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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8393589 No.8393589 [Reply] [Original]

How do you weeaboo shut-ins feel about drugs and alcohol?
Can you even get them given your crippling social anxiety and lack of a social circle?

>> No.8393594

Weed and alcohol make me depressed and too introspective.

>> No.8393592

I hold myself to saintly standards, so neither for me.

>> No.8393598

Saints drank booze (some of them had to given the low quality of order) and I'm sure plenty of them did drugs too.
Only you losers born after like, 1950 think alcohol is somehow wrong. And Muslims, but they're not people.

>> No.8393605

There is nothing good about losing control of ones mental faculties.
There are many saints yes, but plenty were just earls who bought their way into the list.

>> No.8393610

I used to drink and do drugs in high school.

By junior year it just got boring.

Sometimes I have a glass of wine with dinner if I make something decent.

Have some vodka in the freezer, but save that for when I feel depressed.

>> No.8393612

The Aghori believe alcohol can make you "figure things out" far quicker. And that Taoist master who's student followed him around with wine and a shovel so he could bury his master when he drank himself to death. Also, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Alan Watts were alcoholics. But who cares.

I drink pretty heavily and enjoy it. I also don't mind the odd nitrous abuse session. I can buy both online so it is a good deal.

>> No.8393616

I could get alcohol, yes. And whores too, now that 'saintly standards' were mentioned.
But I don't like either. Alcohol tastes like radioactive vomit. I suspect whores too.
But don't think I'm a boring person, I love orange juice.

>> No.8393618

Nothing good?
I say it can be really good depending on your situation.
Sometimes mindless extacy is really useful to forget your everyday sorrows for a little time.
See it as masturbating, but with even less control and for a longer time.

I barely get drunk nor do I have consumed any other hard or soft drugs.
I'd really like to have drug induced haluzinations though sometime

>> No.8393622

I'm 19 years old and have never smoked, done drugs or drink alcohol

>> No.8393627

Why do people value knowledge and mental functions?

I like to drink until I can't think and smile at birds playing and drinking in lakes. Why the fuck would I want to take life seriously?

>> No.8393632

I drink alcohol and smoke marijuana, but I need to get a job so I'm taking a break from smoking.

>> No.8393634

You're cool, I guess?

I wish /jp/ was 25+ or something.

>> No.8393635

>Why the fuck would I want to take life seriously?
To make the world a better place.

>> No.8393645

It would be a better place if people didn't take it as seriously.

>> No.8393649

Hahaha no.
/jp/er are the kind of people who gave up such foolish things and escape into fantasies to forget about how much this world sucks.
Drugs are mighty tools of escapism

>> No.8393657

You still have hope?

>> No.8393653

But we're /jp/ers, not proper people who do stuff.
Don't give me that, "But you can do anything!" crap because nobody on /jp/ WANTS to.

>> No.8393654

I can enjoy beer and stronger drinks aswell as cheap cigarettes or a good cigar,
but I'm making none of those a habit.

>> No.8393660

Likely how they were raised, or even a genetic predisposition. Just look at how krauts value ordnung.

>> No.8393662


If everyone thought like him, there would be no need to run from reality. If everyone thought like you, there wouldn't be a reality to run from.

>> No.8393661

How can you NOT have cigarettes as a habit?
I don't think I've ever smoked, but I always figured it was all-or-nothing? Like do some people just smoke every now and then?

>> No.8393666
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A lack of understanding.

>> No.8393664

I just found it two years ago.

>> No.8393667

This is why I recommend nitrous for NEETs. Just buy whipits and a cream maker thing from amazon and a bag of balloons and you have a great, highly euphoric dissociative.

I had 2 at once a few times a row the other night and was immersed in a vivid dream world with time dilation. When it wore off and I came back it was freaky.

>> No.8393671

It's exactly because you never tried that you don't know.
I might be just weird as that, but I actually like the taste, just not enough to spend a lot of money on it an get addicted. And you don't get addicted that easy, anyway.

>> No.8393673

You know it is the stupid clinging to life and thinking you are important and some type of big shot with a meaningful life that ruins everything right? Just take it easy and have fun, don't take any of it seriously.

>> No.8393684

But we live in the real world and not everyone thinks the same way (honestly, "If everyone did X..." is the most stupid argument ever).
Just enjoy life and take it easy.

>> No.8393687

The excuse about mental capabilities is ridiculous. You're not some soldier or a mad scientist who has to be in top mental condition 24/7. You're spending like half your day browsing a shitty imageboard full of idiots acting like complete retards. If anything, it would be a waste of energy to browse this place without placing your brain in idle mode.

But as I previously implied, it's just an excuse. None of these people are actively resisting various temptations to maintain their full mental capacity. It's just a more noble way to put it when they're too cowardly to try it.

>> No.8393710

Eh, cowardly? More like lazy and not caring enough.

>> No.8393721

In fact alcohol improves my posting abilities. Therefore everyone on /jp/ should be drunk all the time and it would be great.

>> No.8393725

What does /jp/ think about using religion for escapism?

>> No.8393724

Never tried any non-alcohol drugs and I'm not about to try. To be honest I wouldn't have any idea how to get some anyway, with the lack of a social circle and all.

And alcohol is too expensive most of the time.

>> No.8393727

/jp/ - apathy culture

>> No.8393730

Don't worry, it will fade soon enough.

>> No.8393734

Too delusional for me.

>> No.8393746

Too much effort.
Touhous is better anyway.

>> No.8393753

I don't know about that. I'm sober for once and when I'm drunk I honestly sit here in tears writing about how I wish I was a girl with a strong man to protect me etc.

Alcohol is the best.

>> No.8393748
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I haven't laughed that hard since I saw the last shut in/hikikimori thread......oh wait

The substances should not be abused.
I'll tell you about hard core some other time OP.

>> No.8393749

Alcohol actually does help me make funnier posts.

..or maybe it just makes me think my posts are funnier.

>> No.8393754

I'm muslim, so neither for me.

>> No.8393756

I joined Ordo Templi Orientis, Dragon Rouge and The Cult of the Black Snake/OTOA when I was younger. Now I am a subgenius (which /jp/ would like).

I've had a weird life and weird experiences. If you want to have weird shit you really can't explain happen to you give it a go.

>> No.8393762

What the HELL does that mean?

>> No.8393764

If you're a practising Muslim to the point where you refuse to drink alcohol, you must also go to mosque for salah and such. You're not enough of a shut-in to belong here.

>> No.8393768

His intelligence is lower than geniuses'.

>> No.8393769

What are you still doing here? Your 72 virgins are waiting for you in heaven!

>> No.8393794

Oh you. No one on /jp/ is actually a hiki except for three or four guys.
72 virgins was terrorist propaganda.

>> No.8393802

If I convert to Islam, can I pick out a harem of 72 touhous for when I go to Gensokyo?

>> No.8393821

According to the Qur'an, Jan'nah is what you desire most. So if that's what you truly want, then yeah.

>> No.8393823

I wrote a long reply but you can just watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt9MP70ODNw

>> No.8393861

>Implying I have the desire to harm my body

>> No.8393867

>Sometimes mindless extacy is really useful to forget your everyday sorrows for a little time.

So basically drugs are good if your life is miserable? I always assumed that to be the case; thanks for confirming.

>> No.8393873

Fuck off, nerd.

>> No.8393882

Well I bet there are people who are happy about their lifes and take drugs to make it even better but one has to be careful about addiction and stuff or else he might lose that happy life

>> No.8393883


>implying all the corn-syrup in your food, red meat you eat, and high carbohydrate lifestyle while sitting motionless in front of the computer is not harming your body either.

some people just have different vices
you can smoke for 10 years and drink moderately with a binge here and there without doing much damage to your body. Probably less then sitting on your comp all day and shoveling chips in your fat pimply neckbeard face

>> No.8393890

There is no need to be so insulting. Take it easy, chief.

The primary function of /jp/ has been dissociation from reality.
A NEET can easily cook DMT without even leaving the house to get everything and it is so easy to cook.

I've had some terrifying experiences but also beautiful experiences (like traveling through a kind of endless stained glass cathedral that seemed like an eternity. But even then it was scary because I could see behind and in front of myself at the same time. And the whole disruption of the sense of self is scary too.)

>> No.8393920

I drink sometimes. Going to the store isn't an issue since you don't have to actually talk to people. Never tried drugs. Wouldn't even know where to start. I've done some research and I think I want to try shrooms, but people say you need someone to watch over you so you don't kill yourself. So there goes that idea.

A glass of wine a day will help keep your ovaries healthy, by the way. Don't you want healthy ovaries, /jp/?

>> No.8393974

Read some literature/studies on self-moderation of behavior if you're bored enough. With all the research going on these days in the way human behavior works (i.e. it's completely and utterly chemical based, and just how large an effect this makes on prescription drugs and what is reasonable to consume), it's pretty interest to read. Make sure you're reading non-obscure, peer-reviewed stuff if you look into journals, stay the fuck away from most magazines.

Obviously things like "avoiding social situations (solely because) they like being alone / are too nervous and prefer the same norm" or "he uses behavior-modifying substances because his life is terrible and he wants escapism" aren't correct in 100% of cases, but they are in many.

And, of course, just "a bit" isn't applicable, this is talking about serious use of substances. No one cares if you drink a bit or smoke some weed--not even researchers.
