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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8428377 No.8428377 [Reply] [Original]


>It seems clear that the average age of marriage during the Early Middle Ages was relatively high, and quite equal for men and women.

>While women would be married once they reached reproductive age, men had to possess independent means of sustenance – to be able to provide for a family – before entering into marriage.

But everyone fucked children in the past BAWWWWW

>> No.8428384

>people never had sex before marriage

>> No.8428382

I know right fucking pedos make me sick.

>> No.8428403

I don't think you understand what ``relatively'' means.

I mean, it's right there in your post
>While women would be married once they reached reproductive age

>> No.8428421

Don't be an uneducated idiot. The age that society deemed acceptable for a person to have sex has always fluctuated throughout history depending on the circumstances, culture, and living conditions. During Medieval times, the age was relatively high, as it is now, but that changed with the Renaissance and was low until around the early 20th century for most of the world, which is why I'm hopeful that it will return to this state soon.

>> No.8428422


>But everyone fucked children in the past BAWWWWW

You mean they stopped? News to me.

>> No.8428430
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The ancient Greeks and Romans did it, you think they were uncivilized perverts?

>> No.8428445


>reached reproductive age


oh wow

>> No.8428453

What are you implying?

People are still at an age where modern society considers them children when they finish puberty.

>> No.8428463

You think people don't consider guys who fuck 12-year-olds ``child-fuckers''?

>> No.8428473

>People are still at an age where modern society considers them children when they finish puberty.

Only if you live in a 3rd world country like America.

>> No.8428474

You mean they weren't?

>> No.8428484

12 year old is not reproductive.

>> No.8428486


>> No.8428488


The moment they menstruate girls are reproductive stop being retarded.

>> No.8428492

I'm a eurofag.

But america is not irrelevant considering how much of the 4chan userbase comes from there, and how they're the foremost pioneers of the think of the children soccer mom sexual repression rubbish.

>> No.8428503

Don't girls have their first periods at 12-14 generally? That's reproductive age.

>> No.8428508

Sexual intercourse is a social act of reproduction.

I simply can not fathom how something like that can be considered illegal, if both sides are willing.

I can understand the whole controversy on how the younger participant may not properly understand the meaning of the act, but as I said, it is just a social act. Nothing less, nothing more.

But looking at what direction the normalfag world is heading to, with it soon being illegal for male teachers to have any contact with female students in schools, the morals and ethics of the common human society has been long corrupted and twisted.

>> No.8428510

fucking old women should be illegal because they cant have kids

>> No.8428514

As a non american, I would like to point out that Europe has become a festering hub of slavery and child porn. If the americans claim to have the moral high ground, for this time at least, they are right.

Europe is going the way of decadent Rome. Fast.

>> No.8428522

But isn't that primarily Eastern Europe? Western Europe seemed to be pretty civilized the few times I've visited it.

>> No.8428529

You are starting to sound like Kimmo-chan.

>> No.8428532

Well that maybe the case. But i'd bet that nothing healthy wouldn't come out from it.

>> No.8428539

Sure, europe isn't any better overall right now.

But it's america that's leading the charge in illegalising biological imperatives right now.

Both are pretty shit overall.

>> No.8428540



If this is civilized, I will gladly be a barbarian.

>> No.8428541
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Don't mind him, he's just being American

>> No.8428545

Society is going pure. If you want to diddle 3D kids (or pretty much any 3D) you can fuck off. 2D is entirely different.

I seriously hope the standards these new kids are growing in at least carry over into adulthood, but it's something I'm beginning to doubt. Debauchery is sky high. What really is morally corrupt is the media today, enticing kids to dress like prostitutes and fuck anything that moves.

>> No.8428548

So I am reading the list of youngest mothers and this stuff is pretty hot, ranging from gramps bonking 6 year olds to harems and other kinky stuff.

>> No.8428553

>But i'd bet that nothing healthy wouldn't come out from it.

Yeah, millions of years of evolution is stupid.

>> No.8428555


>society is going pure
>all "civilized" societies have reached the point where you can't enter a park with children in it without a fucking ID and a child of your own

I wouldn't call that going pure.

Society was pure in the 60s America, sexual revolution and all. After that it has been pure fucking downhill.

>> No.8428557

It's in the news because slavery today is such a deviation from the norm it's news worthy.
If it weren't in the news because "Fuck it, another slavery story? Whatever." That would be the sign of barbaric times.

>> No.8428561

Except that slavery IS becoming prevalent. I suggest you read what the Interpol has to say about slavery and Europe.

>> No.8428563

>Sexual revolution
How do you even.

I think you meant,
>Society was pure until 60s America

>> No.8428566


>implying sex is impure

What the fuck am I reading? Are you a feminazi fujoshi or something?

>> No.8428588

What is with the flood of people who are interested in sex lately?
Is it because of the "suck my cock" spam?
If you want to normalfag it up go to /soc/

>> No.8428599
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Yeah, I know right? Saying that sex isn't impure regardless of whether or not I'm having it, makes me interested in sex?

You fucking weeaboos mang.

>When in doubt, play the normalfag card.

>> No.8428603

Why do you think the board for eroge and touhou porn was never about sex?

>> No.8428608

Shut your slutty mouth mcslutface-chan.

>> No.8428610

>It IS becoming more prevalent. I suggest you...
When somebody "suggests you read up" on something, they invariably mean they don't know if what they said is true or not. At the very least they're woefully lacking in numbers backing their opinion.

>> No.8428615


/jp/ became shit a long time ago just look at the people replying to you.

I only came here for to look at a 'forest' only to find out it was rotting away at page 9 while this shit gets atleast 2 replies per minute.

/jp/ should've never split from /a/.

>> No.8428617

2D porn isn't sex.

>> No.8428626

If you love shit so much, the outside world is ready to welcome you guys with open arms.
Go be backwards gorillas outside.

>> No.8428631

Two outsider nerds were arguing over the semantics of sexual purity. This means the board is obsessed with real sex now.

Way to go overboard.

>> No.8428642

That's /jp/ for you.
If only the people complaining would just leave and go somewhere else.
It'd still be a shitty board, but at least with less bitching.

>> No.8428645

Pedo threads are my favorite troll threads. I love seeing you guys go at it.

>> No.8428647


>> No.8428652

Two links that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Great.

>> No.8428664

Yes, slavery is being opposed by the governments of the developed world, and I believe that it is right they do so. But neither article you posted suggests an increase in trafficking. They just call attention to the problem.

>> No.8428669
File: 12 KB, 250x257, 1255332547506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8428682

Its funny seeing pedos try and justify having sex with children.

>> No.8428701

Actually, it's funny seeing how moralfags actually believe people of reproductive age are 'children'.

>> No.8428708

Anyone who wants to have sex with 3D pigs doesn't belong on /jp/. Go be a normalfag somewhere else.

>> No.8428709

Doesn't mean that it isn't deemed wrong. A 12 year old girl doesn't want to fuck you. They don't feel the same way about you, as do about them.

>> No.8428718

Deemed wrong by who, and why?

And are you really suggesting that 12 year olds don't have sexual urges?

>> No.8428719

It's funny because /jp/ is full of children in their twenties.

>> No.8428724

You're referring to the offboarding ``epic trolls'' that have been staying here for the last week for some fucking reason.

>> No.8428726

That is a bumpy road.
I don't have a problem with age at all, but being able to reproduce is not the same as being able to deliver children without complications or risking the mothers health.
There could be 15 year olds that are fine for this, or even 18 year olds who can't safely do so.

>> No.8428727

then there should be no problem with /jp/ users having sex with other children

>> No.8428731 [DELETED] 

If you have no problem with 3D sure, but at that point you don't really belong here.

>> No.8428734 [DELETED] 

I'm referring to selfish people who have no sense of responsibility and are willing to delude themselves for their own comfort.

>> No.8428785 [DELETED] 

Hey, life is pointless. Does it really matter if anyone is selfish or not? Selfishness is just anouther part of human nature, and because of it we are all selfish. If we weren't, we wouldn't be able to live.

And if we wanted to live in our fantasies, so what?

>> No.8428810

Quite intriquing...

Though i totally oppose impregnation of 12. Or below. I got sexual urges at the age of 7. So what would you think? Would fucking me at that time been the right thing?

>> No.8428836

I'm not opposed to people doing whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm themselves or others.

And yes, even if it's possible, pregnancy at that age is far from healthy.

>> No.8428859

>I'm not opposed to people doing whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm themselves or others.

That is like walking on a knife's edge. It is dangerous and very easy to fall off from your idea.

>> No.8428868

Well of course the real world is never that convenient.

>> No.8428869

As long as people aren't fucking stupid, their better judgment should serve them well.

And if they are fucking stupid, well they probably won't be around long in such a system.

Not the guy you're talking to by the way.

>> No.8428875

Fuck off normalfag. This board is NEET only. Go force your hollow, specious social conditioning on people who actually care.
