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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 759 KB, 3000x3507, 1325558652905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8405508 No.8405508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Over the past few months /jp/ has seen one of the most significant declines in it's entire history. Dark times. Perhaps the worst — shitposting, spam, and terrible threads are all normal. /a/ and /v/ users are even starting to outnumber actual real posters. Mass shit. Forced memes. Everywhere. And they've effectively won, because our moderation has shunned us. They beat us.

Unfortunately for them we won't give up on the place that *was* our home so easily; we're not going down without a fight; in a time where this place is forsaken, and the light at the end of the tunnel is so dim that it's barely visible, and you're so close to death that you just want to close your eyes... the last stand has arrived. Like-minded individuals who once called /jp/ a home will align with our philosophies. Think of this as the last refuge of actual /jp/ers. We're still out here. Shitposters come? We destroy them. The /a/ that has overtaken /jp/ comes? Gunned down. Shitty memes? Not a chance.

There's also been allegations of this turning into a circlejerk; know that as long as I breath there's not a chance. Come discuss with us on #true/jp/ @ Rizon. Anyone involved in in founding any initial projects will get some form of authority.

>> No.8406045,1 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to #true/jp/: The Police State that /jp/ deserves!

>> No.8406045,2 [INTERNAL] 

Did they really ban you, Kuroko Spammer?

>> No.8406045,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, because I wanted to discuss how they wanted to fix /jp/. I encourage everyone to move to #japanese-bird or #kuroko if you want to become a lovely ojou-sama!

>> No.8406045,4 [INTERNAL] 

I was using the name "kuroko spammer" too since last night. I was idling there today, when I looked at the chat I realized I was banned. I don't think I posted anything.
What a dick

>> No.8405514

I don't know if I want to join this... Never felt the need to socialize, but I do idle in channels of the other boards I regularly browse. I guess I could idle another channel.

>> No.8405519

>he still takes /jp/ to be a serious place of discussion

>> No.8405521 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 500x320, Phoenix-Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thread OP, but check these repeated digits.

>> No.8405528

Who are you quoting nerd?

>> No.8405524

I just come to /jp/ to take it easy.

I don't think you guys are taking it easy.

>> No.8405531

Always on communication always end up a circlejerk. It is not a chance, but merely fate.

That is the fate of having a small group of people that are always in contact with each other

>> No.8405530


Prime example of the crap that goes on /jp/ now. OP has a point.

>> No.8405533

>#true/jp/ @ Rizon
Why not just setup a Facebook account, you socializing faggot?

>> No.8405539

Not entirely true. It depends on the personalities of the people.

>> No.8405540
File: 51 KB, 240x240, reactionyukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey elitist cunt, /jp/ isn't your secret club, it may not have been as bad as it is now but it always had these kinds of shitposting. Take it easy, asshat.

>> No.8405542


This isn't, and will not be, a circlejerk. I will close everything before that happens

>> No.8405547

We're all anonymous anyway. IRC is a good place to organize things.

>> No.8405554

Not again, yet another meta-thread where people faking their age in /jp/ attempt to speak of the ''good old times'' when none of what they mention happened. Circlejerk somewhere else.

>> No.8405556


>> No.8405557


Allow me to explain the concept of a quotation.

A quote is an alliteration of an existing thought or idea. Thus, I'm "quoting" a metaphysical abstract idea often purported, that existentially, /jp/ is and always has been a big joke.

I'm sorry you haven't figured this out yet, however. With time, young one.

>> No.8405562

Alternatively, for those who love chaos, revel in fun shitposting, consider joining the official shitposter steam group chat

>> No.8405563
File: 5 KB, 121x118, 132192990174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IRC to socialize
Hahahaha oh wow.

Bump though, I don't know if OP is serious but I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt than to other unrelated thread.

>> No.8405565

Sad part is this thread is 60% /a/.

>> No.8405572


Then you'd best close it now, because it's already a circlejerk

>> No.8405573

It'd be 55% if you weren't posting in it.

>> No.8405577

Disregarding the fact that I agree, I think you should be far less melodramatic in the OP.

It gives the appearance that you're a pack of angry, overly serious old men who will be tiring to socialize with rather than a bunch of people who only wish to post otaku related things on their otaku related board like in times past.

You know what I'm saying?

>> No.8405580

Allow me to consult dictionary.com

Quote: Repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.

>> No.8405585

Another one of these? Time to leave /jp/ until this thread dies then, hopefully the elitist newcomers will have gone by then.

>> No.8405586

true/jp/? More like neo/jp/

>> No.8405593

If you were part of /jp/ back then, you wouldn't care about what's happening nor would you go to the extent of using an IRC channel. You're not any better than the massive influx of shitposters today.

Take it easy.

>> No.8405595

Shitposting is like the tide. Sure it sucks when it rises if you're sitting in the sand, but all you gotta do is take it easy on a boat and it doesn't really matter.

You're going to be catching fish and getting rays either way.

That's how I see it at least.

>> No.8405608

>Allow me to consult dictionary.com

>my face

>> No.8405613

Alright. See? People aren't taking you seriously, and sees it as another whining thread.

A simple "Join our IRC!" with a cute picture would have sufficed. Instead you look exactly like the Good Old Days poster, complete with the slightly unnerving Yukari images he used.

>> No.8405616

It's funny because he was part of the thread where this was organized.

>> No.8405615


It has proved to be successful so far.

>> No.8405621

That may be true, but what happens when things get as bad as /a/ or, godforbid, /v/?
I don't think I'm going to join the channel, but I think OP might have a point. Granted, things aren't as bad as he claims.

>> No.8405623


When it gets that bad something needs to be done.

>> No.8405625

I think things are pretty bad, especially given the lack of moderation lately.

>> No.8405628

I don't use irc anymore, it's just drama and circlejerking.

Alright OP, let's assume you have a plan, and it's not shit. Why should I care? Why should I invest energy into your plan specifically? All the claims you've made so far have relied solely on your character, and frankly my trust just doesn't extend far enough for that to cut it.

Sway me.

>> No.8405635

I'm too nervous to use IRC

>> No.8405633
File: 17 KB, 469x1229, current situation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, another /bun/.

Yeah, yeah, OP, "it won't be like bun", I've heard that before. They all turn out like /bun/.
Fuck off and take it easy instead.

>> No.8405634


If you're fine with smelly shit then enjoy smelly shit. He doesn't have to convince you that it's wrong.

>> No.8405639

i cant be assed to read op so can someone summarize it for me? is it another retarded spam group?'

>> No.8405646

Nah, they're making their own /bun/. But they didn't actually give any reason for us to care about theirs more than any of other /bun/s out there.

>> No.8405648


They're not just making a board. That's not even decided. It's a place to chat also.

>> No.8405651

oh cool. good luck

>> No.8405650

Oh. I don't "chat".

>> No.8405654

Yeah, thanks, I don't want to pretend I'm in /jp/ outside /jp/. If you people are fed up with this shit and your fingers are too delicate to make good threads, then drop your board nationalism and move to somewhere else without any pretense you're still here.

Protip: you won't be missed.

>> No.8405657


Thanks for the bump cutie.

>> No.8405659

You don't need to chat in IRC. Most people just idle.

>> No.8405662

OP has a point but I don't like chats and stuff like that.

>> No.8405663

So did OP just make this thread and then abandon it?

I haven't seen him respond to anything yet. That just gives me oodles of faith in him.

>> No.8405660
File: 62 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Sion Overrun.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Channel founder: Ryuudou <-- shun this autistic nerd
Other losers to avoid: jake` z411 trie Nght Sinmimus Ojouchama notacoolguy ano r8221 hardcode geso X153 ticks woden Rosenberg SpikedKnuckleBrawl kurokospammer fazel AllSystemsBakkoi

>> No.8405664

Who are you and why are you the admin of that chat?

I should be the leader, I'm a true /jp/sie.

>> No.8405665

Oh boy, it's another of those friend circle groups that shit up the board and crave attention. You can fuck right off like the tripfags and shitposters.

>> No.8405669



>> No.8405671

Oh, you think I saged? I guess you're better off in your circlejerk.

>> No.8405672

I see some tohnochanners, the guy who runs #konachan, and some of the bloggers.

That's just fucking peachy.

>> No.8405675

What else would they do.

I guess they could bitch in #4chan for more moderation or something.

Well and circlejerk a lot.

"Hey guys remember how much better /jp/ used to be?"

"Yeah, remember the days before KS. Wasn't it so much fun bitching about people posting YMK threads."

Too bad there isn't a morning musume thread I could take it easy in.

>> No.8405676

kill yourself

>> No.8405682

I'm not going to read this thread or even the original post, but how the fuck do you get an em dash right (though fuck setting it flushed) yet you do
> it's entire history

Fuck this planet.

>> No.8405679

kurokospammer is the actual Kuroko spammer
z411 r8221 X153 are all Tokiko

This should tell you the quality of the chat.

>> No.8405686

Bahahaha, chat isn't even two hours old and already it is infested with faggots. Good job, OP

>> No.8405696

I want to go in this chat to see what it's like, but I've never into'd IRC, so I guess I'll never know.

>> No.8405691

OP reads like it was written by good-old-days-kun (aka squiddy).

>> No.8405693


Wow these guys are off to a great start. They might just end up even worse than /bun/ if they keep this up.

>> No.8405707

You're not missing much.

>> No.8405710

If you do check #chilly too, since that's where they first set this up and for some reason haven't mentioned it since.

>> No.8405704


z411 and X153 are the same person?

>> No.8405718


#chilly has been abandoned because the name was stupid.

>> No.8405733


>> No.8405734


I've been posting. Nothing has been left.

>> No.8405724
File: 589 KB, 733x733, 5bfdf26bffe3b0151a3f808e5037f79b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when I made that Steam group why nobody joined?.
You fucks, I was lonely there.
Anyway, you guys are cool and all but /jp/sies should never meet outside /jp/.
It turns ugly.

>> No.8405728

Any particular reason you guys simply left this thread to die?

Any real poster from here would hesitate to go on irc for no reason, and the thigns that keep turning up here just paint you guys worse and worse. Why nothing from your side?

>> No.8405748


>> No.8405743


Answer this post then

What makes your /bun/ any different from the countless others?

>> No.8405752


We don't have a /bun/. A board isn't even decided yet, but it one does happen it won't fail.

/bun/ is synonymous with shitposting.

>> No.8405758

So far it seems to be full of shitposters, spammers, normals, and kids from /a/ and /tohno/.

A real melting pot of quality.

>> No.8405762

All these things that took the anonymity out of /jp/ are the cause. Just pick a random thread and you'll pretty much always find some trip/namefag trying to get attention by posting something unfunny and retarded shit.

IRC is pretty much just an extension of this.

>> No.8405763


How? I don't see that.

>> No.8405767

Yeah, that's just so descriptive!~

You don't have a plan, you don't have a board. And you refuse to say anything about the board you might one day make?

Let's all just trip over ourselves to flock to you.

>> No.8405770


We hate the retarded spamming tripfriends.

>> No.8405779



>> No.8405777


No no, you ARE the retarded spamming tripfreinds. Again, see:


>> No.8405782

/jp/ is a ghetto. No one cares what happens to it.

>> No.8405784

Anyone thinking about looking at OP's new /bun/, first read this thread. Get yourself a good idea of just what you're in for.

>> No.8405793

None of those are tripfags, stop making shit up just because names are mandatory on IRC channels.

>> No.8405788


Apparently some do.

>> No.8405797

A list of all the people in the IRC. How does that prove your point?

If you think this is the only problem, then you're honestly browsing /jp/ with your eyes closed.

>> No.8405795

Yep, another case of butthurt alright.

Have fun in your new /bun/, OP, but please stop bothering /jp/.

>> No.8405798

Then why make an IRC channel in the first place? Why not make an anonymous board instead?

>> No.8405799


I'm not OP. I'm not even in this. I just wanted to point out how stupid you are.

>> No.8405800

You've got a spammer who everyone here should know. Don't even try to weasel out of this.

Not to mention the /a/ and /tohno/ kids.

You've also got tokiko.

>> No.8405804

They are shitposters. And now you're one of them.

Reported for advertising.

>> No.8405810

It's for planning and discussing, not a /jp/ replacement, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.8405811


Which ones are /a/?

>> No.8405807

Never claimed it was the only thing wrong with /jp/. Just the easiest one to solve.

>> No.8405815

Every problem with the thread: /touhou/

There we go kids stop being fags about it and we'll have a better board

>> No.8405817

Yeah I think that was a mistake. The board idea came up after the IRC channel was made. I wonder if anything can be done now.

>> No.8405819

notacoolguy (?)

>> No.8405823


If any of them act out they'll be taken care of.

>> No.8405826

It's too late for your project if you've already got people like, and who knows how many others involved.

No one here will want any part of it.

>> No.8405831


Not OP, but It's just an IRC channel. They aren't staff.

>> No.8405833
File: 39 KB, 501x440, Sion with an evil grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've tried this before. Just like your little start-up, we had an unfortunate infestation of spergs, and when we kicked them out, they came here and cried about it and still haven't stopped.
My advice to you, OP, would be to conduct a purge on your channel before choosing a domain name, so that you don't get "Why are you still here?" threads and other forms of buttfury spam for the next year.


>> No.8405834

Planning and discussing how you are much better posters and coming in here bigger faggots than you already are? No, thanks.

>> No.8405838

So escaping the shitposting, by surrounding yourself with shitposters?

That's the plan?

>> No.8405855

If you're Jones-'chan' post with you are tripcode.

>> No.8405856

If your channel really has shitposters ((I wouldn't know, I don't follow IRC shit), then it might be best to kick them out first or start from scratch. How you'd get actual /jp/sies though is beyond me.

>> No.8405860

Why would anyone pretend to be me?

>> No.8405858


>> No.8405861

Far stranger things have happened.

>> No.8405865
File: 52 KB, 848x480, Sion making a generic undecipherable reaction face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8405871

I'd consider joining if it were mizuumi.

>> No.8405904


>> No.8405910

Good, now more people can see this to report it.

>> No.8405913

You sure are HELLA MAD about a bump, brosephine.

>> No.8405918


That wasn't me.

>> No.8405915

No, actually I was thanking you. I'm sorry if it didn't come off that way.

>> No.8405919

Actually I think you should take what (>>8405910)
is saying literally. It's good for him since like-minded people can report the thread, idiot.

>> No.8405928

/jp/ had better times, but bitching about it does nothing.
Bitching about it on IRC at least isn't on the board, but fuck IRC.

>> No.8405930


Partial log. I think these guys aren't so much malicious as just dumb.
Note how none of them can make a coherent sentence at first.

>> No.8405937

Whoever stays in your channel after 1-2 years are the ones you keep. Anyone else should get the banhammer. At least that's the way I would do it.

>> No.8405947
File: 2 KB, 50x50, whoruquoting22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8405956

Is Tokiko hated that much that he has three different usernames? That's pretty funny.

>> No.8405960

>14:23 geso trveneet ^^ xD

I am not going to an irc channel that is full of faggoty emote spammers. Get out of /jp/, OP.

>> No.8405962


It's a false log. There has been no emotes.

>> No.8405966

I can provide screencaps if necessary.

>> No.8405970


If there was it was likely sarcasm, or uncaught.

>> No.8405971

It's real, but I think he was posting in jest. Not that it matters anyway, this thing is doomed to fail.

>> No.8405974

>false log
yeah right

Please do.

If you're having to use emotes to denote sarcasm, you haven't been alive long enough to legally browse 4chan.

>> No.8405975

Yeah, yeah, stop excusing yourself.

>> No.8405977


You're projecting. Not everything fails.

>> No.8405981

Stop freaking about one message.

>> No.8405989

I can't actually check it becuase the great american firewall. All of pastebin.ca is down for me.

Someone want to put it on pastebin.com?

>> No.8405990

>/bun/ is synonymous with shitposting.
Ahahaha, I was sympathetic with your cause, because I do agree on that /jp/ has been fucking terrible for last couple of years, and in fact, there are always more shitposts on the front page than even /a/. However calling /bun/ shitty shows that you have no idea what you are in for. /bun/ may be slow, but it is in no way shitty. Enjoy your Tokiko and other shitposters in your IRC while I relax in VN general and figure threads which are about the only good /jp/ threads nowadays.

>> No.8405994
File: 47 KB, 1235x552, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dozo. lolmibbit, it was an easy way to spy on the channel under a throwaway nick.

>> No.8405995

I'll act as I like. I don't want to join an irc channel with a bunch of minors. If you want ACTUAL /jp/ people coming in to your channel then you have to get rid of it. Simple.

>> No.8406003

>If you want ACTUAL /jp/ people coming in to your channel then you have to get rid of it.
Sorry I don't understand. How can people go to a place that doesn't exist?
Anyway I'm all ears to your suggestions.

>> No.8405997


I'm looking into it now.

>> No.8406005

Why would you complain about emotes on IRC?
That suggests you came to the internet AFTER all the "aol chat xD" nonsense. People from before then used emoticons as normal and never gave a fuck.
Seriously go to any high volume mailing list. You'll see hackers in their forties and fifties using emotes. Only twentysomething wannabe-mature 4channers have a problem with emoticons. And on IRC of all places...

>> No.8406009
File: 111 KB, 600x600, 1297537509171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, it looks like those cancerous metathreads made by newfriends from two years ago.

>> No.8406011

I think he's also Debra. He had others too.

>> No.8406023

Why don't you set up a mailing list instead?

>> No.8406031
File: 13 KB, 600x25, raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, now we have another group of neo-/jp/ers who plan to raid the board with their agenda. Why is /jp/ infested with the worst fucking scum around? Go die.

>> No.8406033
File: 98 KB, 850x602, 1305848274614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking it easy
>see thread
>join #true/jp/
>get permab&
>so ronery ;_;

>> No.8406034

That cerealexperiments site belongs to ticks, by the way.

It was also filled with 3D porn.

>> No.8406043

I complain about the use of emotes full-stop.
I am in multiple steam group chats and NO ONE USES EMOTES.
Why? Because you don't fucking need to use them.
Emotes just make you look like a kid.

>> No.8406044

This. Emotes are the number one easiest way to spot an undesirable person.

>> No.8406045

Really? That guy admitted he came from /a/ a few months ago when he originally linked his website. Typical "true/jp/" hangout. Filled with neo-/jp/ers who think rule the board.

>> No.8406045,5 [INTERNAL] 

Try not using a name like that then.

Makes me laugh, some people want to try and make a small /jp/ related site away from /jp/ and the shitposter crew is all over it ready with their feces. You guys never cease to amaze me.

>> No.8406045,6 [INTERNAL] 

IRC is the second worst thing to happen to the Internet.

>> No.8406045,7 [INTERNAL] 

Good times..

>> No.8406045,8 [INTERNAL] 

my post...

>> No.8406045,9 [INTERNAL] 


What was the first one?

>> No.8406045,10 [INTERNAL] 

I vaguely remember this thread and #true/jp/.
I hope Ryuudou-sama is doing alright.

>> No.8406045,11 [INTERNAL] 

wow, i wish i was a /jp/ oldfag


that feel when you missed the golden funpost age

>> No.8406045,12 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know that feel bitch nigga.
But at least you've got the archive.

>> No.8406045,13 [INTERNAL] 

those idiots wasting hours looking at the archive to look at le good old days they didn't experience are the worse

>> No.8406045,14 [INTERNAL] 

im gonna bump a bunch of old threads just for you, bitch.

>> No.8406045,15 [INTERNAL] 


What are some /jp/ tunes?

>> No.8406045,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8406045,17 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw the only thing you remember from 2012-2014 is the anime you watched
feel with me

>> No.8406045,18 [INTERNAL] 

can't sorry I stopped watching anime in 2011 or 12 (whenever tatami galaxy aired)
