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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 306 KB, 494x753, ebf6bf21200168a22dc1360946bdf99e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8439549 No.8439549 [Reply] [Original]

I figured /jp/ would be the best place to ask this:

Is it viable for a male to be a stay-at-home husband? I don't necessarily mean for a woman, mind you.

What I had in mind was being a live-in fuck-maid for someone. I could wear a maid outfit and cook and clean and entertain my master in any way he pleases. The problem is, I'm not sure where to set up such a deal. I suppose I could just look on craigslist, but I've heard stories from a few net-friends about shady craigslist meet-ups that didn't go well and I'm a bit scared of that.

So /jp/, do you have any advice at all for me? I'll take anything, even if all you have to say is something along the lines of "don't do it" or "kill yourself"

>> No.8439559

It's not worth it. If you were a chick i might, but fuck if I'm working for both of us and you're a dude that can't lactate or let me fuck you're uterus.

>> No.8439561

leave the fantasy in your mind

>> No.8439562

Don't do it.
But you know what you SHOULD do?
Kill yourself.

>> No.8439570

>even if all you have to say is something along the lines of "don't do it" or "kill yourself"
Why would we do this?
This sounds like the dream of a typical /jp/sie.
I've found a person I can serve for, but sadly me alone is not good enough...

>> No.8439576


>> No.8439575
File: 405 KB, 565x800, ba6bd6cb9a7931e9ee7bc1e31121f693..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, see, it's not really a fantasy per se. I don't feel like I HAVE to live this out... I just think it'd be a nice way to spend a few years of my life, and something I can only really do while I'm young. It's also a way of supporting myself... or rather, leeching off of someone... without feeling too bad about it. It's better than prostitution or things like that, too.

>> No.8439584

Enough is enough. get the faggot shit out of /jp/ already.

>> No.8439585

I personally wouldn't let some guy or girl stay with me, but I'm sure others are different.

Never give up on your search!

>> No.8439595

Don't bump your own thread; it's rude.
I shouldn't really have to spell this out for you...

>> No.8439591

it was born here and belongs here

>> No.8439598

If only we had some sort of board for these 3D, real world problems. Like some sort of...advice board? I don't kno-oh wait you posted a manga-esque picture and it's about maids so that magically makes it okay! ?

>> No.8439609


>> No.8439613


>> No.8439614

It'd be interesting to have a live in trap maid, but they'd have to be feminine as HELL. I'm not sucking any dicks or taking it in the ass though, that's your job.

>> No.8439615

>better than prostitution
Seems the difference is merely semantics to me, but I also don't find the idea of prostitution bad.

>> No.8439657

where's your trip?

>> No.8439719
File: 156 KB, 440x610, gary_oak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're no help, and you know it. If they were, you'd visit those boards yourself.

>> No.8439796

I believe there are some depraved and powerful faggots keeping people like this, go get kidnapped and smuggled or something.

>> No.8439880

Well, only if I could beat you and bully you into submitting to my will. I would generally crush any desire you have to leave my house; and make you completely dependant on me. I would forbid you to touch your penis, it would be in chastity at all times.

>> No.8439898

Post a picture of yourself, OP.

>> No.8439902

Guess we should start discussing anime/manga on /jp/ then.

>> No.8440003

So let me get this straight.

You want to live expense-free by offering cleaning services and sex?

You're basically reducing yourself to a whore. I wish you slutty faggots would just leave /jp/.

>> No.8440203
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>> No.8440240
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1323793396547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So /jp/, do you have any advice at all for me?

>> No.8440264

Я тебя в реале знаю, пидор. Не советую из дома выходить.

>> No.8440275

>Я тебя в реале знаю, пидор. Не советую из дома выходить.
what do these snow runes mean

>> No.8440286


>> No.8440292

That guy is spammed on /jp/ all the time by one person.

>> No.8440323

Please do so, I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

>> No.8440319

I really should find some other picture to post

>> No.8440324

Or a new guy.

>> No.8440329

Totez irrelevant
but i wanted to post this cos it might make you laugh

>> No.8440336
File: 143 KB, 730x1095, DSC0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I meant a new guy. I saved two pictures of this guy.

I felt compelled one day to take a visit to /soc/ and find pictures of less-than-perfect traps with the intent to spam them on some trap-obsessed board to troll.

Shameful, I know. But I can't help myself.

>> No.8440343

Holy shit I think my gut just exploded from laughter. Also, good thinking, you deserve a medal.

>> No.8440345 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 850x1181, 1324314561581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute. With a dash of estrogen and a little bit of weight loss I would consider hiring you. Look into bdsm communities and be smart. Also don't forget about the long term.

This kind of off topic thread I am ok with.

>> No.8440356

Someone taking this thread seriously? I thought I'd never see it.

Thank you, anon <3

>> No.8440363

He has nice hair.

>> No.8440375

If I remember correctly from the post, I believe that's a wig. I could be wrong.

>> No.8440441

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.8440451

Of course it is.
A man has every right to be a stay at home husband, granted he does some work like help clean , cook, and parenting.

>> No.8440459
File: 48 KB, 422x423, dc335e9b425d2b9846c5dd84d24baca9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No thanks, sorry.

>> No.8440465

Oh sorry, i didn't read the OP as clearly as I should have.
But yeah, its your choice. Just don't be a good-for-nothing or a slob, and you're good.

>> No.8440475

>You want to live expense-free by offering cleaning services and sex?

>You're basically reducing yourself to a woman. I wish you slutty faggots would just leave /jp/.


>> No.8440480

What are you going to do if a woman reads this and gets offended?

>> No.8440481


>> No.8440494

Im not offended.

>> No.8440499

You're not a typical-- wait. Anyone who browses this site can't be typical, carry on.

>> No.8440505

You're also not a real woman.

>> No.8440510

You're not a real man

>> No.8440516

Wait, Lain?
As in, "I'm Lain from your website 4chan" Lain?

>> No.8440517

We're perfect for each other~

>> No.8440521


>> No.8440534
File: 27 KB, 1002x613, Lainon4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8440536

I remember someone saying and asking the exact same thing until he showed his face and everyone abandoned the thread.
It's wishful thinking, OP unless you actually look adorable.

>> No.8440539

I know it wasn't all that long ago etc, but I miss when 4chan (and the internet as a whole) used to be like this.

>> No.8440585

And it will never go back to the way it once was.

>> No.8440592
File: 806 KB, 767x1041, ordinator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here, Outlander.

>> No.8440641

There was an actual girl who asked to do the same thing on /jp/ and I think she got a few offers, but she turned out to be a whore.

Not sure what happened to her afterwards. She might be living with someone now.

>> No.8440642

Come on man...think about what your father would think of this?
MAN THE FUCK UP[spoiler/]

>> No.8440671

my father can burn in a pit of scorpions

>> No.8440674

Roasted scorpions?

>> No.8440686

roasted father

>> No.8440690

An ice put of Ice scorpions! Frost burn is bad!

>> No.8440721

Ah, this explains why you are so fucked up.

Add more proof to my theory that fucked up parents make for fucked up read: gay children.
