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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 744x876, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8439130 No.8439130 [Reply] [Original]

Has NEET recently taken on another definition? It seems to me like people think of NEET as a word describing a Hikikomori.

>> No.8439134

That's just autism speaking, you can safely ignore that.

>> No.8439135

It just carries certain connotations on /jp/. If you're a NEET *and* you visit /jp/, it's assumed you're also a shut-in with no friends and such, in good faith.
If you aren't, get out of /jp/.

>> No.8439136

That's how the Japs use it.

>> No.8439137

For fucking crying out loud. The term comes from fucking Britain!

>> No.8439138


>> No.8439148

That's a bit redundant, isn't it?

>> No.8439149
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It's a status symbol here, only one among these legions may call himself the King of Failures and the easiest way to gain that sort of cred is to be unemployable.

>> No.8439160
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>> No.8439159
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Chen is adorable I want to lick her toes

>> No.8439167
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>> No.8439168
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hello everynyan

>> No.8439163
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>> No.8439179

Why do society or their families tolerate these failures? Those who do not work do not deserve to eat or have a warm bed.

>> No.8439186
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>> No.8439183
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>> No.8439184
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nice shit thread we got here

>> No.8439190
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>> No.8439196

I'd imagine because most of us, or rather our families, are quite well off.

>> No.8439198

Sorry about this post, but I just want to say I came 3 times in the last 15 minutes, and I'm still like this. It feels so good, but I want to stop...

>> No.8439203
File: 49 KB, 141x155, 1325082974653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn billboard i mean im winning but im still bored

>> No.8439214

My family at least is quite wealthy and I cost so little they don't really care, also I clean obsessively which makes me super welcome unless I'm complaining about clutter in which case I get the freeloader speeches.

>> No.8439252

"TRUNEET EPIC WIN XD" retards gtfo >>>/a/

>> No.8439391

Who the FUCK are you quoting?

>> No.8439405

>using gtfo
>telling others to leave

>> No.8439900

It isn't. For dummies:
-You're on /jp/.
-If you aren't a NEET, you go to work/college but avoid people as much as possible
-If you are a NEET, you're also a hikki.
-If none of this apply, follow the link: >>>/a/.

>> No.8439906

>-If you are a NEET, you're also a hikki.
I hate to say this, but you're a fucking idiot. More at 7.

>> No.8439907

NEET is an acronym, it can't change definitions.

Not in Education Employment or Training.

Unless the words Education, Employment, or Training have changed definitions in the last few years, neither has NEET.

>> No.8439920

>If you are a NEET, you're also a hikki.

What. Other way around.

>> No.8439932

Seriously? I though my post was pretty easy to understand.

My point is that if you're on /jp/ AND have no colleve/work/whatever to do, you're also a hikki. lrn2 reading comprehension.

>> No.8439930

He didn't mean that was an imperative, innate part of being a NEET. See his last bullet point, it probably applies to you.

>> No.8439934

Clearly, you are the scene kids that use NEET as a status symbol. If anyone should be leaving, it's you.

>> No.8439946

and what if I dont go out of my way to avoid people, but dont like anyone I know in real life, mostly, and end up alone from them anyway?

>> No.8439959

No, you just can't into reading comprehension.

Then you're a passive faggot, but you're welcome.

>> No.8439967

You missed the point. Just because someone is NEET does not mean they do not interact with people. For instance, I am about to call in an order for a pizza and pick it up, because I am not a recluse/hikki. I have no problem talking with people and I do so regularly.

>> No.8439983

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>> No.8440015

He got that. You missed HIS point.
If you are:
a) on /jp/;
b) a NEET,
then you must also:
c) be some sort of shut-in with impaired social interaction.
That is, to meet criteria a) and b) means there's a 99% chance you meet criterion c). If you don't, then you simply do not belong here. It's not a case of "xd status symbol truneet" or whatever other ironic retorts people come up with, it's healthy elitism to keep the, "Oh yeah I'm a NEET but I'm about to go watch anime with my girlfriend ^.^," crowd out of /jp/.

>> No.8440065

The >do not interact with people thing comes from the "being on /jp/" part, not the NEET part. It's just that NEETs will be able to avoid people more easily because they don't need to go out.

...is it really so hard?

>> No.8440089

>c) be some sort of shut-in with impaired social interaction.

No, not really. I have friends but I don't talk with them any more. I don't really have a problem talking with people either if I need to.

>> No.8440109

Not wanting to talk to people is an impairment to social interaction.

>> No.8440220

Hi. I'm a NEET.

I'm not a hikikomori.

I'm not leaving /jp/ any time soon.

>> No.8440228

Why did you start this thread. This thread is bad. You should feel bad. Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8440230

Yeah. Some guy got mad at me yesterday for calling myself a NEET when I mentioned I go to the gym.

Such cases.

>> No.8440234

And I'm a shut-in but not a NEET. What a world.

>> No.8440236

No. YOU get out of /jp/.

>> No.8440259

I have recently become neither. I had to get a job, but I still spend my free time on my computer, hardly socialising. Though I am forced to once in a while, so I wouldn't call myself hikki. It's all so confusing.

>> No.8440267

Don't let these nerds keep you down! Stay here with us <3

>> No.8440299

Really grabbing for straws, huh?

>> No.8440300

If you are a hiki, then you are inherently a NEET
If you are a NEET, you do not necessarily have to be hiki

>> No.8440315

You can be a Hiki and work from home or take online courses that require no human interaction.

>> No.8440333

He's welcome here, you're not.

Why? Not wanting to talk to people is being "socially impaired", which despite how it sounds isn't in any way bad, by the way.

>> No.8440340

Stop bumping shit threads just to chip in your own opinion. Nobody cares, this isn't Reddit.

>> No.8440339

Not wanting to talk to people is not an impairment.

>> No.8440350

>If you are a hiki, then you are inherently a NEET

>> No.8440360

who else weekend neet here?

>> No.8440369

Woah... what? Sorry dude, I got lost. I'll leave /jp/ forever now.

>> No.8440376

Okay I was a bit of a jerk, but please understand my sentiments.

Tough love, y'know?

>> No.8440387
File: 58 KB, 163x291, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /v/ and /a/ act as enough of a moat that we can have some fun here on /jp/ without constantly policing the board.

But I understand the desire, and I don't mind getting told to get out of /jp/. But that doesn't mean I'm ever going to leave, either.

>> No.8440389

Not reading are we? I said SOCIAL impairment. It's an impairment towards social interaction, because it's an obstacle for it.

>> No.8440402

You're still saying it's some kind of impairment when it's not.

>> No.8440422

I'm not implying it's bad, if that's what you're on about.

Social interaction isn't necessary for humans after a certain point (the buy/sell one).

>> No.8440446

>I'm not implying it's bad, if that's what you're on about.

No, not at all.

>> No.8440457

Then explain your point because I don't see it. How is not wanting to do something not an impairment towards doing it?

>> No.8440461

Can ONE of you just either admit you're wrong or say you don't care so we can ALL move on?

>> No.8440467

You said it's an impairment, and I say it's not. That's it.

>> No.8440469

I both OP, what now?

>> No.8440476

I bust down your door and make sweet love to you with your mouth until you're delirious from orgasming so many times in a row, then coax you into having conversation with me while we cuddle. Over the course of months I'll warm you up to social interaction and eventually get you a job.

>> No.8440479



Stopped reading there.

>> No.8440488

I'm going to put my dick in your but until you start putting money in your 401k

>> No.8440492


Sorry, I'm on welfare.

>> No.8440616

I'm only a hikkikomori on weekends.

>> No.8440710

You guys are retarded.
I am not a NEET or hikki but I only pretend to be one in /jp/. Thus far I have never been told to get out.
Why dont the rest of you normalfags do this? Fucking stupid, stop talking about your girlfriend or the dick you suck yesterday in /jp/.

>> No.8440863 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 214x445, whoruquoting8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8440887
File: 27 KB, 214x445, whoruquoting8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8440913


>> No.8440911

Where can I sign up to be a trueNEET? I think I can qualify becaus i have not left my house in a few days. where do i get my NEET badge?

>> No.8440916

I'm a NEET who browses /jp/ and suffers from an illness that is related to autism ADHD.

I hang out with friends on a daily basis and go to the occasional party.

I'm just not employed and I don't go to school.

>> No.8440921

Why are you even here?

>> No.8440922


>> No.8440931

Because I like touhou. And /jp/ is a fascinating place.

>> No.8440932

Why do retards here think NEET isn't a status symbol? It basically means you've beaten society.

>> No.8440938
File: 14 KB, 642x265, irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8440951

Yeah, when you have no job, no education, no money and no future, you've definitely surpassed the worldly desires that plague normalfag scum. We NEETs transcend humans. NEET pride worlwide!!


>> No.8441052

The fact that you think shit like a job or education is a point of pride and not something that drones do in order to win the "respect" of other drones shows that you don't belong on /jp/.

The fact that you assign value to shit like a job or education shows that you're a normalfag that doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.8441058

someone has to work jobs in order to support NEETlyf

>> No.8441066

I can never be a NEET, my parents will never stop bugging me if I don't leave after college (which they aren't even paying), and I'll have to work for life for Internet and other commodities. Shit sucks man.

>> No.8441072

Astounding: someone who has become so compromised by parasitism that they consider being host to a parasite preferable to being a parasite.

>> No.8441082

>I go to university
>no friends
>no job
>no girl
>social phobia

>> No.8441089

>someone has to work jobs in order to support NEETlyf

Yeah, the drones do. Just as serfs labored in the fields to support the boyars of old, so do all of the normals waste the best years of their life on work so that we don't need to.

>> No.8441093

>I go to university
>no friends
>no job
>no girl
>don't give a fuck
Also, who are we quoting?

>> No.8441096
File: 28 KB, 523x378, homeless-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET 4 life.

>> No.8441099

According to a footnote in the TokyoPop translation of the Welcome to the NHK light novel, NEET is "[a] more socially acceptable term for hikikomori that has sprung up in the past few years."

>> No.8441104
File: 35 KB, 460x345, HomelessShelter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs in their natural habitat.

>> No.8441114

>Implying I'm not a NEET

>> No.8441137

It's a good thing we don't have to rely on TokyoPop for our Japanese understanding, then.

Calling it a translation is a bit of a misnomer in the first place, because they localize since they are producing for the general market. They're in business with people who aren't going to know or give a shit if it's really all that accurate.

>> No.8441165


You are no better than niggers and beaners living off the government. You are the refuse of society deluding yourselves into believing you are the masters, taking advantage of the work of superior individuals like the greedy Jews you are.

Hopefully social programs go through reform or are eliminated and you're either forced to work or wither away.

>> No.8441172

> Welcome to the NHK light novel
Maybe you should have also looked up what a "light novel" is.

>> No.8441179
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>> No.8441187

And just to clarify since my statement is misleading, no, localization is not the specific problem in this case, but rather that they've "translated" it so all the teens reading the manga who just want to get the gist of the term can understand it. They're not translating for an encyclopedia, so the subtleties are obviously not going to be preserved, especially since those details are not even relevant to the story.

It's simple and the definition has not changed, nor will it so long as /jp/ remains above high school level.

>> No.8441191

Maybe you should quit being so pretentious and just say what you mean.

I don't mean to suggest it contributed to the popularity of this definition-- because how many people actually read it-- but rather that it's simply an indicator of it.

>> No.8441199

> Maybe you should quit being so pretentious and just say what you mean.
I thought it was pretty clear--there was no Welcome to the NHK! light novel. There was, y'know, a novel. But a light novel is a specific thing, and you should probably look it up so you don't look silly in the future.

>> No.8441209
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, sion47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting? Really? You may know them by a name or a post number or the guy who was saying that one thing in that one argument, but do you have any idea who they really are? What are they doing right now? What do they look like? What compelled them to post it? Were they serious? Were they joking? Was it satire? Were they trolling? Are you even quoting a person expressing their real opinion? Could you be quoting a character they've invented that posts in this fashion?

>> No.8441217

Whoops, and I made another mistake assuming you were talking about the manga. Well, either way, the point stands.

I think OP is mistaking the recent cropup of the term "truNEET" or whatever people are saying with a change in the term NEET.

>> No.8441222

Don't worry, other than a job, I can guarantee I have more mental problems than you (not a good thing). Regardless, I'm not saying jobs are good, learning is worth the frustration, etc. In fact, I hate it all and think it's a waste as well. But it's needed to survive. Maybe not an education, but a job most likely. Once you grow up and stop living with your parents, you will realize you can't really survive without a job (disregard this if you live in country that just hands out money). Trust me, I would be a NEET if I could.

Still, I honestly find you trying to justify your failure and lack of worth to society quite funny. Sure, you don't give a fuck about society. I don't either. I'm not saying I am any better than you, but it's interesting to see you to succumb to the ``normalfag'' mentality that you hate so much. Your thinking that YOU are better than EVERYONE else simply because you're not normal (different, special snowflake), is just the kind of ego that makes you closer to normals than you think. Open your eyes, the most normal thing one can think: I am better than everyone else. Don't worry if you took a little dent on your ego, you shouldn't have one in the first place if you truly were not normal.

All of that and the fact that you think having a job is solely to give back to society or compete with other people or gain respect shows just how little you know.

These threads are cancerous.

>> No.8441233

The definition of normalfag is not a normal person. Why don't you people also argue that it means standard homosexual and that you are, as a matter of fact, not homosexual, and so not a "normalfag"?

>> No.8441247 [DELETED] 

The connotation of the word "normalfag" isn't negative because it actually means the person is "not different."

There's a reason /jp/ the "normalfag" bashing isn't hypocritical with the anti-"hipster" sentiment.

God, I hate these terms.

>> No.8441262

Only /b/ posters use ``-fag'' terms.

>> No.8441279 [DELETED] 

Yes, that's why I regretted and deleted it immediately after posting it so I can remove myself from this thread.

Good day to you all.

>> No.8441644


>> No.8441656
File: 89 KB, 450x640, nhkniyoukoso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this argument about semantics.
I just finished reading this and I want to know whether you guys thought the ending was happy, sad, or bittersweet.

>> No.8441901

Look at what this board has become. People are actually attacking NEETs and hikkis, the demographic that embodies the soul of /jp/--the single shining light that stands against the advance of /a/, /b/, /v/, and /soc/.

...It's sad.

>> No.8441924

Why are you still here then?
Just stay at the new /jp/

>> No.8442386


>> No.8442389

You can stay at my place if you want, just don't touch anything or make a lot of noise.

>> No.8442395

i was a neet for about 10 months
i then got a job
i wish i was a neet again but i need money

>> No.8442409 [SPOILER] 
File: 1021 KB, 1011x1500, 291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chen and Ran are a fantastic couple I wish I could lick them both all over.
