutes or so before I can go back to bed otherwise I will keep going into sleep paralysis.

>> No.8458018

For people who expect to do a lot of lewd things in dreams; don't. When you get excited, some part of your blood flows towards your dick, away from your brain, thus crippling your mind power a little. Try solving an equation with a raging boner, it'll be unnecessarily hard. Thus, the quality of sexual experience inside a dream will also be diminished.
Although, it's still worth dreaming, cause there are many other fun things to do in there. Go for it, Anon-san!

>> No.8458039

B-but I had so many great lewd dreams...

>> No.8458036 [DELETED] 

This can be remedied with intensive concentration - a feat which, with practice, comes more naturally over time.

On a related note, one method of mine to resist early ejaculation during is to mentally reconstruct Euclid's geometrical proofs.

>> No.8458042

This can be remedied with intensive concentration - a feat which, with practice, comes more naturally over time.

On a related note, one method of mine to resist early ejaculation during sex is to mentally reconstruct Euclid's geometrical proofs.

>> No.8458056

Then let me ask you, did you do absolutely everything that you wanted with your partner, before waking up? Sure, it's nice at first, but eventually one loses control and wakes up, or has to stop loving his waifu and focus his control once more, then continue, and so on.. It all makes it a little unsatisfying. I myself grew to enjoy other activities in a dream more then dream sex.

>> No.8458065

Dis is true (;へ:) But just having dinner with my waifu is more than enough

>> No.8458139

Anyone know how to get sleepy during this?

I just lie there and keep getting the urge to toss and turn or my pillow gets warm or my head starts itching. It's very uncomfortable and I don't know how I could ever get to sleep.

>> No.8458155

Sleep deprivation works wonders. Although its pretty harsh on yourself

>> No.8458492

Can you bring fictional characters into your dream and do they retain their personality?

I'm terrified of bringing a character that I love into my dream and then having her do terrible things or turn into some beast that will forever defile my image of her.
