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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8451775 No.8451775 [Reply] [Original]

Going through the archives is a pretty sad thing to do. All kinds of anons posting awesome ideas for novels, games, music, whatever, but nothing ever comes from them.
What is it about this board that makes people leave everything unfinished?

>> No.8451780

Are you honestly asking a board full of shutins and NEETs why they have no motivation?

>> No.8451792

I dunno, there's some light novel/vn magazines going on but they'll never amount to anything.

>> No.8451827

Whatever happened to Touhou Moon?

>> No.8451839

Same thing that happened to every other /jp/ project.

>> No.8451860

So OP was right then

>> No.8451900

>What is it about this board that makes people leave everything unfinished?
/jp/'s communist-like atmosphere of anti-self gratification is what hinders original content. According to one /jp/er you have to publish your projects anonymously, otherwise you're an attention-whore. What that poor, insufferable /jp/er failed to understand is that all creators have different motives for creating. Praise and attention is just one form of that evil word called incentive. You might get off from playing the modest, humble producer role, but just remember that everyone is not you.

I personally think ZUN is an attention-whore for putting his name of his work. He shouldn't even post his work on the internet. Having an internet connection is for attention-whores. A REAL producer keeps his work to himself and stays clear of those publish buttons. Who needs human contact?

>> No.8451908 [DELETED] 

>I personally think ZUN is an attention-whore for putting his name of his work.
You're stupid.

>I was being ironic.
You're still stupid.

>> No.8451918

Hey fuck you asshole.

>> No.8451960 [DELETED] 

This happens a lot in the textboards and IRC, too, senpai.

>> No.8451987

i'm not your Simp I sent by

>> No.8451997

I've finished a lot of stuff (writing) but most of it wasn't /jp/-related so I never posted about it. The only /jp/-related writing I've done was just some shitty fanfic, which I did post.

I'm sure I'm not the only /jp/edo who creates stuff but keeps it off /jp/.

>> No.8452001

If you already made a finished project, you can publish it under your own name and nobody will be bothered, not even /jp/, unless you do it on /jp/, that is.

And the HURR DURR BOARD LET'S MAKE SOMETHING I CAN WRITE MY NAME ON (ACTUALLY, MAKE IT FOR ME) retards are certainly going to get looked down upon, for obvious reasons.

>> No.8452006

this Postcreek Satanta stamps. Get outcaste dance

>> No.8452074

I'm making a danmaku shooter. I don't plan to make a single thread until I've finished it though because I don't want it to be thought of as a /jp/ game, just a doujin game. More importantly I don't have the time to post about it because I've set June as my deadline.

>> No.8452080

What are you using to make it?

>> No.8452089


>> No.8452188

From a person who's already publish two danmaku's on /jp/, stop while you're ahead. Unless you're doing something original, /jp/ers aren't going to really care about it. I've yet to play a fan made Touhou related danmaku that was even close to ZUN's.

>> No.8452219

It's more Darius than Touhou. I don't particularly care if no one cares, I'm not making the game for other people, I'm just allowing other people to play it. The game is for me. Also /jp/ isn't the only place I intend to link it.

>> No.8453303

You lying bitch. If you didn't care about what others think about your project a) you wouldn't have mentioned it in this thread, b) you wouldn't have said you're going to publish it on other websites, and c) there is no C.

I'm on to you, I used to say the exact same things when I was working on 2hu related projects. Admit it you closet slut, you know that deep inside you long for praise and credibility for your work. You know better than all of us that your humble facade is just a defense mechanism against /jp/'s anti name field group think.

There's so much contradictions in your post. Like how you say you won't make a single thread until it's finished, yet here you are talking about it several months before its expected release date.

Here's the truth, 1/4th through this project you're going to cave in and make a thread about it on /jp/. /jp/ers won't be impressed by your uninspired, outdated and low-budgeted work--so even while you scramble in desperation they will not bump your thread. You will anonymously bump your thread and create the illusion of activity. Then a few days later you'll feel demotivated by the lackluster reception your presentation received. And finally, you will cease development on it like so many wannabe game developer on /jp/ did before you. Either that or you'll get a life outside of the internet and find something better to do with all of your free time.

At any rate one thing is for certain. You will never forget this post. Remember my name. P.S. During the summer of 2013 you'll look back at your post in shame.

>> No.8454339

UncleMugen is more productive than most people here, which is saying a lot.

>> No.8454349

This board is for failed people, thus it is bound to failure.

>> No.8454372

The HELLA IRONIC part is that this thread is a repost.

>> No.8454397

We had a better discussion last time too.

>> No.8454777

Lack of motivation I guess.

I do actually do stuff sometimes though. I hope I'll be able to complete my VN in some form. I'll probably be posting it on /jp/. I made Phantasmagoria of Lotus Deity/radtouhoucomic for this board, I'll probably get into the flow of making more at some stage.

I have made some fun music though.

This is called "Tsundere Service".


>> No.8454796
File: 14 KB, 633x758, Ciepla twarz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when no chicken left in your curry.

>> No.8454801

Same guy from last night here.

Project harder faggot.

>> No.8454806

I'm glad nothing comes of them, those threads always have the worst discussions. Always some moron who thinks he's the beacon of wisdom repeating over and over that ideas are useless.

>> No.8454850

SEE, WHAT *YOU* FAIL TO UNDERSTAND IS blah blah blah motivational speech followed by 20 "Fuck yeah!" posts followed by no actual completed projects.

Also fuck having to qualify posts with irony. Worst development of 4chan in the past five or six years.

>> No.8454933

Not bad

>> No.8454941

What are you talking about?

KoG followed through with all his ideas. In fact, I think KoG is the only person on this board that has done so.

>> No.8454947
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>> No.8454953

...I recognize that Kircheis vector.

...did KoG make a comic about himself...?

>> No.8455005

Whining gets nothing done either. Better to let people have a peaceful conversation than a horribly impure one for no purpose. Besides most of it is probably coming from rather insecure, untalented people who "learned" what they preach "the hard way", and think it's not only universal but the-most-important-thing-ever.

>> No.8455018

Also, if I misunderstood your intent I apologize. Some things go over my head easily.

>> No.8455025


1. Put smiley face danmaku in your Flash game
2. Make a comic about it
3. ???

>> No.8455078
File: 59 KB, 512x384, 22510453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a ton of shit I would like to mess around with in photoshop but my knowledge seems limited and I have no idea where to expand.

>> No.8455316

Go find some tutorials or something

>> No.8455317
File: 70 KB, 512x384, 1286984226290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8455341
File: 111 KB, 600x600, 22634641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to draw...but I'll never be able to. I have no talent what so ever.

>> No.8455350

You don't need talent to learn how to draw. Just time and patience.

>> No.8455388

No matter what you do you will always be mediocre.

>> No.8455481

I like it

>> No.8455500



I laughed at this so hard.

because its not true but people think it is

>> No.8455512


A lot of my friends are "artists" and as I've watched them develop, I kind of have to disagree a little.

An awful lot of artists deny they have any special talent, and they just practice lots. But then you have the Chris Chans of the world who seem to draw a shitload and never improve.

That's kind of a bad example, but I think there's a point to be made here - a lot of artists can keep on going because they actually do start to improve at a reasonable rate. Some people either don't improve, or improve too slowly.

It's also pretty much impossible there can't be some kind of natural talent or aptitude for art as you get it with pretty much everything else. Some people are going to have better internal mechanisms for mapping proportion from eye to hand - of course it will take practice, everything does, even if you're some autistic savant wonderchild.

Being able to stick with something is also a very important talent, and people forget that. Most people don't have the attention span or drive to draw lots even if they don't really want to and it's easy to get disheartened if they don't have the same aptitude as others. One of the things with art in specific is being able to replicate certains things accurately, especially in terms of proportion and perspective, getting the feel of certain shapes, etc. and that's often something that requires a lot of drawing the same shit over and over again to get right.

>> No.8455516

A lot of people can't bring themselves to draw anything "Uninteresting", which is why you get people on Devart who look as if they only ever doodle characters(I'm the same, and to be fair, it's all I'm interested in for the most part). Having the kind of focus and determination to draw everything all of the time .

And of course - technical talent doesn't mean you're putting together a "good" piece of art. Making something really eye catching is really hard to do, even though it can be something doable at a relatively low level of technical skill. Do we really want to see more generic animu art? Or another still life? No. And this *is* something that often comes more naturally - a lot of people's styles come from natural flaws in their drawing that develop over time and become quirks rather than inaccuracies.

When people say ZUN is a good artist, perhaps it's more accurate to say he's a good character designer, which he is. He makes characters that everyone wants to draw. That is something that is very difficult to practice. The best "practice" for that is exposing yourself to lots of different examples of design, but even then you have to know how to piece it together, and that can be down to instinct as much as experience.

A lot of artists say it's purely talent in an attempt to be humble, but at the same time elevating themselves because of how much our society values blind hard work. Of course, it's probably the "technical" bunch that say this more than any.

Artists in specific seem to drive home the "No such thing as talent" more than anyone else, and I think it's really dishonest and unfair on those who have to work harder to get anywhere at all.

>> No.8455524
File: 81 KB, 987x805, gensokyos christmas tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw sometimes, I'm just too lazy to develop different kinds of technique to improve my artwork.

Pic related

>> No.8455542

Keep living in denial.

Nice trips and dubs, by the way.

>> No.8455559

How can you be mediocre in something as subjective as art?

>> No.8455573

Kicked in a lot of open doors there, but what you say is true, I won't deny that.

Most artists say it's not talent probably because they don't want other people to become disheartened. When some kid asks a really good artist how he does it and he responds "talent" he's going to think "oh so I can never be that good no matter how hard I try" which is not actually true in MOST cases (you mentioned CWC, but he is officially autistic, of course he'll have... trouble, to put it mildly).

But yes, the advice that you just need to practice lots is not entirely correct. If you don't have a certain 'training' plan in your head then you won't improve. Just drawing every day won't do. Read Loomis, or whatever it is people recommend today. Anything is better than just blindly drawing with no idea of what you're doing.

>> No.8455576


You are mediocre when not even you are satisfied with what you do.

>> No.8455584
File: 15 KB, 125x125, aya_magnet_reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meaning of art is so twisted it can encompass anything now.

>> No.8456731

Art is "a man-made object that invokes wonder", prove me wrong.

>> No.8456863
File: 73 KB, 256x256, flanflan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8456869

Holy fuck, this is just...beautiful. I'm willing to overlook the fact that *you* posted it and even forgive your past transgressions.
God damn, just look at it.

>> No.8456870

/jp/ is a deep well full of mens dreams, a well cant draw from its self.

>> No.8459854

I love it

>> No.8459930


Besides savants there's really very little variation in natural aptitude, usually they just started at a younger age. The one thing I'll agree with is the determination, though I do think that could be trained also.

There was a kid I knew whose art was so bad it looked worse than a middle schooler's. It was like a toddler or something - really embarassing. But he was determined to "be an artist," and basically just drew all the time and he progressed slowly as shit, still always looked super basic. He went to art school, and for the most part his art was still garbage but somewhere around 3rd year or something it started to get a lot better and now he's actually a good artist.

So I'm sure anyone /can/ become a good artist it just takes a lot of work and some guidance so you don't spend ten years drawing the same shit expecting it to get better when you have no fundamentals or even any idea on how to approach them. That guidance can be some pretentious professor or Loomis. I'm sure that applies to anything, really.
