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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 478 KB, 1173x1050, ryougi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8392257 No.8392257 [Reply] [Original]

MELTY BLOOD info updated

MBAA:CC installation guide

1. Don't use wireless connection.
2. Don't download/upload/stream anything.
3. Turn off stage animation, character filter, screen filter in the option settings (turn on display FPS).
4. Set in game resolution to default (windowed 640x480).
5. Port-forward is required to host.

>> No.8392298
WC, stop teching tier.

>> No.8392358
File: 39 KB, 398x327, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Midwest, how do I pressure tier

>> No.8392387

I just want a decent connection tier ;_;

>> No.8392401


Oh forgot, EC USA :p

>> No.8392432
West Coast.

>> No.8392493

GG Capote, why does it seem like you make it lag whenever I'm trying to combo?


>> No.8392518


Sorry bro, pretty laggy. :(

>> No.8392528


GGs I guess to the one who connected, it fell short in the middle of the match. =/

>> No.8392543

Good matches, sorry about the random disconnect. My net's been on the fritz all day.

>> No.8392624

GG, thanks for the patience

>> No.8392620

Yeah, with delay 9. I gotta use a scrubby character.

>> No.8392807 EU

>> No.8392818

I hope they add a Full Moon Random select for you.

>> No.8393036
File: 147 KB, 850x850, 1286308770872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noob tier. all welcome though, i have no problem with being raped

>> No.8393182 Hosting EU

>> No.8393278

gg's eeh maji
i apologize for being a scrub, first time online.

>> No.8393279


Yeah I just started playing a few days ago too. GG

Nero is quite annoying

>> No.8393288

yeah, that's probably why i picked him, unfortuantely he's the only character i can kinda play

>> No.8393546
File: 686 KB, 1920x1200, 1211023687577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not starting Meltan threads with one of the Official Meltan Thread OP Pictures.

>> No.8393856

Hosting EU

>> No.8394036
File: 358 KB, 765x1052, 1305000581198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8394036 46318

Shitty as fuck level

>> No.8394061

Hosting EU

>> No.8394100
5 delay or less texas tier

>> No.8394114

Let's play in dota instead, punks.

>> No.8394141


>> No.8394148

Hostan EU

>> No.8394166

Sorry if I ended up using the 236's too much, I'm really off today and did those unintentionally half the time.

>> No.8394190



thanks for the games

>> No.8394222

I gotta go, GGs.

>> No.8394232

GGs, although I wasn't able to do much in terms of zoning or defense

>> No.8394241 (EU)

>> No.8394242

You have some good combos and decent mixups already. First you need to learn how to relaunch from an air counter-hit, then work on your blockstrings.

>> No.8394244


>> No.8394258


(err how do i use the reply when i post?)

>> No.8394263

Hostan EU

>> No.8394274
File: 243 KB, 640x480, 1252591970439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't know what caused the lag but I can play fine with others most of the time. Normally a little of it wouldn't bother me but this was beyond playable.

>> No.8394300
EU keyboard tier

>> No.8394302

I'd download this game but I don't think it'd work on my shitty computer.

>> No.8394312

probably would, give it a try

>> No.8394318

Very very spiky

>> No.8394336


GGs. Have to leave briefly, but would like to keep playing if you're still around in a while.

>> No.8394346


>> No.8394351

easy you are too spiky for me.
Also rehosting

>> No.8394358

Hosting (EU)

>> No.8394393


That sure was unplayable lag.
Re hosting.

>> No.8394399

I'm too fucking terrible at this game

>> No.8394409

Sorry, this is too laggy for me, ggs

>> No.8394524


>> No.8394593

EU lets go

>> No.8394662


>> No.8394667

same to you

>> No.8394674


>> No.8394761
File: 38 KB, 440x249, 235235235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8394780


GGs. I don't know much about warachia, but doesn't he have better reasonable combos than the few you were using?

>> No.8395507

Looking for an EC host.

>> No.8395633 EC Canada

Delay 4- only

>> No.8395746


>> No.8395778

Who's hosting?

>> No.8395847

Still hosting. I forgot I had a study date with Manaka.

>> No.8395858

hang on a second, pretty high delay right now, let me fix this

>> No.8395862

i be waiting

>> No.8395865

Please don't connect if you aren't in the EC.

>> No.8395948

ggs, I think the lags in the later matches were my fault
At least I'm getting the feeling I'm improving a little

>> No.8395987


>> No.8395989

that was fun, ggs

>> No.8396067
File: 300 KB, 600x800, 1293154824106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
EC, 1 character button masher tier, all skill levels welcome though

>> No.8396109
File: 408 KB, 741x600, 1303225570826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West coast.

>> No.8396124

you seriously need to learn play without spamming.

>> No.8396133

you seriously need to learn how to counter something as simple as the same thing over and over again

>> No.8396142


>> No.8396165

aww, lag?

>> No.8396171

i think it desynced or something, still hosting

>> No.8396185

dunno what's up with that lag

shame, those were some good matches

>> No.8396197

GGs U, maybe I should try hosting without mauve's tool.


>> No.8396200

i was using the tool too so who knows

>> No.8396208

Try and connect.

>> No.8396210

while still using it or should I restart without it

>> No.8396213

Restart without it. I have mine off right now too.

>> No.8396226

A lot changed for the worse. Ping went from 70-90+ compared to just 60-70. Delay went up one too.

>> No.8396231


button masher vs projectile spammer haha, gg

>> No.8396235

so do we wanna try again with the tool on or should I just go back to trying other people for now

>> No.8396244
File: 1.32 MB, 2593x3691, 1322664545227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Netplay makes me play like a retard tier.

>> No.8396268

anyone up?

>> No.8396322

aaaand we froze i think

oh well, it was fun, ggs

picked a bad time to choose miyako when i haven't really learned anything with her yet

>> No.8396323

Did it desync?


>> No.8396327

also a fuckton of lag disappeared when I did this so it's probably a good idea!


>> No.8396422

Hosting EC
button mashing nero tier, all skill levels welcome though

>> No.8396476

any european scrub host here?

>> No.8396493


>> No.8396598

GG's Sima
Praise the Sun! Is it just me or did Ryougi damage get nerfed a bit?

>> No.8396627

Yeah, HRyougi damage is a bit lower than the console version, and they lowered her health too. Been trying HLen, but she is kind of hard.

>> No.8396694


>> No.8396736
File: 236 KB, 640x480, 1286879728335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs to you and everyone else who played me.
i feel like my mashing hand is going to fall off now.
i apologize for nonstop nero, but i can't combo for shit so he seems to be the only character i can play

>> No.8396791
5 delay or less texas tier

>> No.8396837

GG's. Did it desync? Wow you improve fast.

>> No.8396840

Yea, it desynced. GGs, still hosting.

>> No.8396845

Can anybody try to connect to see if I did it right?

First time playing, by the way, so I'll probably suck.

>> No.8396848
east coast hostan

free wins

>> No.8396860

Can't connect.

>> No.8396868

I think I know what I did wrong. Try again, please.

>> No.8396876

if you're running any downloads or anything like that, turn it off, because holy lag its laggy as shit

>> No.8396881

Yeah, I can see that. It's not my internet, because it's an extremely fast one, with upload over 300 kbs and download over 3600 kbs.

I guess my pc just sucks? It's weird, because there was absolutely no lag in SP.

>> No.8396887

Have your settings turned down?

>> No.8396900

>extremely fast
>upload over 300 kbs and download over 3600 kbs

>> No.8396911

Alright, I just lowered them in the options.

Also, the pastebin page says that the char select screen is laggy. Let's try this again and see if the fight lags, too.

Well, a test site told me that it was better than about 90% of the other people. And I currently don't know a single person with a better internet than me.

>> No.8396947
File: 36 KB, 589x483, 20120111 221813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw this. It doesn't fucking work. I don't get it. My PC isn't THAT bad. It's just a fucking 2D fighter!

>> No.8396951

Just to double check -
640x480, windowed, no bg anims, no filters?

>> No.8396955

gg someone told me tohno 5a gives +3 feels good

>> No.8396960
File: 62 KB, 656x518, 20120111 222036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8396961

Yea, FAkiha has a pretty crappy set of air normals which doesn't help either. For some reason I could not punish either techs or whiffed throws. First time I've seen that.


>> No.8396971

You on a laptop?
Beacuse I guess your comp isn't up to the task.
Or make sure you don't have some beefy program like Firefox running during the game.
Or a browser at all.
I always kill my browser after I paste in the IP.

>> No.8396972

Maybe its the person that's connecting you that is laggy. Also use mauve's tool if you haven't already done so.

>> No.8396978

I'm on a laptop. I have my browser on, and it does take some processing power, but it shouldn't affect the game, because I set the affinity to use the second core, while all the rest uses the first one.
Well, 2 people connected, and it lagged both times. It was much, much worse the 2nd time, though.

What's mauve's tool?

>> No.8396985

Try killing your browser during the game.

Mauve's tool is the mbaacctool

>> No.8396992

>Try killing your browser during the game.
I doubt it will change much, but I guess I can try. I'll reboot first, though.

And yeah, I do have mbaacctool.

>> No.8396995

Personally I could never get mauve's tool to work, but I still get good setups without it.
Good luck.

>> No.8397015

Me neither, it would just crash on startup.

>> No.8397032


>> No.8397035

It works fine for me.

Alright, I rebooted, and I'll try with my browser closed. This is my last tentative.

>> No.8397049

west coast

>> No.8397062

gg started lagging for some reason

>> No.8397065

yup gg

>> No.8397073

Still waiting for someone to join.

>> No.8397080

Alright, screw this, it will never work on this pc, for some reason. Who the fuck did they hire to make this? They should be hanged. This is unacceptable.

>> No.8397122

Wait, are you sure your ports are forwarded correctly? If you want to host you need that done.
Try joining onto me.
If it runs fine, then that's probably it.

>> No.8397137

Seems to be something of that nature.

>> No.8397134

See? It's my processor.

>> No.8397139

Any other people hosting?

>> No.8397143

is your laptop plugged in/are power settings set to performance so windows isnt auto underclocking your cpu?

>> No.8397150

How is yours? Mine is dual-core 2.0 ghz. I'm not an expert, but I can run games that should be way more demanding than this game.
It's plugged in. However, I have no idea if it's set to be underclocking it. How do I check that?

>> No.8397163

control panel > hardware/sound > power
using ac/dc power usually sets to balanced plan by default

>> No.8397164
File: 23 KB, 579x469, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my setup.
If you want to check the power settings go to your control panel and look under power options.
There should be a high performance setting.

>> No.8397175

Awesome. How come I never noticed this before? I've been in those options plenty of times before to change the luminosity.

Still, I can guarantee that it won't make it playable. I guess I just need to get a better PC, or wait until they make a patch so the game can use several cores (will never happen).

>> No.8397194

Femanon here says hi panda!
Ah Melty Blood... epic and beautiful. Simple, complex, awesome at the same time!

recommended for anyone who enjoy fast paced fights among the lines of Guilty Gear or a very ghetto MvC!

>> No.8397211

who fucking cares?

>> No.8397214

no guarantee, but laptops tend to underpower their components to save battery and/or run cooler, so it's worth a shot to temporarily switch to performance plan. that cpu does exceed min specs, but those specs might be for local and not netplay

>> No.8397222

awww, mad anon is mad? butthurt? spanked?

>> No.8397226

I'm permanently switching to the high performance mode. I don't see the point in picking anything else, unless I don't have a plug nearby, which is very rare.

Where did you see the min specs?

>> No.8397234


>> No.8397241

Thanks. My processor barely makes it. No wonder it's so laggy. Oh well...

>> No.8397295

Really now?

>Minimum Requirements:
>Windows XP/Vista/7
>Processor Intel Pentium 2.0 GHz or equivalent AMD
>512 MB RAM
>1 GB Free HDD
>DirectX 9.0c
>64 MB video card compatible with DirectX9.0c

>> No.8397314

that's for Act Cadenza

>> No.8397321

Like there's any significant change graphics wise.

>> No.8397399

Hosting EC
button mashing Nrvnqsr tier
all skill levels welcome

>> No.8397418

Can't connect.

>> No.8397441

US West Coast

>> No.8397477

Tried reconnecting with you after that freeze but can't. Anyways, gg.

>> No.8397551


gg's en, thanks for the great connection. I hate Nrvnqsr's range when I'm playing Ryougi.

>> No.8397938 EU

>> No.8398089


>> No.8398300


>> No.8398592

People still playing?

>> No.8398623

Depends...are you from europe?

>> No.8398884
File: 119 KB, 1000x1280, 716f071cef005f198c911e9f487da603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
from Italy

>> No.8399189

GGs. It was actually tons of fun. And Ryougi is a fun character.

>> No.8399192

man I fucking hate Nero D:

>> No.8399592 EU

>> No.8399948

hosting again

>> No.8399972


>> No.8399975


>> No.8400128 EC Canada

4- only

>> No.8400165

nice matches teo

>> No.8400174


>> No.8400714
US Northeast, trying a new character but I suck anyway.

>> No.8400756 (EU)

>> No.8400809

is this game dead yet

>> No.8400870

ggs to archetype-zehn. I guess I should stick with Ries till I can actually do combos with a different character.

>> No.8400878

Thanks for the matches, I'm kinda trying out F-roa. how'd you like my day 3 H-len and F-Hime? I didn't know about H-ries until now though, jesus she's annoying.

>> No.8400895


>> No.8400907

Just a word of advice, one thing you need to work on is that you jump too much. I don't know the game too well yet or my characters (save for len kinda) so I didn't really know my options to stop your jumps with roa or archetype. However I'm sure you noticed as len I was hitting you clean out of the air alot (part of that is another protip, don't tech in the air in some cases since you will just get hit again) which is because most grounded normals are air unblockable. I'm not saying don't jump ever, but you need to know when its a good idea to jump or air tech and when its not.

>> No.8400914

Hime's range is annoying. H-Len has a good AA but otherwise I didn't find her super scary. You could probably make better use of her ice spikes, I dunno. I don't really play this game all that much.

>> No.8400936

Yeah I tend to jump a lot since Ries has a good j.B and j.C. Doesn't work so well as Ryougi though.

>> No.8400948

So apparantly you can't save replays from netplay? Because the two matches I've saved are just sion vs sion and nothing happening (shit not even a stage appearing lol)

>> No.8400965

Shield all day everyday

>> No.8401021

man, really cant make special moves to work when i need them. anyone have any advice how to movie my fingers?

>> No.8401028


Depends, what are you playing with?

>> No.8401044

really? even if the have the same paternal?

im getting a hang of full school akiha and kokoro.
trying to get better with satsuki and ryougi

>> No.8401057


>> No.8401061


I'm not really sure what you meant with that first sentence, but I'm assuming you didn't get that when I asked what you're playing with, I was asking about your input method.

>> No.8401093

He means your controller, guy.
What's the thing in your hands when you play?

>> No.8401095

what im trying to say is, how you guys use your control pad to get the special moves working. i slide my tum to the arrows i need but some time it dosent work, or other times it just happends at random.

my english suck dick, i know

>> No.8401099

Practice makes perfect. Get the muscle memory.

>> No.8401102


>> No.8401106

So you're using the keyboard? You shouldn't be "sliding" anything, just hit the keys one after the other.

>> No.8401116

no man. im using a pad. and by arrows, i mean the ones you see in the move menu.

>> No.8401119


It'd be nice to know what your controller is, not all are equal.
But just make sure you're actually doing it right.
You may think you're good, but your thumb's just a liiiitle bit off, and that could screw you.
Happens to me all the time.

>> No.8401122 EC

Still looking for a main

>> No.8401126


Go into "Training" mode, selecte character, press PAUSE to open menu, select "Training Display", select "Input Display" and set to "ON".

This will show you exactly what you are pressing, and then you can correct your mistakes.

>> No.8401131
File: 63 KB, 800x600, gamepad_wingman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pad

>> No.8401149
File: 596 KB, 1680x1200, 1325889844356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8401122 EC

IPv4 changed and I had to reforward my ports, rehosting

>> No.8401224

reported for /v/

>> No.8401226


GGs, rehosting.

>> No.8401261

Damn, my arcade stick isn't registering 1 and 3 so I cant crouch block, DP or quarter circle. I hope its not shot

>> No.8401348
WC, another new character tier.

>> No.8401379
from Italy
shit sucks tier


>> No.8401537


gg @ Sion player, great games

>> No.8401657

Forgive me for being stupid with computers, but I seem to be having trouble with all this port forwarding stuff.
My Router settings say something about "external start point" and "end point". Do I put 48138 for both? I tried and it doesn't seem to work when hosting.

>> No.8401711 [DELETED]
Can only manage to do my bnb in training mode but not in a real match tier

>> No.8402242 46318

Intermediate EC player

>> No.8402248

sorry its 023 for the last 3 digits

>> No.8403042

People talk about some delay altering tool Mauve supposedly made in the IRCs. Does it actually exist?
Should everyone use it?

>> No.8403182

Surprised it didn't make it in the OP.


Move all the files into your MBAACC folder, rename the original crack to MBAA.exe if you already haven't, and when you want to play, use the mbaacctool.exe instead.

The way delay is calculated right now is incorrect, so the tools do a better job of calculating the delay.

>> No.8403737

Hosting EC

>> No.8403814
ec usa

>> No.8403864
File: 156 KB, 850x984, 1279965106805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting again

>> No.8404924


>> No.8405071


did a lot of button mashign early with aoko, feels bad man

>> No.8405078
File: 219 KB, 230x250, 1291832250534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bro you have to stop mashing A

>> No.8405083

It's too fast and convienient to mash A with Arcueid in the corner

>> No.8405112


yeah that was fucking fast

>> No.8405311


hosting again

>> No.8405410

Does Current Code save your options in a file? If so, can someone turn all the filters off and upload their save for me?

I'm having problems and this is the only way I can think of fixing it.

>> No.8405423

Here, try this.
Goes in System\
Make sure to back up your original first though.

>> No.8405451

GGs Staplersan. EU-EC connection isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm surprised.

>> No.8405609

hosting, all skill levels welcome

>> No.8405684
What is a FHime tier.

>> No.8405697

East Coast, by the way.

>> No.8405991



Herp Derp late reply.

>> No.8406004


Didn't work but thanks for uploading it.

>> No.8406019

Yeah, I had a feeling it wouldn't, but I couldn't find any other files that looked like what you needed.

What problems are you having?

>> No.8406029
File: 41 KB, 645x512, g9r11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8406041

Wow, that's.. wow.
This just in the options menu?

>> No.8406046


That's the main menu. All the menus are like that.

>> No.8406056

Your PC cannot run this game, you don't have Pixel Shader 3.0

>> No.8406058


That's a shame.

At least I have OMK.

>> No.8406384

>>8405697 here
Starting to lag, so I'm gonna stop here. You should block more. And mash less. At times, I'd just do nonstop European resets on you. C-Nero is really powerful, but he requires a lot of knowledge of the game. I'd really suggest against him.

>> No.8406471

thanks for the advice. i agree, but at the same time i can't even do normal bnb combos. so i've just been playing nero, as i end up being to terrible with any other characters that need proper comboing, even if that means getting stomped in most of my matches because i haven't played vs those characters before.

>> No.8406564 EU

>> No.8406590
EC, bad tier

>> No.8406677

You should try H-VSion. No real effort required and good combos. Start with stuff like 2A5BC5A6AA3Cj.Cj.BCAirthrow for an easy 4k ish. Then stuff like 2A5BC5A6AA6C6CDash2C5C3Cj.BCj.BCAirthrow. Then do hilarious j.2[A] loops to troll. Basically, anything into 5C2C3Cj.BCj.BCAirthrow works unless you literally do every possible move before that and are too far away for the rest to connect. 6[B] to zone, 214B and 214C to set up pressure when you get a hard knockdown. j.C for good air-to-air as well as air-to-ground. j.B for great crossup. 236[B] for good pressure. Dash is great on HVSion. 6C for an overhead. On some characters midscreen, 5A6AA6C6[C]2C5C3C connects. In the corner, it works on everyone.

>> No.8406774

I think you meant 6C Dash 6C, not 6C6C Dash. Also, j.2[B], not j.2[A]

>> No.8406806

ok, i'll try it out, although i don't think i will be able to do any of the air stuff, seeing as i have a hard enough time just doing the quarter circle commands with nero

>> No.8406817


>> No.8406866

The problem most beginners have is that they press the buttons too fast. If you do it real slow and relax, it's not that hard. Practice with 3Cj.BCj.BCAirthrow. Just hold 9 while the animation for 3C is going on and you'll jump cancel it. Then just BC, jump cancel that the same way, BC again, airthrow. Speed isn't really an issue unless you connect it in some weird way with a strange combo.

>> No.8406961


>> No.8407181


You should also watch videos of tournament players to get an idea of what you should be doing in certain situations.

>> No.8407649 EU

>> No.8407877
East Coast

>> No.8407887
File: 101 KB, 1600x495, melty-blood-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain what "Actress Again" is supposed to mean?

Or "SUMMER AGAIN TRI HERMES BLACK LAND" for that matter? What?

>> No.8407915

A highly sophisticated, but unfavorable syllogism against your ability to comprehend and understand a seemingly random group of words.

>> No.8407913

No meaning. It just sounds cool to the Japanese.

>> No.8407929

Quick question, guys;
I want to get into using an arcade stick, and I have an 8 button stick.
Anyone who uses a stick have a suggestion as to how I should set the layout?

A string of random words.
Hell if you want some more, pay attention to the ones floating in the background on the character select screen.

>> No.8407951

Best layout.
But I'm sure you don't go and ask people what bindings to use for your various FPS'. Now that'd be silly.

>> No.8407962

Standard arcade layout is
D x Q

>> No.8407975

Thanks, I'll have to give those a shot.

>But I'm sure you don't go and ask people what bindings to use for your various FPS'
True, but I also don't go out and buy a controller specifically for my FPS' that's almost completely foreign to me.

>> No.8407983

x is just blank. Thats the arcade layout for MBAA

>> No.8408004
File: 22 KB, 251x286, shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Nah man, you can stick with standard. I insist.

>> No.8408039

That's probably what I'm gonna do.
Now I just need to figure which way to hold the joystick.

>> No.8408106

you should do whatever feels comfortable but i've always put the shaft part between my ring and pink

>> No.8408107

ring and pinky finger.

>> No.8408116

>> No.8408266



>> No.8408307

What characters are really overused?

I'm going to try to get into this but first I have to decide on a character I want to focus on first. I have a lot I want to play but this'll help narrow things down a lot.

>> No.8408335



>> No.8408345
File: 75 KB, 384x384, 1316571534361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd consider C-Curry butt to be pretty decent for newbies. You can either rushdown with her or play a keep away game with keys.

>> No.8408350

Haven't seen any of those characters at all when I netplay.

>> No.8408705
Hosting EC USA

>> No.8408729


My attempt at deciphering...

"Actress Again":

Probably refers to the whole cast ("actors/actresses") who are stuck in another "stage" (because of the power of tatari) where they all fight each other once "again" (it happened before, in the 1st Melty Blood)


It happened in summer so yeah "Summer Again". "Hermes" is the one that Dust of Osiris is using, that big robot like thing I guess. I don't know how "Tri Hermes" means, just assumptions that it has somthing to do with the "Sixth Program" that she stated (she's the one causing the tatari this time in Actress Again, note the "Recalculation Interrupted" message when there's a challenger). "Black Land" probably refers to the simulation of what happened to the earth ("Land") when it got destroyed in the future (hence "Black").

These are just assumptions and speculations so don't take my word for it.

>> No.8408741 [DELETED] EC Canada

Delay -4 only.

>> No.8408763

Bad, trying to get the hang of using bnb in a real match

>> No.8408845

Any tips at getting in with F-Ries?
I'm pretty bad at this game and decent zoning shits all over me

>> No.8408850

So what happened to that one player trying to main Roa? I could use some tips.

>> No.8408878



>> No.8408880

Good games whoever was using ryougi and nanaya.

Got some good tips on using nanaya from you, good pressure

>> No.8408894


GGs, I keep dropping my combos with Nanaya, haven't played him since MBAC :(

>> No.8408897

I wasn't looking for easy to use characters, just ones that were overly used. >>8408335 is a step in the right direction.

I assume Ryougi is used commonly too, right?

>> No.8408900

Very fun 3 hours, fuck I'm one patterned. GG as always

>> No.8408909

Currently, I'm looking at playing C-Miyako, C-Roa, C-WLen, H-Ryougi, H-Aoko, or F-Ries
Need help narrowing down because I just can't decide who I like the most
I'm a beginner so difficulty is a pretty big factor alone, but I won't decide based on just that

>> No.8408913

Learn C-Roa.

>> No.8408915

Not the same anon but I was thinking of using him too. Why would you say that, curiously?

>> No.8408923

Them electric balls man. The only problem with Roa seems to be the lack of information.

>> No.8408925

The CGs, sprites and etc aren't out yet for MBAACC?

>> No.8408931

I haven't seen a package manager yet but sprites can be ripped using the frame display tool.

>> No.8408934

C-Roa might not be the best option if he's looking for an easier character, I'd think

>> No.8408948

But he also said he wouldn't decide solely on difficulty

>> No.8408952


>> No.8408959

Thanks for the link, appreciate it, got any more?

>> No.8408964

Nah that's about it, other than the Roa thread

>> No.8408992

F-Ries is pretty easy and can get good damage off of relatively simple combos

>> No.8409037 EU

>> No.8409140

HRyougi is impractical on netplay because all her damage comes from tight corner combos. Other wise, a full combo with her barely does 3k. C and F Ryougi take no effort and do 5k off of everything. Not as many knife tricks, but...

CRoa is the hardest character in the game. But it looks like a disco when he combos. H Roa's SOKO DAROU is amazing, with the B version being actually positive on block. FRoa is for people who hate themselves.

The rest are okay to start with, but H Aoko is outclassed by C and F Aoko, but it's not a big deal.

>> No.8409150
east coast
Bad as shit like a new player Tier

>> No.8409157

US West

>> No.8409167

CRoa is insanely good, though, to be clear. Just hard to master. Everything CRoa has is positive on block. His airtight pressure lasts for minutes. Everything he has is solid and he looks like he's on crack with how fast he combos. I'd say top tier for this game is CNero, CSatsuki, preeett much every Arcuied, and CRoa. It just happens that they're all C, by the way. Completely luck.

>> No.8409171

Any videos showing this? I always hear how good CRoa is and such but I have hard time finding information on him, the links someone posted earlier where helpful but this character is really hard to master and it's driving me nuts.

>> No.8409202


>> No.8409231



>> No.8409243

What about C-Kohaku? She seems insanely good. 6k meterless combos with knockdown + good oki.

>> No.8409242

how about koha mech?

>> No.8409251

Only reason to play KohaMech is to troll with her infinite.

>> No.8409268

WE TOP TIER NOW, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM8-9saFQcU

>> No.8409278

What are the odds. I was just about to post in here asking if anyone had some good C-Roa info.
Starting my first actual attempt at learning MB, and from what I see his playstyle is a perfect match for what I was looking for.

Did they change his 22C somehow between 1.05 and .07? I've seen it lift on an air hit in some videos, but it seems to only plummet now. Am I missing something really obvious?

Referring to what appears to be a 2C,CC,22Cxx236Cxx22A starter.

>> No.8409303

There isn't really anyone who's unviable, outside of maybe MechHisui and the Necos. Even then, the Necos are only bad because they have low health. VSion is funny, though. I main VSion and she keeps trolling me. MBAC, she was terrible. I think sp00ky was the only one to play her seriously. MBAA, she was amazing. MBAACC, she's terrible. MBAACC1.07, she's not bad, but she's not as good as other rushdown characters like Roa who corners you with no effort or Nanaya, who got ridiculous buffs. Or you can have H-Ryougi, who's so amazing at rushdown with never ending knife pressure games. F-Ryougi just spamming 5B and j.B and getting 5k combos for free. C-Ryougi just pouring out 6k combos with no effort at all and something like 7 unblockables and so many gimmicks. Fuck Ryougi.

>> No.8409323

Wait how did Mech-Hisui become unviable?

>> No.8409335

It's not that she's bad. It's just that everyone else is better. You can still do well with her, but you'll be doing more work.

>> No.8409366

I think Mech has a true 50/50 with pillar setup. That said, that really looks like all she has. Don't see why I shouldn't play CNero instead or a Wara.

>> No.8409377

Ignore him, it's just some scrub thinking he's understood everything about the game. C-MechHisui is a strong character in CC 1.07, and V-Sion has never been "terrible" in MBAC. Japanese V-Sions like Inochi have won several tournies. But yeah, he's only mentioning Spooky (lol US scene), so it's no wonder he thinks she was awful.

>> No.8409384

Fuck Powerd Ciel


US West

>> No.8409394

I am told Roa has bad priorities and should pick another character, true/false?

>> No.8409400

What is Kouma's style like for all of his moons? I've read the wiki and tried him out myself--it seems like he's a pressure rushdown character regardless of the style?

>> No.8409407


Too laggy bud

If you're at a different resolution try changing it to the default

>> No.8409413

You play Kouma like a manly man. Full moon 'cause manly men don't dodge. 22C, 'cause you'll take hits and shrug them off! 214C 'cause DUNK LIKE A MANLY MAN.

>> No.8409419


Yeah, I'm in default. Not sure why it suddenly lagged up. When it was connecting it was running pretty smooth. Wanna try again?

>> No.8409424

He's a grappler (crappler). His mixups are all into high damaging throws and frametraps.

>> No.8409427


>> No.8409435


Ping's still too high for me, sorry. I can barely do my combos as is, no way I can play well at 180 ping.

>> No.8409441


No problem dude. GG

>> No.8409442
File: 147 KB, 1280x960, kouma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid captcha ate my image.

>> No.8409448

With all this talk about C-Roa, is it even worth using F-Roa and H-Roa?

>> No.8409451


-"Actress Again" might be referring to someone specific (Sion?).

-The original game (that is, MB/R/AC) is referred to as "Hologram Summer"; happened in the summer, caused by Tatari, etc.

-"Tri" I don't know about, it should be noted that "Hermes" is the name of the Dust of Osiris's machine, and "Black Land" seems to be an alchemy-related concept (probably also related to Kmt, a term used to refer to ancient Egypt and is translated as "black land")

>> No.8409456

HRoa is perfectly fine. FRoa is fine too, but H and C are just amazing. There isn't really anything special about FRoa that makes him worth using. Definitely viable, though.

>> No.8409461


>> No.8409464


Is Powerd Ciel's rock projectile an overhead?

Fuck that gay move.

>> No.8409469

It's hard to block, eh?

>> No.8409479

Sp00ky casting Melty is the best. Shit's so hype. Guy sounds like he's on 10 cans of energy drinks. Fuck him, though.

>> No.8409480
east coast
New and Bad Player Tier

>> No.8409483


>> No.8409496


>> No.8409501


>> No.8409578

That was excellent, going to need more videos like that.

>> No.8410111

1.20 is out and it fixes teh lag

waiting warmly for crack

>> No.8410575

Netplay fixes in the new patch? This is wonderful news!

>> No.8412249

Apparently, there's a new thread.
