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8386591 No.8386591 [Reply] [Original]

東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline

No translation available yet, but you can get the game here:

Keep it updated with the latest patches:

東方蒼神縁起 ~ Genius of Sappheiros

Prepatched game with expansion set:

Latest patches:

NOTE: Please run the game on Windows 95 compatibility!

Previous threads: 7848236, 7882358, 7898431, 7912929, 7923916, 7932818, 7944089, 7957214, 7979564, 8022319, 8073759, 8147242, 8315041

Both games are welcome here! Fujiwara no Mokou !!WMmFy7x/tgp hasn't posted any of these threads in a while but let's keep the tradition going.

>> No.8386614


I really want to play DoD, but I'm just going to wait for the translation, I think.

At least in the meantime maybe I can motivate myself to go kill the final final boss in GoS.

>> No.8386641

Is it just a Win7 thing or is GoS meant to crash before every boss and after every major cutscene?

>> No.8386667


I still don't like those graphics.

>> No.8386665

play on Win98 or Win95 compatibility

>> No.8386680

I do.

>> No.8386715

Does Sanae do the zetta yurusanae pose in DoD like she does in GoS? Call me a faggot but it makes me feel warm inside every time I see it.

>> No.8386750
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Why not? I personally think the environments look a lot more beautiful.

>> No.8386757
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Just finished DoD tonight. Overall I enjoyed the game, the music was amazing. Wish I had gone into the final boss with a better set up though, since it took me a while to chisel her down.

Forgot to snap a shot when I actually finished it so I had to grab a capture from my stream archive just for a random snap.

>> No.8386764

Congrats. How many hours did it take you? I want to know how long of a way I still have to go.

>> No.8386772
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But those sprites, man. They're just so dull.

>> No.8386774


56 hours on my clock. I probably spent about 10-12 hours of that grinding shikigamis for the final set of bosses though, and material/equipment farming.

>> No.8386777

Oh, so THAT's why the Myouren Temple exists in that game. I wouldn't have expected Sanae to be there, out of all people.
I like the environments and monster sprites as much as everyone else, but the sprites for the playable character could have used a bit more of effort. I mean, just look at how amazing the GoS ones are - it's not like they can't make good things like that again.

>> No.8386968
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Daiyousei makes an appearance in this game as well... as just a random enemy. ;_;

>> No.8386981

I played GoS for a while, 17 hours to be exact, have stopped though because I still can't beat SA on normal and I think practicing that one is more important, damn ass.

>> No.8386984

Kisume, Koakuma and the other Aki sister do as well.

>> No.8386998

Just downloaded GoS, how do you run it on Windows 95 compatibility?

>> No.8387009

Right click exe, compatibility.

>> No.8387073
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So is there really anything to do in the Koumakan, other than just talk and get Remi? Only 2 room doors are unlocked, one is empty, the other has a chest in it.

>> No.8387086
File: 147 KB, 646x508, ThisShouldNotBe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once did a chest reset glitch accidentally a long time ago when doing Yuuka's Sunflower Field. I did not know how I did it exactly, but it appears I've done it again with the very last room of stage 21. Which means I obtained an extra orichalcum, adamantite, and axe of ahti as well.

I ended up exiting the dungeon immediately after unlocking the shortcut and not bothering with the chests in the last room the first time I got there. When I returned and opened the chests in the final room, I left the dungeon again and went straight to Kourin's to do some crafting since I had a couple of trapezahedrons or however you spell them. After crafting two things and trying them on in the menu I suddenly regretted my decision to craft Byakuren's tier 6 scroll and closed the game to reset my crafting. I decided to craft launch earrings IV instead afterwards. Upon returning to the dungeon however the chests in the final room were reset and I was able to obtain their contents again. They were also reset in my records so it didn't mess my treasure collection rate up when I opened them again which brings me some relief since I was wondering if I was missing a chest somewhere and just didn't know it due to that sunflower seed from way back.

I have opened every single chest in the game up to this point with help from the JP wiki so I can't really try duplicating this glitch until beating the final boss.

Anybody want to see if they can duplicate it? Would be helpful if you know of a leftover iron chest.

>> No.8387101

Patchouli should appear in there as well if you didn't start with her. No idea what key item you need to find her, though.
And speaking of key items, what the fuck was that diaper I found in Heaven for.

>> No.8387122

Also my character levels are as follows.


Power level for everyone ranges 56-58.

I pretty much just avoided and ran from every single encounter in the second half of stage 21. The only things I fought and killed in the latter half of the dungeon was a yukkuri king and 9 garbangols that thankfully didn't summon anymore. Byakuren petrifying 5 of them off the bat really helped.

Do I stand a chance against the very final boss? I was able to beat Lithos pretty easily, but the walkthrough recommends that I be leveled in the high 60s for the very final boss. I have Youmu's god slaying sword, but no Kusanagi though since I have nowhere near enough iron.

>> No.8387294
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I say... MAYBE if the second phase doesn't thrash you and you can get Youmu fully buffed and dark land to max...
then you might try to abuse Private Square and Hyper Camouflage and hammer the final boss.

But it will be way, way too luck driven and tedious. I suggest you sweep through stage 20 a few more times.

Also, you can do the same as me and try to sacrifice all your bamboo for more Iron. Kusanagi is goddamn amazing, and it's also a great weapon for Lithos in the expansion. Get a gamer fan, go to genbu swamp and slaughter the centaurs. I think they have the best drop rates for mats.

Also, try to give stage 21 a chance, too. Maybe you will get as lucky as me.

>> No.8387327
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I also enjoyed the game and music, just not as much as the first game.

They should have let 猫ペンギン do the character sprites again instead of making him do backgrounds. I don't know why they got both of them to switch places for this game.

>> No.8387330 [SPOILER] 
File: 554 KB, 633x481, GoS clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it the same artist who did those? He probably did the cut-ins as well.

>> No.8387375

You reminded me of something that was missing from DoD.


What happened to the cut-ins during last words? They were talking about it before release and that text shows that they were supposed to be in.

>> No.8387392

Depends on your equipment, though you should try leveling up a bit more. My characters were level 54-74, Power level 66-73 and it wasn't too difficult. You can probably win through sheer luck, if you trigger Youmu's double attack enough. Form 1 is mostly a survival round and form 2 is pretty easy. Form 3, you might want to spam Hyper Camouflage/Leaf Shield/Starlight Barrier/Little Legion so that Youmu won't get debuffed or accidentally killed.

I used the Poison Shield formation for both parties, with Mokou/Marisa/Patchouli/Reimu/Sanae and Sakuya as the commander in the first party, Alice/Youmu/Byakuren/Satori/Aya and Nitori in the second party. Nuke the sisters with their respective weaknesses with Patchouli/Marisa/Mokou, use Reimu's barrier for Anastasis and buff with Sanae. Sakuya was mostly filler, as I didn't bother forging any weapons for her past stage 18.
In form 2, try to neutralize the field so that the boss won't use Land Amp/Drain element. Buff Youmu, apply leaf shield/starlight barrier, use provoke on Alice and hope Youmu can kill form 2 by the time you're finished buffing. On form 3, just unload with Youmu while attempting to buff/debuff with Byakuren/Satori. Aya should be using Illusionary Dominance/Wind God Tree Leaves Camouflage each turn while Alice defends/covers the party.

>> No.8387393

It's to recruit Youmu, it's a joke from one of their older games. Remember when Satori was reading Youmu's mind in GoS?

>> No.8387401

Wait, you mean there are people who got to see the entire ending sequence without it crashing? Tell me your secrets, wizard.
Most likely a bug, among the other billions that have popped up since the release. I doubt we're getting any updates before the 13th, though, but according to their website the top five monsters in their poll might become shikigami after it. I wonder how they're going to implement Chloe, though. Post-game only? I don't see how you would get her to help you fight Anra, or whatever the last loliboss is supposed to be called. Angra?
...Oh. Hahaha, oh wow. I feel I'm missing a ton of stuff by not being able to read anything in the recruiting sequences in this game, especially considering how lengthy they are.

>> No.8387417
File: 450 KB, 850x1219, no absurdres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't look like pop's art.

>> No.8387421

New patch just went up.

>> No.8387424

right after that screen, it crashed for me. But my file was still cleared.

>> No.8387441

Playing GoS, am I really allowed to put points into skills, and take them out as I please? Seems suspicious considering every other jrpg makes it permanent or incurs a cost for resetting skills.

>> No.8387445

you are allowed to experiment as much as you want. It's like SWR.

>> No.8387477
File: 122 KB, 96x96, 9be905b0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sure if you were talking to me but
猫ペンギン is this guy. He does lots of sprite work for games. He was named 名無し坊 on the staff listing for the Strawberry Bose games.

小川ハリ did the cut-ins for the first game.
POP was supposed to do them for the second but there are no cut-ins, we get to see his illustrations when we choose our attacks though.

>> No.8387590
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Aww shit, I'm glad I beat the game on 1.06 since this skill had 200 power there and was extremely useful in the final battle.

>> No.8387620 [DELETED] 


Looks like the top three right now are the three tower bosses.

It'll be interesting to see if they go through with them.

>> No.8387628


Looks like the top three right now are the three tower bosses.

It'll be interesting to see if they go through with them.

>> No.8387630

You know you've been on /jp/ too long when you read the thread title as "Penius of Sappheiros"

>> No.8387674

Fuuuu, I deleted the game's folder with everything I had! I had so many items crafter early in the game. All that grinding, wasted, thrown away by an accident... ;_;

>> No.8387727

Did you try looking in your recycle bin?

>> No.8388357

I wonder if they have any expansion planned already, the level cap being 70 while the only good source of experience at levels 40-50+ are Yukkuri Kings is kind of weird. And there's that staircase leading nowhere in the third level too.

>> No.8389466
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>> No.8389551

Is there some tactic to defeating these Yukkuri before they kill themselves and leave you with no experience points? They seem to die at random sometimes.

>> No.8389766

oh god someone help that Patchukkuri, she can't bear their weight

>> No.8389830
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>> No.8390416

Speaking of Yukkuris... The King Yukkuri shikigami owns. Just level that thing up, and you suddenly have a character who's night untouchable, with star resistances to everything(and only 5%HP loss as a downside). Had to fight a hundred of 'em before I got one to join though.

Also, have an odd question. What's up with GoS' third boss theme? The one that's also remixed in DoD? I'm sure I heard it somewhere else(another RPG, actually), but I thought it was original...

>> No.8390427

I hope they make a patch to make the character sprites not terrible.
They won't.

>> No.8390464

Don't quote me on this, but that theme song is an original song used in multiple games. It's almost a staple song among doujin RPGs.


>> No.8392571

Playing GoS. Does anybody know what the POT stat does besides increase RES?

>> No.8392848
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I suppose nothing... at least if we trust the english wiki.

>> No.8393405

The game manual implies otherwise though.

>Hidden potential. Affects resistance and a few other things.

What the hell is those other "few other things"?

>> No.8393641

I remember seeing something about how you get a POT/2 bonus to your crit chance.

>> No.8393642

I just ran with my dagger Sakuya through stage 3 to slash at things. Not that I have any clue about statistics, but my tests indicate that POT does jackshit to your crit chance.

>> No.8395236
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The final boss is a pain, but at least she's nowhere nearly as annoying as GoS's final boss was. Also, her first phase is hilariously easy, being weak to every magical element and all.

Here's hoping for an eventual expansion with post-game content, even though I'd have to beat the final boss again because the game doesn't save after you beat it. Oops!

>> No.8397103
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Doesn't seem too bad...

>> No.8397118

I was never able to get GoS to work properly. I'll give it one last try, I guess.

>> No.8397132
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Yay~ That was surprisingly easy, though. Just did Attack and Res buffs, then bombarded her with all the light moves I had. Pretty easy for one of the 3 bosses.

>> No.8398281 [DELETED] 

is there something like Private Square in DoD? Even after the nerfs it's still godly to shut down bosses when they're most annoying. Also to kill yukkuris when combined with Aya.

I just beat a trigger happy Marisa with a few Jack the Rippers. I had to beat her and Alice twice because fucking crash. Lingering Summer Heat crashes much more often than vanilla for some stupid reason.

>> No.8398322

Aya has a skill that lets someone act twice in a turn, and Sakuya has her Quicktime back, but that's it as far as I know.

Speaking of the Alice/Marisa fight, it was a pain for me because I had just found out how delicious a buffed Sakuya with slayer weapons in Private Square is, and I was enjoying abusing her so much up until finding out about 999 defense.

>> No.8398334 [DELETED] 

the one who broke the fight for me was actually an underleveled Reisen with Kusanagi. As long as Alice had meltdown on her, her Disorder Eye dealt about 8k, and had a good chance to hit twice. And when Alice activated Little Legion in her wisdom and Reisen used Lunatic Red Eyes... it was delicious.

>> No.8398772 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 634x479, satori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even when against me, Satori does nothing but suffer.

>> No.8398808 [DELETED] 

... and of course it crashed. If this happens against every single boss from now on, I will go insane.

>> No.8399394

Spam Select more often. If you want to see cutscenes, try waiting until they start to fade out and then spam Select, that worked most of the time here.
Well, at least that fight is the easiest once you have Sakuya and a good weapon, especially that one that gets slayer against all of them.

>> No.8399436

Oh hey.
>Modified drops and learn rate. Only basic materials were increased, bamboo, iron, steel etc. Character specific,other quest obtainable items, and equipment drops are the same.
>Drop rates are all over the place, since it changes per item or monster holding it. All of the drop rates were really really low. In general the rate was doubled. Of course this means changes from 2% to 4% or 4% to 8%. Lots of items dropped at .1% and are now .5% or more. I don't have a science for it, and I'm not too terribly happy about it. I didn't feel as good about increasing these as I did the learning. Hopefully people will end up with twice as many materials without tons of grinding.
From the guy translating GoS, on the current Pooshlmer thread. Not worth starting a new game, I guess, but it's still good enough.

>> No.8400258

uh... which one is select? all my buttons just advance the dialogue, but don't skip it.

>> No.8400296
File: 506 KB, 832x480, cannotadvance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To someone who has cleared DoD, a little help here? I wish the message were a bit more helpful.

>> No.8400498

Just keep trying, that area just has some bullshit puzzle. I've read somewhere that getting pushed back moves the invisible walls around, but I can't confirm that at all.
Should be the S button on Config.exe.
