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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8415964 No.8415964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ryuudou warned all of you.

>> No.8415975

I just can't give a fuck. Who is Ryuudou again? nyororororo

TL note: nyororororo means just as planned.

>> No.8415995

Give it a couple hours and all these superfluous threads will be rotting in the back pages.
Just make sure to keep the few decent threads bumped, which shouldn't be a problem with the slow posting pace they've taken.

A bad page 0 will come and go, you won't remember it in the morning. The only real issue is if we lose good threads as a result, and that can be solved easily. So don't be all dramatic about it and just weather it.

>> No.8416015

yo ryuu nigga stop trying to sound cool

we already know how much of a


u are nerd

>> No.8416012


/jp/ has been like this more or less consistently for the past few weeks. It's over. It's all finished.

>> No.8416035

Your alls fault. Waifu thread went to the bump limit. Fucking disgraceful.

>> No.8416045

Yes, just hide the threads and walk away.

>> No.8416049

/jp/ is only over when every single user gives up. It still hasn't happened, so we live on. More garbage to trudge through, but there are still decent threads to be found.

>> No.8416060


I'd say it's about at the point where 95% of /jp/ has given up. There's an "area code hookup" thread with 130 replies.

>> No.8416063

This is all that circlejerk's work, you know. They spam us so we'd be forced to move to their shitty little club.

>> No.8416069


He was banning his own mods. They aren't like that.

>> No.8416071

Sad to say but I honestly didn't realize we were being raided or whatever. Seemed like more of the usual.

>> No.8416075

I doubt it. Ryuudou probably just got pissed off because we made fun of his MAL bio, so he went to /soc/ or /r9k/ or whatever and started copypasting threads to annoy us.

>> No.8416081


It was this bad before he even came along. What are you smoking?

>> No.8416084

That's stupid. What happened to the channel now? Is he still keeping it a circlejerk and invite-only?

>> No.8416096

There are less anime reaction images on the front page so I assumed it was some other group doing it.

>> No.8416106


Personally I just think this is happening because a lot of /a/ migrated to /jp/ after most of the board police and Meido left. Even if we're being raided there's no way a "waifu" and "area code hookup" thread could have that many legit posts.

>> No.8416107

Don't worry, the anime thread that was up was deleted.

>> No.8416125

You should probably find a new board to blame. These threads are far too normal even for /a/.

>> No.8416131

>That's stupid. What happened to the channel now? Is he still keeping it a circlejerk and invite-only?

Did you even read this thread?

Why would you even bother joining a channel with a gaia kid as the admin?

>> No.8416138


I'm not blaming /a/. I'm saying that /jp/ is 70% 2010-2011 /a/ posters we don't have the strength to even resist any of this. Normally when people tried these things they wouldn't go around 5 posts.

>> No.8416161


That was just a bunch of /b/ impersonating him. Kind of like the ones shitting up everything now.

>> No.8416171

Probably, when new people come they look at the board and assume they know the way things work. Not much we can do about them but pray they die.

>> No.8416213


It won't happen. The regular /jp/ers are maybe 20% of the popluation now.

>> No.8416221

keep telling yourself that, ryuu-chan

maybe the soreness in you're butt will go away

>> No.8416242

I can't help but wonder if you actually think you're fooling anyone. Anyone actually from around here would realize you're just doing the same shit people did with /bun/

>> No.8416243


I love it when people quote me who are on my filter list. I won't bother to unhide his post to read it either. I just wanted to rub it in his face knowing he can't respond.

>> No.8416285

Then why did he link to the advertisement thread in the channel?

>> No.8416296


He made a thread to seek out people, and deleted it when it got out of control.

>> No.8416291

funny shit you actually filtered a public tripcode lmao

auto owned

stop being so new

>> No.8416306


You're talking to ryuu-chan pretending he's someone else, by the way. Just a heads up.

>> No.8416312


>> No.8416316


Yes. We're all Ryuu.

>> No.8416337

You really think this is just a coincidence? Because it's the same shitty attitude and writing style I saw in the IRC channel.


>> No.8416349

That's low tier.

Check this out.

Look at the comments there.

>> No.8416347


>> No.8416346


if you're going to use that argument then you write like him too.

>> No.8416361

Some random shit MAL

Are you implying its Ryuudou's? Christ some people can be so dense, can't a person just choose a random name for IRC?

>> No.8416365

stop defending yourself so much, ryuu-chan

you know no one would actually bother to suck you're cock
and for so long

>> No.8416372

>Birthday March 23, 1995

>> No.8416377

I like how anything new to show up on /jp/ gets to be the "everything I don't like is because of this"

>> No.8416385

So, just to clarify, Ryuu is trying to convince everyone that is just a coincidence? I'm not on the channel.

>> No.8416395


You shouldn't put NHK NI YOUKOSO in your favorite anime and use an edgy avatar combined with your edgy personality if you don't want people to recognize it's actually your profile.

>> No.8416397

In fact I did.

Please you new-trip-user 34 go clean raws or something

Reported at the speed of light^2

TO anyone else, I'll clean /jp/
Don't worry I'm already working in a project that will remove all the scoundrel of this place and tripcancers such as


I've already sent some mesagges to Moot and made my fellows do the same, just wait a little, just a little and /jp/ will be clean, you'll see again the glory of the old /jp/ back in 2007.

To anyone who didn't sage

>> No.8416403

OP here. i'm not actually him, and i don't think anyone in this thread is. just made it because I was bored. I couldn't even get into the channel.

>> No.8416410

Stop with the reverse trolling already
