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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8398303 No.8398303 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>8369834)

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8398316

What is /jp/'s honest opinion on Katawa Shoujo?
Not trolling here. It seems that /jp/ absolutely hates it (most probably because it came from /a/), but I did personally thought it was a decent work, considering that it was an amateur production.

>> No.8398319
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>> No.8398321 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8398330

Can't be assed to waste important eroge time on something like that.
I frankly just don't care.

>> No.8398332

My honest opinion is that it's mediocre but not that bad for a OELVN
I only did Hanako and Rin, Hanako's route was really badly paced and with some pretty horrible writing at time, Rin's route was more ambitious but fell short several times, the proses is also pretty bad at time.
Nothing to piss your panties for in any rate, but it's kind of hard to measure up when I did White Album 2 and the trial of Eden (an actual doujin VN made by one person and it's fucking awesome) just before

I guess it's popular in /a/, /v/ and other such "communities" because it's the first pure love title they try, it's a fact that most anime/eroge otaku are actually huge romantics who love that sort of thing.

>> No.8398339


11/10 on OELVN scale

6/10 compared to other doujin eroge

>> No.8398343

Honest opinion? OK, It's boring as fuck.

>> No.8398353

This. Only English only peasants have such a limited range of available eroge that they would prioritize something just because the project started on 4chan.

>> No.8398369

I'm an English only peasant and I wouldn't do something like that. There *are* better-than-average English translated VNs and I'm not so retarded that I can't form my own opinion. Fuck you.

>> No.8398370

Well I did play katawa shoujo, here's my opinion.
Considering the development time and how many people were involved it could have turned out a lot worse. I was put off by the fact that the direction required the cast to be japanese.
I believe that a visual novel made by foreigners with a strong foreign influence instead of subpar mimicry would have made a bigger splash.
Enough with the fucking KS threads.

>> No.8398374

Just finished G-線上の魔王.

Personally, I just didn't find the plot very engaging and the side heroines routes just felt like a chore to read through and possibly degraded the overall experience.

Seems like a lot of things are not really foreshadowed and get introduced seemingly randomly or too quickly for you to digest and believe it on the spot. i.e. That protag had a bro, the moment he was introduced I could kinda guess his significance. Moreover the plotholes and inconsistencies irked me throughout the game. Only after I finished the game did I search around in discussions to see explanations of other routes as 'what ifs', pretty much excuses to cover up blunders imo, and if not, still ruin the overall experience without prior knowledge of this fact.

Does /jp/ have high opinion of this game? Or am I right to be rather disappointed? Perhaps it was better to read the original? If not, what were the specific strengths and aspects you liked if you thought the game was a masterpiece?

>> No.8398380

I dropped it somewhere in the last quarter because I couldn't stand it anymore.

>> No.8398387

I wouldn't call it a masterpiece but I enjoyed it. As you said, characters weren't very likeable except maybe for Haru, and the "twist" towards the end wasn't well thought; but I found myself immersed in the plot earlier in the game. I would call it "a nice read", and I think the epilogue was especially dramatic.

>> No.8398390

Finished Hatsuyuki Trial recently.
The trial really did end off at a good point making me want more.
Anyways Does anyone really believe Hatsuyuki is dead. I seriously doubt this

>> No.8398393

At last I'm reading Little Busters! after a long time of backlog, and I can say I'm a bit disappointed. The atmosphere is nice but I can't find myself liking the female characters except for Rin and Kud. Does Refrain redeem this?

>> No.8398400 [DELETED] 


Not really. Refrain is more about the guys (and Riki, but fuck Riki).

>> No.8398403 [DELETED] 
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what did you say you bitch?

>> No.8398407
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Not really. Refrain is more about the guys (and Riki, but fuck Riki).

>> No.8398412

Rance Quest Magnum will be released on the 24 February.
It's becoming a killer month

>> No.8398422

I said fuck Riki because he's an annoying shota with a repulsive voice.

>> No.8398428


By far the worst Key MC.

>> No.8398454

Oh wow, I didn't laugh that hard in ages.

I guess I have to play 遥かに仰ぎ、麗しの now

>> No.8398497

Most definitely. Protag from One in second place, but I'm not sure if he counts.

I watched it for about a second, then switched to another tab while it was playing and imagined Rain saying all of that.

Almost had a heart attack.

>> No.8398519

Im about to start To Heart 2. Wondering which route I should start out first, considering there is 9 I should have my hands full. Why is the only working download seperated into 17 rapidshits? Goddamned dead torrents...

>> No.8398527

I loved the main route, but almost every other character seemed like they were just tacked on. Kanon was the closest to having a believeable plot, and only barely. I did thoroughly enjoy Haru's main portion, and the epilogue was extremely moving for me. Then again, I have a high tolerance for suspension of disbelief and the (rather obvious) plot holes didn't bother me much.

>> No.8398529

I meant to quote

I really need to get to sleep.

>> No.8398561

what else notable there is besides second Grisaia and Rance expansion in february? two titles really don't make killer month imo. March seems much more killer month to me

>> No.8398565


>> No.8398568

Hatsuyuki and &

>> No.8398578
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All the branch school heroines were sluts.
Why can't they be pure oujo-sama like the main school heroines?

>> No.8398580

& is March release

>> No.8398582

It has been pushed back?

>> No.8398584

sadly yes

>> No.8398594


Well, I do also have some extent of suspension of disbelief because any VN that actually have sufficiently built up the VN universe: the story will tend be extremely long, or require info dumps which could both be boring. I feel for me in the same way, believability of character's personas are build up the same way as plots or settings. Being too nitpicky will make most VNs you read turn into complete crap, but I still feel this VN was deficient at this front.

If anyone read bleach manga, imo that was just the perfect analogy. If some asshole villain have one dedicated chapter before he dies saying how the world wronged him, and how it supposedly justified his douchebagary... I won't suddenly feel sympathetic or say "OHHH so that's why hes such an asshole". Yeah, Haru did randomly latch onto Kyousuke through the story at a couple points but that itself wasn't sufficient imo. Considering she openly suspected him, which was later explained by like.. two lines describing how even though she said that, she didn't mean them and had complete trust. Then income the random flashback that's suppose to justify surprise confession of a 10 year unrequited love? The pacing is just plain wrong, I could try to take in maou's silly strategies as they come but the problem is Haru herself. Throw in the random music trying to make the mood, and I instantly thought to myself: "NO, this is still weak. Sorry I don't buy this romance." The epilog was the saving grace at least, I still wasn't that moved but at least it didn't randomly turn into magical happy ending at the end. I would've punched a hole in my monitor if so. I also thought the game ended already at that point and almost skipped the epilog since I was a bit discontent at the time haha.

>> No.8398638

Well, we can at least agree on that the epilogue was the games best plot device. I agreed with some of what you wrote and disagreed on other parts, but thats opinions and nobody is going to see a VN the same way as someone else.

Any crime/mystery VNs that you enjoyed, particularly?

>> No.8398651 [DELETED] 
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I don't get the Riki hate. He seemed more intriguing and wittier than some of his Key buddies. His interactions with Masato were hilarious. And his voice was never a problem for me, after all I like Rin's and Sasami's as well
Can't say much about Kouhei.

>> No.8398675
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Just noticed that Hanachirasu is now up for preorder:
This is as close to having a physical copy of Muramasa as I will ever get.

>> No.8398691


Unfortunately no, I rarely come across this genre. I usually just try to read what's popular on egs, and occasionally what's translated that's suppose to be pretty good. I can read most VNs but my JP isn't good enough to read at the pace I would prefer. So usually I read translated works every 2-3 VNs to get a break.

That aside, I have been putting off reading MLA though. Anyone recommend if I should I start that next? I've heard people gone emo after MLA and that's not something I want haha.

>> No.8398701

Lets see... I liked MuvLuv as a whole, but good god was the first one terrible. Id recommend just playing through one route of that as fast as you can to start on Alternative, if you haven't done so already. Its not the greatest stuff in the world, and some of it was entirely unnecessary Im looking at you, random gore and tentacle rape scenes..., but it was overall enjoyable, I guess.

>> No.8398700


My apathy for Riki isn't something I can really justify. He's just so soft and passive it kind of irritates me, even though I realise it is the whole point. He did redeem himself somewhat in Refrain, though.

As for Kouhei, he's just kind of an arsehole.

>> No.8398711

Allow me to say this, it's been a while since I played LB but I didn't hate Riki in the common route at all. He's fine when he has the whole cast to play off because they're entertaining enough as a group to hide his shortcomings.

They're exposed when in the character routes though, because they feature him in near-complete isolation with the heroines, who are aren't the best of characters themselves. He's weak, lacks initiative and is just flat out boring as fuck because, like I've said in some of the previous threads, I believe he doesn't share much chemistry with the female cast at all.

This made the routes a chore to sit through for me, and though this is pretty much mostly the writers' fault, it's easier for me to blame and hate Riki for everything.

Again, it's been a while since I've played the game so my memory might be failing me so if I've got something wrong, by all means go ahead and correct me.

>> No.8398715


Oh I have read Muvluv long time ago. Its just that I just don't want to play MLA right now if it will make you very depressed, even if it is good. My mood hasn't been the best of late.

>> No.8398718

Yeah, that's why Saya has the best character route.
Riki actually feels like a character in that route and him and Saya actually have some chemistry.

>> No.8398720

MLA may depress you somewhat in the middle (Episode Seven out of ten) but towards the end all the RESOLVE and DETERMINATION and CARRY ON MY WAY is pretty uplifting.

>> No.8398725

pretty much what >>8398720 said, if you marathon it (its not really short either), you'll be fine.

>> No.8398737


Oh, that's interesting. I was under the impression at some point it gets emo and it's pretty much only downhill from there. Then I would end up just bahhhh and shut myself in my room with a depression. That alleviated my fears somewhat haha.

>> No.8398736 [DELETED] 
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>I believe he doesn't share much chemistry with the female cast at all.
now that's super subjective. Take these guys for example.

>> No.8398745

MuvLuv despite being quite depressing is more likely to leave you wanting to do something with your life (for a few hours)

>> No.8398746

Yeah you'll be fine, just beware of 生命の炎. Fuck you Anze Hijiri, so many tears.

I actually haven't read EX. Is Saya's route (and Sasami's) worth it?

>> No.8398753

Saya's route is incredibly worth it.

>> No.8398766

That's just people exaggerating the depressing bits. In terms of how it plays with your emotions Muv-Luv Alternative is actually pretty balanced between lows and highs, and ends on a high note.

>> No.8398826

>now that's super subjective.
I don't think I've said otherwise?

Alright then, I'll get to it once I'm finished with Hitsuji's route in Natsuyume Nagisa. I'm quite frankly finding it hard to focus on this game so I could use a little breather. Thanks.

>> No.8398830 [DELETED] 

you probably did not, but I needed to point it out. "chemistry". What a funny word.

>> No.8398842

Saya's route >>> true route > other routes.

>> No.8398888

any recommendations that would have me crying in a corner?

>> No.8398917

Pandora no Yume

>> No.8398954

current: Katawa shoujo (I like it, shut up...)
want to read: Tsukihime (only got 2 endings), F/SN (heh... enough said?)
finished: (in order of most fav to least fav)
Yume Miru Kusuri, wanko to kurasou, clannad, Kanon,... that's probably it

>> No.8398985

No offense, but why are you on /jp/?

>> No.8398988

I have dicovered that there is no such thing as a good BL visual novel.

>> No.8398998

Not him, but don't tell me you have never played Tsukihime?

>> No.8399002

No shit Sherlock.
I just download the ones with VAs I like.

>> No.8399008

Huh. I guess I must be the only one who likes something beyond mindless smut.

>> No.8399012

I like them too, but I know when to give up.

>> No.8399030

I have no idea how you managed to decipher the meaning of the post like that.

>> No.8399029 [DELETED] 

he probably likes tewhu

>> No.8399048

Well, you consider him unworthy of /jp/ for considering Tsukihime next on his list (considering his newcomer status). Given /jp/'s history, I was wondering why you would chastise him for it.

We all start somewhere. I sure as hell did not start playing good eroge like Doukyuusei, but rather started with Tenshitachi no gogo IV, a mindless nukige, back in the DOS times.

>> No.8399059

I was wondering why he's on /jp/ when he has played 4 VNs and types like he's from /a/.

>> No.8399063

>We all start somewhere.
Fuck you, Three Sisters' Story was a masterpiece.

>> No.8399083
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 15113-three-sisters-story-dos-screenshot-so-much-for-b-day-party.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I never said it wasn't?

Wait, I am having a massive nostalgia attack. What is the name for this game in japanese? I know it was made by SakuraSoft, but their site is dead, and they never did a remake. Does anybody here know?

>> No.8399108


>> No.8399123

SanShimai 三姉妹

>> No.8399126


... well, now I feel stupid.

>> No.8399181

Kinda stupid having brought it up myself, but I'm suffering from that same nostalgia attack, haha. I remember being so devastated by that one scene where I chose to go harder during a blowjob scene and the woman just did something and left me for dead.

A measly ONE vote!?

>> No.8399233
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I hate it when I confuse Mio with Isuzu.

>> No.8399239 [DELETED] 
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I sometimes think she's Lilina.

>> No.8399290

So, having played Katawa Shoujo, it really poked my interest in doing more VN's.

So for a total newfag to VN's, are there any other romances like KS? Better ones, perhaps?

I did enjoy it. A lot.

>> No.8399302

Kira kira, do kirari's route first.

>> No.8399300

In my opinion, the writing was about the same quality as fanfiction, the art was awful and inconsistent, the music was bland, the girls and plot were completely uninteresting. It was quite honestly the worst VN I have ever read.

>> No.8399327

Talk about outta the frying pan and into the fire. That will mess him up.

>> No.8399331

Fuck dude.
While you're at it, try any key game really.

>> No.8399332


Fuck off. Stop visiting here.


>> No.8399333

kana imouto

play it and cry

>> No.8399339

Sharin no Kuni
G-Senjou no Maou
Saya no Uta
Kana imouto

>> No.8399354

Thanks, I'll check those out.

>VN General
>asking about VN's
You seem... Upset.

>> No.8399366

Do saya no uta first
Cross Channel is pretty good, but it's kind of hit or miss. The skip button is your friend

>> No.8399370


cross channel is a not a starter VN because of how roundabout it is. good game though.

>> No.8399378

Finished お前のパンツは何色だ
Pretty fun. The whole thing just had this oddly charming quality to it and the stalker girl was almost unbearably cute.

Also, more games need rap BGMs.

>> No.8399388

You had me at stalker girl but lost me at the rap part.
Is it very prevalent or just now and then?

>> No.8399397

Is that a nukige?

>> No.8399407

Not him but I found the rap pretty hilarious, it plays during the debate minigame when the enemy is losing.

My problem with this game is that the hscenes are really short.

>> No.8399418
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>> No.8399415

Well, okay, maybe I'll give it a try.
Short ero scenes might also be something for me, since I usually find them way too long and stretched out. At the moment I'm still reading your diary on the side which is especially bad concerning this.

>> No.8399420

This is a nukige though, having a short hscene is missing the point.

>> No.8399424

Just throw some wet steaks against the wall and shoot rubber bands at your dog.

>> No.8399428

isnt guilty crown a bad anime or something

>> No.8399431

Still prefer them short, though.

>> No.8399435

Just really, really generic.
And it still reminds me of a mix of Baldr sky+Utena.

>> No.8399438

Is Lost Christmas officially part of GC canon or just a non-canon spinoff like many PSP games based on anime e.g. Lost Colors?

>> No.8399442

the real question is if I'll have to watch this shitty anime before I play this game

>> No.8399450

Well, it has Alex Mercer on the front. That has to count for something.

>> No.8399448

Do you have to play it at all?

>> No.8399454


>> No.8399465

Eagerly awaiting Yuzu-soft's next title.

Other than that, just poking around for a title to play over the next few days.

>> No.8399480

is there anything worthy of note released this month?

>> No.8399483

Majikoi fandisk.

>> No.8399516

Twinkle Crusaders PSS.
Finally Kururu and Iinchou are back, also hopefully some ero with Lilian and Asuna

>> No.8399543

>Kururu and Iinchou
Any chance of them having hscenes?

>> No.8399548

Already shown some ero pics of them in magazines

>> No.8399554


Who are you quoting? You should know better than coming here from /a/ shitting things up with improper greentexting and babby's first VN. You're the pinnacle of cancer.


>> No.8399575

"Who are you quoting" is pretty carcinogenic too.

>> No.8399584


Maybe in shitpost spam, but I was using the words literally.

>> No.8399682
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That's why people are waiting for the VN. It most probably won't have all the shit people hate the anime for, and has a script writer who can write enjoyable shit.

Most likely canon, but it will become more clear in today's episode of the anime, since it's a flashback.

For now, I'm pretty hype. Dat music, dat Present, dat Scrooge. Too bad that the release date is even farther away than I expected.

>> No.8399704

Lately im playing lots of PC98 visual novels, mostly from Cocktail soft, Im playing True Heart right now.

This week finished BS Famicom Tantei Club (finished this saga) and Metal Slader Glory. So I guess I should start with the Mukashi Banashi saga to finish with the Nintendo catalogue of Visual Novels.

>> No.8399947
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I'm pretty sure Lillian has a scene too. No clue about Asuna though.

Though the best character to look forward to is none other than Illear.

And then there's Starlit Brave Xtream... Hime cameo FTW.

But why no Crystal? ;_;

>> No.8399967 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 237x237, shop_q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think this is Lillian's h-scene.

Anyone have Kururu and Iinchou's from the magazines?

>> No.8400067
File: 87 KB, 586x656, 030b7fd680e0a8ecbfb87d8aa98395c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angelic Serenade is never getting translated, neither is any other KOGADO VN. Feels bad.
Well, except Symphonic Rain. That stuff was first class.

>> No.8400083

Quick vision test. How many girls do you see in that image?

>> No.8400092


>> No.8400109


>> No.8400115


>> No.8400122


>> No.8400123

It was vision, not imagnation test.

>> No.8400131

I can't get Symphonic Rain to work anymore. I just got a new computer but had SR on a secondary drive.

I remember this game being a bitch to get to work. I already changed non-unicode language to Japanese and installed the font that came with it.

What else do I have to do?

>> No.8400136

By the way, my problem is I'm not seeing any text at all.

>> No.8400137

You need the correct registry entry. It's always the registry entry.

>> No.8400140

Linux, I assume?

>> No.8400144

Can I just copy SR.reg somewhere?

>> No.8400149

See if the SR.reg installation path corresponds with its real path.

>> No.8400152

There's some registry tweak you need to do. It should be easier to move it to the Program Files folder instead of the Program Files (x86) folder.

C:\Program Files\KOGADO\SRTE
instead of
C:\Program Files (x86)\KOGADO\SRTE

>> No.8400158

Anyway, did anyone else here try to train their mind so as to have personal Phorni? I did. I failed ;_;

>> No.8400166

You are a cruel person.

>> No.8400162

Honestly, I think my Phorni would suicide.

>> No.8400170

You'll need a comatose girl to help you out there or no dice.

>> No.8400172

It's okay, anon. I'm always close to you.

>> No.8400186

S-stop that!..

>> No.8400191

For some reason I thought you could play SR without having to install it. It's been forever since I did this. I don't have the iso to install it anymore.

It's weird though I can still open up the english version of the game, just not see any text.

>> No.8400198

I've installed it once and took it with me through several windows installations.
All you need to do is adjust the registry key file and add it to the registry, seriously. If you can't manage that, reinstalling won't help you either.

>> No.8400214

Alright, got it to work. Thanks.

I actually gave up on this VN a while ago because I picked Fal's route first and went a solid 6 or 7 hours with nothing happening.

>> No.8400221

That one is worth it.

>> No.8400228

Go for Lise next, and then Torta.
Torta's route feeds directly into the Al Fine route, which only gets unlocked after you've done the first three routes.

>> No.8400246
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>> No.8400248

Lise route all day erry day. **GRAVE IS A HUGE FAGGOT**

>> No.8400272

Lise's route is so hilarious, I burned my lungs out laughing. And couldn't talk for about a week.

>> No.8400283


>> No.8400380


Freak mad german mad pants scientist - but somewhat nicely consistent about what he says. Chachamaru is love as always.

>> No.8400390

him and Kageaki discussing pants with complete seriousness had me in stiches

>> No.8400436 [SPOILER] 
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You will never break a robot's ....hymen?

>> No.8400444 [DELETED] 







>> No.8400445


>> No.8400457
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Mira has the best CGs.

>> No.8400466

is it replaceable? so you can experience the moment over and over?

>> No.8400479

Is sumaga special a straight up fandisk or just a special edition of the original game?

>> No.8400491


>> No.8400509

Fandisk. It has a bunch of background information on the original game as well as a separate story about two new Etoile. It also has mini-stories drizzled throughout that can only really be described as "wacky hijinx". Spica and Garnet have a hilarious drug-abetted eating contest to see who gets exclusive rights to Shitman's dick.

>> No.8400766

What are some eroge with badass/overpowered female characters?
To be clear characters like Kanae or Hikaru from Muramasa who are overpowered, know it and love it rather than someone like Saber.

>> No.8400778

Clannad, Nagisa is a badass

>> No.8400858

as heroines or just side characters/enemies? Momoyo springs to mind but you'll probably already know

>> No.8400863
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Started 黙って私のムコになれ. This game is silly.

>> No.8400867

Yeah Momoyo is pretty badass but Majikoi is a comedy.
I'd prefer from something more serious

>> No.8400885
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>> No.8400908

for the resident IM fan's delight, Haisherra from ZERO, I guess? The early plot goes out of its way to show how overpowered an enemy she is, and she actually succeeds as an antagonist for a while, making liberal use of her newfound godly powers in the absence of the hero. Though the hero makes a comeback after a while.

>> No.8400911
File: 136 KB, 800x600, kagome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comyu. Kagome is just what you're looking for.

>> No.8400920

And a landmine.
Get out of there.

>> No.8401049

Considering my tastes, it'd have to be extremely shitty for me to not like it.

>> No.8401142

Farewell soldier. ;_;

>> No.8401368

I hope my reading speed increases soon (;´Д`) reading Steins Gate on PSP, 13 hours and only in chapter 3. My nihongofu is not strong enough yet.

But this shit is pretty great.

>> No.8401387

Majikoi was the first thing to come to mind, notably Momoyo.

>> No.8401389

Oops someone already mentioned that. Nevermind.

>> No.8401614

I sure do love it when security false-positives make me take 45 minutes to install one game.

>> No.8402838
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>> No.8402846
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>> No.8402910

Well, I think I'm done with Noble Works after Hinata's and Maya's route.
None of the other heroines seem very interesting.
Do you guys have any recommendations for relaxing and/or funny VNs?

>> No.8402929

>funny VNs
Try 私立アキハバラ学園 or 巨乳ファンタジー
Also try Maple Colors 2 (the 1st game has pretty rageinducing minigames)

>> No.8402932

Renai 0 km

>> No.8402937
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君を仰ぎ乙女は姫に is sort of nice, from what I've read, though it seems to spike up in terms of drama towards the end of routes.
Even taking the setting into account, 終わりなき夏 永遠なる音律 is probably the title I felt most relaxed throughout for most of the game, but I've heard some people find it pretty boring.
Though, I could relate extremely heavily to both of the games, so that did influence me alot.

>> No.8402946

But my taste is also pretty wishy-washy too, so there's that as well.

>> No.8402952
File: 156 KB, 580x468, 55g4h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish, but Katawa Shoujo is the best VN of all time. Of awl time.

>> No.8402957

I've heard good things about Renai 0 km before, so I'll try that out first.
I'll definitely check out the others after.

>> No.8402961

Haha! Relevant pop culture references always brighten my day before going to work.

>> No.8402970
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Glad I could be of service, anon.

>> No.8403002

Try さらさらささら too. I find it pretty relaxing.
Ignore the description on vndb.

>> No.8403513

The best girl in Akasaka?
The best girl in Akasaka.

>> No.8403516

What happened to tlwiki?

>> No.8403527

Probably some temporary server issues, given that Beast's Lair forums are down too.

>> No.8403620

Okay Anon, maybe you were right.
I'm maybe 3-4 hours in and I'm pretty much at the point of dropping it.
Such a shame too, as Reona is kind of cute.

>> No.8403633

That's not Mitsuki's hair.

>> No.8403635


Can you enlighten me as to what a landmine means? I've seen that tag on sites but I never understood what it mean, other than it being supposedly a negative.

>> No.8403645

I think if you look up what the word means in a dictionary it should be pretty obvious

>> No.8403658

Games that look good enough from pre-release info/trial to preorder/buy but turn into incredible shit once you actually play them, which is sort of like stepping on a hidden landmine.

>> No.8403668



>> No.8403673

Hair is not a girl, much less a human.

>> No.8404488
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>> No.8404788

This reminds me I still have to play the fandisc for delicious Yeng Fei and Megumu routes

>> No.8404815

You should play it for the last route.
Best thing about the series

>> No.8405309
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Started Princess Evangile last night.
I'm enjoying it quite a bit, head butting Yakuza in the dick and all.

>> No.8405393


This guy has the right idea.

>> No.8405398

Some Prismatic Princess preview vids were put up on the official site.


Flora finally gets her first h-scene. ;_;

>> No.8405433
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>not playing the best visual novel out there

Oh yeah, you'd rather play a game where you're some beta fuckface wooing lolis. Playing as a man looking back on his life and deciding whether he will die happy or filled with regret is a bit too much for you.

>> No.8405434


>> No.8405441

you just found out about it and you greentext about 2012?

>> No.8405449
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Actually, I played it several years ago.
I don't know why, but everything about it was just done so perfectly well, especially the true ending.

I guess the best SERIOUS visual novel out there would be Clannad or Little Busters.

>> No.8406079

>Clannad or Little Busters

Even if you're trying to troll that's just...

>> No.8406361

When does MLA start getting good? I'm at the coup arc where meiya just boarded the mecha with takeru and this is boring as hell.

>> No.8406368

When you see unit 00.

>> No.8406377

whaddya mean? she already appeared earlier IIRC

>> No.8406383

The coup arc is one long HURR NIPPON STRONG glorification of Japan while all the characters point out how stupid it is.

MLA starts actually getting good around when you launch the Objective 21 operation.

>> No.8406386

What... I... what?

>> No.8406399

How long still? They're using meiya as a decoy right now, I just want to some real battles and betas goddamnit

>> No.8406403

Honestly, if all the METAL ON METAL action was boring for you then I guess you'll have to wait until the BETA themselves actually show up to take an interest.

Just to be sure you did finish EX and UL first, right, not read a brief summary off Ammy's website and skip it altogether?

>> No.8406408

it becomes good from there.

>> No.8406409

BETA come up pretty damn soon.

>> No.8406406

Takeru needs to whine for a while before, so like 5 hours, maybe more.

>> No.8406407

The coup arc is reaching its climax. The very next arc will have BATERS.

And no way the 00 unit has shown up yet.

>> No.8406421

All within the same minute, haha.

>> No.8406427

No I did a 100% clear for extra and UL. Maybe I've spent too much time readin muv-luv.

that's a relief then thanks

>> No.8406436

See this illustrates exactly the pacing problems that Muv-Luv suffers from.

Though thankfully everything from Episode 7 onwards makes up for the time needed to reach it.

>> No.8406437

I've also had enough of Takeru's "philosophy" and his reasonings. It's like the writer wrote him to be a simple-minded idiot

>> No.8406433

>100% clear for extra
How horrifying.

>> No.8406441

Soon, being relative of course.

>> No.8406455

Well you're in luck, in the very next arc he is forced to realize how pretentious and naive his philosophies and resolve have been up until now.

Just realize that Takeru's character hasn't fully developed yet and you're reading every thought in his head, so it's no surprise he comes across like that at the moment.

>> No.8406481

Considering Takeru's whole basis has been "Alt. V BAD. THEREFORE MUST STOP THOUGH I DON'T REMEMBER WHY IT WAS BAD." that's sort of to be expected.

Thankfully, TDA has, if nothing else, done a fairly good job of showing just how bleak things are.

>> No.8406496

It shouldn't need to have to make up for it.

>> No.8406567

>When does MLA start getting good?
It doesn't.

>> No.8406575

Sadly it does, though given that it still gets high ratings and reviews in spite of the bad pacing I'd say it does a fair job of compensating.

>> No.8406593

Because retarded people like moogy exist

>> No.8406622

>Though thankfully everything from Episode 7 onwards makes up for the time needed to reach it.
I don't see how someone could outright dislike the first parts of the game, and then like the latter half so much that it somehow makes up for the bad parts. The difference in quality is not that huge. Sure, it gets better around there, but it doesn't go from "I don't like this" to "Wow this is great" halfway through.

>> No.8406627

As if people only rate it highly just because moogy said so.

>> No.8406632

It was an exaggeration. Because broad sweeping statements are easier and quicker to type up than long dissertations on the relative level of enjoyment for different parts and how they change from person to person depending on their preferences.

>> No.8406646

I can't say I found the pacing that bad, the story and setting were enough to make me want to keep going on well enough.
Maybe the problem is that you expected it to blow your mind the whole way through so the slow paced parts stood out more.

>> No.8406652

I'm just saying that MLA gets high ratings because people like moogy exist with their "it's the best shit ever!!!" mentality even though the first games and first parts of MLA are fucking boring and have bad pacing.

>> No.8406654

I'd say it's just people being overly impressionable, same with e17 or iroseka.
People just rate things based on the parts that left an impression instead of doing an overall rating.

>> No.8406666

Warning, you are coming across as a huge retard. Basically what you're saying is "my opinion is better, therefore those people who I'm assuming to be under influence are idiots". And that's retarded.

>> No.8406692

What's boring and what's not is relative. If you came into Muv-Luv solely for the TSFs and the BETA then of course you'll find the prequels and the first half boring because they don't have that much TSFs and absolutely no BETA. Personally, EX, UL and the pre-PTSD parts of MLA didn't really wow me too much, definitely not as much as parts from when the BETA appeared onwards, but they still kept me entertained until I reached those parts.

>> No.8406696

Are you really denying MLA's pacing and other problems? Sorry but late parts of teh game don't make up for the rest of the shit.

>> No.8406721

Even the people who like Muv-Luv say it has horrible pacing. Unlike you however they don't trash an entire work based on only its faults. I suppose maybe that's because its strengths and the parts that contributed to the high ratings for everyone who enjoyed it didn't quite come across to you the same way they did for countless others. That's fine, that's your personal opinion and you're entitled to it. But when you make broad absolute statements like that you're just coming across as a loudmouthed retard who considers his opinion to be better than everyone else, and considers everyone else to like it because they're idiotic sheep.

That or you're just trolling to get replies.

>> No.8406729

So, Stein's Gate. How's the translation project? I got linked to the first 12 chapters of the manga and I have to admit, it got me really hooked.
I can't really find the link on their site, I guess I'm just retarded.

>> No.8406733

I enjoyed reading through the training and the political tension buildup. Your opinion is not a fact. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8406737

It's done, but unedited, without the dictionary parts, which I kinda liked reading after reading through a couple of chapters.

>> No.8406745

An unedited patch is out, not linked to on their site. The editing has been stalled for a while because Blick Winkel vanished off the face of the internet and he was handling the latter stages of editing. Reading Steiner has stated that they're waiting a bit to give him some time to reappear.

>> No.8406750

It's not a matter of an opinion that it has horrible pacing, which most readers abhor. MLA and the rest of the games suffer from pacing problems and this is not even up for debate.

>> No.8406759

/jp/ has shitty taste. they like reading trash after trash like mla and keep calling the boring parts good lol

>> No.8406768

I don't know if you're trolling or just have poor reading comprehension, but it's been stated multiple times that even those who like Muv-Luv say the pacing is terribly bad. What is an opinon, however, is how interesting or how boring the different parts of it are.

>> No.8406780
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You're trying too hard.

>> No.8406795

MLA fanboys BETA as fuck

>> No.8406787

Everyone think they're boring shit. You're in the minority here.

>> No.8406803

>MLA and the rest of the games suffer from pacing problems and this is not even up for debate.

That's still your opinion.

>> No.8406805
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>people still saying MLA isn't kusoge garbage

>> No.8406819

Why are you quoting?

>> No.8406815

No, that's not just an opinion. Even Moogy-heikadonokamisama knows it has pacing problems.

>> No.8406822

why so denial? it's not an opinion bro

>> No.8406830

I'm one of the guys calmly refuting that biased moron with balanced statements and even I know it has pacing problems.

>> No.8406840

why do you keep mentioning moogy like it's some sort of authority figure? He has an opinion that isn't any more valid than mine or yours. If he rated the game highly despite finding parts boring as shit, that's his problem, I didn't find any part of Alternative "boring" because I can take slower paced segments without crying for shit to happen all the time.
If you can't, that's ok, but stop thinking your opinion is fact for everyone.

>> No.8406842

>late parts of teh game don't make up for the rest of the shit
Is your opinion, not an objective fact.
Is also an opinion, not an objective fact.

>> No.8406843

MLA is a 8/10 game at best.

>> No.8406855

You guys don't even make it funny or amusing - at least start trying.

Dude, so what? Are you saying that the opinion of the majority can make something a fact? If you say "it is agreed by many people that MLA has pacing problems" then that's one thing, but you can't state the quality of the pacing as a fact just because you think so. Jesus, am I even supposed to have to explain this to grown men?

>> No.8406864

You want Moogy-heikadonosama's opinion? Fine, fucking take it.

Objective Quality Level (Overall)
1. Alternative (except the art lol)
2. Muramasa
3. Baldr Sky

Story (Overall)
1. Muramasa
2. Baldr Sky
3. Alternative

Fun Factor/Enjoyment Level (Structure/Pacing/伏線回収, etc.)
1. Baldr Sky
2. Muramasa
3. Alternative

Thematic Elements
1. Muramasa
2. Alternative
3. Baldr Sky

Satisfaction (Upon Completion)
1. Baldr Sky
2. Muramasa
3. Being the first human being to die of cat AIDS because you fucked a cat
4. Alternative

1. Baldr Sky
TIED IN A FUCKING DEATHMATCH: Muramasa and Alternative. Muramasa has a lot of inconsequential characters and two out of three heroines are psychopaths but at least it doesn't have the Extra Four

Amount of ご都合主義 (Least to Most)
1. Alternative
2. Muramasa
(These two are debatable, depending on how much you're bothered by Kageaki winning everything throughout the game)
3. Baldr Sky


Presentation (Overall)
1. Alternative
2. Muramasa
3. Baldr Sky (Sky has gameplay so it doesn't matter)

>> No.8406871

1. Baldr Force
2. Baldr Sky
3. Rance 6


1. Alternative
Tied: Muramasa and Baldr Sky. Muramasa's music is better produced but it's not used nearly as well as Sky's.

Tied: Muramasa and Baldr Sky
2. Musashi Gundoh
3. Alternative

Originality (If you actually care too much about this you might be a pretentious faggot..............)
1. Muramasa
2. Alternative
3. Baldr Sky

Accessibility (Probably the widest category here. Bleakness of themes/outlook, approach to storytelling, amount of "offensive" material, easy to pick up and keep playing or not, etc. All three require a large investment of time so that is not a factor, though Sky is most likely the longest.)
1. Baldr Sky
2. Alternative
3. Muramasa

(Highly Subjective) Writing Style
1. Muramasa
2. Baldr Sky
3. Alternative

Personal Rating
1. Baldr Sky
2. Alternative
3. Muramasa

>> No.8406878

there are quality standards that even your shitty beloved eroge adhere to retard. mla, a 8/10 game glorified by webbaeos and moogy does not make the cut

>> No.8406884

I did the Muv-Luv marathon in 2007 and I still consider it one of the pinnacle of my eroge playing career.
Of course I may have been young back there and easily impressed but I don't really remember having any problem with the pacing in Alternative.

>> No.8406888
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Why the flying fuck are we talking about pacing as if pacing is the only thing that can make or break a game?

>> No.8406890

>Objective Quality Level (Overall)
>1. Alternative (except the art lol)
it's funny because MLA fanboys think this too, just like moogy

>> No.8406893

The objective quality ranking get me everytime, Moogy is such a faggot

>> No.8406898
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>Objective Quality Level (Overall)
>1. Alternative (except the art lol)

>> No.8406904

Most of the guys really whining about it just had a kneejerk reaction to the hype the game got pre-release, which is hilarious because they mostly did it all by themselves.

>> No.8406905

>Shit Luv
>Baldr Shitty

Why do /jp/ love shitty games like these? Do you have no taste?

>> No.8406910

Let me tell you why this game is shit

1. It took fucking FOREVER. Even though it's a simple, uncomplicated storyline, they mange to drag this shit out for about 50 fucking hours. Only about 20 of those had anything significant happening, the rest was filled with loldeep moral faggotry and fucking lectures on stupid shit. Not to mention EXPLAINING character development. "This is what happened, this is how I felt before, this how it changed me, blah, blah, blah..." SHUT THE FUCK UP! Yeah, I saw what fucking happened, you don't have to explain it. You're literally undermining any actual character development this game had.

2. THE FUCKING MC! Has to be the most unlikeable retarded fuck in the history in VN history. Spends Extra being a stuck up, arrogant, dick. Spends Unlimited being a unless little bitch. Spends 1/3 of Alternative being an arrogant faggot thinking how better he is than the people who actually changed him from a useless little bitch to someone not utterly useless, giving them lectures, and generally talking about how he's right and they're wrong. THEN, at the first sign of trouble he instantly reverts back to whiny little useless bitch literally pissing in his pants. Then basically spends the rest of the game being pretty fucking useless and retarded. 1. MC: I'm so much more grown up now. That last event really changed me. 2. Other character: But that's wrong you fucking retard 3. Oh how foolish I was! I'm still a child 4. Rinse 5. Repeat. This cycle literally went on till the very last second of the game.

>> No.8406912

Daily reminder that's not how you quote. Get the fuck out.

>> No.8406914

3. The main heroines died in such stupid fucking ways. Meiya and Sumika were really the only ones who had meaningful deaths that weren't completely retarded. "I HAVE TO SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR THE MAN I LOVE! I'M TOO STUPID TO USE THAT THING IN MY HEAD CALLED A BRAIN AND THINK UP A LESS RETARDED WAY!" Not to mention they all died in a span of 20 minutes. It really all seemed like an after though. Like the writers we're thinking "Guys! Wtf!? The game is about to end! We need to kill these bitches off already!"

4. The tentacle rape. Firstly, is it just me or was this the longest sex scene in any of the games? Why was it even there? It was completely unnecessary. Being torn apart while you're alive is more than enough to cause mental trauma. You don't need to have sex with aliens. It made me lose A LOT of sympathy I had for Sumika. Being torn apart against your will and being torn apart because you enjoy being a fuck toy are pretty different was to go. Shock value? Fap material? I don't know, but it was just 3rd rate /d/ hentai.

How can anyone rate this game above mediocre? Is the VN community seriosuly full of 12 year olds? "OMG HOT GIRLS FIGHTING ALIENS!" "YEAH!" "OMG LOOK! SHE'S BEING RAPED BY ALIENS!" "FAPFAPFAP" In all honesty I thought Unlimited was much better, even though I only did Meiya's route. Not only did it take like 1/10 of the time, the endings were meaningful and had impact.

tl;dr It's shit. Saying it's the best thing ever has to be an elaborate troll to get people to waste their time.

>> No.8406916

Because one or two guys are forcing their opinions down everybody's throats using Moogy as a straw man and claiming their opinions are objective fact which outweigh the erogamescape and vndb ratings.

>> No.8406918
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Which one /jp/?

>> No.8406925
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Nice troll pasta. For fucks sake nobody seriously reply to that, it's just shitting up the thread.

>> No.8406933

I loved all of them.

>> No.8406939

Baldr, by a landslide. Muramasa is hella good too, however.

This Muv-Luv avatar fagger is really getting on my nerves.

>> No.8406941

White Album 2

>> No.8406948

He's right, though.

>> No.8406950

Pretty sure moogy made this and spammed /jp/ so that he could make his "ranking" relevant and trollworthy.

>> No.8406951

All of them are shit YU-NO, White Album, White Album 2, and Katawa Shoujo are the good VNs.

>> No.8406952

err, love*.

>> No.8406964

>Baldr, by a landslide.
Only if you have shitty taste. Baldr Sky is yet another eroge that appeals to the lowest common denominator. MLA is far better.

>> No.8406957

Baldr Sky.

I didn't read Muramasa yet.

>> No.8406966

Subjectively so. Not objectively so. It's just as easy to make another pasta with points about why MLA is the best thing ever and both pastas will be equally true. Subjectively, that is.

>> No.8406970

Too bad there is no eroge with perfect pacing.
Muramasa has problem with the pacing at some points too, I found the first part of chapter 2 and the castle part of Ichijou's route a bit slow.
And Baldr Sky has Chinatsu and Aki's routes that are the longest and weakest routes.

>> No.8406971

typical muv shit faggot shitting up the only good thread on /jp/
why can't you english only peasants die

>> No.8406985

Muv-Luv Alt: Blockbuster movie
Baldr Sky: Game
Muramasa: Long novel.

They all have their own strengths and weakness. Alt is an experience akin to seeing a great movie, you watch stuff that happens on the screen and it manages to amaze you.
But it's not like the writing is really great, it's a VN that wouldn't work if you removed the visuals.
But that's not a bad thing, that's what makes it awesome even.

Baldr Sky in the same way wasn't exceptionally well written and wouldn't work if you removed the visual part/gameplay parts. But again it manages to mix the gameplay and the story so well you never feel bored.
And even though it never goes too far in the thematic elements the story is really good.
Everything meshes to make a really uplifting experience that goes crescendo in intensity.
Think of it like playing a really good game.

And Muramasa is the only one that would work as a standalone novel.
Among Visual Novels there is simply nothing that come even close to having a script that has as much impact, every words are powerful and the themes are explored to a depth that is pretty much unimaginable for a VN.
But it's not like it goes for a "deep" experience either, it manages to avoid that pitfall very well unlike say Subahibi (that is really good in its own way though).
But Muramasa also very wordy and dark at time so among the three it's probably the one that will get less popularity.

>> No.8406982

>MLA is far better.
Only if you have shitty taste. MLA is yet another eroge that appeals to the lowest common denominator. Baldr Sky is far better.

>> No.8406983

But MLA takes it a whole new level.. that's the point here.

>> No.8406989

No it isn't.

>> No.8406994

is this copypasta and cheap trolling day or did someone just have a bad day and is relieving himself?

>> No.8406998

Can't we all just agree that MLA is the worst VN ever made and that the only people who like it are retards?

>> No.8406999

>But it's not like it goes for a "deep" experience either, it manages to avoid that pitfall very well unlike say Subahibi (that is really good in its own way though).
You mean it's not LOLDEEP like eva ??

>> No.8407007

If MLA took it to a whole new level, I'm terrified to see what heights Clannad took it to.

>> No.8407016




>> No.8407017

Might as well make a new VN general, since this one's as good as finished.

>> No.8407015


I prefer Muramasa since it appealed to me more with the way the themes were treated, the powerfulness of the proses, the awesome cast of characters and the way everything came together so well.

Baldr Sky is close though, the mix of great gameplay and great story is lethal and Makoto + Sora's routes as a whole was some of the most fun I had with a game, the ending is extremely satisfying too.

>> No.8407023

Eh, it's just the usual heated discussion between MuvLuv flamers and MuvLuv supporters, with Muv-Luv "I can see the flaws and acknowledge them but I liked the VN anyway"ers and Muv-Luv "your opinions are just that, everything is subjective"ers trying to mediate between the two.

>> No.8407028

But Clannad was before MLA.

>> No.8407031

no it wasnt. MLA was released in 1995 wasnt clannaids 2005????

>> No.8407039

Not really, the pacing in MLA isn't that worse.

>> No.8407043

I like the way you compared them.

Jesuschrist this is what happens if this thread lingers on the front page for too long. Might as well use sage with every post, only bumping when necessary.

>> No.8407051

I honestly doubt a PC from 1995 will handle rUGP at its maximum potential.

>> No.8407065

Damn I just finished WA2 but the thread died.

>> No.8407061

Threads like these awaken my hipster side, which then screams about how much it doesn't want to see Muramasa and Baldr Sky translated.

Fucking moogy.

>> No.8407078
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>> No.8407079

What the hell happened to this thread? Why did Muv-Shit peasants have to brutalize a perfectly fine eroge general?
I'll never get over it.

>> No.8407072

You'll get over it. Learn to bask in other people discovering and discussing things you love, it's a right awesome feeling.
Yeah I know I'm in the wrong place to be spreading the message of peace and love. A man's gotta have faith though!

>> No.8407080

Take it to /m/. They usually have at least one ML thread alive at a time.


>> No.8407082

as if you aren't part of the problem

>> No.8407092

Only Muv-shit peasants are the problem.

>> No.8407087

I browse both boards and I'd appreciate it if you don't do that.

>> No.8407095

I'm all for the idea of having more people enjoy the things I do, but this thread is proof that things would get real bad if shitheads get the other two VNs.

Though, we'll always have /m/.

>> No.8407111

Would be nice if you could define exactly what a "Muv-Shit Peasant" is.

>> No.8407112

a muvluv fanboy liek u

>> No.8407173

New thread

>> No.8409503

Why the fuck do I still bother coming here...

>> No.8410119


>> No.8410150

what a good review, your 合憲s are so すてき moogy
