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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8410885 No.8410885 [Reply] [Original]

this will be the forest thread, any info of whats going on with the servers and when its coming out?

>> No.8410889

Check the JAST twitter for an upcoming announcement

>> No.8410895
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>> No.8410908

Its been hours since the server was copying over, what the fuck is imouto doing.

>> No.8410915

she's sucking off her oniichan

>> No.8410923

go whine on irc

>> No.8410954

this is not gonna turn out like that other thread, im done letting out my feelings. I took some aitivan so i dont give a fuck now.

>> No.8410977

thats nice

>> No.8411052

The site has been up since early morning. Instructions were given this morning on IRC on how to access the site again. Either go ask again or wait for your DNS servers to update.

>> No.8411060

wait really? if i restart my router will it work? did irxec say anything about forest coming out today?

>> No.8411072

Yes really. It's not out yet, though. You might want to start by running "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command prompt first and then restart your router if that doesn't work.

>> No.8411078

Has ixrec said anything, it should be fully edited by now, they said so on the forms.

>> No.8411121

didn't work.

>> No.8411130

whats the irc called.

>> No.8411159

forest is shit, calling it

>> No.8411173

I only hear its a master piece.

>> No.8411175

You won't even be able to understand it, calling it.

>> No.8411178

So is anybody able to get on the website? I cant, tried everything.

>> No.8411207

Just be patient, when it's released someone will post a mirror on erogedownload. I don't see why you would want to visit a translator's website anyway, there's too much attentionwhoring and circle jerking. It's better to come to this board to find out what's being translated.

>> No.8411226

Well are you able to get on his site? just want to know if it just me right now.

>> No.8411280

Since I don't have a better place to ask this...

I just started act 5 of Sharnoth and I am wondering how many more acts there are in the game or what percentage point I am at. I am loving it so far, I don't want it to end abruptly on me.

>> No.8411406
File: 131 KB, 640x800, 2012NewYear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are roughly at the halfway point. There are a total of ten (all paired) acts in Sharnoth.

Five and Six are possibly my favorites aside from the ending. Enjoy.

>> No.8411414

If this thread is here...

>> No.8411429

The VNDB description is very vague. Can any of you tell me a bit more about it? What's the story about? I heard it's not set in the same world as Sharnoth and Inganock.

>> No.8411430

If you weren't retarded, you'd look at the CG page and know roughly how far from the ending you are (the last page being for unlockable bonus)

>> No.8411454

you need to take it easy man

>> No.8411455
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I have nothing to say other than that I would very much approve of another Sharnoth threadjack like last time.

>> No.8411466

It's about Reepicheep being a badass and destroying all your children memories about Winnie the Pooh

>> No.8411487
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Forest predates all the WAB games and has no concrete relation to them aside from being released by the same company (although Sakurai Hikari, the WAB writer, has named Forest as one of her inspirations).

However, thematically you could say it has commonalities, especially to Shikkoku no Sharnoth in that you could consider it as eroge writers playing around in a literary universe (Sherlock Holmes for Sharnoth, Carroll's Alice stories for Forest).
That's probably the best description of Forest I can give without going into massive spoilers: it's a journey through Wonderland, just with a more modern cast of characters fulfilling the roles we already know.

>> No.8411505

Is there horror in forest?

>> No.8411539

I like it. Thanks for the info.

>> No.8411582

Nah. The weirdness can be unsettling, and rape/dubious sexual consent does happen, but nothing I'd call horror.

fyi, genre according to Erogamescape is:
- fantasy, 57
- mature audiences, 47
- discussions of life and death (死生観), 20
- madness/weirdness, 16
- riddles, 16
- pure love, 10

>> No.8411584

it's not the main or an important component of the narrative, no, but I guess there's some parts you could find unsettling depending on your interpretation of some scenes

>> No.8411588
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This servers being down is more or less an accidental(?) publicity stunt now.

>> No.8411594

explain the maddess or weirdness, are the characters mad/werid or is it the setting? I am gonna love it if the characters are all crazy and such, sounds interesting. Also if this is like umineko, does that mean there is a "meta world" of sorts and then pieces on the game board?

>> No.8411609

Also the mc is the guy right? how would you describe him. A white knight? maybe crazy? or the cool type?

>> No.8411610

the setting is, mostly. Basically, "fiction comes alive", even though that's a pretty unflattering way of summarizing it. The characters do have their flaws but aren't mad or crazy, certainly not like Umineko characters with funny rape faces and all that shit. If you're looking for that stay away, there isn't any.

>> No.8411620

What so what is the werid or mad part about? whenever this game is brought up they say its "werid" but what does that mean?

>> No.8411627

So there is no epic trolling and twists?

>> No.8411632

Are you seriously asking what's weird about fictional characters strolling through a city where a huge tree suddenly appeared out of nowhere?
No, no "epic trolling" like Umineko at any rate. If anything Forest will frustrate people who like Umineko because in no way it provides hints and keys to read certain scenes as R07 did.

>> No.8411639

But most people said it was weird in other ways than the setting.

>> No.8411649

I wasn't sure I'd ever see the day when this was translated, so it hasn't quite hit me yet. I just hope it isn't shit.

>> No.8411652
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People who go into Forest expecting it to be in any way similar to Umineko are going to be confused, disappointed, or both.

I'd say the less expectations you have of this game, the more you will enjoy it. Trust me on this.

>> No.8411658

> I just hope it isn't shit.
Pretty much guaranteed you'll hate it

>> No.8411664

I never read Umineko so the comparisons don't tell me much. I'm expecting something along the lines of Tokyo Alice.

>> No.8411684


I want to read to it for goth loli witches & twisted fairy tales. Will I be okay?

>> No.8411929
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I don't know that I'd call Black Alice a witch per se, but other than that, yeah. It sounds like you may be this game's target audience.

>> No.8411973


Well I'm expecting a story with a bit of darkness, a bit of fantasy and a bit of mystery. I doubt I'll be disappointed since I expect something like a proto-inganock/sharnoth.

>> No.8412129

It's out.

>> No.8412138

Yeah right. Unless you have a link to back this up with then fuck off back to /b/ with your trolling.

>> No.8412149


The translation is actually out(or was out), but unedited. I think the link was pulled, but someone may have it up somewhere again.

>> No.8412148


>> No.8412152

It is out I'm downloading it right now

>> No.8412154
File: 592 KB, 1280x960, for_wall02l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be damned.


Rejoice, /jp/.

>> No.8412166

We've finished Forest! Download the patch <a href="http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/index.php?page=downloads">here</a> as usual.

[mediafire copy: http://www.mediafire.com/?dv6d5j6rlwkf8bf]

Be warned: This is the most polarizing VN I've translated in a very long time, do not expect to like it as much as I did.

There is a very thorough walkthrough in the readme, so don't forget to use it.

Also, since the server got replaced just yesterday, many of you will need to add the line " amaterasu.is.moelicious.be" to your hosts file (for me, C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts) to access our site until the DNS servers you use get updated.

As for Rewrite, I haven't decided when I'll start yet (at the very least I want to finish reading Ayakashibito first). But I might as well reiterate a few things: it should take about 6-7 months to translate, and we're planning to release two partial patches: one for the common route, and one for the five character routes, so the final patch will be adding Moon and Terra.

>> No.8412168

All I need now is the game. Which I can't find...

>> No.8412170


Virus! Do not download ):

>> No.8412178


Me either; it's extremely difficult to search for given how generic the title is.

>> No.8412181

why was Sharnoth and Forest translated, they're terrible

>> No.8412188


I have heard of that, but I do not even know what it is.

What is it and how do I access it?

>> No.8412182

It should be on the /jp/ FTP

>> No.8412189

JFYI, the game is affected by the same problem that kept Inganock and Sharnoth from starting for some people. Fiddle with your codecs or rename the OP movie file in the mov folder to take care of it.

>> No.8412191


>> No.8412192

Get out.

>> No.8412202

ftp:// jpft p.min e.n u/Visual % 20 Novels/B eing%20Transl ate d/Forest/



>> No.8412205

>doesn't spend every waking hour of the day on /jp/
>told to 'get out'

See, /jp/? This is why every other board spams you.

>> No.8412209

Should I feel bad if I quite literally do spend every waking hour of the day on /jp/?

>> No.8412208

But we don't want people who don't spend all day on /jp/ and/or people from other boards.

>> No.8412211

Close your mouth, honey, cum is dribbling out.

>> No.8412224


You realize that if you want to be left alone, you should probably go to another, less popular chan, right?


Thank you very much.

>> No.8412248

How long is Forest?

>> No.8412247
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Starting out with Kawashima Rino's character?

I like you already, game.

>> No.8412270

You realize that if you want people to stop calling you out, you could try to stop being a fucking retard?

>> No.8412287

20 hours, maybe less if you follow the playthrough and thus won't make wrong choices

>> No.8412309
File: 1006 KB, 1280x960, champ_satoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Unofficial Forest Keyword Database, still in-progress. Something similar to the Sharnoth one.


>> No.8412411

Now that this Visual Novel got translated, please discuss it on an appropriate board.

>> No.8412420

404 immediately. Try again.

>> No.8412425


Is this leggit or not?

>> No.8412437

Legit. If the game exe is detected as antivirus, it's the antivirus' fault.

>> No.8412448

Fucking avira always goes fullretard withy patches and cracks.

>> No.8412486
File: 375 KB, 809x633, forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is absurd.

The songs are great.

>> No.8412504

The OST actually shares lots of tracks with Heroes 3.

>> No.8412505

Amamori broke through the jumbotron forest
and flew down into the middle of the stage,
right next to you.

>> No.8412995

and heroes shares it with some other game
I think those "melodies" are from public music library

>> No.8413081

>Jumanji is in this vn
holy shit this will be awesome.

>> No.8414304

Great so far, not sure how I feel about the immersion braking jumps from scene to scene. The characters are fresh but reality isn't tangible enough for things to make sense yet. This VN is odd but I am glad someone translated it.

>> No.8414756

I am playing it so far but there isn't enough ero. The prolougue was too wierd so I started ctrl'ing everything but I have only hit two scenes and they don't even show anything. I am thinking of just dropping the game.

>> No.8414762


>> No.8415404


Why would you play some weird "arthouse" VN about fairytales and shit looking for ero?

>> No.8415430

For weird "arthouse" porn, you dumb bitch.

>> No.8415462

the sex scenes are actually pretty hot. The girl kept her gloves & skirt on while fucking, it's like this game was made for me.

>> No.8415978

The option to listen to an endless loop of Kawashima Rino moaning was pretty awesome.

>> No.8415998

I'm 12 and what is a "pink film theater"?

and why would it ban homosexuals?

>> No.8416009

I like the sex worker the most, then the office worker or manger.

>> No.8416006

Softcore Porn Films
Japan hates homos in their fap theaters.

>> No.8416018

I dropped Shikkoku no Sharnoth, is this as nonsensical as that?

>> No.8416028

From the docs:
http://www.midnighteye.com/features/tokyo_cinema_guide.shtml (Refer to Shinjuku Kokusai Gekijo / Shinjuku Kokusai Meiga-za)

It's more nonsensical than Sharnoth.

>> No.8416030

Sharnoth made a lot of sense compared to this.

>> No.8416056

You don't really want an answer. You just want to be told to get out, don't you?

>> No.8416210

So not to show like a asshole and i will read the vn either way but.. Will it all come together or make sense by the end? I have a feeling /jp/ is gonna have a shit ton of threads about what the fuck is actually happening.

>> No.8416292

It's more nonsensical than anything.

The only game I can think of that comes close is Omega no Shikai, or maybe Otoko Dogeza Jigoku.

>> No.8416342

Sound like a asshole*

>> No.8416351

Wait so is akeru the old tutor later on?

>> No.8417011

I made two screen recordings of English Forest. Sorry for the poor quality.


>> No.8417096

So will this "go somewhere" or will it always feel like you have no clue whats going on or whats the plot/point of everything?

>> No.8417107

it has a "conclusion" if you're worried about that, but don't expect any explanation about how to explain the game spoonfed to you

>> No.8417109 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8417127


This. Thank you.

>> No.8417131

Well im most likely not gonna understand this shit by the end, so /jp/ better get ready to bring out those spoons.

>> No.8417136

you couldn't of beaten it already right? i mean i feel like it a long game, might take me 2 weeks.

>> No.8417140

Well will there be at least some understand of what the vn is about by the middle or after the beginning of the game?

>> No.8417158

It's just a 15-20 hours game.

Many admit not to understand, or disagreed among each other what the vn is about even after ending and multiple replays, which gave the game a mystical reputation.

>> No.8417165

wait so how far are you already?
will /jp/ explain the many things about what it might be about after we mostly have all read it? I really dont feeling like reading it if im not gonna understand it. Has the writer explained the story at all?

>> No.8417171

No official explanation. The game is just is. Whether there's meaning or no meaning in it, it's really up to each reader's personal experience with the game. Which is the point of the story, or not really the point at all?

>> No.8417295

How long is forest compared to an ep of umineko? 1 or 2 eps?

>> No.8417327

I read it in 20-25 hours in Japanese, and I read quite slow. So 1 eps maybe?

>> No.8417330

this game is shit, uninstalling

>> No.8417333

warned you

>> No.8417403

this is very weird one, can't realy make out what to think of it, but strangely intriguing

>> No.8417468

It's actually really fun to read.
And great voice acting for the heroines

>> No.8417613
File: 31 KB, 320x202, 40362novelty1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I was prepared for it to be a lot more incomprehensible right out of the gate, but it's quite absorbing and fun.

Could do without the convenient justifications for sex and borderline rape in the second scene already, although I do love how Akeru always asks his partners to "sleep with" him instead of something more vulgar. It sounds almost quaint coming from a VN.

>> No.8417651


>> No.8417669

Wait, what? Is "warned you" a meme or something there?

>> No.8417966

Alright, im only up to the part were they meet the governor but i want to take a jab at this shit.
here is what i think, tell me how wrong i am.
akeru is the old man tutor talking with the little girl in her room. He and her are the ones always talking about the story and how they are trying to remember old British folk tales. akeru also is telling her about his past in a very delusional and kiddy way when he himself was a pervert and raped women and such, he also goes on to kill the little girl because he is crazy and delusional.

>> No.8417973

Oh and the little girl is the black witch somehow but i dont know how, i am just guessing at that because i haven't really even seen the black witch yet. only up to the part with the governor swinging her bat and such.

>> No.8417987

Anybody want to counter me? I dont really care, just trying to make a little sense into this vn as i read it.
its just the beginning and its really hard for me to follow.

>> No.8417992

I guess everybody is still sleeping, must of all pulled all nighters.

>> No.8417998

Just continue and absorb what you can.
Trying to make sense of everything so early isn't how you should enjoy Forest.
It's not a mystery like Umineko, take it like a trip into the Wonderland.

>> No.8418017

Have you read Alice in Wonderland? People who take a jab in the middle like "Mad Hatter is actually Alice's real life friend under disguise" or "The card soldiers are actually puppets moved by strings from the roof which is fake sky! Prove me wrong!" miss the point of the entire story.

>> No.8418037

I really cant do that, i always have to question everything that doesn't make sense to me or it feels like im wasting my time.
but im only guessing what might really be going on, its not like the story is not trying to tell you something is up. they already flash things at you like the little girl dying and maybe the tutor(akeru) killing her and akeru raping that blue haired girl already ( cant remember the name right now) before. Also again the part where they are talking in the room im guessing are the same two people always trying to remember shit. they really fuck you up with the timelines though.

>> No.8418043

Also i wish i could get on ixrec website to ask him what what thinks is really going on or his opinion of what its all about.

>> No.8418046

> i always have to question everything that doesn't make sense to me or it feels like im wasting my time.
Forest will feel like a huge waste of time to you then

>> No.8418049

Yeah he should play Umineko instead.

>> No.8418055

well i guess so but im still gonna read it.
Im sure the Japanese also questioned a lot like im doing. I just also want to know what their theories were, anybody know?

already did.

>> No.8418059

Talking about the theories would be spoiling the entire game heavily.
Usually you theorize after witnessing the whole thing, not 1 hour into the game like you do

>> No.8418061

Also did you finish it already or something? or are you still playing? im gonna try and read it all tonight, so when i read more im gonna need people who know the theories and such of what went on.

>> No.8418063

For who already read it before the patch, is the japanese in this hard to someone that have problems reading Sakurai writing and other Liar-soft works?

>> No.8418065

yeah i guess so, i guess everybody is still only in the Beginning like me anyway.

>> No.8418070

It's actually not that hard.
It has a "crude" style full of references and double meaning but the writing itself is pretty easy.
If you can read Japanese by all mean read it that way, Meteo's writing is amazing and I really doubt Ixrec's translation even approach the original script.

>> No.8418075 [SPOILER] 
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Best girl.

>> No.8418080

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44_lFhtIKrM&feature=player_embedded#! <--- translated intro for those who care

>> No.8418091

So there really is double meanings in everything? im guessing you read it already, so after a couple of days can you spout the theories that the Japanese came up with? Also i really dont no my folk tales that well and the references unless its pointed out directly ,Am i missing a shit ton of the point and story because of it?

nah, i like the restaurant manger and the sex worker they are more unique , she is to stereotyped.

>> No.8418121 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 940x966, 2452873562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elite game, not for plebes.

>> No.8418155

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.8418185

These people cant even fucking spell. Also what would you guys say was lost in translation, if there really is something lost? does it really make such a difference to the plot or understanding? Also
I want to know also if i dont know the folk tales by heart, will i miss something or a understanding of whats going on?

>> No.8418193

ixrec is the most literal translator out there.

Many many many things are going to be lost in translation.

Still better than nothing.

>> No.8418200

but i always thought ixrec is the best we had?
Can you explain what type of things will be "lost" like can you even give a example?

>> No.8418218
File: 69 KB, 476x306, 1303084878263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i always thought ixrec is the best we had?
Haha, who the fuck told you that? His translations are borderline bad. His only merit is his translation speed.

>> No.8418220

his cross channel version is downright embarassing

>> No.8418221

Here's some excerpt from the readme.txt of Forest patch:

There is also a limerick near the beginning of III. Shinjuku Drifters which, of course, could not be translated literally without breaking the rhyme and rhythm. Sheeta rewrote it for the translation. In case you didn't know, Charles Dodgson is the real name of Lewis Carroll.

Original Japanese: Romaji:
その名も高き チェシャア sono na mo takaki, chensha
猫お好きなものは 女の子 neko o-suki na mono wa, onna no ko
アリスに ぞっこん arisu ni, zokkon
明日は 結婚 ashita wa, kekkon
ドジスン先生「いかん!」と頑固 dojisun-sensei "ikan!" to ganko

Literal Translation: Amaterasu Adaptation:
That famous Cheshire cat There once was a big Cheshire cat
liked little girls. Who liked girls with a fondness for hats
He fell for Alice. To Alice he fled
Tomorrow they marry. And tomorrow they wed
Mr. Dodgson gave a firm "No!" But Dodgson said "Hands off, you prat!"

>> No.8418223

Well i would guess hes better than most.

well yeah i could tell by the way it read but he did muv luv fine,right?

>> No.8418228

not trying to take sides here, but what are you claiming is wrong with that particular example?

>> No.8418230

He's productive, but translation stick to literal style instead of adaption to flowing English which is more liberal.

Some people have issues with that http://tindabox.net/blog/index.php/2011/12/iambic-liarsoft-an-inganock-side-project/

>> No.8418232

>he did muv luv fine,right?
Lazaford fields. Needing to have Rutherford edited is shameful.

>> No.8418234

So what was lost and whats even the real meaning of that? I dont really know my folk tales/rhymes

But wouldn't literal style be more closer to what the Japanese are writing or nit really?

>> No.8418237

I'm having a hard time telling whether they really mean that Forest is difficult to translate or they are simply acting elitist.

>> No.8418241

It's TLWiki. Nothing is possible to translate.

>> No.8418243

Check the sample given by TinFoil at the bottom-most comment.

>> No.8418248

So will this translation really not gives us what the fuck is going on and will it actually make the story even more hard to understand/read or are you guys just bullying ixrec over really nothing that important?

>> No.8418249

god, just shut up about asking what everything means and fucking play the game

>> No.8418258

Im just trying to understand just how much really changes from English to Japanese and if it is such a big change that the whole story/plot changes. If its just a way to word shit then i really sort of dont care as long as he keeps it close.

>> No.8418255

>god, just shut up about asking what everything means and fucking play the game
Fucking seconded. If you don't want to lose anything, just learn to read runes so you can read the original material in glorious nippon language for the most original experience as originally intended by the original writer.

>> No.8418259

I can read Japanese and honestly it's well translated, don't know what you'd want more.
He should have taken some more "poetic" passage to compare.

>> No.8418263

I can remember getting stuck in that loop chapter for hours.
Can't wait till people complain about that part.

>> No.8418280

Translator usually provide translated walkthroughs that take away the fun of actually playing the game, so it's not likely you'll see that many.

>> No.8418295

He made a really decent walkthrough and also thank god you only have to pick the first leaf or that would of been really annoying.

>> No.8418303

Also about the walkthrough, for the part were the different routes come in for each character, do you have too redo the whole beginning to do each character?

>> No.8418311

seriously, shut up
go play the fucking game
no really

>> No.8418317

Seriously it feels like Cross Channel again where people ask how to do character routes properly.

>> No.8418323

Im just a person who needs to know everything... sorry if im being annoying...

>> No.8418337

Kind of a shame.
Forest is the kind of VN where it's better to go blind on a first playthrough.
Even getting lost in that loop chapter is part of the experience.

>> No.8418349

No one is forcing people to use a guide just as no one forced you.

>> No.8418440

How's that, Derek?

>> No.8420243,1 [INTERNAL] 


Forest visual novel
english translation patch release thread

>> No.8418839

How would this game be like if battler was the mc?

>> No.8418844


>> No.8418854

>I do believe this song originates in the Caribbean and is at least 200-300 years old.

>> No.8418864


>> No.8419204

im on the verge of quitting this game

>> No.8419266

Is it normal i don't understand what the fuck is going on?

>> No.8419300

This one of those VNs where the author drops meaningless shit to make it seems more "deep" and complex than it is?

>> No.8419320

If you're not literate enough to get most of the references, then it's just meaningless shit.

>> No.8419328

I think anyone can recognize most of those references. Having read the works before is another story however

>> No.8419422


the references are easy to spot, but the story seems a mess to me

>> No.8419434

He's talking about the format of the story, not the references.

>> No.8419444

Before I bother to ask anywhere else. Do you know how to get the font to render properly? Mine is appearing irregularly spaced. I remember solving this in Cross Channel by placing the Inconsolata font file in the game directory but for Forest that didn't do the trick.

>> No.8419458

Use Japanese locale.

>> No.8419498

Now he can start on Rewrite!

>> No.8419500

Thanks. Somehow my locale kept changing back to my native one without me noticing.

>> No.8420206

I think I've finished chapter V, I've done everything I could and got some 4th wall breaking parts with Nagatsuki who remembered other playthroughs I had made so I suppose I can't get anything more.
God, I replayed it too many times.

>> No.8420243

Who else likes the stories about the forest or whatnot more than the scenes where the cast is there? Also I am loving Forest, surprises me that a VN with such a lose grip on itself is so amusing.

>> No.8420268

You mean stories of beginning?

>> No.8421107
File: 700 KB, 1280x960, for_wall01l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpty Dumpty.

>> No.8421124

Hey, guys, I've encountered a glitch with the text wherein it ends up all jumbled up and shabby looking. Is there any way to fix this?

I've never had this problem with any other VN.

>> No.8421126

Use Japanese locale.

>> No.8421135
File: 199 KB, 334x375, goddammit18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh. I had set the format to Japanese, not the locale.

Herp derp imma retard.

Thanks a bunch though.

>> No.8421551
File: 966 KB, 802x602, brs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is awesome....

>> No.8421945

finished reading, that was... interesting experience so to say. it kinda made no sense and made sense at same time, and reading it second time would surely make a lot of things much more sensical

>> No.8422173

Do you think you understood the point of it? im still only an hour in.

>> No.8422330

understood the point?... maybe I did and maybe I didn't. I sure as hell need to reread it, and apply things I learned from the first playtrough to second to "understand" it better, not going to do it anytime soon though. but the point that Forest triest to make, I might have understood or not. it's pretty had to descripe, you'll probably "get" the generall gist of it at the end, but undetstanding the whole thing is far cry. you'll see at the end when you get there, just enjoy the ride first time

>> No.8422587

So does anyone have a link to the OST ?

>> No.8422710


I am going to bump this because I'm loving the soundtrack.

>> No.8422974

It's inside a folder in the game directory.

>> No.8423005

>Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
Using Foobar2000. Do I need some kind of plugin?

>> No.8423119

They probably fucked something up because foobar refused to play for me as well. MPC did it fine so I never bothered to check was was wrong.

>> No.8423641

can u check

>> No.8425717


>> No.8426321

2 hours in and I am realdealgasming already.

>> No.8426724

So REALDEAL I died. This is fucking awesome. Amazing. Welcome to newtext.

Naked Lunch meets Looking Glass meets Liarsoft. It's not possible for me to love this more. I am going to re-read it at least three times. Nuts. Madness. Genius.

>> No.8427238

get the fuck out

>> No.8428105

Moogy's fanboy number one strikes again. Every single one of this faggot's posts practically scream I WISH I WAS MOOGY.

>> No.8428120

Ixrec should translate more content over writing style games because so far the writing hasn't knocked my socks off. I don't think he can bring over the quirks of the original style at all.

>> No.8428130

He's doing Rewrite next which is heavily content focused.

>> No.8428142

>I don't think he can bring over the quirks of the original style at all.
Everyone knows that since Cross Channel. Translators who can actually do this do not work for free anyway.

>> No.8428161

My google fu is weak, does anybody know where I can get Forest's OST?

>> No.8428166

From your game folder, asshat.

>> No.8428183

All my media players (WINamp, foobar2000, windows media player) shit themselves when trying to play those files.

>> No.8428192

Try MPC.

>> No.8428197

All right, thanks.

>> No.8428273


What, you don't wish to be moogy?

He's the god of VN translations, having translated Sharin, G-sen, Saya, Kikokugai and stuff, and the best thing to ever happen to the VN community.

He also has a whole army of cocksuckers behind him, ready to back him up.

>> No.8428281

>having translated

>> No.8428332

He translated DraKoi, too bad he refuses to release it.

>> No.8428343

Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

>> No.8428354

As usual you guys would rather have lots of shitstorms about translation drama rather than talk about the translated games themselves.

>> No.8428393

Forest sucks.

>> No.8428404

quality opinions, as expected of /jp/

>> No.8428433

I don't know how beautiful the writing is in the original but Ixwreck's version is just lame. He's better off translating blockbuster stories than artsy literary masterpieces.

>> No.8428551


>> No.8428675

people are not discussing forest because they didn't understand it

>> No.8428694

More like because only 2-3 people read it here

>> No.8428779

Around 5 hours in and this isn't very entertaining. Am I supposed to think this nonsense is funny or something? Or is it considered good because the writing is spectacular in Japanese?

At least Kariya and Akeru are cool.

>> No.8428793

I'm also reading it right now and I find it really fun and entertaining to go through.
It may be nonsense but it's fun nonsense, probably one of the most active and fun VN I read.

>> No.8428819

Personally I only enjoy the parts with Akeru and Kariya. The riddles and fairy tale characters are unentertaining and Nagatsuki and Amamori are annoying.

>> No.8428840

should I read this, i didn't like sharnoth and the minigame was terrible

>> No.8428901

It's nothing like Sharnoth and it has no mini game

>> No.8428917

Is nobody fucking reading this? why?
i wanted to hear your opinions and theories..
Why do thier clothes changes every second and from my other post hears my other questions
So im reading forest and im up to the end with the black dragon, why the fuck did amamori start using the fucking dragon and chased them? Did i miss something? Also why do the pictures of the characters always change, like they are changing clothes every 5 seconds. Also use this thread to post your opinions of what you think the game is really about or what its hiding.
