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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 495x625, ika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8402187 No.8402187 [Reply] [Original]

I desperately wish I had a petite female body, or at least a more feminine body shape.

But at the same time, I find it disgusting. I especially hate seeing those tiny, frail-looking arms and hands that "petite" women have. It almost looks painful. I can't imagine having such tiny hands or such a tiny frame. It's mind-blowing to me.

So I guess while I really wish I had a female frame, I still have a sort of respect for the strength of my current male frame. Strong shoulders, strong back, strong jaw... I feel more secure as I am than I would if I were petite.

What is /jp/'s opinion on the subject?

>> No.8402190

What do you plan to do with your muscular frame?

Manual labor?

>> No.8402194

I crossdressed as a little boy and work out now as an adult.

Best of both worlds.

>> No.8402197

I'm masculine but in all the wrong ways. Like I'm not tall or muscular or anything. I'm just fat-faced with horrible hair in all the wrong places (but none of the right ones), semi-broad shoulders that make me bump into people, and a gut that I can't be bothered to get rid of.
I guess I'd like to be more feminine, but it bugs me that I could never really pull it off.

>> No.8402209

I'm not muscular, I just have a solid bone structure.

I could probably hide my jawline with enough make-up and being careful to not move my face in particular ways, so if I wanted to crossdress and be passable I'm fairly certain it's still an option.

Saging because I'm treating /jp/ like a blog </3

>> No.8402223

You don't have to excuse yourself for saging on /jp/. That said, lurk more or get out.

>> No.8402225

I kinda would like it to. but all this fat gets in the way of any real crossdressing or anything that could pass me off as a female

>> No.8402227

I like looking back on photographs of me as a teenager because I had long, straight hair and I totally could have made it as a girl.
Now if I grew my hair out I'd just look like a tramp.

>> No.8402247
File: 112 KB, 1270x1385, ego-anima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you people have something like a -pardon me for using this poorly fitting word- waifu?
Wishing to become the little girl / trap is an unhealthy way to deal with this.

I'm at peace with my masculine features. Somehow, in a way, my waifu is like my feminine side.

Picture somewhat related.

>> No.8402252


>> No.8402259

Could we see those photographs?

>> No.8402268

Nope. Too self-conscious and paranoid, sorry.

>> No.8402272

What if you just send them to my email? I love younger guys, and I'm sure I would find you cute.

>> No.8402276

You're creepy, Anonymous-san.

>> No.8402281

Why do people always say that when I mention I love younger guys?

>> No.8402282

You can't change my mind. Sorry, Anonymous!

>> No.8402299

Get over that attitude. Many of us had something like a "waifu" years before 4chan even existed. I'd like to use a word with less negative connotations, if I knew one as fitting as waifu.

If you're criticizing the picture, you're probably right. But you can always read between the lines and refine the idea in your mind, assuming you know some common psychology theories.

>> No.8402295

I did crossdress but I was never really a big fan of being a trap. I still want to be the little girl, but currently I work out (as far as that is possible without leaving the house) and it feels good to see progress.

>> No.8402314

I'm small and skinny as fuck i have the thinnest wrists ever I mean I bought some cheap women's bracelets and even those are kinda lose on my wrists. And ever since I started wearing corsets I noticed I'm slowly getting that hourglass shape it's awesome but when I go out in the world dressed as a man it makes me really insecure.

>> No.8402321 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Tokiko why dont you just make a board for you and your shit steam buddies to post on? Or hijack /3/ or something?

We dont want you in /jp/ asshole.

>> No.8402326

How much is small and skinny as fuck?

I'm about 160 cm / 50 kg and hairy as fuck with sharp masculine facial features ;_;

>> No.8402322


It's sort of awkward because waifu is such an apt word, it's just been...bastardized a little. People take it too seriously or use it too casually and it ruins it for everyone.
I wish I could be one of these people who just didn't give a fuck about what other people say or do, but I'm too insecure for that.

>> No.8402323

Wrong thread buddy.

>> No.8402331

How old are you? Men grow until they're about 25.
I'm 165 with 45 and I'm done growing.

>> No.8402334

>I wish I could be one of these people who just didn't give a fuck about what other people say or do, but I'm too insecure for that.

I get off on being different and on people hating me, so that's not a problem for me.

>> No.8402345

I'm 25. My weight has been fluctuating around 45-50 for the last 9 years.

>> No.8402352

Well after doing some conversions I'm nowhere near that short I'm round 5"6 and weight 120 pounds(167cm,54kg) I've seen one or two men smaller than me here in the US but aside from the occasional Asian women I'd say I'm pretty tiny.

>> No.8402366

My opinion? OP is a flaming homosexual and future hermaphrodite. Only a true man and hetrosexual wishes to be a little girl, no some old hag. Reported for /a/.

>> No.8402368


>> No.8402611


I believe I have a feminine figure. Being 5'4" and 115lbs and having long hair, it really feels like I should've been a female. I may have gotten shit from other guys when I was younger and girls, often taller than me, don't literally see me. It sucks in that regard. Oh well.

>> No.8402618

Would you be a kind anon's uke? Just curious.

>> No.8402625


My life would be a lot easier if I were gay. Sorry but I just can't lie to myself or others.

>> No.8402637

There is some creepy shit going on this thread

>> No.8402645

How about you go back to. You must also be a flamming homo for supporting the OP in his hermaphrodite fantasies.

>> No.8402649

No, not really.

>> No.8402653

Arnt there hermaphrodite communities for shit like this?


>> No.8402651

The part of me that's a beautiful girl is living happily in Gensokyo as Tokiko and comes to visit this board. That's enough for me.

>> No.8402658

No you are reported, the OP.

>> No.8402662


>> No.8402664

Hermaphrodites are /jp/ related? You are reported for trolling.

>> No.8402676

How the fuck is love creepy in any way?

>> No.8402671

I mean the dudes hitting on each other here. Don't know you, but I find it to be kinda creepy.

>> No.8402684

yeah, right

>> No.8402694

Sorry, but that's what it is. I read something that Socrates wrote, and he described it that way.

>> No.8402739
File: 5 KB, 302x167, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you have the body of a petite 16 year old girl due to your diet of hotpockets and water

>> No.8402754

I agonised over this very dilemma in my teenage years but eventually realised I wished to acquire a girl, not become a girl.
Just sorta turned 360º and walked into heteronormativity.

>> No.8402759

I think that's what most people here want.

I really cringe every time someone says he wants to be a girl, but isn't willing to date a guy.

>> No.8402777
File: 365 KB, 1696x2430, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The homosexuals of /y/ went to /d/ and you know what happened. They even tried to change definitions of words including hermaphrodite to mean "a female without vagina but which has penis and testicles". It seemed to be guilt-avoidance from the demonized word "homosexual" to use any other word to hide behind.

Then threads on /h/ featuring BIG penises or threads that mandated a penis be prominently visible.

Then threads on /e/ about "Why I want to be a girl".

Today, we have on /jp/ basically one of those "I want to be a girl with big arms and big manly hands". Of course, it's all couched as being part of "love". What's wrong with love?

What's wrong with love? I love killing kittens, truly. See, nothing wrong with love. Once again, those /y/ people misuse words (in this case "love").

>> No.8402779 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 585x308, that feel..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel all too well.

>> No.8402787

why? Being a girl doesn't require you to like men

Lesbians exist silly anon

>> No.8402796
File: 258 KB, 700x609, 356363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that love between men isn't real love

Wow. Just get out.
Because it makes you sound like a loser who wants to be a girl only because you fail as a male, and not because you actually feel like you should be a girl.

>> No.8402803

You are the little girl, anon!

>> No.8402808

fair enough

hot pic btw

>> No.8402812

No you are reported, the OP. This thread is an otaku topic and thus belongs on /jp/. Visual novels, eroge, anime, and manga also cover the same types of material validate the material as being of widespread otaku concerns.

>> No.8402893

Your vagina bones look all wrong. But cute nevertheless.

>> No.8402894

Hermaphrodites go in /hr/ or /d/. Reported for bumping an off topic thread and trolling.

>> No.8402938

hey wow I look like that.
or I did until my family guilted me into eating a lot. now I only kind of look like that.

except I have a deformed set of ribs on one side

>> No.8402968

At least you don't have a fucked-up curved spine.

>> No.8402973

A curved spine is ugly... but I would love you anyway. Where do you live?

>> No.8403029

You stole my body.

>> No.8403066

I would never be able to pull it off even if I really wanted to. I mean, I wouldn't like my little girl to be 190cm and 56kg.

>> No.8403196
File: 238 KB, 848x1226, Boy to Girl ch04pg04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I desperately wish I had a petite female body, or at least a more feminine body shape.

Some manga address it with clothing to distract.

>> No.8403246
File: 252 KB, 850x1227, Boy to Girl ch04pg07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that love between men isn't real love

>> No.8403264

I'd rather have a muscular female frame of the skinny male one I got now.

>> No.8405327

Please grow out your hair. The right hair will take a wimpy looking geek and turn him into a desirable androgenous sex magnet for many people of either gender.

>> No.8405343

>Implying it is not a paraphilia fueled "affection".

>> No.8405351

>jungian bullshit

>> No.8405367

i support a traditional one-man-one-touhou definition of love

>> No.8405406
File: 77 KB, 460x344, notsureifwanttoliveonplanet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone tries to deny that homosexuality is a paraphilia, well, that's a huge denial right there

>> No.8405816

what is the right hair? My hair can't keep straight so I'm afraid to try to get it longer than what I already have, which right now is about the shortest I've seen women have without being full-on butch.

>> No.8405847

I was going to write a somewhat serious reply to your post but seeing that used a futurama reaction image I think I'd be just wasting my time. Enjoy your ignorance.

>> No.8405851


>> No.8405888

do you know what paraphilia means?
basically it's mostly just anything outside of vanilla sex. are you trying to say that homosex doesn't fall under this category?

>> No.8405902

I'm gay and I don't deny it's a paraphilia.

>> No.8405903
File: 52 KB, 491x495, 1312343132180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A paraphilia is a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme.
>atypical AND extreme

>Paraphilias include sexual behaviors that society may view as distasteful, unusual or abnormal. In descending order, the most common are pedophilia (sexual activity with a child usually 13 years old or younger), exhibitionism (exposure of genitals to strangers), voyeurism (observing private activities of unaware victims) and frotteurism (touching, rubbing against a nonconsenting person), while fetishism (use of inanimate objects), sexual masochism (being humiliated or forced to suffer), sexual sadism (inflicting humiliation or suffering) and transvestic fetishism (cross-dressing) are far less common.

Source: http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/paraphilias

Unless you are in some fundamentalist region, you are more full of shit than a june bug in mexican restaurant on mardi gras havin a chili cookoff, yahear.

>> No.8406628

You forgot freudian bullshit!

Don't be hating, we wouldn't even have useless Myers-Briggs type internet personality tests without Jung!

>> No.8406649

I trapped when I was a teen but have been lifting since college and am big now.
I realized I just want my waifu to be petite and feminine and I needed a strong physique to protect her.

>> No.8409322

>I desperately wish I had a petite female body, or at least a more feminine body shape.

Look at this squid with human face, you'll feel better.


>> No.8409337

Don't age threads with shitty discussions from /a/ kids in college who think they know anything about sexuality.


>> No.8409374

So... Basically, anything other than vanilla sex?

>> No.8409555

i'm have a pretty tiny frame and i feel secure. it's not like i'm gonna break or something. i'd like to be thiner and taller, but beside that, i wouldn't change my build for anything. petite is best.

>> No.8411717

Don't you have a bible you should be reading?
