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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 490x214, imperial-guards-of-japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8388740 No.8388740 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Japanese Imperialism?

I bought a Japanese Imperial sterling silver medal.

Could a new Japanese Imperial empire benefit production of Douijins and Touhous?

>> No.8388746

Today's Japan doesn't have the expansionist mindeset.

>> No.8388756

>I bought a Japanese Imperial sterling silver medal.

How much did that set you back?
I have a WWI iron cross from some ancestor and was thinking of selling it.
I have some figures I would love to purchase but short on funds.

>> No.8388778 [DELETED] 

>Could a new Japanese Imperial empire benefit production of Douijins and Touhous?
They? Maybe. But not we. Enjoy getting killed/raped/imprisoned/deported from Japan.

>> No.8388784

Yes I know, but it doesn't mean it wouldn't be an Empire if it was still just ruling over the land it occupies now.

Besides, most if not all, the heads of Japanese politics are Nationalists who deny holocausts of the other nations.

Japan has reinstated their pre-World War Defeat national anthem too.

The Japanese did some good over there, but mostly bad.....I have heard.

>> No.8388805

I'd be for it, just to see another country stand on it's own two feet, and not bow to one of the powerhouses.

Though if such a movement were to catch on, I could see the doujin and mainstream anime industry taking a huge hit, as they would probably be looked down for the same reasons they are in the west.

>> No.8388814

4chan needs a history board or something. Ask /int/.

Throwing "Doujins and Touhous" at the end of your post doesn't really make it /jp/-related.

>> No.8388832

Since this thread is off topic anyway, I'll ask here.

What's that white tape that RAYMOO wears as a sort of bra called?

>> No.8388863
File: 25 KB, 380x268, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't that much at all. I know the owner of the shop I bought it at and he gave me a discount.
The medal probably isn't actually that prestigious, since it was priced at $45 U.S dollars. It has a lot of inscriptions in Japanese and came with it's own wooden box and velvet interior, but I am still learning Japanese, so I can't tell what the Japanese writing says on both the medal and box.A lot of the time the shops here in my city miss price their antiques to low. We are a fairly decently big city, but at the same time not big enough and that is why things are cheaper here.
I don't know what your cross is worth though; I think you should get it appraised first, if you can get out of your room though my bro.
Okay I see. I think Japan would be a happier nation If they did go back to Imperialism, which may affect their out put of such things....?
I think Japan is going through a cultural/traditional depression still, because of their defeat, shame of tragedies they caused, declining population and over all loss of culture.....? Mishima predicted that Japan would be come an economic giant of the east and lose all touch of it's true heritage until Japan it's self would be no more than a dead culture and a nation lost to all time.

>> No.8388876

I completely meant to ask that statement at the end, not as to post it on /jp/, but because that part of Japan may become even greater if Japan it's self was a happier nation.
What do you think?

>> No.8388895

It's called /jp/ for a reason. This thread fits here, because it's about Japan.

>> No.8388902

Here we go...

>> No.8388909
File: 50 KB, 395x413, Emporer Cat King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in all honesty I did create this thread in seriousness Haters.

>> No.8388931

>selling an iron cross for dolls

You deserve a horrible death.

>> No.8388941

I'd think about buying. What's it worth to you?

Also what condition is it and the case in? Would need pictures of that.

>> No.8388947

I would defiantly keep the cross too.
Can you tell us more about it Bro?
Maybe upload a picture?
I would upload a picture of mine, but I don't have the equipment.
Do you know how to?

>> No.8388959
File: 590 KB, 2755x1217, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An old man I know was a Luftwaffe deserter.

I wonder if he has any cool stuff.

>> No.8388965

it's not tape... and I don't remember

there is a tvtropes page devoted to it though

>> No.8388974

Sarashi, dude.

>> No.8388979
File: 27 KB, 391x355, k209898its20tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's tape.

>> No.8388985

I've met people from that are descendants of the escaped 3rd reich, that made settlements across the world......
and I loved one of them.....and will be with her again......I don't think she knows she was suppose to be raise as the 4th reich......in fact I know she doesn't know about escaped naxis.

Post what ever you can get from the ex-naxi guy and tell us what you will buy with the money you make off of him.....

>> No.8389016

Anyone else on /jp/ have interesting items? Preferably from Japan.

>> No.8389416

Abusing and overusing grammatical ellipsis makes me look so dark and edgy and full of deep thought

>> No.8390600
File: 19 KB, 120x90, Good Neibor Stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it....
What are you saying and who are you referencing to?

>> No.8390612

They had some nice uniforms.

>> No.8390627

Their production will grow but the creative is maimed, no thanks, no China 2

>> No.8390706
File: 14 KB, 236x308, Mike Hama style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is still an active branch of the Japanese military. They are the Imperial guard; devoted to protecting the Emperor and the main royal family. If I could have a dream job the Japanese Imperial Guard would be it, actually that is my dream job.
They did have great uniforms in the past.
China is destined to fall. I don't think Japan would turn to it's old ways and I think they would be welcoming more to foreigners too, since there heritage/culture/traditions would be reestablished.
