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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8436590 No.8436590 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]/jp/, I have a question - What kinds of threads would you like seen deleted in the future? What's alright, and what's not? I'd like your honest opinions, and I will keep them in mind.

Don't try trolling me, I have a lot of board experience, and you'll just end up wasting your time.</spoiler>

>> No.8436597

[spoiler]What? Honestly what the fuck have I done that is so goddamn terrible? Sure I post a bit
on the weekends on how some posts suck and I flame a bit. But what's the big deal? Why
is it so different then 95% of the pukes that post in this board? I keep it in here so who
fucking cares?</spoiler>

>> No.8436598

[spoiler]Can you please delete this thread?</spoiler>

>> No.8436606

Flaming is a violation of global rule #3.

Once I have some information, I will. I just do not fully understand what Otaku Culture is.</spoiler>

>> No.8436610

[spoiler]his is why /jp/ has fallen. Yes, NEET are superior. The issue is you're just a loser normalfag who doesn't have a job. You don't have the NEET samurai spirit.

>But, but! NEET only means you don't have a job or attend school! I'm a NEET just like you!

While the text book definition of a NEET is someone who is just jobless it's evolved in our sub-culture to mean more. The fact of the matter is most of the kids on /jp/ aren't even NEET. They're just college flunkies who don't attend regularly. You're out of school for a summer and suddenly you pretend like you aren't going to be working once your mom forces you, or going back to school.

There is so few non-normals on /jp/ it's sickening when I think about it. If you work, you attend school, or go outside you're normal. Don't insult normals since the only thing you could be is a loser normal who lacks certain qualities they have. Saying no to 3D doesn't make you a non-normal, sorry, friend.</spoiler>

>> No.8436615

Here are my defining traits:

1. He is a NEET out of choice. I would not consider a homeless person to be a NEET and I would not like to associate with them. Likewise, someone that's in the hospital and very sick all the time would not like to be associated with me. A true NEET just has different standards for success than the rest of society and is capable of setting his own goals.

2. He is not very social. A true NEET is someone that is independent and strong-willed. Not only does he choose to reject society's definitions of success (working, school) he also chooses to reject society's definitions of happiness (starting a family, having a lot of "bros", etc).

3. He is not overweight. Unlike other nerds, I think that a true NEET is able to maintain a healthy body weight, whatever his reasons may be. Every true NEET that I know that is intelligent and strong willed also happens to be normal weight, if not underweight.

If you aren't familiar with Nietzsche, one of the greatest philosphers of all time, I am essentially saying that true NEET are modern ubermensch. Nietzsche's nihilism is basically "the strong man creates his own values even though he accepts that there are no true and correct values, and sticks to them no matter what."</spoiler>

>> No.8436616


Thats just the first five pages.
Also arguably the huge about of lonely/neet threads, I mean one or two whatever. But theres like six of them up.

Also this thread.</spoiler>

>> No.8436614

[spoiler]Just take care of the garbage threads. That meat thread, >/jp/, the same Milky Holmes screencap every time, who Homu here, that sort of stuff. If you can notice a pattern for it without even checking the archive, then it probably doesn't belong here, even more so when it has no discussion or content being added.
As for the rest, fuck it, grey area is fine. Apparently it works better to let the userbase find their groove rather than try to force it.

Don't go crazy with Global Rule #6 and take care of us when Page 0 goes unusable due to garbage or a raid. Good luck and hope you can balance taking it easy with keeping us as happy as possible.</spoiler>

>> No.8436622

Not all of those threads are off-topic. Those are just threads you personally don't like.</spoiler>

>> No.8436628

[spoiler]First, determine whether it's otaku culture related.

If you don't know, just delete the thread.

If you do know, delete the thread anyway.

That's basically all there is to it.</spoiler>

>> No.8436632

Speaking of, how ok are you with posts with links to threads that need deletion?
Some in moderation find the help useful, others dislike the backseat approach. Personally, I don't mind, can go through the whole 16 pages in 5m and it's nice to help out. But if you don't like it, no reason to bother you with what is delete worthy in my view.</spoiler>

>> No.8436636

[spoiler]Not enough? Heres the rest.

Also any time you see this image, or >/jp/, its safe to assume its trash and should be deleted. >>8434776 >>8434228</spoiler>

>> No.8436641

Just use the fucking report function.

That's what it's there for, it accomplishes exactly the same fucking thing except without being an eyesore and flame magnet itself.</spoiler>

>> No.8436647

Are you implying G Sen and Clannad aren't /jp/?</spoiler>

>> No.8436649

But it's easier for the mods to have a list of bad threads, although the concept of bad thread is very debatable.</spoiler>

>> No.8436650

I'm really failing to see what is not off-topic about all of them, unless you consider those sopa shenanigans to be on topic.

Its kind of a jackass thing, and could easily be seen as backseat moderation, but sometimes this place gets out of hand from being ignored for so long that i'd be willing to take a short ban just to have the place cleaned up.

Im not sure how the janitor tools work, but if it helps, it helps.</spoiler>

>> No.8436653

For that many threads, the total cooldown period would be ridiculous</spoiler>

>> No.8436654

[spoiler]Unelaborated posts with the purpose of creating grief through metadiscussion about the posters life style/hobbies/tastes and anything not created in JAPAN that could be discussed in /v/ or /a/ with simplicity.

It's okay to make a Homu thread since she is a meme in otaku culture but is not okay to create a Puella Magi Madoka Magica thread here.

But mostly a janitor should be able to go through a thread and see by himself if it is wrong or not.

/soc/ threads are not wrong if met some expectatives:
-"I have a gf"/I'm a womyn/otaku girls..etc = delete
-Women are bitches, I love my waifu= delete
-How do you deal with "____" kind of people, personal experience= allowed
-Ask a "Not otaku related" anything= delete
-Neet, Hikki and Otaku life general tips and suggestions = allowed
-Bawson= borderline, gotta check yourself.

Anything that looks written by 13 years old.
Verbal atacks to a poster for no reason, I'm tired of "suck my cock dude" for whatever reason.

We basically need a willing mod/jan ready to spend his time with us, learn about "sane" behavior and remove people how come here looking for attention due to the slow movement of the board, hence the high impresion the cause. Just fucking delete their posts and their samefaging, these kind of people are the worst due creating the ilusion of being trendy posting about themselves as anons. No one with half a brain would talk about them and you will realize it if you search for decent posters name in archive and see the low number of posts containing them, such as Helen/Cudder/VNTS.
The more is talked about= the more cancer.</spoiler>

>> No.8436658
File: 201 KB, 700x700, jewel3b6e807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]1) Keep threads related to otaku culture things.
2) Delete threads unrelated to otaku culture things.

Wow, that sure was hard Anon.</spoiler>

>> No.8436662

Did I accidently link a Clannad thread? I was trying to go fast, if it was just some image with no text, unrelated image, or >/jp/ then I probably grabbed it out of habit.</spoiler>

>> No.8436664

There is a lot of thumbnails shown for a post, similar to the catalog feature in some archivers. Next to the image is shown the number of reports and types of reports (for example, "3 illegal content", or "1 Rule violation") and the board and post number are displayed. I don't know what the moderation panel looks like, but the janitor page is fairly simple to use. You can sort threads by board, number of reports (and severity), and time of submission for the report.</spoiler>

>> No.8436665

Some prefer to avoid the noise heavy reports system though. Plus good luck trying to report 5 pages worth of ">/jp/" without running into trouble.</spoiler>

>> No.8436674 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Suigin.</spoiler>

>> No.8436676

[spoiler]I never know what the fuck is going on.

yuo confuse me jp!</spoiler>

>> No.8436683

Fuck off Suigin </spoiler>

>> No.8436690

[spoiler]Delete all Tokiko posts on sight.</spoiler>

>> No.8436693

You mean like >>8436590</spoiler>

>> No.8436696
File: 306 KB, 560x520, 097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. And one's like this too.</spoiler>

>> No.8436697

[spoiler]Post with you are capcode, faggot.
Reported for impersonating staff.</spoiler>

>> No.8436700

Who's saying he's a staff member here?</spoiler>

>> No.8436706

[spoiler]I would like all depression threads deleted. All suicide threads deleted. All lonely threads deleted. I think all amine threads should be deleted and only the clever ones that slip past your net to remain.

There are some good meta threads but it's hard to foreshadow them.

All posts containing the word waifu that's not a report notification.</spoiler>

>> No.8436707

[spoiler]Threads like these. Reported.</spoiler>

>> No.8436711

[spoiler]I only want to see illegal content deleted. Shitposting and autism is an integral part of our culture.</spoiler>

>> No.8436724

Haha, no.

This too.</spoiler>

>> No.8436735

[spoiler]i am personally REALLY tired of all the /a/ hate threads. as a member of both boards (yes, they exist) and as an occasional /r9k/ robot (it's not THAT bad either guys!) all of the hate really bothers me, and frankly, i dont think it makes anyone really happier.


>> No.8436741

[spoiler]/jp/ should just be threads too weeaboo for /v/ and stuff not anime enough for /a/. So things like VNs, Touhou, Learning Japanese language, NEET/Hikki threads, etc.</spoiler>

>> No.8436743

[spoiler]If you do nothing else and take no other advice from this thread, please range ban >>8436735, or please a request with someone who has the authority to.</spoiler>

>> No.8436747

[spoiler]All blatand spam and shitposting threads, that's it.
Heck even troll threads can stay for all I care</spoiler>

>> No.8436752

[spoiler]Be prepared for a shitstorm whenever you make the slightest mistake, or whenever someone slightly disagrees about how the board should be moderated. 200 post threads can be based upon anger over the most unimportant of board semantics. But I suspect you already know that.

"Why is this still here when X thread was deleted? Fucking shit janitor" etc.

The tighter your grip, the more people will shit up their board due to some revolutionary instinct, either through spamming until you tire out/shitting up the board when you're sleeping/making up lies in emails to moot until you're fired. Some people also think they're doing the board a service by whining about whatever irrelevant thread was deleted/not deleted in massive flame threads, and that counts as shitting up /jp/ too.

Point is; Some people want no moderation, some people want nothing but moderation. I think I prefer more (But the whining it creates makes me prefer less, if that makes sense), but to get anywhere in this day and age you basically have to show some tact, and you have to be as stealthy and swift as a ninja. Ganbare.</spoiler>

>> No.8436771

> I would like all depression threads deleted. All suicide threads deleted. All lonely threads deleted.
These, though I like NEET/hikikimori threads. That might sound contradictory but there really is a difference. Too many people now treat /jp/ as "/adv/ for NEETs" and it's just outright stupid. General threads about being a shut-in loser should be fine though, as they always have been (NEET/HIKIKOMORI GENERAL UP IN THIS BITCH).</spoiler>

>> No.8436782

[spoiler]Be sure to be on every day at 1:58 AM. Prepare to delete the same thread every single day.

You'll know the one.

Plenty of other good suggestions already posted.</spoiler>

>> No.8436789

[spoiler]Any poster that mentions /a/, /b/, /v/ or /g/ should be banned/warned. I think /x/ auto-warns people who mention /b/ because of all the ``/b/ with ghosts'' shenanigans that used to go on there.</spoiler>

>> No.8436805

The report queue very literally is a list of bad threads.</spoiler>

>> No.8436811

It's also only ever paid attention to if a mod/janitor is active, in which case they usually do a full sweep anyway. The only reported threads that seem to get deleted are like CP and such that get dozens of reports. In fact I suspect that such threads on other boards swamp out reports for shitposting and such.</spoiler>

>> No.8436822

[spoiler]I would like to mention this now. Vocaloid threads are /jp/ related. They tend to attract trolls due to popularity. Don't put to much faith in the report que for those.

Korea and any thing Korea related is not /jp/ related. They can be hard to spot but generally people will point th out.</spoiler>

>> No.8436828

[spoiler]Threads with animu screencaps and no text/one-liner junks that doesn't incite discussions should be deleted on sight. Threads with Frodo as the OP pic should be deleted on sight.

Saten threads, Madoka a piss/shit/whatever threads, >jp threads, /b/ or reddit level memes threads, spurdo threads, sudo/jews/pigs are coming thread, blatant offboard philistines threads all should be deleted on sight. Basically, shitposting should be a bannable offense.

Metathread should be condensed into one thread and ONE thread only. The limit as to the allowed meta content should be clear; stuffs pertaining to roneriness, depression, NEET survival guide is okay, idiotic /soc/ shit should be dealt with swiftly. These threads invites the worst of the offboard scums, and should be treated with extreme care, but at the same time, if >>8436771 is to be done, I fear a good portion of the board's userbase would really off themselves for good.

Be careful of troll threads with seemingly board-related contents. Just because it uses a Touhou/Vocaloid/VN/what have you image doesn't make it any less of a shit thread. Anything that warrants a board redirection should be deleted.</spoiler>

>> No.8436837

I very vaguely remember a mod saying that Vocaloids were /c/ material. Though it's possible he meant "Vocaloids" as in Miku image dumps, given that /c/ is "4chan's imageboard for cute/moe anime images."</spoiler>

>> No.8436840


Be flexible, but not to the point of shitting up the board. As others have stated, attempt to learn what /jp/ actually is. It might be difficult, due to a good portion of the board nowhere resembling /jp/ anymore, but there are still some quality threads here. Look for board-relevant threads that garners a lot of response; those that aren't shitposts. The VN Translation thread, Original Content/Drawfag thread, Touhou Gameplay thread, figurine thread (/fig/) are all good example of quality, board-relevant post, and are (mostly) clean of trolls/spams/offboard pigs. Make your way through there to familiarize yourself with /jp/.

Be careful of namefriends/tripfriends. Take note of which ones are quality posters and which ones are just fucking the board to shit.

Good luck. As >>8436752 mentioned, please be strong. Some people will not like you for it, but those people aren't worth your time anyway. Keep in mind that a good number of the people who don't want moderation on the board are the shitposters who are shitting the boards themselves. Pay them no mind, but do treat valid criticism fairly. Again, stay strong and good luck.

Addendum: posting under the name Tokiko should be an instant auto ban.</spoiler>

>> No.8436847

Holy snap. Everything about these posts...you're completely spot-on. Listen to this man.

Shame no staff members are actually reading this thread.</spoiler>

>> No.8436857

There is a difference between a neet thead and a "how do you deal with mind crushing loneliness" thread. I get so sick of all the people crying about their life. We have boards for that.</spoiler>

>> No.8436873

>Look for board-relevant threads that garners a lot of response; those that aren't shitposts.
Clarification: shit threads CAN have 100++ responses. DON'T look at those. Obviously, those aren't the ones I'm talking about. Don't start from the loneliness/hikki thread, or other off-topic threads. Start from the /jp/-relevant ones.</spoiler>

>> No.8436879

Wait, what are you arguing here?

Sometimes the janitor leaves off-topic threads just because they're popular and it bugs me. Feels like he's trying to not make people hate him. It makes me hate him more.</spoiler>

>> No.8436885

That pertains to image dumps. We do not tend to have mike image dumps on this board. Teto however is another story. The should be watched out for. And and discussionless vocaliid thread.</spoiler>

>> No.8436904

I'm just clarifying that 100+ threads doesn't necessarily imply that said threads are board relevant, and this guy shouldn't start his way through such threads to familiarize himself with /jp/.</spoiler>

>> No.8436917

What do you think would happen if I deleted a gray zone topic with over a hundred posts with it? People will keep remaking the thread, will hijack other threads, or worse. If it's not hurting anyone, let it be.</spoiler>

>> No.8436913

[spoiler]OK, /jp/, what kind of report should I fill in for this thread? Rule violation, illegal content or spam?</spoiler>

>> No.8436918

>>Don't listen to this man.


Sorry but I can't take a person seriously if he uses "shitposting" unironically. It's probably one of the worst 4chan memes to surface in the past few years.</spoiler>

>> No.8436923

Illegal content is pretty self explanatory and really the easiest way to get banned by falsely tagging reports with.

It's obviously not spam becuase it's only one thread.

Take a wild guess.</spoiler>

>> No.8436926

What do you suggest we call whatever it is you're doing nowadays, then?</spoiler>

>> No.8436928

So says a shitposter himself.

Should be law.</spoiler>

>> No.8436929
File: 241 KB, 500x600, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. How the HELL could anyone hate Tokiko and still think of himself as being a good poster.... Niggas make me rage</spoiler>

>> No.8436934

that's why it should be curbed while there's still only a few responses in it

rule violation. meta discussion isn't in any fucking way related to otaku culture at all</spoiler>

>> No.8436936

"Shitposting" has been around for a very long time. Longer than /jp/'s existence for sure. In fact I was pleased to see /jp/ revived it somewhat. Even the staff use it (you will never see "Reason for ban: shitposting" ever again ;_;)</spoiler>

>> No.8436939

Tokiko pretending to be Anonymous trying to impersonate and defame Tokiko, but still using Tokiko-brand images and giving the game away.</spoiler>

>> No.8436952

If Vocaloid isn't /jp/ material I'll go eat a fucking hat or something. It belongs at Comiket and any other venue of otaku or doujin-related culture. It's possibly second only to Touhou in terms of popularity of a single genre/series among otaku groups. It's featured in every type of otaku interest but light novels and anime.

And while I don't approve of image dumps much in the first place, /c/ does not begin to cover the extent of different depictions/interpretations of Miku and the other Vocaloids. It simply doesn't completely fit on /c/ unless it's specified as a "cute image dump."</spoiler>

>> No.8436962
File: 1.00 MB, 172x176, 1290407080209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !bar</spoiler>

>> No.8436963

I agree but cute seams to be more of a general purpose anime girls image dump board now if all the reports I see are true. I hate it when someone kills a discussion with and image dump. But vocaloids are more jp relevant than and other board.</spoiler>

>> No.8436971

[spoiler]So why does nobody make Vocaloid threads then?
Well obviously they do, but why aren't they popular/frequent?

Someone should start them up regularly, similar to how we have /fig/ and kig threads. Post proper links to things like MikuDB and what have you, and maybe an FAQ for idiots. I don't know.</spoiler>

>> No.8436968

You can, you know, have a discussion while image dumping at the same time, like, you know? I mean, whoah, mind-boggling shit right there, yeah?</spoiler>

>> No.8436970

[spoiler]Oh boy, retards coming out of the woodwork to enforce their own vision on the board.

Also, OP got what he wanted, which was a metathread that people actually participated in instead of flaming. What a fucking genius.</spoiler>

>> No.8436973

I dunno, you make them, then</spoiler>

>> No.8436974

Yeah but by the same logic, you can do that on /c/. It's not like they've removed the comment field or you're not allowed to type anything other than "zomg kawaii so moe~!" You're allowed to discuss the character and such and it's kind of encouraged (flat image dumps are dull; you might as well just browse danbooru or something).</spoiler>

>> No.8436976

No. I'm too self-conscious and shy to make threads.</spoiler>

>> No.8436977

Man up, faggot.</spoiler>

>> No.8436980

See, this is the kind of bullying I'm afraid of ( ´_ゝ`)</spoiler>

>> No.8436981

Wait until /jp/ is at it's slowest.
Make a thread, and delete it as soon as the time limit is up.
Keep doing this until you're good at it.
Start doing it during busier hours.
In a few months you'll be able to make threads with discussion in them without fear.</spoiler>

>> No.8436982

[spoiler]Delete shit threads like this one on sight.</spoiler>

>> No.8436983

Then you'll never get what you want.

[spoiler]Just like how you'll never get anything you want in real life.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]And then you'll end up a pathetic loser just like me.[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8436989


Joke's on you; I'm already a pathetic loser.
It just stings when internet strangers be mean at me, y'know?</spoiler>

>> No.8436990

[spoiler]I'm bumping this thread and there's nothing you can do about it.</spoiler>

>> No.8436991

I'll rape you.</spoiler>

>> No.8436992

You're such a piece of shit.
Why do you even post? Stick to lurking so no one has to deal with your bullshit, do us all the favor.</spoiler>

>> No.8436993

Because they get old real fast. /a/ has a weekly one. It's terrible. Nothing but a massive circle jerk and stale YouTube links. It's best the way it is now. Threads only when there is new topics or occasional.
Then they are not killing the discussion are the genius.</spoiler>

>> No.8437003

Your links are backwards and it confuses me.

Though I don't think having nothing new to discuss means it's a bad idea for a general thread. /jp/ is allowed to be a slow board, and there's always conversation to be had because our personal circumstances change.
I mean, there's a very popular Touhou gameplay thread right now. We're still discussing games we played the hell out of like five years ago.</spoiler>

>> No.8437037

Okay, think of it as the chance to turn your life around, you know?

Don't you wanna be known as Anonymous, the guy that created the Vocaloid general thread? And then when you're going out to buy instant noodles supply, kids on the street will be all "Oh look, it's anonymous, our hero!" "Thanks for the Vocaloid thread, anonymous!" "Have my baby!" Even the niggers will be afraid of you. "Oh shit nigga, dat be anon, the baddest hound dog, yo! He made dem vocolod thread, he dam well gong shoot us in the kneecap!" "Better run back to da hoods, yo!"

Think of the life YOU could be leading!</spoiler>

>> No.8437043

due to a back problem inposting from bed with my iPod. It's hard.

As I saI'd. It does not work. It's just music. Makes for poor regular discussion. You just end up with a thread of stale YouTube links or a shitty image dump.

It's fine the way it is. It just should not be deleted because a few people don't like It.

I only mentioned it because it's a mistake new mods often make.</spoiler>

>> No.8437059

>It's just music. Makes for poor regular discussion.
Then we shall be scholars! Learned fine gentlemen of the arts.

We can discuss the theoretical aspect behind the music, and how the choice of certain notes and composition could lead to certain men popping a boner when hearing it.</spoiler>

>> No.8437065

If I make threads for books, people spam ">>>/lit/" or "BABBYS FIRST VN". Does this mean that otaku books are not otaku culture?</spoiler>

>> No.8437067

People just do that because you're a shitty poster and they want you to go away.</spoiler>

>> No.8437068

Sometimes I wish I had a PhD in music theory just so I could still like Vocaloid, but also have a PhD in music theory.</spoiler>

>> No.8437069

Ok, this thread got boring, going to delete it now. Thanks for chatting</spoiler>
