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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8410542 No.8410542 [Reply] [Original]

If I won the lottery I would quit my job and buy a house in Tokyo or Okinawa. Then I would move there. I would study Japanese in class 8 hours a day and study karate in the evenings. When I learned the language I would then start looking for a job. Please pray for me that my life will take a turn to the point where I can comfortably move to Japan.

>> No.8410544

>Won the lottery
>Looking for a job
>Not being a NEET forever

quoting my dick

>> No.8410546

even if I had millions I would still want to work.

>> No.8410553

To make your own big company a million dollars wont help you.

>> No.8410551


Might as well just go outside and harass people for your daily entertainment.

Y'know, like Razor Ramon.

>> No.8410555


leave now normalpig,

>> No.8410557

Uggh why not? I would get so bored not doing anything. Everyone needs a purpose. Harrassing people gets old.

>> No.8410566

I did not say I wanted to make my own company.

>> No.8410568

Do you think you can live as a NEET forever in Japan with just a few millions?

>> No.8410564

Pick up some hobbies.

Play videogames, read manga, paint figures.

>> No.8410571

Making people fight each other for a few hundred dollars would never get old for me.

>> No.8410572

Million dollars isn't that much money if you would calculate that.

>> No.8410573

my day is work 12 hrs, study in the evenings run and weights in the morning. I spend a few hrs a week reading manga and stuff. But doing that 24 hrs is a waste of life IMO.

>> No.8410581
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You are not allowed to move to and live in Japan without a Bachelors degree in some field, or over twenty years of experience in any field. You may move to Japan and live their if you marry a citizen of Japan.

>> No.8410577

I would do the same, but as a hobby.

Hey, you could work in something you've always wanted to, even if it's low-pay. And you can quit whenever you feel like it.

>> No.8410578

>move to Japan
Why do you want to do that? That is just retarded.
Just save your money and spend them on a month yearly trip to Japan.

>> No.8410585

because my wife is Japanese and we both love it there. We will eventually retire there but I would love to move there sooner.

>> No.8410592


You can live as a NEET with some millions on a third world country...

move to southamerica (whatever country should be good but a good option is first Chile and second Brazil), and you can expect living as a prince without expending too much).

Example: I lived in Colombia and your live expenses could perfectly be 400 or 500 euros a month with your own house, services and in a good neighborhood.

You can allways move to Philipines if you want to stay close to japan...

>> No.8410591

you cannot become a citizen but you can become a permanant resident if you can prove that you can support yourself. You can become a citizen if you assimilate but it is very hard.

>> No.8410593

Most Japanese don't even reach 1 million dollars in their whole life

>> No.8410597

thats what I am doing now. But it is not enough. I want to live there for more than a month at a time. Somehow I feel that there is way more for me to learn and I cannot accomplish that learning without thoroughly learning the language and living there permanantly

>> No.8410600
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>marry a citizen of Japan
pic related

>> No.8410604
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>Legal requirements
(1) The person is of good conduct.
The person observes Japanese laws and his/her daily living as a resident does not invite any social criticism.
(2) The person has sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living.
The person does not financially depend on someone in the society in his daily life, and his/her assets or ability, etc. are assumed to continue to provide him/her with a stable base of livelihood into the future.
(3) The person’s permanent residence is regarded to be in accord with the interests of Japan.
In principle, the person has stayed in Japan for more than 10 years consecutively. It is also required that during his/her stay in Japan the person has had work permit or the status of residence for more than 5 years consecutively.
The person has been never sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. The person fulfills public duties such as tax payment.
The maximum period of stay allowed for the person with his/her current status of residence under Annexed Table 2 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act is to be fully utilized.
There is no possibility that the person could do harm from the viewpoint of protection of public health.

※ The requirements (1) and (2) above do not apply to spouses and children of Japanese nationals, special permanent residents or permanent residents, and requirement (2) does not apply for those who have been recognized as refugees.


>> No.8410607

exactly. I don't need some hug company or million dollar job. I could be happy working at a konbini for a few years after I learned the language. The point is just I want to learn the language, stay busy and learn the culture while using my spare time to do hobbies I want to do

>> No.8410608

I was hoping you would say you would move to gensokyo.

If you win the lottery and don't go their then its like you never really won the REAL lottery.

>> No.8410616

Wow what a weaboo

>> No.8410613

But you have a high risk of being murdered/kidnapped being a rich foreign in third world countries.

>> No.8410614

Is the cost of living very high in the more rural areas of Japan? Maybe I'm just deluded but Japan just seems like a generally nicer place. The public areas all look more taken care of and friendly and the homes look really cozy.

>> No.8410615

in some cases even traffic violations count as a criminal record. It is almost better to just use the train all the time until if and when permanent residence is granted.

>> No.8410624



Oh wow... those japanese sure put it hard to every people that wants to live there...

compared to the welcoming Europe or USA halve of their population is condemmed to dissapear in 40 or 50 years nd they'll become a satellite of China when the USA doesn't have enough power to say "no2 to the chinese government.

Will serve then right for being so xenophobic...

>> No.8410626
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Still pretty excited that Google bought my startup.
Not sure how much of the value I'll see personally, but my economically-geared friend reckons about $3-$5m.

I guess I'm set for life now.

>> No.8410627
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Man, it is funny how you guys want to get into Japan while I cant wait to fucking get out of here.
I actually really wanted to stay in Japan longer for wonderfest but the cons outweigh the pros.

>> No.8410629

another reason I want to live there. Japan is very safe. Strict immigration laws keep the criminals out so all the authorities are usually dealing with is home grown crime. There is a reason 1% of all crime in Japan is committed by foreigners. Because I have a 1 year old half Japanese daughter and another kid on the way, I want a safe country for them to grow up in. Not free for all north america with freaks who will shoot you just because you askd them to stop kicking your seat in a movie theatre. Japan is one of the last countries on earth that still makes sense to me. Govern emnet is still somewhat transparent and people are politically involved and motivated.

>> No.8410635

>welciming USA

That giant wall sure is welcoming.

>> No.8410631

If I won the lottery (big time, like $20-$30M), I'd look into building a high-rise building where I could live in the top apartment.
Whatever money I won wouldn't be enough, so I'd get a bank to help out with the rest.

Then I'd work as a janitor, help other people in the building with random things, throw out people who don't obey the house rules, etc.

Then I'd just make a little money from the rent and live in my penthouse apartment.

Also; the building should be surrounded by a little park that I'd also take care of.

As far as living in Japan goes: no thanks.
I've been there and I want to go back for vacations in the future, but living there doesn't really seem that desirable.

>> No.8410640


It's better to ask the civilian authorities and the police which precautions you should take in order to avoid that.

Besides... stop thinking about kidnaping and insecurity, that's why I suggested Chile. But every other country in southamerica should be fine to live if you know HOW TO ACT, WHERE TO GO, AND YOU FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF THE PEOPLE THERE.

Heck... i lived in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia for 13 years and i had no problems on that time.

>> No.8410641

You are an amerifat, without doubt. Why don't you look at your own country before calling others xenophobic?

>> No.8410643


>> No.8410645

It's more welcoming than both Mexico and Canada. Feel free to mention countries that have less restrictive laws, though.

>> No.8410646

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the /jp/ mansion yet.

>> No.8410647

If I won the lottery I would go around paying off the mortgages of everyone in my family. Then I would move to some closed community so they couldnt bother me, or buy a house in the country and surround it with a brick wall and moat. Then buy the house across the street and live there while my moat house draws aggro.

If I won more than 200 million I would give out large grants for genetic research and experimentation for how to turn me in to the little girl.

>> No.8410652

>laws keep the criminals out
You do realize that most of japan is controlled by the corean yakuza groups?

>> No.8410654

yeah I am the king of weabos. I am the original weabo. I am 32 years old and I am the guy who watched astroboy and robotech and wrote to the comic companies asking them to import manga. When I ws 13 I could never find Japanese movies or comics in stores. I was the guy who was paying hundreds for crappily translated dirty pair movies. I ws the guy reading every scrap of Japanese related literature I could get my hands on. Because of the original weabos like me you spoiled fucks now can go into any 7 eleven and pick up a copy of shonan jump. I am such a weabo that I married a Japanese gal and had half Japanese kids and still believe to this day that North America would be better if we learned the art of civilization from the Japanese. This is my declaration of Weabo.

>> No.8410657

You could live comfortably off of that most places in the world unless you want a super fancy house or spend a lot on a car.

Even here in Denmark you could get something that isn't complete shit.
Nice penthouse apartments in Copenhagen go for about $2M or so.
And there's no need for a car, really, so you could get by on a bike if you don't plan on going into the countryside.

>> No.8410658


Fail... I live in Barcelona, Spain and i was born Colombian.

>> No.8410661 [DELETED] 

Seriously guys, if you guys hit it big as in really big in the lottery.
Just buy an apartment somewhere near university and collect the rentals and be NEET for life. The place should be somewhere with fast internet, low crime rate and easy access to food. And since you are fucking rich, you can pickup those college/university easily for a quicky.
Which country? No idea, definitely not Japan. Australia isnt too bad if it werent for their shitty internet, usa is just bad, canada is too cold, yurop is terrible. Is there really a good country out there?!

>> No.8410673

Seriously guys, if you guys hit it big as in really big in the lottery, just buy an apartment somewhere near university and collect the rentals and be NEET for life. Make sure it is somewhere with fast internet, low crime rate and easy access to food. And since you are fucking rich, you can pickup those college/university girls easily for a quickie.
Which country? No idea, definitely not Japan. Australia isnt too bad if it werent for their shitty internet, usa is just bad, canada is too cold, yurop is terrible. Is there really a good country left out there?!

>> No.8410679

Why do you guys think Japan is that bad?

>> No.8410684

if not trolling you are stupid as fuck

>> No.8410687


Why is Europe Bad?

I thought that it was a good continent to live, specially the scandinavian countries and switzerland...

>> No.8410693

>Disregarding the entirety of Europe.

Why exactly?
Most countries are really diverse.

>> No.8410691

you do realize North America is controlled by criminals as well? Just criminals who are considered legitimate.

>> No.8410698

With $200M you could make a platform off of the coast and buy a helicopter or a boat.

A fancy house surrounded by a nice garden - elevated over the sea.

Solar panels would give you power for both your computer and a facility that can turn salt water into fresh water.

>> No.8410701

They took in too many sandniggers and blackniggers. It will be middle east mk2 in 10more years or so.
I am thinking that the best country is actually somewhere in Asia. Multilingual, near to Japan, free from natural disaster besides flood and cheap. Just gotta avoid those shitty 3rd world like indo, india or bangladesh.

>> No.8410702

>canada is too cold
Is it really a con?

>> No.8410711

Chirst dude he was calling America xenophobic.... how did you miss that. Im at a lose for words really.

>> No.8410714

Vietnam might be alright. I see these VN guys playing in World of Tanks all the time, so it can't be that bad internetwise.

>> No.8410716


you're stupid as fuck if you think that just because the fathers are like that the sons willbe the same, specially when they are being educated on the public schools.

>> No.8410725

canada is too fucking cold. I was in Japan for most of December visiting the in laws and I could run in a pair of shorts and a t shirt. It was plus 10! Now back in Canada it was minus 30 with the wind two days ago. I bought a bunch of running room gear but the sweat was freezing on my sides. After 8 km I had severe shin splints because of running on all the loose snow. Bloody weather. Yet another reason I want to move to japan - mild winters.

>> No.8410728

>scandinavian countries and switzerland
Only if you are a women.
If you're a man you can't leave the house without your burqa and having at least one women accompany you.

>> No.8410737

I really believe alot of north american fatness comes from people driving eveyrwhere and being cooped up at home during extremely long winters. In Japan everyone walks daily and climbs alot of stairs to ride the train. But in NA that fat builds up over the years from being stationary or driving everywhere. Fucking NA would be alot better if most cities had public, rapid and safe trains that service all areas of the cities. Unfortunanately it does not seem economically viable at this point.

>> No.8410733

>not living in south america or eastern europe

Enjoy your ridiculous living expenses and no freedom, retards.

>> No.8410742

A lot of Vietfags look down on other races and can be rude as fuck. And lately there are exploding bikes and cigarettes and people backstabbing others with syringes.

>> No.8410743

Denmark has very mild winters for a Scandinavian country.
And if you get a house north of Copenhagen, the amount of sandniggers will be close to zero because houses are expensive as all hell.

Other places in the country are low on immigrants as well, and the house prices are plummeting in areas relatively far from larger cities.
Northern Jutland (NW part of Denmark) is a pretty place as far as nature goes.
You could just build a nice big house up there with a 100Mbps connection and live there without a care in the world.
You'd have to drive a bit to get groceries, of course.

>> No.8410748

Japan is still somewhat free. There is another reason I want to live there. The thought police are progressively cracking down in NA more and more. After 9/11 for example, many sites became taboo and everyone was afraid of terrorists. It was un american to have any opinion other than one that supported the state. There are witch hunts all over NA now for people who access websites that are not approved. In Japan, many life styles may not be accepted but people are not persecuted like they are in NA. Read that however you wish.

>> No.8410761


Well... if what you want is freedom + a good country to live then Holland might be your choice...

>> No.8410775

I think alot of North Americans and Europeans beleive they are at the cutting edge of the future world. But I beleive Japan has long been ahead of the west in the art of living together cooperatively as one people, driven by a national objective. Manners are designed to make others around us more comfortable, and Japan has so many intricate rules related to proper manners I cannot help but think they have given way more thought than the west as to how to live together as a civilization. WHo can say technology or land mass is the only ways to measure the success of a group of people. Maybe, the art of functioning successfully as a society i also a way to measure the success of a culture.

>> No.8410779
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Now we're finally getting somewhere.

>> No.8410780

>I actually really wanted to stay in Japan longer for wonderfest but the cons outweigh the pros.

>> No.8410783

Didn't they just implement some sort of SOPA like thing?

I'd take a rural part of Scandinavia over that any day.
A house by a lake in Norway would be awesome.
You might want to get a snowmobile for grocery shopping during winters, though - which would also be awesome as hell.

>> No.8410791

been there. It is a great country indeed but I think it is too loose I visited to do the Nijmegan marches in 2000. Later I served in Afghanistan with the Dutch, and their army has become as complacent as their people. I was talking to a colonel who was telling me to call him by his first name. IMO people there have forgotten that to maintain a country they must be willing to work hard for it. Somehow, Japan has struck that balance between hard work and living life fulkly IMO. This may seem ridiculous to you but just my perception. Like so many western countries, Holland has lost the fire and enterprise that made them great from 1500 until about 1900 nd allowed the west to ascend to economic, military and scientific predominance in that time. Power is shifting back to asia where it rested before 1500.

>> No.8410790


There's been some talk about the possibility of 2 internet providers blocking their users from accessing TPB.

As if anyone with half a brain actually uses TPB anyway.

>> No.8410798

What you mean how?
My visa can last me all the way till October but I just decided to say fuck it and bought a flight ticket out of Japan before wonderfest.

>> No.8410807


They may be the avant-guarde on social rules but those rules are what makes the japanese society so conservative and rotten on the intelectual level.

There hasn't been a trace of liberalism in Japan since the taisho democracy.

If you notice it, there hasn't been on japan no sexual revolution and no 60's revolution either. it's a sign that the japanese people are not fit to live outside their closed society rules and what "the mass" tells then to do.

At least on the United States the intellectuals stay outside of the mass media brainwashing and conservatism but in Japan, anyone is like that and the people who are different are banned from society without any consideration.

That's why japan is the land of anonymity. Nobody wants to experience the harsh consequences of having an unussual opinion.

>> No.8410817

Tell us why the cons outweigh the pros.

>> No.8410819

Oh, so that's what it was about.

Well, I don't really give a lot of thought to freedom in my daily doings here in Denmark.
I'm free enough, I think.
I have no need for guns and such (but I think shooting is fun), and the only "crimes" I do are related to internet piracy.
Personally I don't recognize that as a crime, so I don't give a fuck.
I like our version of freedom much better than the American version.

I think you're getting a bit tangled up in the differences between regional and global power now.
Holland were excellent at building war ships and such back in the day, but we really don't need them right now.

Sure, China is growing as an international power with money being pretty much the only factor.
That place still has a lot of shit to take care of.
Just the smog in Beijing should speak for itself.
You can see some 3-400 meters on the ground, I think.

>> No.8410833

Quit my job.
Didnt really want to continue doing it even though it pay very well and I get to be in Japan.
It is not easy to survive as a NEET in Japan as it is fucking expensive. I am touring Japan now, already went to Hokkaido to take the Toho Line to Gensokyo. Miku is huge in Japan, her Toyota air poster is everywhere over there. Gonna tour the south part now before leaving.

My conclusion for Japan, great place for vacation and doing /jp/ stuff, not great to be a permanent resident.

>> No.8410831

I agree with some of what you are saying. My friend there told me many Japanese want to avoid resopnsibilty so they agree and cooperate so responsibility can be shared. On the other hand I wonder if it is a bad thing that the Japanese could not function outside their own society? Maybe we should not be aiming to make our countries in the west so malleable. What I mean is maybe people who move to the states should be made to adapt to traditional white american culture or get out. Maybe trying to create a melting pot society is a bad thing. Also, who says the sexual revolution was a great thing? Have you ever considered that maybe the sexual revolution was just a pointless complaint session? Try to swallow your anger and stay with me.... women have always weilded power in western society. Just in a different way than men. Throughout history women have influenced mens decisions to the point where those decisions effected the future of countries and empires. Rather than having a sexual revolution in Japan, women realized that there was no need for one. They wield power in different spheres than men, but there is a balance there. Women in Japan are arguably more powerful than men, who are simply walking paycheques. Women usually control the household's finances and are freer than men to use their free time to socialize with their friends, buy stuff etc.

>> No.8410837
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.8410840

for you, that is the best option. For others, maybe living there is the best option.

>> No.8410841

If I were to win the lottery (10mil+) I would move to Japan, attempt to get a middle income home on private property, and live out my life as otherwise normal.

On 2 million I could probably live my live as I have been without ever needing to work again, in america, and possibly some european countries.

Losing my gun rights is the onyl downside to moving to Japan for me. Culturally, it doesn't seem very likely to change in my lifetime, which I view as a good thing. They're not involved in any major wars, and are not likely not to be. There is a reasonable level of personal freedom (if you're not part of the workforce), and they have top class infrastructure.

The people are reasonably polite and civil, there aren't many undesirable minorities (other than myself in this case), and I'd have easy access to my hobbies.

>> No.8410850

I feel so safe in japan that I have no need for my AR15. Also, it seems that the government is very receptive to public opinion. I think there are alot of measures in place that would prevent to government from bullying the unarmed populace. Just my naive opinion....

>> No.8410855

Good points there. The government does actually seem to acknowledge the people there.

And since I wouldn't be living in a shithole third world ghetto in america I would be okay with leaving my guns behind.

>> No.8410863

>very receptive to public opinion
LOL no. They fucking lied to the fukushima residents and are busy covering their own ass because of the nuclear fallout.
If this incident had actually happened elsewhere, there would be a riot already. I am still surprised why the residents at fukushima still actually believe in the government.

>> No.8410864

Please continue, it's actually sort of interesting.

>> No.8410861

maybe I am getting a bit mixed up. This started as a thread about how I wanted to win the lottery and live in Japan and now I am talking about the Dutch trading empire.

>> No.8410862
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It's not about melting pot societies or whatever... is about what people think and what people let other people think without making then fall on social ostracism. All of the intelectual movements for freedom and liberty, scoial services and state protections, humanizing laws and wealth distributions wouldn't have been possible in the japanese self-restricting society.

As for inmigration, i'll agree with you that it has good and bad things, but on the long term the society-wide implications are more positive than the problems they may create right now.

>> No.8410868

Americans just can't stop being afraid of their armed neighbors.
If I moved to the US, I'd have to get a gun just because everyone else has one (several, rather).

I'd live to have a compound bow, though.
Maybe even getting a hunter's certificate so I could get a rifle or a shotgun would be cool (deer is delicious), but I don't think I'll ever need to defend myself with a gun.

(guy from Denmark here, by the way).

>> No.8410867

This thread made me go out and buy a lottery ticket. I really shouldn't have spent the money, but if I win I could be seeing about 25million after taxes.

>> No.8410870


May I add that the supposedly "non neccesary" sexual revolution in japan is what every male that has an unconciouss misogyny...

>> No.8410874

No I feel you man. This was the first incident in recent years where it is obvious the government has been less than 100% transparent. But the Japanese govermnment still has a better track record of transparency than the US or Canada. look at the many scandals politicians have admited to in recent years and even resigned over. In Japan Bill Clinto would have fucking resigned after the Monica Lewinsky thing.

>> No.8410877

For us pasty white boys who spend all our time locked inside, a gun is also good insurance. You certainly couldn't fight off an attacker or burglar with my physique.

The gunshots I hear outside certainly don't help though. Last week a 89 year old man was shot 6 times by a nigger who broke into his house. This happened two blocks from me.

>> No.8410887

maybe, maybe not. I would ask that you open your mind and just consider for a few seconds that some men who do not believe the sexual revolution was a great thing are not mysoginists. I will, in turn, honestly reflect on the benefits of the sexual revolution.
If the sexual revolution is so important that every fibre of your being - of what makes you who you are- is dependant on it, than I would suggest you need to expand your personal experiences. I would also suggest that you have alot to learn about the art of being a woman.

>> No.8410904

Good fucking grief.
I wouldn't be able to sleep in a place like that.
And it would be something like Leon, sitting in a chair in a corner with my sunglasses on, gun ready and loaded on an end table by my right hand.

I'd get a steel door before getting a gun, I think.

Break-ins and such around here are uncommon even though I live in an area that isn't exactly crime free.

>> No.8410907

Sorry if I am missing what you are saying but those things I agree would not have been possible in traditional Japanese society if it weren't for the inject of US culture after WWII. I guess I am saying that the Japanee have acheived the ultimate society IMO by combining aspects of their traditional culture with many aspects of other cultures around the world. Except, they "Japanize" imported culture before integrating it into their daily living.

>> No.8410912

Heh, yeah land of the free~ and all that.

If you don't have a gun here, and anyone finds out... well you probably won't have anything worth stealing after a week.

The criminals here fear nothing becuase the cops won't do anything. They'd rather hang out in rich neighborhoods and write parking tickets.

>> No.8410925

I don't hate women, but from observation they are on average mentally inferior and uncreative.

>> No.8410927

Wow, I had know idea The US was that bad.

>> No.8410928
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so many good things about women being said here and you are still calling mysoginist. Fucking troll or college liberal i.e. agrees in free speech except when it offends her.

>> No.8410934

obvious troll is obvious. You have never met a real woman.

>> No.8410932


You are talking with a guy who has been studing history for 3 years already. It's up to you if you want to believe me or not.

And i can assure you one thing: what women want are the same rights as men has, not the opportunity to get some real (or fictitious) power through their charms.

Why they need to use that when they can plainly and without any webweaver plan get and do what they desire?

just until 150 years ago women had no right to own property or even have the legal custody of their children. And until the sexual revolution the supossedly "normal" place for a woman was the house and the education of the children.

I guess you think that woman can be happy with that setting, i think so also: my mother is a housewife with 3 children and she only works in house.

ON the other hand, it's true that many woman may be pushing thenselves a lot to live outside that model. But just think about it: if you can't study and get a job you are virtually dependant of your husband and if you divorce you are fucked cause you won't get a decent job. Just think about a divorced mother who has divorced with 2 children to feed.

>> No.8410941

I can barely leave my house without fear of being shot, stabbed, or beaten.

Luckily, I decided to get a gun last year, so no problem, really.

>> No.8410942

Angry NEETs are forgetting the fact that you can't just move to japan without working or studying. OP is not a normalfag.

>> No.8410937

To try and be fair, I don't know if the whole country is this way. I live in the inner city, inside the rust belt (and area well known for it's crime).

On top of stuff like that though we also have the NDAA nonsense. It seems like there isn't a kind face to be found in this country anymore.

>> No.8410947

Play less bad eroge.

>> No.8410951

If you're rich as hell you can by investing into the country.

Stuff like public services, and the stock market. I don't remember the exact wording on it, but look it up. That's why people talk about winning the lottery and moving there.

>> No.8410957


It's obvious that, in almost every intelectual movement, there are extremist and narrow-minded idiots that believe in their creed without thinking about anything else.

Those woman who think like that are pathetic.

>> No.8410961

I can't blame them.
I'd do the same.
Why would anyone in their right mind risk getting shot by a nigger in order to defend someone else's property if you could get paid the same amount sitting around in a nice neighborhood?

If the criminals around here were like that, I'd move somewhere else.
Here you'd have to be criminally stupid in order for someone to pay you a visit.
Sure, they can break in doors and such, and the dorm did have a couple of break-ins over the summer, but nothing I'd worry about.

The only thing that bothers my daily life is that the shitty construction of these concrete blocks from the 70's amplify the noise of people in the yard, and some people are noisy and inconsiderate.

I would like the noisy people to vanish completely if it could be done without incriminating me, but it's not enough to change my DEFCON from 5.

>> No.8410966

If noise pollution was the only thing I had to worry about, I'd pretty pretty happy with my life.

Stay safe, Eurobro.

>> No.8410968

convincing. I will research what you are saying.

>> No.8410981

Apart from outside noise and a fear of being jobless and moneyless in the future due to failing studies, I'm doing pretty well.

You too; try to stay out of harm's way.

>> No.8410987

well thanks all for your input...life is all about experiencing things. For me I want to experience living in Japan. I have a pipedream of winning the lottery and moving there but reality is that I will have to work hard to achieve my goals. Also, what I expect may be alot different than what I actually experience.

>> No.8410992

My observations are based on working tech support at my university. I help male and female professors daily. It's always the females who ask "do I left click or right click" for every single action. Yesterday it took me a full hour to walk a professor through attaching a file to an email and then sending it, the horrors. She couldn't grasp the concept of a browser tab.

>> No.8411004

are you serious? You are kidding right? You are basing your whole opinion of women on how well they can use a computer at your community college? Seriously? Even a so called mysoginist like me can see the error in your logic. Statistically, there are hundreds of thousand of women in the world who can use a computer better than you can.

>> No.8411011

I've helped 5,299 people so far and that's just my observation.

>> No.8411071

LOL. You are a man who knows how to defend a difficult position.

>> No.8411086

I don't want to shit up /jp/ with this argument that's why. I respect a lot of women, especially my female database instructor. If I was tasked with rebuilding society with 1000 random males or 1000 random female I would always choose the males, disregarding the obvious need to reproduce.

>> No.8411094


That is such a weeabooish post, it made me a little sick.

>> No.8411092


Get out of /jp/, feminist scum.

>> No.8411097


What's wrong with it? Why is moving to Japan so bad? Why doesn't any else get criticised for moving to a country they're interested?

>> No.8411102

why are you here if you are not a weabo? Just come out of the closet man. Admit you are a gay...I mean a weabo.

>> No.8411109

Hurr hurr can't say anything good about Japan.

>> No.8411106

troll or fool.

>> No.8411113
File: 309 KB, 700x850, 03db9023a680ec3a7821816472669e47ef6db329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, OP. My mother's just terrible at winning the lottery, though.

>> No.8411125

check out this great anime. It's called Boku no Pico. Guys like you love it.


>> No.8411136

your mother? What about you? also you were very close to quints there. I shall now call you "almost"

>> No.8411151
File: 528 KB, 800x600, 19182693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've only played it once in my life, my mother's done it about a thousand times.

>> No.8411163

Almost, you need to buy a ticket yourself if you wanna play. I do not guarantee your mother will share with you.

>> No.8411167


It's not about the fact, it's about the motives. It is exceedingly pathetic to worship a nation and its people because a fringe minority of them happen to produce some things you like. It's really not much different from ricer mentality.
Now if you would still love Japan and its people, history, food, etc. even if anime, manga, and games didn't exist at all or you had zero interest in them, then I stand corrected. Good job at having a multifaceted, diverse, intelligent, and well thought out reason for wanting to live in Japan.


You do realize most traditional /jp/ exclusive residents have no reason to worship everything Japanese to the point of wishing to be Japanese, right? If you can't see that, you're less bright than I expected... although I suppose it can't be helped if you're in your late teens or early 20s.

>> No.8411176
File: 224 KB, 614x780, 18254583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She will, she doesn't like being alone and will pretty much buy my presence.

>> No.8411194

I had no idea there were so many married people with jobs on /jp/.

>> No.8411295

Isn't it just OP? He's been continuosly following up on this thread and probably posts around the board too.
