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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 307 KB, 1396x938, Reach for the stars jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8390999 No.8390999 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine how /jp/ can inspire for becoming social acticve

or jumping on to the boat of reality to reach it's dreams if

this Dog can inspire jump this high!

>> No.8391006

I wanted to be an astronaut.

I wanted to go to space....

>> No.8391009

I bet that dumb dog can't even jump through four hoops.

>> No.8391017

It's beating the odds by jumping that height with those stumpy legs as it is.

>> No.8391014
File: 47 KB, 438x487, actsayerater8_wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can inspire for becoming social acticve
>jumping on to the boat of reality to reach it's dreams
>this Dog can inspire jump this high

all these analogy what the HELL do they mean?

>> No.8391029

Truth is Objective, but this one is for you to decide.

my verification was
organisms remitta
I almost got excited thinking it was orgasm...

>> No.8391051

Before /jp/. I wanted to die in my 30s as a child molester. Now, I want to live as long as possible and become the little girl.

>> No.8391059
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>> No.8391057

I never had any dreams for the future before I became a NEET.
Only after I dropped out of university and had a long, long time for myself to think, I realized that there are things that I want to do in life.
But I took so long to arrive at that conclusion, that I have a great trouble now working towards those things.
But that's fine.
Day by day, month by month, year by year, no matter how slowly, I'm getting closer.
So, one day, I believe I can reach my goal.
Not today.
Not tomorrow.
But one day, for sure.

>> No.8391101

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an explorer biologist or something like that, to study animals in their own habitat, to experience the wild nature untouched by man.

Now, I'll just be glad if I can experience my own room without the interference of other people.

>> No.8391130

I wanted to be a NEET but then I ended up with a job. Why did this happen...

>> No.8391229

How did you manage to get a job? Ive been trying for 3 months.

>> No.8391257

I never had dreams or anything like that, but for some reason lately I've been wanting to learn physics.

>> No.8391477

She's obviously spinning clockwise.

>> No.8391499


>> No.8391503

I wanted to be a genius.

Instead I'm going to a shitty school, and the best I could come up with by myself was a shoddy AM/FM transistor radio for a project. Near 70 year old technology.
I wish I were born during the WWII era, I could then have my own radio rig setup in my house rather than apartment, driving a new car that was never used, being paid pretty much the same a middle class American works decades later, and be dead before the next shitstorm comes about.

>> No.8391512

I've never had any dreams.

All I've wanted was to live out my days in peace, in search of some small slice happiness.
And happiness aside, I've attained that.

>> No.8391524

Just become one of those ham radio geeks who listens in on numbers stations and makes crazy Usenet postings about the Illuminati.

I wish I was born earlier too though. I like computers but we're going through all this Web 2.0 social media nonsense and it's aimed at my generation to boot. I'd have liked to write UNIX programs on a PDP-11, or develop crappy games for the ZX81. I know there are emulators and such now, but it's just not the same...

>> No.8391525

I have dreams, like you -- no, really!

Just much less touchy-feely

They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny

On an island that I own

Tanned and rested and alone

Surrounded by enormous piles of money

>> No.8391537

Me too. I spent an incredible amount of time reading about old technology, but I feel like if I acquired it I couldn't enjoy it in the same way.

>> No.8391551

>crazy Usenet postings

go on...

>> No.8391556

A few months ago, I was looking over four stroke engines and the function of automotive transmissions.
Going over it, I started to think why no one had added a form of transmission for the crankshaft, to switch into a second "gear", and allowing the engine to take longer strokes and suck in more fuel rather than work faster. Similar idea of a car transmission but applied to the engine.
Then I came across VTEC. God dammit, if I were born earlier I would have definitely come up with it myself. It's such a natural thought process to extend engine functionality like that. Actually makes me wonder why no one came up with it earlier though.

>> No.8391571

I traded and dubbed demo tapes up until '07.

Tapes are awesome. Fuck off nowadays digital media.

>> No.8391575


I get what you guys mean to an extent. I really liked the 90s for a lot of things but there was a lot I missed out. I used to miss getting a Demo disk and there's be loads of different games on it, some of them quite interesting and creative.

I got pretty big into emulating the C64 and ZX Spectrum back when it was still cool to do so. I remember playing Little Computer People, Everyone's Wally, Impossible Mission, Green Beret, etc.

I'm still really interested in creating oldschool, early 90s style platformers/shooters and the like, but I don't feel I'll be able to stand out from all the other indie/retro style games now. I kind of miss back when people used to make crappy fangames, it felt like everyone could have a go and some of them at least had interesting ideas or music.

Though that said I'd hate to go back to Dialup.

Have you guys played Digital: A Love Story out of interest? I think you'd like it.

Fuck I feel depressed now. I miss when computers used to be cool and interesting. I've tried to get into things like Indie games, Flash animation etc. but it hasn't done it for me.

>> No.8391576
File: 451 KB, 800x595, 1298316155523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discussion of the esoteric, cults, and not to mention OP's trips. what sorcery is this? i-i must resist! but no, its seems it has overtaken me too...

>> No.8391578

Oh god no.
Of all the people who could have replied, it had to be you.

Be right back, hammering the shit out of my BBC Micro.

>> No.8391590

Is it just me or is this cult pretty much /jp/?


>> No.8391594

Get a Raspberry Pi. They're basically trying to get kids into this sort of thing again in a half-hearted attempt to revive the British hobbyist computing scene. It won't work, but you can't really go wrong for £15.

>> No.8391624


We actually had a BBC Micro when I was younger! My Dad used to play Repton on it. I got him the games on an emulator. He still plays "Kix".

>> No.8391639
File: 24 KB, 280x354, ashley_judd-feminist-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad is disappointed in how you turned out.

>> No.8391645


They look pretty cool TBH, but I can't think of a use for one.

"The best email I've had is from people with the Sinclair QL," Upton laughingly recalled. "We had an email asking if it was possible to have it booting to a Sinclair QL emulator, because their Sinclair QLs are getting old and they want to put them inside their Sinclair QL box so they can pretend that they're still using a Sinclair QL and don't have to worry about the fact that all the EPROMS are suffering from bit rot. That was the best one that I could find, but we've had an enormous response - we've been overwhelmed by emails."


>> No.8391652
File: 1.00 MB, 172x176, 1324272365887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not so sure about working with such a high layer of abstraction that I could use a display that isn't just 7segment.
I'm already wary of working with my old MPU's, since it's hard to hold all of it in my head.
I don't play videogames much at all anyways, and working with software in high level stuff like C is very boring.

Speaking of this kind of stuff though, anyone here heavily interested in chemistry/explosives? remote explosives and rockets sound like really fun stuff to work with. Wireless PLC's are easy once and reagents are kind of cheap for it since they'd have to explode unless it's some kind of payload drop.
We could start a /jp/ rocketry group.

>> No.8391653

I can jump over things that dog can't.

>> No.8391658


I am good to my Dad! When he played all of the Repton games, I ran across people who made a semi-official sequel. However it had only been sold so far in a limited capacity, on the big floppies, at some geeky con, so there was no way to get it.

But I sent an email to the guys who made it and persuaded them to send me a ROM in time for Christmas, and I'd pay for the full thing. They did, and it was a great present for my Dad.

Have you done something that awesome for your Dad?

>> No.8391665

Don't feminists hate women though??

>> No.8391686

We've had plenty of threads about our dads before, most of us are from broken families.

>> No.8391696


oh :(

Here's some Bill Bailey to cheer you up!


>> No.8391709
File: 41 KB, 372x420, bill_bailey_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's odd is that I almost chose this picture for my post in >>8391639

P.S. You still suck.

>> No.8391715

You know, I wouldn't hate you so much if you stopped shitting up the board with your beliefs and troll baits.

But who am I kidding, you'll never stop.

>> No.8391735
File: 47 KB, 600x450, 909104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh anon, who are you kidding, you'd hate me anyway.

But one day.

>> No.8391739
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1323812942259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm suspicious that I might have spoken with this person somewhere else.
Does crystal person go by any other names, maybe several.

>> No.8391744

"Dollywitch" or something.

>> No.8391753

I don't believe so.
False leads to serve obfuscation wont work on me, guy.
Maybe I am just slightly paranoid, but things have been sliding in to place recently.

>> No.8391759
File: 39 KB, 553x484, 7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8391767

I haven't been on in a few days. What's with all these shitty new tripfags?

>> No.8391768

I kind of wanted to get into the video game business, but never learned how to program. I used to be a really good writer, but my skills have deteriorated due to years of disuse.

>> No.8391770

The twist is that they're actually shitty OLD tripfags just with new names.

>> No.8391778
File: 590 KB, 1000x761, 1324710942612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be happy, you have garnered my attention.
Are you going to answer that question just now by the way?

>> No.8391780


And let's face it... you never leave your room as it is.

>> No.8391799

You're right. I suppose I'll just have to be content with playing video games instead of helping to create them.

>> No.8391808

Don't make it so brief next time by the way.

>> No.8391818


I've been posting here as anon for a couple of years, so maybe. May have been in various related chats or forums at some stage, but we probably haven't met. I don't have a previous name here, except the one an anon already mentioned I used for posting my Touhou comic.

I'm chilling in the IRC with Sudo and co. if you want a more appropriate venue for this conversation.

>> No.8391826


How about you make a VN or something? I can help!

Don't give up on your dreams Sudo.

>> No.8391831

Reported for double posting.
Learn to use the "Edit" function >:-(

>> No.8391835
File: 269 KB, 787x562, 1325503702368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the timing on response was close.
Looks like we might even be friends somewhere else.

I'm not to dandy about getting in the #/jp/ circlejerk though, maybe some other time.

>> No.8391849

is there some kind of hookup going on in here

I am only vaguely reading and about to head off for sleepy nap time

>> No.8391856
File: 18 KB, 384x439, hbalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a metagame in this conversation.
Read between the lines.

>> No.8391866
File: 313 KB, 300x182, 1325900211001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that dense.
Your tracks have been uncovered.

>> No.8391880

what exactly happened here?

>> No.8391907


Well, feel free to contact me through those channels if you think it's me. If it's not at least you'll have a chat with someone interesting you've not said hi to in a while.

>> No.8391974

I wanted to change the World but that soon became just get rich enough to buy some land.
Which I would then make a 'country' out of it for people like me who feels betrayed by the World(I used to anyway) or just can't handle the cruel outside World. There would be no suffering, no sadness and no evil!

But of course since coin isn't on my side, I would be lucky if I even managed to open up a small building for this.

Sounds quite like /jp/ mansion now that I think of it.

Where is /jp/ irc by the way? Can someone link me to it?

>> No.8391995


>I've been posting here as anon for a couple of years


As someone who can recognise several anons based on subtle posting differences, I'm pretty sure if there had been an anon as obnoxious and, frankly, as outright bad as you posting here for "years" I'd have been familiar with your rubbish long before you started using a tripcode for no good reason.

Also, if you look at your little tiff with athens it was incredibly obvious you didn't even know who he was. Pretty telling.

>> No.8392357

fucking wizardry

>> No.8392461


>> No.8393781
File: 30 KB, 298x300, mishima envoking the ranks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I go to bed for school in the morning
>wake up early to post on /jp/
>go through last night's threads
>find out my thread got better

I fuckin' love guys.

But I don't know about you.....

>> No.8393826


Now I remember what happened to me last time.

>> No.8393889

I wanted to be the catcher in the rye.

>> No.8393923

I think I wanted to program video games.

>> No.8393930

Do you think that's enough information for him?

>> No.8393939

I wanted to be a politician and stop global warming when I was 6 years old.

This was long before the subject was even popular and everyone just thought I was so cute worrying about it. Now that I think of it, I was terrified of natural disasters at that time, maybe that helped.

As for now, idk, I just want to be able to do stuff like go out, or eating properly at least once a day. I guess, being a slump really makes you appreciate the simple things in life.
