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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8394164 No.8394164 [Reply] [Original]

You have been given the opportunity to permanently eliminate one of the following from /jp/:
1) 2hus
2) Idols and all things 3D
3) Shitposting, along with the most prolific and obnoxious shitposters (Tokiko, zunbar etc.)

Which one will it be?

>> No.8394171

Everyone who doesn't answer 3 needs to get banned.

>> No.8394167

4) Autism

>> No.8394168

I eliminate this thread and you along with it

>> No.8394174 [DELETED] 

3, because 1 and 2 belong here.
> but anon shitposting is otaku culture!!1!11
Yeah? Well fuck you, hypothetical guy I'm quoting.

>> No.8394176
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4) you. arrogant fuck.

>> No.8394177


I answer 2 faggot, what are you going to do?

>> No.8394179


Thread hidden and reported, anyway, as this is a thread which attracts more shitposting.

>> No.8394180
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fuck off OP with your choices

>> No.8394181



>> No.8394184

I'll be frank, sometimes I enjoy 3D sluts.

ps. I'm running low on vodka

sageru my shitty post

>> No.8394188

Idols don't belong here any more than shitposting.
This board was originally made for doujin works like touhou and VNs, not for fat japanese (and now increasingly corean) whores posing in front of cameras.

>> No.8394191


Still pretty sure /jp/ would still have it's problems but whatever.

Sorta interesting though, if 1) where to happen. What would happen to /jp/?

>> No.8394202

Then /jp/ becomes an mmorpg board.

>> No.8394199
File: 4 KB, 127x148, ash-proff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them. This board should be homo culture.

>> No.8394206

3: That will eliminate most 3D stuff any way. Idols and Touhou cosplay exempted and those are fine.

Fucking hypothetical questions why can you not be real.

>> No.8394215 [DELETED] 

All meta posts/threads. I don't even mind shitposting, just the meta drama it causes.

>> No.8394214

Doesn't autism fall under shitposting?

>> No.8394221

Fuck that. This is a hypothetical question anyway so I choose 1 and 3.

>> No.8394220

(I don't think that zunbar is a shitposter, maybe it's because I don't care about names.)

>> No.8394225

5) Homosexuals

>> No.8394226

>Complaining about meta on what is for all intensive purposes a meta board.

>> No.8394231

I'll soon post some personal infos about a few shitposter, I hope it'll scare them.

>> No.8394243
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Bring it on, fagget.

>> No.8394245 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting, take your malapropisms back to /v/, no it isn't, etc.

>> No.8394251

Shut the fuck up and deal with it. Or are you going to do something about it?

>> No.8394255

I'm quoting your mom, only when she said it, it was about loose cunts.

>> No.8394252

He's summarizing his post you dingus.

>> No.8394253


Deal with it.

>> No.8394264 [DELETED] 

That isn't quoting. It isn't paraphrasing either, before anyone >implies it is.

>> No.8394269

That's great and all anon but I didn't say it was either.

>> No.8394275
File: 13 KB, 320x316, chad nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4) gay niggaz

>> No.8394285

What's the point? Arc doesn't come here anymore.

>> No.8394298
File: 6 KB, 186x139, Damn..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah nigga. dubs culture.

>> No.8394331

i would ban 2hu fucks so fast you don't even know.

>> No.8394371 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 268x318, whoruquoting15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8394373

hey look it's me

>> No.8394385

If you don't instinctively answer with 3, then get out of /jp/. Seriously.

>> No.8394380

4) shitty /a/ posters

>> No.8394401 [DELETED] 

If you come to /jp/ and answer shitpost question polls seriously you're not intelligent enough to not be a shitposter. You mind taking your own advice and leaving since you're a subhuman

>> No.8394451 [DELETED] 


>> No.8394485

Meta threads.

I guess off-topic shit about crossdressing should probably go away permanently, too.

>> No.8394491

You're posting in this thread too. After you.

>> No.8394535 [DELETED] 

Your reading ability is like your ability to make a non-shitpost. It doesn't exist at all. I didn't say posting in this thread under any circumstance was the reason. I said a very specific instance was the cause. Responding to a shitpost question poll seriously and expecting others to be as stupid as you was the point I mentioned.

>> No.8395231
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>> No.8397158 [DELETED] 

The thought of seeing Mother after so long fills you with excitement. You approach the door and place your hand on the knob. While attempting to turn the knob carefully, you hear the usual "click" to confirm that it's unlocked.

As you push the door open, a rancid, putrid smell enters your nostrils and lands in your sinus cavity. You cover your face to conceal this aberrant stench of putrid decay. Clearly there's something troubling about this circumstance. It's this weird and uneasy feeling you can't seem to shake off. You gulp down your anxiety, glance forward, and see Mother, laying flat on the blood-stained carpet.

You then hear this playing in your mind:

>> No.8397161 [DELETED] 

The thought of seeing Mother after so long fills you with excitement. You approach the door and place your hand on the knob. While attempting to turn the knob carefully, you hear the usual "click" to confirm that it's unlocked.

As you push the door open, a rancid, putrid smell enters your nostrils and lands in your sinus cavity. You cover your face to conceal this aberrant stench of putrid decay. Clearly there's something troubling about this circumstance. It's this weird and uneasy feeling you can't seem to shake off. You gulp down your anxiety, glance forward, and see Mother, laying flat on the blood-stained carpet.

You then hear this playing in your mind:

>> No.8397170 [DELETED] 

The thought of seeing Mother after so long fills you with excitement. You approach the door and place your hand on the knob. While attempting to turn the knob carefully, you hear the usual "click" to confirm that it's unlocked.

>> No.8397176 [DELETED] 

ggThe thought of seeing Mother after so long fills you with excitement. You approach the door and place your hand on the knob. While attempting to turn the knob carefully, you hear the usual "click" to confirm that it's unlocked.

>> No.8397181 [DELETED] 

gggThe thought of seeing Mother after so long fills you with excitement. You approach the door and place your hand on the knob. While attempting to turn the knob carefully, you hear the usual "click" to confirm that it's unlocked.
