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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8387717 No.8387717 [Reply] [Original]

Is the site down or is it just me?

>> No.8387729

Hello anybody?

>> No.8387728

It's down. Maybe they are releasing patches.
They released the FVR Inganock patch before, so it wouldn't be far fetched to think they'll release Sharnoth and Forest.

>> No.8387739

I hope so, wait, whats new about Sharnoth?

>> No.8387742

Same as Inganock, fullvoice version.
Also adds some CGs.

>> No.8387749

Except TLWiki's down too....


>> No.8387760

They both share a host, IIRC, so it's not really that surprising. That said, OMG TL SCENE IS DEAD.

Or maybe it's Baldr Sky

>> No.8387781

Moogy and Ixrec just made a partnership with JAST. Both sites will now be subsidiary companies.

>> No.8387812


>> No.8387850

See >>8387781

I really didn't expect this, especially not after the previous official release drama with Amaterasu. Forest confirmed for 2014?

>> No.8387862

You gotta be joking me.
Seriously, i need fucking proof.
holy shit this is hell

>> No.8387866

Fucking jast, fuck those assholes.

>> No.8387867


>> No.8387868

Due to the popularity of KS, the medium has gained widespread coverage.
Companies are trying to cash in on the popularity. Enjoy your slow localization bitches.

>> No.8387876

ask on #tlwiki. its true

>> No.8387874

It's just one random guy doing obvious trolling. Don't be stupid.

>> No.8387882


>> No.8387883

holy shit... this is some serious rage right here. somebody clear this up for me.

>> No.8387893

JastUSA has been hinting at bringing over some liar-soft and rail-soft games, buying out Ixrec would probably be their first move.

>> No.8387900

Oh come on!
The site's just offline. Tlwiki and Amaterasu are hosted by dovac who also hosts:
oreno.imouto.org, which itself is offline.

It's nothing of concern.

>> No.8387906

Show me proof, take a picture of them saying something.'

yes but right after they release a patch?

>> No.8387914

Get out of /jp/

>> No.8387941

>JastUSA has been hinting at bringing over some liar-soft and rail-soft games
When was this?

>> No.8387956

Do you have a link to the Inganock patch?

>> No.8387962

Who is masochist enough to translate raiL soft games?

>> No.8387972

amaterasu is down now.
And I think the patch is defective. Couldn't get it to work properly.

>> No.8387987 [SPOILER] 
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残 念 だ っ た な!.jpg

>> No.8387994

So fucking tsundere.

>> No.8388025 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 514x612, 1318670124931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey are you the Anon I was talking to in >>8359072 by any chance

Hi Anon

>> No.8388037

Until I see proof this is bullshit. The sites went down because they're hosted on the same server, that is all.

>> No.8388042
File: 125 KB, 514x612, 1318670124931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey are you the Anon I was talking to in >>8359072 (the last VN General) by any chance

Hi Anon

>> No.8388048

I posted there, yeah.
Not being many people in the fanbase really makes it easy.
Saving your pics by the way.

>> No.8388071

go ahead, I just went on a Pixiv hunt for new ones the other day. (note that this is not one of them.)

Kinda-sadly yes, but I think the related quality of discussion > quantity makes it not so bad.

Trying to decide which scene I am most looking forward to replaying with voice. Too many contenders.

>> No.8388074
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lol what

>> No.8388080

Fropm my experience, the crimson research chapters were the best voiced.
Bram was a gentleman and Mary incredibly cute.

>> No.8388118
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Yeah, poor Bram. He deserved more voiced lines in the original. The interstitial where he sees the "real" M creeped the hell out of me, especially because of how unexpectedly it broke the flow of the usual between-minigamis scenes.

Off the top of my head, probably hearing Robin Funnel in the rest of her scenes for me. Of all the underdeveloped background characters I enjoyed her the most.

>> No.8388137

Who was Robin Funnel supposed to be anyway?
>especially because of how unexpectedly it broke the flow of the usual between-minigamis scenes.
There are new CGs of M and the monsters for the devouring parts. Pretty basic ones since it's the M laughing face but you see what is supposed to happen to the metacritter.

>> No.8388154

So is Inganock different than Sharnoth at all,i couldn't get into Sharnoth.

>> No.8388162

Wait so Sharnoth has a voiced patch or something also? Any torrent link?

>> No.8388170
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 22545785_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say yes.

Inganock is a lot more like a fairy tale in overall feel. The story felt more driven by themes than characters to me (in a good way) and watching the mythos gradually unfold around you is one of the best parts.

Sharnoth by contrast was like observing a fairy tale from a vantage point still tethered to the real world, from the 'outside' if that makes any sense.

>> No.8388174

Inganock's first half is far better than anything in Sharnoth. The setting is irrelevant if you ask me, unless you're reading for that. In which case Inganock also has a better setting.

>> No.8388181

It is different, Inganock is more like a fairy tale, the setting is more interesting, and the characters are more fleshed out. I would consider Sharnoth to be a 7/10 and Inganock a 9/10

>> No.8388193

>and the characters are more fleshed out.
Except almost any side character. the ones who appeared for one didn't get any kind of significant development, at all.

>> No.8388199

I downloaded the patch that some anon linked before but now my computer is all fucked up. WTF is this virus? Everything was fine before I installed it.

>> No.8388212

So Inganock is not boring shit 99% of the time and feels like its going somewhere? then i will give it a try.

>> No.8388219

>feels like its going somewhere?
Sharnoth is the more plot driven one of the two.

>> No.8388222

the website is back up, where is the patch for Inganock?

>> No.8388233
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I have no idea. But the room for possible interpretations is one of the things I like about her.

My best guesses:

1.) She's an Agent or similar titled member who functions as the local branch office of the Society, controlling information flow, cleaning up their messes and such that occur in her area, be it that neighborhood or all of London/England).

2.) She's a full-time M groupie.
One of Lovecraft's names for Nyarlathotep was "the 'Black Man' of the witch-cult", and most of his appearances in the mythos mention his nature as wandering the earth and inspiring legions of humans to become his followers. Judging from the way she acts around M in the one scene they have, and the fact that they evidently have some kind of significant relationship (in that they know each other, not in THAT sense) it would make so much sense for her to be a priestess or something of one of those cults.
Taking this a step further, maybe she's into him because she's a lesser Elder God herself, or some similar being, most probably one of the Mi-go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mi-Go
What do you suppose is actually under that veil of hers?
(You can kind of tell this is my preferred theory about her huh.)

3.) She's just a really really morbid lady who got involved with the Society so she can cut up dead people, dress goth at work, and bang any semihuman Agents who catch her fancy.

I have no fanart of her at all. How sad.

>> No.8388243

The Mi-go theory makes strangely a lot of sense.
I originally thought she was the genderbent version of some famous person, but found nothing related to a famous Funnel doctor in the beginning of the century.
Sona Nyl made it a lot easier to research your characters.

>> No.8388252

Not that guy, but that's also why Sharnoth went nowhere.

>> No.8388267
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I don't know my Sherlock Holmes all that well, but that's the first place I'd go if I was trying to look for the original Funnel. That seems to be the source of all the Sharnoth characters not based on historical figures. (I just found out the other day that all of the games' chapter titles except IIRC the last one are from Holmes.)

>> No.8388275

The main plot of Sharnoth was Mary approaching the investigation team to understand their motivations for the Zothique plan.
In that regard it fully delivered.

>> No.8388284
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also >>8388137

>There are new CGs of M and the monsters for the devouring parts
> new CGs of M

Price of Mega Engine Box NOW JUSTIFIED HARD.

>> No.8388297

A was a cool guy who liked teasing Lily a lot in a really deadpan way, but M was too good.
Best male sidekick in the series.

>> No.8388313
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nnnnggggghhhhh I want to play Sona-Nyl so bad, must get to Valusia first though. I already think I ruined A's identity for myself with voice-actor spoilers.

Relatedly, I just got this doujinshi today. It's quite nice, even has two full-page color illustrations, but I haven't even read it yet because there's this sketch near the back of Lily, A, Mary, and M in swimsuits, and it is very distracting.

>> No.8388330

unless you really want to play the games in order, I'd say skip Valusia and go back to it later if you want. There isn't much information required for Sona-nyl in it (Sharnoth is way more vital) and it actually requires you to have read Celenaria to get/enjoy a decent part of it (which pretty much no one did).

>> No.8388341

I did

>> No.8388348
File: 188 KB, 550x537, 23798096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:/ dang.

I'm just starting on Celenaria now (re-starting; I'd begun the original and then news of the voiced rereleases came about a week later, so I dropped it for the time being), so I'll go on and get to that and Valusia (since I know that the protagonist of Celenaria shows up in it) and THEN Sona-Nyl.

Oh well. It's like eating the most delicious truffle in the box last.

Thanks for the rundown btw.

>> No.8388354

that's why I said "pretty much" and not just "no one"

>> No.8388377
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I am fucked tomorrow if I don't go to bed soon, but this has been quite a fun thread derailment.

Sweet dreams, Anon.

>> No.8388411

So wait, JASTusa isn't going to be licensing liar-soft and rail-soft games?

>> No.8388437

Thanks for the chat.
Hadn't talked about the series so long since Sonan nyl came out.

>> No.8388611

Thank a lot guys, now the only thing I can think about is re-playing Inganock. I doubt Ixrec is even giving us a patch for the new game.

>> No.8389744


he said he will consider,but only after he's done with Forest(which he did this week and now he's finishing the editing.)

>> No.8393206
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It will happen, guys.

Wait, and hope.
